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LetoThe2ndwhats the current recommended way fo cross-building packages, especially kernel?06:39
LetoThe2ndis xdeb still alive?06:39
scientesLetoThe2nd, xdeb is dead06:41
scientesLetoThe2nd, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultiarchCross06:42
scientesLetoThe2nd, also this http://gsoc.sitedethib.com/posts/apt-get_install_gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabihf/06:42
scientesLetoThe2nd, oh if you just want to cross-build the kernel that is easy with upstream or just from a git  using make deb-pkg06:42
scientesjust set the cross-compiler prefix, and run config, and make with ARCH=arm06:43
scientesand install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi[hf]06:43
scienteswhich is in ubuntu an emdebian06:43
LetoThe2ndscientes: does make-kpkg shonour the ARCH envirnoment variable?06:43
scientesmake deb-pkg06:45
scientesplease use that06:45
scientesLetoThe2nd, you will know if you arch variable isn't set right, cause you will get alot of configuration questions that dont apply to arm06:46
scientes(if you have set up your .config right in the first place)06:46
LetoThe2ndscientes: ok, will check that out. thanks!06:46
scientesthe ubuntu kernel packages have configs in them to start you out if you need that06:48
scientesbut really you need something for your board06:48
LetoThe2ndi've got a known good kernel config i'm using for rt tests :) for a start compiling on the panda was fine, but it starts to get boring ;)06:49
scientesyeah you just set the cross compiler prefix variable06:55
scientesand you can even set arch in your .config06:55
scientesbut i just run it with ARCH=arm make uImage06:56
scientesand gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf in ubuntu or emdebian has all you need to cross-compile it06:56
ogra_LetoThe2nd, http://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/2012/03/26/ubuntu-12-04-precise-and-cross-compilation-of-arm-kernels/07:42
LetoThe2ndogra_: ah, the usual suspects strike again07:43
LetoThe2ndogra_: but does that apply to vanilla kernels also?07:43
ogra_CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- make uImage07:43
ogra_oh, might be gnueabihf nowadays07:44
LetoThe2ndit is.07:44
LetoThe2ndi mean, isn't there a compact way to cross-build vanilla kernels into a deb?07:45
ogra_ah, i think they ship a way upstream but never used it07:45
ogra_if its really vaniall mainline you wan, there is a kernel team PPA that has daily builds iirc07:46
LetoThe2ndogra_: hard to use if you want to apply rt patches and spidev enablement...07:47
ogra_that should be mainline just with the ubuntu packaging bits added07:47
ogra_ah, k07:47
ogra_CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make deb-pkg07:48
ogra_try that one07:49
ogra_i think thats the makefile target upstream ships for debs07:49
LetoThe2ndyes, ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make deb-pkg07:49
LetoThe2ndwill let you know once i've copied everything over.07:49
ogra_it wont be "proper" but at least it uses the package system07:50
LetoThe2ndwill lack "properness" in terms of?07:50
LetoThe2ndso far i've just used make-kpkg on the target itself07:50
ogra_dunno, but there must be a reason our kernel team takes the effort to do our own packaging ;)07:51
LetoThe2ndpossibly yes.07:52
* ogra_ shakes his head about amazon spam ... 07:52
LetoThe2ndogra_: pretty amazons?07:52
ogra_based on my recent buyings they offer me "blah" ...07:53
ogra_i just bought "blah" why would i be intrested to buy that again  ?07:53
ogra_probably from a different manufacturer than i just bought it from ... butu still, where is the logic in that07:53
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_Lucretia_to build opengl, is there a deb with the headers in?09:51
ogra_opengl ... on arm ?!?09:52
_Lucretia_well, gles09:53
ogra_there are mesa headers for it, yes09:53
_Lucretia_there are mesa packages09:53
_Lucretia_right, so just install that?09:53
_Lucretia_it won't overwrite any gl acceleration libs - not that i can find them09:53
alf___Lucretia_: What platform are you using?09:54
_Lucretia_pandaboard es09:54
_Lucretia_using armhf09:54
