
Dr_Willistrying to get 'web apps' going.. and  the sites are not poping up a notification to integerate..00:08
Dr_Willistrying twitter with chromium right now.00:08
danielboston26im trying to install and i get this error when i try to boot01:29
danielboston26kernel panic - not syncing: timer doesn't work through01:30
danielboston26interrupt-remapped IO-APIC01:30
danielboston26im using a macbook pro retina01:31
danielboston26trying to boot off a disk image on a usb key01:31
danielboston26anyone here?01:33
danielboston26does anyone ever talk here?01:36
DracoDanLRPCugh, ubuntu is so confusing!  I updated my kernel from 3.5rc7 to 3.5 final, but after reboot it's still rc7.  I figured "okay, this will be easy, just need to update grub.conf....." (my background is mostly RHEL01:38
danielboston26welcome dracodanlrpc01:38
danielboston26you and me both are the only ones talking01:39
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: How did you update the kernel? From the Ubuntu mainline kernel packages?01:39
DracoDanLRPCyeah, nothing unusual01:39
TJ-Have you checked the expected versions are listed in "/boot/" ?01:40
danielboston26TJ can you help me01:40
TJ-danielboston26: sorry, no01:40
DracoDanLRPCno, from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/01:40
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: Yes, those are the ones I use too.01:40
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: So you downloaded the 3/4 required .deb files then used "sudo dpkg -i <list of files>" to install it ?01:41
DracoDanLRPCI started with 12.04, upgraded to kernel 3.5rc7 (which I was told wouldnt work, but it did), then updated to 12.10.  lastly I did... yeah, exactly that :-)01:42
TJ-DracoDanLRPC:  You need install 3 packages for whichever architecture you're using... linux-image linux-image-extra linux-headers01:42
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: as well as linux-headers* all01:42
DracoDanLRPCsorry for flood01:42
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: That's ok. Those are the ones. So you've got them locally... how did you install them?01:43
DracoDanLRPCsudo dpkg -i linux-*.deb01:43
danielboston26anyone else in this room can help me out?01:44
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: OK, so the vmlinux* config* initrd* should be in /boot/01:44
TJ-DracoDanLRPC:  and dpkg should have forced update-grub to run, too01:44
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: If those files are in /boot/ then I'd suggest first trying to do "sudo update-grub"01:44
DracoDanLRPCTJ-: http://pastebin.com/ZNhwQ6fW01:45
DracoDanLRPClooks like everything to me...01:45
TJ-danielboston26: Will this help you? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200628901:45
danielboston26TJ it would if i knew how to edit that file01:46
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: edit which file01:46
DracoDanLRPCshit, I have two different "3.5" kernels01:46
danielboston26i burned the img to a usb key01:46
DracoDanLRPCTJ-: too manys Dans, dont confuse us :-P01:46
TJ-danielboston26:  you can press a key at startup to cause you to see the bootloader's menu, then edit the boot command line. I think it will be the shift key... press as soon as the BIOS messages go by01:47
DracoDanLRPCugh, means I have to go to my basement!01:47
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: I have an idea!!!01:48
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: Some of those kernels you have listed on pastebin may be considered 'more recent' that the 3.5.0 version... so my bet is, 3.5.0 is listed in the GRUB menu under "Previous Linux versions"01:49
TJ-DracoDanLRPC: Like i said to dan... you need to hold down Shift when the PC boots past the BIOS to get to the grub menu, then select the correct entry.01:49
Fudgeany ideas about failed on url http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/quantal-desktop-i386.iso.zsync01:58
TJ-Fudge: There is no -i386 files?02:01
trismFudge: the i386 iso has failed to build for the last couple days (for some reason)02:03
Fudgethank you mate02:03
DracoDanLRPCTJ-: meh, I'll have to try again in a minute, as you guessed there was only one kernel listed02:04
pspeter3How do you install NVIDIA drivers on ubuntu 12.10?05:15
pspeter3Also is there a way to set a location with geoclue?05:19
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BluesKajHowdy all10:39
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sdimkovwill Wayland make it in 12.10 ?13:47
* MrChrisDruif thinks 14.04 will be hopefull sdimkov 14:03
MrChrisDruifAs I haven't heard about Wayland in long time14:03
tembraejoin #anonymous14:17
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centrelinkanyone know why banshee won't stop crashing?15:24
