
Kilosmust surely be fp05:11
Kilosmorning all05:15
KilosMaaz, coffee on05:15
* Maaz starts grinding coffee05:15
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!05:19
KilosMaaz, ty05:20
MaazYou are welcome Kilos05:20
LelaOrca129I'm from Brasil06:00
LelaOrca129Pseudoescorpião http://lelaorca.blogspot.com06:01
magespawnmorning all07:59
Kiloshi magespawn 08:00
Kilosand others08:00
magespawnhow the sheep Kilos?08:00
Kilosstill alive and lame08:01
magespawncan they recover from the toxin?08:01
Kilosshes also old so maybe the stress was too much08:01
magespawndoes happen08:02
Kilosnormally yes if you get it quick enough, but i missed the 4 ticks on her belly08:02
Kilosnormally only around butt so didnt look further08:02
magespawnharsh and it is winter08:03
Kiloshi mez09:18
KilosMezenir, 09:18
Mezenirhowsit going ?09:18
Kilosok ty and you09:19
Kilosmagespawn, you here09:19
Kilosdd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso09:19
Kilosdd: opening `/dev/cdrom': No such file or directory09:19
Mezenirgood thanks09:19
magespawnyes Kilos09:19
Kiloswhy i sukkel always to get the correct path09:19
Kilosah i try that09:19
magespawnwhat you trying to do Kilos?09:21
Kiloswanna make an iso of a cd09:22
magespawnusing the command line or do you have a gui program?09:22
Kilosthen put that iso on ubuntuone for ian to get09:22
Kilosim on unity but the way i did it with maverick not same09:23
Kilosthe right click function doesnt give options other than eject09:24
magespawnhold brb09:25
KilosRight-click the icon of the CD 09:26
KilosSelect "Copy Disc..."09:26
KilosAlongside "Copy disc to:", change the drop-down to read "File image" 09:26
KilosClick "Write"09:26
Kilosthat doesnt work with unity09:26
smilehttp://af.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gebruiker:Smile4ever/Intel <= So far, is it okay? :p09:27
smileor are there spelling mistakes09:27
Kilosi go try with maverick09:30
magespawnhey Kilos any luck09:35
magespawni am out of here, see you later Kilos10:02
Kiloshi guest10:21
KilosGuest1031, 10:21
Kilossuperfly, you got 5 mins please10:21
Kiloswhat is the path to my cdrom10:22
Kilostried /dev/cdrom010:22
Kilosand /media/cdrom010:22
Kilosand both without the 010:22
Kilosnlsthzn, hi there10:22
nlsthznI just sat down right now... was away10:23
Kilostell me the path nlsthzn 10:23
Kiloshow come i can never find the path to cdrom10:24
nlsthznuse nautilus to go to the CD-Rom then hit ctrl + L to see the paht10:24
nlsthznKilos, ^^10:27
Kilosah its not cdrom10:27
Kilosits /media/g71-2omo6710:27
Kilosty nlsthzn 10:27
nlsthznI don't know the "real" way to figure out these things in terminal but I have found some short-cuts for myself that work :p10:28
KilosNo such file or directory10:30
Kiloswith nautilus it shows a drive first the media then that number10:31
Kilosill look what they say10:34
Kilosoh my its /dev/sr010:36
Kilosmount|grep ^'/dev' 10:36
KilosNo such file or directory10:37
nlsthznthat is very odd uncle Kilos 10:48
Kilosyet i can cd to /media/ and see it there10:49
Kilosonce in i ls and get10:50
Kilosapt  G71-21OM06710:50
Kilosi wonder if the mount point is actually that long name or if it must be cdrom0 or sr010:52
Kilosgot it working via gui10:55
charlvngood afternoon11:19
charlvnhi Kilos, nlsthzn 11:19
Kiloshi Cantide charlvn 11:19
charlvnhow's it going?11:19
nlsthznhi charlvn 11:19
Cantideafternoon everyone \o/11:19
charlvnhi Cantide 11:19
Kilosbbnn going to unity11:20
charlvnwb Kilos 11:40
charlvnin unity?11:40
=== Cantide is now known as CanAFK
Kilosnlsthzn, does your right click safely remove function work for a usb stick15:15
nlsthznthat or eject15:16
Kilosmine does but when i have a drive mounted the right click unmount does15:16
Kiloshow do you eject and internal hdd15:16
Kilosthere no unmount with the right click on unity?15:17
Kiloswas handy that15:17
Kilosand right click a drive and use format15:17
Kilosthose were handy functions15:19
smilehoi :p15:49
Kiloshi smile 15:58
Kilosbeen inna hot bath15:59
Kilosso clean as a whistle15:59
smilehi Kilos :)15:59
smileKilos: good ;)15:59
Kilosand lekker warm15:59
Kilosi gotta be up at mid night16:00
Kilosto send an iso fora gigabyte install cd to ubuntuone for my son16:01
Banlamwhen you say send16:02
Banlamwhat method are you using?16:02
Banlamuploading to ubuntuone?16:02
Kilosya that16:02
Banlamwhy can't he just download it?16:02
Kilosis there another way16:02
nuvolarihi oom Kilos  :>16:02
Banlamfrom a normal site?16:02
nuvolarihi Banlam, smile 16:02
smilehi nuvolari, did you have a nice day? :)16:03
Banlamkilos, is there something special about your specific ISO?16:03
nuvolarisemi nice16:03
Kilosthose drivers wont install but the cd looks whats installed and gives the option to install whatever else is needed Banlam 16:03
nuvolarihad to run around to get different SIM cards16:03
nuvolariand laundry day16:03
Banlamkilos, ok. are the drivers not available on gigabyte's website?16:04
Kilosits a gigabyte mb install cd Banlam 16:04
smilenuvolari: well take a break between the runs, I would suggest ;)16:04
Kiloslo nuvolari 16:04
Banlamthat's where i alwys got my drivers16:04