_Lucretia_have installed the sgx drivers09:54
alf___Lucretia_: libgles2-omap4-sgx-dev (I don't remember the exact name) has the headers files you need09:55
_Lucretia_no such package09:55
_Lucretia_is it another repo i have to activate?09:56
ogra_alf__, why wouldnt mesa work ? thats what we use for package builds afaik09:56
alf__ogra_: I think that installing the mesa -dev packages would uninstall sgx09:56
_Lucretia_that's what I was thinking - also, it would be sw rendering09:57
_Lucretia_I need hw09:57
ogra_oh, that could be (no idea about the deps here, i didnt look) the resulting binaries should work just fine built against mesa though09:57
ogra_else everything we build packaged for gles wouldnt work ;)09:58
alf__ogra_: Sure, they would work fine, but the development cycle would be horrendous (I 've been there ;)09:59
_Lucretia_alf__: I don't have that package in apt - where do I get it?10:00
alf___Lucretia_: Let me check...10:03
* _Lucretia_ doesn't have universe active in the repo10:04
alf___Lucretia_: do you have pvr-omap4-dev?10:07
_Lucretia_in there?10:08
_Lucretia_oh they're hidden away10:08
ogra_https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/pvr-omap4/ ...10:09
ogra_but if you used the PPA you should rather get the -dev package from there10:09
ogra_i doubt the version matches whats in the ubuntu archive10:09
ogra_(the above is whats in the archive in "restricted")10:10
_Lucretia_i know10:11
_Lucretia_trying to build an app, seems to want the GL stuff as well10:11
_Lucretia_ok they can be installed side by side10:13
alf___Lucretia_: btw, the correct name is libgles2-sgx-omap4-dev, can you install that?10:14
_Lucretia_alf__: no10:14
_Lucretia_not in my apt10:14
alf__ogra_: Do you know where ^^ is? Universe maybe?10:15
_Lucretia_i can turn on universe10:15
ogra_alf__, see the LP page ;) its in restricted10:15
ogra_(which is enabled by default ... as well as universe and multiverse usually)10:16
alf__ogra_: but pvr-omap4 source doesn't seem to produce libgles2-sgx-omap4*10:16
ogra_might be that rsalveti named it differently ?10:17
_Lucretia_this is my sources http://pastebin.com/0b41Xi6T10:18
alf__I think that pvr-omap4* just contain the files, and libgles2/gles1/egl-sgx-* enable these using alternatives (or something like that)10:18
ogra__Lucretia_, looks fine10:20
ogra_alf__, well, if that package is really needed we should get it in if it isnt ... but i think we should wait for rsalveti to explain10:20
alf__ogra_: agreed10:21
_Lucretia_ogra_: ok10:23
_Lucretia_so does the alternatives work for selecting mesa/pvr?10:24
alf___Lucretia_: Can you please run 'apt-cache madison libgles2-sgx-omap4' , so we can get a hint where the libgles2-sgx packages are.10:24
alf___Lucretia_: assuming you have libgles2-sgx-omap4 (but not -dev)10:25
_Lucretia_libgles2-sgx-omap4 <- I don't have that10:25
alf___Lucretia_: ok10:26
_Lucretia_I have pvr-omap4-dev10:26
_Lucretia_my version of ubu is precise10:28
alf___Lucretia_: ok, so to be clear, what happens when you try to build an app that requires gles2?10:31
_Lucretia_i haven't actually tried that yet10:31
_Lucretia_what i have tried is something that's a bit of an abomination10:31
_Lucretia_in that it still requires GL/* stuff10:31
_Lucretia_its wierd10:31
_Lucretia_but uses only the gles subset - it's a binding to it from Ada10:32
_Lucretia_tbh, it doesn't build and i'm gonna get onto the person who wrote it10:32
alf___Lucretia_: As ogra_ mentioned before you can experiment with mesa gles1/gles2 first (e.g. on a normal desktop), and when it builds you can continue on the panda.10:33
_Lucretia_ok, so it's possible to do that by using the alternatives then?10:35
alf___Lucretia_: You can install all of gl/gles1/gles2 at the same time10:37
alf___Lucretia_: no need for alternatives for that10:37
_Lucretia_yes i have done10:38
_Lucretia_but i have to select which version i'm using then?10:38
* _Lucretia_ is just a bit unsure how all this fits together10:38
alf___Lucretia_: no, there are different libraries (libGL,libGLESv2...) and header file locations. It's the app's job to select what it want to use and build using that.10:39
