
W4spgmagno: That would be without any user intervention. Are you always in default resolution, e. g. 640 x 480? Also, not clear what you mean by 'no success'. Did you get an error message pointing to sysntax errors? IMO is does not recognize the params.01:17
wilee-nileecronie2285, this might help. http://www.webupd8.org/2012/04/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html01:18
cronie2285Thanks alot01:19
cronie2285I'll have a look.01:19
cronie2285I've been using Fedora for years , but having some issues with ubuntu install.01:20
bonhoefferi'm having a terrrible time with my mouse . . . it is moving, but the click isn't taking01:21
bonhoefferalt-tab isn't swapping applications either01:22
goddardif I make a backup image of my disk using dd ... can I install that image using dd on a different drive?01:22
gmagnoW4sp, yes, I'm always in 640x480. By no success I mean resolution keeps the same, the default one. I'm not sure I get any error, at least there is nothing popping up, but there might be messages behind the scenes... I'm a noob :-/01:22
bonhoefferany troubleshooting options would be greatly appreciated01:23
wilee-nileebonhoeffer, you running the unity de01:23
bonhoefferwilee-nilee, not sure -- please let me know of any information i can provide -- 12.04 fresh install01:24
bonhoefferor new install over old ubuntu01:24
W4spgmagno: NExt time you get a change to boot into GRUB I woudl suggest to figure out what vbeinfo tells you.01:24
wilee-nileebonhoeffer, try unity --reset to rest the desktop01:24
wilee-nileenot sure about the mouse though01:25
gmagnoW4sp, I've done that, it outputs the allowed resolutions I think. But I don't think the output fits in one page... is there a less command in grub command line?01:25
gmagnosomething like vbeinfo | less01:26
gmagnothat it didn't work01:26
W4spgmagno: I think so but it is 'more'. I need to check the doc, brb.01:26
gmagnoW4sp, ah ok01:27
gmagnoW4sp, would it be helpful for you to see that output? How can I store that content in a file that I can read later?01:27
bonhoeffer_wilee-nilee: i can't click back into the window and alt-tab can't get me there either01:29
wilee-nileebonhoeffer, try ctrl-alt-t to get a terminal then run the command01:29
bonhoeffer_that helps!01:30
bonhoeffer_still no idea why alt+tab doesn't work01:30
pr0ndigyhow do i update the kernel in the iso?01:32
wilee-nileepr0ndigy, is this a full install?01:32
pr0ndigywhat other kind is there?01:32
wilee-nileeah sorry ISO pr0ndigy01:32
wilee-nileepr0ndigy, there are loads to a usb that are just the ISO for installs01:33
bonhoeffer_any idea how i can disable all visual effects with compiz01:33
wilee-nileewhich can gave a persistent option to save your work01:33
bonhoeffer_from terminal ?01:33
wilee-nileebonhoeffer, I would switch to the 2d as lof now01:34
bonhoeffer_any idea how to do that01:34
bonhoeffer_not sure what you mean by 2d as lof01:34
wilee-nileebonhoeffer, yes at the login is a dropdown01:34
InferiorHumanOrgcan someone please help me with something, http://www.mvktech.net/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/GK104_VGABIOS_GB670WF3_MOD_EXAMPLE.pdf    can someone look at that and tell me what you would change 64 09 to to make 1202 say 1231, and why ?01:34
pr0ndigywilee, how do i check the kernel version in the iso? where is it located?01:35
wilee-nileepr0ndigy, I don't know that, myself01:35
bonhoeffer_i don't know, i can't click on logout01:35
n2diywhat all do I need to watch youtube? I installed restricted extras, but I'm still getting missing plug in messages?01:35
wilee-nileepr0ndigy, while using it or just accessing the ISO01:36
W4spgmagno: I'll be back as I need to boot into my GRUB menu so see what can be done.01:36
pr0ndigywilee, i didn't understand your previous answer 100%... is there a way to update the kernel in the iso before i burn it to CD so i don't have anymore kernel panics when trying to install ubuntu?01:36
gmagnoW4sp, wait01:37
bonhoeffer_crap, i've lost all control -- what is ctl+alt+delete to restart?01:37
W4spgmagno: OK.01:37
wilee-nileepr0ndigy, not that I know of, there are ways to maske a ISO of a install01:38
gmagnojust want to tell you that there is no less or more, you have to set pager=101:38
gmagnojust found out that01:38
gmagnothat's all01:38
W4spgmagno: That's great!01:38
gmagnoset pager=101:38
L3topbonhoeffer_: try ctrl alt f2   to get to a terminal... and login, then sudo service lightdm restart       if you are in unity that is01:38
gmagnothat's the syntax01:38
TreaverHello my computer died while I was sleeping. I woke up, plugged it in, and turned it on. Now the menubar and the launcher bar are no where to be found? Can someone help me with this problem01:38
gmagnoW4sp, ok, please proceed, I'll be waiting for feedback. Can't tell how much I appreciate this, thanks a lot01:39
bonhoeffer_L3top: did it, thanks!01:39
W4spgmagno: I think now that we know that it is up to you to reboot and see if 1366x768 is supported.01:40
TreaverHello my computer died while I was sleeping. I woke up, plugged it in, and turned it on. Now the menubar and the launcher bar are no where to be found? Can someone help me with this problem01:42
gmagnoW4sp, ok. Do you know how to store that output to a file? Because I'm sure that there are several entries on that ouput that refer 1366x768, I think there are several because of number of colors and if it is 32 or 1601:42
wilee-nileepr0ndigy, if you have the install on another computer with what you need you can make an ISO with this,  http://www.remastersys.com/  A ISO can probably be customized I don't know the process though, people come on that build custom ones there is a wiki somewhere.01:44
jesuschnTheres an specific channel for latin people?01:44
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W4spgmagno: No. But if you know that 1366x768 is listed we should proceed with 1024x768 and see if it accepts the parameters from the promt. I would give iteration a thumb up. :-)01:45
wilee-nileepr0ndigy, here what you need I think https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization01:45
pr0ndigywilee, i'm trying to do a fresh install on my laptop. No other pc has linux/ubuntu on it. Everything else has windows 701:45
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n2diywhat all do I need to watch youtube? I installed restricted extras, but I'm still getting missing plug in messages?01:46
gmagnoW4sp, ok. I should just add vga=1024x768, right?01:46
gmagnoand if an error occurs is there a log file somewhere in the file system I could read?01:47
jesuschnI looking for Video Drivers for Dell n4010, where i can look?01:47
wilee-nileejesuschn, you know the card?01:49
jesuschnhow i can know it?01:50
wilee-nileejesuschn, this command will tell you post it lspci | grep VGA01:50
jesuschnwile, thanks gonna try..01:50
wilee-nileecool np01:50
jesuschnwilee, return this > 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)01:51
jesuschnVGA its bold,01:51
wilee-nileejesuschn, you sure you are not set already, what makes you think you need a driver?01:52
jesuschnwilee, nothing really, just wanna be sure i been already install this driver..01:54
jesuschnso, its already installed, no?01:54
wilee-nileejesuschn, if everything is running you should be set.01:54
gmagnoW4sp, nevermind, I'm rebooting the laptop, brb01:54
wilee-nileeubuntu is good at finding the right drivers jesuschn01:54
jesuschnWoot! this amazing.. thanks wilee..!01:56
jesuschnreally thanks for help me :)01:56
wilee-nileejesuschn, no problem. ;)01:57
rypervenchejesuschn: It's built right into the kernel.01:57
pr0ndigywilee-nilee: i got the install to work on my laptop. I had to add "acpi=off" to the command line before i ran the install01:58
jesuschnthanks guys.. see ya later..01:59
rodrigues2khow can I use google drive in Ubuntu?02:00
wilee-nileepr0ndigy, cool.02:01
usr13What's "google drive"?02:01
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wilee-nileerodrigues2k, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/insync-brings-google-drive-to-ubuntu02:02
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pr0ndigyusr13: it's google's version of dropbox02:02
=== Reaper is now known as Reaperdata
jardineworks_can someone tell me where ANT is installed on Ubuntu (when I install it using apt-get)02:03
jardineworks_I can't seem to locate it02:03
usr13Oh ok....  rodrigues2k Looks like you do it from google chrome, (https://drive.google.com/start#home)02:03
usr13jardineworks_: It's launcher?02:05
usr13jardineworks_: Search...02:05
usr13jardineworks_: Read the documentation.02:05
NickECEis it possible that my broadcom BCM43224 will ONLY accept 108.11n connections?02:06
rodrigues2kGoogle drive is a 'folder' in the cloud where I can store my files, and then share it.02:07
usr13jardineworks_: Alt-F2-ant02:07
rodrigues2kBut, I founded a link that explain how to configure it in Ubuntu.02:08
usr13NickECE: If it is only a 2.4GHz xvr, yes02:08
jardineworks_usr13, I don't need to execute the ant command, but thanks02:08
NickECEusr13, I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but how do I check?02:08
usr13jardineworks_: What do you need?02:08
usr13NickECE: http://www.broadcom.com/products/Wireless-LAN/802.11-Wireless-LAN-Solutions/BCM4322402:09
jardineworks_usr13. it's ok, I found it in /usr/share/ant .. I'm having a problem in eclipse. I click on an Ant target, but nothing happens. The error log is throwing an exception "SocketTimeout" which I can't understand.02:09
usr13jardineworks_: What is the exact error?02:10
NickECEhmm so it's fully a/b/g/n compatible... ok now im super stumped02:10
jardineworks_usr13, I just solved it by overiding the eclipse ant bundle with my install... but the exception I was getting was --02:10
jardineworks_java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Accept timed out02:11
jardineworks_at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketAccept(Native Method)02:11
jardineworks_at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.accept(PlainSocketImpl.java:408)02:11
jardineworks_at java.net.ServerSocket.implAccept(ServerSocket.java:462)02:11
jardineworks_at java.net.ServerSocket.accept(ServerSocket.java:430)02:11
jardineworks_at org.eclipse.ant.internal.launching.launchConfigurations.RemoteAntBuildListener$ServerConnection.run(RemoteAntBuildListener.java:91)02:11
FloodBot1jardineworks_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:11
usr13jardineworks_:  http://forums.adobe.com/thread/50509002:12
usr13NickECE: What is it?02:12
jardineworks_usr13, was that supposed to be helpful?02:13
gmagnohey W4sp problem solved! :D02:13
W4spgmagno: Hi. I was eagerly awaiting the good news.02:13
W4spgmagno: What was it - enlight me.02:14
usr13jardineworks_: I dono.  You tell me.02:14
NickECEI'm not sure if you are familiar with ardrones, but the create their own wireless network and I am trying to connect to it but I keep getting refused. however, I can connect to my home network (802.11n) with ease. I connected an external usb wifi adapter and it connected, but that is not a permanent solution02:14
gmagnoit was my fault of course... I was trying to set 1366x768 (which is what nvidia settings tell about my current resolution), but the supported resolution by grub is 1360x768 :)02:14
usr13NickECE: No, I'm not familiar with ardrones.02:14
NickECEok no worries, thanks for the help anyways02:15
usr13NickECE: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198390502:15
gmagnoW4sp, so changing from 1366 to 1360 solved the problem... I know, it is disapointing...02:15
W4spgmagno: That's what VBE listed you?02:15
gmagnoW4sp, yup, that is correct!02:15
W4spgmagno: Good news. Have fun.02:16
gmagnoW4sp, thanks a lot!!02:16
simplewits already possible to chat with video using empathy and/or pidgin??02:16
NickECEusr13, yeah I've seen that, but thats not my problem. I CAN connect to certain networks, just not this one02:16
gmagnotake care02:16
simplewits already possible to chat with video using empathy and/or pidgin  in precise??02:16
xanguasimplew: yes, with xmpp02:16
usr13NickECE: Ok, .. just FYI ..02:16
NickECEusr13, no absolutely02:16
NickECEI appreciate it!02:16
usr13NickECE: So, the driver software is not the issue....02:17
NickECEit doesn't seem that way. I just can't seem to connect to this one network. I'm going to try reinstalling the drivers (again) anyways02:17
usr13NickECE:  I'm not familiar with ardrones, maybe someone else is.02:17
mr-foolI am just wondering is amd e300apu supported by ubuntu?02:25
W4spgmagno: Good luck, take care too.02:26
NickECEwhat are some commands I can use to look at the different networks in terminal?02:26
mr-foolNickECE: netstat -a?02:29
usr13NickECE: iwlist02:30
kristenbbhello, how can I uninstall the report bug application, or at least prevent from being displayed ? I tried looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport, I think that's how it's called, but it seems to say it's disabled by default, yet I do see a window asking me to report the crash bug.02:32
theadmin!find /usr/bin/ubuntu-bug02:35
ubottuFile /usr/bin/ubuntu-bug found in apport02:35
theadminkristenbb: apt-get remove that ^02:35
kristenbbis it the only package doing that ?02:35
theadminkristenbb: Well, all the other packages (such as GUI frontends to it) depend on it and will be removed along with it02:36
wilee-nileeremove apport02:37
mounirhay alguien?02:37
theadmin!es | mounir02:37
ubottumounir: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:37
mounir"/join #ubuntu-es02:37
escapeplanI need some serious help with Docky, I want it to intellihide, but I'm doing this from a MadBox OS (ubuntu with openbox) and it just does not seem to work out, can I do this the harder way ?02:41
theadminescapeplan: We do not support unofficial derivatives, sorry.02:41
theadminescapeplan: Maybe they have their own channel?02:42
theadminescapeplan: Also do you have xcompmgr enabled? Might need that for those fancy docks...02:43
escapeplanxcompmgr ?02:43
theadminescapeplan: Well, or any other compositing manager.02:43
pr0ndigyis there a way to update the newest kernel from the GNU GRUB? i can't get ubuntu normal or recovery mode to boot after installing it02:44
theadminpr0ndigy: Boot to the old kernel then02:44
pr0ndigyhow do i do that?02:44
theadminpr0ndigy: Well, do you get to the GRUB menu? (hold left Shift on boot for that)02:44
escapeplanI'm installing xcompmgr this instant !02:44
theadminescapeplan: Good luck, because I don't have any suggestions but that.02:45
escapeplanIf I change the way I ask the question then, Is there any way to configure Docky without using gconf-editor ?02:45
pr0ndigytheadmin: yes i get to the GRUB menu, it shows Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-23-generic... and the same but (recovery mode) at the end on the 2nd line02:46
theadminpr0ndigy: When you upgrade the kernel, the old one is not removed by default, so it normally is there in the GRUB menu. Did you remove it?02:46
InferiorHumanOrghttp://www.mvktech.net/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/GK104_VGABIOS_GB670WF3_MOD_EXAMPLE.pdf   can someone tell me what i need to change the bottom right line on the first page to to make it 1231 instead of 1202? i know nothing about hex editing02:47
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: Does it not also list "Previous Linux versions" ?02:47
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: if so, choose that - it is a sub-menu to the older kernel installs02:47
pr0ndigytheadmin: no, this is a fresh install from the windows installer02:47
theadminpr0ndigy: Oh dear...02:47
theadminI'm not helping anyone with that stuff :/02:47
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: Have you tried the recovery option? If so, does it show boot messages before it fails?02:48
pr0ndigyIntuitiveNipple: yes, it shows messages before it fails and the caps lock starts flashing02:49
theadminpr0ndigy: Panic. You *have* to boot to another kernel. This one will not boot.02:49
theadminpr0ndigy: If you don't have another one, you can only reinstall pretty much.02:49
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: Well that's a good thing ... at least the kernel is being started... does the screen freeze and leave the messages visible (so you could photograph it) or does it reset too fast for that?02:50
theadminIntuitiveNipple: The kernel crashes though ;)02:50
pr0ndigytheadmin: i've reinstalled 5 times already. the problem is the kernel as confirmed from online forums. i need to get kernel 3.2.0-24 installed somehow and it will be fine02:51
theadminpr0ndigy: Maybe you should just do a sane installation instead of trying to use wubi02:51
theadminpr0ndigy: If you can't, well, mount the wubi drive, do an  apt-get update;apt-get upgrade02:52
kristenbbdoes ls not work with .. ? I can see the file is there, and the shell autocompletes the filename, but when I hit enter, it says no such file or directory02:52
IntuitiveNippletheadmin: maybe not; it might be triggered by something in the initrd02:52
pr0ndigyIntuitiveNipple: yes it keeps the messages up.02:52
theadminkristenbb: It works with .. in the folder name. Something else must be the problem02:52
kristenbbcan you help me figure out what it is please ? the filename autocompletes fine02:53
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: On the GRUB menu, highlight the recovery option then press 'e' to edit it. You'll see a few lines including one starting "linux..." and including the word "recovery".  move the cursor to that location, delete "recovery" then replace it with "single init=/bin/bash" and then press Ctrl+X to boot the edited config... you may be lucky and reach a shell prompt. If so, that at least tells us its an init-script issue02:53
theadminkristenbb: Well, what's the exact command you're trying?02:53
samiamAnyone know if PGP has a channel?02:53
kristenbbsomething like ls /home/kristen/MyDocuments/MyFolder/../myfile         where myfile is in MyDocuments. However MyFolder is a symlink, this might be the problem.02:54
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: If you can take a photo of the screen when it locks up... you can upload it to http://imagebin.org02:55
pr0ndigyIntuitiveNipple: do i delete "nomodeset" also?02:55
theadminkristenbb: Yes, it probably is the problem indeed02:55
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: You don't need to but can... it won't affect things02:55
kristenbbhow can I go back one directory, but in the original folder, rather than the symlink?02:55
kristenbbls /home/kristen/MyDocuments/MyFolder/.. shows the contents of the parent of the symlink of MyFolder, rather than just MyDocuments.02:57
W4spsamiam: PGP was Phil Zimmerman, and is now Symantec. There's GnuPG, (gnupg.org). They are on #gpg02:57
IntuitiveNipplekristenbb: you could try using " ls `readlink -e  /home/kristen/MyDocuments/MyFolder/../myfile`  "02:57
theadminkristenbb: pushd /home/kristen/MyDocuments/MyFolder/../ ; ls ; popd02:58
kristenbbwhat's the meaning of pushd/popd?02:58
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theadminkristenbb: pushd is basically "remember current directory, cd into a new one", popd = "cd back where pushd remembers"02:58
kristenbbIntuitiveNipple: yes that works too, thanks.02:59
kristenbbtheadmin: that's cool. thanks. it works too.02:59
IntuitiveNipplekristenbb: readlink -e resolves all the symlinks in a path to a file that must exist02:59
JoeR1where can I find a list of the string values for the datetime?03:00
IntuitiveNippleJoeR1: do you meant the format specifiers?03:01
JoeR1yes, I suppose I do IntuitiveNipple03:01
IntuitiveNippleJoeR1: I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing, but check out (from a terminal) "man date" and look at the FORMAT section03:02
cronie2285wilee-nilee: thanks, for the link, got some improvements now!03:04
JoeR1perfect, that you IntuitiveNipple03:06
mkquistanyone know why open gl would not be enabled?03:07
wilee-nileecronie2285, cool03:08
theadminmkquist: Video drivers?03:08
pr0ndigyIntuitiveNipple: got the image of the screen when it fails03:09
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: fab... can you post it to http://imagebin.org ?03:09
pr0ndigyIntuitiveNipple: http://imagebin.org/22347703:09
theadminSpeaking of those, can anyone help with uber-slow 2D with fglrx? 3D graphics work great, but various elementary 2D stuff such as a fade in or such is slow03:09
cronie2285do you know if yum works with ubuntu?03:09
theadmincronie2285: No, and never will. It's for Fedora only.03:09
theadminWell and Redhat stuff03:10
cronie2285theadmin: thanks03:10
cronie2285Im used to fedora, but it's been getting harder to use lately.03:10
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: Could be 2 bits of good news there. I have a question. Was that error caused when you booted using the edited "linux" line which included "init=/bin/bash"  ?03:10
icecube45okay guys, my dell mini with ubuntu will not charge the battery, claiming it is not present, i get an error at startup telling me it is not recognized.... I used terminal and checked that it is in fact present03:10
theadmincronie2285: Eh. APT is fairly easy to learn, most of yum commands will be translated to apt commands identically, yum install = apt-get install, yum remove = apt-get remove... The only r real important exception is "yum update" which translates to "apt-get update;apt-get upgrade"03:11
pr0ndigyIntuitiveNipple: yes, that is including the changes you asked me to make03:11
Joe__I am brand new to ubuntu and I tried using it today but for some reason my internet connection was terrible the whole time and after a while it gave me an Internal error does what can I do to fix it?03:12
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icecube45Joe_ may just be your internet acting up03:12
cronie2285theadmin: okay, it's coming back to me, fedora used to use it years ago.03:12
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: OK, just making sure... I didn't expect to see the line "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ..." but I see bash is mentioned... give me a few minutes to research that for you03:12
icecube45anyone on my battry problem?03:12
pr0ndigyIntuitiveNipple: ok thx03:12
theadmincronie2285: Really? Fedora used APT?03:13
Joe__It is fine now that I am on windows again but what about the internal error do I have to re download or what?03:13
cronie2285yeah, they switched to yum a while back.03:13
GoatCheeseI am really new to linux, what is the best tut out there?03:13
icecube45GoatCheese: i recommend utube03:13
theadminGoatCheese: The best is learning by yourself. And honestly, Ubuntu is so easy that you don't need *any* tutorial to learn it.03:13
xangua!manual | GoatCheese03:14
ubottuGoatCheese: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:14
cronie2285theadmin: I thought maybe the repos would interchange somehow.03:14
louiematha all- what is the easiest back up program for Ubuntu 12.04 - and the easiest to set up03:15
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icecube45no answer to my battery problem?03:16
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theadminlouiemat: Deja Dup comes with Ubuntu (and if not, it's in the repos), and is fairly good03:16
icecube45okay guys, my dell mini with ubuntu will not charge the battery, claiming it is not present, i get an error at startup telling me it is not recognized.... I used terminal and checked that it is in fact present03:16
L3topicecube45: There is only one battery correct?03:17
icecube45yes L3top03:17
louiematI attemped ro set that one up and it said the data exceded03:17
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: Could you try again... repeat all the same steps but this time put the "init=/bin/bash" at the very end of the "linux..." line after nomodeset and anything else?03:18
L3topplease pastebin the output of cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state03:18
icecube45l3top: ill brb, then ill do that03:18
louiemattheadmin- how would you set it up03:18
theadminlouiemat: ...simply install it and run? You'll figure it out.03:19
pr0ndigyIntuitiveNipple: remove the recovery text too?03:19
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: Yes please... the reason being, I realised that when bash was started with arguments... it tried to launch those arguments (nomodeset) as a program and then exited... so it WOULD crash!03:20
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: So do the same... replace recovery with single03:20
louiemattheadmin-I'm a newbe I hope I can03:20
theadminIntuitiveNipple: An emergency shell recovery line should looks simply like "kernel /vmlinuz rw init=/bin/bash"03:21
theadminpr0ndigy: ^03:21
maicodhi if I want to backup partitions (so also the partition structure and not only tarballing the files) what is a good app?03:22
theadminmaicod: dd03:22
IntuitiveNippletheadmin: I want him to have the initrd there if this works03:23
maicodtheadmin: I used it but I need to calculate myself how far the count is going (cause not all of the hdd is used by partitions)03:23
pr0ndigyIntuitiveNipple: ok trying now. here is what my GRUB looks like http://imagebin.org/22347903:23
maicodI'd rather have a gui backup program03:23
theadminIntuitiveNipple: Well, the initrd line comes after the kernel line anyway -- that's the only thing you need on the *kernel* line.03:23
luftikussWhat is a "DE mess" as in http://clipit.rspwn.com/ ?03:23
* maicod knows dd :)03:23
theadminmaicod: Well, there is CloneZilla, but that's a livecd03:24
maicodthats fine !03:24
maicodI just boot it in my vmware03:24
IdleOneluftikuss: DE stands for Desktop Environment03:24
* L3top hearts clonezilla03:24
luftikussIdleOne, Thank you verymuch for your help.03:24
IntuitiveNipplepr0ndigy: That looks good03:24
* maicod tried acronis (windows) first but its too dumb and doesnt know ext4 :)03:25
L3topmaicod: the partition cannot be mounted03:25
L3topmaicod: partition or disk03:25
L3topif cloning an entire disk03:25
cronie2285maicod: luckyBackup is a great gui app.03:25
maicodL3top: Its not mounted when I back it up don't worry :)03:25
maicodthanks cronie03:26
pr0ndigyIntuitiveNipple: it seems stuck, no flashing capslock light, but it's not doing anything else03:26
theadminFeck it, I'm getting another IRC client >.< I'll brb03:26
icecube45L3top: both of them tell me no such file or directory03:27
L3topls /proc/acpi/battery03:28
L3topthere ya go :)03:28
icecube45thats my problem?03:28
L3topno icecube45... please pastebin the output of cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state03:29
icecube45o, kk03:29
icecube45gonna have 2 sudo it03:29
L3topsorry yes.03:29
Belialanyone running xorg edgers ppa know if the bug if fixed where the icons in the launcher weren't showing up?03:29
cronie2285maicod: btw, it uses the fast efficient rsync protocol.03:29
icecube45l3top, nano those?03:29
L3topI need to see them03:30
maicodcronie: does it backup the partition structures ?03:30
icecube45command not found03:30
icecube45cat them right?03:30
L3top!pastebin | icecube4503:30
ubottuicecube45: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:30
icecube45L3top: i know that03:30
icecube45L3top: i just typed it wrong XD03:31
cronie2285yeah, its on my fedora box, but ubuntu has it too03:31
kristenbbwhen using pushd and popd in a script, can I prevent it from writting anything to the output screen?03:31
cronie2285it does partions nicely.03:31
icecube45L3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1131862/03:32
maicodcronie: ok thanks will try it out03:32
theadminAh there we go, this is somewhat better03:32
maicodwb theadmin03:32
maicodcronie: can it backup the MBR too ?03:34
icecube45|phoneL3top: away from my comp atm, u see the paste?03:36
icecube45|phoneSee my paste?03:38
cronie2285maicod: im checking, hang on.03:38
L3topsorry icecube45. I am having a problem on my end with DNS. Yes I saw the paste. This looks like a dead battery.03:39
icecube45|phoneI checked tho, it told me my battery had max cap yesterday03:39
L3topicecube45: remaining capacity:      0 mAh03:40
L3topicecube45: charging state:          charged03:40
icecube45|phoneYesterday it told me max03:40
L3topwhat told you max?03:40
icecube45|phoneSame command03:41
icecube45|phoneI was googling03:41
L3topmax isnt what it returns icecube45|phone. It gives you mAh03:41
icecube45|phoneYes i know....03:42
L3topfor instance remaining capacity:      6496 mAh     is mine icecube45|phone03:42
icecube45|phoneIt was around that tho..03:42
L3topicecube45|phone: what you are saying doesnt make sense.03:42
icecube45|phoneSorry, im a bad explainer03:42
icecube45|phoneWhatever, ill try 2 get a new bat03:43
cronie2285maicod: http://luckybackup.sourceforge.net/   http://rsync.samba.org/03:43
maicodcronie2285:thanks !03:45
dannyhello was wondering if someone could help me chance open gl to the default on warcraft three i found this web site and under running slow its telling me to swicth ithttp://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=3126 so tell me if u understand what the site wants me to do03:56
IdleOnedanny: #winehq can help you03:57
theadminIs there a reason why sound in Ubuntu is, like... *incredibly* loud when at max volume? No other OS exhibits such noise, but I never tested with pulseaudio, could that be it?03:58
QubitSmugglergood night nerds03:58
kevinhi all. does anybody know what causes this type of error? every now and then my usb devices stop working and replugging them back in does nothing: https://gist.github.com/327000003:59
maicodhacker ?03:59
=== _dd_ is now known as _dd
keithanyone know how to make mysql start earlier?04:02
keithdoes upstart even support anything like that?04:02
zamnhey how can i get java applets to work in ubuntu? I have java 7 sdk installed already04:08
theadminzamn: that's not what you need, you need icedtea-7-plugin or icedtea-6-plugin04:08
theadminzamn: The SDK is for developers, and that's going too far04:09
zamntheadmin: i do develop in java so the sdk is good for me. was just throwing that out there heh04:09
joejchow do i check how much memory my graphics card has?04:09
maicoddo I need to install .deb with apt-get too?04:11
theadminjoejc: grep -i memory /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:11
theadminmaicod: No, use gdebi or dpkg04:11
maicodtheadmin: OK04:11
luftikusstheadmin, My maximum sound level in Ubuntu 12.04is not »incredibly« loud but rather normal.04:11
theadminluftikuss: Well, I'm on Kubuntu 12.04 here and it's louder than elsewhere. It's not too loud, it's acceptable and sounds fairly good, but way louder than it was in, say, Arch.04:13
IntuitiveNippletheadmin: pr0ndigy problem is in the 12.04 release notes: the Dell XPS 1340 has an onboard infra-red receiver and its driver needs blacklisting (ite_cir) until a later kernel is installed with the fixed driver module04:14
theadminWell that would be incredibly simple, just dump a /etc/modprobe.d/its.conf with "blacklist ite_cir"04:14
theadminDon't even have to boot04:14
theadminOr, boot with ite_cir.blacklist=yes04:15
IntuitiveNippletheadmin: Which is what we've done04:15
theadminIntuitiveNipple: Oh.04:16
c_nickHey can someone do me a favor ?04:17
IntuitiveNippletheadmin: useful info in case anyone else reports the same issue04:17
c_nicki need an MP3 song but because its blocked i need someone to download and mail to me :D04:17
theadminIntuitiveNipple: Not that I'd remember04:17
theadminc_nick: Offtopic here, but PM me04:18
IntuitiveNippletheadmin: this channel is logged... a Google search might well bring it up for someone else in the future04:19
theadminIntuitiveNipple: Ah, indeed.04:20
IntuitiveNippleI've benefited from that in the past, saved hours of messing about04:20
TreaverCan anyone tell me how to get Netflix on Ubuntu?04:21
theadminTreaver: Divide by 0. (It's impossible)04:21
jiohdi_Treaver, can't be done because of that DMR thing silverlight has it  moonlight not so much04:21
jiohdi_however  oddly enough you can get it on android04:22
=== satan is now known as Guest16424
kingston /join #piratenpartei04:22
TreaverCan someone tell me a site I can watch movies on Ubuntu because I have subscription to Netflix but can't use it :(04:23
kingstonpardon. that was a mistake04:23
jiohdi_not sure of the legalities though04:24
IntuitiveNippleTreaver: You should be able to do it from a Virtual Machine with Windows and IE9/Silverlight installed04:24
IntuitiveNippleTreaver: I found this: http://code.johnpbloch.com/2012/03/how-to-watch-netflix-instant-on-ubuntu/04:26
=== ubuntu_ is now known as archero_taliban
luftikusstheadmin, I am using GNOME Shell 3.4 and cannot confirm your Kubuntu findings.04:29
theadminluftikuss: I see04:30
L3toptheadmin: I am running kubuntu 1204 and do not have this issue.04:32
theadminL3top: Hm, okay... I dunno then.04:32
L3toptheadmin: in fact on this laptop I have 1004 and 1204, and they are the same.04:32
theadminL3top: Um, they're not the same... But I get what you mean :D04:32
L3topequivelant volume I meant ;P04:32
InferiorHumanOrgi know this isnt really ubuntu related but can someone answer some hex edit questions for me? I need an expert04:33
=== bfgun is now known as bfig
danny_so ive done a lil more research cause no one knows how to change warcraft to run with open gl and i found this command env WINEPREFIX="/home/<yourname>/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe" -opengl but it now says it cannot find it i am running kubuntu 12.04 with the newest version of wine04:34
jiohdi_the c directory is under .wine directory04:35
_skplcan someone help me? when i click on an app in the launcher it doesnt show up, running apps i mean, they wont fopcus04:35
theadmindanny_: Wrong slashes.04:36
theadmindanny_: Not "C:\Program Files\..." but "C:/Program Files/"...04:36
danny_theadmin: ok ill give her a shot04:36
jiohdi__skpl if you type the name into a temrinal it will tell you why it does not open04:36
aaasany way to stream some flash content (justin.tv) over the network from a server ....i was thinking ov vlc but vlc doesn't start over a remote connection (x2go)?04:37
n2diywhat all do I need to watch youtube? I installed restricted extras, but I'm still getting missing plug in messages?04:37
theadminn2diy: You just need the flash plugin really, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer04:38
danny_theadmin: still didnt work any other suggestions ?04:39
theadmindanny_: Well, wine isn't supported here anyway, go to #winehq and ask them. Don't expect Windows apps to work well. They won't.04:39
bfighello, i'm having trouble with alsa and my mic. i believe the computer cries at the fact that i have hdmi output too, so it appears as if i had two cards. any ideas about what could be going on?04:40
aaasbfig i think you can run gnome-alsaconfig and disable the other one04:41
aaasbfig there are ways to disable hdmi i just don't remember how... have to mess with some /etc files google disabling hdmi 12.04 or something like that04:41
bfigi don't have gnome-alsaconfig04:41
aaasbfig install it with apt-get04:41
bfigaaas, but the thing is this, i dont' know if this is the problem. do you have an intuition that it is?04:41
n2diytheadmin, ok, but is that going to give me conflicts with shockwave flash?04:41
theadminn2diy: Uh, it *is* Shockwave (or, rather, Adobe) Flash04:42
aaasbfig hmmm04:42
david_chenanyone play Trine2 on ubuntu12.04?I have installed it ,but it can't run04:42
aaasbfig i know i've had problems with that before too, but i'm not certain either04:42
aaasbfig but if you don't use hdmi you can disable it to make sure04:43
bfighow could i test and make sure it was that or at least rule out other alternative problems? i'm convinced 1)the mic hardware works, 2) alsa is not configured correctly04:43
n2diytheadmin, ok, I'll give t a try,  thanks.04:43
bfigi use hdmi some times, so i would ideally prefer to avoid that option04:43
aaasbfig in dealing with these problems if you don't have any log errors or errors to help you along the way the only real thing you can do is try things to get more info04:43
bfigwell, i know i can't do arecord04:44
aaasbfig if you disable hdmi and it works great, if not at least you know it's not that04:44
bfigyes, you're right04:44
aaasbfig your monitor doesn' have a builtin mic does it?04:44
bfigit's a laptop04:45
bfigso it's everything built in04:46
aaasbfig ah, what makes you think it's hdmi then, do you have something plugged into hdmi?04:46
L3topbfig: can I see the output of sudo aplay -l04:47
L3topbfig: in a pastebin please04:47
m1chaelhello, does anyone knows how to disable gnome alert sounds from terminal and not from sound control panel. backspace sound in nautilus is annoying and i wish to stop it. the reason why not to useing sound panel is that i don't use pulseaudio so without it it can't mute it from there.04:47
bfigsure, one second04:48
bfigaaas, well, it doesn't show anything... and i have hdmi sound whenever i connect the hdmi port...04:48
aaasbfig ah it was gnome-alsamixer if you want to disable hdmi (i think it will let you disable)04:49
bfighttp://hpaste.org/72674 L3top04:49
L3topbfig:  you have exactly what you are supposed to... a digital and an analog "card".04:51
L3topWhat is the actual problem... perhaps I missed it04:51
bfigmy mic is not working04:51
BullittEVafter editing grub, changing "quiet splash" to "text" for the boot to a CLI, when i use the startx command, it starts a GUI but its not fluxbox (what i have set) and not anything actually, just allows me to open a folder and look through files04:51
BullittEVis startx not the correct command? (I've only used slackware in the past)04:51
theadminBullittEV: Write an .xinitrc and use xinit.04:52
theadminBullittEV: Simpliest way I can think of04:52
bfigi am running debian 64 bit, i installed the 32 bit alsa lib and it worked for a while, then stopped working again04:52
bfignow, about that debian thing... it should be the same :p04:52
theadminbfig: #debian :/04:52
BullittEVtheadmin is a bot?04:52
bfigdoubt it, he answered too slow :p04:52
theadminbfig: Do y ou have any ideas how much difference in software versions is between Debian Stable and Ubuntu? TOO much to handle.04:52
BullittEVlol not sure if he is right04:52
L3topbfig: This is a common complaint on laptops. Mine probably doesnt work either. In a terminal open alsamixer    make sure that your mic volume is not muted, and that it is at an appropriate level in firstly.04:52
theadminBullittEV: I'm not a bot.04:53
BullittEVoh ok04:53
BullittEVi remember getting an answer from a bot the other day so wasn't sure.04:53
theadminBullittEV: The only bot that talks here is ubottu04:53
bfigmic volume is not muted04:53
BullittEVahh ok04:53
bfigi spent a good five or so hours touching alsabase.conf and playing with the mixer04:53
BullittEVtheadmin: do you know the name of the file that allowed me to change to text mode? wanted to change it back to normal.04:54
bfigwith help from somebody at #debian04:54
L3topbfig: Good luck then. Afraid that that is where you will ahve to return. Debian is not supported here.04:54
theadminBullittEV: Uh, GRUB configs are normally in /etc/default/grub, and the line you're looking for should start with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT04:54
theadminBullittEV: Make sure to run update-grub after saving it04:54
m1chaelhello, does anyone knows how to disable gnome alert sounds from terminal and not from sound control panel. backspace sound in nautilus is annoying and i wish to stop it. the reason why not to useing sound panel is that i don't use pulseaudio so without it it can't mute it from there.04:54
BullittEVtheadmin: yes, that's right, thanks.04:54
Tm_Tbfig: hi, this is not debian support channel (:04:54
bfigbut this problem should be the same in both04:55
bfigthe problem is already omre or less isolated: alsamixer configuration04:55
aaasbfig are you running debian or ubuntu?04:55
bfigand debian is like 90% ubuntu anyway04:55
theadminbfig: You have NO idea how wrong you are.04:55
BullittEVtheadmin: also, would you use that file to set the boot into text? then write an xinit for fluxbox ?04:55
Tm_Tbfig: hi, this is not debian support channel (: (I don't like repeating though)04:55
bfigwould you say how sound works is really different theadmin ?04:55
theadminBullittEV: I'd use that file to set boot to text, then use Qingy (a CLI-based login manager) :P04:56
L3topbfig:  it is not supported. It is not supported for reasons you clearly do not understand... but your willingness to accept that notwithstanding... this is an unsupported distribution, and you are going offtopic.04:56
bfigjust forget that i said debian, think about ubuntu 64 bits04:56
Tm_Tbfig: also let's continue this discussion some other channel than this, thanks04:56
bfigwhich channel do you suggest?04:56
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!04:56
theadminbfig: #debian04:56
bfigtheadmin, i don't see you there04:57
silverarrowwhat is default DVD / video player in 12.04?04:57
theadminbfig: I ain't there, but that's where you ask Debian stuff.04:58
theadminsilverarrow: Totem04:58
bfigahh.. whatever >_>04:59
aaasbfig i can *try* and help04:59
bfigthanks for the ideas anyway04:59
aaasbfig ill msg you04:59
silverarrowtheadmin, thanks04:59
Tm_Tbfig: #ubuntu is busy channel already enough, so let's not have any offtopic chatter here please, you can try discussing the difference about ubuntu and debian on #ubuntu-offtopic for example04:59
bfigok, well, thanks everyone who tried to help, i'll go back to #debian05:00
striker10hi there everyone!05:12
caixaubuntu = king05:16
kukulambarcaixa: i use ubuntu since version 5 :-)05:18
mrgenixu1i'd like to install nvidia-96 (I have an mx440) but there is a blocking package I don't recognize05:20
mrgenixu1xorg-video-abi-10 is the blocking package05:21
mrgenixu1it seems xorg-video-abi-10 is unavailable05:21
cfhowlettmrgenixu1: apt-cache policy shows installed/candidate: none05:22
wilee-nilee7 mins to touchdown mars lander http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html05:23
mrgenixu1so, the package doesn't exist? -> I can't have nvidia-96 because it depends on non-existent packages?05:23
cfhowlettmrgenixu1: doesn't seem to exist *in ubuntu repositories*.05:24
theadminmrgenixu1: Do you have the restricted repo enabled?05:24
mrgenixu1cfhowlett: xrog/gtk/gnome/unity runs like crap without the driver; I've got to find a way to make this work.  Any ideas would be a huge help05:24
mrgenixu1theadmin: how do I check for restricted repos05:25
theadminmrgenixu1: You normally just install "nvidia-current" to get NVidia stuff running.05:25
theadminmrgenixu1: Specific versions may depend on stuff that's already missing...05:25
mrgenixu1ah, but nvidia-current is not compat with my hw ( theadmin )05:25
theadminmrgenixu1: Hm...05:25
mrgenixu1I need pre-legacy05:25
mrgenixu1theadmin: but how do I check for the restricted repo?05:26
theadminmrgenixu1: Never mind. I have the same issue, I have all the repos enabled. Seems your only option is to contact the repo mantainers.05:26
mrgenixu1.... theadmin ...05:27
mrgenixu1I've been around linux for a long time, but I have no idea how to do that05:27
theadminmrgenixu1: Meh, me neither :D05:27
theadminmrgenixu1: Maybe you can just get the driver off nvidia.com somehow?05:28
mrgenixu1yeah, that's great, but I don't maintain the system; I need a package or the driver will have to be run manually after every kernel change05:28
mrgenixu1I have several large, sharp sticks here05:28
mrgenixu1I can probably put them in my eye05:28
mrgenixu1medajke: hi -- back05:29
cfhowlettmedajke: greetings05:29
mrgenixu1its official; I want to slap nvidia for doing this. I've no doubt its their fault05:29
medajkeIt's my first time here05:29
medajkenever use ubuntu early05:29
theadminmrgenixu1: No, it's the Ubuntu repo mantainers' fault in this case.05:30
medajkecan U help me05:30
theadminmrgenixu1: NVidia are far better than AMD, trust me.05:30
cfhowlettmedajke: welcome.  this is the support channel.  Have you a specific ubuntu problem?  please state issue?05:30