Banlamyou just plug in your motherboard details16:04
Banlamand you can get them all16:04
Banlamand pick what OS you're using16:04
smilenuvolari: why did you need those? :p is one not enough?16:04
Kilosi will tell him that Banlam ty. but i think he has tried all the gigabyte stuff online and still battling16:05
nuvolarismile: nope, not when vodacom is having it's er, when it's acting like awoman16:05
Banlamkilos, ok, how big's the ISO?16:05
smilenuvolari: oh i see16:05
Kilosbut i got the 8ta 2 +1 and always sleep early16:06
* Banlam is very happy with his 8ta data16:06
nuvolarivodacom is usually OK, but it's been happening more often that I only get GPRS data16:06
Kilosso the plus 1 would have been wasted anyway16:06
nuvolariso today I got fed up16:06
Kilosnuvolari, get 8ta16:06
Kilos3g for R14916:07
Banlamthat depends where nuvolari resides16:07
nuvolariKilos: :> exactly what I did oom Kilos 16:07
Banlam8ta's reception is pretty much zero outside of major city centres16:07
Kilosthey will check when he fones them to activate 3g16:07
nuvolariMTN and 8ta, but 8ta is just over 3x faster at my spot16:07
Kilosyay nuvolari and hows connection?16:07
Kiloslekker man16:08
nuvolariKilos: how do I get that 3Gb oom Kilos ?16:08
nuvolariKilos: so far it's been beautiful!16:08
nuvolarilekker quick16:08
Kilosmine is a bit slower than voda but R200 for 500m cant compete16:08
Kilosput sim in fone16:08
* Banlam has gotten 5mbps+16:08
Kilosfone 188 i think16:08
Kilostalk to op16:09
nuvolarijoh, Banlam on 8ta?16:09
Kilosmine max 300kB/s today16:09
* nuvolari got 1.xMbps today16:09
Banlamnuvolari, yup16:09
KilosBanlam, is there a way to speed it up?16:09
nuvolariMTN got 0.3Mbps16:09
BanlamKilos, no idea. I live fairly close to a tower16:09
Kiloswow im jealous16:09
Kilosme too16:10
Banlamand my cellphone is capable of those speeds16:10
Kilosbut way outa town16:10
nuvolariwow... WOW!16:10
Kilosim using a 3g modem16:10
* Kilos cries16:10
nuvolari0.36Mbps upload16:10
nuvolariwhich is about the same as MTN16:10
Kilosnuvolari, get that bundle man16:11
Kilosits where you buy data16:11
* Banlam is on the 60+60 for the year16:11
Kilosif not your sim needs activating 16:11
Kilosthats lekker Banlam 16:11
nuvolarimeh, I got the 266 for 2Gb bundle16:11
* nuvolari facepalms :'(16:11
Banlammmm, i have to ration myself16:11
KilosR149 for 3g dom donner16:11
Banlambut so far it's been going quite well16:11
nuvolarithat's why I faceklap myself oom Kilos :P16:12
Kilosbut 1 g of that is after 11pm or 12pm16:12
Banlamnuvolari, you have to phone customer care and tell them you want to buy the 2+1 deal, then they'll activate your sim card. you won't be able to use that card for data or calls on the extended mtn network though16:12
Banlamonly on 8ta networks16:12
Banlamthen, as kilos mentioned, it will show up when you dial *188#16:13
nuvolarihmm, do I know that I'm on the 'normal' 8ta network?16:13
nuvolari*how do I know16:13
Kilosyou wont have the 3g special16:13
Banlamhave you checked on their coverage map?16:13
Kilosmust be good coverage if he is getting 1m/x16:14
nuvolariBanlam: yeah, I just made it onto the map. Actually I took a chance because I didn't think I'll have coverage16:14
Banlamselect '8ta network' at the top of the page16:14
nuvolarioh like so16:14
* nuvolari checks16:14
Kilosi go eat16:14
nuvolarioh hi NeVeR_ 16:47
NeVeR_yo yo16:47
Kilosyo NeVeR_ 16:50
Kilosim back nuvolari 16:50
nuvolariwelkom terug oom! Lekker gemunch?16:51
* nuvolari het 'n paar skyfies in 'n pan in die oond gesteek16:51
NeVeR_yo kilos16:51
Kilosja avo toebroodjies16:51
NeVeR_anyone here heard of a company called itemate?16:51
Kilosdie pc werk nou honderd nuvolari dankie weer16:51
nuvolarioh my word! laat oom Kilos my nou huistoe verlang... my ma maak die heerlikste avo-broodjies!16:52
Kiloslol met sout en bietjie asyn in gemeng16:52
nuvolariKilos: :D rerig oom? Dit is wonderlike nuus!16:52
Kilosmoet nog net die dvd toets maar dit sien darem nou wat is op n cd16:53
nuvolariek't lankal moed opgegee met optiese media. die goed het te veel issues16:54
Kilosdit wou nie eers die sata drive of dvd sien nie16:54
nuvolaritel dit nou die sata drive ook op oom?16:54
Kilosmaar nou die giga mb se plan gesien16:54
Kilosek is op 12.04 op die sata16:55
nuvolari\o/ wat het oom gedoen om hom te fix?16:55
* nuvolari verstaan nou hoekom oom Kilos skielik so vinnig tik op IRC :P16:55
Kilosbattery uitgehaal en pc geboot daarsonder16:55
Kilosen my usb hub wer weer met die modem in16:56
Kilosof voda of my maverick was siek16:56
Kiloshet maverick as tweeded drive hier en dit boot ook16:57
nuvolariha! 8ta = uninterrupted Ubuntu-ZA meetings :D16:57
Kilos skyf16:57
Kilosja gaan goed wees16:58
nuvolarija sies oom16:58
Kilos16 dae om te voorbery16:58
nuvolariek't gister Riaan Cruywagen se boek klaar gelees en hy sê mense vermink afrikaans16:58
nuvolarimaar oom is eintlik engels, so oom is verskoon16:58
Kilosja ons doen16:58
Kiloshahaha baie dankie16:59
nuvolariBanlam: ek sal gou die stukkie in sy slot tik. Dit was baie waar16:59
Kilosmy ouma aan ma se kant was du preez16:59
