
stgraber^ these two (dnsmasq and network-manager) are part of a fix targeted for the point release, so please review as if they were uploaded pre-freeze03:17
stgraberthe dnsmasq change should be pretty small, the NM one is likely much bigger. I'll take a look at the diffs myself tomorrow (I've been using the test packages for a few days but didn't look at the code change myself)03:18
micahgstgraber: you might want to have a look at bug 103341207:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 1033412 in lxc "package lxc 0.7.5-3ubuntu60 failed to install/upgrade: unable to install new version of `/usr/lib/lxc/liblxc.so.0.7.5': Device or resource busy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103341207:05
* micahg isn't sure if that's normal or not07:05
* micahg would think not07:06
Laneywhat broke with i386 livefs builds?08:58
evcould someone please let my email to ubuntu-release@ through the queue?10:05
iulianskaet: ^10:59
infinityLaney: The machine's down and being recovered.11:06
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
tseliothi, can anybody reject nvidia-graphics-drivers and nvidia-graphics-drivers from quantal-proposed, please?12:54
infinitytseliot: You just said the same thing twice. :P12:55
tseliotinfinity: err... nvidia-graphics-drivers and nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates12:55
infinitytseliot: And by reject, you mean remove?12:55
tseliotinfinity: if that removes my latest uploads from quantal-proposed then yes please12:56
infinitytseliot: Reason for the removal?12:57
tseliotinfinity: I'd like to upload the same revision to quantal and then upload a newer release to -proposed if possible12:58
infinityThat's not gonna happen.12:58
infinityOnce a package version has been accepted, it's "used".12:58
infinitySo, you'll need to upload a new version anyway.12:58
infinityAt which point, it'll supersede this one, so no need to remove it.12:59
tseliotinfinity: ok, never mind then. I thought the packages in any -proposed would be pending approval12:59
infinityNot for the devel release.12:59
tseliotinfinity: ok, I've learnt something new, thanks12:59
infinityIt's already in the archive and built.  Or, well, failed to build, in this case. :P13:00
tseliotinfinity: now that's weird. It doesn't fail in my chroot. I'll investigate the issue...13:03
infinitytseliot: One failed on one arch, the other on both.13:04
tseliotinfinity: right13:06
stgrabermicahg: moved to dpkg13:21
stgrabermicahg: I have 5-6 servers running lxc that upgraded fine with dozen of containers running on each, so it's definitely not a problem affecting all our users, and I can't see why dpkg wouldn't be able to replace a file that's currently used.13:22
infinitystgraber: That's not a dpkg bug, can I bounce it back? :P13:27
infinitystgraber: dpkg is trying to write to the file and failing, it's not up to dpkg to ensure the world is writable.13:28
infinitystgraber: I'd assume this is either lxc userspace being wonky, or some strange kernel issue, perhaps relating to repeated suspends with active containers?13:28
stgraberinfinity: well, "lxc" is only installed outside of the container, so feel free to bounce to kernel ;)13:30
stgraberinfinity: I checked the dmesg for anything obvious but without sucess... I guess I could reproduce the failure if the file was a read-only bind-mount, but I don't see why that'd happen13:31
infinitystgraber: Well, sure, and this is all outside the container.  I'm not sure how that's relevant?13:31
tseliotinfinity: I don't think this change should be causing a this build failure. Any ideas? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/109173874/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.fglrx-installer-updates_2%3A8.960-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz http://launchpadlibrarian.net/109008932/fglrx-installer-updates_2%3A8.960-0ubuntu2_2%3A8.960-0ubuntu3.diff.gz13:34
infinitytseliot: Didn't I already fix that once before?13:36
infinitytseliot: You need to merge in the changes from fglrx-installer to -updates, I'm thinking.13:37
tseliotinfinity: oh, wait, I did that13:38
tseliotinfinity: sorry about the noise13:38
skaetcjwatson, infinity - http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/ appears to be missing the .html version of the announces.   Is there a step that creates *.html automatically, or is manual from nusakan?14:55