theadminmedajke: Just ask the questions.05:30
mrgenixu1theadmin: oh, preachin' to the choir05:30
mrgenixu1medajke: I'm pretty sure I can't help05:30
medajkehow I can to install wine for my ubuntu 12.0405:30
mrgenixu1wine has a great guide on their site05:30
theadminmedajke: Simple! Open the Software Center, search for Wine, install it05:30
DarkAceZerror: file not found. Grub rescue:05:31
cfhowlettmedajke: best method is software center05:31
DarkAceZnow what?05:31
DarkAceZon boot, or, before boot.05:31
DarkAceZUbuntu 12.04, or, it used to be.05:31
theadminDarkAceZ: Seems like you're missing a kernel image.05:31
mrgenixu1DarkAceZ:  sounds like your grub isn't installed to wher it was, or it got deleted05:31
medajkeI can't like that's from Software center... some problems ((05:31
mrgenixu1medajke: I'm pretty sure wine has a great guide on their site: http://winehq.com05:31
theadminmedajke: Oh, okay, then open a terminal, type "sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade ; sudo apt-get install wine".05:32
DarkAceZthis is now what my laptop's OS looks like: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22806246/Screencaps/OS12041.png05:32
mrgenixu1IIRC, they have a seperate repo they distribute from05:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:32
theadminmrgenixu1: Wine only has official repos for fairly old Ubuntu versions, wine is in the official Ubuntu archives now.05:32
medajkeok wait theadmin05:32
DarkAceZtheadmin, mrgenixu1, so, reinstall the whole OS?05:32
mrgenixu1theadmin: AWESOME!05:32
mrgenixu1theadmin: no.05:32
cfhowlettDarkAceZ: use imagebin.org to paste images.05:32
mrgenixu1er XD nvm theadmin |  DarkAceZ you need a livecd05:33
mrgenixu1you should be able to repair grub05:33
theadminOhwait, seems like winehq.org mantainers woke up and made repos for Precise05:33
theadminBut still, the official repos' wine is just fine05:33
mrgenixu1XD -- connection oddness -- DarkAceZ , you can probably save your install05:35
mrgenixu1DarkAceZ:  did anything precipitate the issue?05:35
DarkAceZmrgenixu1, really? what about all the other data? On my 10.04 OS, it shows what's in that screenshot, but when I "ls /" from grub, it gives me much more, and I only notice that my /home/justin is missing... (My one and only home folder)05:35
Gyro54I am setting up a new 12.04 install to use as a clone for all our office machines. Is it best to use root as the original user name?05:35
mrgenixu1likely, your home folder is in an unmounted (and seperate) partition05:36
cfhowlettDarkAceZ: agree that your data is likely still there.  don't despair.  do a grub recovery05:36
DarkAceZso,most likely none of my data is gone?05:36
cfhowlettDarkAceZ: first rule of ubuntu - chill out.05:37
DarkAceZOkay, get the disc to recover?05:37
mrgenixu1DarkAceZ: yeah05:37
wadIs anyone paying attention to the Mars landing? Did it land?05:37
theadminwad: Offtopic.05:37
cfhowlettwad: off topic05:37
ubottuwad: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:37
dumbguycan somebody please tell me how do i drop to command line in lubuntu05:37
Piciwad: we're discussing it in -ot05:37
mrgenixu1'drop' ?? dumbguy05:37
cfhowlettdumbguy: you mean start a terminal?05:38
theadmindumbguy: Do you want to boot into a text-only session?05:38
mrgenixu1dumbguy: I think you want to either run an term or ctrl+alt+f105:38
wilee-nileewad, yep showing images of mars on nasa05:38
Relondodumbguy: If you mean a drop-down terminal, there's a great application called Guake in the software center.05:38
DarkAceZbut why is very little random bits of my data showing in 10.04?05:38
dumbguyboot to commandline interface05:38
theadmin!text | dumbguy05:38
ubottudumbguy: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode05:38
vvpalinio is the hardest thing to master i swear05:38
DarkAceZwhen mounted in my 10.04*05:38
mrgenixu1DarkAceZ: its hard to say, without seeing the system05:39
Gyro54dumbguy: ctr, alt, T05:39
mrgenixu1DarkAceZ: don't focus on that05:39
mrgenixu1DarkAceZ: just focus on getting the system booting05:39
cfhowlettDarkAceZ: one issue at a time.  First fix the grub so you can boot...05:39
vvpalinwilee-nilee, where are pictures ?05:39
DarkAceZokay, I'll get, and boot from the disc then.05:39
dumbguyubottu thanks i will try that05:39
ubottudumbguy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:39
wilee-nileehttp://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html vvpalin05:40
icecube45Ikr :D05:40
icecube45first picture :D05:40
icecube45of a wheel...05:40
vvpalinit made it thats all that matters05:41
icecube45Yes i know05:41
icecube45time to reloase the cables05:41
icecube45it has touched05:41
icecube45hasnt made it yet05:41
theadminStop with the mars stuff everyone, THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR IT.05:42
RelondoIs there any reason why Cinnamon would be VERY slow on Ubuntu 12.04?05:42
theadminRelondo: Do you have your graphic drivers installed? Cinnamon is very 3D accelerated, so you'll need a decent video card and the official drivers for it.05:42
DarkAceZdiscs, discs, everywhere05:43
mrgenixu1well, thanks, theadmin, and others, for help; I think I'm going to have to tell my users that the system has passed beyound use as a graphical system, except in a capacity as a hobiest platform05:44
DarkAceZmight be a while until I find the live CD :P05:44
Relondotheadmin: Well, I have two laptops. One is mine, which defaults to Unity but runs Cinnamon just fine, and the other is configured for my younger brother, who I just managed to get to use Linux. His runs Windows XP far better than Cinnamon, and that is scary.05:44
Relondotheadmin: That extra info was really unnecessary. Sorry about that.05:44
theadminRelondo: Well, that doesn't tell me *anything*. Just open the "Additional Drivers" tool and see if your video card drivers can be found there.05:44
cfhowlettRelondo: same make/model/hardware?05:44
Gyro54I would like to clone several computers from a master. Should I use "root" as the original user or does it not matter?05:45
RelondoI definitely need to explain better, sorry. Different models, I was just using mine as an example, in case you were to say it was a 12.04 problem.05:46
theadminGyro54: Ubuntu typically doesn't have a root account enabled.05:46
RelondoAnd the older laptop has full driver support.05:46
RaigaHello everyone05:46
ubottuGyro54: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:46
icecube45how do i set the default window manager (set it to compiz)?05:46
theadminRelondo: Okay look. Go to the laptop where it doesn't work. Open the menu. Find "Additional Drivers". Open the app. Search for videocard related stuff. Activate that.05:46
cfhowlettGyro54: maybe the OEM installation might be best?05:47
cfhowlettRaiga: greetings05:47
Relondotheadmin: Yep. All the driversare active.05:47
icecube45anyone?.....     Compiz is so fun :D05:47
theadminicecube45: Just make your desktop environment start "compiz --replace" on startup.05:48
RaigaI just installed Ubuntu (again) and now I think I'll actually take the time to learn how to use it05:48
theadminRelondo: Hm, okay... That's... sad. Because I can't think of anything else.05:48
icecube45theadmin: i did that... i thought there would be a better way05:48
icecube45theadmin: thanks tho :D05:48
theadminicecube45: Might be, lol, I have no idea, depends on your desktop05:48
DebolazWRaiga: Good choice. :)05:49
icecube45theadmin: ill search around, thanks05:49
icecube45Ubottu: gotta love you, i know you arnt intellegent..05:49
ubottuicecube45: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:49
Relondotheadmin: Hm. Do any other Desktop Environments feel that similar to Windows?05:50
theadminRelondo: Uh. KDE?05:50
cfhowlettRelondo: depends on which windows you mean.  XP and XFCE are rather similar.  KDE aspires to the Mac-like05:50
icecube45o quick question, my default menu bar, changed to a different one randomly... what could cause this? it happened after installing compiz, but there are no settings for that05:51
cfhowletthellyeah: welcome back05:51
hellyeahcan i ask question about btrfs no one there in btrfs channel05:51
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RaigaDebolazw: Well at first I didn't mind windows, then I had to wipe my hard drive in order to get it back to a usable state (I just rewrote Ubuntu over everything). And I'm in the process of reinstalling and reconfiguring windows. I had to install a bunch of drivers that  Ubuntu didn't even need to begin with, and when I was trying to bulk up on anti-virus and anti-malware, my computer started acting up again. Long story short, it seems as if I j05:52
Raigaust actually learn Ubuntu then I'll never run into any problems like that.05:52
bond_is there a way to know if a process is terminated or not? (i am not talking about child process)05:52
Relondotheadmin, cfhowlett: I've used KDE before, and it feels very Mac-like to me. LXDE is fast and reminiscent of Windows XP, but very ugly. I will have to look into XFCE.05:52
cfhowlettRelondo: fyi, the newest xfce will appear in 12.10 but may be available now via PPA05:53
samholmesI'm running an ubuntu server. How can I change my server's timezone settings to UTC?05:53
IntuitiveNipplebond_: You can look at the process list using "ps -ef" or do "psgrep <someprocessname>" to look for running instances05:53
cfhowlettRaiga:  so you want to dual boot windows and ubuntu or ubuntu only?05:53
icecube45IntuitiveNipple: i use ps x05:53
IntuitiveNipplebond_: correction... typo... "pgrep <someprocessname>"05:54
theadminsamholmes: ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime05:54
Lebby1IntuitiveNipple: pgrep return process id05:54
Relondocfhowlett: Alright. Also, does Linux Mint use the Ubuntu repositories?05:54
bond_IntuitiveNipple: I need to run three commands, and even if one of the commands terminate i should be notified05:54
theadminRelondo: Mint is not supported here.05:54
ubotturelondo: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:54
icecube45How can i move a window to a different workspace?05:54
theadminicecube45: Normally by dragging it to the edge of the current one05:55
Relondotheadmin, cfhowlett: Yes, I know, just thought one of you might be able to answer the one question...05:55
IntuitiveNipplebond_: I'd suggest writing a shell script that starts them and reports if they fail05:55
theadminRelondo: The answer is "yes".05:55
icecube45theadmin: doesnt work05:55
Relondotheadmin: Thanks.05:55
Lebby1icecube45:  right click on title bar -> move to05:55
Relondotheadmin, cfhowlett: Well, thanks to both of you for your help. Later.05:55
bond_IntuitiveNipple: yeah, i know that part. But, how exactly?05:55
icecube45Lebby1: thanks!05:55
Raigacfhowlett: I'm dual booting at the moment, but I might have to reinstall Windows again. But really, I think the next computer that I get, I'll build. And I'll just run a linux distro on it instead of paying for windows. The problem I'm having is now, after installing several antivirus programs and a sandbox utility, I'm not sure where it happened, but I'm getting a lot of issues with my wireless connection and windows network and sharing center05:56
Raiga freezes up intermittently05:56
samholmeshow do I check the current timezone?05:56
cfhowlettRelondo: good luck have fun05:56
lotuspsychjeanyone knows a solution for corrupt square mouse pointer at first boot?05:56
icecube45Just throwing stuff out here that i have encountered... Prefix not set on wubi install?05:56
cfhowlettRaiga: for best results and peace of mind, install windows before ubuntu.  note that the LAST installed OS controls the bootloader and Windows doesn't play nice with other.05:57
cfhowlettraiga several AV's?  Conflicting permissions would be my guess.05:57
Lebby1samholmes:  date05:57
Raigacfhowlett: That's what I did, and Ubuntu does a nice job of giving a bootload05:58
RaigaI like the interface :D05:58
samholmes"Mon Aug  6 07:58:06 CEST 2012" That's not UTC?05:58
IntuitiveNipplebond_:  use trap. see http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_12_02.html05:58
cfhowlettRaiga: EXcellent.05:58
Lebby1samholmes:  cest is utc+105:59
RaigaI installed multiple antivirus programs on the recommendation of a friend05:59
Raigaalthough I guess sandboxing alone would take care of the problem05:59
cfhowlettRaiga: AV's on ubuntu?05:59
Lebby1samholmes:  i hope but you can verify searching on web05:59
Raigawindows 705:59
cfhowlettRaiga: ok, well, what to say?05:59
samholmesLebby1: But I ran theadmin's command which was suppose to change my timezone to UTC05:59
RaigaI'm not even worried about viruses on ubuntu05:59
Raigaat the very least, if I actually did get infected, it would take me less than an hour to reinstall06:00
Lebby1samholmes:  then run: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata06:00
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
samholmesI can't seem to find UTC in that command06:01
samholmeswhen I run dpkg-reconfigure06:01
danielcg25HOLY SHIT06:01
Raigacfhowlett, really my only question would be, How does code-blocks compare to Visual Studio 201206:02
samholmesLebby: Nevermind I found it actually.06:02
Lebbysamholmes:  :)06:02
cfhowlettRaiga: IDK.06:02
danielcg25A robot just literally landed on Mars 5 minutes ago.06:02
cfhowlett!ot|danielcg25 understand you're excited but you're also OT06:02
ubottudanielcg25 understand you're excited but you're also OT: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:02
Raigacfhowlett: hmmm, lol. Oh well, I own a copy of windows, so I'll use it if I must. Otherwise, the Next weeks between now and the start of College will be spent learning hardcore Ubuntu06:03
Lebbydanielcg25:  tnx about info! :D06:03
bond_IntuitiveNipple: Actually, I have to run three commands in the background. These are processes that continue to execute for a long time. And my requirement is to wait on these processes and if any of them exits, i'll have to run that command again.06:03
DarkAceZcfhowlett, mrgenixu1, you guys going to be on in 5-10 hours? I can't find the disc and I gotta sleep, so I'll download it, and try this tomorrow.06:03
cfhowlettRaiga: very best of luck.06:03
cfhowlettDarkAceZ: someone will be here06:04
IntuitiveNipplebond_: so you want them to automatically respawn06:04
DarkAceZbut they will know what I was doing?06:04
Raigacfhowlett: thanks06:04
cfhowlettDarkAceZ: pretty sure you can explain, you silver tongued devil, you ...06:04
DarkAceZbut not everyone here is willing to help...06:05
cfhowlettDarkAceZ: faith you must have...06:05
LebbyDarkAceZ:  don't worry ... one problem at time :)06:05
antonio_Is there a really good productivity program for ubuntu (timer, notes, etc)?06:05
bond_IntuitiveNipple: No, I can do it using scripting. The real problem is to wait on all the three processes simultaneosly and resume if any one of them terminate/stop/abort06:06
Lebbyantonio_: what kind of program are you interested?06:06
DarkAceZwell then, night.06:06
LebbyDarkAceZ:  sweet dreams!06:07
IntuitiveNipplebond_: I'd think I'd use trap for SIGEXIT and SIGABORT and other similar signals, and run a command that checks which process has stopped using pgrep and then restart it06:07
antonio_lebby: I want a kind of alarm to go off every 25 minutes to remind me to take a break...06:07
antonio_lebby: also if this program had some kind of todo lists would be awesome06:07
Lebbyantonio_:  alarm-clock06:07
Lebbyantonio_:  enjoy!06:07
Lebbyantonio_:  alarm-clock has a list of event06:08
Lebbyantonio_:  if you want something of more complex ... you can use lighting ( related to thundirbird ) or ... Google calendar ... but i thing that for a 25 min alarm, alarm-clock is enough and for a todo list, a sticky note could be more productive !06:09
Lebbyantonio_:  sorry for typo ... :/06:10
IntuitiveNipplebond_ if you are running the processes in the background you could consider writing an upstart config for them06:10
truneanyone here speak portuguese?06:12
bond_InvalidHandle: Can u mention a link for the same?06:12
caixatrune, a lil06:13
trunecan you read it well caixa?06:13
DebolazWtrune: #ubuntu-pt if you need support in portugese.06:13
caixatrune, i can speak it fluently, but not the best at reading/writing06:13
trunejust have this question im trying to answer, but google translate is confusing me06:14
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caixawhat is it?06:14
truneill pm you06:14
samholmesI figured out that C-a q C-d is the only way I found out to terminate a screen session06:30
samholmesis there a way to do it when you aren't in a screen session?06:30
FrankLvC-a q C-d is detach the screen session, not terminate06:30
Gyro54Is there an OEM version of the office mix 12.04?06:31
Gyro54Is the alternate iso the correct choice for an OEM install?06:38
onetwohey guys, can someone pls pls help me run league of legends on my kubuntu 12.04?pls06:39
onetwoquit what?06:39
timClicksslightly n00b Q, but when I SSH into a server and run a command, how can I get the command to continue to run after I exit?06:43
antonio_has anyone ever used the osmo personal organizer program?06:43
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AzzIzzAtimClicks: check out "nohup", "screen" and maybe tmux (?)06:46
timClicksAzzIzzA: ty06:46
AzzIzzAoh, and the using "&" for fork a process into the background06:47
highbuzzAnyone know what could be causing this upon boot? When I boot, this happens: http://i.imgur.com/6PbvE.jpg06:47
highbuzzit's a fresh install06:47
blazinghow can i get kmail to run in the background so it periodically checks email06:50
AzzIzzAhighbuzz: what do you see before that? do you get the grub menu? the start up text? I'm reasonably sure it is something using incorrect video settings, but not sure whether it would be , grub, X or the framebuffer console06:50
blazingi dont want to manually open the program at start up,06:50
AzzIzzAalthough my first guess would be X06:51
blazingand i want it to be in the tray06:51
highbuzzAzzIzzA: I don't see anything, GRUB doesn't even load up. I can't alter the video settings (or I don't know how rather) because it doesn't give me the option. I had to use the alternative CD to even install because this would happen if I tried the liveCD as well06:51
AzzIzzAhighbuzz: ok, out of my league I'm afraid, I'm more of a slackware guy in general. It is strange though, the fact that you don't see grub suggests it is grub that is messing up the display, but I'm fairly sure that the livecd just uses syslinux without grub06:55
AzzIzzAas a quick and dirty fix, can you replace the graphics card (pref. with one using a different brand of chip)06:56
highbuzzI don't have another brand of card unfortunately. thanks for answering though! I'll post on the forums tomorrow and see if I can get a work around with the card I have. i've heard nvidia cards sometimes don't like to play nice.. guess that turned out to be true06:58
Raiganvidia is the most user friendly card I've personally came across06:59
highbuzzworks fine in windows07:02
highbuzzthey're not that great with linux07:02
peetaurSome Ubuntu 10 virtual servers in a proxmox KVM virtual host started saying all the passwords expired. But Ubuntu 12 didn't seem to do this. Is this a known problem?07:05
whyohwhyHello Everyone! We've upgraded some of our servers to 12.04 recently, and i've noticed that when I run nmap from some other server to check open ports on these 12.04 servers it take WAY longer that before. is this a known issue?07:08
subdesignhow to easly list what apps are installed on my system? after an os reinstall i dont want to miss them07:08
DJones!cloning | subdesign I think this will give you a text file of what has been installed,07:09
ubottusubdesign I think this will give you a text file of what has been installed,: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with 07:09
subdesignomg thats an answer, thx07:10
DJonessubdesign: Heh, your welcome07:10
subdesignand you were quick too07:10
DJonesJust lucky I saw the question, only just connected07:11
jaymeskellerHi all. Quick question. I've updated my GPG key and sent it to the Ubuntu keyserver. What is the ETA on key updates?07:11
IdleOnejaymeskeller, there is a script that autoruns every ?hour? or so iirc07:12
jaymeskellerIdleOne, Cool, thanks. :)07:12
subdesignDJones, one more question, this command makes a list only or collects all apps/files in a dir ?07:13
DJonessubdesign: As far as I know, it just asks the package manager what packages are installed and outputs it to a text file, it doesn't collect the files in a single folder07:14
subdesignokay thank you07:15
peetaurwhyohwhy: Does nmap -Pn also take longer? are pings blocked?07:17
whyohwhypeetaur: yep.. i'm running it with that option, it's relay slow, -above 200 sec07:18
peetaur200 seconds?? :O07:19
peetaurand it takes long even if you run nmap from a different OS than 12.04?07:20
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peetaurwhyohwhy: I ran a "nmap -Pn hostname" from my openSUSE machine to 3 other servers. Ubuntu 12.04 took 16.558 seconds. FreeBSD 8.3 took 6.745 seconds. Ubuntu 10.04 took 5.563 seconds.07:23
infinityartworxi have installed netatalk and mounted 2 different hard disks…   if i look at the share from another computer the size of the harddisk is the size of the ubuntu partition only… how can i show the size of the mounted harddisk ??07:24
gvosudo fdisk -l will show details on all connected hard drives07:25
gvoinfinityartworx: ^^07:25
timaaarrreeegvo: sweet07:26
arvislacisCan anyone suggest me a good web-camera software?07:26
timaaarrreeearvislacis: cheese07:26
infinityartworxgvo: when i enter my shared folder it says 20 GB    and the mounted hard drive is 2 TB… so it only shows 20gb of free instead of 2TB07:26
arvislacistimaaarrreee, Thanks a lot :)07:26
gvoinfinityartworx: Did you do the fdisk -l?07:26
infinityartworxyeah that is only shown in terminal07:27
infinityartworxnot on my mac07:27
timaaarrreeearvislacis: you're welcome07:27
gvoinfinityartworx: Are you running Ubuntu on your MAC?07:27
infinityartworxno i have a server running Ubuntu   and i'm accessing it from my mac07:28
infinityartworxi got netatalk and avahi  so i can access the files from AFS07:28
jalexandruHi, I must be missing a step here I'm trying to set up httpd so I have an index.html file in /var/www/html/index.html I have httpd pid on but the browser give's me connection error07:29
gvoinfinityartworx: connect via ssh and run fdisk.  It'll tell you the partitioning of the drives.07:29
infinityartworxgvo: buddy i know07:29
jalexandruanybody has any suggestions where should I start looking for errors? is a new install of os so httpd is brand new07:29
gvoinfinityartworx: So what's the problem?07:30
infinityartworxgvo: but when i connect thru afs on my mac it only gets the size of the ubuntu partition07:30
infinityartworxnot of the mounts07:30
gvoinfinityartworx: I know nothing about afs but I assume it is similar to nfs.07:31
AzzIzzAinfinityartworx: have you created a 20GB partition for ubuntu and left the rest unpartitioned? and now you want to share the unpartitioned space with the mac?07:31
timaaarrreeejalexandru: try tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log Or access.log you might need to sudo it to read the logs07:31
gvoSo pastebin the output of fdisk so we can see what it looks like.  AzzIzzA Likely.07:32
jalexandrutimaarrreee thank you for your time, just checked it and it's working on the same machine as the file but it doesn't work in network I'll check the logs and the set up of the network, thank you again.07:32
infinityartworxAzzIzzA: no. i have a ubuntu server with 50GB partition on Ubuntu.   Then i added 2 extra hard drives and mounted them.  then i've shared the two extra hard drives with netatalk - avahi   but it only shows 20GB free on my mac when i enter them thru AFS07:32
infinityartworxand i can see the 2 hard drive contents… but it shows the free size of the ubuntu partition only07:33
trijntjeI want to display a very simple static webpage on my internal network. What is the best way to do this?07:35
infinityartworxi hate the word simple07:36
infinityartworxif it was simple then you'd had it running07:37
infinityartworxbut try ajenti07:37
jalexandrutrijntje create the html page and save it in /var/www/html as index.html you will be able to browse to it with "host-ip" in the browser07:37
theadmintrijntje: You need any web server. They all are about equally simple to setup, just search for something lightweight (lighttpd?)07:37
whyohwhypeetaur: yeah, it is07:37
trijntjesimpel refers to the static webpage infinityartworx07:38
trijntjejalexandru: I'll try that, thanks!07:38
jalexandrutrijntje you07:38
theadmintrijntje: Ignore jalexandru. That will only work if you already have a web server installed, and none come on the default Ubuntu setup. Install one first.07:39
jalexandrutrijntje you'll also have to install a web server like theadmin mentioned07:39
theadminAh there we go07:39
theadminjalexandru: Also, the path is /var/www/, the "html" folder is entirely unnecessary.07:39
trijntjeah ok, installing lighttpd now, thanks07:40
jalexandrutheadmin still trying to wake up sorry for the wrong info :)07:40
theadminjalexandru: No problem, I'm sleepy as well.07:40
timaaarrreeeor you could read all the RFCs and learn the http protocol inside out and write one :)07:42
timaaarrreeejust thought i'd throw that idea in too07:42
theadminThat'd work too.07:42
trijntjeawsome, it works! Thanks all07:42
trijntjethat would work, but would probably take a bit longer :P07:42
wolfgang_how do i message some one pm?07:44
wolfgang_what is command07:44
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IdleOne/msg nickname07:45
gvowolfgang_: It is considered rude in some circles to do so without permission.07:46
wolfgang_what do you mean?07:46
gvoSome people do not want pm without you asking them first if it's OK07:47
whyohwhydoes 12.04 auto update packages ? I got rkhunter crying out about all kind of files that are getting changed07:47
wolfgang_gvo, oh ok, i will keep that in mind. thank you07:47
IdleOnewhyohwhy, it will offer to update but not do it without your permission.07:48
whyohwhyI am using it remotely only, by ssh, how can I turn off those updates?07:49
IdleOnewhyohwhy, just don't run apt-get upgrade and/or dist-upgrade07:50
IdleOnewhyohwhy, not a very good idea though because you won't be getting any security updates unless either07:51
gvowhyohwhy: See if you have "unattended-upgrades" package installed07:51
whyohwhythanks, i'll check it now07:52
tonvinIt was very slow when using vim -d07:56
Costeelationhi guys07:57
infinityartworxlol found it.   I had to mount the two extra hard drives separately to AppleVolumes.default and then had to connect seperatly07:57
Costeelationi have a problem installin vmware player  in ubuntu 12.04 ther error is07:58
CosteelationUnable to start services.07:58
CosteelationSee log file /tmp/vmware-root/modconfig-8484.log for details.07:58
Costeelationany idea?07:58
FloodBot1Costeelation: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:58
MonkeyDustCosteelation  use virtualbox, it's better supported here07:59
gvoCosteelation: Besides, it's usually faster.07:59
zinwaactually , virtualbox is not a stable solution.07:59
MonkeyDustand it's in te repos07:59
Costeelationi have the virtual disks in format vmware only open with vmware products :(08:00
gvozinwa: Other than being owned by Oracle what's not stable?08:00
infinityartworxgvo: i found the solution08:00
gvoinfinityartworx: Good.  I see that.08:00
infinityartworxdid you understand the problem ? and the solving ?08:00
Kingsyguys, anyone got some good info on drivers? more specifically the radeon open driver that ships with ubuntu ?08:01
gvoI care not a hoot about apple but yes.08:01
infinityartworxok.. sometimes it's hard to explain the exact problem :) thats why i ask08:01
silverarrowis it true that there will be no more adobe flash player for ubuntu?08:01
silverarrowI got a bit worried when I read 11.2 flash player would be the last one for linux in general08:02
Kingsyno way.. that cant be true08:02
silverarrowit looks like I will depend on adobe flash at some point,08:02
zinwagvo:  i used virtualbox running windows xp for about 2 months, and it crashes several times one day.08:03
DJonessilverarrow: http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/250784/for_flash_on_linux_there_are_open_player_alternatives.html08:03
silverarrowhopefully there will be ways about it08:03
silverarrowthanks DJones08:03
L3topKingsy: Do you have an ubuntu support question?08:03
gvozinwa:lol I ran xp for a while on my latpop and it crashed often too. ;)08:03
KingsyL3top: well kinda, do you use that driver? if so have you noticed that its got really bad performance? I even get jumpy screensavers08:04
PicCardFreaking adobe killing flash development for Linux now?08:04
infinityartworxi love the word latpop08:04
zinwagvo:  if crash scenarios not happened, it will be perfect, but i quit.08:04
Kingsywhich surely on a 1GBDDR5 6850 is totally crazy08:04
PicCardAndroid support drooped, now Linux.08:04
KingsyI should be able to run pretty much anything full resolution..08:04
gvoinfinityartworx: fingers run at different rates...08:04
infinityartworxgvo: hehehehe08:05
L3topKingsy: the open driver is rarely as capable of handling newer high end cards than the proprietary.08:05
silverarrowDJones, trouble is with sites that stream TV and copyrigh material they are forced to encode, and adobe flash seems to be the only alternative at the point. I suspect they will struggle with html5 for years until it works fine08:05
KingsyL3top: do you know much about the AMD proprietary driver? it seems really flakey to me, or is that only because I used the catalyst control center ?08:06
KingsyL3top: it was so flakey I binned it08:06
zinwaX-server crash every day on ubuntu 12.04, what's the schedule for deploying wayland ?08:06
Costeelationi solved the problem :D08:07
Kingsydoes anyone here use the proprietary amd driver?08:07
L3topKingsy: the repository version of the radeon driver may not fully support your card. You can try downloading and installing from ATI.08:08
DuppyWebHi, does anybody know why I cant access apache from localhost but from the Internet I can?08:08
DuppyWebUbutnu 12.04 / Apache 2.2.2208:08
L3topKingsy: Stop asking if anybody uses a driver that covers literally hundreds of chipsets.08:08
KingsyL3top: I was asking more generically to get a feel if its giving good performance + stability08:09
L3top!poll | Kingsy08:09
ubottuKingsy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:09
KingsyL3top: download it from "ATI" ? is this a resource?08:09
L3topKingsy: lspci -nn | grep VGA08:10
zinwaubottu, Kingsy :  log08:10
ubottuzinwa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:10
KingsyL3top: I am not on the pc right now.. so nm08:10
Kingsyzinwa: ?08:10
zinwaubottu, i do, indeed. :(08:11
ubottuzinwa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:11
L3topKingsy: AMD/ATI is the card manufactuerer.08:11
zinwaKingsy, just mistake08:11
KingsyL3top: ah ok.. so just download the driver from the official site08:11
L3topwell... the chipset manufacterer at least... and the one who MAKES the driver.08:11
L3topthe radeon driver is open source, but cannot always keep up with the  very latest cards.08:12
manatahello there08:13
KingsyL3top: well my card the HD 6850 is pretty old.. but I know what you mean.. I guessed the proprietary driver would be better.. I will give it another go when I get in from work08:13
manataI have a question about ubuntu system08:14
zinwamanata, say it:)08:14
manataIs it possible for example to type in skype in one language and while surfing to use another08:14
manatalike in windows 708:15
L3topKingsy: you cannot simply uninstall fglrx and run radeon btw. You must purge things... reinstall mesa... reconfigure xserver... That is probably at issue currently.08:15
L3topKingsy: I would love to help you do all that... but you arent here for support it seems.08:15
manatalet's say I type in russian in skype and use english while surfing08:15
KingsyL3top: yeah just here to discuss this really.. I will be on the terminal later tonight if your around?08:16
L3topThis is not the place to discuss things... for future reference. This is a support channel. In the future try #ubuntu-offtopic08:16
silverarrowmanata, yes I think there are, not sure about skype, but you can easily control word processor and browser in that sense08:17
zinwamanata, i think that u mentioned is about input methods configuration, right?08:17
L3topIt is 4 am here Kingsy. I will be gone shortly.08:17
manatawhat I mean is now I have to switch layout everytime between applications08:18
silverarrowmanata, if I remember correctly there some plugin for pidgin, it might have both skype and language support08:18
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silverarrowmanata, yes, different alphabets are a challenge08:19
Kingsyah lol .. wow08:19
manataI don't have problem with the language support, it is annoying to switch layout everytime between applications08:19
silverarrowa russian or greek forum would know about this I should think08:20
MonkeyDustmanata you could submit a request at !brainstorm08:21
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!08:21
L3topKingsy: http://askubuntu.com/questions/68306/how-do-i-restore-default-video-drivers08:22
manatathanks for your replays08:25
KingsyL3top: wow yeah I didnt do that :P08:26
AdvoWorki know I can look in the bash history for a list of commands, but is there anything that goes back even further than that at all? I ran something on a server about a month ago, and i need to remember what I did :p08:32
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theadminAdvoWork: Well, nothing goes further than ~/.bash_history08:35
ThinkT510theadmin: unless he has some sort of logging backup system08:36
theadminThinkT510: And what are the chances of that? ;)08:36
ThinkT510theadmin: slim08:36
theadminThinkT510: Uhm... The login manager?08:37
ThinkT510theadmin: the chances are slim08:37
theadminThinkT510: Ah, I get it now08:37
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* NoFace kalh xronia eutixismeno to neo etos xristos anesth08:43
theadminNoFace: English here, please.08:44
DJones!gr | NoFace08:44
ubottuNoFace: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes08:44
NikonHi all08:46
meshuggahheya Nikon, how are ya?08:47
Red_Moh.. i was gonna do python code then realized that this is #ubuntu08:47
NikonLord nikon is just bein needy at1:46 in the morn08:48
meshuggahdamn that i need to pee08:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:49
NikonYour funny08:49
peetaurI have an Ubuntu 10.04.1 machine that I want to upgrade to 10.04.3. What sort of upgrade is that? it's not a dist upgrade... would "aptitude safe-upgrade" do it?08:49
ThinkT510!dist-upgrade | peetaur08:50
ubottupeetaur: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.08:50
SpaceAviatorwhile selecting the ubuntu boot media in the BIOS i am give the option to use the normal or UEFI - which one should I pick??08:50
theadminpeetaur: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:50
theadminSpaceAviator: If you don't know, choose normal.08:51
peetaur"dist-upgrade" from the apt-* and aptitude is defined as what ubottu said above... but I am asking simply is the "apt safe-upgrade" (similar to full-upgrade, formerly known as dist-upgrade) is what I want.08:51
ThinkT510peetaur: we are saying dist-upgrade is what you need08:52
peetaurso rephrased, When I use aptitude dist-upgrade (proper new name is full-upgrade rather than dist-upgrade), will it change the .1 to a .3 in 10.04.1?08:52
ThinkT510peetaur: why haven't you been updating regularly anyway?08:53
peetaurokay, then next question: I ran aptitude safe-upgrade, and my ssh client lost connection, the server was no longer pingable, and the local screen was blank. Is this a bug or an intended feature?08:54
peetaurbecause I am short manned, and I'm upgrading the oldest things now.08:54
peetaurbefore the server hung up, it was just listing things about dependencies and conflicts.08:55
peetaurand second reason, is this is just a nagios server... nothing needing urgent updates.08:56
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peetaurand third reason, every single time I tried the "do-release-upgrade" thing, it failed horribly, needing a full reinstall to repair dependency problems, missing packages, etc.08:57
peetaurso upgrading Ubuntu is a hassle08:57
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chris|peetaur, aptitude will not intentionally kill your network08:57
peetaurit wasn't just the network... the local screen was blank and ctrl+alt+delete did nothing08:58
peetaurSo I'll just try it again.08:58
peetaurI'll use apt isntead of aptitude this time.08:58
chris|peetaur, if the machine is unresponsive, then something else is wrong. Try Sysrq08:59
gvopeetaur: I've been running multiple instances of Ubuntu since 6.??  While once in a while I saw a hickup, Ubuntu updated easily and reliably. Just saying...09:00
peetaurit updates 'easily and reliably', but afterwards, it spews out conflicts and errors when you try to install things, like the dpkg system is all messed up. I'll fetch you a pastebin of a similar problem on a system (although not caused by do-release-upgrade as far as I know)09:01
gvopeetaur: Do you use 3rd party repos?09:01
peetaurMostly no... but on one such server there was a virtualbox repo.09:02
chris|Virtualbox on a server? oO09:02
gvopeetaur: OK that's a mystery then09:02
peetaurvirtualbox does a better job than VMware actually :P09:03
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peetaurand virtualbox is not my main vm platform.09:03
theadminchris|: Why not? VirtualBox has a headless way to start stuff, and then you can access it via VNC I think09:03
theadminOr RDP or something.09:03
MonkeyDustbut vmware is commercial, so more MainStream09:03
LorraHi everybody! I've had this problem for some time now: whenever I try to use Ubuntu 12.04's default graphical login manager and type in my password and hit the enter key I am sent back to the login screen. I can login with gdm and in text mode of course, so what's wrong with lightdm. It's distro default, so it's a bit of a pity needing to drop it09:04
peetaurThe ONLY issue I've ever had with virtualbox that puts it behind xen, kvm, etc. is that when a virtual disk is on the Linux client NFS and the nfs server goes down, not only that vm fails, but all of vbox hangs and you need to either rescue the NFS server or reboot the vbox host.09:04
peetaurkvm for example just fails that vm, and everything else runs without a hicup09:04
peetaurbut anyway, I am trying to upgrade some Ubuntu servers... and so far apt-get seems to be better than aptitude for this. It is actually downloading things now.09:05
peetaurEither that, or stage1: crash and reboot is complete, and I am merely in stage2: install things indexed by stage109:06
ThinkT510peetaur: aptitude is no longer shipped by default with ubuntu releases due to multiarch09:06
ThinkT510!aptitude | peetaur09:07
ubottupeetaur: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.09:07
silverghostwhat is the irc channel of lubuntu09:08
ThinkT510silverghost: #lubuntu09:08
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silverghostguys i am not getting support of lubuntu09:13
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ThinkT510silverghost: you haven't told us your issue09:13
peetaurWhy not ask here if your question isn't specific to whatever they modified?09:13
silverghostis this lubuntu 12.04 lts release09:14
ThinkT510silverghost: 12.04 is lts yes09:15
silverghostareee i am talking about lubntu09:15
Anomie21Is there a way to get updates to install automatically at a set time? I know this could be achieved via a cron job (2008 post on ubuntu forums) but I'm wondering if there's a setting I'm overlooking in 12.0409:16
ThinkT510silverghost: lubuntu uses the same repos as ubuntu, so they are equally supported09:16
gvoAnomie21: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/automatic-updates.html09:16
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k1lsilverghost: can you rephrase your question pls?09:17
silverghostis this lubuntu 12.03 lts release wiki says it is not09:17
W4spAnomie21: There is no daemon for unattended-upgrades, hence you will need crond for it.09:18
gvolubuntu 12.04 is an lts release.09:18
k1lsilverghost: can you link this wiki page?09:19
Anomie21W4sp: just used 'apt-get install gnome-schedule'09:19
ThinkT510silverghost: they use the same repos, 12.04 will be supported for 5 years09:19
viratoHi, all. I'm trying to get Ubuntu Server to connect to the internet as a Guest OS in VirtualBox. Whenever I try to ping my router (, I get "connect: Network is unreachable".09:19
silverghostCurrent version. Unlike Ubuntu this is not a long term support release..09:19
ottoshmidtis it possible to apt-get remove and break dependency deliberately09:19
ottoshmidtleaving unmet deps temporarily09:20
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k1lhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu  silverghost09:20
silverghostwhy is wiki saying 12.04 lubuntu is not a lts release09:21
gvoHow interesting.09:22
k1lit is not labled as lts because there is a lack of manpower to maintain the lubuntu specific packages for the 5 years. but all the pakets from the ubuntu-base are maintained for 5 years09:22
ThinkT510gvo: i concur09:22
silverghost12.04 Precise Pangolin 26 April 2012 October 2013 Current version. Unlike Ubuntu this is not a long term support release.09:22
k1lsilverghost: read the ubuntu-wiki page i just linked09:22
silverghostit is about lubuntu 12.1009:23
Anomie21Is there a way to include your root password in the line you type 'sudo' so it doesnt prompt you for a pw?09:23
silverghostit is about lubuntu 11.1009:23
k1lsilverghost: dont stop reading after the first words :)09:23
gvoAnomie21: Are you trying to script sudo?09:23
silverghosti am using 12,04 lubuntu if this is not an lts release i will switch to xubuntu it has 3 yrs support09:23
silverghostwhen i ask this question they are not answering in lubuntu irc wtf09:24
LorraAnomie21, if you wish you can do multiple commands as root by executing «sudo su»09:24
Anomie21gvo: Not sure what that means? I'm trying to get a command to run at a scheduled time. But the command I'm using sudo apt-get update --yes && apt-get upgrade --yes requires a password prompt to continue (which I wont be around for)09:24
W4spAnomie21: gnome-schedule uses crond as stated. It will use the crontabs to read and write the entries, AFAIK. It will make crond as stated on the page you posted.09:25
LorraAnomie21, you can become root with sudo su and then set cron appropriately09:25
silverghosti need some info abt .rpm vs .deb yum vs apt pls throw some light on this09:25
gvoAnomie21: The usual fix for that is to either run as root or add apt-get as a command without password in visudo09:26
k1lsilverghost: read the 4th paragraph on the wiki link i posted for the lts issue.09:26
silverghostno i will ditch lubuntu xubntu has good support i am not happy with lubuntu support09:26
peetaursilverghost: The info you are requesting would be many pages long, but maybe you would find the tools "alien" and "rpm2cpio" interesting. Try "man alien" for example.09:27
gvoAnomie21: Are you familiar with the workings of /etc/cron.d/ files?09:27
silverghostcan i use rpm in ubuntu09:27
ThinkT510silverghost: no, it will likely break stuff09:27
ThinkT510!rpm | silverghost09:28
ubottusilverghost: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)09:28
W4spgnome-schedule is an excellent example for a bloated DE. :-)09:28
silverghosthey but i have heard u can use .deb in fedora09:28
peetaursilverghost: yes if you convert them. Usually you can use "alien" but instead of converting to dpkg, convert to zip and extract.09:28
peetauror try rpm2cpio | cpio -some-args-i-forget09:28
jalexandruHi, I've connected a new computer to a network that uses dhcp and took a random ip, I need to change the ip to a specific one.My question at this point is: I need to make changes to the new computer or on the server?09:29
