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bcgrownwhy can't i have multiple apps use the sound card at once?  and how do i fix it?  i'm on xubuntu 12.04 64-bit02:29
bcgrownaudio is an onboard Intel HDA / Realtek ALC88702:29
Desirregood evening! can someone help me? there's someone from Brazil here?02:37
Desirreactually, I think my problem is pretty simple... I've installed Xubuntu and everything was doing right, but when I upgraded it, my audio stopped working... now I can't listen my musics nor any sound... what I supposed to do?02:42
Desirremy husband suggested reinstall Xubuntu, but I prefer try another approach... 'cause I don't wanna miss my archives and I don't have any ways to do a backup yet... it's an NETbook and I don't have an external HD02:45
Unit193May want to have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting and even https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio02:48
Riley24hey guys i could use some help with pavucontrols04:26
Riley24im having issues getting it to switch output controls04:27
rdxi need hacker04:34
rdxanyone here04:34
rdxplease buzz04:35
koegsdoes anybody know how to tell xscreensaver to turn off the backlight? "xset dpms force off" works07:25
Sysiit doesn't do it if you leave it for a while?07:27
koegsnope, backlight stays on permanently07:29
koegsi mean, screen is turned black after 10 minutes, screen is locked, but backlight stays on07:29
Sysiyou can set display sleep to 10 minutes in power managment settings07:31
koegsok, if i disable xscreensaver and configure power management settings, the backlight is turned off07:44
koegsbut it seems like the screen is not locked07:44
koegsand xflock4 still does not disable the backlight07:46
Sysiscreen should be turned off even xscreensaver enabled, with xflock at least it's turned off in ten minutes07:48
SysiI wonder if script with "sleep 2" first for launching xflock and then xset dpms force off would work07:49
martinphonei have 50 jpg files that would be much easier to read in a single pdf file, is there any way to do so?08:22
Unit193!info sam2p08:24
ubottusam2p (source: sam2p): convert raster images to EPS, PDF, and other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.49.1-1 (precise), package size 245 kB, installed size 560 kB08:24
martinphoneUnit193, is that command line alone?08:31
martinphoneUnit193, im now reading the readme and dont see any section for "convert every image inside a directory" option...08:36
TheSheephi folks08:41
TheSheepI have a quaint problem with thunar -- I just noticed that it doesn't show the trash in the sidebar08:42
Sysidoes thrash work at all?08:43
TheSheepSysi: how do I tell?08:44
TheSheepthere is ~/.local/Trash directory filled with the files I have deleted...08:44
Sysiif you press del after selecting files it goes there?08:45
TheSheepmy first sspicion is that the xubuntu devs have disabled it because they prefer the panel plugin for the trash08:47
TheSheepif that is the case, I would like to know how to enable it08:47
TheSheepbecause I do not prefer the panel plugin08:47
Unit193Still there in Quantal by default.08:47
TheSheepI'm on Precise08:48
TheSheepI'm not sure when it disappeared08:48
Unit193(By that I was saying it wasn't removed, I am also on precise and have it)  Could try backing up the config for thunar and removing the config dir.08:48
Sysicould be related to gtk bookmarks too08:49
TheSheepUnit193: the config of thunar is a text file and has nothing about trash in it08:49
TheSheepSysi: bookmarks work08:49
TheSheepOK, solved, I didn't have gvfs installed08:58
Sysioh, I thought thunar wouldn't have trash functionality at all without it08:59
knomemadnick, o hai!09:26
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madnickknome: hi09:50
knomemadnick, hmm, you not at -devel :)09:50
madnickknome: oh, sorry09:50
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pimperleon one of my boxes "sudo -i" gives me a shell to run root gui apps from, on the other the X display access is being denied for the root user11:34
pimperlexhost output is the same on both machines11:35
pimperlewhat could cause this?11:35
pimperle/etc/sudoers are the same as well11:35
pimperlewhat else could cause the DISPLAY variable to be unset and display access to be forbidden?11:37
pimperlei installed all latest updates11:38
livingdaylightI'm interested in the recent release of Voyager; most of you heard of it?11:44
