
onetwopls guys i need some help, anyone here knows Kubuntu?00:38
onetwohey you know linux at all?00:39
guest19fO1Ghow to register this channel00:40
onetwoguys anyone here plays league of legends on kubuntu>? or can anyone help me install it?00:42
sfearsonetwo: try this http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=33908800:45
onetwoanyone here playes league of legends lol?00:47
muamerany girl here for chat00:57
Volksgrenadierdaskreech: Yeah it failed 4 hash checks01:19
Daskreechonetwo: Hi01:21
DaskreechWhat' do you need help with?01:21
DaskreechVolksgrenadier: Torrents are not supposed to fail hash checks unless someone is poisoning it01:21
Volksgrenadierthats odd01:21
Daskreechonetwo: if you want help with league of legends you can ask in #winehq01:22
DaskreechThough it's a little late now01:22
Volksgrenadierbecause when I check the md5sum01:22
Volksgrenadierwith the hashcalc01:22
Volksgrenadierit gives this01:22
Volksgrenadierwhich does not match any of the provided md5 hash numbers01:23
DaskreechWhy don't you jsut run md5sum on it?01:23
Daskreechonetwo: have you tried installing it under Wine?01:24
Volksgrenadierbecause I confirm its corrupted because I check to see if its corrupted in the installer when I reboot01:25
Volksgrenadierand I select "Check for defects"01:25
DaskreechVolksgrenadier: ok well delete the file and re grab the torrent01:25
Daskreech thats not supposed to happen though01:25
VolksgrenadierI got the torrent from the offical website01:26
VolksgrenadierI downloaded it twice01:26
DaskreechVolksgrenadier: and it's corrupt?01:27
Daskreechthat's not right at all01:27
Volksgrenadieryeah according to the hashs checks01:27
VolksgrenadierI'll go and reboot and see if its corrupt01:27
DaskreechVolksgrenadier: go to http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu and grab it from there01:28
DaskreechVolksgrenadier: No 12.04 if that's what you want01:29
VolksgrenadierI believe I found it01:30
Daskreechonetwo: Cool :)01:30
DaskreechVolksgrenadier: Cool01:30
Daskreechonetwo: did you try with Wine /01:30
onetwoim trying right now wit 1.4 wine01:31
onetwoill let ya kno if it worked01:31
DaskreechOk thanks01:31
VolksgrenadierI'll just try both the CD and the DVD01:32
Volksgrenadierthanks in advance for your help01:32
Daskreechonetwo: and the channel #winehq is a big help for stuff like that01:33
DaskreechVolksgrenadier: ok01:33
onetwoohh thx breh01:33
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AllCount我靠 难道不让发言?01:43
szal!cn | AllCount01:43
ubottuAllCount: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw01:43
AllCountare you chinese?01:45
szalno (more or less obviously)01:46
AllCountyeal....my English is bad....01:46
AllCount-  -01:46
OerHeksso far not bad.01:46
AllCountI start use Ubuntu  one month ago...and i really don't know how to use it...01:48
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onetwocan someone help me run league of legends of this Kubuntu 12.04 pls02:00
onetwowhy i cant enable desktop effects in 12.04 im trying to change or add an efect and it says the following effects could not be enabled wtf?02:04
AllCountI am playing lol!!!02:05
szalonetwo: what gfx card/driver?02:06
AllCountlol only can play on windows02:06
amasononetwo: think you will find it's a limitation with your graphics driver02:07
Volksgrenadieranother failed hash check :/02:07
VolksgrenadierI'm using these hash checks02:09
onetwo_aight, my driver was updated from the system here in Kubuntu02:09
onetwo_can someone help me pls pls pls run league of legends on this Kubuntu 12.04 pls02:09
AllCounthow much is your rank stores?02:12
onetwomy rank?02:13
onetwodude help me pls run league of legends on this Kubuntu and i promise ill delete windows 7 todey and just chill in linux all my life02:14
AllCountyou can use wine02:14
AllCountthe windows Simulator on ubuntu02:15
AllCountare you hear?02:16
OerHeksleague of legends should be 'gold' in wineHQ database > http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1914102:19
AllCountif i have wine on my computer,i can play lol?02:22
onetwo__can someone help me how to play league of legends, its a game, in Kubuntu 12.04 i have wine02:24
AllCount....i don't know but i and my friends really like playing it02:25
onetwo__on what system you play it?02:27
onetwo__well wtf you doing here then? this is kubuntu chat02:27
AllCountAre you American?02:28
onetwo__it tells me my configuration could be broken when it try to install app from the store like Play on Linux or other apps wtf?02:31
onetwo__pls someone help me02:31
OerHeksJoin #winehq for application help :-)02:33
OerHeksthe url i gave you, has installation instructions and issues (what will work and not)02:35
AllCountnow lol is popular in chinese02:48
AllCountin china02:48
amasononetwo__ we are all volunteers in here, please be patient as many of us are at work or doing other things at the same time.02:49
amasononetwo__ we are all volunteers in here, please be patient as many of us are at work or doing other things at the same time.02:50
amasononetwo__ it's also hard to help you with when many of us will probably not have the game you have02:51
amasonmany of us don't use proprietary software either so you may find there is more help in the forums or on a mailing list02:51