Banlamcool, dankie16:59
KilosBanlam, them torrent goodies is that just for downloading17:00
Banlamkilos, torrenting is for file sharing17:00
Banlampeer to peer17:00
Kiloswont help my big upload hey17:00
Banlammainly used for sharing illegal files17:00
Banlamkilos, well you can create a torrent for it17:01
Banlamand then give it to your son (if i remember correctly)17:01
Banlamthen he will download it directly from your PC17:01
Kilosna i battled enough to make an iso of it17:01
Banlambut it's a complicated way of doing things17:01
Banlamor dropbox would be easier17:01
Banlamor google drive17:01
Banlamor whatever17:02
Kiloswhere is dropbox17:02
Kilosalso free17:02
charlvngood evening17:02
Banlam8ta after hours is from 11-0517:02
Kiloswhy would it be easier?17:02
Kiloshi charlvn 17:02
Banlameasier than torrenting i mean17:02
charlvnhi Kilos :)17:02
Kilosmaybe ill use ubuntuone17:03
Banlamkilos, what upload speeds do you get?17:03
Kilostried one file there and ian got it so should get the iso too17:03
Kiloshow do i check that?17:03
Banlamjust wondering if 11pm-5am is enough time to upload it17:04
Banlamspeedtest.net is the easiest17:04
Kilosoh my goodness17:04
Kilosin cli?17:04
Banlamnot sure17:05
Kiloshttp:// then17:05
Banlamoh yes17:05
Banlamneeds a browser that supports flash17:05
Banlamwill test your upload and download speeds17:05
nuvolariBanlam: http://typewith.me/p/wat's_nuus17:05
Banlamby uploading and downloading a few mb17:05
Kilosok lemme try17:05
Banlamnuvolari, ah right17:06
Banlamis daar n afrikaans term vir CD? :P17:06
nuvolariKompak Skyf 17:07
nuvolariAfrikaans se IT terme is bietjie vreesaanjaend17:07
nuvolari= scanner17:07
Banlammaar nogals snaaks :)17:07
nuvolariaftaster klink pervers17:08
Banlammaar ek dink, selfs ek sou meer afrikaans woorde gebruik het as daai ou17:08
Kilosupload .32mb/s17:09
nuvolariToe ek dit lees toe begin ek net lag want; daar is regtig soveel Afrikaanse kunstenaars wat meer engels in hulle sinne gooi as Afrikaans17:09
Kilosdownload 1.87mb/s17:09
nuvolariKilos: yeah, I think that's the norm17:09
nuvolarihad the same upload speed for MTN and 8ta17:10
charlvnwhich technology is this?17:10
Kilosso will 637m make it before 5am17:10
Banlamkilos, 0.32Mb/s = 0.04MB/s = 2.4MB/min17:10
Kilosdunno charlvn 3g modem17:10
Kilosmust be 17:11
Banlam637/2.4 = 265min17:11
Banlam= 4.5hours17:11
Banlamso if you start at 11PM, and you keep a constant speed17:11
Banlamyou should be done before 4am17:11
Banlamwith an hour to spare17:11
Kiloshopefully there no breaks then you gotta start again or will only missing data go up?17:12
Banlami'm not 100% sure17:12
Banlamas it's just one big file17:12
Kilosoh it has a sync thingie17:12
nuvolariBanlam: upload or download? uncle Kilos' download is a little bit quicker17:13
Kiloslets hope17:13
Banlamnuvolari, he needs to upload17:13
nuvolarioh :-/17:13
Banlamkilos, i don't know if there are settings, but make sure that upoloads aren't limited in ubuntuone.17:13
* inetpro about to read the backlog17:13
Banlami know dropbox has a settings17:13
charlvnhi inetpro 17:13
Kiloslol hi inetpro 17:13
inetproyou guys talk a lot today17:13
Kiloshes checking if im wasting data now17:13
nuvolariinetpro: "8ta rocks" is all you need to know17:14
inetprohi charlvn and everyone else17:14
nuvolarilo inetpro 17:14
Kilosinetpro, upload to ubuntuone of 637m what if there breaks in connection17:14
Kiloshi psydroid 17:15
inetproeish Kilos, gimme a chance to catch up17:15
inetprowhat are you talking about?17:15
Kiloscatch up first17:15
inetprowhy you have so much to upload to ubuntuone?17:16
Kilosits an iso of a gigabyte mb 17:16
Kilosfor ian17:16
inetproisos are typically available online anyway17:17
Kilosluckily i copied his months ago because his has been /stolen/lost/whatever17:17
inetproKilos: don't waste your bandwidth17:17
Kilosinetpro, i dunno if you can get the mb cd iso online and he cant get individual drivers to work17:18
Kilosit will be the nighttime 1g17:18
inetproKilos: mb cd?17:19
Kilosi sleep before 11pm17:19
Kilosthe one supplied with gigabyte motherboards17:19
charlvnsurely you can download the individual drivers from some other place on the internet?17:19
inetprocharlvn: exactly17:20
Kilosits for a windows pc for a client he must repair17:20
* Banlam suggested this, gigabyte's website is very comprehensive17:20
charlvnmost hardware manufacturers have a very nicely catalogue of drivers online17:20
Kiloshe has tried for 3 days charl17:20
Kilosthey wont install17:20
charlvnok that doesn't help17:20
Kilosim hoping the cd will see and install17:21
Kilosand that 11pm to 5am data i will never use17:21
charlvni don't know what the current deal is in south africa with bandwidth but it might even be cheaper to burn it to a cd/dvd and ship it than to do it over the internet17:22
Kilosclient needs pc17:22
charlvnit's what we used to do with large quantities of data all the time - just ship cds/dvds or even full hard drives17:22
charlvnah ok17:22
Kilosshipping means i gotta find transport to town to po17:23
Kilosand the cost17:23
charlvnah yeah that's not handy either17:23
