
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosmorning everyone05:37
Kerberosafe on mars05:39
Kerberomore oom kilos05:39
Kilosmore kerbie als goed?05:40
Kerberojip geen probleme05:40
superflyMorning oom Kilos, Kerbero05:53
Kiloshi superfly 05:54
* superfly is on the train again after a 2 week "break"05:54
Kiloslol then you should be able to tackle work with a new energy05:55
KilosMaaz, spell vigour05:55
MaazKilos: Yup, that's a word all right05:55
superflyKilos: after a night of little sleep?05:55
Kilosaw which one kept you up?05:56
Kilossuperfly, to sync means to make 2 folders the same doesnt it?06:00
nuvolario/ mornings oom Kilos, superfly, Kerbero 06:04
Kilosmorning nuvolari 06:04
superflyKilos: both of them, and yes. "sync" is just an afkorting of synchronisation06:05
superflymorning nuvolari06:05
superflyMaaz: define synchronisation06:05
Maazsuperfly: synchronisation n 1: the relation that exists when things occur at the same time; "the drug produces an increased synchrony of the brain waves" [syn: {synchronism}, {synchrony}, {synchronicity}, {synchroneity}, {synchronization}, {synchronisation}, {synchronizing}] [ant: {asynchronism}, {asynchrony}, {desynchronisation}, {desynchronization}, {desynchronizing}] 2: an adjustment that causes something to occur or recur in unison [syn06:05
Kilosim struggling to get ubuntuone to take the last 200 meg of a folder up there06:06
Kilosupload stopped at 465 and shoulda been 677 meg06:06
Kilosand #ubuntuone never answer06:07
superflyKilos: use the touch command on the file06:07
superfly(or folder)06:07
superfly$ touch ubuntu.iso06:07
superflyThat might trigger UbuntuOne to sync the last 200 megs06:08
superflyKilos: also, are you sure Ian has bandwidth?06:08
Kiloshe has uncapped mweb at work superfly 06:08
superflyah ok06:09
superflyKilos: did he ge a new job recently?06:09
Kilosnope still trying to keep that same place going06:10
Kilosonly his section is still bringing in any income06:10
* superfly can't remember all the ins and outs06:11
Kilosso all the extras he can do is helping the whole company06:11
superflyAh, OK06:11
Kilosthey do finger/hand/et al scneers and stuff06:11
superflyOh right, that place06:12
superflyWhat is Ian doing specifically?06:12
Kilosnow i have a gigabyte mb cd iso for him to fix a pc and i cant get the full iso to ubuntuone06:12
Kiloshe is doing all the pc repairs and the software installs and fault finding and client help for them06:13
Kilossuperfly, the folder on my desktop is called my iso and the file inside is called my.iso06:18
Kilostried touch with both but no data went06:18
Kilosmust the touch command have paths etc in?06:19
Kilostried sudo touch my.iso06:21
Kilos and nothing happened either06:21
Kilosmust i pount it to ubuntuone somehow06:21
superflyKilos: touch just updates the modified time06:21
superflyKaapstad, I have crowds to surf... Later.06:22
Kilosnow i must tell ubuntuone to explore again?06:22
Kilostoods superfly 06:22
Kilosinetpro, good morning your knowledge of rsync is needed desperately here06:42
Kilosdont say man rsync06:42
charlvngood morning06:49
charlvnMaaz: coffee on06:49
* Maaz starts grinding coffee06:49
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn!06:53
Kilosyo charlvn 06:53
KilosMaaz, coffee please06:53
MaazKilos: There isn't a pot on06:53
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:54
* Maaz starts grinding coffee06:54
SquirmMaaz: coffee please06:57
MaazSquirm: Alrighty06:57
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and Squirm!06:58
KilosMaaz, ty06:58
MaazYou are welcome Kilos06:58
Kiloshi Squirm 06:58
SquirmI feel like death06:59
Squirmdon't like being sick06:59
Kilosdeath warmed up or just death?07:00
Kiloshi Symmetria 07:01
Symmetriaouch, my current desktop (which is my home machine and my work machine) is simply not powerful enough for what I want anymore07:01
Symmetriaso I ordered an upgraded machine, holy crap that cost money07:01
Symmetriaheh, got an I7 X3960 cpu, 64gigs of ram, a top end video card and a bunch of 3TB drives07:02
Kilosif you have a permanent residence why not build up your own super computer like nasa did07:02
Kilosthat sounds expensive07:03
Symmetriaheh the cpu was 10 grand alone07:04
* Squirm looks at Symmetria07:06
SquirmI have 2Gb of ram07:06
Squirmdual core processor07:06
Squirmok, office machine is i5 with 8Gb ram07:07
maiatodaydoes anybody want to do a python pyramid project, few months, stellenbosch area07:07
Kerberoclearly the university of FS paid symm too much07:07
tonberry352_snakes in pyramids?07:08
Symmetriaheh Kerbero this is more of a business expense07:08
Symmetriathere is software and stuff I need to work with that typically would run on large vmware clusters07:08
Kerberoso you need storage space for that?07:08
Symmetriath storage space is cheap :p07:08
Kerberohaha true07:08
Symmetriaits the cpu/ram thats a problem 07:08
Symmetriaheh the problem is, most desktop cpus/boards only address 32gigs of ram07:09
Symmetriaif you want 64, you gotta start spending money on cpus and boards 07:09
maiatodaytonberry352_: haha well sortof07:09
Symmetriathe ram itself is dirt cheap07:09
Symmetriathe board/cpu to address it is another story07:09
SquirmSymmetria: what OS you running?07:09
Symmetriaand *shrug* if Im gonna throw that kinda board/cpu at a machine, there aint no way Im doing it without one beautiful graphics card :p07:09
