
scott-workgood morning everyone15:10
scott-workhas anyone made any plans to test the 12.04.1 images?15:10
len-dtIf someone helps me notice they are there, I will test.15:11
scott-workhehe, i was just looking for that without seeing you type that...15:15
scott-worki believe this is it^15:15
scott-worksince i really haven't set up my audio machine again, i will probably test this as well15:16
scott-workit has been requested that we test the image by the end of the week15:16
len-dtscott-work, I didn't realize there was daily builds being done... in fact the whole .1 set up is not something I know about.15:17
scott-worki speculate that it hasn't been being built since release, most likely it was just started recently15:17
len-dtI will download and test.15:17

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