
jocarterstgraber: mvo has an interest in weblive? or has canonical finally decided to use it? :)13:42
stgraberjocarter: nope, but some code from that branch is included in the software-center13:52
stgraberjocarter: so as they are moving to python3+pep8, they are sending me patches for the code they copy/paste13:52
jocarterbencer: hey there, how are you?14:10
bencerjocarter: yup14:38
bencertell me14:38
jocarterbencer: I was just trying to get my inbox in some better shape and wondered if my comments on IRC the other day gave you enough of an answer to your question14:40
jocarter(regarding the upgrade scenarios)14:41
stgraberjocarter: quite a few submissions had an address instead of gps coordinates... I found some random point around what they submitted and updated the DB18:09
jocarterstgraber: oh thanks!18:13
jocarterstgraber: yes I noticed it in the last one and wondered what it would do18:13
stgraberit was putting it somewhere in the middle of an ocean I believe ;)18:13
stgraberI probably should write some validation code for that field to force people to enter high precision long/lat coordinates18:14
jocarterstgraber: so does the SRU team get a highlight on "SRU team" that they would pick that up?18:51
stgraberjocarter: nope, but I nagged half of them in private18:55

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