onetwo_yes but this is for kubuntu, i run kubuntu02:53
onetwohow do i remove an app from Kubuntu 12.0403:08
AllCounti don't know ,kubutu is so colorful03:20
c2taruncan anyone please tell me how to bring menubar of choqok back?04:02
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Guest84917c2tarun, alt-m or right click on toolbar?04:23
c2tarunGuest84917: actually I am getting only 4 options in more drop down04:24
c2tarunI should get a checkbox for hide menubar there :( but I am not getting that04:25
Guest84917c2tarun, sorry, i'm running from an emergency ubuntu livecd now, why don't you try luck at #kde?04:25
c2tarunGuest84917: thanks :)04:26
Guest84917c2tarun, #kde could be very quit at times, another choice is try luck at #opensuse since KDE is their default desktop environment...04:26
noaXesson kde 4.9 with precise.. really happy :)04:32
noaXesshey.. i have a nvidia grafic and use daily an external hdmi display.. to enable i need to manually do that over nvidia-settings... is there any way to autodetect external display and enable it how i need?04:33
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alexey_knyshevHi, can anyone help me with dpkg-buildpackage?05:08
Graf_Westerholt!ask | alexey_knyshev05:10
ubottualexey_knyshev: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:10
alexey_knyshevI have problem with dpkg-buildpackage. I'm trying to make deb package from source which uses cmake to generate unix makefiles05:13
alexey_knyshevby I have this error on install step: CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:49 (FILE):05:13
alexey_knyshev  file cannot create directory: /usr/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu.  Maybe need05:13
alexey_knyshev  administrative privileges.05:13
jdrsyou might need administrative privilege to write to that directory05:14
alexey_knyshevso /usr/usr/ is not valid05:15
alexey_knyshevat all I run it in fakeroot with -r (root privitegies)05:15
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kio_httpAre KDE and QT libraries complete for python 3?05:56
DFrostedWangHow can I use debootstrap to make a chroot sandbox to run apps in?06:35
ICWienerHow can I use debootstrap to make a chroot sandbox to run apps in?06:44
=== ICWiener is now known as DFrostedWang
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:43
skramer_I still have problems with plasma-desktop crashing. Sometimes just after start-up, sometimes after resume and even while I just normally work it segfaults. When it comes up again, I find the system bar seem to have  more items, all of them with no icon an not clickable (http://wstaw.org/m/2012/08/07/Screen.png)08:07
skramer_Did anybody else face such problem yet & may tell me how to fix / work around it?08:08
skramer_Forgot to say that I´m running KDE SC 4.9 on Kubuntu 12.04, but actually I first found the problem after the upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04...08:11
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BluesKajHowdy all10:39
DFrostedWangBluesKaj: Hi10:42
BluesKajhi DFrostedWang10:42
DFrostedWangI was just watching Robot Chicken. AVP: Predator's blood is acid, so it gets shot and melts though the floor to the one below, then the one below, then the one below..... :D10:44
BluesKajI'm up early :)10:44
DFrostedWangNot very practical10:45
DFrostedWangI'm up early, too. What time is it where you are?10:45
DFrostedWang5:45AM here10:45
DFrostedWangAbout time for me to get back to sleep10:46
DFrostedWangUnless I have my coffee.10:46
BluesKajraining here , ...sleeo in type weather , but I couldn't10:47
DFrostedWangI wish it would rain here.10:47
BluesKajsleep in that is10:47
DFrostedWangWhere are you?10:47
BluesKajOntario, 15mi from the Lake Huron North shore ..how about you ?10:48
DFrostedWangGoodman, Missouri10:49
DFrostedWangPretty far southwest10:49
BluesKajbeen to St Louis , along time ago10:50
BluesKajhmm. my 12.10 install seems stable this morning ...had a total freeze yesterday , had to do a hrd reboot10:56
DFrostedWangI just learned chroot10:58
DFrostedWangI have 12.0410:58
DFrostedWangGonna upgrade when the next one comes out, tho.10:58
BluesKajyeah , this is a test-drive HDD , my main HDD runs 12.0411:00
DFrostedWangBluesKaj: You test drive Ubuntu officially, or just for fun?11:07
BluesKajDFrostedWang, well offiicially I suppose , the devs ask "testers" to try certain apps at various stages of development11:11
GeertJohanHi, I have a displayport adapter that splits to 2 monitors. And a second monitor directly using DVI on the graphics card.. so I have 3 monitors, but X only recognises 2 {adapter(3840*1200), samsung(1920x1200)}. Using Xinerama. Now I want to configure KDE to split the dualscreen adapter into 2 virtual displays so that window placement/maximize/fullscreen works. It has already split the adapter and samsung nicely and I see 2 rows in the Sys11:11
GeertJohanI would be realy glad if I could set this up!11:12
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DFrostedWangBluesKaj: Neat. I like to do beta/alpha/pre-alpha testing for ppl, but it'd be neat to get paid for it.11:19
DFrostedWangI test for Mozilla [Firefox (Aurora)]11:20
BluesKajyeah, mostly I try stuff and report back ,  but i don't hear much feedback from them'11:22
