
twblilstevie: quick question -- is XV supposed to work on the TF101, using the oooold oneiric armel images you built (and the android 2.6.36 kernel)?04:53
lilstevieprobably not :p05:01
twbGood-o, because it isn't for me05:05
=== Martyn^ is now known as Martyn
janimomarvin24, so the 3.1 ubuntu kernel's CONFIG_PROFILING should be off?07:35
janimobtw do you use for-next with defconfig? that did not boot for me on Friday07:35
janimoI see you made an update since07:35
marvin24janimo: it boots07:51
marvin24did you concatenate the compiled device tree to it?07:51
marvin24paz00_defconfig should be fine07:51
marvin24for the 3.1 kernel ...07:51
marvin24I tried it on my local branch (which is source identical to the package tree)07:52
marvin24the strange thing is, disabling PROFILING helps with my own tree07:52
marvin24but after building the package, it still doesn't work (same config of course)07:52
marvin24also the binaries are different07:54
marvin24and yes, I double checked that the source and config is identical07:54
marvin24mmh, thing about it, the package used the hf compiler07:55
janimoyes I use the hf compiler only lately, 4.607:58
janimomarvin24, concatenate DT to it? I never built DT kernel before so I did not know something extra is needed that make zImage does not do07:58
janimomarvin24, what I see when googling is make zimage, cat boar.dt >>zImage;make uImage08:09
janimobut that is for uboot08:09
janimoor wait, the current ac100 bootloader cannot boot DT kernels?08:09
marvin24janimo: it can, but the device tree needs to be added to the kernel08:24
marvin24for u-boot, device tree can come from the bootloader08:24
marvin24you need to do a make zImage dtbs08:25
marvin24and then cat arch/arm/boot/tegra20-paz00.dtb >> arch/arm/boot/zImage08:25
janimomarvin24, so you make a generic zimage and cat as many board DT files as you want it to be able to support?08:26
marvin24no, only one08:26
marvin24ideally, the bootloader supplied the device tree08:27
marvin24but ours can't  right now08:27
marvin24but this will change with uboot08:27
janimoah, so the same kernel booting does not mean an exact same blob but a same zImage + custom DTs08:27
marvin24so you can directly boot the same kernel on different boards08:27
janimook, by same kernel initially I though one binary. This works too though08:27
janimowill try it out once the build finishes08:28
marvin24I think it must be similar on omap08:28
janimomarvin24, also isn't nvec a generic driver for all tegra ECs?08:28
janimoI see only paz00 uses nvec08:28
janimodo the others use other EC implementations?08:28
marvin24the ec is not inside the tegra08:28
marvin24but somewhere else08:28
marvin24so it is board specific08:28
janimoso only the communication protocol is common?08:29
marvin24there are other "first gen" board using nvec08:29
janimoI just grepped the dt files for nvec08:29
marvin24we (and trimslice) are the only non nvidia board supported by mainline kernel08:29
marvin24so there is no wonder why we are the only user ;-)08:30
janimoso other ECs do not necessarily use the same SMBus protocol as described in the nvdia docs08:30
janimoI thought  tegra somehow implied nvec08:31
marvin24toshiba folio uses it for power supply readings08:31
marvin24same for advent vega08:31
marvin24but unfornately, they have their own implementations08:32
marvin24janimo: if you feel lucky today, you can also try https://gitorious.org/uboot-ac100 with this kernel ;-)08:33
janimomarvin24, nice. Do I just build it and flash it to the bootloader partition as an android bootimage?08:35
janimocloning it now08:35
marvin24I use tegrarcm to load it to memory08:36
marvin24I think that's the best way for now, because flashing it to emmc is a bit more complicated08:36
marvin24but you need the bct first ...08:37
marvin24(the first 4080 byte of the bct partition #2 I think)08:39
janimomarvin24, mainline boots showing two penguins qwith blue beaks and feet, then cannot find root, but impressive still :)09:05
marvin24janimo: needs to boot from sd card09:05
ogra_whats impressive ? the penguins ? :P09:05
janimothe fact it boots :)09:05
marvin24ogra_: maybe the blue feets09:05
janimomarvin24, why sdcard? no mmc suport implemented?09:06
marvin24janimo: there is some bug in the drm driver which causes color switch09:06
marvin24janimo: no nvidia partition support09:06
ogra_marvin24, well, penguins live on ice :)09:06
marvin24I could add it though09:06
ogra_you mean we could use mainline with just one patch added ?09:06
ogra_or is there more that doesnt work09:07
janimothat's what I was hoping but marvin24 said no way yet :)09:07
ogra_what else is missing ? nvec ?09:07
marvin24ogra_: we need the drm support (one patch) and optional partition support09:07
marvin24everything else is there09:08
ogra_hmm, so three then09:08
janimopower management?09:08
marvin24not yet09:08
ogra_k, that somewhat rules it out for now then09:08
marvin24ogra_: but it is boot09:08
ogra_(as  a default)09:08
marvin24ogra_: don't you have a nvec-leds entry in sysfs?09:26
ogra_i didnt look :P09:26
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
janimoogra_, too much hardware in the blogpost for my taste but still good :)12:32
ogra_i should have scattered more cute panda pics all over the place i guess :)12:35
lilstevieogra_, that is damn cool13:33
rsalvetiogra_: you need to enable facebook/g+ sharing at your wordpress blog, can't share directly from your post :-)13:34
rsalvetibut it's shared at g+ now :-)13:34
ogra_heh, thx13:34
ogra_i dont have a fecaebook account and dont plan to get one13:35
ogra_(do i ned one to enable the sharing) ?13:36
ogra_G+ enabled now13:37
rsalvetiogra_: nops13:37
rsalvetiogra_: you just enable the sharing plugin at wordpress for it13:38
ogra_added too now13:39
FunkyPenguinanyone know if u-boot in precise supports extload?15:04
ogra_should, yep15:05
ogra_i think all ubuntu versions since lucid do ...15:05
FunkyPenguinthanks, i'll give it a go and see15:07
FunkyPenguini tried Linaro's 12.05 image on the snowball's emmc but that didnt seem to want to see the sdcard and boot from that15:10
ogra_oh, snowball15:10
FunkyPenguinjust building the latest 12.07 release and will try that15:10
ogra_note that ubuntu doesnt have any support for snowball beyond what linaro puts in the archive15:10
ogra_so if linaros u-boot doesnt have extload for the snowball enabled, you wont have it15:11
ogra_i can only speak for all u-boots for the supported ubuntu arches15:11
FunkyPenguinwhich is omap?15:19
ogra_omap, omap4, highbank and armadaxp currently15:20
ogra_and tegra2 ac100 netbooks but there is no u-boot15:20
ogra_(android based netbook which uses a fastboot based loader)15:21
ogra_we used to have mx5 images too until precise15:22
janimoogra in the initial ac100 tarball, where are the hooks that create the new initramfs for the installer reboot?15:28
ogra_you mean ac100-tarball-installer ?15:28
ogra_there are no specific initrd hooks, it just runs a chrooted flash-kernel and puts a default initrd in place15:29
ogra_(it sets MODULES=dep and diverts plymouth and cryptsetup hooks though)15:30
ogra_(before doing that)15:30
=== _morphis is now known as morphis
zmaI've got a silly question. I'm trying to build kernel I fetched from git://github.com/RobertCNelson/stable-kernel.git , build_kernel script fails in the beginning to complain there is no directory "KERNEL". Am I missing something?19:31
zmaahh, sorry that, I think it's for mainline kernel source19:36
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