alf__ogra_: Checking  the pvr-omap4 packages a bit more it seems they are able to work standalone. Two issues I am seeing: 1. no pkg-config files 2. They don't "Provide" libegl,libgles2 etc, I am not sure what's going on with that.10:41
ogra_yeah, thus lets wait for rsalveti, i'm sure he tested them ...10:42
* ogra_ arghs over Bug 103253510:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 1032535 in grub2 "installArchives() failed: Setting up linux-image-3.2.0-26-generic (3.2.0-26.41) ... Running depmod. update-initramfs: deferring update (hook will be called later) Examining /etc/kernel/postinst.d. run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms 3.2.0-26-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-26-generic run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools 3.2.0-26-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-26-generic update-initra10:56
ogra_wow, i'm impressed the bot can handle the description10:56
LetoThe2nd... better than being compressed by the bot10:58
LetoThe2ndmy panda fails to mount a nfs share, it just gets stuck forever at the mount command. mounting the share from the desktop box works, nevertheless. any ideas where to start debugging?11:26
ogra_is no_root_squash set ? (usual suspect)12:28
LetoThe2ndogra_: sure. its not for RFS anyways.12:29
LetoThe2ndonly thing a bit unusual is that the exported directory is a symplink in the end. but that used to be fine for a long time, even for RFS. and its still when i mount on the desktop12:30
ogra_do you have the nfs-common stuff installed ?12:31
ogra_stgraber, any ideas ? ^^^12:32
* ogra_ hasnt actually used nfs in years 12:32
LetoThe2nddoes nfs-mounting produce any logging somewhere?12:32
ogra_syslog i would guess12:32
LetoThe2ndi can start over with a backup of the fresh install, but it'll take quite some time to copy the image back.12:33
ogra_nah, better debug it12:33
ogra_lsmod shows nfs i suppose (and /proc/filesystems)12:34
LetoThe2ndcheck. /proc/filesystems{nfs,nfs4,nfsd} are marked with nodev, though12:36
ogra_are you using v4 actually ?12:36
* ogra_ isnt sure if you dont need nfs4-acl-tools then12:36
LetoThe2ndnot actively decided for v412:37
LetoThe2ndthe exports declaration is also classically v312:45
LetoThe2ndhm. IIRC i've had a lockout earlier when using another NFS mount12:46
ogra_tried async ?12:47
LetoThe2ndjust done. no effect.12:47
ogra_pinging the ip of the server works ?12:48
ogra_(and i assume the spaces in your fstab line above were just eaten by the paste)12:48
ogra_err /etc/exports line12:49
LetoThe2ndogra_: correct assumptions. irssi ate my tabs.12:49
ogra_well, smells like a bug but without any data in dmesg or syslog its hard to nail down12:50
LetoThe2nddmesg is dead silent12:51
ogra_no mount errors in syslog ?12:51
LetoThe2ndalso dead silent12:53
ogra_very weird12:53
LetoThe2ndi think i'll start over with the backupped image.12:53
LetoThe2ndif it still appears then, it really is a hard bug.12:53
ogra_well, we need at least some datapoints12:53
LetoThe2ndhard to find.12:58
stgraberLetoThe2nd: is it just a problem at boot time? as in, if you add "nobootwait" in the fstab and try to mount post-boot, does it work?13:07
BV1ALwhich kernel module can enable OTG as 'host mode' ? so I can set it to load first in 'uInitrd'13:08
LetoThe2ndstgraber: only talking about post-boot, its a share i want to use for data transfer13:10
ogra_BV1AL, http://omappedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_on_OMAP_FAQ#USB_OTG_port_on_PandaBoard_does_not_as_host_under_Ubuntu13:25
BV1ALogra_: thanks13:38
BV1ALit seems ubuntu has poor support for these devices  :(13:38
ogra_feel free to help out with patches :)13:41
BV1ALI mean they release those 'pre-build' images for us to download, but it's unable to run13:42
ogra_they get tested pretty heavily before being released13:42
LetoThe2ndogra_: i guess its the usual "we didn't you guess in advance what i need personally and implement it exactly that way"-bashing.13:43
BV1ALthe ubuntu pre-build images just don't support OTG as host mode, so I cannot connect keyb/mouse to work on it13:43
ogra_connect to the normal USB?13:44
ogra_as i said, feel free to file a bug and submit a patch that fixes it13:44
