
naboojafer is puting on links that lock up your computer,03:05
IdleOnenaboo: thank you. he is banned now.03:22
IdleOnenaboo: I have to ask you to part this channel, there is a no idling policy.  Thanks again for pointing out the abusive user.03:28
nabooyes sorry i had left my pc03:54
chuAny #ubuntu ops online currently? I have a feeling this Maiz_en_Heces guy is trying to take the conversation elsewhere...06:13
ubottuslangasek called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()06:26
IAmNotThatGuyMaiz_en_Heces is targetting #ubuntu based channels I think. Joined #ubuntu-meeting06:39
Tm_Talso -server06:39
IAmNotThatGuyAlanBell, are you around?06:40
iToastwhy can't I send to ubutnu now...?07:07
iToast"[03:07] == Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu"07:08
=== iToast_ is now known as iToast
Tm_TiToast: hi, looks like you're currently quieted on #ubuntu07:25
iToastwhy was i07:26
Tm_Tyou don't recall?07:27
iToastI just joined07:27
iToastchanged nicks in other cannels07:27
iToastthen queted in #ubuntu.07:27
iToastTm_T: ?07:28
Tm_TiToast: reading the resources, one moment07:29
MyrttiiToast: still need help?08:28
MyrttiiToast: you cant say anything in #ubuntu because you are using webchat and changed your nickname08:30
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (silverghost)08:42
IdleOneif Mint devs were car manufacturers we would still be driving the Etzel15:26
MyrttiIdleOne: and how is that different from Ubuntu project making Unity?15:33
IdleOneWell, Unity may be the new Etzel but at least it is new15:42
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu (Jerry_Gar)15:45
IdleOneit has been brought to my attention that my comment about the Mint devs was not very Ubuntu like. I agree and I apologize.15:46
* mneptok whispers "Edsel"15:53
bazhangh e never learns19:51
DJonesHe earned that one19:51
bazhangmy only mistake was ever unbanning him19:52
bazhang<arwa1> anyone has an idea how to hack from ubuntu?20:07
bazhangwonder if he means kernel hacking20:07
knomeprobably, what other hacking would one want to do?20:07
knomewait, would anyone want to hack even a kernel? :)20:08

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