charlvnneh sounds like internet is the best way to go17:23
Kilosi think so17:23
charlvndid you try to compress the iso with an algorithm like 7z or so to see if it can get smaller?17:23
charlvn7z has amazing compression17:23
Banlamthat's a good idea17:24
Kilosoh that another thing i need to ask you guys17:24
Kilosit doesnt show as .iso17:24
charlvnyou mean the extension is different?17:25
charlvnoh i see17:25
Kilosthats what its called17:25
Kilosso i dunno if he will get it to work with windows17:25
Kiloswill he have to use ubuntu17:25
charlvngood question17:25
charlvncan you mount it under ubuntu?17:25
Banlam.bin is fine17:26
Kilosi have it on my desktop here17:26
Banlamdaemon tools won't have an issue with it17:26
Banlamif i recall correctly17:26
charlvnlike do a: mkdir /tmp/sopmething; sudo mount -o loop brasero.toc.bin /tmp/something17:26
charlvncause if you can mount it like an iso it should be fine right?17:26
Kiloswill windows work? so he can download and burn to cd?17:26
charlvnnot sure what the windows tools are capable of17:27
charlvni guess it depends on what he uses... if he uses nero, it could do almost anything possible17:27
charlvnbut if he uses the built-in windows tool, it might or might not work, i don't know17:27
nlsthznKilos, get ashampoo 6 for windows... free and does all yuor iso burning needs17:27
Kiloshe has kubuntu 11.10 as well on same pc methinks17:28
Kilosty nlsthzn will tell him17:28
inetprohmm.... now that I've read the backlogs it's dinner time17:28
* inetpro will have to read again laters17:28
charlvnlol it happens17:28
charlvnenjoy inetpro 17:28
Kilosenjoy inetpro 17:29
nuvolarinice... debian to make xfce its default desktop17:29
nlsthznbold move by debian17:29
nuvolarinlsthzn: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=tasksel/tasksel.git;a=commit;h=2a962cc65cdba010177f27e8824ba10d9a799a0817:30
* nlsthzn is thinking of trying lubuntu 12.10 when it comes... like the new icons :p17:30
* nuvolari scouts lubuntu17:30
nlsthznpretty funny post17:30
Kilosi prefer unity to xubuntu17:33
Kilostried xubuntu in 11.0417:33
Kilosunity just needs to add a few thing gnome does and it will be fine17:34
Kiloslike where is places computer nlsthzn 17:35
nlsthznI really enjoy Unity too17:35
nlsthznbut the way gnome is going these days I don't know how long Ubuntu can hold on using it17:35
Kilosone needs to get to computer to right click a cd and copy disk to a file for the iso17:35
Kiloshad to go maverick to do this one17:36
nuvolariwhat do you mean nlsthzn ?17:37
* nuvolari is outdated on both unity and gnome17:37
nlsthznhave you seen the latest about nautilus nuvolari ?17:37
nuvolarinope, using thunar17:37
nlsthznone sec17:39
nlsthznnuvolari, ^^17:40
nlsthznthe way they are dumbing down everything is beyond idiotic17:40
Kilosdumbing down?17:40
nlsthznKilos, they are removing so much functionality from everything it begins to be hindersome17:41
Kilosah ty17:41
Kilosnlsthzn, wheres computer on unity17:41
nlsthznandroid has had mass appeal and trust me, it is simple for those that need it and super complex if you want it too...17:41
nlsthznKilos, ?17:41
Kilossupposed to be before home isnt it17:42
nuvolariwtf?? Folders no longer sorted by default17:42
nuvolariit's becoming like mac17:42
nuvolariit frustrates me when working on a mac... nothing is sorted17:43
nuvolariby default17:43
nuvolariand good luck in quickly finding a way to sort your views17:43
nlsthznit is called file system AFAIK uncle Kilos 17:43
nlsthznnuvolari, just a bunch of sillyness17:43
Kilosi will try find it ty nlsthzn 17:44
nuvolariit's just plain stupid to remove the type ahead thingy17:45
nuvolari(or wait, it think of something else)17:45
nlsthznlook in nautilus uncle Kilos ... it is a default on the favourites17:45
Kilosnautilus open files right17:46
Kilosso how do i look in nautilus17:46
nlsthznright hand side at the top17:47
nlsthznthere is a list of favourites... file system is there if memory serves...17:47
nuvolarihmm. yeah, they're definitely on a cuicidal path here :-/17:47
nuvolaribwahaha! Classic: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-W6xanziZKTo/UB1gMpGlVmI/AAAAAAAAUoI/gB4aMvgV9lA/s700/dife.jpg17:48
Kilosnope nlsthzn computer shows all drives connected17:49
Kilosill wait till we catch someone on unity17:50
nlsthznnuvolari, lol17:50
nlsthznKilos, I haven't booted into Ubuntu in weeks... sadly Windows is working very nicely for me at the moment (OK, I shouldn't say sdaly)17:50
Kilosill give unity another week and if im still sukkeling will put another desktop17:51
Kiloslol np nlsthzn 17:51
nlsthznKilos, a lot of what is a hassle in unity is directly related to issues with gnome 3... 17:52
Kilosoh isnt that stable yet17:52
Kilosgnome2 is kiff17:52
Kilosmaybe because ive spent so much time on it17:53
nlsthznnot about stability... but about changes17:57
nlsthznthings taken out etc.17:57
* nlsthzn goes for late dinner17:57
Kiloseish not even 8pm and i ready to go sleep but gotta wait till after 11pm17:57
Kilosenjoy nlsthzn 17:57
superflyKilos: it's like using Ubuntu after using Windows... you're used to Windows, so it seems terrible. You just need to get used to it.17:58