ottoshmidtwhy can't I su to root?09:30
gvoottoshmidt: By default ubuntu has no root password.09:30
gvoUse sudo su -09:30
OdraFor whatever reason my C# .net 2.0 compiler seems to be missing, how can I reinstall it?09:30
gvojalexandru: new09:31
ottoshmidtwhat if sudo is broken?09:31
gvoottoshmidt: How is it broken?09:31
dontknowottoshmidt: ubuntu root account is locked09:31
ottoshmidtgvo i have broken its dep09:31
ottoshmidtdontknow, which is bad09:32
veiliancehey guys09:32
gvoottoshmidt: Boot single user and use dhcp to fix the dep maybe09:32
OdraWhat is the package name of mono? .___.09:32
veiliancedoes ubuntu 12.04 support unity 2d?09:32
jalexandrugvo: thank you, and what config file should I change? the new computer will take the ip of an old one hope this won't affect the dhcp server...09:32
dontknowottoshmidt: if you can't use sudo, open with root acces at boot09:32
DebolazWveiliance: Yes.09:32
ThinkT510veiliance: yes09:32
ottoshmidtdontknow, how?09:33
veilianceand 11.04 ( nattty) is defaulted to  unity 2d correct?09:33
dontknowottoshmidt: hold the shift when booting09:33
dontknowand chose root09:34
gvojalexandru: You shouldn't set the IP to a number in the range of the dhcp served addresses.09:34
veilianceim sorry ima noob ^^ but i am addicted to 11.04 ( natty)'s  deualt layout from what i could tell its unity 2d :)09:34
OdraI don't understand. Why mono develop can't compile. :|09:34
OdraIt doesn't make any sense.09:34
gvojalexandru: Is this a server?09:34
infinityartworxhow do i create apple DMG files with a format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Encryption: 128-bit in Ubuntu ?09:34
ThinkT510veiliance: if it uses compiz it is unity, if it uses metacity it is unity2d09:34
jalexandruthe new computer is a virtual server that will host a website09:35
gvojalexandru: Is network-manager running on it?  OK09:35
ThinkT510veiliance: unity from 11.04 was based on gnome2, from 11.10 onwards it is based on gnome309:35
jalexandrugvo: yes09:35
gvojalexandru: Ubuntu 12.04?09:35
veilianceawww :( i like the small cute lil launcher button :) its thin and slim and sexy09:36
gvojalexandru: Edit /etc/network/interfaces.09:37
* Odra facepalms09:37
jalexandrugvo thank you09:37
gvojalexandru: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux-basics-set-a-static-ip-on-ubuntu is a start09:37
OdraWhy mono-develop does not work D:09:37
gvojalexandru: Be sure you use the right device.  Eth0 is probably not what the virtual system uses.09:38
OdraHow I am supposed to port my applications to ubuntu if mono-develop does not work D:09:38
gvojalexandru: what virtual system?  VirtualBox?09:38
jalexandrugvo: i checked it with ifconfig and this one is using eth0 but thanks for the heads up; it's a vSphere hyperviser09:38
gvojalexandru: If that doesn't work, you may have to go to the vsphere manual09:41
jalexandrugvo thanks for your time, now I have a starting point so I'll get in to it...09:41
OdraHow do I re install mono :C09:42
OdraIs there a command like apt-get unbreak mono09:43
veiliance-dc]i think you should make one :P09:43
OdraApparently when I upgrade to precise pangolin mono broke09:43
OdraSo it doesnt work09:43
OdraSo I tried to uninstall it09:44
OdraBut I CANT09:44
OdraBecause it doesnt work!09:44
AdvoWorkyou know how you can do grep -R  * to find all occurences of that ip, is there a way(at the same time) of doing a find/replace on all of them files, changing it to say 0.2?09:44
OdraIt doesnt work because some stuff is missing and I cant uninstall because some stuff is missing what is this I dont evne09:44
veiliance-dclolz i rate you just reinstall cos like ubuntu reinstalls within 25 minutes09:44
BrainBug[BE]jalexandru, not totally in the loop of your problem ,but did you check in vsphere that on the settings of your machine the: "connected" and "connected at power on" are enabled in your network adapter?09:45
geirhaOdra: Pastebin what you're trying, and the output it produces09:45
OdraI am trying to reinstall mono09:45
PaolaHello all !09:45
Paolaplease to help me09:45
PaolaI done new install ubuntu 10.4 lucid09:46
OdraIt says that "Package dependencies cannot be resolved" and aborts the uninstall09:46
Paolabut why slow  on youtube ?09:46
OdraHoly mother of god its the second person who PM's me for help when I am searching for help myself.09:47
ghanoi tryed toopen a skype link from a web browser but doesn't work09:48
BrainBug[BE]Odra, maybe as you say, the package is broken. try this: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade  try to reinstall/uninstall if this persist try : sudo apt-get install -f09:49
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jalexandruBrainBug[BE]: just checked that and they are both checked but I have no options to set up the ip manually in the vsphere client so it's back to code for me.09:50
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ghanoskype doesn't associated with any program09:51
OdraBrainBug[BE]: Nothing happened.09:51
veiliance-dchey guys09:52
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ThinkT510veiliance-dc: straw dudes09:53
BrainBug[BE]Odra, try : apt-get install --force-reinstall true <package>09:54
veiliance-dci have a ati 1600 pro graphics card where can i find drivers for it cos  the additional drivers thing installs but wont allow me with dual screen config it just mirrors it the whole time and tells me that the virtual size cant fit and i then googled the issue  and changed the xorg.conf file to make my virtual size bigger but still no sucess :'( i need the drivers to paly games :$09:54
veiliance-dcum what is straw?09:55
ThinkT510veiliance-dc: a lot like hay09:55
veiliance-dchaha o ok :) you got any ideas on my issue :\09:55
ThinkT510veiliance-dc: sorry, i use nvidia09:56
veiliance-dchaha same here for home nvidia & ubuntu are like :DDDDDD09:57
BrainBug[BE]jalexandru, maybe this one can help: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=430949909:57
veiliance-dcbut ati is like bleah09:57
veiliance-dcbut beggers cant be choosers :\09:58
jalexandruBrainBug[BE]: thank you for the the link, will read it right now.09:59
gvojalexandru: Once you make changes you'll have to restart networking09:59
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kexworkhey guys, does anyone know a tool where i can select a certain reigon to see how big it is? (I am designing a website from a PDF design, and it needs to be pixel-perfect)10:05
BrainBug[BE]kexwork, screenruler?10:09
BrainBug[BE]kexwork, http://gnomecoder.wordpress.com/screenruler/10:09
MonkeyDust!info screenruler10:10
ubottuscreenruler (source: screenruler): measure objects on screen with a variety of metrics. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.960+bzr41-1 (precise), package size 21 kB, installed size 156 kB10:10
ldsgfdapt consumes 100% CPU on a Pentium Celerom M10:18
BrainBug[BE]ldsgfd, how long has it been running?10:20
ldsgfdalways i install anything10:21
ldsgfdapt-get upgrade, synaptic, update manager ....10:21
ThinkT510i'm not surprised, its an old processor10:21
BrainBug[BE]ldsgfd, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh -a10:22
ldsgfdyes, ubuntu 7.10 worked fine10:22
ThinkT510ldsgfd: back in 200710:22
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silverghosthello guys am having a strange problem after i do sudo apt-get upgrade my browsing speed is very slow but my download speeds are normal10:24
sparkaHi, is there any way to resume a do-release-upgrade?10:26
sparkamust have accidentaly closed the screen :/10:26
BrainBug[BE]silverhost, is your browser scrolling expirience slow or just connecting to websites?10:26
silverghostsome websites are taking 2 minutes to open10:26
BrainBug[BE]sparka, maybe this site can help : http://askubuntu.com/questions/45622/how-to-resume-the-upgrade-of-package-downloads-10-04-10-1010:27
BrainBug[BE]silverghost, try google enter " test" take the first page, is it fast or slow?10:27
sparkaBrainBug[BE]: It only says that apt-get or aptitude is already running10:27
nc495i need a media player for ubuntu,any suggestions?10:28
silverghostsmplayer nc49510:28
DebolazWnc495: I tend to prefer VLC for video playback.10:28
BrainBug[BE]nc495, depend on what you want to do with it, mplayer is fun to start from command line, vlc for all purposes...10:28
nc495i will download all,thanks all :D10:29
ldsgfdmidori spend more CPU on HTML5 than chromium Lol10:29
BrainBug[BE]ldsgfd, great you found out10:29
ice_flameHello people, do you have solution for compiz big cpu usage?10:30
ldsgfdflash player are useless on 1.4 GHz processor10:30
ice_flamewhen monitor turn off and my cpu fan start to spin very fast.10:31
ice_flameThis is for ubuntu 12.04 64 bit10:33
ice_flameand ati hd 577010:33
BrainBug[BE]ice_flame, are you using ati driver or the open one?10:34
ice_flamei had drivers downloaded and compiled from amd site10:35
ice_flamethis only happens when monitor turn off.10:36
BrainBug[BE]ice_flame, why not use apt-get?  sudo apt-get install fglrx ; sudo aticonfig --initial ; anyway, there should be a catalyst control center where you can edit powerplay options10:37
ice_flameMaybe I;m wrong, because I read post where people say drivers for ati is better on their site.10:39
ice_flameI mean amd site.10:39
ice_flameAnd that was the reason using them.10:39
BrainBug[BE]ice_flame, depends what you want from your video card; ati's proprietary driver is intended to have 3D acc. and maximum usage whereas the radeon hd driver is stable10:40
BrainBug[BE]ice_flame, if your watching 1080p's, HD movies, playing high end games, you should try to fix ati's driver else i suggest you try the open source one10:41
simplewisnt possible to have the sidebar tree in nautilus anymore???10:42
simplewi have installed quantal10:43
BrainBug[BE]ice_flame, maybe this link would help you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/32995/amd-radeon-hd-4250-fan-noise-and-driver-choice10:43
coellobrancoi need help with a NVIDIA driver problem...10:43
ThinkT510!12.10 | simplew10:43
ubottusimplew: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+110:43
ice_flameI look link you give me, 10 for your help. BrainBug!10:43
lotuspsychjeanyone can help fixing this mouse pointer problem? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+question/14404010:43
BrainBug[BE]ice_flame, your welcome10:44
coellobrancomuy error is: http://pastebin.com/mQA6DVvN10:44
mnicenot real problem but now in charge with friend of mine10:44
mnicehe wants to convince me that chrome includes some flash player in ubuntu diffrent from standard adobe flash plugin10:44
mnicetrue/false ?10:45
lotuspsychjemnine: got flash issues?10:45
mnicelotuspsychje: no10:45
BrainBug[BE]mnice, look at the first pointer: http://lifehacker.com/5505518/chrome-officially-integrates-flash-plug+in-by-default10:46
ThinkT510mnice: chrome isn't in the repos, you'd need to ask the chrome devs10:46
mnicelotuspsychje: just need to know if chrome uses libflashplayer.so for displaying flash content or something else buil-in10:46
mniceBrainBug[BE]: thanks10:46
StarOnDHello everyone, my brasero is not recognizing a new blank CD R ,can someone help me ? I am in ubuntu 10.0410:46
BrainBug[BE]StarOnD, tried another empty dvd?10:47
StarOnDhold please let me try10:47
lotuspsychjesomeone got a clue about a corrupt square mouse pointer at first boot? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+question/14404010:47
elspuddy_hi, im trying to figure out why my drive shaire has stoped working, here is a copy of my log file for samba/nmbd http://paste.ubuntu.com/1132196/10:48
BrainBug[BE]lotuspsychje, dont know if it is relevant for your case but the have this issue too: http://askubuntu.com/questions/21295/mouse-pointer-strange-problem10:49
=== mike_ is now known as Guest62258
StarOnDBrainBug, it still says please replace CD with supported CD or DVD10:50
BrainBug[BE]StarOnD, can you try with an alternative (gnomebaker?)10:51
StarOnDsimilar error with k3b10:51
lotuspsychjeBrainBug[BE]: worg file does not exist for me, maybe i can try the BIOS setting, but i got this strange mouse pointer on an older laptop too, where i cant increase video ram neither..10:52
Chris-DSetting up Ubuntu Server 12.04 now... as a web server10:52
lotuspsychjeStarOnD: what kind of brand/speed cd/dvd you bought?10:53
lotuspsychje!lamp | Chris-D10:53
ubottuChris-D: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:53
Chris-Dthanks ubottu :)10:53
StarOnDlotuspsychje,52X Recordable Moser Baer10:53
lotuspsychjeStarOnD: did you try another brand too? are you sure your dvd-writer is still working?10:54
StarOnDk3b says please insert into an empty medium10:54
BrainBug[BE]StarOnD, can you play a dvd? that has been burned10:54
StarOnDBrainBug,good question10:55
lotuspsychjeBrainBug[BE]:where could i add this line swcursor:true on precise, worg file does not exist10:55
BrainBug[BE]yes xorg10:56
BrainBug[BE]you can generate it depends on your driver10:56
lotuspsychjecant open the xorg file10:57
BrainBug[BE]sudo Xorg -configure10:57
lotuspsychjeFatal server error:10:58
lotuspsychjeServer is already active for display 010:58
lotuspsychjeIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock10:58
lotuspsychjeand start again.10:58
FloodBot1lotuspsychje: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:58
mnicethis chan is awsome .. can't quit staring10:58
BrainBug[BE]lotuspsychje, you could try from console, boot withouth x for a second and generate the xorg file10:59
BluesKajHi folks10:59
sparkaafter do-release-upgrade to 12.04 i get "mountall: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /lib/libplt.so2)" :( How can i solve this?10:59
lotuspsychjebrainbug: seems something like this too here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1747023&page=411:00
ubottuThe X Window system is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart X, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm' on an ubuntu system. replace with kdm on Kubuntu. To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . Also see !xorgconf11:00
lotuspsychjedoes lightdm eplace xorg maybe in precise?11:01
dsgvasdfALERT! http://pastebin.com/aacTUjjb Freenode is infiltrated by PEDOPHILES from the top down to the bottom! Notice in this log how staffers tolerate graphic descriptions of child sex and the solicitation in open channel to distribute child porn via pm without banning!  Check out the Pastebin of this! http://pastebin.com/aacTUjjb11:04
cfhowlettdsgvasdf: seriously?  take your tired act elsewhere or check your facts.11:05
BrainBug[BE]lotuspsychje, i do not have any experience with lightdm for the xorg you could generate it from command line on xinit3 then place it in the right location and reboot.11:05
AuzyI'm pretty sure dsgvasdf was simply warning us about his fetishes11:06
lotuspsychjeBrainBug:will it not harm my system to generate a new xorg, cause it does not exist yet?11:06
folmerI have an older laptop (core2duo, 2gb ram, 5400RPM hdd), and I installed ubuntu on it in hope that it would speed things up because of lower sys reqs. However, after some use, I still experience that, say, rightclicking on the desktop to bring up the menu takes as much as 10sec (while there is heavy disk activity)11:10
folmerthe user experience goes to hell and I'm tearing my hair out when that happens. Is there anything I can do or do I have to buy a new laptop?11:11
ice_flameyou hardware is it ok?11:12
ice_flameDo you test your hard drive for errors?11:12
folmerI donøt know.11:12
folmerI haven't no11:12
folmerwhat's the command for it?11:13
alankilalengthy UI pauses when other disk activity is occurring sound pretty normal to me though. linux has always been like that.11:13
cfhowlettfolmer: older lappy?  try lubuntu or xubuntu - both are designed for older, lower spec devices.11:13
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cfhowlettfolmer: also, ram matters.11:13
alankilathe other operating systems are not immune either11:13
folmercfhowlett: I installed xfce4 on ununtu and I'm running it now. Same problem11:14
cfhowlettfolmer: what's your ram?11:14
alankilathat being said, collecting statistics with iotop/vmstat/atop/top etc. would help, to try to figure out what programs are using the various resources.11:14
W4spfolmer's spec are fine for anything. I would suggest to check with iotop, top if something hangs.11:14
Auzyfolmerif they aren't all immune, could be a lot of things.. Could even be the HDD11:14
BrainBug[BE]folmer, maybe this one helps: http://askubuntu.com/questions/96216/right-click-on-xubuntu-home-screen-is-slow-is-it-normal11:15
kristenbbwhere is the content of ~/ubuntu one/Shared with me ?11:15
folmerI mean, I know the specs aren't the greatest, but I really did expect an improvement switching to Linux11:16
folmeralankila: How would you go about doing that?11:16
folmerBrainBug[BE]: thanks, 'll check the link now11:16
BrainBug[BE]folmer, maybe ice_flame has a point, if everything becomes slow on all and everything, it maybe due to bad sectors or corrupt disk, from your bios you can scan / test hard drive. you have to check it's vendor specific (press F2, F10, del,... key on booting your computer)11:18
subdesignany idea what is the correct url handler for Chrome in XChat?11:18
folmerBrainBug[BE]: Yeah, ok, I see the point of the article. It just bypasses the need to access the disk in order to fetch the icons. I guess it's a workaround, but the general sloppyness doesn't limit itself to the menus alone11:19
alankilaI haven't seen bios-based disk scanners ever.11:19
rvgateWith remmina, how do i enable the save password option for ssh connections11:19
ice_flameHP laptop have11:19
alankilaanyway if there are unreadable sectors they appear with kernel complaining in its log (dmesg) about it11:19
folmerBrainBug[BE]: I guess it's the need to access the disk that's killing the user experience (because it's so terribly slow 5400RPM), but STILL I hadn't imagined it would be that gross11:19
kristenbbwhere does the symink  ~/ubuntu one/Shared with me point to?11:20
folmeralankila: I have a rather full HDD (only ~15gigs free) would it affect performance?11:20
BrainBug[BE]folmer, i have one around the specs your saying, and it's decent. so that's why you should do a memory / disk check from bios to see if anything is wrong there11:20
cfhowlettmilsabor: greetings11:20
alankilafolmer: 15 GB still sounds like a lot to me.11:21
folmerBrainBug[BE]: Right, I'll try to do some memory/disk diagnostics11:21
cfhowlettPaola: greetings11:21
Paolai want know about version on ubuntu 10.10 maverick desktop ist good work and have drivers  ?11:21
alankilarunning linux for long time with very full disk is almost certain to fragment all commonly used files, though.11:21
MonkeyDustPaola  10.10 is no longer valid or supported11:21
folmeralankila: yeah I'd think so too. Still It's said that HDD's slow down when they fill up11:22
BrainBug[BE]subdesign, maybe this one can help: http://forum.xchat.org/viewtopic.php?t=557611:22
ice_flameFolmer if you a not familiar with linux diagnostics, you can try Hirens boot cd11:22
ubottupaola: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:22
folmeralankila: I just don't know if it applies to my situation11:22
folmerice_flame: Right, I'll give it a try. Is it a linux dist?11:22
alankilafolmer: there exists a tool called e4defrag to estimate disk fragmentation. It usually says 0 to everybody because the filesystem is fragmentation resistant.11:22
MonkeyDustPaola  keep it in the channel please11:22
Paola im here on ubuntu 10.4 lucid11:23
Paola but why slow here and video youtube is slow11:23
ice_flameit;s live cd11:23
ellabwhat does "1;" mean perl?11:23
ice_flameit's dosn't needlinux or windows11:23
cfhowlettPaola: 10.04 is LTS so has 36 months support in the desktop edition11:23
folmeralankila: there's no package with that name in apt11:23
alankilafolmer: it's part of e2fsprogs, so in a 12.04 ubuntu it is already installed.11:24
Paolaits good 10.04.4 lts ?11:24
folmeralankila: ah, right11:24
W4spfolmer 's hardware spec is fine, I run on Centrino with 1.2GHz that I step down to 600 Mhz with 1.4GB RAM. Everything works with good performance. I suggest folmer you follow BrainBug[BE] and alankila advice to identify where the issue is.11:24
PaolaDistributor ID:Ubuntu11:24
PaolaDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS11:24
FloodBot1Paola: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:24
ice_flameI thing is fine too11:24
MonkeyDustPaola  you might as well upgrade to 12.0411:24
kristenbbwhere does the symink  ~/ubuntu one/Shared with me point to?11:25
Alir3z4I am on the Ubuntu 10.04, if i issue "# apt-get upgrade" the distro itself will be upgraded?11:25
Paolabut how to make command for upgrade  ?11:25
W4spDon't make it worse by guessing.11:25
cfhowlettAlir3z4: no it will not11:25
milsaborI've got a slow connexion issue only at my parent's, and only with my laptop (I mean that i never have issues to connect at any wifi connexion except at my parent's, and that an other ubuntu laptop is connected to the wifi and works perfectly well)11:25
MonkeyDustPaola  fresh install may be faster and more efficient -- don't forget to backup, first11:25
=== cvs is now known as Guest47554
Alir3z4cfhowlett: Thank you, so if i want to upgrade to 12.04 what i have to do then ?11:25
kristenbbwhere does the symlink  ~/ubuntu one/Shared with me point to?11:25
Ristovskihello, Im on linux mint 12 on my ASUS laptop, when I cannect my headphones, both headphones and speakers work, any help?11:25
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:26
DJones!mint | Ristovski11:26
ubottuRistovski: please see above11:26
alankilamy advice to linux disk access woes is to invest in SSD. I don't use non-SSD systems anymore.11:26
cfhowlettAlir3z4: from ubuntu software center, you should have the option to upgrade the distro11:26
Alir3z4cfhowlett: It's production server11:26
cfhowlettAlir3z4: but ONLY from 10.04 to 12.04 as they're both LTS11:26
cfhowlettcfhowlett: so command line only?11:26
Paola<MonkeyDust>  please privat me better11:26
Paolai dont know all command for ubuntu11:26
cfhowlettAlir3z4: command line only then?11:27
folmerW4sp: yeah I'd expect something is wrong too. I mean, it's really frustrating when it happens, but then again I don't know if I'm asking too much of the hardware. I do tend to have a lot of tabs open i na browser ie, but it's really astonishing if that's the reason the system gets handicapped like that11:27
kristenbbcan someone please help me?11:27
ubottuspina89: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:27
Alir3z4cfhowlett: Yes11:27
cfhowlettAlir3z4: see http://blog.sven.co.za/2010/06/01/upgrade-your-ubuntu-distro-from-the-command-line-server-or-desktop/11:27
Alir3z4cfhowlett: Thank you very much ;)11:27
cfhowlettAlir3z4: have fun. be safe.11:28
folmeralankila: I use an SSD in my desktop too. It's really amazing what it does to the responsiveness and the overall performance of the system, so my expectations could be way off for the laptop11:28
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*11:28
=== Mike is now known as Guest31405
Paolatell me know ... how to command for upgrade ? i see have upgrade is 10.10 new upgrade but how to 12.04  ?11:28
cfhowlettPaola: can't upgrade from 10.10 directly.  Best you do a clean install11:29
TobyJamesJoyhi, compiz has crashed on me twice after using the super key to open the dash, any tips? this doesn;t reproduce reliably, only the twice....11:29
Paolabut how to make ?11:29
kristenbbcan someone please tell me what's the output of the command     ll Ubuntu\ One/Shared\ With\ Me     ?11:29
cfhowlettPaola: download the iso.  checksum.  create a live boot USB or cdrom.  Boot that and install.11:29
alankilafolmer: in general all our disk schedulers are written to maximize bandwidth at expense of latency. Even the best of them such as CFQ seem like they don't do enough to control the problem.11:30
W4spfolmer: I think your advice is correct, see what processes are causing issues. It may be a flaw in the hardware but this can be identified by running the tools you and BrainBug[BE] suggested. Besides, it takes to long to open a contect menu on the desktop.11:30
MonkeyDustPaola  you cannot upgrade directly from 10.10 to 12.04, fastest is to fresh install -- don't forget to backup, first11:30
Paolaokey but that good version 10.04.4 LTS  ?11:30
kristenbbCan someone please not ignore me ? :(11:30
MonkeyDustPaola  use 12.04 , not 10.0411:31
Paolai must install download cd rom for 12.04  ?11:31
MonkeyDustkristenbb  that's not ignoring, that's 'not knowing te answer to whatever your question was'11:31
usr13Paola: If you have 10.04 on hand, use it.11:31
Paolaafter install update manager ---> settings normal release after install update, really   ?11:31
kristenbbMonkeyDust: it doesn't require any skills, just having a 12.04 ubuntu. I bet there's more than one in here.11:32
milsaborit seemed to be a bit rate problem (my wi fi card supports n wifi, but my wifi box does not), so i tried to change the bit rate using the following command lines : ifdown wlan0;  iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M; ifup wlan0. But the first command returns "interface wlan0 not configured"11:32
PaolaI need work ubuntu that good  ?11:33
shal3rHow to get [sun-java6-jre sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-plugin] on ubuntu 9.3 ?11:33
Paolaexcusa me I am deaf and my names Paola11:33
usr13Paola: 10.04 Desktop is good until April 201311:33
alankilafolmer: that being said the performance is pretty good as long as you don't force more I/O than the disk system can take... but as soon as you do, the queues fill up, the backlog builds, scheduling decisions penalize programs that generate small I/O requests at a time and which must wait until those are satisfied before they can generate more11:34
cfhowlettPaola: what's your question?11:34
kristenbbcan someone with 12.04 please tell me what's the output of the command     ll Ubuntu\ One/Shared\ With\ Me     ?11:34
PaolaI need work all drivers and good ati/amd work video on youtube this that version on ubuntu   ?11:34
jactaanyone running evolution in the newest stable version?11:34
MonkeyDustkristenbb  wy do you want to now what people are sharing?11:35
Alir3z4Paola: You can watch video on youtube without flash or other plugins also11:35
kristenbbthat's not what I want to know, I want to know where the symlink points to11:35
kristenbbI deleted it by mistake11:35
=== tommis1 is now known as tommis
usr13kristenbb: ls -l  will tell you.11:35
kristenbbis there nobody with 12.04 in here??11:35
Paolabut how to command ? tell me know please11:35
usr13kristenbb: But not if you deleted it.11:36
DJones!patience | kristenbb11:36
ubottukristenbb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:36
kristenbbusr13: yes, do it please if you have it.11:36
MonkeyDustkristenbb  for a start, ll is a unix command, not a linux command, i guess you mean ls -l11:37
Alir3z4Paola: I'm not a ubuntu desktop user, but may this help you => http://askubuntu.com/questions/142627/flgrx-amd-catalyst-driver-issues-in-ubuntu-12-0411:37
Paolavideo on youtube without flash or other plugins also but how to command ? tell me know please11:37
usr13kristenbb: Why would someone else have that file?  What is it?11:37
folmeralankila: yeah I know I'm rathe limited with regrds to io resources, but even now when I type, having run e4defrag in the background the system stops responding for several seconds occationally11:37
W4spPaola: /home/<yourid>/.local/share/ubuntuone/shares/11:38
kristenbbMonkeyDust: ll is a bash shortcut that everyone one with ubuntu has. it just means ls -l with some other stuff.11:38
MonkeyDustkristenbb  it points to ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/shares/11:38
W4spkristenbb: /home/<yourid>/.local/share/ubuntuone/shares/11:38
folmeralankila: I think it's unacceptable, but,again, is it completely normal for an older laptop?11:38
kristenbbok, thanks.11:39
Paola/home/<yourid>/.local/share/ubuntuone/shares/   after what ?11:39
W4spPaola: Sorry, mixed you accidently with kristenbb11:39
kristenbbPaola: no, that was for me11:39
Paolai dont understand ! :-/11:40
Paolafglrx is already the newest version.11:40
PaolaE: Couldn't find package fglrx-amdccclete11:40
kristenbbPaola: what language do you speak? Italian? maybe you'd better go to an italian version.11:40
Paolaenglish only11:41
W4spPaola: I accidently addressed an answer to you that was intended for kristenbb11:41
Paolabut i am deaf excuse me11:41
Paolawhat this about ?11:41
oldereagleI use Ubuntu 12.04 on my eee pc that has 1024x600 screen. When I hook up an external monitor (1280 x 1024) Ubuntu will not use it without rotating the screen 90 degrees.11:41
MonkeyDustoldereagle  i guess you can rotate it back, by right clicking on it11:42
Paolaso update manager---> setitings --> prompt normal release after install update , perfect  ?11:42
oldereagleNope. Only change it "to the left" or "to the right". Not "Normal"..11:43
folmere4defrag found nothing11:43
oldereagleMonkeyDust, Nope. Only change it "to the left" or "to the right". Not "Normal"..11:43
MonkeyDustoldereagle  moment, in xfce it's possible, i switch now to unity11:43
MonkeyDustoldereagle  it does have a rotation feature in unity11:45
Paolaso why not work update on 9.10   ?11:45
MonkeyDusti'm sure Dr_Willis can't wait to help someone11:45
MonkeyDustPaola  because 9.10 is too old11:46
oldereagleMonkeyDust, Thanks for helping. But my problem is that when I hook up an external monitor, the possible selections of rotations go from "4 ways" to only "2 ways" and both of those are "laying on its side".11:47
elspuddy_ im trying to figure out why my drive shaire has stoped working, here is a copy of my log file for samba/nmbd http://paste.ubuntu.com/1132196/11:47
jactaDoes anyone know how to get the stable version on evolution on the machine instead of the default from apt-get?11:47
Paolabut what good this 10.04  lucid is ok  ?11:47
MonkeyDustjacta  start from the beginning, what happened11:48
Paolabut what good this 10.04  lucid is ok  ?11:48
jactaMonkeyDust, the one from apt-get is just old, and latest stable is newer11:48
MonkeyDust!latest| jacta11:48
ubottujacta: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:48
Paolatell me know11:49
Paolasay me now... i dont have time waiting11:49
jactaMonkeyDust, I know that - but in this case I'd like the newest one11:49
Paolabut what good this 10.04  lucid is ok  ?11:49
MonkeyDustPaola  yes, 10.04 is supported until spring next year11:49
Paolabut  work force driver for ati/amd  ?11:49
oldereagleMonkeyDust, I can view the ext monitor in 800 X 600 but in 1280x1024 the optios are reduced to clockwise and ant-clockwise. Disabling the laptop monitor does not help...11:49
MonkeyDustoldereagle  sounds strange, i can't advice on it11:50
oldereagleMonkeyDust, ok. thanks anyway.11:50
Paola<MonkeyDust>  its  work force driver for ati/amd  ?11:51
MonkeyDustPaola  i have intel and i'm happy with it, i'm not familiar with anything else11:51
jactaMonkeyDust, problem is that I dont know how to update :\11:52
PaolaMonkeyDust  okey but  what boot loader that h 0,0 or sda, sata hard  ?11:52
Paolafor manual partition11:52
MonkeyDustjacta  if it's not in the repos, you need a ppa or so, but you use that on your own risk11:53
PaolaMonkeyDust  ?11:53
MonkeyDustPaola  not sure what you mean11:54
Paolaso i have ati/amd readon but its work install for ubuntu  10.4  ?11:54
Dr_Willisdepends on the exact card paola11:55
MonkeyDustPaola  i'm not familiar with ati/amd, i'm sure someone else can help11:55
Paolabut what help me how  ?11:55
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:55
Paolabut have there Hardware > Drivers11:56
Paola02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV710 [Radeon HD 4550]11:57
Paolawidth: 64 bits11:57
Paolawhat this  ? why not 32 bit  ????11:58
PaolaI must install iso ubuntu 10.04.4 lts 64 bit or 32 bit that for ati 64 bit  ?11:58
compdocati = video card11:59
Dr_Willisyou are confuseing your bits..11:59
Dr_Williswhats the cpu = decides if you want 32 or 64bit11:59
compdocvideo cards dont care if the OS is 32 or 64 bit12:00
Dr_Willisif you dont know.. go 32bit.12:00
compdocteh more bits, the faster the vid card12:00
Paolai dont know all mean :(12:00
PaolaI have cd ubuntu 10.04 32 bit12:00
Paolabut why at 64 bit   ?12:00
compdocuse 3212:01
Paolabut why ati 64 bit  ?12:01
Paolayes 32 bit12:01
compdocdont know why anyone would use ubuntu 10.04, but whatever12:01
PaolaIn Ubuntu 10.04 and 9:10 this is found under System->Administration->Hardware Drivers.12:02
Dr_Willisignore that 'bit' info about the video.. its confuseing you12:02
Paolashit :(12:02
DIFH-icerootcompdoc: because its a lts release which is still supported12:02
PaolaNote:In Ubuntu 10:10 Hardware Drivers is now named Additional Drivers12:02
Dr_WillisPaola:  correct.. or just run    jockey-gtk12:03
Paolaits work 10.10 for ati12:03
Paolabut how to make command for jockey-gtk   ????12:03
Dr_Willisthe command is  gksudo jockey-gtk12:03
Paolaoh okey12:04
caixais there a reason why my gpu runs about 20c hotter in linux than windows?12:04
brontosaurusrexxrandr is installed by default on *buntus?12:04
Paolabut this driver is activated and currently in use.12:05
milsaborok, i try again : hi everyone, I've got a slow connexion issue only at my parent's, and only with my laptop (I mean that i never have issues to connect at any wifi connexion except at my parent's, and that an other ubuntu laptop is connected to the wifi and works perfectly well). it seemed to be a bit rate problem (my wi fi card supports n wifi, but my wifi box does not), so i tried to change the bit rate using the following12:05
milsabor command lines : ifdown wlan0;  iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M; ifup wlan0. But the first command returns "interface wlan0 not configured"12:05
Paolabut why slow video on youtube   ?????12:05
DIFH-icerootPaola: normally a flash issue, because on GNU/Linux the gpu is not used for flash12:05
DIFH-icerootPaola: also, 10.10 is no longer supported12:06
=== DIFH-iceroot is now known as iceroot
Paolabut why slow video on youtube   ?????12:06
icerootPaola: 10.10 is no longer supported12:06
Paolahow to make good work ?12:06
Paolai understand... better only 10.04 lts12:07
Dr_Willisbecause flash sucks mainly...12:07
jahidwhen i do "ls -l" what are the 3rd and 4th column means? normally they show user name12:07
icerootjahid: username and group12:07
Dr_Willisuid and gid perhaps?12:07
icerootjahid: and if you for example deleted that user, the uid and gui is shown12:08
Paolabut how to make remove and install again for flash   ? ?????12:08
icerootPaola: we dont support 10.10 here12:08
Dr_Willisthey can show a # if you move stuff  from different system s12:08
Dr_Willisremove/reinstalling flash wont help flash much i imagine12:08
iceroot!eol | Paola12:08
ubottuPaola: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:08
MonkeyDustPaola  first upgrade to 12.04, then ask support12:08
jahidiceroot, drwxr-xr-x  2 ec-developer root         4096 2012-08-06 13:55 projects      <---- so on this the ec-developer is the creator? and root is the owner?12:10
milsaboranyone please ?12:10
oldereagleMonkeyDust, I managed to solve it by Googling... : http://askubuntu.com/questions/149025/dual-monitor-second-screen-is-rotated-ubuntu-12-04-precise12:11
icerootjahid: ec-developer is the owner, root is the group12:11
MonkeyDustoldereagle  great :-)12:11
icerootjahid: owner group other  is the order12:11
jahidiceroot, isnt it other way around?12:11
icerootjahid: no12:11
jahidbecause i do not have any user "ec-developer", and there is not root group either. but i have a group name ec-developers12:12
icerootjahid: man chown12:12
icerootowner then group12:12
icerootjahid: and you have a user named ec-developer and a group named root12:13
icerootjahid: if you dont have them ls would show the uid and gui instead of the real names12:13
icerootjahid: getent passwd | grep ec-developer12:13
icerootjahid: getent group | grep root12:13
jahidiceroot, when i do "cat /etc/group" i do not see any group named root.12:14
Piciiceroot: fyi, you can do:  getent group root12:14
icerootPici: thx12:14
icerootjahid: always use getent12:14
icerootjahid: because its also reading ldap and other sources for users and groups12:14
rickogdenhi all, is it possible to prepend a custom mapped attribute in ldap.conf? eg. nss_map_attribute homeDirectory "/home/"sAMAccountName12:15
icerootrickogden: #openldap or #slapd12:15
rickogdeniceroot: thanks12:15
RomeoAvams with Adobe Flash Player in Ubuntu10:04. The display settings window is inactive12:16
jahidiceroot, i do not have any user named "ec-developer", but I do have a group.12:16
=== cryptfu_ is now known as Guest22236
icerootjahid: impossible12:16
icerootjahid: outout of "id ec-developer"12:16
icerootjahid: if that is not finding anything, ls would show for example 1000 instead of ec-developer12:17
jahiduid=1010(ec-developer) gid=1011(ec-developer) groups=1011(ec-developer),1003(android-dev)12:17
icerootjahid: as i sais, you have a user called ec-developer12:17
icerootjahid: with the uid 101012:17
jahidi :o12:17
kristenbbHow can I redirect the sound to a new display ?12:19
Paolabut what normal release or  Long term support release only  ? ????12:19
icerootkristenbb: a display is not producing sound12:19
icerootPaola: 10.04, 11.04, 11.10, 12.04 are the supported ones12:19
icerootand 8.04 (server)12:19
Paolaubuntu  9.10 is work good for ati and good force but why error for update manager  ????12:20
kristenbbiceroot: how can I attach to an existing sound device from a distant display then?12:20
iceroot!eol | Paola  (last link for the error)12:20
ubottuPaola  (last link for the error): End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:20
icerootkristenbb: is your question how to play ssound remote from a server?12:20
kristenbbiceroot: from a client, but yes12:20
Paolabut how to make link add for update manager on ubuntu  9.10   ?12:21
Paolathis its work for me good pc12:21
icerootPaola: read the link12:21
Paolaand work ati/amd  nice12:21
bazhangPaola, it's not supported12:21
icerootkristenbb: what are you using? vnc, teamviewer, rdesktop, nx?12:21
kristenbbiceroot: nx12:21
Paolaiceroot you can try my pc on teamviewer   ?12:21
Paolabetter help me  my pc look12:22
Paolaor bazhang if you can try my pc   ?12:22
bazhangPaola, 9.10 is not supported. please upgrade12:22
kristenbbiceroot: but i'd also like an answer to all of the above, I use all of them. I'm guessing the answer can be adapted to different software...12:22
icerootkristenbb: for freenx is saw it working some time ago but i dont know how. i dont think vnc is supporting sound12:23
nc495i need a swf player for ubuntu12:23
Paola9.10 new install after upgrade ? but prompt=Normal after upgrade12:23
icerootPaola: can you sltop this? i told you 3 times that your versions are not supported here12:24
cfhowlettPaola: 9.10 is dead.  period point blank.12:24
MonkeyDustPaola  first upgrade, then ask help12:24
nc495i need swf player for ubuntu12:25
icerootkristenbb: just have something like this at the moment :( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=170226312:25
Paolabefore i see 9.10 is work well for force ati but 10.04 why bad slow for ati  ? how   ?12:25
MonkeyDust!repeat| nc49512:25
ubottunc495: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:25
icerootnc495: vlc maybe12:25
RomeoAvaProblems with Adobe Flash Player in Ubuntu10:04. The Adobe display settings window is inactive in an on-line conference.12:25
RomeoAvathat cud be because Unity?12:25
RomeoAvaor 3D?12:25
nc495ok,thanks iceroot12:25
kristenbbiceroot: there's no answer to the question...12:26
cfhowlettRomeoAva: i'd guess either would do it.  boot the classic display to test...12:26
icerootkristenbb: i know, because of that the ":("12:26
icerootkristenbb: but maybe its a start for looking12:26
girlwindnick girlwind12:26
kristenbbDoes someone know how to forward sound ?12:27
TrevMysterHello I need someone to give me a terminal command to allow me to drag and drop icons to the desktop.12:27
icerootkristenbb: if both are linux-machines you can try to use pulse-audio as a server and client12:27
erootjoin #tog12:28
kristenbbiceroot: yes both are. How to do that?12:28
Stanley00TrevMyster: from where to desktop?12:28
icerootkristenbb: on older releases there was "padevchooser" but its removed now so you have to write the config by hand12:28
TrevMysterFrom launcher to desktop. I want to create shortcuts that I can click to open apps12:28
Stanley00TrevMyster: you are using U 12.04, right? you can try drag from dash, not from laucher.12:29
th0rTrevMyster: you can copy the appropriate .desktop file from /usr/share/applications to ~/Desktop12:30
TrevMysterThere was a command I typed before I reset ubuntu that allowed me to do it.12:30
TrevMysterBut I lost it12:30
Paolaso upgrade 10.4 lst first after click install update and prompt normal ???12:30
cfhowlettPaola: download the iso.  burn a cdrom or usb. boot that.12:31
Stanley00TrevMyster: the "cp"? as th0r said?12:31
Paolaok i have cd rom 10.0412:31
TrevMyster? I just want to be able to click and hold an icon and move it to desktop no complicated stuff12:31
icerootPaola: you cant upgrade with the normal 10.04 cd12:31
Paolaafter install update  but i must manual click for prompt normal after install update, correct  ?12:31
th0rTrevMyster: you can do the copy using the file manager...I did12:32
icerootPaola: as i told you also 3 times, read the link from ubottu about the eol upgrades12:32
iceroot!eol | p12:32
ubottup: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:32
iceroot!eol | Paola12:32
ubottuPaola: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:32
Stanley00TrevMyster: why don't you just drag from the dash?12:32
icerootPaola: and now start reading please, everything answered there12:32
TrevMysterWhat is dash12:32
TrevMysterEverytime I try to drag and drop it doesn't go to desktop12:32
Stanley00TrevMyster: the one appear when you press "window" key12:33
Ali1Fatal error:cannot open disk drive press any key to exit cfdisk12:33
Ali1any one can assist me with this error12:33
Stanley00TrevMyster: or run this command : "nautilus /usr/share/applications" and drag what ever you want to your desktop12:34
Paolabut how see my pc info that i have 32 bit or 64 bit that support my pc ?12:35
MonkeyDustPaola  did you install ubuntu yourself, or did someone do it for you?12:35
Paolahow i can see ?12:35
cfhowlettPaola: 32 bit works on all pc's/12:35
Paolabetter you try my pc on teamviewer12:35
Stanley00Paola: try this "lshw -C cpu"12:36
Stanley00Paola: look for that in "width" or "capabilities"12:37
Paolaok thnx12:37
Paolaproduct: Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.33GHz12:38
Paola       vendor: Intel Corp.12:38
Paolasize: 3350MHz12:38
Paola       width: 64 bits12:38
Ali1paola can you please tell me how i can fix this error .Fatal error: cannot open disk drive press any key to exit cfdisk12:38
Paola.Fatal error12:39
icerootPaola: uname -m  is the important info12:39
icerootPaola: that will show you what your current system has12:39
icerootoldereagle: 32bit12:39
root_Hi !!12:39
icerootPaola: 32bit12:40
icerootoldereagle: sorry wrong nick12:40
Paolabnut my cpu width: 64 bits   how no problem ?12:40
iceroot!rootirc | root_12:40
ubotturoot_: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.12:40
cfhowlettPaola: 32 bit will run on your machine12:40
Stanley00Paola: you want to know about your OS or your CPU?12:40
icerootPaola: if you want to upgrade your current system use 32bit, if you want to reinstall use 64bit12:40
ServerTechLaptopMy SSH is suddenly being refused. I tryied alot of things of going into adding an SSH incoming accept rule in iptables. Doesn't seem to work. I've been thinking that it could be OpenSSH not running. Any ideas of fixing this? (I have server access)12:41
icerootServerTechLaptop: ssh localhost "on the server"12:41