SymmetriaSquirm dependant on what Im doing, pretty much, all of them :p07:10
Kerberovery good answer07:10
Symmetriaheh, I have windows for my office applications (because MS Office is still the most compatible with the rest of the world and still works better than most things), I run linux for stuff like junos space, I run bsd for simulation of junos routers, I run OS-X for junos space iphone development 07:11
SymmetriaIve yet to find a reason to run solaris at home :p07:11
Symmetriaso yeah, quite simply, I run it all :p07:12
Kerberojunos = juniper?07:12
SymmetriaKerbero yeah 07:12
Symmetriajunos space is their network management application, its built ontop of linux and opennms07:12
Symmetriabut heh, so heavily developed and customized its unrecognizable from the original07:13
Symmetriaand contains a full SDK/API 07:13
Symmetriayou can do some interesting things on it 07:13
Kerberoo ok07:13
Symmetrialike junos space aware iphone applications which talk indirectly to all your network gear 07:13
Symmetriaand they encourage dev on it of third party apps, and *shrug* there are some nifty little features which are missing out there so throwing together a few android/iphone apps to run with it 07:14
Symmetria:P which I'll stick in the store and hopefully make a few bucks off of :p07:14
Kerberobut it is not free/oss?07:14
SymmetriaKerbero no, its not free/oss, heh, the network world doesnt do free/oss :p07:14
Symmetriapeople gotta make a living :) lol07:15
Kerberoyeah :(07:15
Kerberoit is the things i would like to play with07:15
Symmetriaheh though the thing about the juniper stuff is interesting, its built on top of oss platforms07:15
Symmetriaon a juniper router you can even type system cli and end up at a freebsd prompt07:15
Kiloshiya maiatoday 07:16
charlvngood morning Kilos, Kerbero, Symmetria, maiatoday, Squirm 07:17
charlvnnot bad activity for a monday morning :)07:18
Symmetrialo charlvn07:18
Symmetriabtw, has anyone here worked with netdot07:18
charlvni see everyone is working hard to recover from the weekend :)07:18
Symmetrialol, I phoned the pc shop here in east london and asked for a quote for the new machine and the guy kinda choked07:18
Symmetriaand asked me wtf I wanted specs like those for07:18
Symmetriain a town the size of this, you arent meant to buy machines like that07:19
Kerberohahaa no07:19
maiatodayhi Kilos, charlvn and everybody07:19
Squirmhello charlvn 07:21
Symmetriaanyone know an6ything about video cards?07:22
SymmetriaIm looking at the nvidia gtx 960, any thoughts?07:22
Kerberoi know that i'm very happy with my intel one in ubuntu07:22
charlvni recently bought a new laptop and opted for an core i3 (with hyperthreading) and an intel hd graphics card07:25
charlvneverything worked out of the box with ubuntu07:25
Kiloscharlvn, whats that hyper threading thing07:39
Kilosi see in bios here i can enable it07:39
Kilosbut left it because i didnt know what it does07:39
Kiloscpu hyperthreading07:39
Symmetriahyperthreading is fake multi-coring07:41
Kilosoh isa it safe to use?07:41
Symmetriayeah, though Ive never seen real performance benefits from it 07:41
Kilosah ty07:42
Symmetriaheh thats the motherboard Im putting in07:43
Symmetriawith that cpu07:43
charlvnKilos: i have two cores but both have hyperthreading and i have four effective threads07:49
charlvnSymmetria: it depends on what you are doing07:50
Kerberowe did a linpack test a few weeks ago on a sandybridge i5 and i7 (i7 only has extra hyperthreading) and we got about 2 gigaflops increase in performance07:51
Kerberothat is about 2% more performace07:51
Kerberoat almost 30% increase in price07:52
SymmetriaKerbero which I7 cpu btw?07:58
Symmetriacause that 3960X is rather... a different beast 07:59
Kerberono 07:59
Kerberoit was sandybridge07:59
Symmetriathat 3960X has sick amounts of cpu cache and is a 6 core cpu 07:59
Kerbero2500K i asume07:59
Kerberoaha yes, we tested 2500K vs 2600K07:59
Symmetriayeah, i suspect if you went ot the 3960X you'd see... a lot better performance08:00
Kerberoyes indeed08:00
Kerberomy i5 ivybridge outperforms that i7 anyway08:01
smilehi :D08:06
smilecharlvn: I'm listening to jacaranda :)08:06
Kiloshi smile 08:11
smilehi Kilos :)08:12
smileyou like http://www.jacarandafm.com/kagiso/content/en/jacaranda/jacaranda-listen ?08:12
Kilosyeah we get it here on the radio08:12
=== deegee__ is now known as drussell
smileKilos: I don't like the fact that they mention "Jacaranda" every minute xD08:14
Kilosits advertising08:14
Kilosto get it into thick heads that found it by accident08:15
smileYeah, that everyone knows that it's called Jacaranda :)08:15
smileKilos: is your radio turned on?08:19
Kilossilence is golden08:21
smileSilence is gold? :D08:23
Kilosthere is a song called silence is golden i think08:36
smileKilos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuYvKLZXKhI <- worth listening :)08:48
Kilosi dont go to youtube if at all possible08:49
Kilosdata hog08:49
smileok :)08:50
magespawngood morning all08:58
smilegood morning magespawn :)09:01
magespawnhey smile09:03
Kiloshi there magespawn 09:05
magespawnhi Kilos09:05
magespawnanybody familiar with the df command?09:35
Symmetriaholy CRAP09:36
SymmetriaI just saw the quote on the video card I want09:36
* Symmetria falls over and dies09:36