Kilosyeah inna way superfly 17:58
Kilosbut things like computer should be there still17:59
Kilosand places17:59
Kilosand right click format17:59
Kilosor safely remove and unmount not eject17:59
superflyKilos: Unity is a new desktop, it does things differently17:59
Kilosyeah but when i google how to make an iso off a cd i dont find the unity way of doing it18:01
Kilosim not complaining18:01
Kilosjust saying whats worse here18:01
charlvnKilos: right clicking on the iso should do the trick18:01
Kilosor more difficult18:01
charlvnthere is an option to burn to cd if i remember18:01
charlvnbut i could be wrong, i normally use the "standard" gnome318:02
charlvnnot unity18:02
charlvnoh wait sorry, an iso off a cd, read wrong18:02
Kilosi wanted to create an iso from a cd charlvn 18:02
charlvnjust do it on the command line, it's super easy18:02
charlvnit's the only way i ever do it honestlyt18:02
Kiloshas kubuntu got apps places  system superfly ?18:03
charlvndd if=/dev/sr0 of=my.iso18:03
Kilosi couldnt get the correct path for the cdrom charlvn 18:03
charlvnah that's irritating18:03
charlvnit should just be sr0 by default18:04
* nuvolari feels so dirty now... 8tamail is using M$ :'(18:04
superflyKilos: apps places?18:04
charlvnnuvolari: outlook?18:04
Kilosits couldnt find sr0 cdrom0 cdrom /media/cdrom18:04
charlvnwow weird18:04
Kilosoh my superfly its top left of gnome top panel applications places and system18:05
superflyKilos: no, KDE has no places menu18:05
nuvolaricharlvn: Windows Live18:05
Kilos/dev/cdrom /dev/cdrom0 /dev/sr018:05
charlvnnuvolari: oh i see18:05
nuvolarior something, I can't say this or that :P 18:05
Kilosi gave up and went to maverick18:05
Kilosty superfly 18:05
charlvnKilos: if you mount the cd you should be able to see it under the mount points18:06
charlvnwhat the path to the device is18:06
Kiloshow do you mount it if you cant find it18:06
charlvnah i see, it doesn't mount automatically?18:06
Kilosneil said open it and you will see path18:06
Kiloswas /media/sr018:06
Kilosi tried that same dd command charlvn 18:07
Kilosask nlsthzn 18:07
charlvnyeah but if you can't mount it you have a bigger problem18:07
Kilosso used mavericks gui way18:08
charlvnsorry i'm not too much help there.... i do almost everything at the command line :S18:08
Kiloswhen i put cd in it shows here in launcher18:08
charlvnwell if you can open the cd then it's already mounted18:08
Kilosand i can open it18:08
charlvnnah then it's mounted18:09
Kilosbut dd command didnt work18:09
charlvnjust go to the command line and type mount18:09
charlvnsomewhere under there it will show a device that is mounted under /media somewhere18:09
charlvnthen you know what the device name is18:09
charlvnand then you can use dd... simple18:09
Kilosok i try it again18:09
Kilosi actually could cd /media/ and saw the cd in there18:10
charlvnyeah then it is definitely mounted18:10
charlvnand you already know the mount point so you just need to determine the device that is mounted there18:11
charlvncause you need the device for dd18:11
charlvnif you use the mount command without any parameters it will show you the list of mount points and the devices that are mounted at each point18:12
Kilos/dev/sr0 on /media/G71-21OM067 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500,uhelper=udisks)18:13
charlvnthen it's definitely sr018:13
charlvnnow try the dd command again with if=/dev/sr018:13
Kilosdd if=/dev/sr0 of=my.iso18:15
Kilossomethings happening18:15
charlvnyou might need to run that through sudo, i can't remember anymore18:15
charlvnif it's starting to copy you should be fine18:15
Kiloswhen made last iso with maverick and gui way pc went so slow i couldnt even swop workspaces18:16
charlvnthat sucks18:16
Kilosit doesnt give feedback like the gui way18:16
charlvnthat is unfortunate yes18:16
Kilossame pc now using sata drive and unity i can still switch18:17
charlvnyeah it was probably just keeping your ide busy18:17
Kilos677226496 bytes (677 MB) copied, 131.95 s, 5.1 MB/s18:17
charlvnwell done18:17
Kilosyou well done ty very much18:18
Kilosnow where is it?18:18
charlvnif you used the exact command above, my.iso should be in your pwd (path to working directory)18:18
charlvnif you run pwd you have the exact path18:18
nuvolarilol! oom Kilos, are you loaded on bandwidth?18:19
Kiloshehe /home/miles18:19
charlvncool in your home directory18:19
charlvnsorry i'm off, bbl18:19
Kilosgot 8ta 2 + 1 nuvolari 18:19
Kilos1+ 1 now18:19
nuvolarifor a good laugh: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-PrtmyPE8-08/UB1lhpaxIrI/AAAAAAAAUsg/3MHXq7XzEBE/w497-h373/boo.gif18:20
Kilosty charlvn 18:20
Kiloschow now18:20
nuvolarithe best gif I've seen in a long time18:20
Kiloslol ek gebruik data vir goed wat moet werk nie om te lag nie18:21
inetprowow you guys are full of it this evening!?18:21
Kiloswhat is it?18:21
nuvolariKilos: dit is 'n moet oom Kilos!18:21
Kiloslol at inetpro 18:21
Kilosn wat?18:21
inetpronuvolari: why would you ever want to use 8ta mail?18:21
nuvolariinetpro: just wanted to check it out18:21
