
doctormonI'm after the contact details for Canonical Lexington, I've lost the details.12:34
=== dinojoker is now known as jokerdino
dpmhey all, we've just announced the Ubuntu App Showdown winners. If you could help us retweeting and sharing the announcement on the social networks, that'd be awesome. Here's the direct link: http://developer.ubuntu.com/2012/08/announcing-the-ubuntu-app-showdown-winners/13:04
dpmon twitter: https://twitter.com/ubuntuappdev/status/23282409849605734513:05
dpmon G+: https://plus.google.com/111697084657487423167/posts/hPzkh4YKcA713:07
doctormonthanks dpm, getting the winners installed now.14:15
doctormonThanks for doing to showdown!14:15
dpmdoctormon, awesome, I hope you like the winners - there are also some other cool apps among the participants14:16
doctormonOh I know, I have a lot installed from the review process.14:16
dpmah yeah14:16
dpmI also liked gwoffice and postman a lot14:17
doctormonfudge, I thought lightread was an rss reader, but it's just a google rss reader. I don't want google to know everything I'm reading, god damn.14:17
jcastroballoons: hah14:20
jcastrohow's the QA thread in the forums coming along? :)14:20
jcastrodpm: congrats! Nice work on the contest.14:27
jcastroheh, now to get all that in the software center, that sounds Not Fun.14:27
jcastrodpm: hey so for quantal, what do you guys do, do you wait for the people to resubmit their apps, or do you attempt to forward port them all at once?14:28
dpmjcastro, thanks! mhall119, jono, dholbach and many others equally share the credit too :-)14:28
dpmjcastro, the ARB generally sends an e-mail to all devs asking them to resubmit their apps. The CA team simply copies them all (the commercial ones) to the next release14:29
jcastroah ok14:29
jcastrojust as a side note, for the charms14:29
jcastrosince we automatically test them14:29
jcastrowe just copied them from one series to the next14:29
jcastroand most of them worked ootb14:29
dpmjcastro, yeah, I see it that way too, and I think at some point the arb will see that resubmitting and re-reviewing is not scalable14:30
doctormonI love the jigsaw, where's the list of accepted applications for the showdown?14:32
jcastrodoctormon: https://trello.com/board/ubuntu-arb-submissions/4fee2215cee295013c0862ba14:42
doctormonAh trello, thanks jcastro, I thought we had a nominal page for the software center links.14:43
jcastrothere's a queue14:43
jcastroThere might be a page you describe, not sure.14:44
jcastroI just happened to be on the board when you asked14:44
doctormonThat's quite a backlog, do we need more people to get ARB apps into the SC?14:44
jcastrowe need more of everything14:45
jcastrodo we have a meeting in 10?14:50
jcastroif it was replaced with you guys doing your app-dev call again that would be totally fine with me.14:51
* jcastro whistles14:51
jonodpm, mhall119 will be a just a few mins and then ready14:59
jonojcastro, app dev call14:59
jcastroare you kidding? I'm dancing over here.15:00
mhall119jono: we're still on a call with didrocks, so we'll be a few also15:01
balloonsjcastro, you were asking about the survey thread I take it?15:02
jonomhall119, np15:02
jcastrojono: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qdwyw/15:03
jcastrolet that set the tone for your meeting. heh.15:03
balloonsthere's been the usual raf of random complaints. But some folks on the forum have a really good perspective. My goal is to get them to be part of the solution by fixing the problems they know exist..15:03
balloonson the survey side, we're over 150 responses already :-)15:04
jcastromhall119: you're still running your WP on one small or micro on EC2 right?15:04
mhall119jcastro: yeah, one micro15:05
jcastromarcoceppi: I wonder if the local: trick will work on one micro15:05
jcastroseems like too much stuff on one15:05
marcoceppijcastro: it does, tbh15:05
marcoceppiMySQL + Micro doesn't play nice15:06
marcoceppiToo many cycles are stolen from a micro instance15:06
marcoceppijcastro: mhall119 we used an m1.small for OMG's database, that could easily hold both15:06
jcastroyeah but smalls won't work for normal people, that comes out to like 70 bucks15:07
balloonswhy not use rds + micro app server?15:07
marcoceppiballoons: juju doesn't know about rds15:07
marcoceppijcastro: ah, then I recommend running your micro in the us-west-2 datacenter15:07
marcoceppiballoons: that would be a cool subordinate charm though15:08
mhall119marcoceppi: jcastro: Using the WP caching module lets me skip calling MySQL most of the time, which has been a big performance boost for me15:08