BluesKajfrom kubuntu devs11:23
DFrostedWangmydogsnameisrudy: Morning11:23
mydogsnameisrudyhey DFrostedWang11:23
DFrostedWangBluesKaj: Kubuntu? I thought it was Ubuntu.11:23
BluesKajthis is Kubuntu support ..uses the KDE desktop instead of Unity/Gnome11:24
DFrostedWangI know11:25
BluesKajHi mydogsnameisrudy11:25
DFrostedWangBut wouldn't a tester use all different DEs?11:25
mydogsnameisrudymorning BluesKaj11:25
Peace-i use only kubuntu and so so only kde11:25
Peace-because it's, FOR ME , the best de11:25
DFrostedWangI like Unity11:26
BluesKajDFrostedWang, no i agreed to kubuntu , I don';t run ubuntu11:26
DFrostedWangBut I broke it11:26
Peace-i hate unity11:26
DFrostedWangIt grows on you, tho.11:26
Peace-don't like purple11:26
Peace-i don't like orange11:26
DFrostedWangMe neither11:26
DFrostedWangI changed it11:26
Peace-kde is nice  by default11:26
DFrostedWangMaybe my customizations are what broke it.11:27
DFrostedWangNothing is11:27
DFrostedWangI like to customize stuff11:27
Peace-anyway this is not a chat11:27
Peace-it's a support channel11:27
DFrostedWangWhy not?11:27
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:27
DFrostedWangNothing to support right now11:27
DFrostedWangThat had nothing to do with "don't chat"11:27
mydogsnameisrudyDFrostedWang:  join kubuntu-offtopic11:28
BluesKajfrankly the KDE desktop is more familiar for windows users , I was an old windows guy back to W 3.111:28
DFrostedWangI was a Windows user, too.11:29
DFrostedWangBut I realized there was so much more potential with Linux11:29
DFrostedWangUbuntu is just my distro for this month or so11:29
DFrostedWangI have almost every popular distwro11:29
DFrostedWangIn .iso form11:29
DFrostedWangUbuntu/LinuxMint/Zorin-OS are installed on my current computer right now.11:30
GeertJohananyone any idea about my question ?11:31
DFrostedWangNo, sorry11:31
DFrostedWangDon't have a clue how o help you11:31
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BluesKajGeertJohan, that's beyond my scope , considering i just use our plasma tv as a monitor ...nothing real complicated here11:38
GeertJohanhmm too bad :/ thanks anyway. I'm posting this question on askubuntu now11:39
BluesKajGeertJohan, good idea :)11:43
GeertJohanBluesKaj: done: http://askubuntu.com/questions/172970/how-to-define-multiple-xorg-screens-using-the-same-device11:50
BluesKajGeertJohan, nicely done ..hope you receive a quick answer11:55
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DFrostedWangBluesKaj: Can you help?12:51
BluesKajthat's a problem with a lot of onboard audio12:51
DFrostedWangMy brand of computer has a lot of audio issues.12:52
BluesKajdo you have pavucontrol installed?12:52
DFrostedWangBecause of it's audiocard12:52
DFrostedWangI do now, why?12:52
BluesKajpavucontrol gives you more options for directing sound inputs and outputs , along with options for choosing different audio formats like dolby digital etc12:58
DFrostedWangFatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio: OK12:59
BluesKajopen a terminal , sudo aplay -l , paste the first line here13:01
DFrostedWang**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****13:03
DFrostedWangcard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog]13:03
DFrostedWang  Subdevices: 1/113:03
DFrostedWang  Subdevice #0: subdevice #013:03
DFrostedWangcard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC888 Digital [ALC888 Digital]13:03
FloodBotK1DFrostedWang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:03
DFrostedWang  Subdevices: 1/113:03
DFrostedWangI didn't mean to flood13:04
BluesKajok , cat /proc/asound/modules , this should output just one line13:07
DFrostedWang 0 snd_hda_intel13:08
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BluesKajit looks like the right module/driver is loading when you use your audio system13:10
BluesKajand what prompted the "Fatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio" response ?13:11
DFrostedWangPulseAudio is disabled13:12
BluesKajwere you advised to disable it ?13:13
DFrostedWangIt fixed the "no sound" issue13:13
DFrostedWangBut gave me this new issue13:13
DFrostedWangI have been just livin' with it.13:13
BluesKajthen remove pavucontrol , it's useless without pulseaudio , unless you want to try it with pulseasudio then enable pulse again or install or whatever is required to restore it13:15
DFrostedWangI removed it13:18
BluesKajsome ppl will advise to remove pulse ,but in some cases pavucontrol helps solve the no sound issue13:18
BluesKajthen just install it again  ...we can always remove it if we van't resolve thye issue13:19
DFrostedWangOkay then13:19
BluesKajkeep pavucontrol13:19
DFrostedWangI am13:20
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DFrostedWangSo are you still helping me?13:28
BluesKajI'm here , but you're on unity , correct ?13:28
BluesKajor kde ?13:29
DFrostedWangI told you my Unity borked itself.13:30
viktori have a question13:31
DFrostedWangviktor: Hello13:31
BluesKajok then , open system settings>multimedia>phonon>device preferences , check what's listed13:31
DFrostedWangviktor: What is your question?13:31
viktorits disponible KDE 4.9 now?13:31
DFrostedWangviktor: I don't know.13:31
viktori have KDE 4.8.413:31