centrelinkI've tried clearing all my config files etc15:24
centrelinkdon't see what's changed15:24
Hanmaccentrelink when you open it from the bash, does it print output?15:27
centrelinkHanmac, yeah always dumps core, no matter what15:27
Hanmaci maybe cant help you with that ... it was only a sugestion15:27
TJ-centrelink: Worth running it under gdb, with the -dbgsym packages installed15:35
centrelinklol so useful15:35
Hanmaci get the Fontconfig warnings too ... ubuntu should update this packages :(15:37
HanmacTJ- could you help me when i show you some Xorg-backtrace? (there is some kind of Segmentationfault)15:38
TJ-Hanmac: I doubt it, Xorg is scary!15:38
TJ-Unless it's being run synchronously backtraces often don't relate to where an error occurred15:39
centrelink*** glibc detected *** banshee: malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x09561a37 ***15:39
HanmacTJ- http://pastebin.com/h28J5YWq << there is a backtrace at the end ...15:58
TJ-Hanmac: that's been a longstanding problem with Xorg, the mi event queue overflowing due to some other faulty module16:00
TJ-Hanmac: identifying the cause isn't trivial16:01
Hanmaci thought it may be a problem in drm_radeon ...16:02
TJ-It often is! I was working on that bug about 2 years ago!16:02
Hanmacmy currently bug is that something turned my scene white ... and its still white on tty16:03
TJ-I was using ssh to do a remote gdb on it, but I never got to the source of the issue16:05
Hanmaci installing dbg packages ... maybe the backtrace will be more informative the next time ...16:05
TJ-Hanmac: It won't - because the backtrace is generated in a different thread from where the problem lies. The backtrace is caused because the queue isn't being emptied in another thread16:08
IdleOneIf I have a 20GB partition (sda8) after my /home (sda2) How can I move it to the end of my / (sda1) so I can increase the size of /  ?16:46
IdleOneI have apparently run of of space on / and am no longer able to install/update any packages. I tried removing all extra installed kernels but I still get errors about runout of disk space.16:47
HanmacidleOne i think the best way would be to get an live cd an then try to reorder the partions16:48
TJ-IdleOne: You could think about converting all the partitions with spare space into LVM physical volumes, adding them to one volume group, and then creating a logical volume for /home/, copy sda2 into the LV, and update /etc/fstab, then expand sda1 into the space released by not using sda2 ?16:50
HanmacidleOne so you want to delete your sda8 right? ... when you did you could move the partions one-by-one and then resize the /16:51
IdleOneHanmac: if I delete sda8 I end up with unallocated space, can I then move sda2 onto/over that unallocated space?16:54
Hanmaci think you could16:55
IdleOneI think I might just end up backing everything up and starting over fresh.16:56
IdleOneproblem is I don't have enough free space right now.16:56
TJ-IdleOne: I recommend using LVM if you do; it makes reallocation of space trivially easy16:57
IdleOneTJ-: your LVM solution scares me because I don't understand it16:57
TJ-Idle I have everything except /boot/ in LVM ... root, /home/ /var/ and others16:58
IdleOneI'll read up on LVM and educate myself some.16:58
TJ-IdleOne: Using LVM you can extend and shrink volumes at will from a free pool,16:58
HanmacidleOne: maybe you have partions like this: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]16:58
Hanmacafter deleting 8 you get this: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][free]16:58
Hanmacthen move around: [1][2][free][3][4][5][6][7]16:58
Hanmacthen resize: [1][2big][3][4][5][6][7]16:58
TJ-IdleOne: I usually configure the HDD with the first partition for /boot/ then the second allocated as a PV... and then put / /home/ /var/ in separate LVs in the VG, and keep space unallocated16:59
TJ-Hanmac: Moving partitions around is a costly business in time especially if they're large. Often fast to copy them off to another spare hard drive17:00
TJ-Hanmac reads and writes on the same drive slows things down alot17:01
HanmacTJ- yeah but he may have not enougth space to copy the partions around ...17:01
TJ-Hanmac: Best course is to shrink the file-systems down to the minimum they can be, then move them to a safe place, then release their partitions. Often, file-systems use much less space than they have been allocated17:02
TJ-Often its best to do that after booting from a liveCD/USB image, so the hard disk isn't in use17:03
IdleOnethanks for the answers Hanmac and TJ- I think the simplest way is going to be for me to get the needed storage for backup and then start with a fresh LVM17:08
Hanmaci will try LVM too but not before the next great rebuild (new mainboard + and others)17:23
