
desrtjhansonxi: it's not possible to do keyfile-based settings per-user00:45
jhansonxidesrt: Annoying.  It was possible with gconf and gconf-tool.01:15
smspillazdesrt: of course :)01:21
smspillazdesrt: I guess the larger issue here is that gobject is an API that favors stealing :)01:22
desrtjhansonxi: if you want to talk about gconf-tool and keyfiles, the dconf commandline tool also supports loading from keyfiles02:28
desrtjhansonxi: i was under the impression that you were looking for a just-drop-a-file solution (where the file in question is not a shellscript named ".profile")02:28
jhansonxidesrt: I was just looking for an existing implementation.  I'll examine dconf.  Would be helpful if dconf had a man page (bug #950154).02:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 950154 in d-conf "dconf-tools package provides no help, no manpage, no icon for dconf-editor menu item" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95015402:35
desrtubot2: matthias clasen wrote a manpage recently and i plan on merging it this evening02:35
ubot2desrt: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:35
desrterm.  jhansonxi, i mean :)02:35
=== achiang` is now known as achiang
didrocksgood morning06:49
jasoncwarner_morning didrocks07:04
didrockshey jasoncwarner_07:05
jasoncwarner_hey didrocks & popey...are we going to get a unity release today?07:05
didrocksjasoncwarner_: not today, but they are doing it this week (freeze today)07:05
didrocksapparently, PS already planned for feature freeze exception (a lot)07:06
didrocksI asked popey to come with a wiki page about them07:06
didrocksplanned release date07:06
didrocksand so on07:06
didrocksdidn't get the answers on that yet07:06
didrocksI warned PS once again that FFE are *exceptions* and they are not granted to get one07:07
jasoncwarner_didrocks: sorry, lost my connection there for a second07:15
jasoncwarner_didrocks: thanks...let me know when you get the wiki page.07:15
didrocksjasoncwarner_: I'll keep you posted07:16
didrocksgrrr, why my external monitor isn't recognized at its native resolution07:17
didrockslet me reboot07:17
didrocksI think I'll need a xorg guy07:21
didrocksah finally got it :)07:26
didrockshey Laney08:10
Laneyhey didrocks, how are you?08:11
didrocksLaney: I'm fine, thanks, yourself?08:15
seb128hey desktopers08:16
seb128hey Laney, didrocks08:16
Laneyyeah great thanks - was away for most of last week doing some volunteering, which involved sleeping in a hammock08:16
Laneythe bed was good last night ;-)08:16
jasoncwarner_hey Laney, hey seb128 happy monday!08:17
seb128jasoncwarner_, hey, happy monday evening! ;-)08:17
jasoncwarner_sure is!08:17
seb128Laney, hehe, I can imagine ... did you have good weather?08:17
Laneythose crazy future people!08:18
Laneyseb128: mixed, but mostly good yeah08:18
didrockshey seb12808:18
Laneywe were taking tents down, so the rain was annoying there08:18
Laneyhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/539108_10151971665345643_396612420_n.jpg for example :-)08:19
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:20
didrockshey chrisccoulson!08:20
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, how are you?08:20
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm fine, thanks, what about yourself? did you manage to get any sleep?08:22
chrisccoulsondidrocks, i had a fairly busy weekend. but jo is going to visit her parents today with ruby and maisie, and staying overnight. which means - sleep!! :-)08:23
didrocksheh, good! try to enjoy it as much as possible :)08:24
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?08:41
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. how are you?08:42
seb128I'm good thanks08:42
Laneyoh cool, we got new dbus!08:52
mlankhorstIf you are reading this book and flipping out at every third sentence because you feel I'm insulting your intelligence, then I have three points of advice for you:08:53
mlankhorst    Stop reading my book. I didn't write it for you. I wrote it for people who don't already know everything.08:53
mlankhorst    Empty before you fill. You will have a hard time learning from someone with more knowledge if you already know everything.08:53
mlankhorst    Go learn Lisp. I hear people who know everything really like Lisp.08:53
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
didrocksjasoncwarner_: popey is out this week, so I guess we'll have to wait one additional week to get the list of features that are yet to come09:17
kenvandinegood morning cyphermox13:06
cyphermoxhey kenvandine, how are you?13:06
kenvandineand you?13:06
seiflotfywhat is robs name?13:08
cyphermoxnot bad13:08
seiflotfyrob ancell13:08
larsuseiflotfy, robert_ancell, but I think he's on vacation this week13:09
seiflotfyhi larsu13:10
larsuhi :)13:10
bcurtiswxgood morning13:16
seb128seiflotfy, what larsu said, he's robert_ancell and he's off this week13:20
seb128bcurtiswx, hey13:20
bcurtiswxhi seb12813:20
seiflotfyok where is thumper13:20
bcurtiswxhow was GUADEC13:20