W4spCan anybody identify if Paola requires to download the non-PAE kernel?12:41
ServerTechLaptopiceroot, lol no. It's not physically available.12:42
pierre_ubuntuinggood day all12:42
Paolabut i dont know all12:42
ServerTechLaptopiceroot, it's a VPS. It's control panel gives some amount of access to the console. But I need to SSH in.12:42
Paolayou know that work good for me12:42
pierre_ubuntuingneed help with software center12:42
pierre_ubuntuingcant buy a game12:43
pierre_ubuntuingusing ubuntu 12.04 64bit12:43
iceroot!details | pierre_ubuntuing12:43
ubottupierre_ubuntuing: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:43
oldereagleiceroot, np!12:43
PaolaNo command 'widt' found, did you mean:12:44
Paola Command 'widl' from package 'wine1.2' (universe)12:44
Paolawidt: command not found12:44
Kartmanhello, know somebody the name of the german ubuntu channel (because my english is bad^^)? "#ubuntu-de" doesn't works12:44
Paola<W4sp> Can anybody identify if Paola requires to download the non-PAE kernel?     what this about  ?12:45
iceroot!de | Kartman12:45
ubottuKartman: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:45
Ormiehi, there. What is the best terminal window manager for pure tty?12:45
icerootKartman: #ubuntu-de  nutz /join #ubuntu-de aus diesem channel, dann ist sichergestelt dass du im freenode bist12:45
ubottuOrmie: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:46
icerootOrmie: screen12:46
PiciOrmie: check out screen or tmux12:46
pierre_ubuntuingok. have problem with buying a game on software centre, running ubuntu 12.04 64bit, when i say buy , it takes me to the ubuntu single login screen and after entering credentials nonthing happens,12:46
Paolahow to make remove flash  and again command for work video on youtube  ??????12:46
silverghostmaa d yarr loda ubuntu12:47
Ormieok, bye12:47
MonkeyDustPaola  first upgrade, then ask again12:47
cfhowlettPaola: so you DON'T want to upgrade.  OK then ..12:47
silverghostbhenchod betichod maachod12:47
pierre_ubuntuingget "OpenID authentication failed: Nonce already used or out of range" when trying to reload page12:48
PaolaNo LSB modules are available.12:48
PaolaDistributor ID:Ubuntu12:48
PaolaDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS12:48
FloodBot1Paola: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:48
Paolais work  but no need upgrade for what again ?12:49
MonkeyDustPaola  ok, that's a supported version12:49
pierre_ubuntuinghave registered at ubuntu single sign in and received temp code which i entered to finish registration12:49
MonkeyDustMaMaD  keep it in the channel please12:49
PaolaI need again to click upgrade  ?????12:50
Paolano need this12:50
cfhowlettPaola: asked and answered repeatedly.  Upgrade.  Don't upgrade.  Make up your mind.12:51
MonkeyDust!pm| MaMaD12:51
ubottuMaMaD: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:51
Paola<MonkeyDust>    I need install for adobe flash again ? how to make   ??? because i slow video on youtube ?12:51
MonkeyDustPaola  use html5      youtube.com/html512:51
Paolayoutube.com/html5  I see after what i can  try  ?12:52
PaolaFirefox 4 (WebM, Available here)12:53
iceroot!info firefox lucid12:53
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 12.0+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 16420 kB, installed size 31680 kB12:53
icerootPaola: you are using firefox 3?12:53
luftikussWhat command will change UID and GID of all files in a directory?12:54
PaolaI dont know12:54
Paolahow I n see   ?12:54
icerootluftikuss: chown -r user:group dir12:54
Paolahow i can see   ?12:54
icerootPaola: dpkg -l firefox12:54
useruser132423maybe sound configuration or just use wine ,that solved my problem12:54
peetaurluftikuss: -R not -r12:54
Paolaii  firefox        14.0.1+build1- Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla12:55
peetaurluftikuss: -R, --recursive    operate on files and directories recursively12:55
icerootpeetaur: luftikuss yes thx, its -R not -r12:55
icerootPaola: everything fine12:56
luftikusspeetaur, I acknowledge reception.12:56
Paolabut slow video youtube, how  ???12:56
Paolaiceroot better you try my pc on teamviewer  my dear12:56
Kartmani'll try to run backuppc on ubuntu 12.04 64bit, but when i start the apache2 (installed by the backuppc installation) it show the error "No MPM package installed" but i have installe apache2-mpm-worker and also tried apache2-mpm-prefork so what can i do?12:57
milsaborhi, I have a slow wi fi connexion, and i notice that only on my laptop (the connection works fine with other ubuntu laptops), and only with this connexion (my laptop works fine with other wi fi connexion). Can someone help me to solve this problem ?12:57
Paolabut slow video youtube ? How I can   ?12:58
ServerTechLaptopMy SSH is suddenly being refused. I tryied alot of things of going into adding an SSH incoming accept rule in iptables. Doesn't seem to work. I've been thinking that it could be OpenSSH not running. Any ideas of fixing this? Running Ubuntu 11.04 x64.12:58
Stanley00Paola: switch to html5, flash suck! :D12:58
Paolai dont know html5 what this for download or what  ??????13:00
Kartmancan somebody help me with the apache2 problem?13:00
PaolaAdditional Restrictions (we are working on these!)13:00
Paola    Videos with ads are not supported (they will play in the Flash player)13:00
Stanley00Paola: go to youtube.com/html5 click join and you done13:01
PaolaAdditional Restrictions (we are working on these!)13:01
Paola    Videos with ads are not supported (they will play in the Flash player)13:01
Stanley00Paola: which link?13:02
Paolayes this \13:02
PaolaYouTube HTML5 Video Player13:02
milsaboranyone ?13:02
PaolaAdditional Restrictions (we are working on these!)13:03
Paola    Videos with ads are not supported (they will play in the Flash player)13:03
Paola    On Firefox and Opera, only videos with WebM transcodes will play in HTML513:03
Paola    If you've opted in to other testtube experiments, you may not get the HTML5 player (Feather is supported, though)13:03
FloodBot1Paola: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:03
Ormiehi there.13:03
luftikussiceroot, This worked all right. --  Thank you for your help.13:03
Ormie!flood > Paola13:03
ubottuPaola, please see my private message13:03
Stanley00Paola: so what's the problem?13:03
Paolaslow video on youtube13:03
Ormiethat's flash issue13:04
OrmiePaola:that's flash issue13:04
BluesKajhtml5 isn't supposed to use flash13:04
Ormieoh html5 ok13:04
Paolai dont know that flash isue .... how I can see command  ?13:04
BluesKajI wish html didn't use it either13:05
Stanley00Paola: I mean "what's problem with that Additional Restrictions?"13:05
Paolai dont know all13:05
Paolatell me know command in terminal what the problem13:05
PaolaWhat does my browser support?13:06
Paola    Alert icon13:06
Paola    Video tag13:06
Paola    Alert icon13:06
Paola    h.26413:06
FloodBot1Paola: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:06
Paola    Alert icon13:06
Wiz_KeeDwhat is a very good torrent client for ubuntu 12.04?13:06
cfhowlettWiz_KeeD: transmission13:06
Wiz_KeeDthe standard one?13:06
Paolaoh excusa me for flod13:06
cfhowlettWiz_KeeD: yes.  has worked beautifully for me13:06
MonkeyDusti use deluge13:07
Stanley00Paola: did you see "Join the HTML5 Trial" at the end of that page? click it and done.13:07
Paolais done there but where i can see  ?13:07
Wiz_KeeDi think transmission doesn't have the ability to recognise the same torrent and add more peers to the first one13:08
milsabornobody can help me with my slow wi fi connexion issue ?13:08
Stanley00Paola: what's  your mother language please? maybe you should ask in your mother language.13:08
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  try deluge13:08
cfhowlettWiz_KeeD: sorry, I've never run into that issue so can't comment.13:08
Paolawhat this html5 and where click install or what   ?13:09
Wiz_KeeDi know Romanian, maybe i can help13:09
Paolade ce misca greu video pe youtube  ?13:09
smmsadrnezhlightdm won't start. what should I do?13:09
Wiz_KeeDhe wants to know why videos on youtube move sluggish13:09
Wiz_KeeDprobably bad drivers i guess13:09
cfhowlettWiz_KeeD|paola private maybe?13:10
Dr_Willishtml5 is using the webm feature. its an optional setting for youtube to pay videos in html5, instead of flash13:10
smmsadrnezhand i can't stop it manually!13:10
Paolawhy move hard youtube video?13:10
smmsadrnezhI do sudo lightdm stop13:10
Dr_Willisthere are flash downloader extensions to let you download then watch the flash video locally. and 'flashreplacer' extensions to play flash videos in vlc or other media players13:11
dontknowPaola: what browser do you use? if you use chrome its flash is a little buggy for now13:11
Stanley00smmsadrnezh: service lightdm start|stop13:11
smmsadrnezhStanley00: Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)13:12
smmsadrnezhutility, e.g. service lightdm stop13:12
smmsadrnezhSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an13:12
smmsadrnezhUpstart job, you may also use the stop(8) utility, e.g. stop lightdm13:12
PaolaFirefox browser this youtube13:12
Stanley00smmsadrnezh: so then, start|stop lightdm ;D13:13
Dr_Willissudo service lightdm stop13:13
Stanley00!ro | Paola13:13
ubottuPaola: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro13:13
romy_420what is /etc/alternatives for? i installed AMD APP SDK for bitcoin mining and wanted to link the opencl lib under /usr/lib/X86_64. this was not possible because there already is an opencl lib linked from /etc/alternatives. not sure if i can remove them?!13:14
ubottuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.13:14
Paolastanley00 is offline there ubuntu-ro  :(13:15
Dr_Willis!info galternative13:15
ubottuPackage galternative does not exist in precise13:15
Dr_Willis!info galternatives13:15
ubottugalternatives (source: galternatives): graphical setup tool for the alternatives system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.5+nmu2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 29 kB, installed size 292 kB13:15
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org13:15
Wiz_KeeDMonkeyDust, any ideea how i can setup firefox to open magnet links directly with deluge?13:16
milsaborhi, I have a slow wi fi connexion, and i notice that only on my laptop (the connection works fine with other ubuntu laptops), and only with this connexion (my laptop works fine with other wi fi connexion). Can someone help me to solve this problem ?13:16
TousurvHi, I have a problem with a HP Deskjet 3940 printer on 10.04 LTS, when I try to clean the print heads (since it doesn't seem to be able to print yellow, though the toner is new), I get an "Invalid printer command "Clean"" error13:16
Stanley00milsabor: what is your wifi card, and you got slow on all modem, or just this one?13:16
usr13milsabor: weak signal?13:16
usr13milsabor: iwconfig | pastebinit13:17
milsaborno weak signal, and just this modem13:17
usr13milsabor: look at /etc/resolv.conf  #See if you have a bogus nameserver listed first13:17
luftikussI have a MySQL database ~/dbBegriffe2012. Putting into the Firefox address line the string »file:///home/<username>/dbBegriffe2012« does only produce an "Index of file:file:///home/<username>/dbBegriffe2012". Why does it not invoke phpMyAdmin and load this database?13:17
usr13milsabor: ... should have asked first;  Is it slow browsing, or slow download speeds?13:18
OrmieDr_Willis: i used sudo apt-get upgrade and on my byobu desktop. it says that 6 updates are available. I then used sudo apt-get upgrade again, apt-get said everything was updated. but on byobu it's still 6 updates available. Weird...13:18
milsaborslow browsing, and slow ping for example13:19
Dr_WillisOrmie:  status maaaay only upsate every so often13:19
Ormieproper english!13:19
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  i use torrents, explore deluge a bit, it's the best way to learn13:20
milsaborusr13 : here's the result of iwconfig : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1132425/13:20
OrmieDr_Willis: it has been almost a day uptime.13:20
PiciOrmie: Did it say that any packages were held back? do you have anything pending in a dist-upgrade?13:21
Wiz_KeeDMonkeyDust, sorry torrets i meant, deluge is really cool i just have to link torrents to deluge automatically13:21
Wiz_KeeDduno how13:21
Dr_WillisOrmie:  mine was wrong a few min ago, then fixed itself. if you dont like it.. have it not show the updates in the status. or try turning it off then back on. hit f913:21
MonkeyDustOrmie  in byobu, press F9 to get rid of such information13:21
Ormiepici, never tried dist-upgrade...13:21
Dr_Willisi do dist upgrade like once a week13:22
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  'open with'13:22
Wiz_KeeDthen what? :))13:22
Dr_Willisdaily with the beta ;)13:22
Wiz_KeeDnot like i can select deluge.exe13:22
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  'open with deluge'13:22
Wiz_KeeDno such option from firefox, the context menu in the filesystem has it13:22
Ormiepici, i am on the stable release. If i do dist-upgrade will it upgrade to quantal quetzal?13:22
Wiz_KeeDwait i think i got it13:22
PiciOrmie: no13:22
Pici!dist-upgrade | Ormie13:23
ubottuOrmie: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.13:23
MonkeyDustWiz_KeeD  you're seeing it wrong, download the torrent, open it with the client of your choice13:23
milsaborusr13, in /etc/resolv.conf, i have two lines beginning with "nameserver" and an IP address13:23
Ormiethanks pici13:23
Dr_Willisdist-upgrade is a more intense upgrade.. not a release upgrade13:23
usr13milsabor: What is the first IP address?13:23
usr13milsabor: Does that first IP address actually resolve domain names?13:24
milsaboris it safe to give it ? (just asking, it does not seem to be my ip address)13:24
milsaborah ok it's the IP of a DNS ?13:24
usr13milsabor: You can comment out the second one and see if you can still resolve a domain name.  host av.com13:24
usr13milsabor: Is it the IP of your router?13:25
usr13milsabor: Is the second one the IP of your router?13:25
usr13milsabor: host av.com  #Does that give immediate response?13:26
usr13milsabor: ... or does it take a while?13:26
babalololilove you u ubuntu13:26
milsaborit takes like 1 second13:26
milsaborno, immediate13:26
usr13milsabor: Well, probably not domain name resolution problem.13:28
Tousurvnevermind, I just found out about the hp-clean utility :)13:28
usr13milsabor: You could do a traceroute and see if it's hanging somewhere.  traceroute av.com13:29
luftikussI have a MySQL database ~/dbBegriffe2012. Putting into the Firefox address line the string »file:///home/<username>/dbBegriffe2012« does only produce an "Index of file:///home/<username>/dbBegriffe2012". Why does it not invoke phpMyAdmin and load this database?13:30
milsaborusr13 : yes it is13:30
usr13milsabor: So where is it hanging?13:31
milsaborwell, i don't know, 3 stars each time ..13:31
fregahi, is this a good place to ask about external monitors on a macbook air (2012 w/ ubuntu 12.04) or is there a dedicated channel for mac+ubuntu?13:31
usr13milsabor: I would comment out the second nameserver just to make sure that first one is not working....13:31
cfhowlettfrega: there's a mac channel13:31
Ormiewhat are the limitations of launchpad trial?13:32
milsaborok i try that13:32
AdvoWorkanyone recommend a program that will take say 20,000 files, and convert into x folders based on size, ie total = 20 gig, i want folders in size of no bigger than 4GB13:33
usr13milsabor: But I notice that in the output of iwconfig it shows Bit Rate=240 Mb/s  and I dont really thing it can go at 240 megabits per second, but... prolly not important.13:33
Ormiewhat are the limitations of landscape trial?13:33
milsaborthe first address was, and the second one
fregacfhowlett: do you know the channel name? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList doesnt list anything mac-specific afaics)13:33
cfhowlettfrega: looking now.  gonna have to check the mac/ubuntu forum i think13:34
milsaborwell, that's what i thought at the beginning. My wifi card handles wifi n, and my modem does not, so i tried to change the bit rate to 54Mb/s, but i didn't succeed to do it13:34
giteshHow do I restore ubuntu 12.04 to yesterday?13:38
giteshI am crappy changes to ethernet today13:38
usr13milsabor: If you have another PC on your LAN with a fairly large file, you could scp it and check the speed at which is downloads, (to see what you are really getting across the LAN).13:39
cfhowlettfrega: sorry, couldn't find it.  Perhaps I was wrong?  Searched for Mactel project and IRC channel - no joy13:40
proxx8187Anyone uses USB->DVI/VGA adapter ??? , im considering buying 1 or 2 but i also understood thats can be a lot of trouble ???13:42
fregacfhowlett: thanks a lot anyway!13:43
elspuddy_ im trying to figure out why my drive shaire has stoped working, here is a copy of my log file for samba/nmbd http://paste.ubuntu.com/1132196/13:43
livingdaylightHi, I'm running FireFox in Ubuntu but my question is really in regards to FF, is that cool? No one in FF is responding :/13:44
cfhowlettlivingdaylight: if it's not too ff or mozilla specific.  go for it...13:45
proxx8187just ask , well burn you down later13:45
livingdaylight In the process of installation  I forgot to keep FF browsers synced and can't now recover my keys. I'm following instructions in the dialog how to Recover Key but at least here the dialogs don't match the instructions and I'm going round in circles.13:45
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romica_Problems: I run the commands below to download Adobe Air executable.13:46
usr13elspuddy_: Prolly need to see /etc/samba/smb.conf as well.13:46
Exposure_where can I find a list of packages that will be installed in a default ubuntu desktop installation?13:46
romica_and aper: 100% [Waiting for headers]13:46
livingdaylight_I'm following this page: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Replace%20your%20Sync%20information - " 3. In the Sync tab click on Manage Account and select My Recovery Key. "  I don't see "manage account" anywhere in preferences; certainly not in the "Sync" tab, nor do I find the "select my recovery key" option13:46
milsaborusr13 : i'm currently trying that but it seems that for some reason I can't connect to my laptop with ssh13:46
cfhowlettlivingdaylight: never done that procedure, but if you're getting differing dialogs, I'd guess there's a mismatch between tutorial and installed software.13:46
livingdaylightcfhowlett: err, yea, exactly. It rather poses a dilemma. Rather like putting a mouse in a round room and telling it there is cheese in the corner.13:47
cfhowlettlivingdaylight: appropos AND poetic.  sorry I couldn't be more help.13:48
assuntasalve, come si condivide una stamante tra 2 pc ubuntu ?13:48
Pici!it | assunta13:48
ubottuassunta: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:48
proxx8187Anyone uses USB->DVI/VGA adapter ??? , im considering buying 1 or 2 but i also understood thats can be a lot of trouble ???13:50
Ormieubottu: multilanguage!13:50
ubottuPlease type /join  #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.13:51
Ormiesigh... not this..13:51
fregaany pointers on where to start debugging external monitors w/ a macbook air? everything works dandily ...13:51
cfhowlettradslav: greetings13:52
milsaborusr13: ok it works13:53
proxx8187<frega> /var/logs/xorg.log?13:53
cfhowlettfrega: ubuntu apple forums @ http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=328 and mactel support @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam13:54
milsaborusr13 : but it's quite slow, it begun at 100K/S, and now 1Ko/S ..13:54
zykotick9proxx8187: is it really that path on ubuntu?  i have /var/log/Xorg.0.log myself (log vs. logs)  frega13:55
milsaborusr13 : ok now 0Ko/S ..13:55
Ormiemy application has a simple install.sh script and uninstall.sh script and my program's source at source/ directory. How can I turn that in to .deb package?13:55
cfhowlettBlade: greetings13:56
OrmieBlade, hi13:56
OrmieBlade, how can we help?13:56
elspuddy_usr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1132494/ :)13:57
BlueEagleDr_Willis: Yeah, I don't think I'll be moving my HDDs today, but thanks for the advice.. (And happy tab-complete day to you)13:57
llutz!packaging | Ormie13:57
ubottuOrmie: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring13:57
Ormiethat's alot of things. I won't do it. thanks13:59
jahidhow can i give access to a folder to a group?14:00
killerhi.... installed ubuntu 12.04 on my lappy but no sound...anyone can help14:00
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Ormie"Register for an Ubuntu Advantage trial" << I want landscape only. I don't want ubuntu advantage. thanks.14:01
MonkeyDustkiller  in a terminal, type alsamixer14:01
Ormiekiller, alsa reset14:01
Ormieand try again14:01
Ormiehow do you guys normally get linux newbies to run a terminal and type commands? :s14:02
zykotick9jahid: "sudo chown :GROUPYOUWANT /path/to/folder" then probably "sudo chmod g+wrx /path/to/folder"14:02
rundmchi, i tried to install ubuntu-restricted-extras and now apt is stuck on downloading flashplugin alsready 2 days, i tried dpkg --configure -a , didn't help, any advice?14:03
BluesKajOrmie, usually it's not too difficult , once they try commands successfully they're usually hooked :)14:05
Ormieah.. ok14:05
rahul_Can anyone please tell me good video editor for ubuntu?14:05
MonkeyDustrahul_  openshot14:05
peterrusI could say pitivi14:05
peterrusbut it is rudimental14:06
rahul_Thanks MonkeyDust14:06
peterrusdont know about openshot though14:06
llutzrahul_: kdenlive14:06
OrmieBluesKaj: my mom used ms products for 30 years I told her to type a command in linux and it works but she wasn't hooked. :s14:06
rahul_thanks llutz, i will try both.14:06
BluesKajOrmie, make sure they understand the links between the package managers and apt and that dpkg is the actual engine that installs and removes packages14:06
peterrusOrmie: probably because she was not aware of the context14:06
peterrusBluesKaj: exactly14:06
peterrusyou need to let the understand that is no magic14:07
peterrusit is*14:07
Ormieha ha ok14:07
BluesKajOrmie, package managers are just a GUI and the cli is a more direct method14:07
peterrusrundmc: restricted-extras is a metapackage, which means it is a shortcut to multiple packages14:07
llutzmore important to let them know, that cli isn't anything anachronistic14:07
peterrusrundmc: so you could install the individual packages14:08
peterrusrundmc: and skip flash14:08
peterrusthis is a workaround, you will still need to install flash, but at least you can update ;)14:08
peterrusalso try an apt-get clean14:08
peterrusapt-cache clean* (?)14:08
BluesKajOrmie, for starters , then there are all the other commands to do with files and networking to learn14:08
Narcoticoim from  brasil14:08
tech1i have a weird bug. i made a custom gtk theme in /usr/share/themes, and had to use "sudo gedit gtkrc" and was fine.. but when i rebooted today. if i sudo open the file, it is just blank, where as if i open it without sudo the file data is there. this seems strange to me. is it a weird bug? or something obvious im missing14:09
Ormieheh... i recalled that newbies would use ubuntu software center to download what they need but for me i: sudo apt-get install geany bleachbit bless wine xchat cheese ; lol :D14:09
Narcoticoalguem br?14:09
peterrusNarcotico: there probably is a spanish channel14:09
zykotick9rundmc: i'd personally try "sudo apt-get update" followed by "sudo apt-get -f install" and see if that fixes teh flash download issue...14:09
rundmczykotick9, thanks, ill try that14:09
OrmieAre you interested in Canonical support products? (Required) <<< What does canonical want? Choice Yes/No. Thing is: all i need is landscape.14:10
peterrusOrmie: it is probably just a survey?14:10
rundmczykotick9, no, this brings me to the same situation again, it keeps trying to download flash again, is there a way to make apt start a frensh ?14:11
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zykotick9rundmc: sorry i don't have any other suggestions for ya.  good luck14:11
peterrusrundmc: remove flash, then blacklist the package, and install restricted-extras14:11
proxx8187Anyone uses USB->DVI/VGA adapter ??? , im considering buying 1 or 2 but i also understood thats can be a lot of trouble ???14:11
peterrusdont ask me how, I only know it is possible14:11
Ormiepeterrus: i am gonna register landscape to manage 1 desktop PC remotely.14:11
peterrusOrmie: that is not what landscape is for afaik14:12
rundmcpeterrus, how do i do that ?14:12
peterrusbut you can always try ;)14:12
peterrus<peterrus> dont ask me how, I only know it is possible14:12
peterrusOrmie: landscape as in a large amount of workstations and servers14:12
peterrusnot just one PC14:12
peterrusyou can do it14:12
peterrusbut is overkill14:12
peterrusI have no experience with it though14:12
peterrusg2g also14:12
Ormiegood night14:13
FloodBot1Ormie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
Ormiegah.. sorry14:13
peterrusOrmie: but you can probably just answer yes or no, as long as you dont have to pay anything, why not?14:14
peterrusand if you accidentally order something14:14
peterrusyou can always cancel your order14:14
peterrusits ubuntu after all14:14
peterrusit´s not like they are going to silently charge you14:14
Ormienow, you are flooding! yay! :D14:14
Ormiepeterrus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:15
Ormiepeterrus: nvm. go to bed.14:16
peterrusit 16:0014:16
peterruswhy would I Xd14:16
MonkeyDustother segment of te14:17
October82please, can you tell me how to install adobe air on ubuntu 12.0414:17
MonkeyDustother segment of the planet14:17
zykotick9October82: AdobeAir is dead on gnu/linux.  why install it?14:17
October82because is needed to play "desura" games14:18
peterrusair is needed for a lot of things14:18
peterrushow come its dead?14:18
zykotick9peterrus: because adobe said so...14:18
BladeHi Ormie14:18
giteshwould you link me somewhere to learn all network configurations in Ubuntu 12.04 ?14:18
BladeIs it normal that gnome-media-player won't work under Ubuntu 12.04 ?14:18
MonkeyDustOctober82  complain @ adobe14:18
peterrusOctober82: ah well if you have a decent PC run windows in a VM14:19
peterrusand lets hope desura is no 3d game14:19
Joshua_MGhi all. I wanto to use loadkeys to load us-deadkeys. Any help?14:20
AdvoWorkI'm having problems doing some mounts, ie it's asking for a password, on my old server it doesn't. Its also mentioning mount: wrong fs type, bad option   because i'm missing something. What do I have to install,I forgot what i put onto the old server now :S14:21
geoffw8_Hello everyone14:22
geoffw8_I have two servers connected by a crossover cable, sitting in a datacenter14:22
geoffw8_the DC guys have told me to "configure second ethernet"14:22
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geoffw8_is that as easy as changing the /etc/network/interfaces file?14:22
OrmieUbuntu server kills redhat! :-)14:25
pierre_ubuntuingneed help ubuntu 12.04 64bit software centre. if i buy a game it takes me to ubuntu single user login to login and when i login i get a blank screen. i already registered for that and received a code which i used to activate my account, but still cannot buy a game. i tried with 2 specific games that i couldn't buy, but the demos downloaded and worked. please can someone help me, or tell me if i'm doing something wrong.14:25
mneptokAdvoWork: "Advo" like the former US direct mail company?14:26
ServerTechLaptopMy Ubuntu 11.10 VPS suddenly started refusing SSH on port 22 after installing XAMPP (Just telling you the previous operation). I tried adding an SSH incoming rule on IPtables and even turning it off. But not working. Could it be OpenSSH itself? Any suggestions? (I have console access through it's online control panel, so that's not a problem)14:26
schmakkhello. i just rebooted my server and its giving me [numbers] sd 4:0:0:0 [sdb] Asking for cache data failed repeatedly on the console. i tried upgrading and rebooting, but its still there. it is not responding to ssh and i cant get in touch with any services running on it. help :)14:26
biebif ubuntu 10.10 is an LTS and was released in 2010.. why does it tell me it is no longer supported when I do updates?14:27
llutzServerTechLaptop: "sudo lsof -i :22"   doest it listen at all?14:27
zykotick9xampp | ServerTechLaptop14:27
zykotick9!xampp | ServerTechLaptop14:27
ubottuServerTechLaptop: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.14:27
itatitatey guys, I insltalled just now linux, but was working very slow!14:27
itatitatI've never seen linux working so slow14:28
OrmieOh god I will give up on landscape14:28
itatitatI tried some years ago, but was faster14:28
ServerTechLaptopzykotick9, not talking of an XAMPP install.14:28
mneptokOrmie: contact Canonical for issues with Landscape.14:28
ServerTechLaptopllutz, no output.14:28
llutzServerTechLaptop: so ssh doesn't run/listen on port 22 at all. restart the service14:29
Ormiemneptok: sir, yes, sir.14:29
roastedMy 12.04 system is not holding on to the time like it should. I run owncloud on it, whcih requires the clock to be within 10 seconds accurate to work. For the 4th time, it's errored out citing it's not correct. What can I do to ensure Ubuntu 12.04 is always correct on time?Best I can think of is cron a "ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com" job every night...14:29
ServerTechLaptopllutz, i tried restarting, didn't work.14:29
llutz!dontwork | ServerTechLaptop14:29
ubottuServerTechLaptop: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.14:29
ServerTechLaptopLol hold on llutz14:30
itatitatey guys14:32
itatitatmy buntu in my laptop is veeeeeery slow!14:33
itatitatis impossible......is ubuntu....14:33
ServerTechLaptopllutz, http://pastebin.com/UjPKfjuX No output whatsoever, nor an error while restarting the ssh service.14:33
luftikussI notice that two Ubuntu computers of mine have different UID and GID for users like mysql. This complicates restoring backups. Does Ubuntu provide means to assimilate UIDs and GIDs?14:33
llutzServerTechLaptop: "sudo service ssh restart"  check /var/log/syslog14:33
rene_i need some help with 12.04 and wireless using iwlwifi and gnome network mananger14:34
MonkeyDustitatitat  make sure there's not too many kernels in /14:34
rene_its not able to establish a connection:  <info> (wlan0): device state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'supplicant-available')14:34
llutzServerTechLaptop: or /var/log/daemon  (not sure were ubuntu ssh logs to by default)14:34
rene_if i create a wpa.conf manually and start wpa_supplicant manually i got it working14:34
itatitatnono, is the first time I try ubuntu in years....so...I've only one14:34
rene_upgrading packages does not help14:35
itatitatis slow even for the most simple...14:35
Jat421anyone has experience with freeswtich on ubuntu 12.04?14:35
itatitatI installed my ubuntu with wubi14:35
rene_any hints the networkmanager problem?14:36
itatitatmaybe is because of that?, mustnt because is a partition as usually no?14:36
MonkeyDustitatitat  wubi:(14:36
itatitatis not good?14:36
MonkeyDustitatitat  better install it from cd or usb, on it's own partition14:36
itatitatso maybe is because of that?..14:37
pierre_ubuntuingany help with software center14:37
dylanhey, I need to automate the deletion of a file14:37
mike_yungCan anyone tell me what this install error MSG is trying to tell me?     http://instagram.com/p/N_Ut-cBShT/14:37
itatitatok, but....how can I install ubuntu keeping windows?14:37
DJones!dualboot | itatitat14:37
ubottuitatitat: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:37
MonkeyDustitatitat  if you have enough space left, ubuntu can install next to it, you then get a grub menu, so you can choose14:37
ryaoHow do I debootstrap karmic?14:38
Jat421dylan use rm with schedule it14:38
dylanJat421 rm with schdule it?14:38
Jat421using cron14:38
dylanI don;t know what that is14:38
Jat421rm <filename>14:38
Jat421that will delete the file you want14:38
ServerTechLaptopllutz, http://pastebin.com/9qi4nPrL Don't see anything is the syslog though, still checking.14:39
DJonespierre_ubuntuing: You need to explain what the problem is first, what happens, what do you expect to happen, what is going wrong etc14:39
Jat421and then you can put that command in crontab14:39
dylanwhat is crontab?14:39
llutzServerTechLaptop: "pgrep sshd"14:39
eightieskhildso my internet is extremly slow14:39
eightieskhildany workarounds14:39
Jat421it's like a schedule task in windows14:39
eightieskhildrunning 12.0414:40
ServerTechLaptopllutz, was it expected to give an output, still nothing.14:40
ryaoHow do I debootstrap 9.10?14:40
Jat421do crontab -e14:40
llutzServerTechLaptop: sudo grep -ri sshd /var/log/*14:40
Jat421to edit the crontab file14:40
pierre_ubuntuingneed help ubuntu 12.04 64bit software centre. if i buy a game it takes me to ubuntu single user login to login and when i login i get a blank screen. i already registered for that and received a code which i used to activate my account, but still cannot buy a game. i tried with 2 specific games that i couldn't buy, but the demos downloaded and worked. please can someone help me, or tell me if i'm doing something wrong.14:41
dylannano defkill14:41
luftikussryao, Why 9.10?14:41
ryaoluftikuss: The instructions for building Asus firmware require it: http://www.lostrealm.ca/tower/node/8414:41
ryaoI tried 10.04. It fails to build... I am hoping that is because of a system difference rather than the developer not publishing the sources he uses to build.14:42
ryaoOr rather, publishing different sources.14:42
ServerTechLaptopllutz, first line indicates a successful login yesterday, http://pastebin.com/FGtRjyXV14:42
mike_yungCan anyone tell me what this error logo is trying to tell me?     http://instagram.com/p/N_Ut-cBShT/    It happens when I try to boot the installer.14:43
ryaoThis appears to do it: debootstrap --arch amd64 karmic /mnt/ubuntu http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu14:43
h00kmike_yung: that isn't an error, that's where you can change keyboard layout or accesability option14:44
dylanJag421: I should have been a little more precise.  I'm writing a shell script, it needs to check if a process is running, and then if that process is running, search for a file.   If that file exists, it then needs to delete it.14:44
incai'm conecting two ubuntu 12.04 machines can anyone would give me an example of ip, gateway and dns to set in each one ?14:44
dylanJag421:then rinse and repeaat uintil that process is no longer running14:44
h00kmike_yung: if there's errors, it would be displayed in text14:45
llutzServerTechLaptop: "sudo /usr/sbin/sshd &"  "sudo lsof -i :22"14:45
mike_yungTks, h00k.   How long should I be waiting for the installer to continue?   It did that for 20 minutes then I gave up.14:46
luftikussryao, I don'tthink that there was ever a "Ubuntu 9.10 LTS 64-bit".14:46
panoramahow do you find the linux distro i am using14:46
panoramaby using terminal commands?14:46
llutzpanorama: lsb_release -sc14:46
h00kmike_yung: that appears to be the bootloader of your installation media, do you have anything else on your screen?14:46
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com14:46
Jat421dylan: yea that should be not hard to accomplish14:46
mike_yungNope, just the graphic.14:47
Jat421use can use ps and then look for the process14:47
mike_yungH00k, nope just the graphic14:47
panoramathanks llutz14:48
llutzdylan: "pgrep processname && rm path/to/file"14:48
h00kmike_yung: when you began booting, did it give you options like "Boot from first hard drive" or "Test memory"?14:48
luftikussI notice that two Ubuntu computers of mine have different UID and GID for users like mysql. This complicates restoring backups. Does Ubuntu provide means to assimilate UIDs and GIDs?14:49
Jat421nice llutz14:49
Jat421that was simple :)14:49
mike_yungH00k, I'm not sure.  Stand by while I reproduce.14:49
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ServerTechLaptopllutz, http://pastebin.com/rJd5yNJK14:50
llutzServerTechLaptop: sudo apt-get install --reinstall openssh-server14:51
h00kmike_yung: I'm just using Google Image search, but it should...ooh, hang a sec14:51
h00kmike_yung: what version are you booting?14:51
e66how can I associate all my media files with VLC? when I right click a .mkv file I see only a opne menu. No 'open with' other wise I could select the default program.14:52
mike_yungh00k, solved it.   Error MSG is from the floppy I use to help this box boot from USB.14:52
h00ke66: You can right click, properties, "Open With" tab14:52
ServerTechLaptopllutz, well, that was pretty easy. Thanks for the help, never thought of just reinstalling it.14:53
h00kmike_yung: ah, okay. That screen tries to convey "Press a button for options"14:53
llutzServerTechLaptop: more interesting would be to know, WHY it was gone...14:53
h00kmike_yung: I think that's the one you're seeing14:53
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:53
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ServerTechLaptopllutz, don't now. Another person installed XAMPP for me anyway. Never checked what he was doing. It was just after that time. That install shouldn't have caused the problem anyway.14:54
e66h00k: In the properties thre is no open with menu. Its happening only to movie collection folder. If the movie is somewhere else I see the open with menu!14:54
BluesKajGuest10869, did you ever get your m-audio audio working ?14:55
e66h00k: sorry. s/open with menu/open with tab/14:55
llutzServerTechLaptop: anyways, tell him to use the repo-packages instead of xampp in the future :)14:55
e66Oops. Ubuntu has experienced an internal error. ExecutablePath /usr/bin/nautilus. Segfault on g_type_check().14:57
SpaceAviatorso I managed to installed arch linux but I kept trying to install catalyst drivers and it never really succeeded. So I went back to ubuntu but since then I keep getting a new error no matter what distro I boot. It says hda codec out of range. and the splash screen for ubuntu also is one of the basic ones now instead of the fancy ones. anyone know what could possibly be up?14:57
h00ke66: you could definitely report a bug if you'd like :)14:58
h00kmike_yung: did you get it taken care of?14:58
=== Mike is now known as Guest79431
e66well Ubuntu generated a bug report interface. I just pressed continue. I am not sure if this will be reported as bug?14:59
incai'm conecting two ubuntu 12.04 machines in network, each one has two network devices, one for internet and the other one for samba. My question is how do i configure the ip, mask, gateway and dns in each one not for internet, but for database betwen two machines14:59
e66Everytime I see such interface I let it do what it wants.14:59
h00ke66: cool.15:00
kukulambarhi how do i defrag hard drive in ubuntu?15:05
magicalChickenkukulambar: depends on fs type if it is ext3 or ext4 as it probably is then you don't15:05
BluesKaj!defrag | kukulambar15:07
ubottukukulambar: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.15:07
h00kkukulambar: you don't have to ;)15:07
kukulambari always do that in Windows but in Ubuntu I don't have to?15:08
Dr_Williskukulambar: you got it15:08
Dr_Willisno need for constant anti virus scanning either15:09
mneptokkukulambar: and really, NTFS does not need that kind of attention, either. constant defrag is vestigal work from the FAT days.15:09
Dr_Williswin7 has some sort of defrag in the background feature i belive15:11
kukulambarmneptok: some says it improves the performance in NTFS but i am not using NTFS in ubuntu  :-)15:11
mneptokkukulambar: they're only half right.15:11
mneptokkukulambar: "If you defrag, you can save time in opening files ad apps." true. is it ENOUGH time saved to offset the 30 minutes of defrag? probably not.15:12
codingenesisi want to host  ubuntu repositories in my country. tell me the procedure about it.15:12
Pici!newmirror | codingenesis15:13
ubottucodingenesis: Interested in setting up a new mirror? See http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/mirror for more info.15:13
kukulambarmneptok: i guess that NTFS is the one that i have to maintain defagmentation.. not in other OSes  that I know  Linux,MacOS15:13
codingenesisPici, :)15:13
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mneptokkukulambar: and i am telling you that defragging NTFS is mostly pointless.15:13
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kukulambarmneptok: wow  are you telling the folks at redmond create a pointless feature http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363911%28v=vs.85%29.aspx15:16
downloaderIs it not possible to install ruby on rails from the repositories?15:18
h00k!info rails | downloader15:18
ubottudownloader: rails (source: rails): MVC ruby based framework geared for web application development. In component universe, is optional. Version (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 72 kB15:18
Myrttikukulambar: "In a wide range of modern multi-user operating systems, an ordinary user cannot defragment the system disks since superuser (or "Administrator") access is required to move system files. Additionally, file systems such as NTFS are designed to decrease the likelihood of fragmentation."15:19
downloaderh00k: Isn't version 3 the latest (and has been for a long time?)15:19
Myrttikukulambar: what was your actual support question?15:19
kukulambarhow to defrag in Ubuntu and i got it15:20
h00kdownloader: there's a gem you can grab that has 3, I think the repository has an older refersion15:20
radiskehey guys, i need some help with backup15:20
h00kdownloader: *version. I need more coffee.15:20
downloaderh00k: Yeah, my question is why do I have to use a gem?15:21
radiskeim using this guide to backup http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508715:22
tati|2guys, Im thinking to format my pc and install completely ubuntu, in that way is supossed to be faster than with wuby no?15:22
radiskebut now i have to restore and im getting errors15:22
h00kdownloader: because the repository version is not up-to-date. Why it's not, I don't know, but maybe the packaging team needs some help ;)15:23
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mike_yungh00k,  re: http://instagram.com/p/N_Ut-cBShT/   It turns out this is from Ubuntu's installer after all.   I can answer your question now.  No, I'm not being asked if I want to boot from the HD.  The installer goes to this graphic pretty early in the install.  First thing I see is the SYSLINUX version & copyright info.  2nd line is loading boot logo...    Then it goes to the graphic & waits and waits & waits.15:25
magicalChickentati|2: yes that should be better than wubi, and you can always just shrink your old os partition and dualboot15:25
tati|2ok....I'll make a backup and try15:26
Asad2005can i use an SSD drive as a cache drive in ubuntu?15:28
elfrannestrange question when you have a terminal open get username@computername is it possible to put a time stamp in there ?15:28
h00kmike_yung: You should be able to press ESC and see what it's doing, if it is on the loading screen. Does that get you anywhere?15:28
radiskeis there any way to undo auto remove?15:29
mike_yungThanks h00k, I was trying alt-F1.  I'm sure it will be downhill from here.15:30
radiskei did that with an upgrade and my server are completely screwed15:30
Dr_Williselfranne: trivial. see the 'bash prompt howto' or just use byobu ;)15:30
Asad2005I have read an artickle on native zfs on ubuntu, now if a make a mirror pool of 2 drives can i use that as home partition15:30
MonkeyDust<3 byobu15:31
jamiejacksonI'm missing the menu in Audacity. I'm on Gnome in 12.04. How do I get the menu to display?15:31
xanguajamiejackson: over the panel15:32
radiskesomeone can help me with undo auto remove?15:32