simplygadesHas anyone tried Quantal on GMA500 hardware?17:32
HanmacoO was this advertising?17:33
ls612Could someone please point me at instructions for setting up Quantal Quetzal as a Virtual Machine?18:20
wilee-nileels612, have you ever use vbox?18:22
wilee-nileeAh, okay that is a commonly used virtual machine hold on I will get you a link18:24
wilee-nileeyou going to run it in linux, MS, or Apple18:25
ls612Windows 7.18:25
ls612I'm setting it up as a VM so that it won't damage anything important.18:25
ls612as it is still alpha.18:25
wilee-nileecool, here is the download, install it and use the ISO of Quantal I can walk you through it. https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads18:26
wilee-nileenot sure where its at as far as names never really matters here. ;)18:27
wilee-nileehere is the info alpha 3 what ever that means I never really pay attention to that part myself. http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2012/07/26/12-10-quantal-quetzal-alpha-3-released/18:28
wilee-nileeI'm in 9 channels so use my nic to contact me here type in a few leters of it and hit tab to complete and I will be notified you posted. ;)18:30
wilee-nileeVM's wont effect the host=W7, in any case generally.18:31
wilee-nileels612, Do you have the quantal ISO?18:41
ls612wilee-nilee: 75% dled18:41
wilee-nileels612, cool I'm just hanging so this should be pretty straight forward, download the exstension pack on that vbox link as well if you want what it provides.18:42
ls612wilee-nilee: ok, I have vbox and the extension installed and the iso downloaded, what do I do next?18:46
wilee-nileels612, So kopen vbox and hit new18:48
wilee-nileename it and identify the OS in the following screens18:48
wilee-nileehow much ram is on the computer?18:49
ls6128 GB18:49
Hanmacthere should be an autorun function: "install medium detected: do you want to create an VM?" :'D18:49
wilee-nileecool I would give quantal at least a gig you can adjust this as you want whenever you want.18:50
wilee-nileechoose the vdi in the next screen, am I explaining this okay?18:51
ls612wilee-nilee: what should I select, create new hard disk?18:52
wilee-nileeyou are creating one in the virtual you don'y\t have one as of now it is the container for quantal18:53
wilee-nileeIf you had a OS that had been set up already you could choose use existing disc to reload it to vbox.18:54
ls612wilee-nilee: OK, it says my virtual disk will be created in 18 min18:56
wilee-nileehmm I have never seen that can you make a screen shot of that?18:57
wilee-nileeput the screen shot here. http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add19:00
wilee-nileeI have used vbox in W7 I don't recall seeing a time on creating it, did you choose the vdi type?19:01
ls612wilee-nilee: It says 'creating fixed medium storage unit', and then the filepath to my vbox VMs folder.19:02
ls612yes I chose vdi, and chose 64 GB for the virtual disk size19:02
ls612my 1 TB HD will not miss those 64 gigs.19:03
wilee-nileels612, hmm I have only used about 10 to 15 gigs on a ubuntu, it may be that the larger needs building, not sure really.19:03
wilee-nileeI just install open source stuff in a partition, I rarely use a virtual, but I understand others may.19:05
wilee-nileeAh they choose the fixed size rather then dynamic box hehe.19:16
ls612wilee-nilee: OK, I now have one virtual machine in the Vbox menu, what do I do next?19:34
wilee-nileelet me get to where you are in a vbox.19:35
wilee-nileeopen the settings19:36
wilee-nileego to storage and link the cd to the ISO19:36
wilee-nileemine says id secondary with a dropdown to choose a virtual cd/dvd file find th ISO with that.19:38
ls612OK, it is now linked, do I click OK?19:39
ls612and then start?19:39
wilee-nileenow in the setting hit display and move the slider to at least 12819:40
wilee-nilee128 mb19:40
wilee-nileethis is video memory19:40
ls612Will it matter if I have an integrated gfx card?19:41
wilee-nileenot sure there really19:41
ls612Should I check the acceleration boxes?19:41
wilee-nileethe box uses the card with its own drivers19:41
wilee-nileeyou could hit the 3d if you like19:42
ls612OK, what should I do next?19:42
wilee-nileels612, you can close it and then start it, the setings in general is the key to add like usb devices and a shared file along with what you have done already and other options, used with the machine off in general19:43
wilee-nileeI had you link the ISO first and set the display just to make things easier this is the way I do it.19:44
wilee-nileeI figured out you used the fixed box rather then the dynamic, this had it making time to make the machine that is okay.19:45
ls612So I am in the VM now. Should I just use the normal Ubuntu install?19:46
wilee-nileels612, yeah just choose the top install to the whole disc, it is just to the disc you made.19:48