BV1ALthe Blaze has only a OTG to connect USB devices13:44
ogra_a blaze isnt a pandaboard13:44
BV1ALi knew13:45
ogra_if you have a blaze you should also have a contract with TI ... they provide ubuntu images adjusted for blazes13:45
BV1ALso it's a proprietary developed image ?13:46
ogra_no, its the same image with adjustments for the blaze13:46
ogra_i.e. a different kernel that has OTG enabled i suppose13:47
ogra_ask your TI representative ;)13:47
BV1ALthis mean I have to find my contract, then ask TI for the image to download ?13:47
ogra_i guess so13:47
BV1ALok, thanks13:48
ogra_the panda image works on the blaze but is definitely not optimized in any way for it13:48
BV1ALI thought I can find a kernel module and put in 'uInitrd' to force it load first during bootup and enable OTG.13:49
ogra_well, apparently not witzh the pandaboard kernel13:50
alf__rsalveti: Hi! Are there any libgl*-sgx-omap4 packages for precise armhf (not linaro)? I can only find pvr-omap4*13:56
LetoThe2ndogra_: after reverting to backup, mount works fine. hmh.14:51
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ogra_LetoThe2nd, cosmic rays15:19
LetoThe2ndogra_: either that, or lack of metal mp3s on the nfs share.15:22
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prpplaguejust fyi, there is an omap5 pandaboard wishlist thread up on the mailing list - feel free to post complaints as well - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/pandaboard/mQxpEEDM6Ww16:55
GrueMasterSata, 1Gb ethernet, 2G mem, 802.11n come to mind.?16:59
infinityBazillions of gigs of RAM!16:59
infinityBut you already have my feedback. ;)16:59
GrueMasterSounds like someone wants to rebuild OOo.17:00
infinityprpplague: Please don't ditch the DB9 serial port, unless you ship the Panda5 with a header->DB9 ribbon, so I don't have to source one.17:00
prpplagueplease add to the thread if you have time17:01
ogra_2G mem ?17:03
* ogra_ just wants DRAM sockets !17:03
ogra_with no limits !17:03
infinityprpplague: Responded.17:06
prpplagueinfinity: thanks17:06
rsalvetialf__: the pvr-omap4 replaces the others17:09
rsalvetialf__: because it uses alternatives17:09
rsalvetiogra_: LetoThe2nd ^17:10
rsalvetiso we don't have the libgl* packages anymore17:10
prpplaguersalveti: your feedback would greatly appreciated as well17:10
rsalvetiprpplague: oh, cool, will check17:11
ogra_rsalveti, thats what i thought, thanks for confirming17:11
ppisatiprpplague: any ETA for this board?17:37
* prpplague can't make any statements on that17:38
prpplagueppisati: but any info you post on the list would be extremely helpfu;17:38
prpplaguebrb need food17:38
ppisatiprpplague: i don't have any info, i want info :)17:38
* ogra_ is in line with maens on the rs232 :)17:38
ppisatiprpplague: ram sockets, sats and pci-e17:39
ppisatiprpplague: that would be perfect17:39
ogra_prpplague, and after spending two days to work around the USB powering (which is there for no good reason really) please done make it power through any mini USB ports17:39
ogra_oh, and no microSD ...17:40
ogra_i hate using adapters17:40
prpplagueogra_: i did not understand your statement about usb powering18:00
ogra_prpplague, you didnt read my blogpost then :)18:00
prpplagueogra_: url?18:00
ogra_the mini USB doesnt give enough current to run the board unless you roll a custom embedded kernel anyway ...  i would just drop that "feature" in the new board18:01
ogra_it made a lot of sense on the beagle ... but the more power you require the less useful it is18:02
prpplagueogra_: yes that is why we recommend the dual usb cable, similar to whats used on external HD's and cdroms18:04
prpplagueogra_: but i am not understanding your "power cycle" issue18:04
ogra_prpplague, the boards are sitting in a rack you cant really access ... the power supplies are connected to a web controlled power strip18:04
ogra_if i power off the PSU, the boards stay on18:05
ogra_pulling their power from mini usb18:05
prpplagueogra_: they shouldn't be as long as you have the barrel jack inserted18:05
ogra_well, they are18:05
prpplagueogra_: even when the barrel jack is inserted?18:06
ogra_well, the web controlled power strip has no robot arm attached, so yes :)18:06