Symmetriamotherboard/cpu/ram/disks combined = R26.8k, add the video card, total price goes up to R40k :p09:37
* Symmetria chokes09:37
magespawnnice what card?09:37
Symmetriathe GTX69009:38
magespawnthat is expensive, is that here in SA?09:39
Symmetriayeah, its basically R13k for the video card09:39
Symmetriamotherboard/cpu is a combined R15k09:40
Symmetriaram is R4k 09:40
magespawnonly price i can get is in dollars09:40
Symmetriadrives are R8k combined for the lot09:40
Symmetria(R5k for the 3 x 3TB disks and 3k for the 250gig SSD)09:40
Symmetriabut yeah, the cpu and the video card are the 2 real pricy pieces09:41
magespawnwhat cpu?09:43
Symmetriathe 3960X 09:43
Symmetria(i7 6core 16meg cache)09:43
magespawnwhat would you be doing with a mchine like that?09:44
tonberry352_same thing we do every night pinky09:45
tonberry352_try to take over the world!09:45
Symmetriamagespawn heh, vmware shit for a lot of it09:45
magespawnseems like a lot of processing power09:48
Symmetriaheh magespawn its more about the ram09:48
Symmetriayou cant address more than 32gig of ram on most desktop boards/desktop cpus09:48
Symmetriawhen you want 64 you gotta start paying big money for the cpus / boards09:48
magespawnwhy not run a server chip and board?09:49
Symmetriaheh because thats not that much cheaper :) 09:50
magespawndo you have to have the card?09:50
Symmetriagonna be ordering shortly09:51
Symmetriawas just gathering quotes :)09:51
magespawnis sounds more like a win gamers pc, with those specs09:52
Symmetriamagespawn lol, dual purpose machine :p09:53
Symmetria;P my world of warcraft will play nicely with that09:53
superflySymmetria: I don't see what your problem is with that card. I mean, it's not like you're short on money.10:03
Symmetriasuperfly lol, still choking on paying that much for a video card10:06
Symmetriaits worth double what my current desktop is worth :P (ok, excluding my monitors)10:06
Symmetria:P thats the thing about having money, you become very resistant to spending it for some reason haha10:07
superflySymmetria: well then why don't you just pay for my medical bills, they're only R15k - I certainly don't have the money for that.10:07
Symmetriasuperfly why not have medical aid pay :(10:07
superflySymmetria: because they refuse to10:07
smilebrb, eten :p10:08
magespawnunder what grounds?10:08
Kilosthat sucks superfly 10:12
superfly"This amount exceeds the maximum payable amount allowed by the Scheme"10:13
magespawnfor mrsfly and the larvae?10:14
Kilosyou need one of them other policies that pay a daily amount while in hospita as well then that woulda helped10:14
Kilosthat guy barko had an uncle that did it methinks10:15
Kilosjust get all ports covered for next larvae10:15
superflymagespawn: for mrs_fly's c-section10:17
magespawnwas it an emergency or planned?10:18
superflymagespawn: technically it was an emergency10:58
magespawnsomething is not right there, if it is an emergency then it is covered bt different rules10:59
magespawnalso if the admission to the hospital was cleared through the medical aid then they should cover it 11:00
superflyyeah, well, they're "investigating"11:00
superflymagespawn: the hospital part is not the problem, they're paying for that. It's the doctor's fees they don't want to pay11:01
magespawnthey generally only pay the medical aid rate but again the doctors rate would have be part of the authorization before hand11:02
magespawn they should have stated what they would and would not pay for11:02
magespawnhectic stuff.11:03
magespawnalso you can appeal any decision the medical aid takes.11:03
Kilosrebooting brb11:05
superflymagespawn: well, I've got Discovery investigating, so we'll see where we get11:05
magespawnlet me know if you want some detailed help11:06
superflymagespawn: have you had to deal with stuff like that?11:08
magespawnnot directly with a c-section no11:09
superflymagespawn: well, with medical aids not paying out, I meant11:10
magespawnyes also with hospital stays 11:11
magespawnthere are usually other options for payment, like the savings plan etc11:12
magespawnit also helps to understand the rules of medical aids11:12
Symmetriatechnically the medical aid dependant on the plan will by default pay medical rate * multiplier11:38
Symmetriaso like, when i was in hospital in 2009 for a month11:38
Symmetriathe doctors rate was 300% 11:38
Symmetriamy plan was medical aid rate * 2 11:38
Symmetriaso I ended up like, 50k outta pocket11:38
Symmetriawhich sucked :)11:38
nlsthznhi uncle Kilos 13:22
inetproMaaz: is http://en.wikipedia.org/ down?13:25
Maazinetpro: No, it's just you13:25
nlsthzno/ inetpro problems getting the knowledge from the web?13:26
inetpronlsthzn: yep, timing out for me13:26
inetproresolving to
nlsthznseems to be timing out for me too13:27
Kiloshi nlsthzn inetpro 13:27
inetprohi Kilos13:27
magespawnhey guys13:29
inetproeh magespawn13:30
magespawnwhat is the better way to ssh password or pgp?13:30
inetpronlsthzn: now I wonder whether it's just wikipedia or whether it's a line issues somewhere beyond Africa13:30
nlsthznwell it opened for me eventually...13:31
nlsthznso perhaps you are correct13:31
inetprowith wget -S -O /dev/null http://en.wikipedia.org/ I get: 13:32
inetproConnecting to en.wikipedia.org||:80... failed: Operation timed out.13:32
inetprooh and13:32
