
george_e^--- Git import woes :)00:42
wgrantgeorge_e: There seems to be an issue with non-initial HTTP git imports, but native git-protocol imports work fine. Does git.chromium.org provide a non-HTTP interface?00:43
george_ewgrant: I will take a look.00:49
george_eThere is a mirror over at code.google.com...00:51
george_eI'm checking to see if that provides a non-HTTP interface...00:51
george_e"...we are only able to accept incoming HTTP connections..."00:53
george_eThat's not going to work then.00:53
wgrantgeorge_e: I'll poke someone who knows more about code imports tonight.00:56
george_ewgrant: Thank you :)00:57
wgrantgeorge_e: It for some reason thinks it's a "partial success", which is normally only used when it's doing a progressive initial import of a few thousand revisions each time.00:57
george_eHmm... in the meantime, I'm going to try to set up a temporary mirror on another server.01:04
george_eNope, the server I have access to blocks git:// access as well.01:08
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josef__hi. i'm trying to install this launchpad https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/304.32-1 in my debian wheezy. I don't know what the correct line is to add in /etc/apt/sources.list could someone help me?12:54
josef__the following doesn't work: deb http://launchpad.net/debian/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/304.32-1/ experimental non-free13:00
LasallI don't see any PPA. perhaps you should download .dsc file with dget -xu URI.dsc and then build the debian source package, josef__13:01
josef__thx Lasall. dget -u --build URI.dsc worked well. didn't knew dget before. thx again13:11
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linuxloony89hey anyone had much luch with accomplishments for ubuntu?17:16
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GreatDantonHi everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me with this: http://imgur.com/CS2ID19:47
lifelessGreatDanton: what about it ?19:50
GreatDantonthere is one error19:50
GreatDantonand I don't know why19:50
lifelesswhats the error?19:50
lifelessthats a url.19:50
GreatDantonyes it's a picture19:51
lifelesswhat of ?19:51
GreatDantonof the problem19:51
lifelesswell, I'll see about looking at the picture in a while19:51
lifelesscan't right now19:51
GreatDantonokay I can post errors too19:52
GreatDantonThere is 1 error.19:52
lifelessyou could just describe it19:52
GreatDanton(7, 58, u'No data')19:52
GreatDantonthat's the errors, and I don't know nothing about it19:52
lifelesswhat are you trying to do ?19:52
GreatDantonSign the Ubuntu code of Conduct19:52
lifelessGreatDanton: have you digitally signed it before you submit it ?19:54
lifelessGreatDanton: I would expect that error if you just pasted the unsigned document19:54
GreatDantonwhat do you mean digitally signed (I am new to to this19:54
GreatDantonwith my key?19:55
lifelessYes, there are instructions on the CoC pages.19:55
GreatDantonI am afraid I didn't see those instructions19:57
GreatDantonquote;Open that new file, and copy and paste its contents into this box. Then click “Continue”.19:57
GreatDantonI did exactly like in instructions20:03
lifelessthe new file should be signed20:04
lifelessthe first line of it should be20:04
lifeless-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----20:04
lifelessif its not, then its not signed.20:04
GreatDantonthe very first line after the command in terminal is this: = Ubuntu Code of Conduct v1.1 =20:05
maxbHave you actually done anything with the gpg command?20:07
GreatDantonyes I followed the instructions20:07
GreatDantongpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt20:07
GreatDantonand then20:07
GreatDantongpg -decrypt UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.1.txt.asc20:08
GreatDanton* --decrypt20:09
maxbEr, what?20:16
maxbThere is no decryption involced20:16
maxb* involved20:16
GreatDantonso instead of decryption I should open it with nano?20:17
maxbWhat you SHOULD be doing is taking the contents of the .asc file and pasting it into Launchpad20:18
GreatDantonah thank you20:18
lifelessGreatDanton: why did you decrypt it ?20:18
GreatDantonpgp signature should decrypted right?20:19
GreatDantonlifeless I understand the guys at ubuntu forums wrong20:19
lifelessGreatDanton: can you give us a link to instructions that told you to decrypt ?20:19
GreatDantonno link20:20
lifelessforums are a website20:20
GreatDantonyes but #ubuntuforums channel20:20
lifelessand its not logged. Doh.20:22
drafthi there ...Basically I'm trying to hook up to launchpad and I cannot export or find my ssh key (public)20:23
draft**hi there ...Basically I'm trying to hook up to launchpad and I cannot export or find my PGP key (public)20:23
GreatDantonthank you guys it's working now20:26
maxbdraft: Do you *have* a PGP key?20:26
draftmaxb, yes , but i dunno where it is , or how to import it into launchpad 'settings'.20:27
maxbUse whatever tool you used to create it to upload it to a keyserver, if you haven't done that already20:28
draftmaxb, I dont know what a keyserver is .. sorry im a n00b.20:29
