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JoeCoder_what's the best option for handling spam on my postfix+courier mail server these days?  spamassassin?02:14
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1033412 in lxc (universe) "package lxc 0.7.5-3ubuntu60 failed to install/upgrade: unable to install new version of `/usr/lib/lxc/liblxc.so.0.7.5': Device or resource busy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103341207:49
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AdvoWorkhi there, ive just installed 12.04 server, i've changed my /etc/network/interfaces to static, and am trying to edit /etc/resolv.conf but it just states: # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)  any suggestions where I can edit that then?08:18
mardraumyes, the same file (interfaces008:20
mardraumdns-search teh.world08:20
mardraum(it even told you the manpage that explains it btw)08:21
AdvoWorkbut won't that get overwritten?08:22
mardraumman resolvconf08:23
mardraumwhy would your static entry in interfaces get overwritten?08:24
AdvoWorki missed this off my paste, /etc/resolv.conf shows: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN  but i changed etc/network/interfaces to have dns-nameservers ....  and rebooted, and now etc/resolv.conf shows the correct thing08:26
mardraumthen I don't understand your question08:27
AdvoWorkive resolved it now, but i read that i needed to edit /etc/resolv.conf but then i saw that DO NOT edit thing, so i assumed I needed to change another file, which i did(i didn't get it at first, it makes sense now)08:28
RoyKanyone here that knows a good place to start if I want open source video on demand?08:35
lifelessvlc ?08:36
RoyKlifeless: I somewhat doubt that will scale very well08:48
lifelessRoyK: why do you say that ?08:52
lifelessRoyK: You know what vlc was *written for*, right ?08:52
RoyKlifeless: I just wonder how the I/O scheduling will be sorted out if 100 or 1000 concurrent viewers connect to vlc like that08:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #1033444 in nova (main) "Deleting an added floating IP just removes it from the server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103344409:01
lifelessRoyK: well, you'd want enough IO bandwidth to handle however many concurrent streams you have going09:15
lifelessallowing for some buffering to smooth the IO out09:15
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AdvoWorkI installed postfix on 10.04 and i'm now trying to replicate this onto 12.04(new server). ive ran the installed on 12.04 and set no config(as I don't know what I did last time), and on my old server i had relaying (relayhost) setup in main.cf but that file doesn't exist on my 12.04. Any ideas please?09:25
AdvoWorkor, if i reconfigure it, can i find out if what option i would have selected on the old version(ie the configuration)?09:27
rbasakAdvoWork: sounds like you want the "with smarthost" option.09:34
rbasakAdvoWork: install debconf-utils and use "debconf-get-selections|grep ^postfix" to see what you set last time. look for grep again for postfix/main_mailer_type09:38
AdvoWorki think its ok now, thanks for the tips rbasak . smarthost option seemed to work09:40
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uvirtbotNew bug: #913809 in samba (main) "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in rep_strlcpy()" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91380911:06
alex88hi guys, i've created two software arrays, called md4 and md5, they was there after creation, i've also added the mdadm --details --scan on /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf and it was fine, with /dev/md/[4,5] now after a reboot i get to /proc/mdstat this http://pastie.org/439921511:12
alex88and in /dev/md/ the devices has been renamed from 4,5 to fqdn:4 and fqdn:5 (fqdn is replaced by the real hostname)11:13
alex88how can i get it back to md 4 and 5?11:13
RoyKalex88: pastebin the mdadm.conf too, please11:18
alex88RoyK, second, i'm rebooting again11:20
alex88RoyK, actually it's http://pastie.org/4399258 but as the devices changed from /dev/md5 to /dev/md127 i need to change it right?11:25
alex88RoyK, you think that using http://superuser.com/questions/346719/how-to-change-the-name-of-an-md-device-mdadm option #2 works?11:27
RoyKalex88: looks right11:46
alex88RoyK, i had problems using update super-minor, i used update-name and it worked11:48
alex88now i've problems with drbd on those drives :/11:48
RoyKcan't help you there, sorry11:49
alex88np, thank you anywaty11:49
alex88on reboot they're back to m--update=name /dev/sd11:51
alex88*md126 : active (auto-read-only) raid1 sda7[0] sdb7[1]11:51