inetproConnecting to en.wikipedia.org|2620:0:861:ed1a::1|:80... failed: Protocol not supported.13:32
KilosOur servers are currently experiencing a technical problem. This is probably temporary and should be fixed soon. Please try again in a few minutes.13:32
inetproobviously we don't use IPv6 yet13:33
KilosYou may be able to get further information in the #wikipedia channel on the Freenode IRC network.13:33
Kilosinetpro, ^^13:34
inetproKilos: where did you get that?13:34
Kilosfrom firefox13:34
inetproKilos: thanks13:34
Kilostried to go there and got lotsa info back13:35
Kilos If you report this error to the Wikimedia System Administrators, please include the details below.13:35
KilosRequest: GET http://en.wikipedia.org/, from via cp1014.eqiad.wmnet (squid/2.7.STABLE9) to ()13:35
KilosError: ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, errno [No Error] at Mon, 06 Aug 2012 13:32:41 GMT 13:35
inetprohmm... 13:37
inetpro#wikimedia takes me to  #wikimedia-overflow 13:37
Kilosi try13:37
inetprolooks like they have lotsa problems13:37
inetprosee: http://status.wikimedia.org/13:38
Kilosnee man13:38
Kilos i did /j #wikimedia13:38
Kilosand im there13:38
inetproMaaz: last tweet by alrightthenills13:39
Maazinetpro: "Whoever is responsible for stealing wikipedia, please return it now and we'll say no more about it. Thank you." 59 seconds ago, http://twitter.com/Alrightthenills/statuses/23247064286220288013:39
Kiloswiki media inetpro 13:39
Kilosnot pedia13:39
Kilosthey talking bout network probs13:40
inetproKilos: haha, no I'm looking for stuffs on *pedia13:40
magespawnhey having a bit of a problem setting up a quassel core?14:01
magespawncannot connect to it14:01
inetprowow #wikipedia is really busy, just got in there when I tried again14:02
inetprolike 420 nicks14:02
nlsthznNerd rage14:03
inetpro06/08 16:01:34 <tyteen4a03> Wikipedia is currently down due to networking issues. No ETA is known at the moment. English Mobile site is going up and down. To see current Wikipedia status go to http://status.wikimedia.org. If you want to browse the wiki, please try other tools such as Archive.org and Google Cache.14:03
Kilosnlsthzn, what do i do with that14:03
Kilos/home/username/. profile 14:04
Kiloscant cd to it14:04
Kilosor gedit14:04
Kilosnothing there14:04
nlsthznthen there is nothning set up in there I assume...14:05
nlsthznI thought that you could access it from terminal but not edit it and with SU you got the error so all I was suggesting was to use the full path name name and not ~ (not that is should have been needed)...14:06
Kilosya opens 2 tabs, username and profile14:06
Kilosboth empty14:06
Kilosi dont understand what wesley wanted me to do14:06
nlsthznseems there is a way to add start-up applications somewhere in the power configuration settings or something14:08
* nlsthzn not Ubuntu so can't go look14:08
smileKilos: maybe the space doesn't belong there14:10
Kiloswhat space14:11
Kilos/home/username/. profile14:11
Kiloscheck if you find a space there14:11
magespawnshould be /home/username/.profile14:11
Kiloslooks like there is one but i tried14:11
Kilosgedit still opens an empty page14:13
Kilosi can open startup apps14:13
Kilosthen can add14:13
Kilosname command and comment14:14
Kilosbut dunno what they must be14:14
nlsthznseems you can name it what you like and then you can add "nm-applet" without the quotations as the command14:16
nlsthznit will do what kbmonkey was suggesting without needing to use the terminal14:17
nlsthzninetpro, "Hmm,.. Wikipedia has now been down for about an hour, possibly due to a 'cut' line/cable, in Florida; just in case anyone's interested.."14:17
nlsthznfrom antoher channel14:17
inetpronlsthzn: yeah, that's kind of the message I see on the channel as well, but still sounds fishy14:19
inetproit should not be that easy to bring it down14:19
inetproissues in the Tampa Datacenter14:21
inetproNo ETA is known at the moment. 14:21
inetpronicks in the channel are up to 481 already14:22
inetproand it looks like they're getting back online again14:24
Kilosim still lost nlsthzn got a blank page in gedit14:27
Kiloswhat part of this do i put in there14:27
Kilos~/.profile gets run at logon. You can place any startup commands in there. To start nm after a short delay try: (sleep 20s && nm-applet) &14:27
nlsthznsure... but don't edit anything there14:28
Kilosonly the (sleep 20s && nm-applet) &14:28
Kilosor that whole thing14:28
nlsthznif you add it to the start up apps you can just add nm-applet14:28
nlsthznno need for it to sleep I would think...14:28
nlsthznalso the brackets and & are terminal command :p 14:29
Kilosoh nm-applet in command 14:29
nlsthznthat is what I get from what the monkey wrote :)14:29
Kilosor nm-applet in name and the brackets bit in command14:31
nlsthznnope... name you can call what you want14:33
nlsthzncommand is nm-applet14:33
nlsthznthe rest of the stuff is a away to make it sleep for 20 seconds before running...14:33
nlsthznif you want that then add the whole bracket piece without the & at the end14:33
Kilosok ty nlsthzn lemme try that14:38
nlsthznk... hope it works14:38
magespawnlater all14:39
Kilosme too. i think thats half the prob with ubuntuone upload net doesnt connect soon enough so it gives up trying to let me upload14:39
Symmetriaholy shit I dunno wtf my dog went and ate but damn, its got gas :P14:55
* Symmetria dies14:55