draftmaxb, is a key server under passwords in ubuntu ?20:30
maxbGo to https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editpgpkeys and click20:31
draftmaxb, 'passwords and keys' that is ??20:31
maxb (Learn more about OpenPGP keys)20:31
draftmaxb, It's taking ages to generate a 'key' ... is that normal ??20:35
maxbI thought you said you already had a key?20:37
maxbIt can take a minute or so20:38
draftits done now .. :)20:38
maxbOr it can take much much longer if your machine is short on randomness20:38
draftits syncing with key server :)20:41
draftmaxb, It says i have to wait 20 minutes or so until the keyserver publishes it .. :(20:42
maxbI don't know why, but apparently the interconnect from keyserver.ubuntu.com to Launchpad's internal keyserver is rubbish20:43
maxbIt can't hurt to try importing it now, anyway20:43
draftfagerette required.20:44
* draft smokes his cutters choice rollie :)20:44
draftmaxb, ok I'll try now ...20:53
lifelessmaxb: I suspect its cache refresh time on the LP appservers actually.20:58
maxbWhy are they caching nonexistence of a gpg fingerprint?20:58
lifelessmaxb: we use the main keyserver ourselves IIRC20:58
lifelessmaxb: well, you have the code, feel free to dig around; I was just speculating :)20:59
lifelessmaxb: it might be that there is absolutely no reason to delay at all and the warning is hysterical21:01
maxbAt some point in the past, there has been a separate internal keyserver, and synchronisation with the public one has been unexpectedly sluggish21:02
maxbI don't know whether that's still true, but it definitely was21:02
draftmaxb, OK just to save time ... could you tell me how to install a package "ppa:freecad-maintainers/freecad-daily" (aftwer have installed the software's ppa)21:23
maxbThat's not a package21:25
draftmaxb, lifeless , **PPA's key that is.21:25
draftmaxb, so how do i install freecad ??21:26
TheLordOfTimedraft, is 'freecad' in that PPA?21:28
TheLordOfTimei just answered my own question XD21:29
TheLordOfTimedraft:  what ubuntu are you running?  precise?21:29
maxbdraft: Are you possibly horribly confused and somehow think you need to generate and upload a PGP key just to download from a PPA?21:29
TheLordOfTimemaxb:  i think he's confused how to add the PPA21:30
TheLordOfTimedraft:  add-apt-repository ppa:freecad-maintainers/freecad-daily21:30
TheLordOfTimetry that21:30
TheLordOfTimethen do: sudo apt-get update21:30
TheLordOfTimethen: sudo apt-get install freecad21:30
TheLordOfTime(all in the terminal)21:30
maxbdraft: All that generation and uploading of a PGP key... totally irrelevant if all you want to do is use an existing PPA21:30
draftsays : must run as root ??21:30
TheLordOfTimeprepend that with sudo21:31
TheLordOfTimei.e. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:freecad-maintainers/freecad-daily21:31
TheLordOfTimemaxb:  would you suggest that if I upload a new PGP key and that is now my primary key, that I resign the Ubuntu CoC on launchpad with that newer key?21:31
TheLordOfTimeor will the older key one work21:31
* TheLordOfTime is planning on deactivating that key21:32
draftTheLordOfTime, OK I've done both of those two commands , now where do i find it ??21:33
TheLordOfTimedraft:  did you do the third command?21:33
TheLordOfTimei gave you three commands.;21:33
TheLordOfTimefirst was add-apt-repository, the next was apt-get update, the third was an install command.21:33
draftoh sorry yes.21:33
maxbI think once you deactivate your CoC-signing key you might need to resign the CoC for it to be considered still valid21:33
TheLordOfTimemaxb:  so should I deactivate the current CoC signature and resign, say, immediately?21:34
TheLordOfTimei have a PHP backport i need to upload to a PPA XD21:34
maxbDepends... personally I'd just leave the old key active unless it's compromised21:34
maxbThat's what I've done on my account21:34
draftits installing now ... thankyou everyone ... took an hour .. but i got there (we did !)21:34
TheLordOfTimei'm reselling the old system, and not doing a DOD wipe21:34
* TheLordOfTime is only doing a basic wipe21:35
TheLordOfTimei should probably revoke the key now...21:35
TheLordOfTimenow... how to revoke the key...21:35
maxbHmm, I guess you're not too invested in the web of trust then21:36
maxbMy key carries signatures gathered at face to face meetings, I'd definitely take it with me when changing machine21:37
TheLordOfTimeand there we go.  :P21:38
TheLordOfTimemaxb:  personally, i'd have just replaced the drive and then taken the older drive out to the range and shot it full of .4521:39
TheLordOfTimebut this is a netbook21:39
TheLordOfTimei cant get at the drive.21:39
* TheLordOfTime installed clean Ubuntu on it, though, and set up a temporary password on the 'ubuntu' user ('ubuntu' user, 'ubuntu' pw)21:40
TheLordOfTimei also am giving them that new information :P21:40
TheLordOfTimethey're free to wipe/reinstall later21:40
TheLordOfTime(but i installed clean ubuntu without doing a DOD wipe)21:40
TheLordOfTimeand the new key is now activated, and used to sign the CoC21:41

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