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V1ru5xdwho knows port 666 ?12:47
AdvoWorki've just done and update and upgrade, but it says: linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server   were kept back. Why?12:50
PiciAdvoWork: Likely because they require other packages, if you do a dist-upgrade they should be pulled in.12:52
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.12:52
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:53
AdvoWorkPici, but i already have: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l12:53
PiciAdvoWork: A dist-upgrade is *not* for upgrading to a new release.12:54
PiciAdvoWork: linux-headers-server, linux-image-server and linux-server now depend on newer packages, which fits the first part of the description of a dist-upgrade (see above)12:55
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AdvoWorkPici, ahh I see12:59
pellaeonHi, I'm having some problem with MAAS, when I access http://ip/MAAS , it replies an internal server error. The apache error log reads "FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "maas""13:13
pellaeonlooks like MAAS couldn't access postgresql13:13
pellaeonbut I'm not familiar with postgresql so I wish someone could help me here13:14
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AdvoWorkanyone know, or know of a guide to reinstall apache on ubuntu 12.04 but the worker version? ie got the normal version but want the worker one13:35
melmothAdvoWork, not usre, but what about trying to install apache2-mpm-worker ?13:42
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AdvoWorkmelmoth, i've seen that you can only do that with > apache 2.2 and the ubuntu version is 2.214:06
AdvoWorkif you get me14:07
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hallynzul: bug 1030612, any opinion?14:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1030612 in libvirt "libvirt depends on undesirable additional packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103061214:13
hallynthere's the analogous bug for qemu-kvm.14:13
mdeslaurhallyn: does libvirt even work without dnsmasq?14:27
Ormiedoes anyone here installs Ubuntu Server on their laptop?14:27
hallynmdeslaur: it won't be able to set up virbr014:27
hallynof course we've also had requests to disable that on server installs14:27
hallynPerhaps all these bugs should be lumped into a feture requests for q+1 to have different defaults for server and desktop installs14:28
hallynthat, or marked opinion14:28
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hallynjjohansen: hey, apparmor doesn't seem to play nice with no_new_privs.  It refuses all execs (not just the ones with a domain transition) once nnp is set14:34
hallyni can email you a test case (using libseccomp, not nnp directly) if you like14:35
hallynnot sure we care.  for lxc, we just don't use nnp14:35
hallynso, we'll care eventually :)  just not urgent14:35
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roaksoaxsmb: howdy! would it be possible for you to take a look at bug #1032724 when you have the chance? Thanks!14:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1032724 in linux "Cannot access IPMI card" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103272414:59
smbroaksoax, yes15:00
roaksoaxsmb: thanks!15:00
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smoserzul, what is your home netwokr provider's dns server?15:19
RoyKwith zfs, one can use SSDs for caching - anyone that knows if something like that is in the works for ext4 and friends?15:30
patdk-wkroyk, flashcache15:30
patdk-wkthere are others also I believe15:30
patdk-wkbut flashcache has been used for years by facebook15:30
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RoyKI wonder how well that thing will work for video streaming :)15:34
RoyKas in VoD15:34
patdk-wkdunno, I have attempted to use it15:35
patdk-wkbut never seem to ever make it to trials, always get distracted, or find I really don't need it15:35
* RoyK may have to setup some streaming solution for his employer, HiOA.no15:35
RoyKwith potentially thousands of viewers of college lessons, I guess we'll need some pretty cool caching to offload the SAN15:37
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RoyKpatdk-wk: looks like flashcache is pretty far from a merge - http://bcache.evilpiepirate.org/ might be closer15:52
patdk-wkwell, I never said what one is likely to end up in the kernel :)15:59
patdk-wkI don't know of anyone using bcache15:59
patdk-wkbut do know flashcache is pretty proven15:59
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RoyKseems varnish supports caching streams these days - perhaps I'd better try that16:05