astraljavaYes I've listened to it, but what does this have to do with Xubuntu support?12:00
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livingdaylightastraljava, hi, nice to see someone is here :)12:06
livingdaylightastraljava, and I'm not talking of the music band Voyager, the distro based on xubuntu12:07
livingdaylightthere are ppa's for it, and just was curious what the difference was between installing voyager or bringing the ppa's into xubuntu12:08
livingdaylightastraljava, ?12:11
livingdaylightwhy is this room so quiet? bordering unfriendlyness12:12
knomeeveryone is a volunteer12:12
astraljavaI'm at work, so cannot pay attention all the time.12:12
astraljavaCan't speak for others, but I believe none of us are paid to watch this.12:12
Sysiyou should ask voyager guys, I guess there isn't much difference12:13
livingdaylightsince he worked with xubuntu and other aspects of ubuntu I thought someone here might know about it.12:13
knomei haven't heard of "him" working with xubuntu really.12:15
Sysias far as I understand from google translated homepage, it's just xubuntu with additional stuff12:15
livingdaylightSysi, yes, basically12:16
livingdaylightthere doesn't seem to be an irc channel, so, thought to hop in to find out more.12:18
livingdaylightIt looks beautiful but not sure whether he's brought compiz and what not into xubuntu. I wondered if the purpose of xubuntu is to be a 'lighter' alternative to kde/gnome whether it defeats the purpose12:19
livingdaylightbtw, astraljava I know and appreciate that no one is being paid/ all are volunteers, but that is true of all channels, or most at least. It just feels really dead here and I got happy when you responded, but then you disappeared again, which speaks of more than volunteerism12:21
knomenot really, you are getting it wrong.12:22
knomein addition to having volunteers only, we actually have less manpower too.12:22
livingdaylightyou have a lot more than a lot of other channels, lol.. don't get me wrong, I appreciate the ethos, and I ask and patient; if someone answers great, but of course I'm human and its frustrating when someone begins a convo and switches off immediately or peoople only pipe in to say that they are volunteers and therefore don't have to say even 'hi' - sorry - dont konw...12:25
knomenote that not all of the users are actually "helping" here, some of them are just sitting/idling12:25
astraljavalivingdaylight: As I said, I'm at work, and have a chance to just occasionally glance at the channels. I'm sorry if you felt neglected. I can't do better.12:26
livingdaylightastraljava, its fine, I thought your remark was inviting me in conversation12:26
livingdaylightso, no comment on xubuntu + compiz /awn etc being equal to kde/gnome in bloatware?12:28
aquixI run xubuntu 12.04 with compiz and cairo-dock and have a stable, cool and smooth laptop.12:30
aquixI think many docks and compiz suffer from the pulseaudio effect. I was a buggy when released but got less resource hungry with time, but distaste stuck.12:31
knomecompiz isn't really light, so if a light os is your primary goal, don't use that.12:32
livingdaylightthis is the ppa: https://launchpad.net/~mrpouit/+archive/ppa12:33
knomefor xfce 4.10, yes.12:34
knomebut that's not officially supported12:34
Sysi4.10 packages aren't there anymore12:35
Sysidevel packages were there12:35
knomemmh, that too.12:35
livingdaylightaquix, I am looking to run on laptop which is fairly new, Acer Aspire timelineX 4830t but everything I try runs very HOT whereas windows used to run very cool on it :s12:35
knomeinstalling compiz won't help12:35
knomeupgrading bios worked for me with an older laptop12:36
GridCubelivingdaylight, what do you mean by hot?12:36
livingdaylightcan't find the link now but he spoke somewhere of his association with xubuntu https://launchpad.net/~mrpouit12:36
livingdaylightGridCube, the chassis and mousepad aread get uncomfortably hot12:37
knomelivingdaylight, yes, mr_pouit is a xubuntu developer, but he is NOT the voyager developer.12:37
livingdaylightcurrently running Bodhilinux which is better but the distro is a little bit quirky12:38
livingdaylightknome, no? my bad then. I thought he was12:38
knomelivingdaylight, nope. he's not.12:38
livingdaylightsince unity haven't been able to find a new home.12:40
livingdaylightmaybe just need to ubuntu + cinnamon ppa hrmph12:41