pierre_ubuntuingneed help ubuntu 12.04 64bit software centre. if i buy a game it takes me to ubuntu single user login to login and when i login i get a blank screen. i already registered for that and received a code which i used to activate my account, but still cannot buy a game. i tried with 2 specific games that i couldn't buy, but the demos downloaded and worked. please can someone help me, or tell me if i'm doing something wrong.15:32
xanguajamiejackson: never mind, confuse audacity with audacious15:33
end_guyI have a NVIDIA Corporation GF106 [GeForce GT 555M] (rev a1) (according to lspci) buy jockey-gtk reports no accelerated drivers. Is there anything I can try to get the accelerated graphics drivers to work?15:34
n00bzzhello, how can i add mouse theme in xfce?15:35
genewitchend_guy: did you install the restricted drivers?15:35
end_guygenewitch: jockey doesn't report that there are any available..15:35
jamiejacksonfound a workaround for audacity's missing menu: export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 && audacity15:37
genewitchjamiejackson: you can just do UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 audacity15:38
AdvoWorkwhen doing say ls -all whats the 4096 i keep seeing?15:38
jamiejacksonok, thx genewitch15:38
genewitchAdvoWork: the size of a directory15:38
unlessHello folks!15:38
genewitchAdvoWork: also "-all" is the same as "-al" you might be looking for "-alh"15:39
unlessWhere can I find older Ubuntu versions to download?15:39
David23400I've installed lubuntu on my 1.7GHZ CPU 512MB RAM PC and its SLOOOOOOOOOOOOW , what i do?? ( is it because i've installed it with windows installer?)15:39
genewitchunless: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads15:40
MonkeyDustDavid23400  wubi :(15:40
genewitchDavid23400: that's a really slow machine. i bet it's hammering swap15:40
David23400this is because of wubi?15:41
mneptokDavid23400: mostly, yes.15:41
W4spDavid23400: Does it swap?15:41
David23400what is swap?15:41
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genewitchDavid23400: ... using hard disc as ram15:42
unlessgenewitch, do you know a good stable lighter version of Ubuntu to download if 12.04 is quite heavy to my machine please?15:42
mneptokDavid23400: you are running Ubuntu from a disk image stored on a Windows NTFS partition. anything that uses the disk goes through an entirely needless extraction layer.15:42
MonkeyDustunless  try lubuntu15:42
David23400I dont know , how can i know15:42
genewitchMonkeyDust: he is on lu15:43
David23400So i format a drive and install lubuntu from boot?15:43
David23400to be fast?15:43
genewitchDavid23400: you can check top in a terminal15:43
jinghey guys, I'm trying to build vlc from source, but 'apt-get build-dep vlc' is giving me errors I don't understand. Can someone tell me how to resolve this issue: "libbluray-dev : Depends: libbluray1 (= 1:0.2.2-1~precise1) but it is not going to be installed"?15:43
mneptokDavid23400: you free up disk space or get an unused disk, and run the Lubuntu installer by booting from the image.15:43
genewitchcontrol shift "t" and type "top" when the black window comes up15:43
unlessMonkeyDust, I don't like the visual changes is happening on Ubuntu actually, so I prefer a old version instead.15:43
MonkeyDustjing  vlc is in the repos, no need to build it15:44
mneptokgenewitch: "free -m" is much more user friendly for checking swap usage.15:44
David23400mneptop do you mean i burn lubuntu on a CD and run it in boot?15:44
David23400and then i installed it on a drive?15:44
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escapeplanWhat can I do to make Docky intellihide the menu if I cannot use gconf nor make the docky glowing in the settings15:44
mneptokDavid23400: yes.15:44
jingMonkeyDust: I'm want to write some bugfixes.15:44
n00bzzhello, how in XFCE can i add mouse cursors i downloaded?15:44
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David23400mneptok with this way , can i use just some parts of a drive like on wubi? for example just 20gb of a drive for lyubuntu without wiping it ?15:45
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jingwhere can I read about PPAs and how they work?15:45
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mneptokDavid23400: yes. just get that space unused by Windows, or use a disk with existing free space.15:45
mneptokDavid23400: unpartitioned free space15:46
kristenbbwhat is the gnome-settings-daemon and why is it using 100% of my cpu (or at least one of my cores) ?15:46
David23400mneptop can you just tell me which ubuntu is fit for my PC with these specs: 1.7ghz 512ram? I want it to be really smooth and without laggs15:46
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David23400mneptok can you just tell me which ubuntu is fit for my PC with these specs: 1.7ghz 512ram? I want it to be really smooth and without laggs15:47
mneptokDavid23400: our opinions on "smooth" may be vastly different. so i can't say. but Xubuntu or Lubuntu is probably a good choice.15:47
mneptokDavid23400: please do not repeat yourself so quickly15:48
David23400Sorry i thought you havent be nick alarmed because i had typed your name wrongly15:48
David23400And thanks for the infromations , do i download lubuntu from here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu15:49
mneptokDavid23400: i'm well trained to respond to most names. my wife is a really tough woman. ;)15:49
n00bzzhello, how in XFCE can i add mouse cursors i downloaded?15:49
mneptokDavid23400: if you installed via Wubi, don't you already have the installer .iso file?15:49
David23400Does it download the ISO with wubi?15:50
David23400Where is it saved?15:50
mneptokDavid23400: how did you getthings running via Wubi?15:50
mneptokDavid23400: you had to go download *something*15:50
David23400wubi downloaded and insatlled at the same time itself15:51
David23400I dont know if it downloaded ISO file and then installed15:51
mneptokDavid23400: got a CD burner and a blank CD?15:51
David23400yes i have15:51
mneptokDavid23400: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/12.04/release/lubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso15:52
Luig1I'm trying to pick a laptop on which to put Ubuntu 12.04. It has to be HP or Lenovo (due to certain blanket discounts I'd be eligible for from those two manufacturers) and the sticking point for me is the graphics card15:52
Luig1I've been burned by Intel graphics before15:52
mneptokDavid23400: download that, and use whatever burning software you have to create a disc from that image file. reboot, and boot off CD.15:53
Luig1So I'd been working under the assumption that nvidia would work best with Ubuntu15:53
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David23400Okay thanks , i hope you will be here when i'm installing it15:53
Luig1But now I'm starting to wonder if a cheaper AMD board with a Radeon card might not work just as well for graphics purposes15:53
David23400So i remove the current lubuntu?15:53
Luig1Does anyone have any input on this?15:53
mneptokDavid23400: you can if you like. it's eating space in your Windows partition.15:53
biebI have an ubuntu 10.10 server.. when I rdesktop into it anytime I type a "d" it minimizes the application on the server.. ie.. I have a console open and type sudo.. as soon as the d is typed, the console window minimizes. Any idea where I can shut this behavior off?15:53
mrthompsonLuig1: I am running 12.04 on a Lenovo G575 with upgraded 4gb of Ram, runs really well15:54
kristenbbwhat is the gnome-settings-daemon and why is it using 100% of my cpu (or at least one of my cores) ?15:54
David23400I remove it by running wubi?15:54
mneptokLuig1: do you need workstation-like performance? e.g. full 3D hardware rendering?15:54
Luig1mneptok, I want to test new games moving to the platform and I also don't want to get left behind by hardware-accelerated interfaces, as has happened on this machine15:55
Luig1Which has a Intel graphics chipset, g675 I think15:56
Luig1Just a moment, I can look it up15:56
mrthompsonmeh, yeah the lenovo g575 is a lower end unit. not much to write home about it15:57
reasearcher123my pc working well. But some sites like way2sms, facebook take eternal to open.What can I do?15:57
mneptokLuig1: i have a Lenovo x120e with an AMD APU (E350). it works fine, but is not a powerhouse laptop. also, last i tried, the proprietary AMD driver did not work at all. however, the FLOSS "radeon" driver does 2D fine, and that's all i need.15:57
Luig1I see15:57
Luig1So what kind of 3D rendering does it offer you?15:58
mneptokLuig1: also, be aware that Intel graphics have made great strides. ask John Carmack.15:58
mrthompsonyeah, my g575 has a dual core AMD w/ AMD Vision GPU15:58
Luig1G965 is the one I have15:58
mrthompsonits not that great on games, but i mostly use terminal anyway15:58
Luig1My Intel graphics chip I mean, it's G96515:58
reasearcher123am I heard here15:59
DarkAceZyes :P15:59
mneptokLuig1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=wt-iVFxgFWk#t=2775s16:00
n00bzzkeep on topic guys16:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:01
mneptokn00bzz: excuse me?16:01
n00bzzgo in quakenet to talk about that, here it is #ubuntu support channel16:02
n00bzznot carmack fan channel16:02
mneptokn00bzz: the video discusses the state of Intel FLOSS drivers16:02
n00bzzis intel floss drivers ubuntu?16:03
mneptokn00bzz: it is of value to someone deciding on Ubuntu-capable hardware.16:03
n00bzzfor hardware there is other channel16:03
* mneptok waves to n00bzz 16:03
n00bzzok sowwie16:03
* mneptok knows the channel rules.16:03
Luig1Hmm, thanks for the video mneptok16:04
mneptokn00bzz: please click URLs and examine their content before deciding they are off-topic. or ask an op in #ubuntu-ops to come and look if you are unsure.16:04
Luig1I'd be willing to go to a hardware channel if my questions are disrupting the channel flow16:05
mneptokLuig1: it may change your outlook on embedded Intel graphics.16:05
gopuHi guys16:05
Luig1Well getting shafted by them has significantly impacted my outlook on them16:05
gopuI need your help16:05
Luig1Since this card barely goes16:05
mneptokLuig1: TBH, the AMD APU is the first non-Intel setup i have owned in *years*. Intel stuff has tended to work very well.16:05
n00bzzmneptok: my engrish is very bad16:06
gopuHow to backup my packages and OS so that i can use it further16:06
mneptokn00bzz: je parle Francais. et Quebecois *itou*.16:06
mneptokn00bzz: there are other ops with good French skills. come and find us if you think something needs attention.16:07
n00bzzmneptok: stop stalking me16:07
Luig1Well it says it right in your whois16:08
Luig1No stalking needed16:08
crackinwindowHas anyone managed to get a gtx 560 SE running with ubuntu? The Nvidia drivers claim support for it but whenever I go to install it crashes on boot16:08
n00bzzyou scare me guys16:08
Luig1Well it's just a right-click away in XChat :)16:08
Luig1Whois I mean16:08
mneptokOK, *now* we are heading off-topic. and i'm not helping. so let's all get back to Ubuntu stuffs.16:08
DJonesLuig1: n00bzz This is probably getting offtopic :)16:08
gmagnohello, is there any console/text based application to do voice communication? Something like skype text based (without video, of course)16:09
Luig1See this is why I came here for graphics tips16:09
Guest1547n00bzz: it is natural to be scared :P16:09
Luig1All these things about driver config are way over my level16:09
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mneptokLuig1: your choices were Lenovo and .... HP?16:09
crackinwindowAny help for me and my gtx 560 SE?16:09
Luig1Yes mneptok16:09
mneptokLuig1: ugh. if it was Dell, they are about to start selling laptops with Ubuntu pre-installed again.16:10
Luig1crackinwindow, sorry, I came here for the same type of help16:10
Luig1mneptok, that's where I got mine!16:10
Luig1Well, this is a desktop16:10
Luig1But it's an e520n16:10
Luig1n for Not Windows16:10
crackinwindowLuigi1 are you getting blank screens ofter installing the closed source drivers aswell?16:11
Luig1crackinwindow, I'm actually on Linux Mint right now :< but when I was using Ubuntu a few months ago I would get blank screens16:11
mneptokLuig1: not much i can help with, since i don't need 3D acceleration. but the consensus is that Intel is getting a LOT better.16:11
Luig1Usually during the boot process16:11
Luig1About 20% of the time it would boot normally for me, but that could just have been my specific circumstance16:12
Luig1So I would just keep doing cold reboots until I got to login16:12
Luig1And from there it would work well enough to do normal things16:12
crackinwindowBooting without them causes my desktop to hang aswel but using nomodeset would get me to login low graphics16:12
Luig1But this was just my Intel situation16:12
Luig1So I don't think I have any tips for yours16:13
Luig1Hi Ntemis16:13
crackinwindowNormally that is the process for some cards to install the drivers but once I do I can no longer log in16:13
n00bzzmneptok: how can i add mouse cursor themes i downloaded?16:13
Ntemisi need help with y laptop lid16:13
n00bzzmneptok: xfce16:13
Ntemiswhen i close it nothing happens16:13
Luig1Ntemis, does suspend work normally?16:14
Ntemisi need to turn off screen16:14
Ntemisdidnt try16:14
Luig1You could set a key combination to suspend16:14
Luig1And do that whenever you need to walk away for a few minutes16:14
Luig1But that doesn't fix the actual issue16:14
luftikussI notice that two Ubuntu computers of mine have different UID and GID for users like mysql. This complicates restoring backups. Does Ubuntu provide means to assimilate UIDs and GIDs?16:14
Luig1Someone else might have a better solution16:15
Ntemisno it doesnt16:15
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Ntemisi need to put laptop do a work and close my lid16:15
Ntemiseven with open lid my screen doesnt shutdown16:15
crackinwindowfrig ive been working on this issue for 3 days now16:16
Ntemisi can clearly see a white dim light16:16
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Luig1I think that's in the power saving settings16:16
Luig1Oh, it's still backlit16:16
Ntemisyes backlit16:16
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litropyHi, All - hope everyone is doing well. I just need help remote desktop'ing into my computer from afar. I have everything se tup - this comp is on another connection. On the computer I want to access, I have checked: #allow other users to view your desktop #allow other users to control your desktop. What's next?16:17
Ntemisok let me try something16:18
Ntemisok solved :)16:19
aetherlitropy: You will need to know the IP addresses of the computers. You will also need to know how they both connect to the internet( assuming that you are trying to connect through the internet).16:19
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Luig1Good to hear, Ntemis16:20
AdvoWorkargh, i've got a problem, running XEN, with an ubuntu VM. I think the etc/fstab on that VM has broken, and I can't get it to boot. I'm connected to it via a VPN (i press ESC and I can see the Ubtunu 12.04 loading screen) but going no further. at thetop it says fsck from util-linux, and it seems to be stuck on stopping userspace boot any idea what it could be doing? i think /etc/fstab may have broken it but i dont know16:21
n00bzzwhat is a .tar.xz file?16:22
Sculptor_I want to access squid log according to date & time16:22
th0rn00bzz: you mean tar.gz?16:22
n00bzzth0r: no tar.xz, first time i see the xz16:23
chris|th0r, the same thing as a tar.gz, only that it is compressed with xz instread of gzip16:23
brontosaurusrexwhen starting mplayer from bash, is there a way to catch if exit was user pressing esc or usual EOF ?16:23
n00bzzchris|: what is difference between gzip and xz?16:24
chris|n00bzz, the algorithm used for compression16:24
llutzbrontosaurusrex: check "echo $?" after both cases, maybe they differ16:25
Luig1Well, in practical terms n00bzz16:25
ripthejackerwhere are the network manager files kept16:25
Luig1xz has better compression than either gzip or bzip216:25
Luig1And tolerable speed16:25
ripthejackeri want to start the pppoe connection in a script please help16:25
Luig1Whereas gzip has very high speed of compression and decompression16:26
Luig1But can't achieve the compression xz is capable of16:26
n00bzzthank, and what is the one with the best compression in all compression tool?16:27
Luig1So tar.xz and tar.gz are the same thing just with different tools to compress the tar file16:27
Luig1n00bzz, xz is the best16:27
brontosaurusrexllutz, they dont, exit code is always 016:27
brontosaurusrexllutz, any other tricks?16:27
Luig1At least the best one which comes by default as far as I know16:28
n00bzzand 7z is better than rar, zip?16:28
ripthejackerhow do i start pppoe connection using command line please help16:28
llutzripthejacker: if your connection is configured in networkmanager, use nm-cli16:29
Luig1n00bzz, 7z compresses better than zip but isn't quite as fast16:29
Luig1I think xz will actually give you smaller files than 7z will though16:29
Luig1So I usually use tar.xz for everything16:30
hwkiller-netbookyeah, xz is very good.16:30
Luig1That is, when speed isn't an issue16:30
n00bzzwe talk about how many % smaller?16:30
Luig1When speed is a priority I use gz16:30
Luig1n00bzz, depends on the file, so I can't say16:30
ripthejackerllutz, its not present by default there is no such file as nm-cli16:30
ripthejackerllutz, do you know where the bin files are present?16:30
llutz!find /bin/nmcli16:31
ubottuFile /bin/nmcli found in network-manager, network-manager-dbg16:31
llutzripthejacker: 1116:31
llutzripthejacker: ^ see ubottu16:31
* gitesh seeing it couple of times.16:31
nichlasHere is an article about compression, although it doesn't have 7zip it does have GZIP, BZIP2, LZMA, ZIP and Compress: http://blog.terzza.com/linux-compression-comparison-gzip-vs-bzip2-vs-lzma-vs-zip-vs-compress/16:31
Luig1For reference, xz uses LZMA216:32
Luig1And 7zip uses LZMA16:32
n00bzz15yr ago all i was using was ARJ16:32
nichlasLuig1: for many of the programs, you can select other than defaults.16:32
Luig1That's the case with 7zip yes, niceguyjames16:33
Luig1nichlas **16:33
niceguyjamesLuig1: I hate 7zip!16:33
Luig1I've used 7zip with DEFLATE compression before16:33
nichlasn00bzz, arj was cool.. especially as it was easier to remember than lzh or whatsitsname16:33
Luig1(DEFLATE being the algorithm used by gzip and zip16:34
nichlasi like 7zip, it offers multi processor support.16:34
xeon123what's the purpose of the file: rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules?16:34
Luig1Usually I only do that when I have some really specific need, though16:34
Luig1Like wanting password-protected encryption in a split, compressed file or something16:34
Luig1So since I'm usually all those switches anyway I change to deflate just to speed it up a bit16:35
chris|xeon123, it makes sure that your network cards are always available by the same name16:35
xeon123chris|: Can I update that file?16:36
silverghostoi guys am in ubuntu 12.10 alpha 3 suppose when fina version comes out will i have to install a fresh copy or sudo apt-get update will do??16:36
chris|xeon123, sure, but why would you want to?16:36
hellyeahi want to check  btrfs file system there is no manual page for fsck.btrfs is there any web pages16:37
Sculptor_any one help about squid16:37
Luig1Cool, btrfs16:37
Luig1I'd be interested to see the answer you get HelenB_16:38
Pici!final | silverghost16:38
ubottusilverghost: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Quantal and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.16:38
Luig1hellyeah **16:38
xeon123I've several images in Virtualbox that run on the same computer, and I'm tring to set up the network of that images. I'm talking about the rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules of each image.16:38
hellyeahwhats ıp16:38
Luig1I need to be more careful about autocomplete in these huge channels :(16:38
xeon123chris|: I want to set eth0 and eth1 of each image.16:39
llutzxeon123: just remove the file, it will be recreated at boottime16:39
nichlassilverghost: most likely it will axplode before that ;)16:39
hellyeahLuig1:  whats up16:39
xeon123llutz: ok16:39
Luig1hellyeah, I just mean I'd be interested to see the response16:39
silverghosthehe why nichlas16:39
Luig1I'd love to see btrfs become more widely-used16:39
Luig1Maybe someday it'll be the default fs in Ubuntu16:39
hellyeahwhat is default fs on ubuntu ext416:40
nichlassilverghost: in my experience, the upgrades between alphas and betas have not been very graceful. But maybe they have become better :-)16:40
Luig1I think so yes, hellyeah16:40
nichlassilverghost, just don't expect too much16:40
silverghosthey thx buddy :) i will have to rethink now lol16:40
hellyeahLuig1:  i guess you know something about btrfs right16:40
Luig1hellyeah, from a theoretical standpoint I do16:41
Luig1I've never used it on my own machine16:41
=== jamiejackson is now known as My
Luig1So I don't know anything about fsck on it16:41
hellyeahas far as i know ext4 or ext3 is double linked list whereas btrfs is balance tree which is, i guess, similar to avl tree. How does it affect of performance issue i mean the change of structure16:41
silverghostWhen btrfs is released as v1.0 it will take ten years before it gets stable enough to be used in production16:42
hellyeahno i guess this question is theorotical16:42
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hellyeahdo you have any idea16:42
Luig1I think a lot of that benefit comes in scalability16:43
hellyeahor do you understand my question16:43
Luig1I do16:43
Luig1It's a bit off-topic for this channel16:43
hellyeahbecause sometimes i am in trouble to use english it is not my native i am not so good at it16:43
systemd0wnJust installed 12.04LTS 64bit on my laptop and It has been very buggy. Frequent crashing, random "broken pipe" errors, overall not very good. Should I attempt the 32-bit version? Is it more stable?16:43
hellyeahLuig1:  i know but we can count this as small talk16:43
gopuHow to backup my packages and OS so that i can use it further16:43
Luig1But binary trees are what's used to keep the fs data, yeah16:44
Luig1Instead of the usual lists16:44
hellyeahbinary or balance16:44
hellyeahbinary with (n nodes) i guess16:44
Luig1Yes. Well, B-trees are a type of binary tree16:45
hellyeahit must be hard to protext the connection between node in binary tree16:45
Sculptor_any one there16:45
hellyeahtraverse in binary tree is harder than linked list16:45
hellyeahhow does it make any performance raise i mean being binary tree16:46
Luig1Actually, I don't think the B in B tree specifically means binary16:46
Luig1I think it just means B16:46
Luig1But that's enough of that16:46
Luig1This is a support channel, sorry :(16:46
hellyeahare uoy in #defocus16:47
Luig1No, I was here for a graphics question16:47
Luig1I'm at work :o16:47
hellyeahwhat type of graphic question16:47
Sculptor_any one help me about squid16:47
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
Luig1I intend to buy a laptop to put Ubuntu on, with specific rules about prices an manufacturers, etc16:48
Luig1But long story short16:48
Luig1I was asking about nvidia graphics16:48
kartloshey guys, I was wondering whether applications written in java are permitted for submission to the ubuntu app store16:48
Luig1Compared to AMD Radeon chips16:48
Luig1The less expensive ones16:48
moesUnable to mount cdrom ??16:48
alakoonot sure but don't nvidia chips have better driver support16:48
alakooused to be like that some time ago at least16:48
Luig1That's what I thought too alakoo16:49
Luig1But all of the laptops I can find with them would need bumblebee to work correctly16:49
hellyeahi guess16:49
hellyeahnvidia is expensive ones16:49
Luig1So AMD is starting to look easier to configure16:49
Sculptor_any one squid16:49
Sculptor_configuration squid16:49
Luig1Sorry Sculptor_ :(16:49
hellyeahand nvidia has better support i guess16:49
hellyeahgoogle is your feiend in some cases Sculptor_16:50
Sculptor_thanks <hellyeah>16:50
Sculptor_any know access the log of squid according to time and date16:51
Luig1Actually, googling it is what brought me here, the wide range of models makes it hard to tell16:51
louiemathaving problems with tty1 how to fix this problem16:51
Luig1I think if I could get a system with just one card, and that being an nvidia card, I might be better off16:51
Luig1But since that's not a configuration option...16:51
Luig1I'm a bit stuck trying to pick the best option16:51
Luig1mneptok also mentioned that intel HD is doing fine at this point16:52
Luig1So I'm not even sure who to pick16:52
Luig1Which is good I suppose16:52
Luig1Not ruling them out16:52
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:52
mstentahey all, is there a key for the gnome apt repository that i can add to apt-key?16:52
Luig1Sorry Pici16:52
hellyeahLuig1:  i am sure there is some web site that compares such graphic things16:53
maxjezycan i report a bug here?16:53
Luig1hellyeah, phoronix I think16:53
Luig1I got a bit of good information from there, but their coverage seems to be hit or miss16:54
hellyeahmaxiepax:  i guess you should use dpaste.com or ubuntu-paste16:54
n00bzzcâline de bine16:54
hellyeahthen copy paste the url here or ubuntu has bug forums that is spesific to bug report16:54
Pici!bugs | maxjezy16:54
ubottumaxjezy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:54
Sculptor_check the log of squid according to time and date. Any one know16:54
Pici!fr | n00bzz16:54
ubottun00bzz: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:54
maxjezyok thnx Pici16:55
n00bzzPici: lol16:55
tech1is there any logical reason whil opening a text based file with sudo will show a blank file(sudo gedit filename), but opening without sudo(gedit filename) will open it and can see the text... is it a bug?  i could see the data with sudo before but its only blank with sudo after i rebooted16:55
hellyeahLuig1:  i could suggest you some forums, yahoo answr such things16:55
louiematcan anyone help me in dealing with the TTY1 PROBLEM, HOW TO GET AROUND IT16:55
hellyeahtech1:  which file are you talking about16:55
n00bzzwhere can i get the list of all !warning command we can use here?16:56
tech1the file is my own gtk theme in /usr/share/themes/mytheme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc16:56
tech1i copied it to make my own theme, which works16:56
hellyeahmay be prermission problem16:56
Pici!brain > n00bzz16:56
ubottun00bzz, please see my private message16:56
tech1but after rebooting i couldnt see it when opening with sudo, so i had to chmod777 my new folder to edit it without sudo16:56
n00bzzgracias, obrigado, merci, thank16:57
tkingsudo apt-get install update ... is showing  E; Unable to locate package upgrade16:57
ripthejackerllutz, where can i get more help about network manager?16:57
ripthejackeris it gnome or ubuntu implementation?16:57
MoTec tking the command is just sudo apt-get update16:58
ripthejackerhow do i start pppoe connection using cli?16:58
louiemattech1 was that explanation fix for me16:59
tkingMoTec, thanks16:59
tech1no that was me describing my own problem16:59
llutzripthejacker: did you configure your connection unsing pppoeconf or networkmanager?16:59
louiemattech1 sorry17:00
ripthejackeractually i did with another program called rp-pppoe17:00
llutzripthejacker: read "man nmcli" then17:00
tech1no prob.17:00
ripthejackerllutz, but now i use only network manager17:00
llutzripthejacker: something like "sudo nmcli con up id "yourpppoeconntectionname" "17:01
n00bzzthere is many factoids17:01
adektohow do i instal ubuntu (dualboot) wubi instal isnt working17:01
branchman2hello, wtf is going on with Ubuntu 12.04? Installing ia32-libs-multiarch requires bluez (!), esound (!!), gtk2-engines (!!!) and also libqt4-.. (!!!!) ! I don't want it, and I don't need it - why there is such dependency?17:01
giteshadekto, what is the error?17:02
adektowubi gives an error17:02
m1chaelbranchman2, why do you need ia32?17:02
branchman2m1chael: to run proprietary shitty server app17:03
m1chaelbranchman2, ia32-libs not enough?17:03
foxy999Is there a way to stop system actions with i use ctrl or alt and click something?17:03
branchman2m1chael: ia32-libs = ia32-libs-multiarch in 12.0417:04
vartyany noobs like me ?17:04
trismbranchman2: ia32-libs is just a metapackage to make it easy to pull in everything, you don't need it, just install the individual libname:i386 packages you need if you don't want everything17:04
moes Unable to mount cdrom ??17:04
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
adektowhy is wubi instaler broken?17:05
giteshvarty, hi.17:05
ripthejackerllutz, thanks :)17:05
m1chaelbranchman2, good to know,  hhhm now i see what you ment17:05
vartyfirst time in irc since 199717:05
branchman2trism: thanks - so libc6 is enough?17:05
trismbranchman2: start there, but you may need to ldd the binary after that to see what else you need17:06
branchman2trism: y, thanks17:06
luftikussI notice that two Ubuntu computers of mine have different UID and GID for users like mysql. This complicates restoring backups. Does Ubuntu provide means to assimilate UIDs and GIDs?17:07
SnapSnapI installed Google Chrome. I uninstalled it by doing "sudo apt-get purge google-chrome" I got the message "Virtual packages like google-chrome" can't be removed. I looked around online, then tried "sudo apt-get purge google-chrome-stable". That removed it, but when I look for it in the Unity dashboard, it still comes up, with a square white icon. When I click on it, nothing happens. Thoughts?17:07
kishenhey guys do u knw any open source javascript apps?17:08
Pici!offtopic | kishen17:08
ubottukishen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:08
glebaronthere are lots of java-based installers that require ia32-libs, even if you are installing 64bit software.17:08
vartymaybe you need to use the clean command ...17:08
m1chaelSnapSnap, just remove google-chrome from /usr/share/applications, ls for google*17:08
m1chaelSnapSnap, and check if chrome was removed from /opt/google/chrome17:09
bilelI've followed gmail instruction to make my emails using google apps, so I've changed my mx record configuration on my webserver to make it use gmail, is it possible to keep it this way but only enable smtp for sending emails and not receive on my webserver, with postfix.17:10
bilelbecause I'm limited for the sending with gmail, they blocked me after 20 emails sent17:11
m1chaeljust if somebody is intrested i found something that no one could answer for a couple of days. after removing pulseaudio i couldn't find a way to disable nautilus backspace alert sound. so, #gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences audible-bell false17:12
moes Unable to mount cdrom ??17:13
m1chaelmoes, check in terminal if your in group cdrom by typing #groups17:14
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bitpimpI can't reach the admin page of my new trendnet TEW-638APB wireless  point via the default any ideas?  Running 11.04 and connecting to access point via ethernet.17:16
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moesm1chael, No response from #groups...The error I get initially is "cannot find in fstab"17:18
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m1chaelmoes, it's groups not #groups, when a command is entered it should be marked by#17:19
j|what's up, people. Anyone know what regex I have to apt-cache search for to (possibly ironically) find the 'regex(7)' man page?17:19
bitpimpmichael: weird, but nada on both those17:19
bitpimpold router is reachable17:19
bitpimpoops... that was m1chael17:19
moesm1chael, ray adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin nopasswdlogin sambashare17:20
m1chaelmoes, than it should work it has nothing to do in fstab17:20
trismj|: it is in manpages so you should already have it17:21
Picij|: it should just be in the 'manpages' package.  I just used apt-file search /usr/share/man/man7/regex.7.gz17:21
NuSueyhi guys.. any normal way to make my ati 6850 .. work in ubuntu.. while having dual monitors turned on? :X it just gives me weird graphics etc :X17:21
litropyEeek, I left this message and now my scroll history deleted any responses. Here it is again:17:21
litropyHi, All - hope everyone is doing well. I just need help remote desktop'ing into my computer from afar. I have everything se tup - this comp is on another connection. On the computer I want to access, I have checked: #allow other users to view your desktop #allow other users to control your desktop. What's next?17:21
moesm1chael, ray@ray-desktop:~$ mount /dev/cdrom17:22
moesmount: can't find /dev/cdrom in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab17:22
j|apt-file, eh? that's a new one.17:22
NuSueymeh.. of course no help..17:22
m1chaelmoes, mount /source /destination17:22
m1chaelmoes, mount /dev/cdrom /mnt17:23
MonkeyDust!ati| NuSuey17:23
ubottuNuSuey: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:23
j|trism, Pici: thanks. I just realized for the last 10 minutes I've been frustratedly looking for 'regexp' in section 717:23
NuSueyMonkeyDust: meh, thats old non-updated stuff.. im not new to linux.. jeez17:24
m1chaelmoes, cdrom automount should be taken cared of by hal17:24
NuSueybut having a pain in the ass to freaking work on linux if i cant have dual monitors turne on..17:25
NuSueyin that case i rather delete linux17:25
Dr_Willishmm. dual monitors works well here17:25
NuSueynot on my 685017:25
j|Pici: wrt 'apt-file' any reason I should take some time to acquaint myself with this? (as opposed to doing the DIY dpkg --search? .. which for whatever reason I didn't think to do until your suggestion.)17:26
m1chaelmoes, but maybe i'm wrong17:26
padhuNuSuey: Multihead on ubuntu is very easy and nice also.17:26
ubottuhal is in the process of being deprecated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.17:26
MonkeyDustNuSuey  you could also help develop linux and submit an idea on !brainstorm17:26
m1chaelmoes, try to mount it manually and than proceed from there17:26
m1chaelubottu, yeah figured it exactly now17:27
ubottum1chael: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:27
moesm1chael, ray@ray-desktop:~$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt17:27
moes[sudo] password for ray:17:27
moesmount: /dev/sr0: unknown device17:27
Dr_Willisyou are not mounting a music cd are you?17:27
NuSueypadhu: uh, whats multihead .. o.O i think i put it on aticonfig .. didnt solve a thing17:27
NuSueybut i guess i'll try some other distro.. which got the issues settled.17:28
Dr_Willis /dev/cdrom is a link to sr0 or sr1 or sometimes sdb sdc or other sdX  could be the link is wrong17:28
NuSueyi allready wasted 3-6 hours with it17:28
NuSueyand im done17:28
j|NuSuey: if you're ready to delete linux just because it doesn't do exactly what you need it to do right out of the box, I suggest that you go ahead and do that and save yourself years of frustration.17:28
moesDr_Willis, This is a backup dvd17:28
MonkeyDustNuSuey  that's the flexibility of linux17:28
padhuNuSuey: little bit of more details are needed. what about logs?17:28
Dr_Willismoes:  when you insert it. check dmesg output17:28
m1chaelDr_Willis, you rule :>17:29
NuSueyj|: dude, i have two monitors.. + hdmi .. i can work on windows, on my hackintosh.. but .. linux got problems with the ati graphic card.. and i cant work on 1 freaking monitor if i got two..why would i work only on  one?17:29
=== HardFu is now known as HardFu|AFK
j|NuSuey: you have to be willing to bang your head against the wall and learn doing it, even if you're wanting to move on and get to something else. Just my $.02, dude.17:29
j|NuSuey: I hear you, man.17:29
m1chaelNuSuey, what is your setup?17:30
NuSueyj|: dude.. -.^ after work.. i dont need to do more work.. to make my linux able to do things i can do in my hackintosh or windows..17:30
j|I dunno what to tell you as I don't have that problem. Then again, I started with linux 15+ years ago when it was a marathon of hours of downloading to sets of floppy disks just to install the damn thing.17:30
MDKAODHey everyone. Does anyone have any information on installing older versions of Dell Openmanage on 12.04? It seems OM 5.4 is designed for RedHat but thats the latest version that works with my hardware.17:30
NuSueym1chael: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/product?cc=us&lc=en&dlc=en&tmp_geoLoc=true&product=506897617:30
Icehawk78I've got a mouse that has two buttons that default to changing the mouse sensitivity when I click them, that I'd like to remap to a keyboard shortcut. I can do this with some logitech software under windows, but can't figure out how to override the default behavior under Ubuntu. Any suggestions?17:30
j|NuSuey: I'm not trying to diminsh your frustration. It's f**ing annoying to have crap like that in your way.17:30
NuSueyj|: i still remember the old red hat linux.. on my old pentium17:30
downloaderWhy isn't the "rails" binary in the path in ruby-rails-2.3?17:31
j|NuSuey: hahaha. nice.17:31
m1chaelNuSuey, did you install the driver?17:31
m1chaelNuSuey, ati driver?17:31
NuSueym1chael: via the system hardware thingie, or the manual way?17:31
j|NuSuey: never was an RH fan, but it has some advantages. Grew up on Slackware until Debian mostly nailed package management.17:31
moesDr_Willis, http://pastebin.com/HjSEfUNA17:32
m1chaelNuSuey, either17:32
j|NuSuey: anyway, good luck dude. ATI Radeon should be well supported. That driver has been around forever.17:32
NuSueyj|: i was a red hat fan at start.. after that used windows for many years.. now im .. more .. like.. mac os guy.. dont like windows much.. would love to have a working linux distro on my desktop :/17:32
NuSueym1chael: yup.. installed the manual way..17:32
j|and Pici and trism, thanks for the pointer to the obvious.17:32
NuSueym1chael: also tried to uninstall and use the open one..17:33
trismj|: apt-file works well to search packages that aren't already installed, dpkg -S will only search installed ones17:33
trismj|: and no problem17:33
m1chaelNuSuey, does the driver works, can you access ati control panel?17:33
NuSueythe ati one gave me the problems.. and the open.. would fu.k with my system .. hang on startup (needed to use some other windows manager) and gave me weird sh1t17:33
j|NuSuey: yea, I use a mac for my personal laptop, but everything at work is cloud-based linux servers. I think linux is the best server OS bar none, but, like you, I don't want to fight with my drivers all day. ;)17:33
NuSueym1chael: both drivers work.. kinda.. but both give me issues17:34
m1chaelNuSuey, do you use one of theme now?17:34
j|you can't automate windows. and macs are great as long as you don't have to do anything that Apple didn't expect you to do... (which you always do eventually.)17:34
j|trism: ahhhh.. that's a significant advantage.17:34
NuSueym1chael: i'll end downloading sometihng at windows..in a few minutes.. then i can reboot or something..17:35
NuSueym1chael: but..17:35
NuSueym1chael: the problems are many..17:35
j|trism: thanks. That's actually really really helpful.17:35
NuSueym1chael: with the ati.. installed manualy.. installed stuff.. bla bla bla.. made .deb.. installed.. rebooted.. and i get only one monitor.. the other monitor is blinking..17:35
NuSueym1chael: both worked only if i had them mirrored..17:36
m1chaelNuSuey, check with glxinfo if x uses ati driver and check direct rendering: Yes17:36
NuSueydiablo 3 worked via wine17:36
NuSueyrendering did work17:36
NuSueybut something is f.ed up17:36
NuSueyi mean..17:36
NuSueyone thing was the compiz issue.. i had flickering when playing something fullscreen.. only worked on windowed mode..17:37
m1chaelNuSuey, i see.17:37
=== szal_ is now known as szal
bilelI've followed gmail instruction to make my emails using google apps, so I've changed my mx record configuration on my webserver to make it use gmail, is it possible to keep it this way but only enable smtp for sending emails and not receive on my webserver, with postfix.17:37
NuSueyand when i tried to enable the second monitor.. i did have an error.. about the max .. resolution (i googled and people suggested putting virtual screen in the config file) ..but didnt help17:38
j|bilel, yea, that's more of a postfix issue, but yea you can do that.17:38
j|bilel: either you can set postfix to check it's local recipient maps and have a mostly empty table (you should keep the one's for root and postmaster probably)17:39
j|bilel: and you can also just set up postfix to use a relay, so anything it does get gets relayed17:39
NuSueym1chael: + the windows manager without effects did put me some weird stuff whenever i logged on.. so i had only a quarter of the screen left after like 20 reboots.. and it continues to shrink and shrink17:39
NuSueyREALLY weird stuff is happening17:39
j|bilel: those are not exclusively OR'd17:39
j|bilel: so, do both.17:40
j|bilel: or, at least do the relay_host. (man -s 5 postconf; search for '^ +relayhost')17:41
m1chaelNuSuey, i also had issues like that with nvidia on my ubuntu 12 and on 9.1 everything was excellent, even cuda with triple head setup. i'm also experiencing strange things with +9.1 versions of ubuntu and graphics.17:41
j|bilel: you can also, instead, just disable the SMTPD process17:41
j|bilel: to do that, you'd comment out the line in postfix's master.conf17:42
m1chaelNuSuey, got to the point that i put my gtx 285 back in the closet and now i'm using ubuntu 12.04 on intel onboard.17:42
NuSueym1chael: :/ i guess we are unlucky.. thought you have an idea what could help me.. i dont know.. would some other distro help me or it woulbe e all the same?17:42
bitpimpwhile connected to my wireless access point via ethernet, I can17:42
bitpimp          reach past it to my modem (, can reach the web, but17:42
bitpimp          can't reach the WAP at it's address ( tried two WAP's17:42
bitpimp          with the same result.  Help.17:42
j|bilel: but you should probably keep it listening on a local socket and not disable it all17:42
bitpimpsorry about that17:42
FloodBot1bitpimp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:42
bitpimpa pasting accident17:42
j|bilel: anyway, that's probably enough info for you to figure it out I hope..17:42
m1chaelNuSuey, you can try installing the driver than run the machine with other enviroment like openbox or kde and see if it's gnome related issue?17:43
m1chaelNuSuey, i didn't do it yet because my computers are rack mounted and i'm lazy17:43
NuSueym1chael: nah it's not only gnome.. tried other windows managers..17:44
NuSueyjust the fulscreen-game thing was a compiz issue..17:44
m1chaelNuSuey, gnome is an enviroment and not windows manager ;)17:44
NuSueymeh.. blah blah :P m1chael17:45
m1chaelNuSuey, did you try forcing dual head with xorg.conf17:45
NuSueym1chael: yup17:45
m1chaelNuSuey, i'm trying to get to the reason that proprietary driver are not well supported under linux that suck17:46
m1chaelNuSuey, i'm trying to get to the reason that proprietary driver are not well supported under linux, this thing suck sorry17:46
NuSueym1chael:  i mean i could use the distro.. but i would have to use one monitor instead of two..and i dont wanna do that17:46
NuSueyno clue.. if i will try other distros.. (dont think that will help) .. but will see. or i'll stick to dual booting windows and my hackintosh17:47
j|NuSuey: yea, agreed. I don't know when the hell ATI Radeon support became flakey, but that sucks.17:47
m1chaelNuSuey, i still use a windows box just not to waste precious time like this because nvidia and ati don'17:47
OerHeksgnome3/unity + compiz = bad.17:48
m1chaelNuSuey, i still use a windows box just not to waste precious time like this because nvidia and ati don't support all the cards like thay should have17:48
MonkeyDustlinux and nvidia are not the best of friends17:48
MonkeyDustor ati17:48
ThinkT510OerHeks: unity is gnome3 + compiz17:48
DarkAceZthat's cuz nvidia <3 windows17:49
j|Haven't used gnome317:49
DarkAceZand anything <3'ing windows sucks17:49
j|just heard the negative hype when it was being released17:49
m1chaelThinkT510, no it isn't17:49
m1chaelDarkAceZ, thumb up for that17:50
MonkeyDusti use xfce, never liked gnome317:50