patdk-wkram, it fixs everything :)16:05
RoyKpatdk-wk: except it's a bit hard to fit 4TB of RAM into most systems :P16:06
AdvoWorkargh, i've got a problem, running XEN, with an ubuntu server VM. I think the etc/fstab on that VM has broken, and I can't get it to boot. I'm connected to it via a VPN (i press ESC and I can see the Ubtunu 12.04 loading screen) but going no further. at thetop it says fsck from util-linux, and it seems to be stuck on stopping userspace boot any idea what it could be doing? i think /etc/fstab may have broken it but i dont know16:11
AdvoWorkwhen i boot the server up, it says Ubunut, with linux 3.2.0-27-generic, and then the same with reovery mode, what will recovery mode do(obv recover, but what options, or automatic or?)16:30
RoyKit will allow you to recover from unmontable drives etc16:32
RoyKif you need to boot another kernel, choose another from the grub menu16:32
RoyKbut then - normally, the kernel is ok, but something else is wrong...16:32
AdvoWorkthe thing is, i just dont know the problem, its hanging on a screen, it states staring load fallback graphics devices fail  but there is no graphics etc, I dont know if its a fstab problem within the VM, and it stuck on the line stopping userspace boot  just after it did starting16:34
AdvoWorkthe other failure I see is: rcpbind: Cannot open '/run/rcpbind/rcpbind.xdr' file for reading, errno 2 (no such file or directory)16:36
jjohansenhallyn: hrmm, it should be working, can you send me the test case and I'll poke16:36
RoyKAdvoWork: sorry - no idea16:37
hallynjjohansen: sure, i'll fwd my email to libseccomp-devel, just a sec16:42
hallynkirkland: is manpages.ubuntu.com automatically updated?  Should quantal manpages be showing up there?16:48
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zulsmoser: rogers17:31
smoserzul, thats not a dns server :)17:32
smoseryou have the IP address?17:32
zulsmoser: oh you want a fully resolvable dns server?17:32
zulsmoser: gimme a sec17:32
smoseri'd like the 1 or 2 IPs that they give you in your dhcp request17:33
smoserso i can try them from here (assuming they allow access outside of their networks)17:33
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smoserzul, this is curious17:37
smoserwhat do you get when you do:17:37
smoser dig @ +noall +answer nova.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com17:37
zulsmoser: nada17:37
smoserit would surely seem that you *did* get something in the past, right?17:38
smoserdude that is weird.17:38
zulsmoser, persumably17:38
zulsmoser: my isp does dns hijacks if it cant find a resolvable domain as well though17:39
smoserwell, what you're showing me now is that they're not doing that.17:40
smoserbut they presumably were.17:40
zulsmoser, they are doing it everytime i but a bad url in my web browser i get this crappy cant find the site use our search egninge branded by rogres17:42
smoserright. i'm just wondering how.17:42
smoserso does17:42
smoserhost nov.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com17:42
smoserwhat does that show?17:43
smoserin the bug you said it was resolving17:43
zulsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1132906/17:44
zulsmoser: which bug is this?17:44
smoseri'm really confused.17:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 974509 in cloud-init "cloud-init selects wrong mirror with dns server redirection" [Undecided,Fix committed]17:45
smoseri assumed that the dig command i gave you above and the host command you showed there were roughly equivalent.17:45
zulsmoser: oh right...that bug...we discussed this before, we said my dns is crap :)17:45
smosercould you also pastebin the command you ran?17:45
smoserah. and also cat /etc/resolv.conf ?17:46
smoseroh. awesome.17:48
smosercould you pastebin one more thing?17:49
smoserdig @ +noall +answer nov.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com17:49
smoserdig @ nov.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com17:49
smoserits pretty awesome... they give empty results for all queries outside of their network to that server.17:50
smoseroh, and explicitly give the dns server to 'host'17:50
smoserhost nov.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com
smoserand the host with the server?17:52
zulsmoser: gets nothing aback17:53
smoserwhy did you give me above?17:53
zuli thought that was the dns i was using17:54
smoserand not
zulhmm...my laptop and my workstation seems to be using two different dnses17:54
zulanyways back to my day off17:56
smoserthank you zul17:56
hallynahs3: hey, is there anything we need to chat about for netcf 0.2.0?18:23