livingdaylighthttp://voyager.legtux.org/index.php/a-propos-2/ the xubuntu 12.10 promo is sweet12:43
GridCubelivingdaylight, have you seen this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireTimeline ?12:46
livingdaylightGridCube, actually this week only I joined that launchpad group. But don't know how to benefit from it.12:48
livingdaylightGridCube, thanks for looking that up12:48
GridCubethey say they have a mailing list at the bottom of that page12:49
GridCubeyou could ask  them there, it might be helpful12:49
livingdaylightGridCube, actually, I hadn't seen that particular link, so, that is helpful. I found the launchpad group via another link12:49
livingdaylightyes, thank you. Because, I'm finding it is an issue with most distros and shouldn't have to run puppylinux or something on a i3 processor12:50
GridCubeit might be some kernel issue, i have really superficial knowledge on those topics, but you might have to try getting a kernel that supports you notebook fans architecture? dunno12:52
livingdaylightGridCube, http://clip2net.com/s/2aGtL12:53
livingdaylightyes, and ubuntu is my best chance I believe of finding a match, i believe.12:54
GridCubeask in the ml :) they might know better, if they answer :P12:55
livingdaylightml ?12:56
aquixthere are many things that can cause a hot laptop, like badly configured laptop control. but pinpointing the spesific problem can take some googling, and most likely you'll get ubuntuforums threads. have you installed lm-sensors   ?12:57
aquix*fan control12:58
livingdaylightaquix, i have now :)12:58
livingdaylightI did look in synaptic and found a number of things which promised to check cpu tmp and fan controls12:59
livingdaylightpowertop also doens't come by default12:59
GridCubegkrellm is the popular one :P13:00
aquixran sensors-detect ?                also check in top to see what if anything eats the cpu13:00
livingdaylightlast time I did all that i wasn't running much at all.13:00
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livingdaylightaquix, could you tell me whether I should go ahead? http://pastebin.com/rYEPj7PF13:04
aquixhave you installed your graphics card drivers?13:05
livingdaylightdon't have graphic cards on this laptop13:06
livingdaylightsome onboard graphics13:06
aquixwhats it called?13:06
aquixI might recommend a terminal program called  inxi     it shows hardware specs, drivers and other system info. great when troubleshooting13:08
GridCubelspci | grep "VGA"13:09
livingdaylighthttp://pastebin.com/qZui6dz5 is that it? 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)13:10
GridCubeintel should work well with the generic drivers13:10
GridCubemines do13:10
GridCubeanyway you could try gksu jockey-gtk and see if it offers you some drivers13:11
* GridCube is sad because jockey-gtk is being abandoned :(13:11
aquixyeah, mesa drivers usually do13:11
livingdaylightGridCube, gksu jockey-gtk just brought me back to prompt13:13
aquixI got a laptop with optimus graphics card (bought in a hurry).   Thank god for bumblebee :)13:13
livingdaylighti had a look at bumblebee but not appropriate for my graphics I was told13:13
livingdaylightshould I go ahead and confirm modifying /etc/modules?13:14
* GridCube doesnt know13:15
livingdaylightaquix, ? the core-temp thingy sensors-detect came back with13:15
livingdaylightits still waiting for a yes/no13:16
livingdaylightk, went ahead with that13:17
aquixI always do13:17
livingdaylightnow, inx?13:17
livingdaylightsudo apt-get install inxi ?13:17
aquixtry, can't remember if it's in the repos13:18
livingdaylightapparently not13:19
GridCube!info inxi13:19
ubottuPackage inxi does not exist in precise13:19
aquixlivingdaylight  look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1889898              there is also a program called thinkfan worth searching for13:20
livingdaylightok, aquix | GridCube - thank you VERY much13:20
GridCube:) dont worry, and good luck13:21
aquixno problem13:21
livingdaylighthah, i7 - i wish, mines just i3 :)13:21
livingdaylightstill could apply?13:22
aquixhere   http://www.webupd8.org/2009/11/shell-system-information-tool-for-linux.html13:22
aquixyup, it's a sweeth little program, and you can also call on it here in irc so anyone can see your specs with /exec         like this..13:26
livingdaylightrunning into dependency issues gawek and mesa-utils missing, but sudo apt-get install gawk is not installing13:30