BluesKajviktor, kde 4.0 is in the back ports13:32
viktorcan i update to 4.9 version?13:32
BluesKajerr 4.913:32
viktorin the back ports?13:32
viktori dont know13:32
DFrostedWangBuilt-In Analogue Stereo13:33
BluesKajviktor, yes  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports , then update/upgrade and dist-upgrade13:33
viktorahh ok thanks!!13:33
DFrostedWangI have a speaker plugged in (not turned on), but didn't start my computer with it plugged in and on.13:33
BluesKajDFrostedWang, click the test button13:35
DFrostedWangIt works13:36
DFrostedWangMy sound is AMAZING on this computer, BTW13:36
* DFrostedWang is a total audiophile :D13:36
BluesKajyes , my bandmate has a dell with one of those fancy built in soundsystems with subwoofer etc13:38
DFrostedWangSounds great, doesn't it?13:38
spawn57is digikam stable on kde 4.9?13:39
BluesKajnow what about your headphone output , can you configure it with pavucontrol ?13:39
DFrostedWangPulseAudio is still off13:40
DFrostedWangI will turn it on, how do I do it?13:40
DFrostedWangI 4got how13:40
steveireHi. When I plug in my external usb drive, it seems to not give me any permissions on the user level. root owns everything. I looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#Per-User_Mounts and ran '/usr/bin/udisks --mount /dev/sdb1' manually with the same result13:40
steveireapachelogger_: Ever seen something like that?13:40
DFrostedWangchown [user]:[user] /path/to/usb/drive13:41
BluesKajrun pulseaudio from the terminal13:41
DFrostedWangas root13:41
BluesKajis there any text output in the terminal after typing pulseaudio ?13:42
DFrostedWangE: [alsa-sink] alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: Device or resource busy13:42
BluesKajDFrostedWang, ok reboot13:43
DFrostedWangps aux | grep pulseaudio says it isn't running13:43
DFrostedWangE: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.13:43
DFrostedWangE: [pulseaudio] main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.13:43
DFrostedWangRunning it again got me that13:43
apachelogger_steveire: nope13:44
viktorDFrostedwang : Exception in thread Thread-1:13:44
viktorTraceback (most recent call last):13:44
viktor  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/threading.py", line 551, in __bootstrap_inner13:44
viktor    self.run()13:44
viktor  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/softwareproperties/ppa.py", line 95, in run13:44
FloodBotK1viktor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:44
viktor    self.add_ppa_signing_key(self.ppa_path)13:44
steveireI think I've seen that in all versions of Kubuntu I've ever used.13:44
DFrostedWangAlso, do I really need to reboot? I will have to disconnect from like 18 channels, close over 30 browser tabs, disconnect from my bot's server, close my chroot, etc, etc...13:45
steveireDFrostedWang: The chown doesn't solve the underlying problem.13:45
DFrostedWangsteveire: Why not?13:45
steveireudisks shouldn't be mounting my external drive with only root access.13:45
DFrostedWangWell it won't if you chown it13:45
DFrostedWangOr, go to /media/ and change permissions on it.13:46
BluesKajDFrostedWang, well that's the nature of piulseaudio it needs to be rebooted to run13:46
steveireDFrostedWang: Changing perms on /media/ doesn't affect that at all.13:46
DFrostedWangIs there a way I can make Firefox remember the currently open tabs?13:46
DFrostedWangDon't change perms on /media/, change perms on /media/[yourdrive]13:47
BluesKajDFrostedWang, or you can just remove it and pavucontrol and run alsamixer with the apropriate volume ctrls  to suit your needs13:47
steveireYes, I know what you meant, but it doesn't solve the general problem.13:47
DFrostedWangOkay, maybe that is better13:48
steveireI'm not even convinced it will work. You don't seem to know what you're talking about :)13:48
DFrostedWangI only reboot every few days13:48
DFrostedWangBecause I have no fan13:48
steveireBetter would be an fstab entry for example, but that also doesn't solve the underlying problem13:48
DFrostedWangI know what I'm talking about13:48
DFrostedWangYou have it always plugged into your computer?13:48
DFrostedWangIf not, fstab isn't right.13:48
BluesKaj!who | steveire13:49
ubottusteveire: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:49
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:49
DFrostedWangI knew that, but neat13:49
BluesKajsteveire, open system settings>removeable devices>"enable autmatic mounting ..." apply13:54
steveireBluesKaj: Thanks, but 'Enable automatic mounting of removable media' is already checked.13:55
steveireAnd it does auto-mount13:55
DFrostedWangWell, like I was saying, if your user owns it, it can access it.13:55
DFrostedWangChown it13:55
steveireBut not with permissions that make it read/write as non-root13:55
BluesKajsteveire, are you leaving the drive plugged in or conecting and disconnecting it when you want to use it?13:56
steveireBluesKaj: It is an external hard disk. I plug it in when I want to use it (I just got it)13:56
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steveireBluesKaj: When it was fat32 formatted, there was no problem. I just reformatted it as ext13:59
BluesKajsteveire, leave it plugged in , and turned on14:03