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hallynahs3: otherwise, http://people.canonical.com/~serge/netcf5/netcf_0.2.0-1.dsc should imo be ready to upload18:28
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ahs3hallyn: ah, ok.  let me snag those and see if i can get them in today or tomorrow18:38
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ahs3hallyn: i don't think i had any comments so far, but i'll let you know if i do18:39
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thesheff17join #mtred18:41
hallynahs3: thanks.  do you know when you might have time?  if it'll be awhile, i'll push a 0.2.0~ubuntu1 soon18:45
ahs3hallyn: i'm planning on this afternoon, if at all possible18:46
MoleManwhat DNS server would you recommend? preferably with a ControlPanel of some sort?18:46
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hallynahs3: awesome, thanks, then i'll wait.  (I just want the ubuntu version soon so i can hopefully finish the MIR this cycle)18:49
ahs3MoleMan: if i just want something lightweight, i use something like maradns.  if i want speed, i use NSD.  if i want all the bells and whistles, i use BIND.18:49
ScottKMoleMan: If you feel you need a control panel to run a DNS server, my recommendation is that you sign up for a service provider and pay for it.  DNS is not really a thing for amateurs.18:50
ahs3MoleMan: i admit to being Old Skool, tho.  the only control panel i use is vi :).18:50
ScottKPersonally, I like unbound.18:50
ahs3for caching, yeah.  i guess i was thinking authoritative18:50
MoleManI don't NEED as such, I would just prefer, and I don't actually want to pay for a domain, just set up a local server for some internal network stuff18:52
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ScottKThe Ubuntu Server Guide has decent information on how to set up bind9 for Ubuntu.  I'd suggest just use that and follow the documentation closely.18:54
MoleManokay, thanks18:54
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ahs3+1 on BIND for that case -- and there's tons of HOWTOs for BIND elsewhere, if you get stuck18:55
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jcastrosmoser: is utlemming on holiday?19:21
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GreenGoblinkaty perry baby girl i am only a crack in this castle of glass baby why dont you see me anymore i thought you loved me =(20:22
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! soren, lamont, mathiaz, Pici, Daviey, Tm_T or pmatulis20:22
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qhartmanBeen using the ec2-api tools for some time with no problems. Something changed in the last week or so that causes them to exit with a "permission denied" message. Digging in, I'm finding a NoClassDefFoundError with  com/amazon/aes/webservices/client/cmd/. Any ideas?20:25
qhartmanIt seems that the class path isn't getting set right, but as far as I can tell it is.20:25
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TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  around?21:41
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: yes21:42
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: re the php thing.. its been delayed until after 12.04.1 .. since php5-fpm is not part of the default install/lamp task21:43
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: it should be one of the first things we upload too precise-proposed once 12.04.1 is released.21:43
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  check the bug(s) again, i uploaded a quantal debdiff21:44
TheLordOfTimeyou might be able to process that one now.21:44
TheLordOfTime(for the segv bug)21:44
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: there's no point in doing a quantal debdiff.. 5.4.5 is coming in a merge from Debian soon.21:45
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-php/php.git;a=commit;h=101511604791094f9f47450a84fe1179e467d22621:45
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  Debian's on freeze...21:51
TheLordOfTimeyou sure it got in before the freeze?21:51
maxb!info php squeeze21:51
ubottu'squeeze' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unstable21:51
TheLordOfTime(according to the other MOTUs, its on freeze)21:51
TheLordOfTime!info php unstable21:51
ubottuPackage php does not exist in unstable21:51
TheLordOfTime!info php5 unstable21:51
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.4.2-1 (unstable), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB21:51
TheLordOfTimethat's sid, but...21:52
TheLordOfTimelast i heard, Debian was already under a freeze21:52
TheLordOfTimeand that was earlier today21:52