Banlamwow, there was a lot of talking today15:01
* zeref is starting to get fustrated16:17
Kiloshmm no canstudy16:21
Kilosyo Cantide 16:21
Cantidehello :)16:22
Cantidei think i'll study after dinner16:22
Cantidedid a bit on the way to work this morning and i'm keen to finish the chapter :)16:22
Cantidewhat are you up to?16:22
Kilostrying to sort little niggles with 12.0416:23
Cantidewhat niggles?16:23
Kilosnm that wont auto start16:23
Kilosive googled all over16:24
Kilosfound some scripts and patches but they dont work16:24
Kilostried putting nm-applet in startup 16:25
Kilosstill nothing16:25
* Cantide doesn't know much about auto start .-.16:25
Kilosthe mobile broadband enable goodie doesnt stay ticked16:25
Cantidemy network also has problems on startup16:26
Cantidei have to disable it and reenable it sometimes to get it to work -.-16:26
Kilosthere is lotsa discussion about it but i havent found the solution yet16:26
Kilosseems a common prob with 12.0416:29
Kilosor unity im not sure16:29
Cantideis my problem the same as yours?16:30
Kilosmine is that the nm mobile broadband wont auto connect16:30
Cantideperhaps the problems are related16:30
Kilosdunno how they can make nm bugs low priority bugs16:32
Kilosnet connection should be top of the list16:32
Cantidewithout the internet, i wouldn't have much to do on my PC16:32
Symmetriano net connection....16:42
Symmetriais like... death :p16:43
Symmetriaheh, I dont go anywhere without my 3G dongle as a backup incase my connectivity doesnt work on other means16:43
Kerberobut Symmetria you are the internet lord of africa16:45
Kerberoyou just say internet and you ahve it16:45
Kilostumbleweed, can you give me a link to report nm probs please16:45
Kilosgot it methinks16:48
Kilos"network manager" does not exist in Ubuntu. Please choose a different package. If you're unsure, please select "I don't know"16:59
Cantidei want one of these... not sure what i'd do with it though >_<17:01
* Symmetria looks at this spreadsheet and groans17:11
Symmetriaheh I gotta work out approx. cost to forklift upgrade a network and the amount of devices we're talking about is such... sick17:11
Kilosnever mind Symmetria it'll pay for your new pc17:30
Kerberoit better otherwise he'll be bankrupt17:32
Kilosna thats his small change17:33
magespawnevening all18:11
Kiloshi magespawn 18:11
Kilosjust chatted to lot from the bug squad18:11
magespawnhas the fly been around?18:11
magespawnbug squad?18:11
Kilosbut he shows online18:12
Kiloslaunchpad bug squad18:12
magespawnwhat bug?18:12
Kilosi reported nm not auto connecting but sent it as a firefox bug by mistake18:12
Kilosso he sorted it to the right bug peeps18:13
Kilosnice guy18:13
magespawnnot too serious 18:13
Kiloswhen i heard the bloep and saw pm window LoT i wondered who can this be18:14
magespawngood to know that somebody is paying attention18:14
magespawnlook this might break the connection so if i disapper i will come back18:15
Kilosyeah took them 45 mins to come back to me, he said refresh your mail and there are 3 or 4 from them18:15
Kiloswb magespawn 18:15
Kilosyou got bad connection hey18:16
Kiloscellphone service providers?18:16
magespawnno i final set upi my quassel core18:16
magespawnfinally 18:17
Kilosyou tried 8ta?18:17
magespawnforgot to try the nohup18:17
Kilosthey much more stable then voda and mtn18:17
magespawnno not yet18:17
magespawnout there they roam through mtn18:17
Kilosmine is through the mtn tower but 3g and mtn is edge on the same tower18:18
magespawnthat is strange18:18
magespawnthat is strange18:19
Kilosand mtn say they have no plans to upgrade18:20
Kilosbut the telkom guys put up their goodies a long time back and i didnt wanna try it thinking id be stuck on gprs or edge but you fone them and they 3g enable the sim and away you go18:21
magespawnOkay this is strange.18:28
Kiloswhere you went18:28
magespawnCould see you on quassel, but could not type anything.18:29
Kilosi was typing to you and you left18:29
Kilosquassel is for kde peeps18:30
magespawncan you see me now18:34
magespawncan see myself18:34
magespawncool beans18:35
Kilossorry went to make tea18:35
magespawnno worries18:35
Kilosi said quassel is for kde peeps18:35
Kilosbut again you were gone18:35
Kilosnearly lunch time cocooncrash 18:36
magespawnyes it is, i do not know of another one that has a core and client18:36
Kilosdoesnt xchat work same18:36
magespawndo not think so18:37
Kilosthey look the same here but quassel doesnt have sound that works18:37
magespawnquasselDroid on my htc does18:37
magespawnso I think that is just the client side that makes the difference there18:38
Kilosi forget you onna fone thingie18:38
Kiloswait i had quassel on maverick18:38
Kiloswill try it here18:38
superflymagespawn: what's the issue?18:39
magespawnno issue, just wanted to find out which was better password or pgp for ssh?18:40
magespawni have set up ssh and a quassel core on the pc in the shop18:40
magespawnand I presume it would be a good idea to set up the ssl server for quassel18:41
superflyuh, PGP != SSH18:41
superflymagespawn: do you mean an SSH keypair?18:42
superflyyes, keypairs are more secure than passwords18:42
magespawnthats it yes.18:42
magespawnso that is tomrrows exercise18:42
magespawnyou would need a seperate keypair for every device? or can you copy them to more than one device?18:43
magespawnnow what?18:45
