
David23400How can i add more language to keyboard?03:24
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SAKKEDhow do i update VLC player?07:20
silverarrowis there a way to check how much space there is left on  my harddrive?09:43
bioterrorsilverarrow, df -h09:43
silverarrow41 % left09:44
silverarrowwhich I suppose means full09:44
silverarrowI need to get rid of stuff09:45
hyperair41% sounds like a lot of space free.09:45
hyperair/dev/mapper/cryptostuff-home  441G  422G   19G  96% /home09:45
silverarrownot really, only a 60GB HD09:45
hyperairstill more empty space than me.09:46
silverarrowI replaced the old hd, and all I could get new with fas0t rmp was 609:46
silverarrowand it was a quite a job disassebleling an ibook09:47
silverarrowI could get a 130GB now, but at the time I could not09:47
silverarrowmy HP laptop is different, a lid under you can easily take off, with one screw09:48
silverarrowbut thanks, I shall write down the command09:50
digitalcrowHelp me i have tearing on Lubuntu ! a lot of tearing on video and even more tearing on flash video.  On ubuntu i dont have tearing ! Is there any way i can fix the tearing without using a compositor. Please help Urgent11:54
bioterrorcould someone tell me what's tearing?12:07
David23400are ubuntu themes compatible with lubuntu?14:45
holsteinDavid23400: wont hurt to try, but i would think not14:54
holsteina better question would be "what themes work with LXDE"14:54
David23400I need a mac theme for lubuntu14:55
David23400it will become laggy?14:55
holsteindepends... "mac" is quite different.. adding functionality to LXDE is something that i would expect to slow it down... but again, it wont hurt to try14:56
David23400i can remove it if it became laggy?14:56
holsteini would search for lxde themes, and try adding what you want/need... changing an icon theme or wallpaper wont slow anything down14:56
holsteinadding a dock might14:57
holsteinDavid23400: you can literally do anything you like..14:57
lukohi folks15:00
holsteinthere are ways to use a panel as a dock, which i think looks a little "clunky" but there is no additional overhead really15:13
David23400anyone here for helping me to apply a simple theme on lubuntu? i'm new on linux.15:57
DarkStarhit your menu button, and go to preferences15:59
DarkStarthen to "custom look and feel"15:59
David23400I want to apply this15:59
David23400I've already done the first step myself using the way you just told.16:00
David23400But the wallpapers and steps 4-6, i dont understand.16:00
DarkStarstep 416:01
DarkStarright click your panel, the bar where you clock and start button are16:01
DarkStarhit properties16:01
DarkStarpanel settings16:01
DarkStartick the top bubble16:01
David23400ok done16:02
DarkStarclikc the tab for panel applets16:02
DarkStarremove the things it tells you to by unchecking them16:02
DarkStaror highlight them and hit remove16:03
DarkStarremove Window List (Task Bar) Applet, Application Launch Bar Applet, Minimize All Windows Applet and Desktop Pager Applet.16:03
David23400ok done16:03
DarkStarCheck the Strecth option of Spacer Applet between Menu Applet and system applet in order to get wide space between Menu and System Tray Applet.16:04
DarkStarstep 5 and ill brb one sec16:04
David23400ok thanks16:04
DarkStaralright did you do step 516:11
David23400no :D16:12
David23400was waiting you16:12
DarkStark lol lemme catch up16:12
DarkStarok the spacer is right inbetween your menu and the system tray, it's really hard to see16:13
DarkStaryou'll right click it and you'll see 'spacer settings'16:14
DarkStaropen that up and hit 'stretch'16:14
David23400between what and what ?? lol16:14
DarkStarit should be to the right of the start button16:15
DarkStarit's just a faint dotted line, nearly impossible to see16:15
David23400where is start button16:16
DarkStarjust right click in the general area till you see the 'spacer settings' in the right click menu16:16
DarkStarat the top left corner of your screen16:16
DarkStarthe blue square with the mountain in it16:16
DarkStarthe spacer is to the right of that16:16
David23400I right click on it?16:16
DarkStarto the right of it yea16:16
DarkStarjust keep clikin till yo uget that option in the menu16:17
DarkStarwe can skip it for now, it'll be easier to find when the theme is installed16:18
David23400i didnt find ‎it lol16:18
David23400I dont want to install the Dock because i think my PC will lagg with it16:18
DarkStari doubt it, lubuntu is very lightweight, i use cairo on my netbook16:19
David23400but my PC has 1.7ghz cpu and 512mb of ram only16:20
David23400That's why16:20
DarkStarso, right click your start button and click 'menu settings'16:20
DarkStarpaste that into the box after you erase the old one16:21
David23400oh i change usr to my name xDD16:22
DarkStarno you leave it to /usr16:22
David23400ok but there is no apple icon16:23
David23400its a valve icon16:23
DarkStardid you install the theme already?16:23
David23400yes but didnt the icons :DDDDD16:24
DarkStarwell you should do that lol16:24
David23400i'm doing it lol16:24
David23400ok done16:26
David23400now its apple16:26
David23400what else?16:28
David23400oh now i have spacer settings16:30
DJRWolfhow do I change the clock from 24 hour to 12 hour?17:42
wxlDJRWolf: short answer— look at the man page for date17:43
DJRWolfrodger, checking17:44
Unit193That one actually.17:44
wxlDJRWolf: long answer— 1. right click the clock 2. click `"digital clock" settings` 3. change from %R to whatever you like17:45
wxl%r will give you HH:MM:SS (A/P)M17:45
wxl%l:%M might be more appropriate17:45
wxlor %I:%M if you like leading zeros17:46
wxl%p will add am/pm17:46
wxlUnit193: and yeah, either/or. it's in date, too.17:46
j0bii just installed lubuntu at an old laptop compag and i bought a TP-link mini wifi usb adapter17:49
j0bii want to ask this : i see the device with lsusb but at the connection it doesnt show that i have a wireless installed17:50
j0bican someone help17:50
bioterrordid I heard right that no non-pae for 12.10_18:04
bioterrorI cry18:06
j0bi0bda:8167 Realtek Semicontactor Corp  where can i find closed drivers ?18:06
j0biits a mini wifi usb adaptor18:07
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j0bitotal waste22:31
j0bino help at all22:31
Hirschzkj0bi what was your problem before you parted?22:32
holsteinsomething about a wifi adapter...22:32
holstein13:49 < j0bi> i just installed lubuntu at an old laptop compag and i bought a TP-link mini wifi usb adapter22:33
holstein13:50 < j0bi> i want to ask this : i see the device with lsusb but at the connection it doesnt show22:33
holsteingone now though....22:33
Hirschi fixed that problem22:33
Hirschmodprobe blacklist wrong driver22:34

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