
ShirakawasunaHi all! I hope this isn't an inappropriate question to ask here, but I wanted to know if the software center has received significant speed improvements for the 12.10 release. It's a bit too slow for me, even with an i7 and 8Gb of ram, so I always use apt-get, but I used to love using it before the switch to html500:54
micahgShirakawasuna: if something is prohibitively slow, please file bugs00:56
ShirakawasunaIt takes 15 seconds to even start00:58
ShirakawasunaMy understanding is that this is normal, for 12.04, as I've used it on several different computers.00:58
ShirakawasunaJust wanted to know if anyone was aware of specific improvements/resolved bug reports on the matter00:58
micahgthat might be the current status, but I wouldn't call taking 15 seconds to start normal01:02
micahgtook about 10 seconds for me on a i7 w/a 7200rpm drive on precise, not sure about quantal01:03
micahgBug #94552401:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 945524 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Applications Center starting too long" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94552401:05
ajmitchas well as multiple apt-xapian-index bugs01:05
micahgaye, that too01:05
ajmitchthe latter is probably what kills my system more01:06
ajmitchas a data point:01:06
ajmitch2012-08-06 13:06:11,256 - softwarecenter.performance - DEBUG - ** main window fully ready after: 25.7654662132 seconds01:06
ajmitchjust started it on my laptop with an SSD, with 12.0401:06
* ajmitch does have an unusually large number of things in /etc/apt/sources.list, though :)01:09
Shirakawasunamicahg: thanks for the response earlier. I apologize for going afk without acknowledging it! That bug report looks very informative.05:07
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X-tonicHi, does ubuntu, ubuntu+1 support BTRFS yet?08:02
StreamstormerX-tonic, yes of course08:06
StreamstormerX-tonic, but the standard is ext408:07
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simplewisnt possible to have the sidebar tree in nautilus anymore???10:44
graingert_ufosimplew: you can use the nautilus from MATE10:58
BluesKajHi folks10:59
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nlsthznHi all. Running the latest daily build of Lubuntu 12.10 in VBox.  Just installed the Guest Addtions and Scale Mode works but when I try Full Screen it stays small (1024x768) and doesn't fill the screen... Any ideas?14:02
edgyHi, I got kernel panic when I modified GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="vga=normal memmap=0x10000\$0x354d80000 memmap=0x100000\$0x1ca170000 quiet splash"14:03
edgyany hint what's wrong?14:03
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
shane_can someone please tell me what are the required software sources for ubuntu 12.10, I think I must have deleted one two many when I reas removing some old ppa's where can I get a list please18:06
shane_my updates have stopped working18:07
trismshane_: default source.list from an install I just completed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1132951/18:11
shane_ok thanks I will take a look18:11
trismshane_: though you really only need main (but restricted universe and multiverse are nice to have)18:12
shane_thanks for your help trism, I was googling everywhere but it never come up with your link cheers18:12
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ls612I was using 12.04, but the support folks on that IRC said that my hardware was only supported in 12.1019:07
ls612Where do I go to get 12.10?19:07
trismls612: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Alpha319:08
ls612trism: that would be a problem, as my issue with 12.04 is that I had no internet.19:10
ls612or cooling fan for that matter, but that's another story.19:10
trismls612: there are links to downloading the cd there (and in the topic)19:11
ls612Oh, duh, I missed that what with it being clearly labeled. sorry.19:12
ls612trism: one more question, I have an intel i7 Ivy bridge proc. Should I get the PC (Intel x86) desktop CD or the 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop CD?19:14
trismls612: depends on if you want to go 32 bit or 64 bit, I always go 64 bit myself now without many issues19:21
trismls612: if you have 4gb+ ram you should probably go with the amd64 iso19:22
ls612Cool 64 bit it is. (I have 8 GB of RAM)19:22
ls612Thanks for your help.19:22
Hanmacsome gnome dev say that my udev may be broken ... how can i check this?19:56
edgyHi, I installed xubuntu-desktop and now the boot screen changed, I want my kubuntu-desktop screens back, how?20:10
edgyI tried sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth20:11
edgyand it's already set to: * 0            /lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/kubuntu-logo.plymouth   150       auto mode20:11
MrChrisDruifedgy; if this is for version 12.04 or lower, please refer to #ubuntu for support20:12
edgyMrChrisDruif: this is quantal20:12
trismedgy: you would need to update the initramfs too, so it is usually easier to just reinstall the plymouth-theme-distro-logo package20:13
edgytrism: I did but still nothing changed20:13
edgytrism: I mean I did the initramfs but I haven't reinstalled that, let me try20:13
edgytrism: I now did sudo apt-get --reinstall install plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo plymouth-theme-kubuntu-text20:15
edgytrism: that's it?20:15
edgyI will reboot now and see20:17
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edgytrism: still same xubuntu screen20:21