DFrostedWangIf you move from computer to computer, it will retain previous permissions anyway, right?14:04
DFrostedWangSo he would need root on any other computer he accessed it with14:04
DFrostedWangTo chown it14:04
DFrostedWangAnd, actually, Fat32 would be best for an external. Maybe just partition it w/ ext4 and Fat32.14:05
BluesKajthe proper permissions command is chmod +x /dev/sdx , afaik , changing ownership doesn't always work14:06
DFrostedWangOkay then14:07
DFrostedWangNice to know14:07
BluesKajDFrostedWang, I use an ext4 external without any permissions troubles14:07
DFrostedWangI learned something14:07
FloodBotK1DFrostedWang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:07
BluesKajand if you want a file sytem that works for all pcs on a network,  NTFS works well14:08
BluesKajfor both linux and window14:09
DFrostedWangYeah, that, too.14:09
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steveireBluesKaj: Hmm, you never had a problem like that?14:10
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BluesKajsteveire, chmod +x /dev/sdx  sdx being the external device in sudo fdisk -l14:11
steveireBluesKaj: I've added it to fstab, created a directory for it (which is a problem - normal automounting doesn't require the directory to pre-exist. If it exists, my backup script could try to copy things into it without the disk even being mounted - silent loss of backups) chowned the directory and now I can write to it.14:13
steveireI'm curious about why you did not have to jump through such hoops.14:13
DFrostedWangHow big is your external?14:14
DFrostedWangHow much did you pay for it?14:16
DFrostedWangI need to get one.14:16
BluesKajsteveire, I didn't add the external to fstab since it's hotpluggable with esata to sata . usb should be the same14:16
steveireYes. I find that curious.14:17
BluesKajI considered it but I also use an older HDD IDE type for testing OSs , adding to fstab on 2 drives would just confuse the issue14:18
steveireHaving to add it to fstab confuses me.14:21
BluesKajDFrostedWang, WDC WD10EARS 1Tb external here ...it holds our multimedia files14:28
DFrostedWangHow much you pay for it?14:28
BluesKajabout $90 , and I already had an esata/USB enclosure for it which cosy around 30 bucks14:29
DFrostedWangHere I can get a 1TB Toshiba for ~$7914:30
DFrostedWangWith enclosure.14:31
DFrostedWangIf I get one, I will put my whole computer on it.14:31
DFrostedWangSo I can use it w/ my laptop, too.14:31
BluesKajthe WDs have never let me down14:31
vince_(much cheaper than in France, btw)14:31
BluesKajprice isn't the only consideration when i buy parts and accessories ,  I could have gone the elcheapo route but I buy what suits my needs14:34
DFrostedWangI need cheap14:37
BluesKajcheap doesn't alway get you something new either ..a lot of that cheaply priced stuff is "refurbished" in fine print14:39
DFrostedWangAs long as the previous owner didn't use it like I plan on doing14:40
* BluesKaj shrugs14:40
DFrostedWangConstant reformatting isn't gr8 for hard drives14:40
DFrostedWangOr flash drives14:40
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phoenix_firebrdhello everyone15:07
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KvaksIs there a way to open a small GUI message (like a pop-up dialog or a notification) from the CLI?15:51
PiciKvaks: iirc, you can do that with zenity.15:51
KvaksChecking it out, thanks.15:52
KvaksYep, that should do the job.15:53
OerHeksKvaks, >> notify-send -i face-cool "Kvaks is cool."16:03
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phoenix_firebrd         bbl17:02
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simplygadesI would like to ask a couple of things about Quantal bug reporting, is this the place?17:12
DFrostedWangWhat is Quantal bug reporting?17:12
simplygadesI mean the bug reporting of the next Kubuntu version17:12
DFrostedWangI just idle here17:13
simplygadesOK, thanks anyway17:13
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decci_Hello Guys17:22
Daskreechsimplygades: try in #ubuntu+117:22
DaskreechHi decci_17:22
decci_I need help setting up backuppc for Ubuntu and Windows17:22
simplygadesDaskreech: you mean in the forums? Kubuntu or Ubuntu one?17:22
BluesKajsimplygades, report quantal in #ubuntu+117:29
simplygadesah, ok17:29
G__81hi i am using kubuntu 12.04 64 bit. I tried to upgrade to kde 4.9 and my dolphin managers and other apps got screwed up and hence i removed the kde 4.9 by using purge. Now i want to give it an other try and hence added the backports repo back and i tried dist-upgrade but it does not show any updates @ all17:31
G__81am i missing something here?17:31
SentynelG__81: did you do apt-get update after adding the backports repo again?17:32
SentynelG__81: can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy libkdecore5 please17:33
Daskreechsimplygades: no the IRC channel #ubuntu+117:33
simplygadesOK, thank you!17:34
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G__81Sentynel, http://pastebin.com/Lfb0By4317:34
SentynelG__81: the PPAs aren't listed there; what's the output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubuntu-ppa-backports-precise.list17:36
G__81# deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu precise main17:36