jonodpm, mhall119 just let me know when you are ready15:08
dpmjono, we're ready to go15:09
mhall119jono: I'm ready, dpm?15:09
jcastromarcoceppi: ok when we promulgate I'll test it on us-west-215:09
jcastroafter I sort this HP billing mess15:09
marcoceppio/ have fun I'll have something for promulgation in a bit after I wrestle with nfs some more15:09
balloonsmarcoceppi, yes.. an rds subordinate15:09
dpmdoctormon, here's the list: http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/apps/15:10
dpmthe trello board can also be filtered by showdown apps15:10
jonodpm, mhall119 oh, I didn't realize you had finished your call with didrocks15:11
dpmjust finished a few mins ago, we're set now15:11
bkerensajcastro: you got billed? :P15:59
jcastrodid you?16:00
jcastroyeah, I did, heh16:01
* bkerensa goes to check16:01
bkerensajcastro: nope it shows at the end that the total cost was discounted16:02
bkerensajcastro: I see what happened16:17
bkerensaI think we only get one month of the free service16:17
bkerensathats what HP just told me16:17
bkerensathey said at the end of August regular billing would start for my account16:18
jonoballoons, about set?16:27
balloonsjono, yeo16:27
jonoballoons, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/ac272f81d2ce43250fad99ab0ad102990a52d627?authuser=0&hl=en-US16:32
balloonsi learned something new about unity today.. man, everyday it seems like I find something new and useful17:06
balloonsI was showing my wife keyboard shortcuts and workspaces.. and I found the ctrl+alt+shift arrow keys to move windows. Sweet! no more right click and move to workspace for me17:06
jcastroballoons: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28086/what-are-unitys-keyboard-and-mouse-shortcuts17:35
jcastropro tip17:35
jcastromiddle click on a window title17:35
jcastrosends it back in Z order17:35
jcastroit will change your life17:35
* balloons mind blown17:36
jcastroI know right17:37
balloonsRight click on Maximize - Maximize Window Horizontally17:37
balloonssuperw.. forget that one17:38
balloonsthere goes my afternoon..17:39
mhall119balloons: super+ctrl+(left, right)17:49
mhall119and super+ctrl+(up,down)17:49
balloonsmhall119, hehe17:49
balloonsI was wondering why I can't ctrl+alt+617:50
balloonsand snap right17:50
MrChrisDruifjcastro; you've probably seen this wall before, right? http://joseeantonior.com/pared.png18:39
MrChrisDruifJoseeAntonioR is trying to recreate it, but he's having trouble finding all the icons (some are hard to find in .svg)18:40
MrChrisDruifCould you maybe give a pointer where the whole collection can be found, because the "set" of pictograms doesn't contain them all18:41
JoseeAntonioRthanks, MrChrisDruif18:42
* bkerensa needs a giant Ubuntu Circle of Friends stencil :D18:50
jcastrothat looks sweet dude18:54
jcastrowhat's the one top left from the ubuntu logo?18:54
jcastrothe + sign looking one?18:54
JoseeAntonioRI can't find it, so I don't know what it is18:54
jcastro"Ubuntu Fan: Keeping you cool and comfortable"18:55
jcastroballoons: you have nvidia right18:56
jcastroI get serious sluggishness on 12.10 in nvidia18:56
balloonsjcastro, I have both now18:56
balloonsI'm running 12.10 on the open source amd drivers18:56
balloonsI'm a fan18:57
balloonsinstant vt switching, no lag.. really no issues18:57
balloonsthe nvidia card is on 12.0418:57
balloonsjcastro, has it just been with the 3.5 series kernels?18:58
balloonsI know that's been flagged by some of the testers18:58
jcastrowhatever is in quantal18:59
balloonsthat's 3.5 now18:59
balloonsbut the first kernel was 3.418:59
balloonsmeaning, at the beginning of the cycle was it an issue?18:59
balloonsor is it an issue now?18:59
jcastroI think so?19:01
jcastrolet me finish some work stuff then I'll investigate19:01
jcastroI was just wondering if you had an offhand "oh everyone knows nvidia is broken right now"19:01
balloonseveryone knows :-)19:03
balloonsthe big deal is the new x server19:04
bkerensais xserver-xorg fixed in quantal yet?19:04
balloonsbkerensa, I'm not sure on the exact status.. My guess is no19:09
bkerensaI upgraded my new install on my SSD and it nuked19:09
bkerensait wouldnt boot into lightdm19:09
balloonsbkerensa, ohh ?19:10
balloonsu still have it?19:10
bkerensaI wiped19:10
bkerensaI tried everything though19:10
bkerensaI went to recovery and root terminal19:10
balloonsi believe the x version in proposed or from the testing ppa would have worked for you19:10
bkerensaand tried purging xserver*19:10
bkerensaand reinstalling19:10
bkerensaone of the depends was not available or something19:10

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