infinityskaet: It would come from the build of the package.14:59
infinityskaet: Could be that the last upload didn't get pre-build.sh ran before upload or something.15:05
skaetinfinity,  yes,  looks like prior versions have the .html files,  so will assume just temporary glitch and cross check later.15:07
cjwatsonMust be.  nusakan can't do this15:08
* infinity is poking it.15:08
infinity"It" being the package.15:08
cjwatsonAnd any system where this is done manually (though I don't think that existed here) would be very thoroughly deprecated and will soon stop working.15:09
* skaet nods15:12
infinityUgh.  release-upgrader's pre-build.sh is just vile.15:27
cjwatsonIt is possible that I should have converted this code into a cleaner language than shell some time ago ...16:28
cjwatsonModerately difficult to unpick it into a reasonable object model.16:28
micahgumm, anything special for seed changes in the point release?  see bug 1033575 for context (do we just use the .precise branch as before)?16:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1033575 in ubuntu-meta "icedtea-plugin shouldn't be shipped on the DVD" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103357516:58
stgrabermicahg: yeah, the precise branch is what's used17:00
infinitycjwatson: shoop!17:02
cjwatsonLet's not and say we did.17:03
infinityI dare you to say you did.17:04
infinityApril 1: Canonical invests millions in shoop development; rewrites all core tools and infrastructure.17:04
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
infinitySeriously?  Another e-d-s ABI bump?17:06
infinityMaybe we should rename +1 maint to e-d-s-and-poppler-maint.17:07
ScottKI'm going to accept the cups for precise-proposed unless someone objects quickly.  It fixes an updates regression.17:13
stgraberScottK: go ahead, it's been cleared by skaet and I17:14
ScottKOK.  Done.17:15
ScottKskaet or stgraber : Assuming we get verification, I any objections to waiving the 7 day waiting period?17:17
stgraberScottK: let me take a quick look at the fix and I'll answer that one17:17
stgraberScottK: most of the change seems to be about renaming variables and looking at the actual list of affected hardware it looks small enough that even if that one regresses in some way it shouldn't be a disaster, so yeah, I'm fine with that17:19
Laneyif gst0.10-python isn't going to be accepted into precise-proposed due to the freeze then transmageddon should probably be removed (v-failed)17:21
seb128Laney, would that block the rhythmbox SRU?17:21
seb128no way then ;-)17:22
Laneyrhythmbox needs transmageddon needs gst0.10-python17:24
micahgstgraber: can I get 12.04.1 approval for https://launchpadlibrarian.net/111961124/icedtea-web_1.2-2ubuntu1.2.debdiff ?17:25
* micahg guesses if he can get Kubuntu to drop it as well, it won't make a difference...17:26
stgrabermicahg: sounds like the first fix could wait but the second fixes some upgrade path. It's also not affecting any image we'll be releasing so even if it's slow to validate it won't affect us, so yeah, go ahead17:27
stgraber(IIRC kubuntu won't release a dvd image for the point release)17:28
micahgit's on the manifest still17:28
stgraberoh, ok, then I guess they actually are planning on releasing a dvd image then :)17:29
stgraberScottK, Riddell: any opinion on that icedtea-web update? ^17:29
* micahg would prefer them to drop it from their DVD as well FWIW :)17:30
debfxI agree, we should drop it17:31
ScottKI doubt we're respinning the DVD, but I'm checking.17:46
ScottKActually, we are.18:09
Riddellwell I'm happy to be persuaded otherwise18:09
ScottKWe didn't before, IIRC.18:10
ScottKI'd suggest respin the DVD once and once only for 12.04.2 after we have 4.8.5 and won't update KDE again.18:11
ScottKThat and the usual "Who's going to test it"?18:11
Riddellright, let's do that then18:12
stgraberRiddell: can you update the 12.04.1 manifest then?18:12
stgrabermicahg: so it sounds like icedtea-web will no longer affect anything we ship, so no objection to having it accepted18:13
Riddellstgraber: not this one? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseManifest18:14
stgraberRiddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseManifest/12.04.118:14