Kiloshaha hond met baaidjie18:22
nuvolarinee oom Kilos... nie net dit nie18:22
nuvolariwag vir die hele ding18:22
* nuvolari het amper van die stoel af gevoeter18:23
Kilosdit bly net so, n hond met n voel agter hom18:23
Banlamen as dit klaar laai18:23
Banlamdoen die voel iets aan die hondjie18:24
* inetpro has learned the lesson to avoid lock-in to ISP mail accounts18:24
Banlampersonal domain <318:24
Banlamor gmail 'o/18:24
nuvolarigmail <318:24
Banlam \o/18:24
charlvnk back18:24
charlvngmail has the same problem as isps except that you can switch iso without changing your email address18:25
charlvnbut you still are locked into one provider18:25
nuvolarioom Kilos, hoe kyk oom die prentjie? maak dit in 'n browser oop18:25
charlvnif you run your mail under your own domain, you can move it around as you like18:25
charlvnwithout changing your mail address18:25
charlvn*switch isp18:25
* Banlam 's personal domain emails all forward to his gmail in any case18:26
Kilosja opera18:26
charlvnthat's another way of doing it18:26
nuvolariKilos: wel, dit lyk nie vir my of die vet tannie wil sing in daai opera nie18:26
charlvnBanlam: but then you also want to have your outgoing mail sent from your own domain, not from @gmail.com18:27
Kilosnee dit bly net soos dit oop gemaak het18:27
Kiloshond en voel18:27
Banlamcharlvn, yeah that is one problem, gmail let's you set reply address at least18:27
nuvolarien chrome/firefox oom Kilos ?18:27
charlvnthat's good enough actually18:27
charlvnalthough you could also just register your domain for google apps18:27
charlvnand then have your mail delivered directly to google18:28
Kiloswag ek try ff18:28
Banlamcharlvn, yeah, but effort18:28
inetprohmm... I should look at moving my inetpro domain to google apps18:28
charlvnthen your sent from address is also correct18:28
Banlami just like that gmail is pretty much an archive for all my mails18:28
charlvnBanlam: true but not that much effort, i have done it a number of times18:28
inetproinetpro.co.za still registered at @lantic18:28
Banlammmm, maybe one day :/18:28
Kiloshaha ja kraai is n pes ding18:29
inetproor I should just get a VPS for me self18:30
nuvolari+1 for vps18:30
inetpronuvolari: link?18:31
Kiloscharlvn, ty now its called .iso not .bin18:31
nuvolariinetpro: http://linode.com18:31
smilebye :)18:32
charlvnbye smile 18:32
nuvolaribye bye18:32
charlvnKilos: np :)18:32
Kilossleep tight smile 18:32
smilesee ya all :)18:32
charlvnnuvolari, inetpro: rather go hetzner, imho much better18:32
charlvnwhat i use in any case18:32
Kilosfound out why my 12.04 server cd didnt wanna install methinks18:33
inetprocharlvn: a loval account?18:33
Banlamif you have a vps, do you run your own mail and http servers etc?18:33
inetprolocal as well18:33
Kilosits a 64 that other cpu18:33
charlvnlocal account? not sure what you mean18:33
inetprocharlvn: I mean, local servers18:33
charlvnhere is what i use: http://www.hetzner.de/hosting/produkte_vserver/vq718:33
inetproas in South African hosted18:33
nuvolarihello tonberry352_ 18:33
nuvolariI mean wb18:34
charlvnoh sorry i don't know about that, my server is in germany18:34
* Banlam uses serve hosting, american servers18:34
charlvni think linode hosts in the usa and the uk18:34
charlvnwow linode is expensive compared to hetzner18:34
Banlamlinode is a vps, hetzner is just shared hosting?18:35
charlvnhetzner even has native ipv618:35
Banlamor is that ps?18:35
* Banlam checks link18:35
Banlam*vps 18:35
charlvnBanlam: i'm talking about a vps here18:35
Banlamah k18:35
charlvnno shared hosting, stay away!!18:35
inetpronuvolari: is that linode price a monthly cost?18:36
* Banlam is on shared hosting18:36
Banlambut it's all i need18:36
charlvnno i like something i can control18:36
nuvolariinetpro: yeah18:37
charlvnbut i've had a pretty bad experience with shared hosting and clients a long time ago, so i might be biased18:37
Banlamcost vs what i need, shared hosting is better18:37
Banlamfor me18:37
charlvnBanlam: that's probably true for most people18:37
Banlami mean, i could use a vps18:37
Banlambut not warrant cost18:37
Banlamon my budget :)18:37
charlvnfor 7,90 euro per month i'm not going to complain18:38
Banlamfor sure18:38
Banlamthat's a very good price18:38
charlvnand they have good support and very low downtime18:38
inetprocharlvn: do they allow irc bots or irc bouncers?18:39
charlvninetpro: afaik they allow everything as long as it's legal18:39
charlvninetpro: it's a vps so what you do with it is pretty-much up to it18:39
charlvn*to you18:40
charlvni irc from it in any case, run irssi inside screen18:40
inetprook cool, so they haven't complained about that?18:41
nuvolarilinode has IRC support :P18:41
nuvolari(not on freenode though :-/)18:41
* inetpro wonders whether to consider FreeBSD or Ubuntu 18:41
charlvninetpro: nope never had any issues18:41
charlvnit's a pretty common thing to do afaik18:42
Banlamcan't see wht they'd complain18:42
nuvolariyeah, I think it's the windows hosts that has the urge to complain about IRC traffic18:42
nuvolariSquirm: ^^ true/not?18:42
charlvnnuvolari: i think it's the shared hosts actually18:42