Kilos-Maaz_: hi18:49
* Maaz_ waves to Kilos-18:49
Kilos-sigh, no sound18:49
magespawnback again18:52
Kilosyou like a yoyo tonight18:53
magespawnsuperfly will "nohup quasselcore &" ?18:53
magespawnyup Kilos learning to do new things.18:53
superflymagespawn: you can... what linux distro are you running on the core on?18:54
magespawnubuntu 12.0418:54
magespawnKilso stretching the brain a bit18:55
magespawnthat is why the typing is falling apart18:56
=== Cantide is now known as CanStudy
Kiloswell done CanStudy 18:57
CanStudyty ^^18:58
CanStudynow to open the book...18:58
Kerberofirst step will be to ban you from irc :P18:58
Kilosif we say nothing he gets bored and studies18:59
CanStudyI am on 2 servers and 5 channels19:00
CanStudyplenty of entertainment :)19:00
Kilosswitch off the pc and study19:00
CanStudyalso, "Language Planning and Linguistic Description" is not the most exciting module -.-19:00
CanStudynah, i have good self-control :p19:00
Kilosyou better do well in the exams or we gonna ride you19:01
CanStudyi have motivation enough19:02
Kilosas in cantstudy canfail19:02
CanStudyi'm quitting my job in 2 months19:02
CanStudyand i have enough saved to see me through to the beginning of next year - aka just after i pass everything19:02
CanStudyso if i fail something, i'm in for a rough time :p19:02
Kilosthats good19:02
CanStudyit's all part of the master plan ^^19:03
magespawnbetter than me a19:03
Kilosyeah we will give you hell19:03
CanStudyif i don't join for several months you will know why :D19:03
Kilosmagespawn, ?19:03
magespawnbetter than me at least I have been playing with this most of the day19:03
Kiloswe gonna freeze tonight and tomorrow19:04
magespawnokay this clearly not working right19:04
Kilosmin -2 max 1219:04
CanStudyKilos, eish, where are you?19:05
Kilosmagespawn, file a bug report19:05
CanStudyDis lekka by die see :p19:05
CanStudylekker *19:05
magespawnbetter than me at least I have been playing with this most of the day19:05
Kilossnow on the whole drakensburg for next few days and wind omes from there to us19:06
CanStudyKilos, sounds nice :)19:06
magespawnahh well you need to come down here19:06
Kilosyeah i loved durbs19:06
magespawnat least for winter19:06
Kiloshluhluwe was good too19:06
CanStudyI like cold weather, but it must not rain at the same time unless i can stay indoors :)19:07
Kilosgot cheap game from parksboard19:07
CanStudymagespawn, are you also in Durban?19:08
Kilosnorth coast of natal19:08
CanStudyI balance the FNB ATMs in Hluhluwe :p19:08
Kiloswarmer than durbs19:08
CanStudyyeah, i've been up there before19:09
Kilosnight guys. i go crash so CanStudy willstudy19:10
CanStudynight Kilos19:10
CanStudyCanStudy IsStudying19:10
magespawnnight Kilos19:10
Kilossleep tight all19:10
CanStudydone 2 pages while chatting :p19:10
magespawnCanStudy: do you work for FNB?19:10
CanStudymagespawn, yes .-.19:11
CanStudyat least for the next 2 months or so19:11
CanStudythen i shall be freeeeeeeeee19:11
Kiloshmmm borrow a lockup bag fulla cash19:11
magespawncontract work I take it19:11
CanStudymagespawn, kinda, but i'm quitting19:12
CanStudybeen there for over a year now :p19:12
magespawnor just the keys to a safe somewhere19:12
CanStudyKilos, hahaha19:12
CanStudynight :p19:12
magespawni might break this connection again brb19:14
magespawnokay maybe not]19:15
magespawnmaybe not19:17
magespawnnot too sure what is going on right now19:17
superflymagespawn: Ubuntu has packages for quassel core19:18
superflyjust install it and then sudo /etc/init.d/quasselcore restart19:19
magespawnyes they are installed and working19:19
magespawnthat is how i am connected19:19
magespawndoes the last one just restart the core19:20
magespawnwhen I connect through ssh in a terminal it seems to work fine but as soon as as i disconnect it stops19:22
magespawnwhen I connect through ssh in a terminal it seems to work fine but as soon as as i disconnect it stops19:23
magespawnthe ssh that is19:23
superflymagespawn: yes, so just start it as a service19:28
superflythen you don't need to "nohup" or "&"19:29
superfly"sudo service quasselcore start" should also work19:29
magespawnhow to start as a service19:29
magespawnwill google brb19:29
magespawnwill try19:30
magespawni would have to stop it first right.19:30
superflymagespawn: when you're logged in via SSH, don't run quasselcore yourself, use one of the commands I just showed you19:32
CanStudywb 19:41
SquirmI broke my vm19:41
CanStudy5 pages studied, my work here is done >.<19:42
=== CanStudy is now known as Cantide
Cantidegn ^^19:44
magespawnsuperfly sudo service quasselcore start, does as far as I can tell nothing.19:47
superflymagespawn: if it doesn't tell you anything, it's working...19:47
superflymagespawn: and it did19:47
magespawnbut then i cannot connect to the core19:48
superflyare you using the right port?19:48
superflyalso, did you check the log file?19:48
magespawnassume so connected through it now19:48
magespawnwhere is the log file?19:48
superflyuh, let me check for you19:49
superflytry /var/cache/quassel, and if you don't see it there, /var/lib/quassel19:50
magespawnwhen I check running services with sudo service --status-all19:55
magespawnquasselcore has a - in the brackets19:55
octoquadgreetings all19:57
magespawnhey octoquad19:57
inetprowb octoquad19:58
magespawnnow it works superfly19:58
