
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:01
stlsaintanyone know how to make a script in /usr/bin/script run without needing root permissions01:02
JoseeAntonioRstlsaint: huh?01:11
JoseeAntonioRstlsaint: sudo?01:11
stlsaintJoseeAntonioR: nevermind, got it thanks :D01:18
flirtingwithbtlittle issue here07:26
flirtingwithbtI am running BT5 and when I want to enable the visual efffects (under settings/appearance) everything is greyed out... how van I enable that stguff07:28
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raubin centos/redhat, you can define a bunch of repositories and have them disabled.15:05
smartboyhwraub: Who are you talking too.15:06
raubsmartboyhw: NVM, I was going to ask a question about how to do something in ubuntu. Sorry for that15:06
raubI di dnot realize it was off-topic15:07
IAmNotThatGuyraub, This is not offtopic.  You can add the repositories in Ubuntu too. For more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu/15:09
IAmNotThatGuyYou have asked the question in the right channel :]15:09
smartboyhwBut for better information, raub,  go to #ubuntu.15:10
smartboyhw!support | raub15:10
ubot2raub: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com15:10
IAmNotThatGuysmartboyhw, For your Info, #ubuntu-beginners is a support channel too. Our main goal is to provide support.15:11
cortmanThat was weird...15:51
IAmNotThatGuycortman, the factoid?15:52
cortmanthe "#ubuntu-beginners is not a support channel" lolwut????15:57
IAmNotThatGuycortman, he is new ;D15:59
cortmanYep. :)15:59
gopuHow to backup my packages and OS so that i can use it further16:45
holsteingopu: what OS? what does "use it further" mean?16:45
gopuSuppose i have to format and install again. If i have some backup stuff, no need to update and install again16:46
holsteingopu: suppose? what are you trying to do? backup your files?16:46
gopuAlso to use same for a no.of systems ?16:46
holsteinyou can literally drag your files over to another location.. you can backup the /home of your user, and put that back in place after reinstallation16:47
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
holsteini typically just keep my files backed up, the ones that i want/need.. and just do it manually each time, but backing up the /home is the way to do it16:47
cortmangopu, remastersys16:47
gopuCurrently i installed my ubuntu 12.04 with lot of other packages. So it took so much time now. Inorder to avoid it in future ?16:47
holsteinmost pros keep /home on a seperate partition16:47
gopuI heard about remastersys. Is it good stuff?16:48
holsteinremastersys, or uck16:48
gopuuck ?16:48
holsteinremastersys didnt work well for me after 10.04... try it and see16:48
holsteinuck = ubuntu customization kit... that didnt work well either16:48
gopuThen how ?16:49
holsteini think most pros do it manaually, from a chroot environment?16:49
holsteini dont make custom spins.. i just do it manually... you can save the installed apps list in synaptic, and the /home and do "ok"16:49
gopuI came from a windows environment .16:49
holsteinyou can have ubuntuone sync your /home16:50
gopuIf i copy all the files in / and replaced then will it work ?16:50
gopuI mean packages ?16:50
gopuAlready took so much time to download them.16:50
holsteinyou can us a thrid party solution like you would one windows.. something like http://www.ubuntugeek.com/back-in-time-a-simple-backup-tool-for-ubuntu.html or clonezilla16:51
gopuSo if have a backup that should be nice16:51
holsteinyou can check out http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/backup16:51
gopuThanks <holstein16:51
gopuI will check it16:52
holsteinreally, there are endless options to backup, or clone your install... you just have to weight the options and see what works best for you16:52
holsteinits all open, so you are allowed, and encouraged to know where your files are, and how to back them up16:52
wilee-nileeas a another method I save the packages installed in a list and any extra repos like ppa's as well16:53
holsteinbecause of this, there are lots of options... there are options included in 12.04 now.. AFAIK they are similar to the way osx's time machine work16:53
wilee-nileealong with backups of home and full clones of the OS16:53
holsteinsynaptic lets you export a list of installed packages easy enough16:53
gopuLet me ask a mad question, Currently iam having ubuntu with all the softwares installed. So if i copy all files under / and kept in a dvd. If i installed ubuntu in other machine and restored the /. Will it work ?16:55
gopuAll softwares ?16:55
holsteingopu: try it.. i had mixed luck and do it manually now16:55