Banlamagain, why?18:42
charlvneven the linux shared hosts18:43
* Banlam hadn't even thought of running irc from shared host18:43
charlvnyeah me neither18:43
inetprocharlvn: run quassel-core18:43
charlvnif it's a dedicated host or vps usually, as long as you're not doing anything illegal, you can do whatever you want18:44
Kilosi kissed something here, whats wrong with gmail?18:44
charlvninetpro: quassel isn't bad but i prefer to stick to the command line for everything possible18:44
charlvninetpro: i also use mutt for my mail18:44
inetproKilos: you kissed what?18:44
charlvnyeah what's that about... :)18:44
charlvnah :)18:45
nuvolari+1 for CLI IRC client18:45
Kilostypo man18:45
Kilosnuvolari, tot die klank kaart werk18:46
nuvolarieeek, I probably need to interrupt my uptime sometime to actually redeem my free storage space18:46
charlvnbtw gnu freetalk is a nice command line xmpp client18:46
nuvolarihoe't oom dit gefix?18:46
nuvolariof het dit gewerk, maar net die verkeerde settings?18:47
* inetpro wonders whether people use jails on Ubuntu servers?18:47
Kilosgaan kyk in synaptic en al die klank goed gereinstall18:47
charlvni've looked at a chroot jail at some point but afaik it isn't too secure18:47
nuvolaricharlvn: ever tried bitlbee?18:47
Kilosi even installed synaptic in this unity18:47
charlvnnuvolari: nope what's that?18:47
nuvolaricharlvn: allows you to connect to xmpp via IRC18:48
charlvnoh i see, interesting18:48
charlvni'm not sure how secure that is though18:48
nuvolariit's a service though, not a client, although you can run your own bitlbee instance18:48
charlvnsounds interesting but i prefer to minimise the number of third party services i use18:49
inetprocharlvn: so what's the best way to run multiple sites these days?18:49
charlvnstuff i don't run myself i mean18:49
inetprosay I want to run multiple sites on my vps18:49
charlvninetpro: you mean like apache vhosts or something?18:49
charlvnmost people i know just use the standard apache vhost functionality18:50
charlvni spent some time on nginx, it's awesome but it is a bit of a learning curve for me18:50
charlvni have been working with apache for so many years it's almost second nature18:50
inetprome too but I'm always open for learning new tricks18:50
charlvnthing about apache is it being so bloated so i'm also quite keen to move away to something else18:51
charlvnnginx is definitely one of the things at the top of my list to learn18:51
charlvni used lighttpd a number of years ago but wasn't too impressed18:51
inetprolighttpd is good18:52
charlvnit's quite stable but the lack of .htaccess files was a problem for me back then18:52
charlvnbut it was mainly because i was still doing a lot of php development and that changed now18:52
charlvnso no longer much of a concern anyway18:52
* nuvolari goes to hit the hay18:52
inetpronuvolari: good night18:53
nuvolarinight everyone18:53
charlvnafaik nginx does have an alternative to .htaccess files for stuff like the rewrite module but haven't used it yet18:53
charlvnciao nuvolari 18:53
Kilossleep tight nuvolari 18:53
charlvni also need to go do some other stuff, ciao all18:55
inetproand suddenly everything s dead quiet again19:36
Kilosim battling to stay awake till 11.0519:37
Kilosinetpro, whats a  CPU with VT 19:38
inetproKilos: allows virtualisation 19:38
Kiloshow would you find that out?19:38
inetprocan run virtual machines properly on the same machine19:39
inetprohmm... hang on19:39
Kilosthats what i wanna try19:39
* Kilos hangs on19:39
* inetpro forgot how to check19:39
inetprohave done it before19:40
inetproegrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo19:40
inetproKilos: see whether you get any output from that ^^19:41
inetproif you get output it doesn't mean that it's enabled in the BIOS though19:42
inetproshould have an option about it in the BIOS19:42
inetprothen you don't have it19:43
inetproI guess19:43
Kiloswould it be called vt in bios19:43
inetproKilos: I don't think you'll  find it 19:44
inetproyour hardware clearly doesn't support it19:44
Kilosok ill remove virtualbox19:44
inetproKilos: no need19:44
Kilosty sir19:44
inetprovirtualbox will work19:44
inetprobut not perfect19:45
Kilosdoes it use lotsa ram?19:45
Kilosgot 1g19:45
Kilosmaybe i get used to unity first before trying fancy stuff19:46
inetprowithout VT your main session will become very slow19:46
Kilosits already slower that the old p419:47
Kilosmaybe 12.04 uses more resources19:47
inetproKilos: that's not a very scientific comparison19:48
Kilosim no scientist19:48
Kilosi say what i see19:48
inetproyou must compare apples with apples19:49
Kiloscpu 2.8g and 1.7g19:49
Kilosram 1g and 640m19:50
Kiloscolour black and white19:50
Kilosmodem same19:50
inetproblack and white colors?19:50
Kilosold one white19:50
Kilosnew one got see through side panel19:51
Kiloscan see data flowing19:51
inetproyikes! Does that have anything to do with the price of eggs?19:51
Kilosapples you mean19:51
inetpronee man19:52
inetproif you are going to compare the resource utilisation between the two different versions you'd have to test and compare the real data on the same box19:53