micahgstgraber: great, will upload later today then, thanks18:15
Riddellskaet: change of plan, no dvds for kubuntu for 12.04.1, manifest updated18:18
skaetRiddell,   ack.   We may as well start a 12.04.2 manifest off as well at the same time then,  and leave it on there though - right?18:19
Riddellskaet: yep18:19
Riddellstgraber: how do I remove Kubuntu DVD from Precise Daily?  I'm looking at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/builds and can't work it out18:26
stgraberRiddell: I'll take care of that18:26
stgraberRiddell: starting by disabling the cron on nusakan18:26
skaetstgraber,  while you're on nusakan,  can you retrigger Ubuntu Desktop i386 and see if it will build now?    Other Ubuntu Desktop images are amd64 at 0806,  but that one is at 0804.18:32
stgraberskaet: is the i386 builder back online?18:33
stgraberRiddell: disabled the cron for the dvd image and removed from the tracker18:33
skaetstgraber,  lack of i386 builder would explain it.18:34
stgraberskaet: yeah, I saw a mention of a problem with the i386 builder earlier, explaining all the failures over the weekend. I'm not sure of the state of the fix though. Reading some more backlog now :)18:34
* skaet starts into the backlog as well.18:35
stgraberskaet: 11:06 < infinity> Laney: The machine's down and being recovered. (7.5 hours ago)18:35
skaetinfinity,  is there an RT ticket, or something we can follow for the i386 builder status?18:37
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LaneyStill getting death mails.18:49
infinityskaet: Not sure, we were just pinged by elmo on the weekend that it was dead and being rebuilt.19:02
Laneyall I see is rt#5066919:03
Laneybut that implies that it's alive.19:03
seb128http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html is empty19:27
seb128did we fix everything? ;-)19:27
slangasekheh, possible19:28
Laneythat report has been known to break19:28
Laneycjwatson fixed it before19:28
slangasekseb128: cross-reference with http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/quantal_outdate.html?19:29
slangaseklibedata-cal-1.2-15 |    3.4.3-1 |       quantal | amd64, armel, armhf, i386, powerpc19:29
slangaseklibedata-cal-1.2-18 | 3.5.4-0ubuntu2 |       quantal | amd64, armel, armhf, i386, powerpc19:29
slangasekthere's an NBS lib right there19:29
slangasekso yeah, the report's broken19:29
Laneyhow does one get access to that user to be able to fix it? ^o)19:30
slangasekLaney: lp:~ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-archive-tools/trunk/, cron.NBS19:32
Laneyoh, it's in there19:32
slangasekyep, feel free to fix it without having access to the user account ;)19:33
slangasek(access to the user account should probably be limited to those who are actually archive admins... not sure that you meant to volunteer yourself for that? :)19:33
LaneyActually I would be interested in that, but perhaps not right at this moment19:34
slangasekseems to be archive-cruft-check that's failing19:35
ScottKstgraber: Did you form an opinion about pushing the cups update out as soon as it's verified?19:42
stgraber17:19 < stgraber> ScottK: most of the change seems to be about renaming variables and looking at the actual list of affected hardware it looks small enough that even if that one19:46
stgraber                  regresses in some way it shouldn't be a disaster, so yeah, I'm fine with that19:46
ScottKOK.  Thanks.  I missed that.19:47
slangasekLaney: are you looking into the NBS report breakage?  I don't think I'm going to attempt it, given that backtrace19:50
Laneyslangasek: Not exactly. I don't have a local mirror available, so there's some yaks to be shaved first.19:50
Laneyseb128 is an archive admin ;-)19:51
* seb128 hides19:51
stgraberskaet: so, I'm doing some tests to figure out how we managed to use an extra 8.2MB on the squashfs since 12.04 release20:04
stgraberskaet: there are two obvious ones, the kernel headers (amounting to 2MB) and printer-driver-postscript-hp (around 700KB)20:04
stgraberthe rest are packages that just got bigger with the most likely ones being firefox, thunderbird and libreoffice20:05
ScottKstgraber: cups is released.20:06
stgraberScottK: thanks20:06
