
cjwatsonSorry, could we please do this on the bug?  This is a 4.5 year old sprawling bug with months-long hiatuses; switching back and forward between bug mail and IRC increases the probability of us forgetting stuff; plus I have to go to bed now and can't really spend the time to give a proper answer to these questions right now.00:07
cjwatsonAnd you may be right that it's unnecessary but if so I'd really like both the question and the answer - i.e. answer including motivation for it - to be recorded00:10
wgrantI wonder if I can mangle format-imports into a generic import mover01:58
wgrant(BugTaskSearchParams is moving out of bugtask.py)01:58
michaelhHey, I'm getting a corruption error from zlib while doing an export01:59
michaelhShould two packs with the same hash have the same content?01:59
wgrantFrom bzr?01:59
wgrantThat's probably more of a #bzr question01:59
michaelhHeh, wrong Canonical-ish channel, sorry02:00
lifelesswgrant: michaelh: yes, same hash - same content.02:00
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StevenKstructural subscriptions model is under bugs, but the JS for it is in registry?02:03
wgrantStevenK: It was all initially in Registry02:03
wgrantStevenK: Then the bug subscriptions work moved it into Bugs02:04
wgrantFor reasons unclear02:04
StevenKMaybe they were going to impact branches too02:04
wgrantI mean the reason for the move was unclear02:05
wgrantThey were going to work for blueprints etc. in the initial design02:05
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* StevenK stabs the SS JS04:55
StevenKwallyworld_, wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/bugsubscriptionfilter-itype-ui/+merge/11847205:39
wallyworld_StevenK: i'm just about to run and and get the kid (i'm a bit late), i can look when i get back05:40
wallyworld_StevenK: the _english_condition() method could be improved - you could pass in the list to extend as a parameter06:31
wallyworld_it would avoid the unnecessary list creation06:31
wgrantAlso, Proprietary isn't spelt like that.06:33
StevenKThose JS tests suck06:35
wallyworld_StevenK: will this actually hook up to the back end and do something?06:37
wallyworld_342+ 'are of information type: '+filter.information_types.join(', ')));  <-- you need a space around the + operator06:38
StevenKwallyworld_: Notice the existing pattern above, shall I fix those too?06:40
wallyworld_yes please06:40
wallyworld_while you are there06:40
StevenKwallyworld_: And yes, it hooks up to the model06:42
wallyworld_cool, and it works? ie you tried it out?06:42
wallyworld_normally i'd ask for a screenshot to be attached to the mp06:43
StevenKYeah, I have tried it out.06:44
StevenKI can make a few screenshots, if you wish06:44
StevenKwallyworld_: ^06:46
wallyworld_StevenK: just one really - to show the new rendering of the info types in the popup, ie the expanded accordian06:47
wallyworld_it's hard to visualise06:47
StevenKLet me do that06:47
wallyworld_thanks :-)06:48
wallyworld_if there's anything else you fell would add value, feel free to include it :-)06:48
StevenKwallyworld_: MP description changed to include screenshot06:51
wallyworld_.me looks06:51
StevenKMight change the 4 columns to 3. Not sure.06:51
wallyworld_StevenK: looks good. i think 3 columns is better. it's on my todo list to get rid of those godaweful little lazr buttons from formoverlays06:53
StevenKwallyworld_: http://people.canonical.com/~stevenk/information_type_filter_3.jpg06:54
wallyworld_much nicer!06:54
StevenKwallyworld_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1133830/06:55
wgrantwallyworld_: But those buttons are so nice and fiddly to click :(06:58
wallyworld_StevenK: i'd rename the _english_condition method to _add_english_condition or something. my personal preference would be for the conditions list to go as the first argument but i'm not sure if we have a standard for that06:58
StevenKwallyworld_: You say as I push those changes ....06:59
wallyworld_sorry :-(06:59
wallyworld_wgrant: i'll do the change so that if the traversed path of the current content includes wgrant, you'll still get the little buttons07:00
StevenKwallyworld_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1133836/07:01
wallyworld_StevenK: looks, good, thanks. i'm surprised lint didn't pick up the spaces around the + in the js. you should include a == Lint == section in your mp07:03
StevenKI always check for lint before proposing07:04
wallyworld_maybe the linter needs updating. i can't recall if it complains at me when I forget the spcaes. i know curtis picks it up. maybe we should hook him up as the linter to use07:06