holsteingopu: the way to go would be to "clone" the OS16:55
gopuIs there other values changing while we installing softwares ?16:57
gopuI mean something not reflecting in /16:57
holsteingopu: cloning the OS would be the easy way.. you clone with clonezilla, or with remastersys16:58
gopuThanks buddy16:58
holsteingopu: that type of "copy everything" and put it back after reinstalling might work fine16:58
holsteinafter a few hours, you might be just fine, and it'll all work, or it wont.. or an upgrade breaks something...16:58
holsteincloning the OS shouldnt take that long, and it'll always just work16:59
goputhen Thats the perfect way16:59
gopuOne more thing, any way to take backup of a particular software and reuse in other machines ?17:00
holsteingopu: sure... just take the clone from clonezilla or remastersys or any of the other methods, and try it17:01
holsteinshould be fine17:01
gopui appreciate your patience and effort to make everything clear17:01
gopuYou are indeed a good linux guy17:02
holsteingopu: anytime... enjoy!17:02
gopuI didnt expected the ubuntu was these much superb untill i installed today17:03
gopuI think the MS are spreading the myth it is very difficult17:03
gopuI think the MS guys are spreading the myth it is very difficult17:04
holsteinnah... i dont think theres as much care about either of them17:04
holsteinthey are different, and its whatever you get used to, or need for your use case i say17:04
wilee-nileeholstein, things going good for you, you been gigging.17:10
holsteinwilee-nilee: i have... i was on vacation for a bit, bit things have picked up a lot, and im having a blast! and you?17:10
wilee-nileeholstein, yeah, I just started grad scool finished the black studies bachelors.17:11
holsteinnice! congrats17:11
wilee-nileelooking to get a sax soon, would like to get back to playing17:12
wilee-nileeI hear a love supreme in the background calling me. :)17:12
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drafthi there, huston i have an ubuntu problem.....19:43
bioterroryou better share you problem with us19:45
draftok ... I'll do it in multiple lines to avoid confusion...19:46
draftBasically I'm trying to hook up to launchpad and I cannot export or find my ssh key (public)19:46
draftI have reistered.. I just cannot import my public key into lauchpad .. dunno how.19:48
bioterrorthere's some guides19:49
draftI have created it in my home folder somewhere .. but dont know how to locate it ... so i can import it into launchpad (to use launchpad ).19:50
draftI have followed the guides in lauchpad .. but I'm lost in  the small print ... can some-one make this obvious for me plz.19:51
bioterrorsorry, I'm high on muscle relaxants :D19:51
bioterrorbut I would look from ~/Documents and ~/ itself19:52
draftwhat do i type in terminal ... please.19:52
ubot2The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro19:53
draftHow do i go through all of that for only one command ?19:53
draftI have found that the file is located at /home/draft/.ssh .... The question is , as this is a hidden file, how do i export this to launchpad ??19:57
drafthello there ??19:58
draftbioterror, ??19:58
stlsaintdraft: what are you tring to do?20:08
draftBasically I'm trying to hook up to launchpad and I cannot export or find my ssh key (public)20:08
draftsorry pgp key...20:09
draftstlsaint, thanx for your interest...20:10
stlsaintwhat with it20:14
draftstlsaint, Do you know how to import a pgp key into your launchpad settings ??20:15
stlsaintdraft: you mean your signing key?20:17
stlsaintso you can sign packages?20:17
draftstlsaint, i think so . i mean the one that launchpad requires...20:18
stlsaintdraft: are you trying to import your key into the launchpad site?20:18
stlsaintdraft: they show you how on the lp site20:19
drafti still dont get it !20:19
drafthello anyone there ??20:21
draftBTW it's 40 minutes since I originally said that i had a problem = now I'm still none the wiser.20:24
draftAnd the topic heading said you'd be done in 20 !20:25
stlsaintdraft: what dont you get?20:25
stlsaintdraft: give me a specific issue besides "i dont get it"20:26
draftstlsaint, i have a pgp key on my system . i want to give it to lauchpad . idon't know how to do this. END20:28
cortman!topic | draft20:37
ubot2draft: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:37
cortmanIt says "No one around after 20 minutes? Try #ubuntu"20:37
cortmanNOT "If you aren't answered in 20 minutes, complain about it!"20:38
stlsaintdraft: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey20:57
draftgot it !20:57
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