G__81# deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu precise main17:36
G__81its commented out17:36
G__81why is that17:36
FloodBotK1G__81: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:37
Sentynelwhatever you did to add it didn't work17:37
shumskithat's what ppa purge does17:37
shumskiit comments out entry17:37
G__81shumski, i added back the ppa again doesnt it override that?17:37
shumskii guess not :)17:37
G__81i can uncomment the first line alone right?17:39
G__81The sources arent need. are they ?17:39
Sentynelnot if you won't want the source packages17:40
G__81ok i hope this time it works fine17:41
G__81i have the png image of how the dolphin looks like after the upgrade17:41
G__81it does not have any borders at all17:41
G__81not able to close the window as such17:41
shumskiyou mean no window decorations?17:42
G__81i can upload the image somewhere17:42
G__81so that i could raise a bug if i again hit this issue17:42
shumskitry doing (if that happens again) kwin --replace (best would be to do it in konsole, so you can upload the output)17:43
G__81ok i am upgrading the version now. i see the updates now and its downloading17:44
Alex-ZionI was reading on kubuntu.org about kde 4.8.5 and 4.9 that cames out in few days ....., should I upgrade to 4.9 or 4.8.5 ?17:52
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rottingdeadHello, I'm trying to set a shortcut for this game I play, I'm assuming I put Meta+Alt+E to Terminal= line no?17:57
BluesKaj4.9 is out , it's in the backports, Alex-Zion17:57
rottingdeadIt's not working there, =(.17:57
BluesKajrottingdead, what's not working ?17:58
Alex-Zionyeah I know ..., and it should be stable like always I guess ....17:58
rottingdeadBluesKaj: Trying to set a shortcut to Konsole while I'm playing this game..  I mispoke earlier about the game..17:58
rottingdeadBluesKaj: Konsole specifically using Meta+Alt+E to Launch konsole.17:59
Alex-Zionanyway I'll upgrade to 4.9 , it should be fine ..17:59
rottingdeadBluesKaj: Meta would be the Windows Key.18:00
Alex-ZionBluesKaj:  or if you install yakuake , you'll have the konsole just with F12 .. ;)18:01
BluesKajAlex-Zion, after upgrading to 4.9 , make sure you dist-upgrade18:03
BluesKajAlex-Zion, I just keep the terminal in a launcher18:04
G__81it works fine18:04
G__81Sentynel, it works fine. I dont see the dolphin problem again18:04
G__81the themes still dont look good.18:05
G__81especially the air theme when enabled with effects, i dont see the window names on the task bar18:05
rottingdeadWhew, thought I broke konsole18:08
G__81shumski, screenshot of the theme problem?18:09
G__81the other issue i see is that Konsole by default when started starts with the directory set to Documents instead of home directory18:10
shumskiyes, that's a known issue (konsole one), for theme, yeah post a screenshot18:12
shumskiYou can 'fix' konsole issue with 'Settings --> Edit Current Profile --> Initial directory'18:13
MadKawI'd like a sales-talk. I am looking at a new install, I am trying to decide bwtween Kubuntu, Fedora, and OpenSuse. Why Kubuntu?18:15
G__81shumski, thanks fixed that issue18:16
BluesKajMadKaw, we don't do polls here , try them and decide for yourself what suits you best18:19
MadKawWasn't after a poll. I've just gotten frustrated trying to find current comparisons. Seems like most sites I find with search engines are 2 versions old.18:21
MadKawIf you can even suggest a set of search terms that would bring up current tests, I'd be grateful.18:22
BluesKajyou'll find alot of info here MadKaw , but they're biased against debian and it's relatives18:23
MadKawThanks. I've not succeeded in digging much out of distrowatch - I'll go get a bigger shovel.18:27
BluesKajmad , this list is larger http://www.livecdlist.com/18:28
skreech_MadKaw: What are you lokoing for?18:34
MadKawUltimately, a reason for selecting a distro for multiple installs. I have "decided" to switch from Gnome to KDE for at least the next 3 years, and am trying to figure out whick KDE distro will be easiest to install and support on laptops.18:36
BluesKajMadKaw, i haven't tried many other distros lately , but I made sure I used kde ...kubuntu is still my choice for everyday use.. That's about it.18:42
=== skreech__ is now known as Daskreech
DaskreechMadKaw: Random laptops? or some specific subset you control?18:43
MadKawSpecific laptops - but a pretty random assortment based on what is currently owned. It includes Acer, Dell, HP, Gateway, and Samsung models. I have already checked the hardware compatibility and drivers should not be a major issue with the possible exception of the Samsung, which will require some tweaking to get the HDMI working.18:46
DaskreechMadKaw: You mean checked in regards to those distros or just the state of lInux in general?18:47
MadKawBoth. The Samsung appears to be the only issue.18:49
DaskreechMadKaw: Well then I guess just hang out in all three channels and see which one has the best support team19:06
DaskreechThat should cover you19:06
MadKawNow THAT is an excellent idea!19:06
DaskreechGlad that you got it19:06
DFrostedWangI debootstrapped a wheezy system and chrooted into it, but it can access out of it's / folder somehow19:08
DFrostedWang"top" can view all system processes19:08