TheLordOfTimewas geser who suggested merge-requesting a fix (or debdiffing one) would be a good idea in case it doesnt get into Debian immediately21:53
TheLordOfTimedamn mouse-lag, was setting it back to Triaged and the damn thing hit opinion21:53
* TheLordOfTime slaps his computer21:53
TheLordOfTime!info php5 testing21:54
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.4.0-3 (testing), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB21:54
TheLordOfTime!info php5 stable21:54
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.3-7+squeeze8 (stable), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB21:54
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  just confirmed, in #debian @ irc.oftc21:58
TheLordOfTimeDebian's under a freeze.21:58
RawrboundHi. I am looking for some assistance with setting up DNS servers for use with a domain on a VPS box I got. OS is of course Ubuntu.21:59
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  and since that freeze / partial-freeze(sid) might not release for many months, well...22:03
TheLordOfTimequite inconvenient that the debian freeze comes in approach of a beta 12.10 release, no?22:04
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: Yes Debian unstable is frozen. But I imagine Ondrej will upload to experimental at some point22:06
TheLordOfTimepossibly, i didnt check there yet.22:06
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: its not that inconvenient. Allows us to catch up and get more stable as well :)22:06
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: Also we can merge from Debian git22:06
TheLordOfTimein any case, if an upload to $debian_release_of_choice doesn't happen by the milestone you've set, the debdiff exists22:06
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  indeed.22:07
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: I don't think we even need an FFE for that one.. 5.4.5 is bugfix only. I think 5.4.6 is almost ready too22:07
TheLordOfTimewell, just keep me in the loop, i'm still pushing for the precise sru22:09
TheLordOfTimeyou may want me to resubmit the precise debdiff, though,22:09
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: the precise SRU will happen, no doubt22:09
TheLordOfTimeapparently patch filenames diverged :/22:09
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: Oh, actually, can you add a test case to the segfault bug for the precise SRU?22:09
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  not entirely sure how to confirm, i dont run anything that would pass null to strstr (according to the bug)22:10
TheLordOfTimebug the poster, have them give a test-case22:10
TheLordOfTimeand if you want, direct them to my SRU builds ppa for php, to test if it fixes it22:10
TheLordOfTimei know it fixed the PHP error reporting thing22:10
TheLordOfTimebleh, evil lag22:11
* TheLordOfTime slaps launchpad22:11
TheLordOfTimeapparently i cant access anything on LP :/22:11
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: no, we need an actual repeatable test case, or a good assertion that its some kind of race condition or impossible to test reliably for.22:12
TheLordOfTimei understand.  i was planning on separating the debdiffs anyways22:12
TheLordOfTimeor rather not apply one or the other22:12
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  i seriously don't have anything in which i can create a testcase from, at least not at the moment22:13
TheLordOfTimeand if i did i can't add it22:13
TheLordOfTime(LP is timing out for me)22:13
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: understand. The upstream report was pretty vague on details, and I understand why. The patch is simple and the reasons for hitting it not super well understood. I think with a segfault we can say "no test case, just test that php5-fpm works"22:14
TheLordOfTimeyou'll have to post on that, apparently my system is running into the highly-repeatable issue with comcast-random-timeouts-for-extended-periods22:15
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: ugh22:20
ScottKWell Comcast is nothing but repeatable errors and outages.22:20
TheLordOfTimetell me about it22:21
TheLordOfTimeactually, the most recent ZNC disconnect was a weird issue with rfkill22:21
TheLordOfTimewhere the only way to fix it was to  restart o.O22:21
TheLordOfTime(apparently the hardware switch for wifi no longer works)22:21
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pmatuliskirkland: i'm reading your blog on overlayfs, fyi the dmcrypt.png does not render well22:41
pmatulis(when clicked upon)22:41
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