Kilosoh the maverick drive is faster here 19:54
Kilosits used to 1.7g cpu and 640m ram so this is christmas19:54
inetproas in comparing exactly how much RAM is used when doing the same basic functions19:55
inetproon the same exact hardware19:55
Kilosoh i just took it for granted if one takes longer to open the same app it is slower19:55
Kilosboth drives are in same pc19:56
Kilosmaverick on ide drive19:56
Kilosoh maybe i must look at those posts where they complained that unity 12.04 was slow19:57
Kilosi member seeing some guys sorted the prob19:57
Kilosi go google19:58
inetproslow is a very relative concept20:03
inetpromany factors can play a role in slowing down a system20:04
Kilosmaybe the nvidia-goodie no happy20:04
Kilosi forget what it was20:05
Kilosi swtill havent found how to configure it20:06
Kilosstill as well20:06
Kilosstill get the popup message that prop drivers are available20:06
KilosFinally, Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal (supposed to be released in October 2012) will get rid of Unity 2D and have a lone version of Unity that won't need 3D acceleration to work flawlessly, so hopefully this next version of Ubuntu will be easier to run on old computer and low specs devices like netbooks!20:10
Kilosmaybe its 3d acceleration that needs to be sorted20:13
Kiloslike nouveau-firmware20:15
Kilosdunno if that will clash with nvidia-current20:15
inetprosuperfly: ping20:16
superflyinetpro: pong20:16
inetprodid you advise against using hetzner?20:16
inetprosuperfly: what do you think of http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produkte_vserver/vq720:17
superflyinetpro: I personally prefer not to20:17
inetprosomehow I remember someone saying something about bad service20:18
inetprosuperfly: which service are you using at the mo?20:18
superflyinetpro: Linode20:18
superflyI need to backup my Linode and reinstall though to make use of the extra space they gave me a while back20:19
inetproyou have a 512 MB RAM VPS or more?20:19
superflythe 51220:19
superflyit works pretty well, unless you try to run something ridiculous like EtherPad (which uses OpenOffice!!!)20:20
inetpro$19.95 vs €7.90 is a big difference20:21
inetproetherpad uses OpenOffice?20:21
* inetpro was not aware of that20:21
inetprosuperfly: I'm itching to start my own VPS20:23
inetprojust for the fun of it20:23
superflyinetpro: I've had to deal with hetzner a few times, and I honestly don't like them20:23
inetproand then maybe when all works out, hosting a site or two for non-profits20:24
superflyLinode is not the cheapest, but their service is good20:24
superflyand they don't place any real restrictions on what you do20:24
superflyinetpro: also, apt-get doesn't count toward your bandwidth20:25
inetprothat is interesting20:26
inetprosuperfly: you pay month to month or 12 month?20:30
superflymonth to month20:30
inetprook, at 10% discount it might be worth it to pay once per year20:33
superflyI wonder if I can change to that... just have to make sure I have enough moola to do so20:34
inetproat 24 months you get 15% discount but that's a bit steep20:35
inetprobut at the current exchange rate could bring down the monthly costs to just below R140 per month20:37
inetpromonth to month looks like about R162.19 per month at the moment20:38
inetpronot a massive difference in the short term but a worsening exchange rate could hurt you in the long run 20:40
* inetpro wonders whether Kilos is still awake20:42
Kilosnow you woke me20:42
Kilos22 mins to go20:42
inetprohah, falling asleep :-)20:42
Kiloslol ya20:42
Kilosthats why i gotta have sound20:43
Kilosbloep here and bing bong on pidgin20:43
Kilosdont you guys ever sleep20:44
KerberoKilos: no20:44
* inetpro will have to reconsider priorities before considering a VPS20:44
inetproKerbero: wb20:44
Kiloswow Kerbero and you said nothing all day20:44
Kerberoi was sleeping all day20:45
KilosKerbero, you dunno bloep20:45
Kerberoand now i'm awake20:45
Kerberoit is quarter to 17h on my biological clock20:45
Tonberryyour clock sucks20:45
Kerberojy is vinnig tuis20:46
Kiloswhen you get an incoming mail in evolution or a message in xchat pc goes bloep20:46
Kilosits not a beep 20:46
Kerberoi've hear it once20:46
Kerberothen i turned it off20:46
* inetpro checks out South Africa Rand vs US Dollar http://www.rainbownation.com/business/randvsdollar.asp20:46
Kilosi need sound to know something is happening20:47
Kerberogood for exporters20:47
Kilosor i would never know another im tool was working20:47
Kerberoisn't it fabulous20:47
inetprorand not looking very good at the moment20:48
inetproexporters must be smiling thogh20:48
Kiloshasnt looked good for 20 or 30 years20:49
Kilosi remember R2 to a pound20:50
Kilosdollar was 60c i think20:50
Kilospetrol pta to toti R620:50
Kilosmonthly pay R15020:51
Kilosnight guys . sleep tight. i go get tea and come get ready to send 700m to ubuntuone20:52
Kilosjulle moet lekker doedoe ou ballies20:52
not_foundhey LelaOrca 22:52
* not_found is bored and need to feed the trolls22:52

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