ThinkT510m1chael: unity is based on gnome3 and uses compiz (thats what i meant)17:51
m1chaelThinkT510, don't take it too serious we're just having fun17:51
j|MonkeyDust: xfce, huh?17:52
m1chaelwhats all this noise about this gnome 3 anyway gnome2 rules i didn't understood why they moved to gnome 3 unity desktop17:53
j|MonkeyDust: any reason you like that WM? anything against black/fluxbox?17:53
ThinkT510m1chael: because gnome2 is no longer being developed17:53
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ThinkT510m1chael: it is a dead codebase17:53
MonkeyDustj|  no reason, i'm used to it now17:53
j|MonkeyDust: xfce was one of the WMs that I just never got what features made it appealing.17:53
j|MonkeyDust: haha, yea, that's always the most significant determining factor. :)17:54
m1chaelThinkT510, so, windows is also a dead code and everyone uses it with no problem17:54
ThinkT510m1chael: no, it is supported code, gnome2 isn't17:54
j|m1chael: XD17:54
Gary_inNYCWhy does Precise Pangolin keep forgetting that LibreOffice Writer is supposed to be permanently docked?17:55
OerHeksm1chael, when it is free, people complain, why is that ?17:55
jmoironhas anyone figured out how to install compiz 0.8.6 on precise17:55
j|gnome2 was a mess, but it mostly worked and looked nice. trying to administer hundreds of gnome2-based machiens and automate things like updating people's preferences via configuration mgmt wasn't fun though. Are the preferences a little cleaner of a framework in gnome3?17:56
ThinkT510jmoiron: compiz is installed by default17:56
jmoironThinkT510: compiz 0.9.8 is installed by default17:56
ThinkT510jmoiron: why do you want the earlier version?17:56
m1chaelOerHeks, that's not the right question, people afraid from change. anyhow, if it works why waste time on making something new. never understood that. gnome 2 was fine and absolutly capable of everything so why the change17:57
jmoironbecause i've run out of patience with 0.9.x;  features i rely on seem to be getting buggier each release17:58
Gary_inNYCm1chael: in all fairness, we could say that about users comfortable with Windows 9517:58
j|m1chael: again, the one thing that I never really felt was clean and understandable to make work was setting preferences in gnome217:58
jmoironand i don't use unity so in theory the 0.8 series should work17:58
j|m1chael: but that could just be my ignorance.17:58
j|I tried to learn about it, but the documentation was scattered across desktop standards and tools that were half-documented etc etc17:59
j|so I ended up always just finding some one-time hack that would work.. not impossible most of the time, just a bit hard to find the logic within. for me, anyway..18:00
jmoironthere's a ppa for it but all of the builds failed :\18:00
nibbler_hi. whats a lightweight dns server that i could use on my ubuntu gateway, just to forward dns queries to some dns server in the internet (with logging)?18:00
jmoironi've used dnsmasq for that in the past, don't recall if it had logging18:01
m1chaelj|, never had troubles with gnome2, i had multi monitor setup 5040x1050 resolution running until 9.1+ composition and everything. gnome 3 pretty much ruined my life. moved since than to lfs running gnome 2 for development and ubuntu 12.04 for home use.18:01
nibbler_ah right, thats the name i was looking for jmoiron, thanks18:01
jmoironnibbler_: np.18:01
Gary_inNYCso does anyone else have issues with unity bar not remembering certain icons being docked?18:02
nibbler_jmoiron, too bad i just configured dhcpd ;-) well...18:02
bitpimpifconfig is showing for 'eth0 Interrupt:2018:02
bitpimp          Memory:e3900000-e3920000', any ideas what this is?18:03
j|m1chael: lfs? really? so no package management or anything?18:03
j|m1chael: or do you just build and then use apt.* anyway?18:04
luftikuss'man mysqldump' dated  04/19/2012 uses the switch -u but does not explain its effect. What is the effect of -u ?18:04
n2diycan I run a cable from my router in the living room into the basement, and connect another router to it, to use multible computers in the basement?18:05
kurtwp_n2diy: sure18:05
Gary_inNYCn2diy: set up the second router as a dummy access point18:05
Kingsyok people.. I think my graphics driver is in a little bit of a state.. I had nvidia installed then I changed my card to a AMD, so I installed the catalyst control drivers using the additional drivers menu, they seemed buggy so I removed them using the same tool and ubuntu seemed to install the open radeon ones by itself.. but now I am getting horrible performance.. like jumpy screensavers and such.. can someone tell me what I have done wrong? and how 18:06
j|anyway. back to work. good chatting w/ some of you.18:06
kurtwp_n2diy: just plug the cable in the LAN ports on the second your not the WAN port18:07
Kingsysomeone mentioned earlier today that I need to reinstall a few things and totally reconfigure xorg or something? then install the propriety drivers from the ATI website?18:07
Kingsybut I am not really sure what I am doing tbh, so I thought I would try and get some help / advice..18:07
Gary_inNYCn2diy: also disable DHCP on the secondary router18:07
Kingsyanyone available to chat about that?18:07
webpageuseanyone got knowledge about authlog?18:08
Gary_inNYCn2diy: assign a static ip to the router functioning as access point that is outside the range of the primary router's dhcp range to avoid conflict18:08
n2diyok, thanks all.18:09
m1chaelj|, from scratch18:10
m1chaelj|, no pm18:11
webpageuseis it normal when there is delete user guest in authlog?18:11
spinx60evening boys and girls18:11
BLZbubbawhat does it mean if the ubuntu installer has the new partition table button greyed out; but it still is showing /dev/sda for the boot loader?18:12
theadminBLZbubba: I assume you'd need to click /dev/sda in the list before the button becomes active.18:13
viktorhi! i just got a card reader for a smart card which i *really* need to get to work. but the card reader isn't recognized. i found a site saying this is a bug and i should revert to a package in debian unstable (don't know how to do this). and if i open the app for using the card it says to check if the pcsc daemon is started. any help pls?18:14
RomeoAvaafter install windows fonts all the browsers are in bold fonts18:14
webpageusegroup added to /etc/group: name=guest-5z7RxE, GID=12818:14
webpageusei never add that?18:15
theadminviktor: You can't "revert to a package in Debian", Ubuntu and Debian aren't compatible. Whoever wrote that is wrong.18:15
viktortheadmin, it says those packages are found in the debian unstable repository, maybe that's different?18:16
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oratedHello! My system motherboard failed that I'm not able to boot Ubuntu. But I thought I if I can try the HDD on another working system as USB-HDD. I inserted my drive in portable HDD and tried to boot but it gives following error - libcrypt version: 1.5.0 Could not stat the resume device file /dev/sda7 Please type in the full path name to try again or press enter to boot the system - From LiveUSB boot I found that sda7 is swap partition. When I try to18:17
theadminviktor: Well, mixing repositories *will* break your system.18:17
oratedboot from USB-HDD without having any other HDD in the system, it boots fine but with any other HDD, USB-HDD gives above error. Is there a way to fix it?18:17
theadminorated: You need to use UUIDs instead of directly specifying devices in fstab and GRUB18:18
m1chaelorated, you should edit fstab18:18
viktortheadmin, ok, let's not do that then. but any idea how i get the card reader to work? it's a logon lcr002, i can't seem to find anything of a driver18:18
theadminviktor: "check if the pcsc daemon is started" =>  service --status-all | grep pcsc18:19
webpageuseis that log got problem? pam_succeed_if(lightdm:auth): requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "hockloon"18:20
oratedtheadmin: m1chael So, from LiveUSB I should change /dev/sda7 in fstab with its partition UUID? and sudo update-grub?18:20
theadminorated: Pretty much, in the kernel commandline.18:20
m1chaelorated, it depends the grub your using18:21
oratedtheadmin: Um, I didn't get what you mean by kernel CLI?18:21
oratedm1chael: Sec, I'll check that18:22
viktor_theadmin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1132981/ no pcsc, there is pcscd?18:22
m1chaelorated, the line should look something like this UUID=a7dc5bcd-0e79-4d7c-8028-e38f6acfc9a4  /     ext2    errors=remount-ro 0       118:23
theadminviktor_: That's the one, it's not running so "sudo service pcscd start"18:23
m1chaelor4n, in fstab.18:23
theadminorated: Well, that's in the grub configs, I'm not sure18:23
mabestupid question... but is it possible to use a kernel w/o initrd? I just compiled one myself, but although it does boot successfully it shows me a couple of errors like "failed to create pty" and so on...18:24
theadminmabe: Yes, it is. Gentoo kernels are usually initrd-less, for example.18:24
m1chaelorated, check https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB2#Combining_the_use_of_UUIDs_and_basic_scripting18:24
klj613how can i find out why shutdown/restart doesnt work? it halts on the loading part, but the actual gif (image) doesnt update. so all 5'ish dots are always white18:24
webpageusecan anyone answer this question?18:25
mabetheadmin: I guess the shown errors are non-critical? full message goes like this : "failed to create pty - disabled logging for job \ no such file or directory"18:25
PaolaHello back18:25
webpageuse usermod[10105]: change user 'guest-dvbvXq' password18:25
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theadminklj613: Try this trick: open /etc/default/grub, look for a line that says GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="blah blah blah", change it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="blah blah blah reboot=bios"18:25
Paolaplease  how to make command install for java 6  ?18:25
theadminklj613: Save the file, run update-grub18:25
viktor_theadmin, nothing new, service --status-all | grep pcsc still gives the same output18:25
theadminPaola: sudo apt-get install icedtea-6-plugin18:26
theadminviktor_: How about "service pcscd status"?18:26
Paolaafter  again command   ?18:26
webpageuseis dvbvXq intented?18:26
klj613theadmin, the issue is related to ATI drivers / dual monitors / xorg. should i still try that trick?18:26
m1chaelwebpageuse, r u the root on that machine?18:26
theadminklj613: Oh, huh. So it reboots when ATI drivers aren't in use? Then never mind.18:26
webpageusei am the root but i dont log as root18:27
webpageusewebpageuse is my standard user18:27
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cloudgeekwhat is paylaod size of a token ring !18:27
klj613theadmin, when i change my ati config (turn monitor off/on, or off etc). when i restart it halts. and alt+sysrq reisub doesnt even work18:27
Kingsycan anyone offer some advice on my problem?18:27
Paolabut why slow video on youtube  ?18:28
klj613if i turn off by physical button, then it boots back in18:28
viktor_theadmin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1132993/18:28
webpageusei copy paste from admin login18:28
klj613its just it wont turn off properly18:28
m1chaelwebpageuse, so, sudo sur root ---> type password18:28
theadminviktor_: Eh, add sudo to that18:28
m1chaelwebpageuse, sorry, sudo su root ---> type password18:28
The_Cogcloudgeek: I think it's around 4k18:28
theadminm1chael: That's the wrong way to do it.18:28
theadminwebpageuse: Don't run m1chael's command, it doesn't update the environment properly, use "sudo -i"18:28
m1chaeltheadmin, y is that?18:29
webpageusei just want to know anything odd18:29
theadminm1chael: It doesn't set the environment correctly. Variables and such.18:29
webpageusebefore i reformat18:29
Paolaicedtea-6-plugin is already the newest version.18:29
Paolaicedtea-6-plugin set to manually installed.18:29
Paola 18:29
viktor_theadmin, with sudo there's no output18:29
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Paolawhat say problem   ?18:29
theadminPaola: YouTube has nothing to do with Java, you know.18:29
theadminviktor_: Hm... I suppose the service isn't working. As for why, I have no idea.18:30
m1chaeltheadmin, ahh login shell. sorry didn't knew that.18:30
Paolai dont know18:30
Kingsyis there a special procedure to removing drivers?18:30
Paolai am new this ubuntu 10.04.4 lts lucid linx18:30
viktor_theadmin, no driver?18:30
Paolai am new this ubuntu 10.04.4 lts lucid linx18:30
theadminPaola: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer18:30
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Paolais already18:30
theadminPaola: HTML5 is slow. If you have no Flash, youtube falls back to HTML5, and is slow.18:30
m1chaeltheadmin, never had an issue with the command i've typed on ubuntu machine.18:30
RomeoAvaMy browser fonts looks in BOLD after instal some windows fonts18:30
theadminviktor_: Maybe... I have no idea18:31
theadminKingsy: If they're installed from APT, just sudo apt-get remove them18:31
ls612Hi all18:31
Kingsytheadmin: I have no idea how it was installed.. it just "worked"18:31
ls612I have an issue with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS18:31
Kingsybut the performance I am getting from them is HORRIBLE..18:31
webpageuseDimension-C521 su[10126]: + ??? root:guest-dvbvXq18:32
webpageusewhat does that mean?18:32
theadminKingsy: What did you install?18:32
m1chaelbye bye anyone18:32
naaseihello, how do I connect to the internet from a commandline18:32
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theadminnaasei: What kind of connection?18:32
Paolatheadmin thnx for help me18:32
viktor_does anybody have ideas to get a smart card reader to work that's not recognized?18:32
naaseifrom an rj45 cable18:32
theadminnaasei: sudo ip link set eth0 up ; sudo dhcpcd eth0 ;18:33
theadminnaasei: Err.18:33
Kingsytheadmin: nothing, I had a nvidia card.. upgraded to a sapphire 6850 HD, plugged it in booted up.. it worked.. I then tried the propriety drivers from the "additional drivers" menu.. they seemed buggy so I removed them from the same menu. Now I am here.. I didnt install any open drivers manually18:33
theadminnaasei: sudo ip link set eth0 up ; sudo dhclient &disown18:33
theadminnaasei: Sorry, I'm thinking Arch18:33
Paolaso virtualbox ose i try this on windows xp but is work driver for webcam on virtualbox ose ?18:33
ls612I managed to install Ubuntu 12.04 alongside Windows 7, but now Ubuntu has no internet access.18:34
bilelj|: thanks for the info18:34
Kingsytheadmin: I am thinking the ATI/AMD drivers are the best way to go and they might have been buggy because I didnt install them from the website.. I used ubuntu.. so I was going to try them again directly from AMD.. but now I don't know if I should be removing anything before I try??18:34
Paolatheadmin so virtualbox ose i try this on windows xp but is work driver for webcam on virtualbox ose ?18:34
webpageuseand this Successful su for guest-dvbvXq by root18:34
naasei I am only 13 and love ubuntu18:34
MonkeyDustls612  wireless?18:34
ls612I have a Toshiba S855-S5254 computer with an Atheros AR8161/8165 Ethernet Controller.18:34
ls612@Monkeydust: No, wired.18:34
webpageuseis guest-dvbvXq is this exist?18:35
webpageusea hack?18:35
Kingsytheadmin: can you offer some advice.. ?18:35
Paola2012-08-06 21:33:57 (323 KB/s) - `./adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.236.orig.tar.gz' saved [14132125/14132125]18:35
theadminKingsy: I have no idea, "lsmod" and look for which driver is loaded.18:35
Paolahow to make remove this   saved package  ?18:35
theadminPaola: You don't. It will remove it after it's installed.18:36
theadminPaola: It's just a temporary file.18:36
webpageuseany idea this is normal?18:36
PaolaDownload done.18:36
PaolaFlash Plugin installed.18:36
Kingsytheadmin: I know what driver is loaded.. someone in here told me that I cant just "install" a different driver.. I need to reinstall xorg and everything..18:36
Paolaoh okey thnx18:36
KingsyI am trying to find out what is true and what isnt18:36
the_gameri have a gtk3 colortheme consisting only of a index.theme and i want to have those colors in the settings.ini of another theme. what is the best way to convert them?18:36
theadminKingsy: Eh... Do you have an xorg.conf? If so, try deleting it.18:36
Paolatheadmin  virtualbox ose i try this on windows xp but is work driver for webcam on virtualbox ose ?18:36
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Kingsytheadmin: I know the driver I am using the is open radeon 6800 series one18:37
theadminPaola: Speak English, please, that made a negative amount of sense.18:37
webpageusei never create guest-dvbvXq, how come it exist in log?18:37
theadminwebpageuse: GNOME has a "guest session" tool.18:37
webpageuseany verification?18:37
Kingsytheadmin: where is xorg.conf? and what would deleting it do? I don't wanna break anything here18:37
the_gamerthe colors changed when updating from ubuntu 11.04 to 12.04 and i need the old ones back and i only find those new themes and the old colorscheme. the old one does have way more letters to be simple hex. please help me to convert it18:37
naaseihow do i copy a text from the chat?18:37
webpageusebut my ubuntu version is 12.04 LTS18:37
theadminKingsy: /etc/X11/. Deleting it will just make X autoconfigure rather than use a predefined configuration which NVidia drivers create.18:37
webpageuseso is it unity by default?18:38
Kingsytheadmin: and do you have to reboot to get it to reconfigure?18:38
PaolaI have virtualboxose i try on windows xp but i can install on webcam in virtualbox on windows in Ubuntu  ?18:38
theadminwebpageuse: Unity = Gnome with a nifty skin on top.18:38
webpageuseand i never install gnome18:38
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theadminKingsy: No, just restart X (alt-prtsc-k)18:38
ActionParsnipPaola: you need the closed source one for raw usb access18:38
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ActionParsnipwebpageuse: unity is the default shell n Ubuntu and it still uses Gnome3 as the desktop18:39
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naaseihow do i copy text from a chat18:39
ActionParsnipnaasei: which client?18:39
theadminnaasei: Um, Ctrl-C?18:39
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Kingsytheadmin: that key combination did nothing..18:39
ls612Does anyone have any ideas on what to do?18:39
alo21hi all18:40
naaseifrom this chat18:40
Gary_inNYCi have an annoying issue with Precise, and after looking around, i discovered it existed since April of 2011, which puts to question quality control LTS : https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71471397/Screenshot.png18:40
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theadminKingsy: Uh, where did you press it? It's supposed to be pressed in a running X session. Either way, you can just "sudo service lightdm restart || sudo service gdm restart"18:40
ActionParsnipnaasei: yes, which client are you using to connect to this chat18:40
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alo21is there a way to add jamendo in RhYthmbox 2.96?18:40
Kingsytheadmin: umm ok18:40
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naaseix-chat 2.4.418:40
ActionParsnipGary_inNYC: are there bugs reported?18:41
Paolatheadmin i can install flashplugin-nonfree     ????18:41
Paolatheadmin i can install flashplugin-nonfree     ????18:41
ActionParsnipnaasei: swipe the text as you expect and hold left click then press CTRL+C18:41
Gary_inNYCActionParsnip: yeah it's in the forums, but there doesn't seem to be any followup18:41
theadminPaola: No reason to do that.18:41
naaseithank you18:41
ActionParsnipGary_inNYC: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc18:41
Paolabut again slow youtube ? :-w :-?18:41
Paolatheadmin  but again slow youtube, why  ? :-w :-?18:42
RomeoAvawhat do you recommend about gnome tweak tool. I have problems in browsers with fonts, they are Bold18:42
ActionParsnipPaola: can you give a pastebin of:   lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -i | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'      Thanks18:42
RomeoAvamany people sad that: First, Install the Gnome tweak tool.18:43
Kingsytheadmin: just rebooted.. restarting the services just seemed to hang.. I am back in the OS now but  there isnt a xorg.conf file in /etc/X11/ at all now18:44
Kingsytheadmin: how is it possible that I can see an output on the monitor without an xorg.conf?18:44
Gary_inNYCActionParsnip: this was a fresh install of the latest LTS on a separate user's machine, which I don't have on hand.  I was just a little annoyed since it's a confirmed bug that shouldn't have survived to LTS:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/75330418:44
theadminKingsy: And that sounds just right. X autoconfigures if there isn't one. You only need one in weird situations.18:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 741995 in LibreOffice Productivity Suite "duplicate for #753304 Unity acts not as a dock for LibreOffice but as a launcher" [Undecided,New]18:44
PaolaActionParsnip:   No LSB modules are available.18:44
PaolaDistributor ID:Ubuntu18:44
PaolaDescription:Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS18:44
FloodBot1Paola: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:44
PaolaLinux L-I-N-U-X 2.6.32-41-generic #94-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 6 16:51:39 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux18:44
Kingsytheadmin: oh ok .. so now.. I should just install the propriety driver?18:45
ActionParsnipPaola: you didn't run what I said but it's good enough18:45
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theadminKingsy: Maybe, maybe not. Is it working fine now?18:45
MonkeyDustGary_inNYC  add your name in the list of affected users18:45
Paolaok brb18:45
Gary_inNYCMonkeyDust: will do18:45
Kingsytheadmin: I cant tell.. is it possible to get some kinda app that does a performance test on the graphics card?18:45
theadminKingsy: Hm, glxgears?18:46
orated_theadmin, Sorry I got disconnected. Here is my fstab - http://pastebin.com/NvE6Z8sw . I see that / swap are listed with UUID's so ...18:46
Kingsytheadmin: also, ever since I started to use the open radeon drivers I don't have sound from vlc or flash18:46
theadminorated_: Told ya it's in the grub configs, fstab is fine by default18:46
theadminKingsy: Well those two sound entirely unrelated.18:46
Doxinwhat API provides the individiual volume control per app? I'd like to write a python script to monitor and change volume per application. any pointers?18:46
orated_theadmin, grub.conf file in etc ?18:47
ls612Does anyone have any idea what I need to do to get my internet working? (or more specifically, what driver I need to get)18:47
ActionParsnipPaola: can you use a PASTEBIN and give the output of the command I gave please18:47
Kingsytheadmin: really? even if when I install the other graphics drivers the sound works?18:47
MonkeyDustls612  network manager or a fix IP address18:47
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m1chaells612, what kind of a connection is it?18:47
Kingsywhatever.. nm I guess thats a pulseaudio thing18:47
theadminKingsy: I have no idea to be honest.18:47
ls612I have an Atheros AR8161/8165 Ethernet Adapter18:48
m1chaells612, pppoe or pptp?18:48
Kingsytheadmin: np.. so glxgears18:48
Kingsylet me see18:48
ActionParsnipls612: can you ping ?18:48
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ls612I cant connect to anything, it says that there are no network devices detected.18:48
ActionParsnipls612: can you ping your routers internal P address?18:49
Kingsytheadmin: apt-get returns --> mesa-utils <-- is that what I need?18:49
orated_theadmin, found it /boot/grub/grug.conf I'll try what said before18:49
theadminorated_: Don't touch grub.cfg18:49
m1chaells612, try ifconfig and pastebin it18:49
ls612I'm running Windows 7 right now, and the internet works fine.18:49
ActionParsnipls612: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc18:49
theadminorated_: GRUB configs are under /etc/grub.d/ and /etc/default/grub, editing grub.conf manually will lead to sad results.18:49
ls612I'll do those and come back with the results.18:49
theadminKingsy: Yeah18:50
orated_theadmin, Ah-ok. Thanks ... I'll try that18:50
MFenhow do you assign keyboard shortcuts to launchers/apps in unity? i've searched and searched and found nothing useful.18:51
Jordan_Uorated_: theadmin: grub uses UUIDs by default. Nothing should need to be changed.18:51
ActionParsniporated_: what do you want to change i grub?18:51
theadminJordan_U: Oh.18:51
MFeni know about meta+1,2,3,...9 but i have a lot more than 9 launchers. i want e.g. meta+c to be chromium and meta+g to be gimp18:51
ls612How do I copy/paste the results of the Command Line?18:51
m1chaells612, right mouse click copy18:51
ActionParsnipls612: ctrl+shift+c to copy and ctrl+shift+v to paste, or use mouse18:52
theadminJordan_U: Well, we're having trouble with being unable to boot after inserting another HD (removing it helps)18:52
m1chaells612, go pastebin.com18:52
viktor_opensc and pcsc don't work, can't use smart card reader, any help pls?18:52
m1chaelviktor_, check dmesg after you connect card reader18:53
OdraWhy is it so difficult to program crossplatform18:53
MFenis there ANY way to assign a keyboard shortcut? btw the "keyboard" settings applet doesn't even work. can't click on it, can't change anything18:53
Kingsytheadmin: naaa I am still getting really bad performance18:53
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts18:53
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m1chaelOdra, different integer width18:53
MFenActionParsnip: as i said, that does not work for me18:54
Odram1chael: But my problem is with list views D:18:54
ActionParsnipls612: that tells us nothing18:54
MFensome article said i need to change enable_accels in gnome config, and i did that, and i still can't change anything in that page18:54
theadminKingsy: I see, well, you can attempt to install another driver alright18:54
OdraWho the eff invented GTK treeview18:54
OdraIts not an over kill its a coding massacre18:54
ls612Sorry. What should I do?18:54
Kingsyyeah np18:55
ActionParsnipls612: if you can run:  sudo lshw -C network   in Ubuntu, copy the file to the NTFS (as windows is garbage and cannot read Ext4), you can then pastebin it18:55
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ls612OK, I'll do that. Sorry for being noobish,18:55
viktor_m1chael, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1133037/18:55
m1chaelviktor_, do you what kind of a card reader it is?18:57
MFeni'll see if keytouch makes any difference..18:57
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ActionParsnip!away > Aaton_off18:58
ubottuAaton_off, please see my private message18:58
viktor_m1chael, logon LCR002, there's no driver for it as far as i can find, it should work with opensource, but i think there's a new bug18:58
WiredClickerhey me and my friend bob cant get ubuntu to use our usb mic18:58
root____1How do I use my usb mic?18:59
Paolahow to make install and key appt for wine and playonlinux  ?18:59
orated_Jordan_U, ActionParsnip Here is my original question - http://pastebin.com/xfBq95jU - I'm trying if setting UUIDs in grub configuration files helps18:59
WiredClickeri tried everything18:59
ActionParsnip!rootirc | root____118:59
WiredClickerubuntu doesnt want me to use my mic18:59
ubotturoot____1: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.18:59
viktor_m1chael, there's a workaround for opensc-tool, but it doesn't seem to work for me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcsc-lite/+bug/97388618:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973886 in pcsc-lite (Ubuntu) "PC/SC support broken due to multiarch enabled libpcsclite1" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:59
WiredClickerand when i try to talk on skype it makes demonic noises18:59
Paolahow to make install and key appt for wine and playonlinux  ?18:59
=== root____1 is now known as _bob
MFenok, keytouch dead right out of the gate19:00
MFenso, i'm still dead in the water here. cannot create shortcuts.19:00
Jordan_Uorated_: Again, grub already uses UUIDs by default. I don't know what you plan to change, but at least make sure you know how to undo it.19:00
bipuli have a problem my microphone audio is not working19:00
orated_Jordan_U, Yes, I'm trying to understand19:00
ActionParsnip_bob: you are stll running the client process as root, bad idea19:00
_bobI turned on my usb mic and it says my ethernet is plugged in.19:00
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Paolaplease help me how to make install and key appt for wine and playonlinux  ?19:01
ActionParsnipPaola: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo apt-get update19:01
_bobAnd it mounted my mic as a sdb1 ethernet19:01
ActionParsnipPaola: and please don't repeat like that, you asked the same users the same thing. I'm VERY sure they saw the first time19:01
_bobSo I casted sdb1 as an integer, and unmounted it.  And remounted it as a string.19:01
bipulCan any one help me, my audio is not working19:01
acke_bob sick mic, where can i buy?19:02
_bobAnd now I don't have internet.19:02
WiredClickerwell if they saw it how come no one answered19:02
WiredClickerwe cant use our mic19:02
ActionParsnip_bob: can you give a PASTEBIN of the output of:  lsusb; lsb_release -a; uname -a     Thanks19:02
ls612im back.19:02
WiredClickerno one knows how to fix a usb mic on ubuntu19:02
ActionParsnipls612: please pastebin the file :)19:02
Paolai can install wine and playonlinux on ubuntu 10.04 lts lucid lynx  ?19:02
ActionParsnipWiredClicker: : can you give a PASTEBIN of the output of:  lsusb; lsb_release -a; uname -a     Thanks19:02
Paolaits work or bad slow   ?19:02
ActionParsnipPaola: yes19:02
_bobEverytime i turn on my mic using alsapulsemixer, I get an interget overflow19:02
WiredClickeri tried modding udev and it gave me the following error: "martha stewart error 404 mics dont work on linux"19:02
Paolaokey but how to make install  >19:02
ActionParsnipPaola: it will work, you do realise that Lucid desktop only has 9 months support left...19:03
bipulActionParsnip:  my auido is not working19:03
ActionParsnip(20:01:20) ActionParsnip: Paola: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo apt-get update19:03
bipulam  i visebal ?19:04
ActionParsnipbipul: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh19:04
MFenso, if you disable unity, what happens?19:04
orated_theadmin, I'm really not able to figure out what I've to change in grub configuration files to fix my problem - http://pastebin.com/xfBq95jU19:04
WiredClickeri used a command someone told me once and it deleted my barney porn19:04
_bobI used rm -rf *19:04
ActionParsnip!danger | _bob19:04
ubottu_bob: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!19:04
_bobIt was supposed to fixed my audio, but instead it turned on my webcam.19:05
ActionParsnipbipul: its a terminal command...19:05
theadminorated_: As Jordan_U said, GRUB uses UUID by default, so that's not it19:05
bipulok wait19:05
ActionParsnipls612: seems its not in precise yet but will be in Quantal (Ubuntu 12.10 which is pre-release now), https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/92778219:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 927782 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "include the Atheros AR8131/AR8151/AR8152/AR8161/AR8162 Ethernet driver" [Medium,In progress]19:05
ls612Can I get Quantal now?19:05
theadminls612: Go to #ubuntu+1 for Quantal-related stuff19:06
ActionParsnipls612: yes but its officially not stable but could work, !wfm19:06
ardianHi is the last Blender in the Ubuntu repo ?19:06
ActionParsnipardian: if not, there  may be a PPA with a newer version19:06
orated_theadmin, Ok, then is there any other way to fix it? It just doesn't boot after error - libcrypt version: 1.5.0 Could not stat the resume device file /dev/sda7 Please type in the full path name to try again or press enter to boot the system19:07
ardianActionParsnip, I can only find the tar.gz file19:07
ActionParsnipPaola: it's in the repos, just use sotfware centre as you expect19:07
ardianin their site19:07
ActionParsnipardian: not from the site, from a pp19:07
ActionParsnip!ppa | ardian19:07
ubottuardian: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:07
ardianwhere do I get the link for that ppa19:07
ActionParsnipardian: look up....19:07
KyshtynbaiHi guys, are there any ways in Unity to make compiz SCALE function show all windows in all desktops, not only in current one?19:07
bipulActionParsnip:  i am using Ubuntu 10.04.219:08
bipulActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=032dd06aaa1b8bc8f1cb1400539f823933bb90e419:08
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ActionParsnipbipul: try:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-iquik/alsa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*               wait 10 seconds, reboot then try sound19:09
alexidoiahello and help19:09
ActionParsnipalexidoia: just ask19:10
ActionParsnipls612: you could always try the live CD, see if it works there :)19:10
orated_Hello! My system motherboard failed that I'm not able to boot Ubuntu. But I thought I if I can try the HDD on another working system as USB-HDD. I inserted my drive in portable HDD and tried to boot but it gives following error - libcrypt version: 1.5.0 Could not stat the resume device file /dev/sda7 Please type in the full path name to try again or press enter to boot the system - From LiveUSB boot I found that sda7 is swap partition. When I try to19:11
orated_boot from USB-HDD without having any other HDD in the system, it boots fine but with any other HDD, USB-HDD gives above error. Is there a way to fix it?19:11
ls612ActionParsnip: Would that also make my cooling fan work properly?19:11
alexidoiamy box did not want to start today, I booted on rescue mode and launched fsck, I waited all day long, the only ouput I had was "end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 019:11
ActionParsnipls612: the newer kernel may help. Do you use a switchable video chip by any chance?19:11
ActionParsnipalexidoia: sounds like a bad disk19:12
alexidoiathe system one !19:12
alexidoiaActionParsnip: more can I do ?19:12
alexidoiaActionParsnip: what *19:13
ActionParsnipalexidoia: you could grab the ultimate boot CD and test the drive with the manufacturers tool (the disk has the tools from the main HDD manufacturers)19:13
ActionParsnipalexidoia: I had the same and I replaced the drive and it was fine19:13
alexidoiaActionParsnip: you replace the disk you mean ?19:13
ls612I don't know what a switchable video chip is, so I guess not.19:13
ls612I have a Toshiba laptop.19:13
ActionParsnipls612: doesn't say much, toshiba make a tonne of differnet systems19:14
ActionParsnipls612: if you look in device manager, do you see 2 different display chips?19:14
Kingsyok guys, I have just installed the propriety AMD catalyst control drivers from AMD directly.. however lspci -k | grep VGA still says I am using 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Barts PRO [ATI Radeon HD 6800 Series]   <-- which is still the open ones right?? does that mean i am not using the correct driver?19:14
Kingsyshouldnt it be fglrx or whatever its called?19:15
ls612It is a Toshiba S855-S5254 to be more precise19:15
ActionParsnipls612: ok then it's just a single gpu, which is good :)19:15
deadmundKingsy: that output does not show the driver name.  Only the hardware name19:15
alexidoiaActionParsnip: what is the ultimate boot CD ?19:15
apworated_, i would have thought you could just remove swap from the fstab, worth a try19:15
deadmundKingsy: fglrx is the proprietary driver name19:15
ActionParsnipalexidoia: why not use the internet to find out instead of asking....19:15
alexidoiaActionParsnip: I am on the site, but it does not say much19:16
deadmundKingsy: lspci -k does show driver names.  But what you posted here in the channel does not appear to list the driver in use.19:16
apworated_, i suspect you have a /dev/sdxxx in your fstab instead of a UUID= so its confused now the disk name has changed19:16
Kingsydeadmund: so how do you check to see what driver you are currently using? to make sure you are using the propriety one?19:16
Kingsysorry I thought that lspci -k showed that module you were currently using19:17
deadmundKingsy: lspci -k   (but sometimes that lies) the BEST way is to look at lsmod.  lsmod's output is very large so use grep19:17
tech1_in xfce how do i disable that annoying hand thing which comes up which moves around windows. it seems to come up randomly when interacting with the gui and often moves the window somewhere weird -sometimes completley off the screen where i cant see it. its a good thing xfce didnt remember window positions or i wouldnt have been able to see the program again after restarting19:17
deadmundKingsy: read what I said.  lspci -k  does show the driver.  But you did not paste enough of the output to show the driver name here in the channel.19:17
orated_apw, Yes commenting swap partition line in fstab is worth trying. Here is my fstab - http://pastebin.com/rNNWcnLZ it got UUIDs19:18
Kingsydeadmund: oh ok.. let me have another look19:18
Kingsyoh yeah Kernel driver in use: fglrx_pci19:18
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deadmundKingsy: there ya go19:19
apworated_, that reference is still to the real disk name, thats somewhere else, somewhere /etc/19:19
apworated_, its the resume device ...19:19
Kingsydeadmund: still.. I am not happy with the driver.. the output on the 3rd monitor isnt full screen19:19
Kingsyit was with the open radeon drivers19:19
deadmundKingsy: so then use the open source drivers?19:19
apworated_, look in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume and see whats there ...19:20
ActionParsnipalexidoia: you kidding!! The first page lists all the tools on the disk....19:20
Kingsydeadmund: the performance was HORRENDUS19:20
Kingsydeadmund: like so bad even screensavers were jumpy.. heh19:20
jiffe98what are some good cheap raid cards that are supported by ubuntu?19:20
deadmundKingsy: well pick the one that you think is best19:20
jiffe98LSI doesn't seem to have very good support19:20
ActionParsnip!hcl | jiffe9819:20
ubottujiffe98: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:20
orated_apw, output is RESUME=UUID=33cf34fd-5a44-414a-b0cb-b5e3843deacc19:21
Kingsymmm kay19:21
alexidoiaActionParsnip: yes, but I did not know what it was19:21
jiffe98ActionParsnip: what section would I look for raid cards?19:22
ActionParsnipalexidoia: there are the tools for testing HDDs on there from Maxtor, Seagate, IBM and many others19:22
alexidoiaok thanks19:22
alexidoiamine is samsung19:22
ActionParsnipjiffe98: try http://linuxhcl.com/browse/search?category=3419:23
orated_apw, which is different from swap UUID mentioned in fstab ... um?19:23
ActionParsnipalexidoia: then search the first page sor the word samsung...what do you find?19:23
orated_Sorry, its same.19:23
bipulActionParsnip:  in my other machine also same isuse http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=64170d064fe20a7c9ad6b8de02df9b1246e08a8719:23
ActionParsnipbipul: use the same command to upgrade alsa, why such an old release??19:24
ActionParsnipalexidoia: what did you find?19:24
bipuli like old is gold19:25
ActionParsnipbipul: its EOL in 9 months, Precise is supported until 2017...19:25
ActionParsnipbipul: Precise also has later drivers and kernel which may help19:26
WeThePeopledoes scapebox work in linux?19:26
bipulActionParsnip:  no problem :)19:26
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts19:27
MFenubottu: you're a goddamn liar19:27
ubottuMFen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:27
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: what does it do, its not listed in wine's appdb..19:28
=== skiptheuse is now known as ghostchick
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, its a url harvester, scraper.. and much more19:28
=== ghostchick is now known as skiptheuse
dnewkirkCan someone help me problem solve a sftp config issue?19:29
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: why would you want to harvest urls?19:30
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, for fun19:30
POVaddctdnewkirk: please be more specific19:30
dnewkirkI am getting a subsystem request failed on chennel 0 error. I found that my sshd_config file was empty (might have been erased after an update?), but even after updating that nothing seems to work.19:31
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: is there not an addon or extension for web browsers for it19:31
POVaddctdnewkirk: what is the output of: grep Subsystem /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:32
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: from what I've seen I've no idea why anyone would even do it at all...19:32
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, scrapebox is a standalone program for winxp, vista, 7, 819:32
dnewkirkPOVaddct: Subsystem sftp internal-sftp19:33
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, i will have to use my virtualbox for the program19:33
POVaddctdnewkirk: i never used internal-sftp, only the external binary (/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server)19:34
MFeni'm just gonna ask again.. does anyone know how you actually assign custom keyboard shortcuts to launchers in the panel in unity?19:34
MFenthe keyboard config applet does not work19:34
POVaddctdnewkirk: but i am running debian here, maybe ubuntu switched to internal-sftp19:34
ghanohi guys19:35
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, could you help with a VB problem i am having?19:35
ghanoany plugins for skype on firefox19:35
Dr_WillisMFen: super #  defaults to the items in order.19:35
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: http://www.filetransit.com/files.php?name=Url_Harvester19:35
POVaddctdnewkirk: if the external binary /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server is already present, you can try that one19:36
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: so you are going to virtualise windows just for that...really?19:36
POVaddctdnewkirk: replacing the line in sshd_config to: Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server19:36
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: is there vb in ubuntu?19:36
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, yes19:37
ActionParsnipghano: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/19:37
WeThePeople10.04 LTS19:37
ghanoany plugins for skype on firefox19:37
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, thanks for the link19:37
ActionParsnipghano: check the link I give you19:37
ActionParsnipghano: why request help if you are going to ignore suggestions...19:38
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: probably better in a vb channel really19:38
aubreDoes anyone know of a fix for when the left mouse click just stops working ? It's a very new mouse, came with this new pc.19:38
dnewkirkPOVaddct: I've replaced it, but nothing is working yet.19:39
ActionParsnipaubre: have you tried in Unity2D session?19:39
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dnewkirkMight try a reboot19:39
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POVaddctdnewkirk: do you use the Chroot feature of sshd?19:39
aubreActionParsnip: Yes, that's what I am using right now19:40
dnewkirkNot at the moment, no.19:40
pr0ndigyis there a /command to hide the joins/quits in a room?19:40
DJonespr0ndigy: Which irc client are you using19:40
ActionParsnippr0ndigy: which client?19:40
aubrednewkirk: reboot fixes it. I don't want to have to reboot randomly through the day19:40
pr0ndigyi'm using the webchat.freenode.net19:40
ActionParsnippr0ndigy: look in the top left of the window, there are settings there19:41
DJonespr0ndigy: I think its on one of the drop down menus for the webchat clienty19:41
ActionParsnippr0ndigy: you can even change the colour :)19:41