DaskreechDFrostedWang: are you root?19:09
DFrostedWangI should make a new user?19:09
DFrostedWangThen what?19:10
DaskreechDFrostedWang: wait. hold on. when you say that you can't access outside it's /19:10
Daskreech do you mean you can't descend?19:10
DFrostedWangI mean it cant ascend19:10
DaskreechOf course you can't19:11
Daskreech I debootstrapped a wheezy system and chrooted into it19:11
DFrostedWangI can, because I can see Firefox running outside chroot19:11
Daskreechchroot means change root19:11
DFrostedWangWith "top"19:11
Daskreechso your root is now where you chrooted into19:11
Daskreechi.e. you cannot go above that19:11
DFrostedWangBut Firefox isn't installed or running from chroot19:11
DaskreechYes I know19:12
DFrostedWangHow can it see it?19:12
Daskreechbut that's kernel processes not filesystem19:12
Daskreechtwo different things19:12
DFrostedWangOkay then19:12
DaskreechIn a similar manner you can pull a executable from a different computer and run it on your local computer19:13
Daskreech or throw one from this computer onto another19:13
Daskreechkernel and file system are not tied to each other19:13
shumskiif you mounted /proc to $wheezy-chroot/proc, you'll see processes from your 'native' OS19:14
DFrostedWangI did that...19:15
DFrostedWangThanx for clearing that up19:15
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shumskisame with /dev19:16
DaskreechNot exactly the same but pretty close :)19:17
shumskiwell, not processes but 'devices'19:18
=== regx_afk is now known as regx
shumskianyone tried this, rather cool(me has no qss skill's so i can only steal other's themes): http://sourceforge.net/p/be-shell/wiki/Installation/19:19
anandI have kubuntu 12.04 on dell inspiron19:43
anandtouchpad multi touch is not workiing on it19:43
anandcan it be fixed19:43
anandany links or anyone facced the same issue19:44
anandi m not able to find the solution19:44
anandIn touchpad settings it is saying no touchpad found19:46
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opi(j #phing19:57
lusticHi there How do i install skype in Kubuntu ?  In ubuntu the software manager opens it up and installs it,20:08
lusticthis option seems to not be available in kubuntu20:08
lusticI'm going back to ubuntu, Kde sucks20:13
=== len is now known as Guest47349
=== ICWiener is now known as DFrostedWang
ooohave a interestng problem with network manager or net tool--Can someone help me?20:29
nsmgoi'm having difficulty using chkconfig to modify my services to start on boot; and i'm not familiar with upstart. Any ideas?20:31
=== ICWiener is now known as y0urm0m
=== y0urm0m is now known as DFrostedWang
rorkSome more details might be helpfull to get those questions answered, what is the interesting problem? And what are you looking for, help with chkconfig or an alternative?20:35
rorkAnyway I'm afraid I can't be of any help for both these problems, gl20:35
ooook so everytime i shut my lid on my laptop or restart I have to reset my modem by unplugging the coaxial cable for me to get wireless internet20:36
oooi can't get wireless internet otherwise20:36
oooso if i were to restart i wouldn't get internet unless i have to reset my modem every time20:37
oooThe driver seems ok.....  I go to system>additional drivers>  The proprietary driver I installed.20:37
oooIts a BCM 4313  PCI ID  14e4:472720:38
ooo64 bytes transmiteed..... when I ping packets transmitted....15 received.....6%packet loss20:41
nsmgorork: suggesting an alternative? and i think it's working with the use of update-rc.d20:41
ooodid a lspci...... Ethernet controller Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11/g/n Wireless LAN controller (rev01)20:43
ooooops i mean network controller*20:43
oooethernet controller is > Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 05)20:43
oooI don't understand why I can't get internet when I restart my laptop or close the lid...20:44
ooothats what doesn't make sense20:44
* DFrostedWang is away: I'm not here right now. Go bother somebody else.20:46
oooI have comcast... Xfinity box wireless router/modem20:47
oooits both20:47
ooonobody at comcast knows anything....20:48
oooThey don't support linux20:48
oooThe lady said in 5 years she has had only one other caller with linux making me number 220:48
nsmgoDoes anyone know if the settings for eth0/1/2 in /etc/network/interfaces get started when i reboot my system?20:57
nsmgomoving to a static IP only network; did a apt-get remove  isc-dhcp-client20:58
nsmgoif the service networking has been depreciated; how is my networking handled now in 12.04?20:59
BluesKajnsmgo, your network interfaces file  should contain the line "auto eth0"20:59
nsmgoBluesKaj: bingo. thank you.21:01
BluesKajnsmgo, np21:01
nsmgojust wanting to say: without "auto eth0" i would have to use ifup/ifdown instead of service networking start now right?21:02
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ooois someone looking at my problem just curious, that way I'm not waiting if no one is looking at it21:04
BluesKajnsmgo, not sure but if you want to move to static IP on your pc ..this is static on your LAN ,, not your internet IP  http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html21:09