livingdaylightgawk : PreDepends: libsigsegv2 (>= 2.9) but it is not going to be installed13:30
livingdaylightYou might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:13:31
livingdaylight-f = force? is that safe?13:31
aquixhmm, strange13:33
aquixtry  sudo apt-get install  gawk mesa-utils13:35
aquixthen the deb file again13:35
livingdaylightlaunched synaptic and says a package is broken and to use the broken filter13:35
aquixif not try       sudo apt-get -f install13:36
Sysior just skip the tool it'll probably fail anyway because of missing dependencies13:37
z121231211Alright, I probably should've listened last time, but before installing Xubuntu I used nomodeset and it worked fine. Then I installed without the needed display drivers. Now I can't boot into Xubuntu.13:44
z121231211Is there a way to boot into a command-line mode or install drivers without having to boot it up?13:44
TheSheepz121231211: yes and yes13:47
z121231211Oh cool, I guess booting up the live cd would be simpler. How do I install the vesa drivers on an installation that way?13:48
TheSheepz121231211: vesa should be installed by default13:49
TheSheepz121231211: but the way you would do it is 1. boot your livecd, 2. mount the disk on which your / is, 3. chroot to it, 4. install it normally13:50
TheSheepz121231211: won't work for things that need to install additional stuff in kernel, like nvidia drivers13:50
z121231211I'm using AMD and heard something about "aticonfig --initial"13:51
z121231211How do I chroot?13:51
Sysiyou can boot regular installation with nomodeset too13:51
z121231211Is there a key I have to press before booting?13:52
Sysipress/hold shift right after bios13:53
z121231211Alright, I'm going to save this and try to boot in with either nomodeset or with live CD, brb13:53
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martinphonewhats the easiest way to enlarge an open app?14:02
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martinphoneim looking for an option that includes drawing with the mouse plus a key14:02
martinphonefrom the corner of the app...14:03
xubuntu426z12123Alright, I'm in the live cd right now. Couldn't get to nomodeset by mashing shift for my installation.14:05
xubuntu426z12123Odd, my name got weird14:06
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craigbass1976Is there any way to get rid of the "Recenttly Used" choice when opening files?14:12
z121231211Alright I chroot-ed on to the other filesystem. aticonfig isn't installed and I don't know how I'd get it.14:23
TheSheep!find aticonfig14:23
ubottuFile aticonfig found in fglrx, fglrx-updates14:23
z121231211bash !: event not found14:24
z121231211bash: !find: event not found*14:24
Piciz121231211: that was a command for ubottu, our channel bot.14:25
Piciz121231211: it said that 'aticonfig' is in the fglrx package.14:25
z121231211Ah thanks, installing things. Finally getting somewhere14:26
TheSheepsorry I wasn't clear14:27
TheSheepz121231211: you can also use the search at http://packages.ubuntu.com14:28
z121231211It was downloading, but I got an error. Mostly no such files and permission denied14:29
z121231211Would that be the limitations of chroot?14:29
TheSheepsudo apt-get update14:30
TheSheepit has links to old versions, newer versions appeared in the meantime14:30
z121231211Alright, doing that now14:31
TheSheepor not14:31
TheSheepalso, make sure your disk is not mounted read-only14:31
TheSheep'mount' will tell you14:31
z121231211Where is 'mount' or do I type that in?14:33
TheSheepyou type that14:33
z121231211It's downloading files right now. Right-click>properties says there's read/write permissions for Owner but read only for everyone else14:34
TheSheepthat's ok14:34
z121231211mount says rw,nosuid,nodev14:35
TheSheeprw == read-write14:36
z121231211Ok, all good then14:36
TheSheepif you get the errors again, can you pastebin them?14:38
z121231211Actually I can't copy from terminal14:40
z121231211Or I guess, how do I copy from terminal?14:40
TheSheepz121231211: you just select it14:43
TheSheepz121231211: and then you press the middle mouse button to paste it14:43
z121231211I guess fresh installations take awhile to update14:51
z121231211How it went14:57
z121231211There was a permission denied at the end but not sure if that'd be significant14:58
TheSheephehe, fun, that's an artifact of the chroot14:58
TheSheepto do it correctly you should rebind /dev and /proc before doing chroot14:59
