
QuintasanRiddell: 4.8.5 Works for me00:05
QuintasanRiddell: Oh wait, not sure what's the default background for 4.8 but KSplash uses the old blue one00:35
yofelQuintasan: default for 4.8 is striped Ariya, so it should be gray not blue..00:38
Quintasanyofel: Yeah, so it doesn't use Ariya here00:38
ScottKDid it before?02:54
ScottK4.8.5 copied to updates PPA and announcement on kubuntu.org04:38
ScottKdebfx: ^^^ your kubuntu-automation script helped a lot.  Thanks again.05:23
shadeslayerQuintasan: I did06:39
Riddellallee: are you packaging it?08:39
alleeI will try this afternoon.  But my pkgs skills are quite dusty.   But it's time to get into the business agaiin08:40
alleeRiddell: ^08:40
BluesKajHowdy all10:39
BluesKajhey Riddell10:43
DarkwingGood morning.11:00
BluesKaj'morning Darkwing11:02
Riddellhi Darkwing, did you get any testing done?11:02
DarkwingUpdating http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/204/builds right now11:02
DarkwingSo far so good on things.11:03
DarkwingI should test some 12.10 images too11:04
* apachelogger_ looks at bugs.launchpad and goes :@11:04
Darkwingapachelogger_: I with ya on that.11:04
RiddellDarkwing: wow, thanks for that11:05
DarkwingRiddell: It was just a matter of downloading the images then running it with KVM11:07
DarkwingPlus, my friend that I'm staying with has a windowz machine.11:07
BluesKajkde on 12.04 is nice and stable so far (295 nvidia driver), but I had a couple of freezes on 12.10 with the nvidia 302.17 driver yesterday ..none yet this morning however ,,, freeze seems to be linked to startup&shutdown , one was during the loading in the splash screen phase , the other was after clicking on the "leave" icon in the desktop dialog11:09
BluesKajkde 4.9 that is ^11:12
apachelogger_shadeslayer_: are you doing ktp backporting things stuff for precise backports ppa?11:13
shadeslayer_apachelogger_: yeah, will today this evening12:01
tazzshadeslayer_, reply to my mail.12:07
shadeslayer_tazz: don't have it, will need to look it up, give me a couple of days13:00
ScottKRiddell: Did you notice my mention that I'd copied 4.8.5/done the kubuntu.org announce?13:01
ScottKQuintasan_: Your ktp-* uploads from a week ago FTBFS on arm*, causing the image builds to break.  I retried them all last night and they built.  Please keep an eye on those and retry when needed.13:02
RiddellScottK: yep saw that, thanks13:09
shadeslayer_ScottK: thanks! didn't realize they broke ...13:17
shadeslayer_agateau: pingly13:28
shadeslayer_apachelogger_: fyi https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/ppa14:04
shadeslayer_we already have telepathy packages for kde14:05
shadeslayer_albeit it needs a backport off tp qt14:05
apachelogger_we do14:05
apachelogger_our users do not14:05
shadeslayer_will copy to kubuntu backports14:06
apachelogger_needs different meta package tho14:06
sneleupdated to 4.8.5. kde 4.6 (horos) splash theme is used instead of grey one14:42
sneleprobably you guys already have noticied that ;)14:43
ScottKsnele: That's two people reporting that, so we should look into that.14:48
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ Any idea what could cause that?14:48
Riddellumm, no idea14:59
RiddellI'll give it a go in a bit14:59
Riddellwhee guest session working15:36
shadeslayer_humbug, when did we switch to precise1~ppa115:42
shadeslayer_I meant ppa1~precise115:43
shadeslayer_that looks weird tbh15:43
Riddell~precise1~ppa1 is the more normal one15:43
shadeslayer_Tell that to Quintasan_15:44
shadeslayer_https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/ppa/+packages :P15:44
* shadeslayer_ grumbles about lp being slow about ppa uploads15:44
Riddellwell it doesn't matter much now that ~precise > ~ppa so it can always be reverted to ~precise~ppa115:46
shadeslayer_true that15:48