Hanmacfor some reason S.M.A.R.T. from udev is not detected anymore :( ... can someone helps me?20:21
trismedgy: yeah seems that the xubuntu ones have higher priority so that won't work, hmm20:22
edgytrism: how did you figure out it has higher priority?20:22
Hanmacand it seems that the xserver does play ugly games with me :'(20:23
lamalexhello, i'm trying to upgrade to quantal- but none of my normal methods are working! i'm doing do-release-upgrade -d and update-manager -d but neither one sees a new development releas20:23
lamalexis there  a trick im missng?20:23
edgylamalex: isn't it better to make a fresh install?20:25
trismedgy: you can see the priority in the update-alternatives list, you may have to set default.plymouth and text.plymouth to your choices manually and then run update-initramfs20:25
trismedgy: or perhaps just uninstall the ones you don't want20:25
lamalexedgy, shouldnt be20:25
edgytrism: but in my case the first entry which is 0 is kubuntu like:  * 0            /lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/kubuntu-logo.plymouth   150       auto mode20:26
edgylamalex: trism I think the new version won't be available from that command till the developers think it's somehow usable20:27
edgytrism: but fresh install is always better because you avoid old configuration files and packages that are obseleted20:28
trismlamalex: you need to select all available upgrades in software-properties-gtk on the updates tab, since lts defaults upgrading lts to lts20:28
Hanmacsoo ... can someone help me with my udev problem?20:30
edgyHanmac: what's the command that shows SMART is not detected?20:31
chris|lamalex, vim /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and change Prompt to normal, then run update-manager -d20:31
Hanmacedgy: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=681311 << there is the bug history20:31
ubottuGnome bug 681311 in general "can not found SMART, but its available" [Normal,Resolved: notgnome]20:31
lamalexchris|, ah thank you20:32
edgychris|: isn't that a default?20:32
chris|lamalex, for the future, update-manager uses http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/ to check for new upgrade targets20:32
chris|edgy, not on lts20:32
wilee-nileeHello, what is the daily zsync link I get a failed URL with this zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/quantal-desktop-i386.iso.zsync20:34
edgyHanmac: if you run smartctl manually does it work?20:35
Hanmacedgy ... yeah you could see the output that i added as attachment ...20:37
Hanmaci wonder why it does not work with gnome-disks ...20:37
edgyHanmac: in gnome-disks you get what?20:38
Hanmac"SMART is not enabled" :(20:38
edgyHanmac: you get that when  you click "view smart data?20:39
Hanmaci cant normaly because its greyed out ...20:40
Hanmacits seems to work after i do this 'echo change > /sys/block/sda/uevent' manualy20:40
trismwilee-nilee: looks like it failed to build today (that is the correct link)20:40
edgyHanmac: on the bug they it's a distro thing, but in my case it works well20:40
edgyHanmac: is this  a fresh installation?20:41
wilee-nileetrism, thanks I was wondering.20:41
Hanmacedgy no its an updated one ... (from oniric -> precise -> quantal)20:42
edgyHanmac: I guess that could be the problem, can you try a liveCD or a fresh installation?20:42
edgyHanmac: if that worked, and you are still curious, you can do a diff for the relavent dirs to see the cause but I doubt it's useful20:43
Hanmachm ... i can test live cd later ... but a fresh installation, will do very later (October)20:44
Hanmacedgy can i ask you about xserver problems?20:44
edgyHanmac: i am not an expert but feel free to ask20:44
Hanmaci dont know why but sometimes i get an white sceen, (that does not go away) and even the tty are white ... an idea what i can do? (i use ati card with mesa)20:46
Hanmactry to reboot your system when you see nothing :P20:47
edgyHanmac: you installed the proprietary drivers?20:48
edgyHanmac: try to use nomodeset on the kernel options or disable the framebuffer with vga=normal e.g20:48
edgyHanmac: you can also check the X log files for any errors20:49
edgyHanmac: I have to go now, good luck20:49
Hanmacno i use mesa ... fglrx is gone after last upgrade20:49
edgyHanmac: did you check the logs?20:49
edgyHanmac: still try the options I mentioned20:50
litropySo, I'm using my laptop as a wireless repeater. It's receiving my network via wifi, and then I have it wired to another router (this router doesn't bridge). I find that during times of heavy data transfer, my laptop stops sending/receiving packets. It's still connected - iwconfig confirms that. What I have to do in order to resolve the issue is click the wireless icon in the menubar, then click the network I'm connected to. This te23:27
litropylls network-manager to disconnect then reconnect, and then I start sending packets again. I'm trying to write a script to do this automatically. So, I need to know what command(s) network-manager is running when I do the "click the network again" dance.23:27
litropyYes, I could rig up a better solution via wires, but I'm short of cash right now.23:28
litropyFurthermore, I understand this issue might be because "There is no any anti-flood protection enabled by default on ubuntu." (link at end), and I'm wondering if there are anti-flood solutions I can delve into. http://superuser.com/questions/320048/ubuntu-network-stop-working-after-heavy-load-of-packets-received23:30

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