StevenKwallyworld_: Sounds like https://wiki.canonical.com/Quotes/2011 -- search for 'Automation and Service Status'07:07
wgrantStevenK: dogfood's running the fixed code, and seems pretty fast07:20
wgrantI've only specifically profiled the structsub queries, trying to track down the others now.07:20
wgrantBut please throw rocks at it.07:20
adeuringgood morning07:30
bigjoolsStevenK: I'm glad that most of my humour is too foul to get Quoted07:32
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mgzso... there are no tests for debbugs import, but I'm not allowed to say that right?11:52
wgrantmgz: You care about the debbugs externalbugtracker, not debbugs-import.11:53
mgzI'm looking at bug 1029294 which is tripping in lp.bugs.scripts.debbugs11:55
mgzfix looks trivial but I don't want to break the world.11:55
wgrantThat code is a bit old11:57
wgrantIt may even be from Mark's original stuff in 2004.11:57
wgrantNot sure how much it's evolved, but looking at the code... probably not much11:57
wgrantYeah, was introduced in Nov 2004, largely untouched since.11:58
cjwatsonmgz: Have you checked the debbugs source to see what other changes are associated with summary version 3?11:59
cjwatsonWhen I looked at that I couldn't actually find a record of such a version ...11:59
cjwatsonSo I was going to look on the master system when I got a chance11:59
mgzI have, the only one is a set of fields are no longer rfc 1522 encoded12:00
cjwatsonThat's summary version 2.12:01
cjwatsonIsn't it?12:01
mgzsummary version 2 encodes subject and so on12:01
mgzsummary version 3 does not12:01
cjwatsonOh, yeah, I see it now.  OK.12:02
mgzthe launchpad code doesn't seem to handle any encoding regardless12:02
mgzso, we might get byte/unicode mix exceptions rather than harmless =?manging? without some extra handling12:05
wgrantmgz: We only do bugwatches nowadays, not imports. So we really only care about status/importance, probably.12:10
mgzthat would simplify things, will grep around a bit12:13
mgzwhat is this nonsense...12:41
mgzImportError: No module named auditorclient.client12:41
mgzwhy does launchpad want to import whatever that is when it's not in deps or pulled in by rocketfuel...12:43
mgzwill branch the darn thing for now, but this seems borked12:45
wgrantmgz: Have you rerun buildout?12:55
wgrant'make build' will do it12:55
mgzI ran 'make run' which depends on build....12:58
mgzit's possible I hit a window where I somehow got the code change but not the dep update, but that seems backwards12:59
wgrantmgz: Possibly it didn't automatically buildout because of some timestamp thing. But the code and dep changes were in the same rev.13:03
mgzso, rerunning build picks it up... but this really screws up my nice automation when launchpad periodically needs manual intervention to fix things13:03
mgzespecially as the fallout is non-obvious13:03
wgrantIt's pretty obvious13:03
wgrantMissing dep13:03
wgrant=> deps are probably out of date13:03
wgrant=> buildout is out of date, since buildout manages deps13:04
mgzwgrant: so, I have the log from the original update, and that pulls in the source, but left lp in a borked state, want to take a quick look?13:06
wgrantmgz: Sure13:06
mgzokay, pastebin was a bad idea, slow for big things...13:13
mgz...and then it timed out anyway13:16
mgzwgrant: on devpad.canonical.com:/home/gz/lp.log13:17
mgzso, that succeeded, but when I then went to run the tests later, auditorclient wasn't importable13:19
wgrantmgz: Looking13:23
wgrantmgz: Are you sure you were running the tests from the same tree?13:24
wgrantBecause the webapp is unlikely to start in the situation that you described.13:25
wgrantAnd buildout was clearly run13:25
mgzwgrant: doh, yup, that's it, rocketfuel not getting lightweight checkouts paining me again13:27
rick_h_adeuring: ping, you get the email on the skype call?13:31
adeuringrick_h_saw it a minute ago, online on skyke in a minute...13:32
rick_h_jcsackett: stand up is over whenever you're ready to chat13:50
abentleyabel: Since rick is busy, do you mind reviewing this?  https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/same-queue-query-fmr/+merge/11842813:51
sinzuijcsackett: rick_h_: While I know we are in an awkward be-ready-to-blue-sky sharing phase there are a few bugs in the current UI that would be nice to fix/avoid bug 102342714:33
_mup_Bug #1023427: Sharing implies you can edit <disclosure> <javascript> <sharing> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1023427 >14:33
rick_h_sinzui: thanks, will check it out14:34
cjwatsonAny chance of a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/report-pcj-oops/+merge/117601?  I'll need to get that QAed before pushing up the fix for the second of that pair of critical bugs.14:45