nsmgoyes, just static host/server on the lan which will run dns, dhcp, and router/gateway to another gateway to the WAN.21:10
BluesKaj!BCM | ooo21:11
ubottuooo: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:11
BluesKajnsmgo, that tutorial above is my reference for static IP on LAN ...it works for most setups21:12
oooI did that here are the other details..... https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/20489021:12
oooI actually used that link21:12
oooI reinstalled the already installed proprietary driver21:13
ooobroadcom STA wireless driver was in System>additional drivers21:13
nsmgoBluesKaj: that link; it doesn't include the "auto eth0" you mentioned?21:14
nsmgoBluesKaj: just a viewing of the interfaces file: comments welcome: http://paste.kde.org/530426/21:18
BluesKajnsmgo, oh I'd forgotten about that , I have both lines in mine and it works21:19
nsmgoBluesKaj: =) my thoughts exactly21:19
BluesKajhere's mine nsmgo http://paste.kde.org/530432/21:22
oooI have had almost zero problems with linux and am good about looking up to fix my own easy problems... but this is kinda a rediculous problem.....21:22
oooI'm not a computer science engineer21:22
oooI'm not a computer hardware engineer21:22
ooono a computer software engineer21:22
oooso I can only do so much21:23
oooIn fact I'm not YET a computer programmer-Although I'm learning C on my own.21:24
ooono formal education with that21:24
BluesKajneither are we , mostly just experienced users , ooo but sometimes one comes up against companies that don't give hoot about linux and they'll do nothing to help altho their modem/router probly runs on linux21:24
oooyeah comcast has no support for linux which is making things more difficult21:26
ooothe weird thing is the older modem worked flawlessly its just when I exchanged it for a modem/router instead of just a slower modem21:27
ooothis modem/router Combined.... has WPA2 encryption, Dox 3 whatever that is  , faster connection speeds21:30
oooso it worked before with this hardware, whatever driver, on the old modem and a linksys b old router21:31
ooolinksys b btw is old school21:31
oooWEP encryption, slow, etc21:32
BluesKajooo, looks to me you need to do some research about your particular router/modem  is it a  well known brand ? I so it might be loaded with proprietary firmware that can be worked around ,,, I'm sure others on liux are using the  same equipment21:32
ooook its an Xfinity comcast modem/router21:33
BluesKajothers on linux that is21:33
ooothey gave it to me21:33
BluesKajooo, do you have web interface to your modem , run route -n to find the router IP . you might be able to firm up your wifi settings in the router itself , the IP will be under Gateway21:40
ooo71.237.4.1 ---Gateway IP21:41
oooi dont know what route -n is but ok21:41
ooowhat is a web interface to my modem21:42
oooDon't get me wrong linux is the best OS but for whatever reason behind the scenes people are not working with linux.21:45
oooLinux is far better than windows and better than MAC OS..21:46
oooand every program I want on windows such as photoshop i can get on linux such as gimp for free21:46
oooi don't understand the free as in beer part but its free21:46
oooi don't pay a dime and it runs like a dream until this21:47
BluesKajooo, type the route -n IP into a browser21:49
oootype  route -n into a web browser?21:54
BluesKajtype route -n into the terminal ,. then  the resulting Gateway IP is typed into the browser addresbar21:56
jEhrichsdoes anyone know a solution to "/usr/lib/libkhtml.so.5: undefined symbol: _ZN6Phonon11VideoPlayer5eventEP6QEvent" google isn't very helpful here. I've checked the symlinks to libphonon and all point to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libphonon.so.4.6.0 which seem to be correct21:56
jEhrichshas anyone a clue what could cause this error?21:56
oooit says its taking too long to respond21:56
oooBluesKaj it won't load21:57
BluesKajthe IP you used was directly underneath gateway in the terminal , correct , ooo ?21:59
oooOutput>>>>Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface22:00
ooo0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 eth122:00
ooo71.237.4.0   U     2      0        0 eth122:00
oooDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface22:00
ooo0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 eth122:00
ooo71.237.4.0   U     2      0        0 eth122:00
FloodBotK1ooo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
BluesKaj then i"m out of ideas ...most ISPs allow user access to router settings22:01
ooowell i do have a settings thing22:01
BluesKajbesides it's dinnertime here ..gotta go ...22:01
oooi type in 10.0.0122:01
ooothen i have access to some settings22:01
oooits like there settings page22:02
oooalright have a good night22:03
ooohanks for trying22:03
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roezerGeforce 210 nvidia card anyone using one22:52
guest__Anyone ever tried to use a Dell 1720 printer on Kubuntu?23:14
=== guest__ is now known as Clarion
=== Clarion is now known as ClarionInn
ClarionInnI'm having issues with a Dell 1720 Printer on my Kubuntu 11.04. I'm using a generic driver that guide said would work but it at times just prints pages of wingdings23:16

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