aubreIt also happens in XFCE19:41
POVaddctdnewkirk: i'd suggest to strace the sshd process when connecting with an sftp client19:41
=== skiptheuse is now known as ghostchick
pr0ndigymenu up top doesn't seem to work correctly19:41
pr0ndigyoh well19:41
ActionParsnipaubre: when it happens, bring up a terminal  (CTRL+ALT+T) and run:  dmesg | tail    what is output?19:41
ActionParsnippr0ndigy: i'd ask in #freenode19:42
ghanothank you I will19:42
aubreActionParsnip: ok, will do thanks19:42
=== CanStudy is now known as Cantide
ghanosorry i just didn't submit my thanks19:42
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, do you know where i can paste a picture in a url.. eg. paste.ubuntu.com19:43
ghanoActionParsnip: I did install the add on but still doesn't work19:43
pr0ndigydoes installing ubuntu from usb, and selecting "download updates" include the newest kernel?19:43
DJones!imagebin | WeThePeople19:43
ubottuWeThePeople: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.19:43
Poindexter_Prondigy check this out:   http://forum.rizon.net/showthread.php?740-Disable-Join-and-Part-messages19:44
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: imageshack, imgur19:45
Poindexter_Has anyone here used a SATA Port Multiplier? Any latency problems?19:46
ghanono problems why?19:46
ActionParsnipPoindexter_: i'dask in ##hardware19:46
Dr_Williscant say ive ever seen a sata port mutplier19:46
Poindexter_#Hardware is invite only.19:47
pr0ndigydoes installing ubuntu from usb, and selecting "download updates" include the newest kernel?19:47
Dr_Willisor regietered nick only19:47
ActionParsnipPoindexter_: then get registered and identified and you can walk in19:47
Dr_Willispr0ndigy:  i think so.19:47
Poindexter_Anyways, the Port Multiplier is a nice idea. It is like a HUB for SATA devices.19:47
ActionParsnippr0ndigy: i'd say so but it can cause issues19:47
prcIIIi just tried to install netExtender and it is saying that I have a missing library file libssl.so.619:48
prcIIIhow do i resolve this19:48
prcIIII have tried everything on the first few pages of google search results19:48
ActionParsnip!info netextender19:48
ubottuPackage netextender does not exist in precise19:48
Dr_Willis!find libssl.so.619:48
ubottuPackage/file libssl.so.6 does not exist in precise19:48
prcIII!find libssl.so.619:48
Dr_Willis!find libssl.so19:48
ActionParsnipprcIII: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc19:48
prcIIIok then what19:48
dnewkirkPOVaddct: Verbose output from sftp seems to indicate the failure happens when sending subsystem: sftp. The binary is there, but I'm not sure it's working. It's a bit odd.19:48
ubottuFile libssl.so found in libcherokee-mod-libssl, libssl-dev, libssl0.9.8, libssl0.9.8-dbg, libssl1.0.0, libssl1.0.0-dbg19:48
prcIIIActionParsnip it is precise19:49
prcIIII have 12.0419:49
Dr_Willislooks like you need the libssl* packages19:49
POVaddctdnewkirk: you should strace the server side. debug output of the client might not be enough.19:49
ActionParsnipprcIII: try:  sudo apt-get install libssl-dev19:49
Poindexter_I did find one serious issue with SATA and Windows. Doing a search on a SLAVE drive crashes not only the computer but also with VBOX as well, i.e. 1.5 TBytes or more.19:50
pr0ndigyis the sequence to get all the updates... "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"19:50
ActionParsnipPoindexter_: its offtopic here19:50
Dr_Willispr0ndigy:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to pull in any held packages oe kernels may be needed also19:51
Poindexter_I don't know how Ubuntu would stand up to a Port Multiplier.19:51
dnewkirkPOVaddct: I've got it working. had to do a apt-get purge and reinstall openssh-server. Seems a lot of the config files got fouled up!19:51
POVaddctdnewkirk: whatever happened at the last update... :)19:51
prcIIIi installed the libssl-dev19:51
josh13hi guys19:52
n00bzzis there any way to defrag a NTFS drive via linux?19:52
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ActionParsnipn00bzz: i wouldn't use anything but windows defrag on an NTFS partition19:52
Poindexter_Noobzz I would't trust it.19:52
n00bzzoh ok19:53
n00bzzthank for the advice19:53
n00bzzi wont try19:53
Poindexter_Why can't you defrag with Windows boxen?19:53
josh13i just installed 12.03 on my system, how can I get my nvidia 610 to output HDMI?19:53
n00bzzthat exist?19:53
Poindexter_Noobzz are you dual booting?19:54
dnewkirkPOVaddct: Apparently apt-get decided my life wasn't exciting enough...19:54
ActionParsnipPoindexter_: as long as there are kernel drivers for the controller, it will work19:54
ActionParsnipn00bzz: 12.0419:54
n00bzzPoindexter_: well yes19:54
josh13thats what i meant19:54
ActionParsnipjosh13: is the HDMI set as the output device?19:54
Poindexter_Just boot up in Windows mode and defrag there.19:54
catcherHow can I figure out when the update manager will switch to an updated piece of software? (in particular, svn 1.7)19:54
n00bzzi just wanna stay on linux, defrag a ntfs drive, resize it and make another 10gb partition to install gentoo19:54
josh13ActionParsnip: No, TBH I dont know how to even chaange that as nothing is listed under display options19:54
Dr_Willisjosh13:  i had to install the pulse audio volume control tool 'pavcontrol' (i think) and twiddle with it to get my hdmi audio working19:55
Poindexter_Make sure after you defrag you reboot and defrag once more to clean out the CONTIGUOUS FILE.19:55
ActionParsnipcatcher: sudo apt-get update; apt-cache policy svn    to see what packages are installed and what is avalable19:55
ActionParsnipjosh13: search dash for sound.19:55
n00bzzPoindexter_: what means contiguous file?19:55
josh13not just sounbd, video too, I am displaying video through VGA19:55
Poindexter_The contiguous file is a temp file or like in Linux a SWAP file. It exists on your drive.19:56
ActionParsnipjosh13: what video chip do you use?19:56
Poindexter_When you defrag in Windows the SWAP or CONTIGUOUS file exists. After rebooting you will defrag and remove the SWAP data.19:56
n00bzzoh ok19:56
josh13ActionParsnip: its a nvidia 61019:57
n00bzzi understand19:57
catcherActionParsnip, no mention of the newer 1.7, does that mean I'd have to add a new repo?19:57
ActionParsnipcatcher: if its not in the official repos, then yes19:57
ActionParsnipjosh13: did you install the nvidia driver?19:57
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josh13off of software center or the nvidia site ?19:58
catcherActionParsnip, is there somewhere I can read on the plans to update?19:58
ActionParsnipjosh13: no need, this isn't windows19:58
David23400IF i installed lubuntu from boot with a CD , How can i remove it later?19:58
ActionParsnipjosh13: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current19:59
WeThePeopleany help with this would be nice.. http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/1705/screenshot3rl.png19:59
ActionParsnipDavid23400: uninstall lxde and openbox and it should remove most of it...19:59
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: i'd ask in #vbox20:00
morphisolli: ping20:00
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, i did :)20:00
theadminWeThePeople: Please start reading errors. sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup20:00
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: the issue is with virtualbox, so that's a more precise channel for your issue20:01
WeThePeopleyes ok20:01
theadminActionParsnip: The issue is specific to the Ubuntu vbox package. Other packages autoconfigure themselves :/20:01
Poindexter_WeThePeople it looks like a permissions problem. Also check to see what type of version XP it is. Upgrade or other.20:01
josh13ActionParsnip: doing that now, can you explain the first sudo to me?20:01
stenhsry i am new here :D20:02
theadminWeThePeople: Run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup. That should fix it.20:02
Paddy_NIHello I am trying to fix my intel graphics on my laptop (ubuntu 12.04) after an update about a month ago upon rebooting I was left with a very low resolution and I have been stuck with it ever since20:02
ActionParsnipjosh13: its all one command, the first part adds a new source, you have quite a new nvidia gpu which will benefit from the newer drivers20:02
WeThePeoplepoindexter, actually all the OS's dont work20:02
ActionParsniptheadmin: does that not need sudo?20:03
josh13ah ok, then I run nvidia-settings to configure it?20:03
theadminActionParsnip: It does, I just assume people would figure out when stuff needs root permissions, sorry, I'm used to su-based systems more20:03
ActionParsnipjosh13: you need the driver first20:03
tkingpls how do i find a file20:03
josh13ActionParsnip: Ok i did everything u told me too20:03
tkingi know the file name but dont know where it is saved20:04
ActionParsniptking: sudo updatedb  first20:04
soap_Why are there 3 flood bots20:04
soap_Is that necessary?20:04
ActionParsniptking: then you can use the 'locate' command20:04
n00bzzsoap_: they are there to watch you20:04
ActionParsnipsoap_: for 1700 users, yes20:04
tkinghow to use locate command?20:04
daniel2Hi i have backed up my home folder on a ubuntu 10.04 install using rsync. i installed 12.04 and again rysnc the backup home to the /username/home folder! are there any configuration problems that i may run into? i noticed all my preivous bash history has come across my firefox bookmarks etc etc! it there anything else i should be concerned about?20:04
theadmintking: "locate filename".20:04
ActionParsnipjosh13: did you see it build the kernel module?20:04
Poindexter_WeThePeople I have been running Win7 as the HOST and other OS's as GUESTS. It seems to work fine except for OSX. You may need to format the Guest for the File System and so forth.20:04
WeThePeopletrheadmin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1133155/20:04
WeThePeopletheadmin, see above20:04
josh13ActionParsnip: umm sure, it did a ton of stuff20:05
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: you can run:  sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist     to clean that up20:05
ActionParsnipjosh13: ok then reboot20:05
theadminWeThePeople: How did you install virtualbox anyway? You should use the repo package20:05
ackedaniel2, all you application configurations are in hidden folder in your home/20:05
WeThePeoplepoindexter, i know it has to do with the kernel, cuz i installed 'LinuxCNC' and it changed the kernel20:05
Poindexter_By the way there is a crutial upgrade for Virtual Box. Make sure you install it. However, you may have to do all of the work over again.20:06
WeThePeopletheadmin, from the software center20:06
josh13kk rebooting20:06
Dr_Willis!info linuxcnc20:06
ubottuPackage linuxcnc does not exist in precise20:06
theadminWeThePeople: Oh, hm, what Ubuntu version re you at?20:06
ackedaniel2: if you have installed and configured your applications on the new system, i would take case putting old configs on top of that. :)20:06
WeThePeopletheadmin, 10.04 LTS20:06
Paddy_NIWhat would happen if I was to delete xorg.conf xorg.conf~ and xorg.conf.failsafe20:06
theadminWeThePeople: Ah, hm... sudo apt-get install dkms, then try that command again20:07
Paddy_NIthen reboot20:07
daniel2acke: i copied all of them to the new install!! will there be any confusions after this?20:07
Dr_WillisPaddy_NI:  x auto configures for the most part these days20:07
Paddy_NIDr_Willis, so effectively it should re-detect my graphics hardware?20:07
pr0ndigyafter i get ubuntu installed with all the updates and apps that i want on it. is there a way to make an install CD of the system for future re-installs?20:07
ackedaniel2: i guess it could be, if the configs are for old versions on the applications you are running.20:07
Dr_WillisPaddy_NI:  you can rename them then restart the x server if yiou wanted20:08
Paddy_NIDr_Willis, okay cool going to try that20:08
ackedaniel2: usually its just to remove the applicaiton folder, to fix a broken applicaiton, so i dont think it is a biggy. :)20:08
daniel2acke: i think it;s a case of wating to see what problems i run into!! i have to upgrade a friends computer in the same way!20:08
josh13_ActionParsnip: ok I am back, my tv is now at the correct resolution, how do I do the HDMI20:08
alexidoiaActionParsnip: there ?20:09
ActionParsnipWeThePeople: try:  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`20:09
ActionParsnipalexidoia: yes20:09
ActionParsnipjosh13: is the system a laptop?20:09
alexidoiaI boot from UBCD, chose HDD, then diagnosis, then SAMSUNG utility, then a few load stuff, then ... nothing20:10
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alexidoiaActionParsnip: ^20:10
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ActionParsnipjosh13_: try nvidia-settings   see if you can activate it there...20:10
ActionParsnipalexidoia: did you test the memory?20:10
alexidoiaActionParsnip: last stuff on screen IDLE: Going resident20:10
alexidoiaActionParsnip: you think, dmseg did not say nothing about memory20:11
ActionParsnipalexidoia: its worth testing20:11
Paddy_NIDr_Willis, Grr.. I'm stuck with the same low resolution :-(20:11
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Dr_WillisPaddy_NI:  i dont know your issue or details.. ;)20:12
Paddy_NIDr_Willis, oh sorry20:12
wd11Anyone familiar with Audacity?20:13
aklswd11, a bit20:13
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:13
Paddy_NIDr_Willis, I have been stuck with the mighty low-resolution of 1024x768 for about a month ever since I one day performed an update and restarted20:13
Paddy_NIDr_Willis, I believe my normal resolution is 1440x90020:14
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: why GPU?20:15
wd11i recently downloaded audacity and recorded a recording that was in normal speed for 20 secs and then double speed for 20 secs and so on through the entire recording. the problem is that i want to recover the recording. How should i go about this?20:15
aklsI've found some fun gestures on synaptics site. How can I enable them in ubuntu? Here's a link http://www.synaptics.com/solutions/technology/touchpad-linux20:15
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, Sorry ?20:16
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, oh actually my normal resolution is 1600 x 90020:16
maslowIs there a linux alternative for Adobe's Lightroom?20:16
aklswd11, so you select your double speed part and click Effect/Change speed20:17
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: what video chip do you use?20:17
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MonkeyDustmaslow  what's ligtroom exactly?20:17
wd11ok through the whole thing its gonna be a manual fix?20:17
n00bzzis it possible to install ubuntu on the second partition of a usb drive(first partition not being bootable, it is only data there)20:17
n00bzz!fr fredbr6920:17
ackedaniel2: yes, I believe so, I wouldnt hasitate to do the upgrade and the restore rsync back, but then again I never get ride of the todo lists i have from the last updates..20:17
wd11i kinda thought that might be the case20:17
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, Oh I am not sure exactly what it is but this is lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/1133176/20:18
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, I just got back from Kingston, Ontario yesterday20:18
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: its an Intel GPU then20:18
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, oh yep sorry20:18
maslowMonkeyDust, it does photo manipulations, removes red eye, etc.20:19
ActionParsnipmaslow: looks like a photo editor...20:19
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ActionParsnipmaslow: try GIMP20:19
maslowActionParsnip, it's that but and then some20:19
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: if your display isn't reportng EDID you may have to fight with xorg.conf20:19
ActionParsnipmaslow: I dunno, Gimp can be really extensive20:20
Paddy_NImaslow, http://alternativeto.net/software/adobe-lightroom/?platform=linux20:20
ilian_Hi, can anyone help me and tell me what this does "some_command  2>&1"20:20
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, Hmm EDID?20:20
maslowahh...thanks ActionParsnip & Paddy_NI20:20
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: good monitors and screens report their refresh rates and other capabilities to the system so that the driver runs correctly20:21
ls612Well, I was an idiot.20:21
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, I wonder why this one suddenly does not :-(20:21
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, I has worked for the past few ubuntu releases20:21
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: maybe its the xorg version, or the driver version for intel...20:22
ls612I deleted my partition containing Ubuntu 12.04, and forgot that that was where GRUB was, so now I can't boot to anything :(20:22
ls612what can I do?20:22
ice799Hi. I am using 10.04 on a 64bit system. Is there a way to ask apt to list the packages that have been installed after the system was setup. For example, N packages were installed when I installed the system from the CD. I then added 10 packages. Is there a way to get a list of those 10 packages ?20:22
aklsI've found some fun gestures on synaptics site. How can I enable them in ubuntu? Here's a link http://www.synaptics.com/solutions/technology/touchpad-linux20:22
n00bzzls612: just reboot on a live cd20:22
n00bzzls612: and modify your grub20:22
mental_mickeyHi all20:23
DarkAceZall hi20:23
ls612n00bzz: how do i fix GRUB?20:23
mental_mickeyIs there any list of common aliases for ubuntu out there?20:23
n00bzzls612: editing the text file20:23
theadminmental_mickey: "aliases" as in...?20:24
n00bzzconfiguration text file20:24
W4spmaslow: There is no one single tool for it. You would need to split the tasks required into bits and build your own workflow. That can look like a) convert RAW files, b) manage them, c) manipulate one or many in batch, d) export and make web/album/print ready.20:24
ActionParsnipls612: you can reinstate grub from the liveCD: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video20:24
SEVMEK46 who can help me?20:24
mental_mickeyAs in alias ls="ls -l"20:24
ActionParsnipls612: if you only have windows installed you will need to reinstate the windows bootloader, ##windows will help there20:24
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, my computer shut off unexpectedly while installing the linux headers.. now when i run the command sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` it shows E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem, what to do?20:25
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, What do you think of this as a solution https://launchpad.net/~glasen/+archive/intel-driver20:25
ActionParsnipmental_mickey: you can check in ~/.bashrc  for aliases20:25
ls612ActionParsnip: Thanks, I'll go there.20:25
n00bzzls612: if u had windows installed, i think you only need to reboot with the windows cd, and make it repair20:25
mental_mickeyI guess I can do some google dorking tee hee20:25
ActionParsnip!aptfix | WeThePeople20:25
ubottuWeThePeople: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:25
ls612My windows restore is on the HDD. Which I can't boot to.20:25
n00bzzls612: doing the format/mbr c:20:25
theadminmental_mickey: /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc20:26
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: worth a try20:26
mental_mickeyYeah I know20:26
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Paddy_NIActionParsnip, I figure add the ppa perform an apt-get update / upgrade and reboot :-/20:26
mental_mickeyBut I'd like to know some smart common tricks20:27
mental_mickeyI use the terminal a lot20:27
mental_mickeyHence I'd appreciate some advice20:27
primefalconon what exactly?20:27
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theadminmental_mickey: Well, I have ls aliased to "ls --color", ":q" and ":wq" to "exit"20:28
mental_mickeyCommon aliases that should be enabled by dwfault20:28
theadminmental_mickey: But that's about it. I also use the Z shell, rather than bash. It's more powerful.20:28
ActionParsnipmental_mickey: you can make your own, anything you run a lot you can script or alias so you can rnun it quicker20:28
mental_mickeyI was educated on bash :P20:29
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/20:29
mental_mickeyYep actually I have some of them20:29
mental_mickeyJust looking for some new ideas20:29
Dr_Willistldp.org has other bash guifes also20:29
Dr_Willislook at old ideas. ;)20:30
mental_mickeyLike what? :P20:30
wayne_hello all20:30
Dr_Willisbash prompt howto20:30
theadminmental_mickey: I also suggest aliasing "apt-get" to "sudo apt-get", "service" to "sudo service", etc20:31
mental_mickeyTheres one liner o use a lot20:31
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mental_mickeyShutdown=shutdown -P 020:31
DarkAceZlet's say I want to backup my entire ubuntu installation... Would it work to compress it after it's copied to another hard drive?20:31
gr33n7007hhow do I create an alias for: wpa_supplicant -B -D wext -i wlan1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicnt.conf -dd20:32
deadmundDarkAceZ: why would you compress it AFTER it's copied?20:32
gr33n7007histead of typing all the time20:32
DarkAceZwell, would compressing work at all?20:32
deadmundDarkAceZ: Sure, why wouldn't compressing work?20:32
gr33n7007hor to run at start-up20:33
theadmingr33n7007h: alias start_wireless="wpa_supplicant -B -D wext -i wlan1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicnt.conf -dd"20:33
deadmundgr33n7007h: http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php#alias20:33
mental_mickeyDarkacex why don't you write a shell script?20:33
gr33n7007htheadmin, the do i just tyoe start_wireless?20:33
DarkAceZwith all those symlinks, and, well, basically, files that I don't know what they are or do.20:33
theadmingr33n7007h: Yeah, you can make it shorter too, like "wi" or something.20:33
deadmundDarkAceZ: I've never tried it but a symlink can be compressed without any issues.20:34
ls612n00bzz: what is format/mbr c:?20:34
mental_mickeyI would write a ah file, chmod it, and make an alias20:34
wayne_I am trying to work with Cheese in 12.04 but its unpredictable, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt why is that20:34
gr33n7007htheadmin, thank you very much ;D20:34
theadmingr33n7007h: To make it permanent, save it to ~/.bashrc. Also add sudo at the start of the command as "sudo start_wireless" won't work.20:34
n00bzzls612: oh maybe it is fdisk20:34
n00bzzls612: fdisk/mbr20:34
gr33n7007hok thanks theadmin20:34
n00bzzit is to put back the master boot record20:35
n00bzzwithout losing your files20:35
n00bzzbut anyway20:35
n00bzzwindows cd should do it alone20:35
FloodBot1n00bzz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:35
ls612where do I do fdisk?20:35
n00bzzls612: i dont fully understand, you cannot put back the windows cd on cd-drive,  reboot, and it dont try to repair the mbr itself?20:36
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ls612I have no windows restore CD. :(20:36
ls612I forgot to make restore media because I was stupid.20:36
n00bzzdo you have some blank dvd?20:37
ls612yes, I have plenty of those20:38
Poindexter_Noobzz if you want your DATA back, SLAVE the drive in question and recover the DATA. Forget fdisk /mbr20:38
n00bzzls612: oh, do you have ubuntu livecd?20:38
ls612At this point, my data can be restored from other methods.20:39
OgalanHi all20:39
ls612yes, I have live Ubuntu 12.04, but the internet doesn't work on that.20:39
OgalanDoes anyone know of some nice trick to speed up Ubuntu?20:39
Ogalansomething like the miracle patch20:39
wilee-nileels612, this W7?20:39
deadmundOgalan: what do you think?20:40
wilee-nileels612, you can get a recovery disc for 10$ on the net20:40
n00bzzls612: http://superuser.com/questions/402065/repair-windows-7mbr-with-hirens-boot-cd20:40
Ogalani mean, Linux 12.04 runs so slowly on my dated netbook20:40
Ogalanubuntu 10.04 works just fine20:40
Ogalaneven with compiz20:40
deadmundOgalan: that's unity and the newer gnome libraries20:40
zetherooI am sharing a folder using Samba but a Windows 7 PC cannot see my Ubuntu PC on the network //.20:41
n00bzzls612: when you resolve your things, you should search, find, download and burn a dozen of kind of rescue disc20:41
Ogalanwell that's a pity20:41
ls612yes, I will certainly do that.20:41
zetheroois this related to workgroups20:41
n00bzzls612: can you download right now and burn a cd?20:41
deadmundOgalan: yeah, try installing xfce or lxde or something20:41
ls612a cd of what?20:41
n00bzzhirens bootcd20:41
ls612I don't want to pay money.20:42
Ogalantried xfce20:42
n00bzzhirens cost money?20:42
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Ogalanand noticed the biggest difference when switching window managers20:42
Ogalannot desktops20:42
n00bzzls612: u really think i will tell you things that would cost you more than a blank cd or dvd?20:42
deadmundOgalan: well, keep trying stuff until you're happy.  Simpler ones like awesome are really fast.20:42
Poindexter_Noobzz recover your DATA and re-format the disk and install the OS again. Simple.20:43
Ogalanwhat's awesome? never heard of it?20:43
ls612not really. where do I get this bootcd?20:43
Ogalanis it a compositing manager or something?20:43
deadmundOgalan: http://awesome.naquadah.org/20:43
n00bzzls612: i am trying to find i got problem with FF i see nothing20:43
n00bzzblack font on black background dont help to read20:44
Ogalanok thank you deadmund , i'll check it out ... :)20:44
Poindexter_Hiren's Boot CD doesn't always work because it cannot replace the FAT file which your OS created. Maybe the MBR.20:44
deadmundOgalan: sure20:44
wilee-nileels612, here is the recovery disc link I would not mess around here get the correct tool. http://neosmart.net/blog/2009/windows-7-system-repair-discs/20:44
Ogalanif only i could use the console for mostly everything20:44
Ogalani know i can20:44
ls612should I call my computer manufacturer?20:45
ls612I am still under warranty.20:45
Ogalani'd like to ask something if you don't mind20:45
Ogalanare there any public sources.list files for ubuntu?20:45
Ogalansomething like a directory20:46
Ogalanjust wondering anyway20:46
deadmundtons of them.  Look at this: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/20:46
deadmundOgalan: ^20:46
Ogalanwow, thanks20:46
deadmundsure :)20:46
n00bzzls612: http://www.hirensbootcd.org/files/Hirens.BootCD.15.1.zip20:46
WeThePeopleactionparsnip, thanks for the help you got my VB workin :)20:46
n00bzzls612: download, extract, burn on cd, reboot20:47
n00bzzls612: there is like 150 rescue software on this bootable disc20:47
n00bzzabout everykind of problem20:47
n00bzzwhy you dont have any windows cd?20:48
wilee-nileen00bzz, you are not supposed to be posting stuff like hirens.20:48
n00bzzwilee-nilee: why?20:48
n00bzzit is all freeware stuff20:48
DiazHello. How do I give a user permission to a certain folder?20:48
wilee-nileen00bzz, channel rules period20:48
n00bzzwilee-nilee: channel first rule is helping20:48
n00bzzhelping each others20:48
n00bzzto make our world better20:49
wilee-nileen00bzz, this is not a argument, you are not making the world better, you are following your ego.20:49
* MonkeyDust tries awesome now20:49
n00bzzmaybe we should have did that on pm, but did not thinked about, been like 2 years i did not went on irc20:49
n00bzzespecially not in freenode20:49
Neytirii am having a issue with my system not installing, i have EVGA GeForce GTX 550 Ti     and i am gotting no video and i am trying to install 11.10 and getting no video20:50
zykotick9MonkeyDust: awesomewm?  hardest wm i've ever used - but i love it now.  uber-light ;)20:50
DiazHow do I give a user permission to a certain folder?20:50
n00bzzwilee-nilee: i been helping someone, what wrong is that?20:50
joe__Neytiri, have you tried 12.04?20:50
Neytiriyes and no luck either20:50
joe__does your board also have onboard video?20:50
zykotick9!nomodeset | Neytiri20:50
ubottuNeytiri: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:50
Poindexter_Congratulations WeThePeople.20:50
MonkeyDu1tnot good20:51
DiazHow do I give a user permission to a certain folder?20:53
zetherooUbuntu 12.04 with samba installed - I have shared a folder on the local LAN but other Windows 7 machines cannot see my computer on the network20:53
lordcirthHow can I install 32bit gstreamer on 64bit?20:54
Neytirizykotick9: i dont get that option when i pop inthe disk20:54
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retnanplease guys, how do i disallow read access to /home directory20:54
zykotick9Neytiri: at the very first screen, with the little man, you have to press a key i believe (not sure if it's a specific key you need)...  sorry i can't be more help.20:55
MonkeyDustretnan  basically, that sounds like: how do i throw away the key to my door20:55
zykotick9MonkeyDust: other way around isn't it?  like locking the door.20:56
hakansananyone there?20:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:58
deadmundhakansan: people are here20:58
deadmund1680 people20:58
hakansanı am new about ubuntu20:58
hakansanhow can ı talk the people?20:59
pr0ndigywhat's a good antivirus program to use in 12.04?20:59
deadmundI'm a person!20:59
hakansanok ı got it20:59
wilee-nileehakansan, non support chat would be in #ubuntu-offtopic20:59
deadmundpr0ndigy: You don't need antivirus software in linux thus there isn't any good antivirus program21:00
null1024pr0ndigy: ClamAV exists, but I've never used it.21:01
pr0ndigyso you're trying to say that there are no virus threats for linux?21:01
deadmundClamAV actually looks for windows viruses21:01
lordcirthdeadmund: It looks for both actually21:01
deadmundpr0ndigy: Yes basically.  Although this conversation is controversial21:01
deadmundlordcirth: Ahh, didn't know that :)21:01
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null1024there is also a version of Avast! antivirus21:02
lordcirthdeadmund: Its mostly heuristic, so it can in theory find both. But ofc it rarely finds Linux viruses :)21:02
null1024but last time I used it, the virus database had gotten so big that it stopped working21:02
deadmundmmm, thanks :)21:02
SolarisBoyanyone aware of a way to log or view the history of ACPI wakeup events?21:02
retnanMonkeyDust: i dont want others knowing about others'21:03
hellyeahanyone know about btrfs checking21:04
hellyeahman fsck.btrfs or man btrfsck does not work21:04
hellyeahwhy is that21:04
retnani run a virtual host with lots of virtual users and dont want other users seeing other users directory incase they run a PHP shell21:04
tech1_when i type "vim" in terminal it says i can apt-get install different packages (vim, vim-gnome, ..athena...gtk..nox). what are the differences? im using xfce so should i just get the vim one21:06
jiffe98anyone use a highpoint 2720SGL with ubuntu21:07
deadmundtech1_: vim is cli only, vim-gnome must have some gnome specific stuff.  Not sure what athena or nox is21:07
jiffe98wondering if it has full raid support and how well it works21:07
deadmundtech1_: I don't see what the difference between vim-gnome and vim-gtk might be though21:07
tech1_well which one is more likley to be compatible with xfce?21:07
MonkeyDusttech1_  try vim21:08
coolman_bghello ubuntu :)21:08
tech1_and if vim is just cli, dosnt that make it just vi...21:08
tech1_ok ill try21:08
deadmundtech1_: regular vim21:08
MonkeyDustvim is vi-improved21:08
deadmundtech1_: vim and vi are both CLI only.  vi sucks compared to vim21:08
tech1_i see thanks21:10
twirmCan someone help me with a Unity bug?21:11
TheLordOfTimetwirm:  is it really a bug, and is there a bug report already on it?21:11
TheLordOfTime(if it actually is a bug)21:11
twirmI can't seem to theme my GTK theme or my icons all of the sudden21:11
twirmI've tried tweaking them from gnome-tweak-tool and myunity and I'm having no luck21:12
twirmit seems like I can't theme my fonts anymore either21:12
twirmI assume this is caused by some package I've recently installed, but I can't seem to hunt it down21:13
hirsty-sigh- hey all still having dual boot issues :(21:14
Phoenix87can someone help me with this question? http://askubuntu.com/questions/172601/cant-upgrade-from-11-10-to-12-04 thank you!21:14
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twirmTheLordOfTime, any chance you can help me with that?21:17
FreeRangeRadicalIcedTea doesn't seem to be working in Chrome beta or Chromium. What do I do to update it?21:18
wilee-nileePhoenix87, have you looked in software sources and set it a t LTS or any new version, which ever works?21:18
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Phoenix87wilee-nilee: yeah tried everything21:20
Phoenix87wilee-nilee: both normal and lts21:20
Guest23491Question on ubuntu 12.04 server install. Please acknowledge.21:20
bmwQuestion on ubuntu 12.04 server install. Please acknowledge.21:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:21
wilee-nileePhoenix87, hmm not sure then myself, something is up.21:22
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:22
ls612Well, I fixed the issue. I remembered that I still had that free space that used to store Ubuntu, so I installed Ubuntu to that and as part of the process it rewrote GRUB. Yay!21:22
hirstyNeed help guys windows 7 refusing to boot from my grub2 loader >.>21:23
bmwApologies.  Question: On installation of Ubuntu 12.04 server, deleting software RAID array for three 2TB drives in pizzabox server, is now only at 57% after three days. Seems that the --zero-superblock is not working. Can I stop without damage to the hard drives and begin again?21:23
hollenjfIve loaded a ubuntu live cd  and I want to run testdisk to repair the HDD, but I have to be root. How to I get root access with su?21:23
zaitzevhey folks21:24
DarkAceZ[✔] Same21:24
dwarderwhich tool should i use to back up my hdd?21:24
zykotick9hollenjf: "sudo -i"21:24
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:24
pterpanhey, i don't really now how to describe this issue but i'll try. On ubuntu 12.04, when I lower the volume it goes mute before it should. When the volume bar is set at approximately 20%, it goes mute. Any known fix? - thanks alot!21:24
MasBejohollenjf <-- sudo su21:24
zaitzevquick question, is it possible to have a secondary .bash_history, that is written to a file/location that is unavailable for the user in question?21:24
zykotick9MasBejo: don't use that!  hollenjf21:25
ActionParsnipMasBejo: sudo -i     is advised21:25
javis_I am running 12.04 for maybe a month now....but as of last week i haven't been able to login and it doesn't recognize my accounts/passwords in console mode21:25
hollenjfhehe ok21:25
dwarderi need a dd type backup but not backuping the empty space21:26
javis_I've seen where others can't login in but their issues seem to be slightly different from mine21:26
ActionParsnipdwarder: could use rsync21:26
ActionParsnipjavis_: do you have free space on all partitions?21:26
javis_ActionParsnip: yes21:26
wilee-nileedwarder, clonezilla will do that but the reload has to have the same size as the original.21:26
ActionParsnipjavis_: if you make a new user in root recovery console, can you log in as that?21:27
dwarderwilee-nilee: i'll give it a try, thanks21:27
javis_ActionParsnip: so go to console mode and the user would be root recovery?21:28
wilee-nileedwarder, excellent partitioner, can be slow on the save but the reload is fast.21:28
wilee-nileehheh cloner doh dwarder21:28
dwarderwell i hope i will be21:29
dwardera good cloner21:29
wilee-nileesaves the mbr as well21:29
User_LightDragonHello, can someone please help me on how to make my Ubuntu 12.04 run a command on startup?21:31
ActionParsnipUser_LightDragon: add the boot option:   text21:31
pterpanhi. I'm on the latest ubuntu release and I've noticed a bug when I change the volume. Whereas it should be on ~20% it goes mute. And so I get to edit the volume between 20-80%, since below 20 it goes mute. Is this a known issue with a fix for?21:32
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bmwnevermind. I fixed it.21:32
bmwthx & hv a grt day. ;-)21:32
User_LightDragonHello, can someone please help me on how to make my Ubuntu 12.04 run a command on startup?21:34
gr33n7007hUser_LightDragon, What command21:34
TheLordOfTimeUser_LightDragon:  does the command require the GUI?21:34
User_LightDragonits somthing to start up a java program21:34
User_LightDragonjava [blahblahblahblah]21:35
ActionParsnipUser_LightDragon: then use the startup items app and add it there21:35
User_LightDragonits minecraft Tekkit to be specific21:35
User_LightDragondo i just add the .jar or what?21:35
User_LightDragonthis is my first day with Ubuntu21:36
gr33n7007hjava -jar program.jar21:36
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ActionParsnipUser_LightDragon: yes, you will need to give the full path to the file21:36
hollenjfI have a live cd running, I put testdisk on it. the executable wont work keeps saying Permission Denied. How do I get it to execute??21:36
ActionParsniphollenjf: prefix the command with sudo21:37
hollenjfI am root21:37
lukebrannoni'm trying to walk through the ldap installation instructions posted here: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/openldap-server.html#openldap-server-installation but I keep running into ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49) error.  I've edited my /etc/hosts file to have set to the suffix I want but that doesn't seem to help.  I've also tried dpkg-reconfigure slapd and that doesn't resolve it either.21:37
User_LightDragonok, testing, also, how do i allow root access/login Via GUI?21:37
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hollenjfguess you dont kno21:38
MonkeyDustUser_LightDragon  you don't21:39
gr33n7007hhollenjf, chmod +x testdisk21:39
User_LightDragonok then21:39
User_LightDragonthanks guys / gals21:39
_MarcusCan I get Common Desktop Environment for Ubuntu?21:40
hollenjfgr33n7007h,: Still says permission denied21:40
gr33n7007hhollenjf, how did you install it21:40
DaGeek247@_Marcus yes.21:40
MonkeyDust_Marcus  please remove the underscore in your nic - no CDE is for unix21:40
MonkeyDustDaGeek247  ah?21:41
hollenjfgr33n7007h: its a stand alone executable. featured on the website. You download the version for your OS and run it21:41
_MarcusMonkeyDust: First you guys wanted me to remove the `, now the _? I can't go any lower using a nick I own. But I'll switch anyway21:41
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IncedoMonkeyDust: But I thought Linux was Unix-like?21:42
davis776Hello there, anyone here to little help? When I login to my server over SSH this system-info shows up... In clearly installed Ubuntu 12.04 it also shows "x packages can be updated.21:42
davis776y updates are security updates.". How to enabled this in 11.10->12.04 upgrade?21:42
MonkeyDustIncedo  yeah, but it is not completely the same, or it would be called unix21:42
gr33n7007hhollenjf, give me a pastebin output21:43
IncedoMonkeyDust: ReactOS isn't Windows ;)21:43
wilee-nileeIncedo, there are shared commands21:43
wilee-nileedon't really know the difference here though21:44
maplesoft this  http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/products/javafx/2.0.2/samples/Ensemble/index.html        says   JavaFX application requires a recent Java runtime. Please download and install the latest JRE from java.com.    iam runing linux ubuntu.21:44
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dwarderanyone tried ubuntu installer for windows?21:45
crc32in XFCE how do I increase the resize border? Its like one pixel and hard to grab.21:45
dwarderis there a way to use i386 instead of 64bit?21:45
wk--http://pastebin.com/Cxx3ZtDr - trying to chmod a file but ain't working, any help ?21:45
deadmunddwarder: download the 32 bit ISO and use it to install in windows21:45
dwarderdeadmund: have you tried win installer? it always hangs for me21:47
dwarderdeadmund: during the work21:47
deadmunddwarder: I used it once a many months ago.  Yeah, it sucks21:47
deadmunddwarder: just don't use it21:47
wk--I'm trying to chmod a file but the perms are being reset. http://pastebin.com/DMBMm94G any help ?21:48
ActionParsnipwk--: is the file stored on an NTFS partition?21:48
wk--ActionParsnip: yes21:49
ActionParsnipwk--: thats why then21:49
wk--ah right21:49
Ovidiushey all.  I'm trying to connect to a WEP network with a hex-key password.   My OS X computer works fine, but Ubuntu (Aspire ONE) netbook won't connect. Is there a special format for entering it?21:49
wk--lol fail, sorry21:49
ActionParsnipwk--: you need to mount the whole partitionas executable and you can run it, why do you want to run a text file?21:49
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SToP_GAPCan someone give me some advice re: iptables firewall/allowing active FTP on Ubuntu Server 12.04 - I'm totally stuck, just can't get it to work :(21:51
ditishetOvidius: For 64 bit connections, the key is 10 digits long.21:51
ditishetFor 128 bit connections, the key is 26 digits long.21:51
ditishetFor 256 bit connections, the key is 58 digits long.21:51
ActionParsnipSToP_GAP: is this so it can be accessed over the web?21:51
Ephialteshi, i'm having trouble getting the ubuntu 'try' option working on my pc - it's giving a kernel panic unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)21:52
Ovidiusditishet...  it's  a ten (hex) digit passphrase21:52
ActionParsnipEphialtes: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?21:52
SToP_GAPActionParsnip Yes it is.  I can allow an IP address full access and it works fine, so the FTP is running properly - but I can't just allow the ports out for everyone obviously.21:52
EphialtesActionParsnip: no i'll do that21:52
ActionParsnipEphialtes: then how did you know it was complete and error free?21:52
ActionParsnipSToP_GAP: do you use a home grade rouer?21:53
Ephialtesi don't, but i suspect it's my hard drive causing the issue21:53
SToP_GAPThis is a linode node in a data centre21:53
gr33n7007hOvidius, iwconfig <interface> essid "YourEssid" then iwconfig <interface> key "YourHexKey" then dhclient <interface>21:53
SToP_GAPI've tried following a few guides which talk about ip_conntrack_ftp and such, but those don't seem to be present, I'm getting fatal not found errors on it (and in system boot log too)21:53
Ovidiusgr33n no way to just enter the hex password ala OS X (not being snotty, just asking)21:53
ActionParsnipSToP_GAP: then you will need the port forwarding to go to that system somehow, the default iptable rules allows all trffic in and out21:53
L3topWhat is an Ubuntu "cloak"21:54
SolarisBoy /window 521:54
ActionParsnipSToP_GAP: I don't suggest you use FTP, its not very secure at all, you can install openssh-server and get a SFTP server21:54
ActionParsnip!cloak | L3top21:54
ubottuL3top: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.21:54
gr33n7007hOvidius, Yeah got to network manager or wicd check it for 64bit hex21:54
gr33n7007hwithout colons21:55
SToP_GAPI have no choice on this alas, the client needs a utility with standard FTP only connectivity to work... I'd not gone here before for a good reason!! -_-21:55
ActionParsnipL3top: you also get a cloak for being an Ubuntu member :D21:55
ilian_does anyone know a way to fix "libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work" without installing ia32-libs21:55
ActionParsnipSToP_GAP: gah21:55
ActionParsnipilian_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.4/+bug/4028521:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 40285 in gcc-4.4 (Ubuntu) "libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:56
SToP_GAPIs ip_conntrack_ftp supposed to be present in ubuntu 12?  Is it possible the kernel on Linode doesn't support it for some reason...21:57
ActionParsnipilian_: is it to do with teamspeak?21:57
davis776How to enabled to show "x packages can be updated. y updates are security updates." after login via ssh on 12.04 server?21:57