seb128very good13:20
kenvandineseiflotfy, probably sleeping13:20
seb128seiflotfy, sleeping I guess, it's past midnight in NZ13:20
seb128kenvandine, hey13:21
kenvandinehey seb12813:21
seb128kenvandine, how are you?13:21
kenvandineseb128, i have 2 more packages coming your way!13:21
kenvandineand you?13:21
seb128I'm good thanks13:21
bcurtiswxhey kenvandine, i saw a guy at friendly's yesterday that looks a lot like you. Small world dude..13:21
kenvandinei have been told that quite a few times...13:22
bcurtiswxkenvandine: the first human cloning success story.13:22
kenvandinebcurtiswx, and what a fine specimen for the first success13:25
bcurtiswxdon't get too ahead of yourself now... ;)13:26
=== tjaalton_ is now known as tjaalton
=== kengyu_ is now known as kengyu
seb128mterry, hey15:23
mterryseb128, hi15:23
seb128didrocks, mterry, cyphermox: do you have experience making "make check" run under xfvb,dbus-launch?15:24
seb128do you have anything better than "making a wrapper script and calling that"?15:24
cyphermoxseb128: in NM I run it in dbus-test-runner IIRC15:24
seb128not sure why "xvfb-run make check" doesn't work15:24
mterryseb128, yeah that usually works fine for me15:25
mterryseb128, what kind of errors?15:25
cyphermoxseb128: in NM; I use override_dh_auto_test:\n\tdbus-test-runner -t dh_auto_test15:25
didrocksseb128: dbus-test-runner is wrapping this up for you normally15:26
seb128mterry, cyphermox: it still complains it can't find X11, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1132510/15:26
cyphermoxah yes15:26
mterryseb128, with xvfb-run?  Something must be stripping the env15:27
seb128mterry, I did15:27
seb128    xfvb-run make test15:28
=== fredp` is now known as fredp
seb128 15:28
seb128but maybe that's not a good way to do it15:28
cyphermoxthat should be working fine though15:28
didrocksindeed, this should work15:28
seb128that's libsecret from quantal15:28
cyphermoxseb128: try dbus-test-runner -t make -p check in override_dh_auto_test :) sorry for being so insistent, but I know this works; though it adds a build-dep.15:29
kenvandinethat's handy15:32
seb128cyphermox, hum, test fails and no useful output15:34
cyphermoxseb128: you mean the test or running the test?15:35
seb128task-0:   /value/to-password:                                                  FAIL15:36
seb128task-0: GTester: last random seed: R02S322e69ce258b9d35eb7bd3fb9aa01bd215:36
seb128but it seems to eat stdout or stderr15:36
seb128so I don't know what the issue15:36
seb128oh, that was a real bug, with that one fixed I get15:37
seb128dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.15:37
seb128ERROR:test-prompt.c:47:setup: assertion failed (error == NULL): Error sending credentials: Error sending message: Operation not permitted (g-io-error-quark, 14)15:37
seb128task-0:   /prompt/run:                                                         FAIL15:37
cyphermoxweird. i didn't expect there would be any kind of security policy there, unless it's set after by make check somehow15:42
seb128dunno, running it manually works15:50
cyphermoxseb128: does it use the system or session bus?15:54
seb128cyphermox, session15:54
seb128libsecret/tests/mock/service.py", line 480, in __init__15:55
seb128    bus = dbus.SessionBus()15:55
cyphermoxno idea.. so far that has been a great way to test things that required dbus15:55
cyphermoxI'm using it in the eds autopkgtest as well15:55
cyphermoxspeaking of EDS... another soname change :)15:55
cyphermoxI'm updating eds to 3.5.5 so that evolution-ews can be taken off the nbs list as well15:56
kenvandinemterry, new MIR whenever you have a chance to look, bug 103361419:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 1033614 in libunity-webapps "[MIR] libunity-webapps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103361419:53
kenvandinetests run and all :)19:53
mterrykenvandine, yay  :)19:53
kenvandinenow i need to go back and fix more of the online-accounts ones :)19:53
seb128ok, I give up on running tests during the build19:57
seb128that's harder than it should be19:57
seb128I will wait for pitti to be back from holidays19:57
kenvandineseb128, i know!19:59
kenvandinesignond is going to suck20:00
kenvandinewhich is why i wanted to wait for mardy to get back and rewrite some of the test stuff20:00
kenvandinemterry, libaccounts-qt tests enabled20:29
seb128why other manage to enable their tests :p20:30
kenvandineseb128, so what is the latest failure you're getting?20:30
seb128kenvandine, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1133193/20:32
seb128dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply20:32
seb128"ERROR:test-prompt.c:47:setup: assertion failed (error == NULL): Error sending credentials: Error sending message: Operation not permitted"20:32
kenvandineseb128, i haven't seen that before20:33
seb128it's weird, the call that fails is "bus = dbus.SessionBus()"20:35
seb128it happens when running make check under fakeroot20:38

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