prpplagueogra_: well i didn't know if you were powering the board via the expansion header or via one of the other power points18:06
prpplagueogra_: 4430 or 4460?18:06
ogra_all of them18:07
ogra_from EA1 to ES B118:07
ogra_i havent found a model that would power off in this setup18:07
prpplagueogra_: i suspect there is something in your setup that i do not understand, because i regularly test panda for this specific condition18:07
ogra_there is nothing to understand, use the std PSU and a usb->miniUSB cable18:08
prpplagueogra_: i wish you had checked with me sooner on this18:08
prpplagueogra_: yea thats how we test it18:08
ogra_prpplague, i only discovered it during this project last weeks monday18:08
ogra_but i can always reproduce, even with my pandas at home18:09
ogra_as long as mini usb is attached they recieve power18:09
ogra_no matter if i pull the barrel connector or the wall plug18:09
ogra_anyway, i worked around i, works fine now :)18:09
prpplagueogra_: yea that bothers me, because we specifically test for that18:10
ogra_if its actually supposed to have a switch through the barrel connector i'll happily test an EA board of omap5 if you have one :)18:10
prpplagueogra_: i just tested two boards here, neither show that issue18:10
prpplagueogra_: the board is specifically designed to not allow that to happen18:11
prpplagueogra_: no mods done to your boards?18:11
ogra_well, what should i say18:11
ogra_nope, they came freshly out of the boxes or out of bubblewrap ....18:12
prpplagueogra_: interesting18:12
ogra_we have several different models there18:12
prpplagueogra_: i'll grab some off the assembly line for testing18:12
ogra_i kept the EA1 though18:12
ogra_(doesnt make sense to test on such old HW)18:13
prpplaguenow EA1 boards might have an issue18:13
ogra_well, thats why i kept it out of the loop ;)18:14
ogra_the others are all ES18:14
ogra_different versions though (dont ask me which, i remember an A1 and a B1, all that are in now have black PCBs)18:14
prpplagueogra_: i'll rerun a bunch of tests to see if can replicate the issue18:15
ogra_it works fine as it is now and i wont be able to tear it apart anymore18:15
ogra_(beond me being 4000 miles away from it)18:15
prpplaguebut i need to know why you were having that problem18:15
ogra_i'll try to replicate it her tomorrow with the boards i brought back18:16
prpplagueogra_: interesting18:20
prpplagueogra_: i just tested A1-A4 of pandaboard18:21
prpplagueogra_: all work properly18:21
ogra_and let me guess, you dont get the issue18:21
prpplagueogra_: i am wondering if all of yours were made by either circuitco or svtronics18:21
ogra_how would i tell ?18:22
ogra_(apart from not having the boxes anymore or any physical access)18:22
ogra_as i said, i can test tomorrow ... now GF calls and she will slay me if dinner gets cold ...18:23
prpplagueogra_: no worries18:23
prpplagueogra_: i suspect there has been an incorrect placement of a resistor on your boards18:23
ogra_oh, i'm not worried, the setup works fine :)18:23
ogra_and i really enjoyed doing the hw hack ...18:23
ogra_nobody was injured, result was good ;)18:24
prpplagueogra_: hehe, yea, just worries me18:26
prpplagueogra_: i'll dig around to find out if we have a BoM issue18:26
GrueMasterogra_: My pandarack at home had the power going to the barrel connector.  I had a single AT power supply connected through a serial controlled relay.  I also had all mini-usb connectors plugged into a powered hub which was connected to my serial console server.  I used this setup to test the configuration for the build rack that davidm built, and continue to use it now (although for SETI work).19:40
GrueMasterAnd I have several different rev boards, from EA1 to ES B1.19:41
ojnGrueMaster, did you use udev to keep the machines at a stable console device number, or did you not care that they could get renumbered on reboots?19:55
ojnthat's my current pain point with usb-to-serial controllers as console server19:55
GrueMasterojn: for my serial console setup, I have an 8-port PCI serial interface.  Always enumerates from com4-com11 and each 9-pin end is numbered.19:59