stgraberskaet: so, hplip 3.12.2-1ubuntu3.1 is the one that caused the extra 700KB package from printer-driver-postscript-hp (bug 1014478)20:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1014478 in hplip "PPDs for HP's PostScript printers not installed in default installation" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101447820:06
stgraberso that was clearly done on purpose and approved by the SRU team, so not much hope of getting these 700KB back20:07
stgraberI'll start looking at cutting some langpacks20:07
skaetstgraber,  understood,  thanks.     Not sure langpacks alone will cut it.    Probably time to flag the desktop team then and see if there are good "put package on a diet" suggestions.20:08
seb128there is none20:09
slangasekhave we considered not requiring 12.04.1 to fit on a CD?20:09
slangasekwe've already said quantal doesn't have to, and it's coming out in the same time frame; and we don't press CDs of the point releases20:09
slangasektrying to enforce further dieting of the desktop after .0 is fraught with peril20:09
slangasekthough, why are the kernel headers so much bigger now?20:10
stgraberslangasek: it's just the live-build bug infinity fixed, we currently ship two header packages20:10
slangasekstgraber: ok; that's been fixed in -proposed since Friday or so, are we not getting test builds yet using it?20:11
stgraberslangasek: nope, we need to poke IS to get it on the builders20:11
stgraberslangasek: infinity ran local tests pre-upload though20:12
slangasekstgraber: ok; will you poke IS please? :)20:13
stgraberslangasek: yeah, infinity said he'd but that didn't happen yet so I guess I can do it ;)20:17
slangasekhe's off celebrating August Province Day or something20:19
stgraberskaet: a quick test build here shows that removing the portugese langpack would free us 9MB on the media, making the image fit again. Any strong objection to doing that?20:20
slangasekwhich I think you're supposed to be as well? :)20:20
stgraberslangasek: nope, we don't seem to have that one on this side of the country ;)20:20
skaetstgraber,  no objection.   Much better than alternative.  bye-bye portugese langpack20:20
slangasekstgraber: oh yes, infinity did say Quebec was in the exclusion list, ok20:21
seb128stgraber, skaet: I do object at dropping langpacks this way, how hard did we look for other solutions?20:24
seb128stgraber, skaet: dropping it makes the iso less useful for 190 millions people, I don't think it's something to overlook20:25
skaetseb128,   weighing this against not having a CD form factor available,  it seems the lesser of the evils.20:26
stgraberseb128: well, we need to free 6MB (compressed) from the squashfs, the only package that was added since the release is printer-driver-postscript-hp that according to the bug should really be on the ISO and would only gain us 700KB if removed20:26
seb128skaet, well, precise was on size, can't we just figure out where we used the space and fix that?20:27
slangasekstgraber: so where did all the rest of the space go?20:27
stgraberslangasek: it's non-trivial to check, my current bet is on libreoffice, thunderbird and firefox, I can try and get a rough estimate of their space before/after (just looking at /usr/lib)20:28
skaetseb128,  that would have been the hope, but it looks like multiple desktop packages all got a bit bigger.20:28
slangasekstgraber: have you looked at .deb sizes, as a first pass?20:28
seb128pitti said that "/home/cdimage/iso-deb-size-compare on nusakan" can be used on alternate isos20:29
seb128but I don't have access to nusakan to test that20:29
seb128that's a different measure than the live image but that can be useful to give a clue20:29
infinityMy assumption is just that firefox and thunderbird grew a ton.20:31
infinityNot really much mystery there.20:31
slangasekI don't think it's sufficient to assume20:32
slangasekpackages putting weight on in SRU are a problem20:32
stgraberbinary sizes for firefox and thunderbird grew by around 300KB, will test iso-deb-size-compare see if that helps20:32
infinityI'm already checking.20:33
ScottKWhere do I find the Kubuntu 12.04 dailies?20:33
stgraberScottK: /kubuntu/precise/ on cdimage20:34
seb128firefox_11.0+build1-0ubuntu4_i386.deb (17.0 MiB)20:34
seb128firefox_14.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1_i386.deb (18.0 MiB)20:34
ScottKWhat's the official size limit for 12.04 CD images?20:35
stgraberScottK: 73666560020:36