shadeslayer_Virtuoso now building : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+builds?build_state=building15:48
shadeslayer_if it FTBFS's anymore I might go mental15:49
shadeslayer_for some very weird reason, it failed to build on one server, but built perfectly on another15:50
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agateaushadeslayer_: sorry missed your ping, and about to leave :/16:49
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
QuintasanScottK: Oh crap, sorry about that, I forgot that I still do have to care about that even if we are not in main16:50
Quintasanshadeslayer_: "I did" - you did what? As for ktp I might have crapped the order around at one package and decided to crap the rest over16:51
Quintasansilly me16:51
Quintasan~precise1~ppa1 is the way16:52
Quintasanno idea why did I suddently switch the order around16:52
shadeslayer_Quintasan: I've uploaded the meta package16:52
QuintasanDoes it break anything badly?16:52
Quintasanshadeslayer_: Thanks.16:52
QuintasanWe cool?16:54
shadeslayer_sure :)16:54
QuintasanHow does one connect to a device using serial port?16:55
* shadeslayer_ ships some oil all the way to the oil refinery16:55
QuintasanI bought a freaking usb-serial cable17:31
Quintasanbut no idea how to use it17:31
ScottKNCommander: ^^^17:31
apachelogger_Quintasan: to connect with what device?17:37
QuintasaniMX ofc17:37
apachelogger_generally speaking you'd want to use a serial terminal17:37
apachelogger_minicom for example17:38
apachelogger_or screen17:38
apachelogger_or something with k17:38
NCommanderscreen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 usually does the trick17:39
QuintasanThere isn't a device like that17:41
shadeslayer_Quintasan: check dmesg?17:41
QuintasanDoesn't look like it got detected17:41
QuintasanThere are some drivers on the CD apparently17:42
NCommandercheck lsusb17:42
QuintasanBus 001 Device 003: ID 12cf:0170  17:42
QuintasanJust empty line17:42
NCommandersome *really* cheap adapters don't like to enumerate :-/17:42
NCommanderUnplug and plug it back in (or try restarting w2ith it attached)17:42
QuintasanI found the drivers17:43
NCommanderwhy does a serial-usb adapter need a drive ._.;17:43
Quintasanholy shit17:44
Quintasanand readme is in chinese17:44
NCommanderrun away17:45
Quintasanbrb rebooting17:46
QuintasanNCommander: Tough luck, looks like I bought another useless cable17:49
QuintasanIt apparetly supports Win717:49
QuintasanNCommander: Any ideas if I can use PuTTY to connect to that?17:50
NCommanderBelieve so17:50
* NCommander is mulling over a package FTBFS issue17:50
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afiestas_http://identi.ca/notice/95908687 translation: The best of kubuntu is that besides being more independent now, it works better than ever18:55
Riddellcool :)18:59
ScottKWould someone please try to retry this https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+build/3708783/+retry19:35
ScottKIt's timing out consistently for me.19:35
QuintasanNCommander: Ah shit. So much for Win* suppor20:18
Quintasaninstalled every driver on the damn cd20:18
Quintasanstill doesnt work20:18
QuintasanNCommander: Windows could not recognize one of your devices20:36
QuintasanInstalled over 9000 drivers20:36
NCommanderENjoy extremely slow boot times as windows loads all of them up20:37
ScottKThanks whoever retried it.21:03
debfxScottK: for some reason the background of the default splash screen has been changed from ariya to horos in 4.8.522:05
ScottKdebfx: Yes.  We've had a few reports of that.  Riddell  was going to look into it, but I don't know if he did or if he figured anything out.22:06
debfxthe git repository always had horos and the tarballs had both and installed them to the same location22:09
debfxvery weird22:10
apachelogger_debfx: dirk's scriptery is somewhat unreliable in that regard23:38

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