wilee-nileethe install to disc when you get there, tick the update and 3rd party boxes on the way there in a earlier gui19:49
ls612wilee-nilee: How do I change the VM resolution, currently it is too small19:49
wilee-nileels612, you will add a guest adon when you're installed that will give you a full screen19:50
wilee-nileeThat will be after rebooting the install19:50
wilee-nileeinstall is about 20 min generally if you have medium to fast download for the updates etc.19:54
wilee-nileenly be goI'm going to get some thai food to go in about 10, min close by so I will gone about 10min, I will let you know when I leave. ;) lunch time here.19:57
wilee-nileeI will be*19:57
IdleOneCan I mount /tmp to sda8 (20GB partition) and will it work?20:06
IdleOneor maybe link it?20:07
wilee-nileels612, I'm going for lunch I will be back shortly I will let you know when I am back.20:07
wilee-nilee  ls612 I'm back20:22
ls612Cool, it is done installing. How do I get it to run full-screen?20:23
wilee-nileels612, have you rebooted?20:23
wilee-nileein the top panel is a dropdown I forget which button, look for guest addons it should autostart when you tick it I believe in windows20:24
ls612wilee-nilee: the top panel of vbox?20:25
wilee-nileeof the machine itself20:26
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wilee-nileeonce it runs you can logout or reboot tlo get it to work20:27
wilee-nileels612, I have found ubuntu to run a bit chunky in a vbox, but I never really have enough ram to allocate as I only have 2 gigs overall, you experience may be different though. Ubuntu flys on a partitioned install here.20:31
ls612it runs fine for me, but there is a vbox error with the guest addons.20:32
ls612where can I post the screenie?20:32
wilee-nilee http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add20:32
wilee-nileeThe original iso for install is probably tick look in that top bar for the addons to be ticked if that is not what got you to this erreor20:35
wilee-nileelook in  computer as well to see if you see the addons showing20:36
wilee-nileelike a cd would look20:36
ls612OK it works now. Which addon(s) should I install?20:36
wilee-nileewhat is the choice20:36
wilee-nileeyou didn;t get the autostart, chose the windows .exe if it says .exe20:37
wilee-nileevbox windows x86 is 32 bit and the other is 6420:38
wilee-nileechoose per your computers setup I believe I have never had a 64 bit setup my self20:39
wilee-nileeI assume you probably are 64 bit with 8 gigs ram, an assumption only though20:40
ls612yes, but I get another error.20:43
ls612except in place of *name removed* is my name20:44
wilee-nileeNot sure really I have never had and error here, there is a vbox channel as well if nobody here knows what is up.  #vbox20:45
ls612wilee-nilee: another error, http://imagebin.org/22368520:48
wilee-nileeI think it is safe to run the force I think the problem is that the install ISO is ticked rather then the guest addons20:49
wilee-nileeWhen I reboot a install I remove the iso from the machine basically20:50
wilee-nileeyou are booted to the install right not the live cd, I had to ask lol20:51
ls612yes, and it works now.20:53
wilee-nileethe addons are installing with the force unmount?20:54
wilee-nileeweird syntax on the last error hard to really understand in general, except for the key word quantal.20:55
wilee-nileeonce the adons are loaded you can logout then back in they should work then, there are buttons on the machines top that work with the guest addons20:56
wilee-nileeonce the machine is running you can close and open the original gui that starts the machine without effecting the running machine if you like.20:58
cjohnstongreetings.. im having an issue on my laptop where I am unable to get on the internet via wifi. I am connected to the router, and can browse the router setup paige, but cant access the external internet. I have tried every kernel I have installed with no change. I booted into a seperate install on a different partition and I can connect to the internet with no problem. when I was at home this morning being plugged in via21:06
ls612wilee-nilee: My screen res is 1366 by 768, but the highest that ubuntu apparently goes is 1024 by 768. is that normal?21:08
wilee-nileels612, the vbox is running using its own drivers so I'm not sure here, it might be able to be tweaked to a higher resolution I suspect the #vbox channel would know best if know one here does.21:12
LinixHow do I add PPAs on Ubuntu 12.10? It doesn't seam to want to add them.22:33
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ls612I'm having an issue installing the vbox Guest additions using a VM of QQ Alpha 3.23:49
ls612Does anyone know what I did wrong?23:54

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