GrueMasterI didin't use the mini-usb.  OTG was too unstable between kernel rev's.19:59
GrueMasterI used mini-usb as one of the two boot methods, mainly to pull a preinstalled or netboot image to SD.20:00
GrueMasterI had too many issues with usb-serial cables.  1 per system is fine, 2+ becomes a headache.  I even have a 4-port usb-serial cable, but even it re-enumerates each port randomly.20:02
ojnyeah. having udev handle numbering of ttyUSB* the same way ethernet interfaces are handled wouldn't be a bad idea, renaming them to new numbers and keeping them stable. :)20:08
ojnseems quite doable, just never got high enough on the todo list20:08
infinityojn: It's not even remotely doable with most USB->Serial dongles, actually.20:11
infinityojn: Most have no unique identifier.20:11
infinity(Unless you intentionally buy several different brands)20:11
scientesjust look at all the insanity in gpsd cause gps devices actually look like serial dongles20:12
scientesand gpsd has to bind to all of them and figure out if they are gps devices20:12
* infinity vomits a little.20:13
ojninfinity, hmm, i was pretty sure the ones I looked at had serial numbers. Grmbl.20:13
infinityI thought I escaped modems 20 years ago.20:13
infinityApparently not.20:13
infinityojn: None of mine do.20:13
infinityojn: And GrueMaster's squid-like one with several dongles had no way to uniquely identify the tentacles.20:14
infinityIt makes perfect sense, really.20:15
infinityUSB->serial dongles are a high-marging, low-cost part that have no REASON for someone to burn a unique ID into each one, so why would the manufacturers bother?20:15
infinityThe tiny subset of their customers that might care (ie: us) really aren't enough to worry about.20:16
GrueMasterYea, my "squid" cable was esentially a hub in the center with 4 individual serial chips (pl2303 iirc) on the ends.20:16
GrueMasterIf they had serial numbers in the usb device info, udev would be a no-brainer.20:17
GrueMasterBut I have now experienced a worse condition.  Here in my new job, I have to suffer with Windows 7.  I have two different brands of serial usb cables, neither of which have the driver cd's.  They both work in Linux w/o issues.  Windows doesn't recognise them at all.20:18
stgraberVM + usb passthrough? :)20:19
GrueMasterstgraber: ???20:19
GrueMasterStraight Windows.  Sadly, I have had to revert to running Linux in a VM.  Only way to do decent coding.20:20
GrueMaster(and ensure my boss doesn't powercycle my Linux dev system...again.20:20
stgraberGrueMaster: You could run a VM on Windows using the USB passthrough feature of vmware/virtualbox to forward to the Ubuntu VM, then if the software is Windows-speciifc, run it in wine ;)20:22
stgraberthen no more serial driver problem20:22
stgraber(though probably a whole lot of other problems)20:22
GrueMasterThe Windows software has a slew of incompatibilities with Wine.  Doesn't even like to run in a Windows VM (I tried).20:23
GrueMasterThe different programs I have to deal with are...interesting at best.20:23
infinitystgraber: That's just disgusting. :P20:23
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stgraberinfinity: well, the alternative being to write a proper universal usb serial driver for Windows, I think I prefer to use a VM and wine ;)20:24
GrueMasterMeh.  I've done worse things (like running a dos envirounment in a vm under an emulator.20:24
infinityI suspect said proper driver might already exist, and the "driver disks" are nothing more than .inf files.20:24
GrueMasterTrue.  But without that inf file, you're hosed.20:25
infinitySurely, the Internets can provide.20:25
GrueMasterAnd since there are no markings on said cable, no way to look up the vendor.20:25
infinityOr you can yank the USB IDs from Linux and write an INF file. :P20:25
GrueMasterI looked, but all I could find were malware sites with "We can identify what drivers you need" crapware.20:26
GrueMasterStill need the dll for the actual serial chip.  MOStech, iirc.20:26
GrueMasterIn the end, I threw the cable in the trash and went across the street to buy two new Trendnet cables.20:26
GrueMasterAt my salary rate, it was cheaper to get new cables.20:27

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