* ScottK notices the i386 live is missing.20:38
infinityThe i386 livefs buildd has "issues".20:38
stgraberprecise released at 732213248 and we are currently at 740601856 (looking for the amd64 desktop image). we should be getting to 737808384 with infinity's change (if my local clean + recompress is right)20:39
ScottKYeah.  I guess "mv: cannot stat `/srv/cdimage.ubuntu.com/scratch/kubuntu/daily-live/tmp/precise-i386/CD1/casper/filesystem.kernel-generic-pae': No such file or directory" is not good.20:39
stgraberso assuming amd64 is the most oversized image, we should just have 1.3MB to cleanup to make it fit again, doesn't look terribly difficult until you remember that's compressed data added post-release we're talking about...20:41
ScottKKubuntu amd64 is a bit overweight too: 73850470420:42
stgraberScottK: this one should fit once the live-build change lands though as it'll save roughly 220:43
infinity+printer-driver-postscript-hp   3.12.2-1ubuntu3.120:46
infinityHow big is that?20:46
infinityThat's an entirely new package on the current CD.20:46
stgraber700KB compressed20:46
stgraberI mentioned it earlier, it's bug 101447820:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 1014478 in hplip "PPDs for HP's PostScript printers not installed in default installation" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101447820:46
cjwatsonhas somebody fixed the NBS report?  if not, I know what the problem is20:54
slangasekcjwatson: I don't believe anyone has - what's the problem?20:54
cjwatsonbasically, bug 45941820:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 459418 in lazr.restfulclient "Cache is not safe for concurrent use (by processes or threads)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45941820:55
cjwatsonso occasionally the cache gets corrupted20:55
slangasekso which bits get rm -rfed?20:55
cjwatson~/.launchpadlib/api.launchpad.net/cache - done20:55
cjwatsonthe second best fix is to make it run with a different cache dir, which I did for sru-report, but it's a bit more fiddly for NBS because there are multiple scripts involved so I've been putting that off20:56
cjwatsonthe best fix is to get somebody in the LP team to release the fix-committed fix for that bug, get it into quantal, and SRU it20:56
stgrabermythtv was granted an MRE and has a 12.04.1 exception, so SRU team members, please feel free to review21:21
cjwatsonskaet: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/174375 comment 27 - do you remember whether the problem was lack of ability to *nominate* to series, or to *target* to series (== approve nominations)?21:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 174375 in ubuntu-community "Distribution drivers permissions may need redesign" [Medium,Confirmed]21:51
cjwatson(the ability to nominate is fairly widespread, and produces a "Nominated for ... [Approve/Decline]" row; the ability to target lets you actually create series-targeted tasks)21:52
cjwatsonIt would make more sense if the problem had been lack of ability to target21:53
skaetcjwatson,  task needed was targetting to a series.21:54
cjwatsonRight.  You'd said nominate in that comment, so I wanted to clarify since they're different permissions in LP.21:54
skaetyes,  bad wording choice on my part.  sorry.21:54
stgraberrebuilt Ubuntu with the new live-build, we're now 1796kB short of fitting on the ISO22:17
ScottKstgraber: I'd appreciate it if you'd redo Kubuntu as well so we can confirm if fits now.22:19
cjwatsonskaet: Would you care to cast your eyes over my latest comment in that bug and make sure I'm not way off base?22:21
stgraberScottK: sure. I'll trigger amd64 only as i386 is still broken22:25
stgraberScottK: running22:25
* cjwatson makes his bimonthly pilgrimage to APUE22:26
cjwatsonI wonder why cdimage/bin/kill-after bothers to set SIGALRM before forking22:27
cjwatsonadmittedly it does have to set SIGCHLD first22:30
stgraberScottK: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/precise/daily-live/20120806.1/ looks happy22:40
stgraberhmm, or rather, it already was happy, might be even happier when the build publishes :)22:40
stgraber(live-build finished but nusakan is still busy building the .iso)22:40
ScottKstgraber: Great.  Thanks.22:55

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