z121231211How do I do that?15:00
z121231211Tried it again, error messages15:01
TheSheepso, if you have your disk mounted under /media/yourdisk, you should first do  mount --bind /dev /media/yourdisk/dev15:01
TheSheepand then chrrot /media/yourdisk15:01
livingdaylighttried to create a 'Linux' group in Diigo to save all the links and tips posted earlier for my benefit. But, Diigo wants a minimum of a 6 letter entry, but Linux is spelt with 5 letters - silly Diigo - what doo they care whether my group is a 3 or 5 letter word?15:01
TheSheeplivingdaylight: call it 'linux diigo group' :D15:03
baizon"Linux <3"15:03
z121231211TheSheep: How do I get out of chroot?15:03
TheSheepbaizon: why would you exclude the 3.x kernel?15:03
TheSheepz121231211: type "exit"15:03
baizonTheSheep: its the web 2.0 smiley :P15:04
livingdaylightTheSheep, \o/15:04
z121231211TheSheep: Alright, mounted /dev and /proc. Should I just do all of that again?15:08
z121231211TheSheep: omg it's doing something different! :D15:10
nsahooon ubuntu, what's the difference between xubuntu-desktop and xfce4?15:12
nsahootrying to decide what I should install15:13
baizonnsahoo: integration into ubuntu stuff, like usc indicators, etc.15:13
z121231211TheSheep: Alright it installed and I was able to do "aticonfig --initial". Just in case: http://pastebin.com/Ed6e2BVf15:13
baizoni recommend xubuntu15:13
nsahoobaizon: why?15:14
z121231211TheSheep: Should I do anything else?15:14
baizonnsahoo: like i said, you get more features :)15:14
nsahoobaizon: ok15:15
z121231211TheSheep: Just booted up, no errors. Thanks a ton!15:21
livingdaylightTheSheep, or, come to think of it, "GNU/Linux" :D15:55
Riley24would someone here mind helping me with pavucontrols for somereason my volume keys arnt working17:45
Riley24even though i have my built in speakers set as default the volume keys only control hdmi out17:45
Riley24anyone here17:48
TheSheepRiley24: we are here, but we don't know how to solve that17:54
TheSheepRiley24: have you tried searching the forums?17:54
TheSheepRiley24: you could try the sound mixer panel plugin?17:55
TheSheepRiley24: it lets you choose which sound card and track to use17:55
Riley24it switches channels fine and the slider works but my volume key only controls hdmi out17:55
Riley24there isnt one im on voyageros witch is xubuntu 12.0417:56
Riley24it only has pavucontrols and pulse audio eq17:57
Riley24alsamixer is there in terminal and it is set right17:57
TheSheepRiley24: one workaround you could try is to set shortcuts on your volume kesy to alsamixer18:01
TheSheepRiley24: or amixer18:01
Riley24how would i do that18:01
Riley24i only need pavucontrols to switch outputs18:01
TheSheepdoes "amixer sset Master playback +20dB" work for you?18:03
TheSheep(type that in terminal)18:03
Riley24only shows 0.00db gain18:06
TheSheephow about "amixer -c 1 sset Master playback +20dB" ?18:06
Riley24im not seing -c anywere18:08
Riley24well this kind of explains it but im not sure how they did that18:12
Riley24sweet i did it!18:22
Riley24thank god lol18:22
Riley24i had to reset the string under settings editor18:23
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TheSheepI wonder where would be the right place to ask for advice on buying a laptop18:47
genii-aroundTheSheep: Probably ##hardware18:48
baizonTheSheep: offtopic i think18:48
TheSheepgenii-around: thanks18:48
liquideeis there any quick way to setup xubuntu to look EXACTLY like it does in live cd?20:36
liquideei have fresh xubuntu installation20:36
TheSheepliquidee: it should look the same20:39
liquideeTheSheep: i think i might have messed it up20:40
liquideeTheSheep, when i rebooted the machine after installation20:40
TheSheepliquidee: make sure you select the 'xubuntu' session on first login of your user, not the 'xfce' one20:40
liquideethats what i did20:40
liquideei mean i choose xfce20:40
TheSheepthen create a new user20:40
liquideeso i guess it overrided my settings20:40
liquideebrb, trying that20:41
TheSheepremember to give it admin rights20:41
xubuntu298Hello, anyone knows why ''gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf'' command won't work for me? I'm new to Xubuntu.22:15
xubuntu298Hello, anyone knows why ''gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf'' command won't work for me? I'm new to Xubuntu.22:18
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