
=== md_5|away is now known as md_5
jaddi27sagaci, Quantal translations are now open!11:27
sagacigcc 9k strings11:29
jaddi27oh, fun11:29
jaddi27It would be nice if the old ones rolled across, because most are the same11:29
sagaciyep kubuntu packages look like they're removed, except for the -docs11:30
jaddi27kubuntu is all upstream now, which is probably better11:35
jaddi27though I was surprised that kubuntu was moving to universal11:35
jaddi27sagaci, is there anything lined up for the meeting this week? Would you like me to send a reminder email out?11:37
sagacigo ahead11:38
=== md_5 is now known as md_5|away
md_5|awayI havent gotten anything on the mailing list recently11:38
md_5|awayI think windows live may be blocking it11:38
md_5|awaynope nothing in spam11:39
jaddi27I haven't seen anything that should have come through, so I don't think you are missing anything11:40
=== md_5|away is now known as md_5
=== md_5 is now known as md_5|away

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