
SrRobotI need some SSH Help18:35
SrRobothow do you ssh tunnel?18:41
jstaceycan anyone tell me why my voip doesn't respond to some touch tone automated phone services? it's like the buttons on my phone do nothing when asked to press 1 for this or that20:25
jlamothejstacey: Perhaps the compression makes the tones unrecognizable to the system?20:32
jstaceythinking maybe it's something in sip.conf for the cisco 7940 phones I'm using20:40
DarwinSurvivorjstacey: try recording the tones in audacity on the receiving end to see if the DTFM is preserved23:01
DarwinSurvivorsorry, DTMF23:01
DarwinSurvivorthe wiki page even shows a graph of what it should look like :)23:02
Jaguaras long as your using G711 as the codec, you can set your ATA or SIP app to send inband DTMF, which usually works well23:49

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