superflymagespawn: did the core start up?19:58
octoquadhey magespawn and inetpro 20:00
superflymagespawn: yes?20:01
magespawnthis is madness20:01
magespawngo get some sleep we can sort this out later20:02
magespawnwe have made progress20:03
magespawnty for all the help so far20:03
magespawnlet ss if this works going to the droid20:04
magespawnokay test one20:04
magespawnokay so now what?20:05
superflymagespawn: are you chatting from the droid?20:06
magespawnnot getting much20:07
superflymagespawn: what do you mean, "not getting much"?20:10
superflymagespawn: the only two people who are chatting at the moment are you and I20:10
superflymagespawn: did you tell the droid app to fetch backlog?20:10
magespawnno luck on the droid20:20
magespawncan see the room and the messages from here but cannot type or send 20:20
magespawnany who, off to bed now for sure, night all20:22
Symmetriaso who's awake21:58
zerefhere here21:59
SymmetriaI just calculated what it cost22:03
Symmetriaper port 22:03
Symmetriato build a massive gigE based network22:04
Symmetriaon real hardware22:04
Symmetriaheh, if you build the network with power over ethernet ports to every port22:04
Symmetriaaround 20 thousand ports22:04
Symmetriayou come in at a cost of around R320 per port22:04
Symmetriathats actually pretty damn cheap22:04
zerefSymmetria: is it worth getting ccna?22:23
Symmetriathats a hard question22:24
Symmetriait depends, are you planning on using it just to learn22:24
Symmetriaor to further a career22:24
Symmetriabecause if you actually wanna learn shit worth learning, go for the JNCA rather 22:25
* zeref googles JNCA22:26
Symmetriaits the juniper equivelant22:27
Symmetria(juniper > cisco in training, in hardware, in software and in everything else for that matter)22:27
zerefwhich one is mostly used?22:29
Symmetriathat depends if you're talking about SP market or corporate market 22:30
Symmetriaand where in the world you're talking22:30
Symmetriaheh, cisco has a heavy dominance in the corporate market22:31
zerefyeah, true22:31
Symmetriain teh service provider market, in africa, its still pretty cisco based, but thats changing slowly22:31
Symmetriathere is a LOT of juniper stuff appearing22:32
Symmetriain the international market, both are used all over the place22:32
Symmetriain the international academic market, particularly on the country academic networks and regional networks, cisco has lost the game22:32
Symmetriamost of those have gone juniper22:32
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
zerefso i assume if you can work on cisco networks you will be able to work on juniper networks22:33
Symmetria*hrm* that depends :)22:33
Symmetriahere is the rule about networking people22:33
Symmetriayou have 2 types 22:33
Symmetriaa.) a good network engineer - he can work on ANYTHING - because he understands the protocols and everything else is just syntax22:34
Trixar_zaThat would be you22:34
Symmetriab.) a useless network engineer who should find a new career - he is tied to one specific brand of hardware because he doesnt understand the backend protocols or how they work, so he's working from syntax rather than knowledge22:34
Trixar_zaMost MSCE22:35
Symmetriaso, if you know the protocols, cisco, juniper, hauwei, alcatel, you can figure them all out, its all just syntax 22:35
Symmetria(ok, well, alcatel might be the exception to that rule, because alcatel was smoking some really strong magic mushrooms when they came out with their shit I think)22:35
* Symmetria mutters evil things about alcatel's cli22:35
Trixar_zaSymmetria: I really think you know the protocols backwards from what I've seen22:36
Trixar_zalike the ACK-SYN hack one once mentioned22:36
Trixar_zaI think it was ACK22:36
SymmetriaTrixar_za heh, I could dream up bgp configurations in my sleep, thats just years of experience22:36
Symmetriawe just rerolled the entire UFS network topology in under 2 weeks from start to finish on gear I had never touched before in my life :P everyone said I was crazy when I said it could be done in that time frame with no downtime 22:37
zerefi know for ccna they recommend we use packecttracer to simulate networks, does junipe have something similar22:37
Symmetrialol, we suceeded :p22:37
Symmetriazeref mmm juniper has something... better :)22:37
Symmetriathey just dont acknowledge it exists :p22:37
Symmetriahere is a little secret about juniper 22:37
Trixar_zaYeah, but it takes a genius to realize that if you don't send the acknowledging SYN, the data counters won't be enabled. So you can technically surf the internet for free if you designed a daemon that could avoid doing so, but still allow the flow of data22:38
Symmetriajuniper routers are freebsd boxes with masses of hardware offload and fancy line cards 22:38
Trixar_zaor something like that22:38
Trixar_zaThis was like 3 years ago22:38
Symmetriawhich means... if you take the junos image thats slightly modified 22:38
Symmetriaand you pkg_add it on a freebsd intel box with intel network cards22:38
Symmetriayou end up with a juniper router minus the hardware offload :p22:38
Symmetriaand it will do a gigabit full duplex throughput as well :P22:39
Symmetriaand its not a simulator at that point, it *IS* a juniper router :P just minus the fancy hardware that make it capable of doing crazy speed at no cpu load :)22:39
