[02:02] will kubuntu 12.10 ship with kde 4.9? [02:04] ys === histo_ is now known as histo === Logan_ is now known as k === Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee === k is now known as log [07:23] where did the software updater go in quantal? There is no entry in the outer right menu anymore ...? [07:24] seems as if there is no packagekit frontend installed anymore [07:24] no pkg- commands anymore ... === raindog is now known as Guest61961 [09:48] hello, is it enough to change the software sources and do a apt-get dist-upgrade to try 12.10 from 12.04? [09:51] Yes, but mind that it's irreversible, and since it's still in alpha... Mind that it is likely to be unstable/become unstable at some point. I'm not sure if you could also use "do-release-upgrade -d" as of yet. [09:58] thank you, i am aware of the alpha status...another more tricky thing: can i use apt pinning to keep the X server at version 1.11 or will it break things? (apart from not upgrading the x server and connected packages) [09:58] (my gpu driver does not support 1.12) [10:39] Hello all. [12:30] Hey all [12:31] Hmm.. Plugged in a 2nd monitor into 12.10 box and It came right up. no needs to mess with nvidia-settings or anything [12:35] Trying to figure out the web application thang. :) go to gmail.. and somehow its supposed to integerate with the OS.. [12:38] Dr_Willis, which nvidia card ? [12:39] Dr_Willis: I think you need to enable a PPA for the webapps stuff: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/webapps_preview === yofel_ is now known as yofel [12:59] MCR1: i did enable it. watched the video.. :) still a bit vague on how it works. [13:01] like the video here (same as other sites) http://liliputing.com/2012/07/ubuntu-web-apps-aim-to-blur-lines-between-desktop-and-web-apps.html [13:01] shows gmail in the panel at the left.. but.. how do you put it there? [14:59] !schedule [14:59] A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule === len is now known as Guest6101 === glebihan_ is now known as glebihan