abentleyadeuring: Since rick is busy, do you mind reviewing this?  https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/same-queue-query-fmr/+merge/11842814:55
adeuringabentley: sure, I'14:55
adeuringll look14:55
abentleyadeuring: thanks.14:55
abentleycjwatson: I'll review it if you promise to update sampledata next time you land a DB patch :-)14:59
cjwatsonDid I screw something up before?15:00
abentleycjwatson: You didn't update the sampledata to include distroseries on archivepermission.15:01
cjwatsonOops.  Sorry about that.  Duly promised.15:01
cjwatsonHas that been done now?15:01
cjwatson(I mean, does it need me to do a follow-up branch?)15:02
abentleycjwatson: Yes, I landed it as part of my db patch.15:02
cjwatsonGood, thanks.15:02
abentleycjwatson: r=me.15:04
cjwatsonthank you.15:05
abentleycjwatson: np15:06
adeuringabentley: r=me, but I find it still scary that this fix is necessary...15:11
abentleyadeuring: Thanks.15:12
cjwatsonOh, since you two are around: is celery in a state where new jobs could reasonably be deployed using it?15:12
cjwatsonPackageCopyJobs might benefit.  (Also, I was wondering if either of you knew if there's a reason why PlainPackageCopyJob.createMultiple doesn't poke celery.)15:13
abentleycjwatson: No, not yet.  There was a problem with queues accumulating that we believe is now fixed, but is related to this branch I'm landing.15:13
cjwatsonOK.  Useful to know to calibrate my expectations ...15:14
abentleycjwatson: Yeah, hopefully with this landed, we can try to deploy celery job handling again.15:16
jcsackettsinzui: i can grab bug 1023427; this is just the on production w/o write enabled issue, correct?15:34
_mup_Bug #1023427: Sharing implies you can edit <disclosure> <javascript> <sharing> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1023427 >15:34
sinzuijcsackett: the choicesource widget adds the action/edit link to both the value and the EDITICON. +sharing's UI knows to hide the EDITICON node so we do not render an icon that claims you can edit, but the values are still linked.15:36
sinzuijcsackett: I think we need to consider changing choicesource to not linkify values as we need, or we rethink how +sharing renders all the choices15:37
sinzuijcsackett: The issue relates to https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/568768 which has a lovely picture showing that Lp's inconsistency with what activates a choice causes madness in 8 out of 10 people15:39
_mup_Bug #568768: Bug UI Inconsistancy <confusing-ui> <javascript> <lp-bugs> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/568768 >15:39
sinzuijcsackett: I think wallyworld_ had pondered a flag to choicesource config to no link the value. That might solve my immediate concern. I still hope to stop linking the bug status and importance to the popup15:42
jcsackettsinzui: bug status/importance? you mean on the bugs page instead of on the +sharing page?15:49
sinzuijcsackett: yes. A good plan will allow us to fix both pages15:50
sinzuijcsackett: on this picture: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/45059419/bug-incon.png the bug status and importance were linked to the popup. They should not be linked, or if they are, they are linked to search for more bugs of that status or importance15:51
jcsackettsinzui: got it.15:51
jcsackettsinzui: ok, i got you. was just confused as i was thinking in terms of +sharing, not in terms of choicesource.15:52
sinzuijcsackett: I am not asking for you to fix the bug page, I just want to you to check that a fix for +sharing could be reused on the other page to verify the design is good15:52
jcsackettsinzui: dig.15:53
sinzuiSorry for writing in cryptic curtisese15:53
jcsackettsinzui: all good, i can usually translate.:-P15:53
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deryckrick_h_, you reviewing at all now, or still UI-pairing?18:44
rick_h_deryck: just losing all my UI work atm :/18:46
rick_h_deryck: what's up? Need a review?18:46
deryckrick_h_, that doesn't sound fun.  And yeah, if you have the bandwidth.18:46
rick_h_deryck: sure thing, linky please and I'll take a break being angry at the service18:46
deryckrick_h_, thanks!  https://code.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/reauth-for-email-363916/+merge/11861218:47
rick_h_deryck: r=me with couple comments19:04
deryckrick_h_, thanks!19:05
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Ergo^gary_poster, hi just replied to your email22:02
rick_h_man missed him22:59

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