SymmetriaTrixar_za lol, I have had a lot of fun playing with IP packets :P22:39
Symmetrialike ciscos firewalls in the late 90s that had... interesting bugs :)22:40
Symmetriacisco firewalls used to maintain a state table (well, they still do), but it was broken...22:40
Symmetriabecause if you spoofed an RST or a FIN packet from the correct source ip/port to the correct destination ip/port there was no sanity checking to check the RST or FIN was real22:40
Symmetriaand the firewall would go "zomg, this session has been torn down" and rip out the state table entry22:40
Symmetria:P was funny as hell on irc resetting everyone behind pix firewalls22:41
Trixar_zaSomehow I saw that coming22:41
Trixar_zaSo you tricked the firewall into locking down?22:41
Symmetriatrixar hehe, basically told the firewall that the person behind it had gone away and there was no need to keep passing his traffic until he reestablished the session22:42
SymmetriaTrixar_za lol, not quite as much fun as what we did to port sentry though22:42
Symmetriaport sentry was the dumbest piece of software I ever saw22:42
Symmetriait would monitor for portscans on a host machine, and then firewall out people who portscanned it22:42
Trixar_zaI think I may have used it at one point22:42
Trixar_zaYep, I did22:42
Symmetriaexcept... if you spoofed the portscan from the guys DNS servers..........22:42
Symmetriaportsentry would go "zomg, dns server is portscanning me", and firewall it out :p22:43
Trixar_zalol, it firewalls itself out?22:43
Symmetriaand the guy would sit for 3 days going "dammit! why is my dns not working!"22:43
Trixar_zaSounds like what once happened to Zone Alarm22:43
SymmetriaTrixar_za lol, you could even convince portsentry to firewall its own gateway22:43
Symmetriaheh Trixar_za I will openly admit, Im a useless programmer22:46
Symmetriamy linux admin skills are average if that 22:46
Trixar_zaMe too22:46
Symmetriabut networks, are the one thing I do know :)22:46
Trixar_zalol, and the one thing I know little of22:46
Symmetria:P I realized I'd spent 2 much time working with networks when I could (easily) calculate v6 subnets in my head22:46
Symmetriathough lol, I was getting very very annoyed with myself the other day during a rollout22:47
Symmetria2001:4200:5000:ffff::8/126.... is *NOT* :8 :9 :10 :11, its :8 :9 :a :b :P22:47
Symmetriaand I kept screwing that up haha22:47
Symmetriayour natural thinking pattern is NOT to think in hex :p22:48
Trixar_zaWhy does my mind always assume 10 to be hex22:49
Trixar_zaWell, it is, but not as a single digit, so to speak22:49
Symmetriaheh 10 is a hex number, but 10 is actually 17 in hex :P22:49
Symmetriaf = 16 22:49
Symmetria10 = 1722:49
Symmetria10 = 16 22:50
Symmetriaf = 1522:50
Trixar_zaYeah, I know. Was just about to correct you22:50
Trixar_zaThey kind of drilled it into us in Electrics22:50
Trixar_zaAnd yes, there was one point when I asked where we'd ever use this22:51
Trixar_za... and then I went into IT22:51
Trixar_zaHigher math is rare, but hex is pure22:51
Symmetriathe worst is tryig to work with v6 in binary22:54
Trixar_zaShow off22:55
Trixar_zaBut yeah, I once learned how to do math in binary22:56
Trixar_zaAlthough I cheated more than once22:56
Symmetriaheh, well, networking you have to know some binary22:56
Symmetriabecause all the netmasks are actually in binary22:56
Symmetrialike a netowrk with a mask of = /24 network22:56
Symmetriabecause a /24 = first 24 bits of the network are the network, last 8 bits are host22:57
Symmetriaand in v6 its the same thing, from /0 (all the v6 space) to /128 (single address)22:57
Trixar_zaso a network is 32bits?22:57
Trixar_zaWell, with v422:57
Symmetriaipv4 is 32bit22:57
Symmetria4 octets22:57
Trixar_zaMakes sense22:57
Symmetria255.255.255.255 = 8 bits per octet22:57
Symmetriaso a /16 for example would be a mask22:58
Symmetriawhere 255.255 = network portion 22:58
Symmetriaits easy when dealing with /8 /16 /24 22:58
Symmetriagets slightly more complex when dealing with /29 etc22:58
Trixar_zaWell, now it's actually making sense22:58
Symmetriaheh, a /29 = 29 bits of network, 3 bits of host, leaving 8 ip addresses per block22:59
Symmetriaso x.x.x.0/29 = x.x.x.0 -> x.x.x.7 22:59
Symmetriabut its pretty easy to work out22:59
Symmetriaa /31 = 2 address, /30 = 4, /29 = 8, /28 = 16, /27 = 32, /26 = 64, /25 = 128, /24 = 25623:00
Symmetria(technically a /31 isnt allowed in v4, but in networking we use it for point to point, its not technically allowed because in v4 land you're supposed to have a network address and a broadcast address (first and last))23:01
Symmetriawhich is why on a /30 network ( you only have 2 useable addresses23:01
Symmetria(btw, once you get down past /24, it starts again, just with 256 ips per block, so a /23 = 2 /24s, a /22 = 4 /24s, /21 = 8 etc etc)23:02
Symmetriathen it starts again at /16 and again at /823:02
Symmetriaso there ya go, subnetting 101 :)23:02
Symmetriav6 is identical, just with hex numbers and muchhhh larger blocks of ip address space and odd boundaries :p23:02
Trixar_zaI think they just invented v6 to obfuscate it a bit23:03
Symmetriahow bout because the world is outta v4 addresses23:05
Symmetriathere are no more :p23:05
Symmetriaanyway :) smoke time then bed :)23:06
Symmetriagnight dude23:06
Trixar_zaNight Symmetria23:06

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