ActionParsnipdavis776: i know it sometimes says there are updatesif they are needed21:58
Dr_Willisthats some script/motd thing in /etc/ i recall davis776  i looked into it once.. but im on 12.10 now so it may be differnt.21:59
ilian_ActionParsnip, thanks for the link, no the problem is uwsgi related21:59
Dr_Willis    /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available    perhaps davis77622:00
ActionParsnipdavis776: yep, its default in Precise22:00
davis776ActionParsnip: its its by default in fresh install but not 11.10 -> 12.04 upgrade22:01
davis776Dr_Willis: will try, thanks22:01
Dr_Willis/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check --human-readable22:01
Dr_Willisput that in your .profile if you want. :)22:01
SToP_GAPOK, I'll keep digging away at it... thanks for helping ActionParsnip :)22:01
ActionParsnipdavis776: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1133333/22:02
rebeCan I somehow change terminal font size to float number, for example 10.5 ?22:04
EphialtesActionParsnip how is it possible that I downloaded something and the md5 hash is wrong22:04
Ephialtesthats crazy22:04
Ephialtesi'm blown away, i'm going to kill myself22:04
davis776ActionParsnip: thats what you get? how do you get rid of Graph this data and manage this system... and other things?22:05
crc32How do I resize the resize border for xfce? One pixel is just to slipper to grab?22:05
kevinis there any reason why a process wont die with sigkill?22:05
maplesofti am not using openjdk. but the .tar file extracted from oracle. how to make every app (for example firefox) to know that i have jre or jdk installed?22:06
kevin"kevin     8997  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        D    Aug05   0:00 [jstest]"  ... process isnt dying with kill -922:06
ActionParsnipkevin: try kill -9   and it will die22:06
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  best to use one of the various ppa22:07
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  best to use one of the various ppas or scripts to install oracle java. it would take care of that.22:07
Loshkikevin: usually because it's waiting for something e.g. disk i/o to complete. The "D" in your ps output means "Disk Wait" I think...22:07
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.22:07
TheLordOfTimeDr_Willis:  might be best to just install direct from the oracle binary installer22:07
TheLordOfTimeDr_Willis:  i've seen numerous reported bugs with those ppa-builders22:07
maplesoftDr_Willis ppa?22:08
Dr_WillisTheLordOfTime:  i tend to use the webupd8 thang.22:08
jiffe98D    uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)22:08
ActionParsnipthe webupd8 ppa rocks22:08
trismrebe: you can, but not from the profile preferences, in gconf-editor /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/ProfileNameHere/font and set it to the name and size you want (I have mine 10.5 here too)22:08
TheLordOfTimeDr_Willis:  that, and the PPAs arent allowed to have Sun Java (Oracle Java) for anything but 7, i think22:08
Dr_Willishttp://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html | maplesoft22:08
TheLordOfTimenot completely sure on that one though22:08
Dr_WillisThe scripts get the packages from Oraclas site.22:08
rebetrism: thanks!22:08
crc32Why do I only have one pixel of resize boarder to grip? How do I increase this?22:08
dexter-kdeHi. Can I talk?22:08
kevinLoshki: ah, i see.. man page shows D:    uninterruptible sleep (usually IO) ... well, it's trying to read /dev/input/js0 which doesn't exist anymore... what can i do to kill that process? ie, interrupt the uninterruptable? haha22:09
ActionParsnipdexter-kde: yes22:09
kevin(like i said, kill -9 isnt doing anything)22:09
crc32I need a thicker boarder in xfce is this possible?22:09
Loshkikevin: might have to just live with it until reboot....22:09
dexter-kdeWhy's my latest Kde update freezes time-to-time? Is there any bug report out there?22:10
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alienauthello, is there a shortcut to switch keyboard layout22:11
dexter-kdeI updated my #kubuntu recently...22:11
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GunArmdoes anyone happen to be able to tell if this build http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2011/03/revisiting-the-home-theater-pc.html will run ok on ubuntu?22:11
Dr_Willisdexter-kde: you could ask in #kubuntu22:11
Dr_WillisGunArm:  you mean run Ubuntu Ok? thats a fairly midrange pc.. so id say yes..22:12
ilian_ActionParsnip, about the libgcc bug on 12.04 it point to the correct file but is still not working22:13
WHAT_UPIs Ubuntu planning on dropping unity shell (for something other than gnome-shell or some other tablet-inspired catastrophe) any time soon?22:13
L3topdexter-kde: you should also search for more information before you do. Check /var/log/dmesg  and syslog and kern.logs Your question is way too generic22:13
maplesoftDr_Willis ok. but are there good ways to untar and install the app on system so that all apps know its there?22:13
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  java is very special in many ways, the alternatives 'system' is supposed to handle it.22:13
L3topI expect they plan on improving its stability, not stopping WHAT_UP.22:14
maplesoftDr_Willis how to get javafx too?22:14
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  that !java factoid gave the commands to get and set up java by hand that way.,.22:14
maplesoftDr_Willis how to get javafx too by ppa i mean?22:14
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  no idea what javafx is.22:14
maplesoftDr_Willis its just like java jdk.22:14
ActionParsnipWHAT_UP: I doubt they will drop  Unity.....22:15
WHAT_UPthat's a shame. is there some way i can sign up for an email for when canonical switches to something usable?22:15
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:15
Dr_WillisWHAT_UP: get over it i guess. or use an alternative. theres plenty.22:15
BIGBOOMBAhi all, i'm on an acer aspire x1700 that dual boots to windows vista and ubuntu.22:15
GunArmDr_Willis: well, i dont know much about GPUs and what it takes to actually use them (I alwasy live in fear that all my videos/games in ubuntu are doing cpu rendering), and video drivers are always hit or miss on Linux, so I guess I'm asking if Ubuntu will be able to take advantage of the intel GPU integrated on the CPU, if that would work out of the box or likely cause problems etc22:15
L3topWHAT_UP: because you do not find it stable with your setup does not mean it is "not usable" many greatly prefer it.22:16
crc32Does anyone else see the shame in no obvious or in my case known way to resize the window resize borders of xfce?22:16
Dr_WillisGunArm:  most intel is veyr well supported.22:16
ActionParsnipWHAT_UP: why not just grow up and install a different shell, or a different desktop.....not hard22:16
BIGBOOMBAhadn't been using vista at all, but recently ubuntu hangs at the splash screen22:16
WHAT_UPit's not a problem i have, but i can't recommend ubuntu to anyone as long as unity is there by default22:16
totttttoneedp help I'm trying to run a python script but without success  http://pastebin.com/UJjtmxaa22:16
WHAT_UPi have yet to meet (in real life) someone who thinks unity is more usable than gnome 222:17
L3topWHAT_UP: Nobody requires you to.22:17
Dr_WillisGunArm:  if making a home-theater-pc you may want to check out the xbmcubuntu variant(s)  and  openelec  (i think)22:17
BIGBOOMBAwhen i try to boot into ubuntu recovery mode, i get some diagnostic messages ending in "plymouth main process (244) killed by ABRT signal"22:17
L3topWHAT_UP: DE != Distribution22:17
ActionParsnipWHAT_UP: why is default something....you can change it...22:17
k1l_WHAT_UP: your topic would suit better into #ubuntu-discuss22:17
Dr_WillisWife and step kids had no issues with unity.. they werent 'ms trained' to expect windows...22:17
ActionParsnipWHAT_UP: you can't compare the two22:17
WHAT_UPtottttto: Except e as Exception ?22:17
totttttoWHAT_UP: yes22:17
icecube45want to thank you again for helping me yesterday L3top22:17
ActionParsnipWHAT_UP: one is a shell, one is a desktop environment22:17
BIGBOOMBAshould i try burning a LiveCD using vista and booting from that?22:17
BIGBOOMBAdon't care if i have to reinstall ubuntu entirely, but would like to get my files first22:18
totttttoWHAT_UP: i run python script.py22:18
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge22:18
L3topBIGBOOMBA: What changed? You can probably just access the recovery console from grub and find/fix it22:18
L3topnp icecube45.22:19
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!22:19
BIGBOOMBAin grub i don't have an option to go into console mode22:19
L3topHPHeads: don't do that22:19
HPHeadsL3top, why not?22:19
BIGBOOMBAi know what you're talking about, i've done something like that before22:19
HPHeadsI am ban proof afterall22:19
ActionParsnipBIGBOOMBA: why do you not have a backup of the data already?22:19
BIGBOOMBAaction, you are right of course22:19
L3topHPHeads: you seem mature proof as well. Do you have a support question?22:19
WHAT_UPActionParsnip: some people don't know much beyond opening and using mozzarella foxfire. i'm not going to have them reconfigure their shell.22:20
totttttoWHAT_UP: it's WPS tools scripts22:20
kevinLoshki: yeah that's what it looks like after some googling. processes in that D state aren't even listening for signals, so can't do anything to 'em. thanks for your help22:20
ActionParsnipWHAT_UP: then install Xubuntu and Unity isn't even installed.22:20
L3topWHAT_UP: if you think it is mozerella you should probably not be advising people to begin with.22:20
WHAT_UPtottttto: this is more applicable to #python, i think, but the standard notation is except Exception as e, not except Exception, e.22:20
Dr_WillisMozerella? great.. now i want pizza22:21
totttttoill try to register first22:21
icecube45MMmm pizza22:21
maplesoftDr_Willis ok. but are there good ways to untar and install the app on system so that all apps know its there?22:21
WHAT_UPL3top: you mean it's not called mozzarella foxfire?22:21
Loshkikevin: they occupy a process slot, but otherwise I don't think they use many resources....22:21
crc32How do I set the resize border width for xfce?22:21
BIGBOOMBAis there a keyboard shortcut that i can use in grub to go into console mode if it's not one of the visible options?22:21
GunArmActionParsnip: you mean if I install xubuntu, it has a usable desktop?22:22
zykotick9!checkinstall | maplesoft22:22
ubottumaplesoft: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!22:22
BIGBOOMBAi have the grub user manual open in another tab now22:22
GunArmi am on that22:22
ActionParsnipGunArm: it uses XFCE as the desktop, it will look like Gnome2....22:22
maplesoftzykotick9 an all other apps like firefox will know about it?22:22
zykotick9maplesoft: no, but if it's a source compile, then you can at least remove it cleanly (if you use checkinstall)22:23
maplesoftzykotick9 arnt there some normal proceedures like, untaring the app in the /bin directory?22:23
L3topWHAT_UP: mozilla. You should google them. Rather OG in the world of technology and open source.22:23
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  the !java wiki page - shows exactly how ti install it so all the other apps know its there...22:23
BIGBOOMBAmultiboot specification is a dead link22:23
zykotick9maplesoft: adding stuff manually to /bin will work - but isn't really a good idea22:24
BIGBOOMBA(i mean the link from chapter 4 of the html grub manual)22:24
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.22:24
maplesoftDr_Willis which wiki page?22:24
phonebook_I'm basically a Ubuntu virgin with a crazy dream of getting all three of my monitors working (RD-6850) Google is too confused. Can anyone help?22:24
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  that one you just saw the bot say....22:24
ActionParsnipmaplesoft: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html22:24
icecube45I have openjdk 7 and the ice tea java plugin for firefox, but when i go on a website with java, it says id o not have java, help?22:24
maplesoftDr_Willis thats for open jdk. only22:24
HPHeadsis jhustin bieber going to see selena gomez naked?22:25
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  you use the 'update-alternatives' command/system to set them  - its NOT for openjdk only22:25
HPHeadsis justin bieber going to see selena gomez naked?22:25
ActionParsnip!ot | HPHeads22:25
ubottuHPHeads: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:25
HPHeadsyes this is support? answer my question is is justin bieber going to see selena gomez naked?22:25
maplesoftActionParsnip yes. thats by ppa. but iam talking about tar files22:25
ActionParsnipHPHeads: its not ubuntu support, so it's offtopic here22:25
L3topBIGBOOMBA: Again... I would need to know what you did before it stopped working to try and figure out how to "fix" this... you could start looking at logs in /var/log if you do not remember. You could press the letter e at grub and try adding nomodeset... did you change/update your graphics drivers recently?22:25
ActionParsnipmaplesoft: why use it when there is a PPA for it?22:25
phonebook_by working i mean working as monitors, they already work great as ...future decorations or blocking what is visually behind them22:25
L3top!nomodeset | BIGBOOMBA22:26
ubottuBIGBOOMBA: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:26
=== axl__ is now known as axl_
BIGBOOMBAyeah, i did screw around with my graphics card a bit ago, i'm sure i messed something up22:26
maplesoftActionParsnip just to know that what should i do when theres no ppa for some app. 2. there is NO ppa for for javaFX22:26
maplesoftDr_Willis ok22:27
BIGBOOMBAaccording to the grub manual i can press "c" while at the simple grub menu to get a command prompt, i might try that22:27
* Dr_Willis notices a pattern..22:27
maplesoftDr_Willis just curious  what should i do when theres no ppa for some app.22:27
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  totally depends on the app.22:27
ActionParsnipmaplesoft: then extract the file and then see what is inside22:27
L3topBIGBOOMBA: that would probably require mounting the drive... whereas the recovery console will give you access to the already mounted linux install.22:27
maplesoftDr_Willis what options are there. generallY?22:28
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  repos, ppa's , source...22:28
Dr_Willisunless the app has some sort of 'self installer'22:28
L3topBIGBOOMBA: in console please give me the output of lspci -nn | grep VGA22:28
BIGBOOMBAL3top: i was under the impression that i'd need to enter the grub console just to access the current install in headless mode, because that's currently not an option in the simple arrow up/down menu22:29
maplesoftActionParsnip similer files as with jdk22:29
BIGBOOMBAL3top: unfortunately right now i am logged into a windows vista install on the same machine22:29
maplesoftDr_Willis if theres not selft installer and it has similer files like openjdk has. what can be done?22:30
BIGBOOMBAbut if i interpreted your request correctly, you're wondering what graphics card i have, which is an nvidia22:30
BIGBOOMBAi can go get the specifics through the vista interface somehow i'm sure22:31
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  i have no idea what 'similer files like openjdk' means..      If the program comes in a binary form, you extract it and run it.. or put it somewhere and make links so you can run it.22:31
L3topBIGBOOMBA: try adding the nomodeset in case it is graphics related as a sort of catch all... otherwise you might try forcevesa (do not remember the exact command)... so that you can get into your linux install and we can fix it22:31
L3topBIGBOOMBA: windows cannot even see linux drives... much less fix them22:31
maplesoftDr_Willis ActionParsnip ok. in what folder are installed programs are placed, so that normally... each programs knows its there?22:32
zykotick9maplesoft: this DOESN'T answer your question - but things outside of repo are often placed in /opt (but that's not in PATH by default)22:33
David23400if i try lubuntu without installing in boot , it will be more laggy than if i had isntalled ? or its just the same situations?22:33
BIGBOOMBAL3top, i was just going to use windows to look at my graphics card, not the linux drive. anyway, i'm looking at the thread on nomodeset now and it appears that i will need to restart, enter grub, and then change that setting there somehow22:33
Dr_WillisTheres a Linux Filesystem Hiarchy guide that details what goes in what dirs.22:33
maplesoftzykotick9 i thought it was /bin somewhere?22:33
phonebook_so - radeon 6850 with 3 monitors.... crazy huh?22:34
Dr_WillisStuff not from the repos should go in /opt/ or somewhere like that.. Not in the normal system dirs22:34
maplesoftActionParsnip  in what folder are installed programs are placed, so that normally... each programs knows its there?22:34
zykotick9maplesoft: that will work - but it's bad practise IMO22:34
L3topBIGBOOMBA: unfortunately while I am very adept at linux gpu issues, I do not look at their advertized names, I deal only with PCIIDs22:34
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  linux uses a default 'PATH' to find apps..22:34
maplesoftzykotick9 ok. what is the complete bin path?22:34
Dr_Willis$ which java22:34
maplesoftDr_Willis what is that path?22:34
zykotick9Dr_Willis: ;)22:34
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  do  'echo $PATH'22:34
Dr_WillisMay be time to learn some bash basics also...22:35
totttttoWHAT_UP: solution was to run python222:35
maplesoftDr_Willis oh ok. all apps are in /usr/bin/folderNameOFThatApp??22:35
VeraMonosudo updatedb22:35
L3topBIGBOOMBA: many different chipsets exist under the same advertized name... with their own specific needs, depending on the manufacturer... but it is a start I guess.22:35
enchiladoDave2: it really gets people confused sometimes22:35
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  No.. but they MAY have links to a executable in the path.22:35
VeraMonothen locate22:35
maplesoftDr_Willis but normally the need of links is not needed.?22:35
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  totally depends on the app.22:36
maplesoftDr_Willis ok.22:36
zykotick9maplesoft: you might consider ~/bin - much cleaner then /bin22:36
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  go to /usr/bin and look (ls -l) see all the linked apps22:36
maplesoftzykotick9 ActionParsnip Dr_Willis thanks!22:36
maplesoftzykotick9 what is ~/bin22:36
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=== RiXtEr-afk is now known as RiXtEr
PyjamaSpankwhen I switch workspace, how do I stop my desktop "scrolling"? I want the backgrounds and desktop icons to be static. Lost my setting upgrading Ubuntu and I now can't find the solution.22:37
Dr_Willisthe bin directiry in your HOME. :)22:37
zykotick9maplesoft: ~ = your home directory.  so /home/foo/bin22:37
BIGBOOMBAokay, so it seems like i'll be able to fix this if i can get into the current linux install in console mode. not sure if i want to hit "c" or "e" at the grub simple menu interface.22:38
maplesoftzykotick9 every app usually looks other apps in /usr/bin22:38
maplesoftzykotick9 every app usually looks other apps in /usr/bin . not in /home22:38
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  you really could benifit from learn ing some bash.. /home/YOURUSERNAME/bin IS in the default path if it exists..22:38
zykotick9maplesoft: actually if ~/bin exists, then it will look there by default as well (must exist at login, so after created logout/backin)22:38
Dr_Willisright. got to be there when you login :) I always make it as soon as i make a new system/user.22:39
BIGBOOMBAoh, i want to highlight the most recent ubuntu install and then press "e", and i will get more options?22:39
maplesoftzykotick9 Dr_Willis oh22:39
maplesoftzykotick9 Dr_Willis so /usr/bin and /home/username/bin is the same. functionally?22:39
Dr_Willismaplesoft:  they are dirs that contain executables that are in the default path.22:40
BIGBOOMBAand then when i select the option that will drop me into a shell i should...uninstall and reinstall lightdm?22:40
maplesoftDr_Willis ok. thanks22:40
Dr_WillisYou can add any dir to the path yu want..22:40
zykotick9maplesoft: "functionally" yes - but one is a system directory you shouldn't use (/usr/bin) and one you can do whatever to (~/bin)22:40
maplesoftzykotick9 thanks22:40
BIGBOOMBAor that's when i navigate to the grub config file and add the nomodeset option?22:40
Dr_Willisand i was about to poste...  http://delicious.com/search?p=bash+tutorials   for maplesoft   ;)22:41
=== gry is now known as Gryllida
astropirateI am working on a screen capture software. I am thinking of selling it. It is only for Linux/BSD systems. Anyone know if linux users buy software?22:44
zykotick9!ot | astropirate22:45
ubottuastropirate: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:45
astropiratezykotick9, i will put it in ubuntu software center22:46
dudewhathow is it different from recordmydesktop?22:46
astropirateit works22:46
astropiraterecordmydesktop doesn't work with gnome-shell22:46
gr33n7007hastropirate, what about xvidcap22:47
Dr_Willisyou would be better off inprovbeing existing gpl software..22:47
zykotick9Dr_Willis: +122:47
astropirateDr_Willis, sure I could and I do. But I also need to eat22:48
astropirateand for that I need $$22:48
rypervencheastropirate: We can use ffmpeg to screencast just fine. Don't need to pay for something that's already free.22:48
BIGBOOMBAonce i get into a shell, where is the nomodeset setting? what file?22:48
samholmesAnyone know of any tutorials on how to get a lightweight ubuntu server installation in VirtualBox (or possibly faster VM) on windows?22:48
astropiraterypervenche, right. but not every linux user is a l33t command line jokie like us22:49
astropiratei'm just trying to fill a need22:49
BIGBOOMBAthe thread talks about changing kernel settings but if i understand linux correctly all settings are in some text file somewhere22:49
dudewhatsamholmes just install the server and remove anything you don't want22:50
zykotick9samholmes: an "on windows" is NOT an ubuntu support question...22:50
zykotick9samholmes: try ##windows22:50
usr13 BIGBOOMBA Not so, many of our kernel modules are loaded into the running kernel as needed.22:51
samholmeszykotick9: It's related, I'm looking to install ubuntu. I think that's an ubuntu question don't you?22:51
Dr_Willissamholmes:  you just install ubuntu server in vbox.. same as you would a real machine..22:51
IntuitiveNippleBIGBOOMBA: The "nomodeset" argument is passed to the Linux kernel by the bootloader (GRUB) so you'd probably want to edit GRUB's configuration if you want to change that option permanently. If you want to change it for just one boot, you can do that from GRUB's menu when the PC starts22:51
zykotick9samholmes: i don't...22:51
BIGBOOMBAyes, thanks, i read further and i think i understand what i need to do now22:51
ActionParsnipsamholmes: install virtualbox then install ubuntu to the virtualbox22:51
ActionParsnipsamholmes: something like Lubuntu willmake it more responsive22:52
samholmesWhat's Lubuntu?22:52
PyjamaSpankhow do I slide only windows when I change workspace, and not the icons/docky/wallpaper?22:52
zykotick9ActionParsnip: technically, server (without gui) is more responsive then lubuntu ;)22:52
ActionParsnipsamholmes: why not find out22:52
ActionParsnipzykotick9: sounds like they are new to the OS, a GUI will make things easier :D22:53
samholmesActionParsnip: My bad, typo in google search.22:53
zykotick9ActionParsnip: agreed22:53
IntuitiveNipplesamholmes: Would this help? http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Virtualbox_in_Windows22:53
usr13!lubuntu | samholmes22:53
ubottusamholmes: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.22:53
Dr_WillisPyjamaSpank:  docky may have settings to be 'sticky' where it stays on all desktops.22:54
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=== Guest30564 is now known as Cristiano-CM
litropyHey guys, I'm trying to write a script. I need to know what network-manager is doing when I click the wifi icon, and click the network that I'm already connected to. Doing so tells network-manager to disconnect then reconnect to the smae network.22:55
* Dr_Willis installs docky to look.. and notices docky uses mono..22:55
zykotick9Dr_Willis: you gotta watch for that mono-contamination ;)22:55
Dr_Williszykotick9:  yep. :)22:56
PyjamaSpankDr_Willis, has this been disabled or broken when the move to Unity happened? I skipped a few upgrades.22:56
Dr_WillisPyjamaSpank:  no idea. been using Unity for ages now.22:56
Dr_WillisPyjamaSpank:  so im not even sure what sort of 'effect' you are trying to achieve22:56
Dr_Willissince i use the workspace-switcher icon here to move around desktops. :) the wallpaper or icons 'slideing' dosent happen at all.. it zooms in/out ;)22:57
PyjamaSpankDr_Willis, when you switch workspaces, everything scrolls, but I had it set so only windows scrolled, and not the wallpaper, icons nor docky22:58
Dr_WillisPyjamaSpank:  you have 4 diffent desktops.. so of course the icons are only on the desktops you set them to be on.,22:58
Dr_Williswallpaper does not scroll here.. it stays the same.22:58
Dr_Willisdocky dosent move here either.. it stays at the bottom.22:59
Dr_WillisI will say im currently in 12.10 however. ;)22:59
danielboston26im trying to use ubuntu on my macbook pro retina23:00
* timy 23:00
Dr_Willisactually i just made a new folder.. and that icon dosent scroll either when i go to other desktops..  just the windows change. Not docky or icons23:00
danielboston26i read in the forums that ubuntu has a apple version now?23:00
Dr_Willisanyone want to double check this in 12.04?23:00
Dr_Willisdanielboston26:  not that ive ever heard of..  normal ubutnu should work on an intel based mac. there is the PPC version also.23:01
danielboston26i guess maybe it was saying alpha 3 has more support for it?23:01
danielboston26tried installing debian and it would fail because this computer doesn't have a ethernet card23:01
danielboston26and theres no driver for wireless23:02
danielboston26anyone have experince with this?23:02
=== WHAT_UP is now known as Quadrature
samholmesIntuitiveNipple: Where do I find the server version of ubuntu?23:02
IntuitiveNipplesamholmes: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/23:03
danielboston26hmm it looks like there is a 64bit mac version23:03
PyjamaSpank dr_willis, got it, CCSM/viewport switching/non sliding windows - "type=Dock | type=Desktop | state=Sticky"23:03
danielboston26Choose this to take full advantage of computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon). If you have a non-64-bit processor made by AMD, or if you need full support for 32-bit code, use the Intel x86 images instead. This image is adjusted to work properly on Mac systems.23:03
PyjamaSpankdr_willis, thanks for your help23:03
* VeraMono suggests the mimimal cd install if you have the bandwidth23:04
danielboston26you talking to me vera?23:04
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:04
danielboston26why do i need the minimal?23:04
Dr_WillisPyjamaSpank:  must be the default in 12.10 ;)23:05
Dr_Willisdanielboston26:  you want total control? or what are you wanting exactly?23:05
VeraMonocause you can install any destop or server with it23:05
VeraMonothat whole 'tasksel' thing :)23:05
PRabytei set up my hd such that i have to type a passphrase to access it at boot. how can i remove that passwrd, and just boot up normal. i did this at install, it works fine, just tired of having reboots where i need to be at terminal to type passwd in. help?23:06
PyjamaSpankdr_willis, I didn't upgrade when they introduced unity, then when I did do the many upgrades, it broke, again, thanks for your help23:06
danielboston26anyone here with a retina macbook pro tried it yet?23:07
VeraMonoi think that the whole mimimal disk installs all new packages at in stall time23:07
zykotick9PRabyte: backup your data, and re-install without encryption "might" be the easiest method23:07
zykotick9VeraMono: it does...23:08
PRabyteim trying to zykotick9 but... it wont let flash boot up23:08
danielboston26Dr_Willis just wondering how it runs23:08
PRabyteits doing what it is supposed too lol23:08
PRabytehow to turn off encrypted disk at boot?23:08
Dr_Willisdanielboston26:  id never buy a mac to run linux. :) not cost effective..23:08
danielboston26well i bought a mac to run os x23:08
lsoccer169so I have tried installing Ubuntu on my Alienware M17x a couple times and it is not taking any ideas23:08
VeraMonoand its small enough to "boot from keyboard buffer" hehe23:08
zykotick9Dr_Willis: +1 (beyond "cost effective", why support Apple?)23:08
danielboston26but it would be nice to have linux too23:09
BIGBOOMBAso i went into grub and added the "nomodeset" option after the quiet boot option, but unfortunately that didn't work23:09
Dr_Williszykotick9:  because they are such a GPL/Open Sourced Friendly Company that cares about the little guys...  ...... I said that with a straight face!23:09
danielboston26Isoccer169 what excatly is the problem?23:09
BIGBOOMBAwhen i then tried booting ubuntu recovery mode i got a black screen with some messages, ending with "init: plymouth main process (244) killed by ABRT signal"23:09
zykotick9Dr_Willis: oh man, if this wasn't YOU i'd add you to /ignore right now ;)23:09
PRabytezykotick9: so you dont know, ok, anyone else?23:10
lsoccer169well I grabbed the most recent version of Ubuntu from the Ubuntu site I go through select the external USB drive that I want to install it on and the installation goes through but then I get a text screen and get a grub prompt23:10
PRabytezykotick9: you are like, yah my mouse doesnt work, reinstall your os lolol what a joke23:11
danielboston26Isoccer169 did you install the gui version?23:11
lsoccer169yuppers that is why I am so irked23:11
PRabytehey i cant access this file,,, zykotick9 suggests, reinstall your os... get off here dude23:11
lsoccer169I figured I should be able to do this I have dual mac and windows systems I created a hackintosh and now I am unable to get Ubuntu to work I do not get it23:12
Dr_Willislsoccer169:  whats the text screen say exactly?23:13
Dr_Willislsoccer169:  and how exactly did  you install to the external usb?23:13
lsoccer169let me get back to you because out of my own frustration I did not write it down23:13
zutmeI know I'm probably doing something stupid here, but I can't figure out how to install ubuntu to sdb. All the installer shows is sda. gparted can see sdb23:14
zutmeAny ideas?23:14
Dr_WillisI can think of like 3 differnt 'text' screens you could be talking about. ;)23:14
danielboston26Isoccer169 also did you have windows already installed on this computer?23:14
danielboston26oh your installed to external drive?23:14
lsoccer169the one I am getting starts with authenticate and tab for more commands23:14
Dr_Williszutme:  use the 'somthign else/custome' option and make your partitions on sdb as you want. ie:   sdb1 = /  sdb2 = /home/ sdb3 = swap.23:14
lsoccer169yah this system is running windows 7 ultimate23:14
lsoccer169and then there is a grub prompt23:15
zutmeDr_Willis, Yeah when I choose "something else" I'm not seeing sdb in there either. I'm not sure why23:15
Dr_Williszutme:  You can partion the HD with gparted from the live cd, then start the installer.. perhaps.23:16
Dr_Williszutme:  thats how i tend to do it.23:16
Dr_WillisThe installers partion manager tool is a bit. annoying.23:16
Dr_WillisI also noticed the installer did not have a 'Install to a specific drive using the whold drive' option..23:16
Dr_Willissort of annoying it will automate other things.. but not a fairly common case of a Seperate HD Just for linux.23:17
zutmeDr_Willis, yeah that's really all I want to do23:17
VeraMonoDoes anyone know if RIP linux has an irc client23:17
Dr_WillisVeraMono:  most every Linux disrto has some irc clients.23:17
VeraMonoi used that to fix my 12.0423:17
Dr_WillisIf not installed by default  use its package manager tools to install one.23:18
litropyHey guys, I'm trying to write a script. I need to know what network-manager is doing when I click the wifi icon, and click the network that I'm already connected to. Doing so tells network-manager to disconnect then reconnect to the smae network.23:18
danielboston26Isoccer169 have you tried wubi?23:18
VeraMonolater Dr_Willis23:18
lsoccer169I have not23:18
danielboston26Iscoccer169 just use wubi23:19
danielboston26much easier23:19
danielboston26that will install on your main hard drive in your pc23:19
jtrananyone knows why my stock oneiric exports env var 'USERNAME'?  I mean what is that used for?  I know of $USER but not $USERNAME .  My precise install doesn't export USERNAME23:20
Luig1So, I've been researching hybrid graphics23:21
Luig1Since that's pretty much the only option right now for the notebooks available to me23:21
Luig1Does anyone know if hybrid graphics is more likely to "just work" with AMD + Radeon or with Intel + GeForce?23:22
trismjtran: looks like it used to be exported by lightdm, but the line had the comment "// FIXME: Is this required?" so I guess it isn't surprising it is gone23:22
jtrantrism, thanks!  How the heck did you figure that out?23:22
Luig1Apparently power management works out of the box with the AMD driver but apparently bumblebee is also doing fairly well23:22
Luig1So I have no idea how to proceed23:22
trismjtran: https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/864109/comments/323:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 875705 in dh-make (Ubuntu Oneiric) "duplicate for #864109 dh_make in Oneiric outputs wrong content to changelog" [High,Fix released]23:23
lsoccer169thank you danielboston I will be back in a bit going to try that now23:23
jtrantrism, nice thanks!23:23
David23400is a partition type that can be used for linux and be able seen on windows too?23:26
danielboston26need help kurus23:28
usr13David23400: no23:28
danielboston26david23400 no linux uses ext23:29
danielboston26windows uses ntfs23:29
usr13David23400: Windows uses ntfs or fat23:29
danielboston26david23400 i think some old distros will use fat23:29
DaekdroomWindows doesn't use FAT by default anymore.23:29
David23400:( ok ty23:29
Daekdroom(and nobody should use it, really)23:29
danielboston26david23400 if you want to get ntfs support in linux get ntfs 3g23:30
DaekdroomUbuntu ships NTFS-3g by default.23:30
usr13David23400: That's true, but they can read from fat, but not ext23:30
danielboston26isn't ntfs-3g commerical now?23:31
usr13David23400: There is software that enables MS Windows to read from ext but can not run on it.23:31
PRabytehow can i remove luks passphrase at set up. i dont want to use feature anymore?23:32
PRabyteopps start up23:32
js___I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop, and I notice I get poor battery life. Does anyone know of a utility I can install to get more power management configuration options?23:32
dudewhatget a better battery23:32
xangua!details | js___23:32
ubottujs___: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:32
dudewhator reduce your screen brightness23:33
js___ive done that.. no dice.. I had windows 7 on here before this, and the battery life was better.. decent..23:33
usr13js___: and use hybernate and/or sleep etc23:33
danielboston26js___ there isn't any program that will magically inmprove your battery23:33
usr13js___: Win7 sleeps alot23:34
akemthings like: echo 5 > /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode23:34
akemecho min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy23:34
js___danielboston26: I realize that.. what I am asking for is a program to help me manage the power better.. not magically generate power23:34
akemnot sure if there is a GUI tool for that23:34
js___similar in windows.. you can put it into a power saving mode.. and it reduces the power to the cpu, disk, ect23:35
js___akem: ill check it out thx23:35
linuxuz3rdoes anyone know any other site similar to source forge23:35
usr13js___: adjust your settings.23:35
MiguelitoI just added a second usb printer but not sure what the uri should read - can anyone help with usb printers?23:36
danielboston26what you looking for linuxuz3r?23:36
usr13Miguelito: firefox localhost:63123:37
linuxuz3rwell something like sourceforge23:37
danielboston26no i mean are you looking for a spefic program?23:37
litropyHey guys, I'm trying to write a script. I need to know what network-manager is doing when I click the wifi icon, and click the network that I'm already connected to. Doing so tells network-manager to disconnect then reconnect to the same network.23:37
danielboston26im not sure if there is anything better then sourceforge23:37
usr13litropy: What is your queston?23:38
linuxuz3rdanielboston26, no particular program, anything that interest me then contribute to the source23:38
linuxuz3ri wanna learn how to read code23:38
friendofpugsi installed ubuntu on my asus u46 laptop using wubi, now my grub boot loader doesn't load ubuntu23:38
mz|`litropy: see ifconfig, iw, dhclient, ifup23:38
danielboston26linuxuz3r there is one that escapes me at the moment23:38
danielboston26most people use sourceforge23:39
linuxuz3rdanielboston26, what do you mean23:39
mz|`github ?23:39
danielboston26there is one but i can't think of the name23:39
danielboston26no not github23:39
friendofpugswhen i select ubuntu, it defaults to black screen and a cursor, and that's it23:39
mz|`you miss some programs and configs friendofpugs23:40
MonkeyDust!nomodeset| friendofpugs23:40
ubottufriendofpugs: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:40
Luig1David23400, you can keep your stuff on a FAT partition23:40
Luig1You can't boot from it but both OSes can mount and access it23:40
David23400hmm right23:40
Luig1And it has various limitations23:41
Luig1File size, etc23:41
friendofpugsthanks, i'll look into nomodeset23:41
Luig1That you won't have to deal with in ext or NTFS23:41
friendofpugshopefully i won't be back tonight, lol23:41
i7ci'm on xfce but when i click links in the terminal it always seems to open the _gnome_ or _unity_ default browser. (i set chrome in the xfce preferred applications but it still opens firefox...) how to change that?23:41
usr13David23400: Ubuntu by default, reads and wrights to many file system types, (not so with MS Windows). so...23:41
David23400luig1 thanks23:41
Luig1No problem David2340023:41
danielboston26linuxuz3r launchpad is the one i was trying to remember23:42
Luig1That's the idea, usr13, FAT is basically all I can think of that Windows will recognize on its own23:42
danielboston26its done by canonnical23:42
danielboston26the ubuntu source itself is there23:42
kandinskihey guys. I am at the university where I am staff, trying to connect to a printer over smb, and getting foiled because my Active Directory password isn't recognised. I am using 12.04, and I know it's a long shot, but googling hasn't helped me. Any idea on how to diagnose it?23:42
usr13David23400: Most of us that want to use a partition that will be accessable to MS Windows as well as Ubuntu will format with FAT3223:43
usr13David23400: But from a running Ubuntu system, we use samba23:43
danielboston26kandiniski networking is a blackart23:44
danielboston26especially printer networking23:44
usr13!samba | David2340023:44
ubottuDavid23400: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:44
Miguelitousr13, firefox?23:44
usr13Miguelito: yes23:44
danielboston26tryi spining around in your chair 3 times and howl at the moon23:44
usr13Miguelito: firefox localhost:63123:44
usr13Miguelito: firefox http://localhost:63123:44
sudonanoHi,  I have a doubt. I'm installing lamp and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP says: "To only install PHP5. use any method to install the package libapache2-mod-php5". Now, I see several tutorials out there that say: "sudo apt-get install php5" and then "sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5". Wich is the difference? Do I really need php5 package or not?23:45
usr13Miguelito: cups has a web based interface23:45
Miguelitousr13, i was setting it up under the printer configuration23:45
danielboston26sudonarno for lamp yes23:46
sudonanodanielboston26 yes to what?23:46
danielboston26lamp is linux apache mysql and php23:46
danielboston26so yes you need php23:46
danielboston26otherwise you have lim23:47
sudonanodanielboston26 help.ubuntu say only libapache....etc etc23:47
CerebralVortexanyone here tried thed 12.6 ATI drivers?23:47
sudonanodanielboston26 help.ubuntu say only libapache-mod-php523:47
danielboston26lib is a library file23:47
Miguelitousr13, thanks!23:48
sudonanodanielboston26 so why help.ubuntu say that for php5 intallation?23:48
danielboston26php5 must need that23:49
sudonanodanielboston26 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP ....then search "installing php 5" section...23:50
danielboston26whats your point?23:50
sudonanodanielboston26 my point is no mention for sudo apt-get  install php523:51
lsoccer169so I am still getting the same thing the message states bash like line editing support tab for more possible commands and then a grub prompt sorry this was after using WUBI23:51
lsoccer169by the way I am back and hello23:51
sudonanodanielboston26 only mention for sudo apt-get  install libapache2-mod-php523:51
caixaanyone know how to adjust nvidia powermizer levels23:52
danielboston26!soccer169 are you installing wubi in windows?23:52
ubottudanielboston26: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:52
yoophglupis there a way to set LDX the default desktop for one user, and other users use gnome as their default using GDM as the login manager?23:52
caixaubottu, why you hatin bro23:52
ubottucaixa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:52
danielboston26Isoccer169 are you installing wubi windows?23:52
danielboston26does it complete?23:52
lsoccer169yes it does23:52
danielboston26idk dude23:53
usr13lsoccer169: Did you have a Ubuntu install before this?23:53
lsoccer169interesting thing is I get a reboot and I can select windwos or Ubuntu but when I select Ubuntu and that is when I get that message23:53
lsoccer169I uninstalled it because I could never get it to run23:54
usr13lsoccer169: wubi boots from a running MS Windows system.  I don't know much about wubi but highly recommend a regular Ubuntu install.23:54
usr13lsoccer169: Why couldn't you get it to run?  What type of difficulty did you encounter?23:55
lsoccer169well I got a few more tricks I may try I am gonna log and come back tomorrow and see if anything is succesfull23:56
danielboston26i like wubi23:56
danielboston26iits easy to install23:56
PRabyteno suggestions?23:56
Dr_Willisand easy to break...23:56
danielboston26ive never had issues with it23:56
lsoccer169I just kept getting to that screen that states bash like line editing support tab for more sommands23:56
ZzBombanyone have any tool suggestions for testing wireless connections besides iwspy which is no longer supported by my kernel version?23:56
danielboston26PRabyte plrase restate your question23:57
TJ-lsoccer169: What does typing "ls" at the GRUB prompt report?23:57
i7ci'm on xfce but when i click links in the terminal it always seems to open the _gnome_ or _unity_ default browser. (i set chrome in the xfce preferred applications but it still opens firefox...) how to change that?23:57
Dr_Willisyou are in a very small minority.. but this is a 'support' channel. so we see all the problem users. :) not the ones with no problems23:57
Dr_Willislsoccer169:  if hats the grub prompt. then grub dident install properly23:57
PRabytehow can i remove luks passphrase at boot. i dont want to use feature anymore...23:57
danielboston26PRabyte sorry i have no idea what that is23:57
sudonanoThanks for help, good night. :)23:57
danielboston26did you try googleing?23:58
ZzBombPRabyte: you may need to create a new volume23:59

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