
SinusoidalI just came here to say I tried Linux for the first time and unity sucks hard. Windows 7 blows it out of the water04:04
didrocksgood morning05:57
didrocksanyone on quantal: can you lock your screen with ctrl + alt + L ?07:13
jasoncwarner_didrocks: yes, I can07:19
jasoncwarner_I am upto date as well07:20
didrocksjasoncwarner_: ok, should be a local issue then, thanks!07:20
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chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:41
didrockshey chrisccoulson07:41
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks07:43
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didrockstaking gnome-desktop308:34
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seb128didrocks, thanks for doing updates!08:50
didrocksseb128: no worry ;) hey!08:50
seb128didrocks, hey ;-)08:50
didrocksseb128: it's meeting report reminder day08:50
seb128didrocks, oh, right, thanks08:51
seb128didrocks, it has been quiet this morning here :p I just finished replying to whoopsie discussions on -release so I figured I would say hi on IRC ;-)08:51
didrocksseb128: heh, yeah, it's kind of quiet :)08:51
didrockshum, weird FTBFS on gnome-desktop3 (real issue this time), it builds successfully locally, time for pbuilder…08:59
seb128did I say before that I hate webkit?09:04
seb128"offlineasm: Parsing ../Source/JavaScriptCore/llint/LowLevelInterpreter.asm and Programs/LLIntOffsetsExtractor and creating assembly file DerivedSources/JavaScriptCore/LLIntAssembly.h.09:04
seb128from ../Source/JavaScriptCore/offlineasm/asm.rb:208:in `<main>'"09:04
didrocksnever heard you telling about it :)09:05
didrocksah, at least, getting the same issue on a pbuilder09:16
chrisccoulsonoh, i didn't realize you liked webkit so much seb128?09:22
chrisccoulson<seb128> did I say before that I love webkit?09:23
seb128chrisccoulson, you are looking for new challenges I can see! ;-)09:25
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you?09:25
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks. i got our tb contacts thing working with the new eds now :)09:26
chrisccoulsonhow are you?09:26
seb128I'm good thanks09:26
chrisccoulsoni may as well try and implement some of the missing features whilst i'm working on it now ;)09:26
seb128_stupid wifi09:28
seb128_chrisccoulson, I was saying, since you have experience with those eds changes you can probably help porting stuff ;-)09:29
* seb128_ hides again09:29
chrisccoulsonheh ;)09:29
chrisccoulsonwhat else needs porting?09:29
seb128_chrisccoulson, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html09:31
chrisccoulsonwhat does ubuntuone-client use eds for?09:33
seb128_they have a contact picker apparently in their nautilus integration09:35
seb128_I wonder if that's actually used, I never saw the ui09:35
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
seb128didrocks 1 - 2 gnome-desktop3 ;-)09:47
Sinusoidalcan we kill off that side bar panel09:55
didrocksseb128: it's really sneaky, indeed ;)09:58
chrisccoulsonmmm, just had a big delivery of beer10:31
seb128chrisccoulson, did you order it or is somebody being nice with you? ;-)10:32
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, i ordered it ;)10:32
didrockschrisccoulson: now that you are drunk, I have some thunderbird question for you :)10:33
chrisccoulsonoh no10:33
seb128chrisccoulson, got another tactical nuclear pingouin? :p10:33
didrockschrisccoulson: so, I have a folder which is marked with 4 unread items, for a few days10:33
chrisccoulsonseb128, heh, not this time ;)10:33
didrockswhen clicking on it, nothing happens, no new email10:33
didrockschrisccoulson: any idea how to debug this?10:36
chrisccoulsondidrocks, what happens if you right click on the folder, open the properties dialog and run "Repair Folder"?10:36
didrockschrisccoulson: let me try this10:36
didrockschrisccoulson: it worked \o/10:37
didrocksso the local index was damaged?10:37
chrisccoulsoni guess so. i'm not sure why that happens though :)10:37
didrockschrisccoulson: another quite related question: it's frustating when you are going offline that you don't get your emails in the new folders available, even if you stayed beforehand connected for an hour10:38
didrockschrisccoulson: there is no way to tell thunderbird "please make the emails available offline and download them"?10:38
chrisccoulsondidrocks, if you go in to the account settings, select "Synchronization & Storage", open the Advanced dialog, are all of the folders checked?10:40
didrocksis it the File -> synchronise option?10:40
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah, they are all checked10:40
didrocksbut I clearly see it retrieves the emails only when I click on a folder10:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, i guess that's related to the fact that the folder is not included new mail checking10:42
chrisccoulsonyou can fix that in the per-folder properties10:42
didrockshum, on the global setting, I did the "new mail checking" option10:42
chrisccoulsonbut there's nowhere in the UI yet to apply that to the whole account :(10:42
chrisccoulsonoh, which setting was that?10:43
didrockslike please check every folder10:43
didrocksthe one you made me checking in the about:flags or similar10:43
chrisccoulsonah, maybe that doesn't work as i expected10:43
chrisccoulsoni'll have to check10:43
didrocksto sum up:10:43
didrocks- I see that there are new emails available on all my folders (great!) with that option enabled10:44
didrocks- however, the emails themselves are not downloaded (and so not available offline), I need to click on the folder to get them retrieved10:44
chrisccoulsonah, i understand now10:44
didrockshope that makes sense :)10:45
didrockslast thing and I'll stop bothering you :)10:46
chrisccoulsoni'd need to spend some time looking at it to figure it out though :)10:46
didrocksI noticed that the "quick filter" button is dismissed regularly10:46
didrocksat first, I thought it was me triggering a shortcut without seeing that10:46
didrocksbut then seb128 confirmed last week10:46
didrockscan be at each thunderbird update, I didn't notice that10:46
didrocksas it's the only place where there is the effective search box, it's quite annoying :)10:47
chrisccoulsonoh, i've not noticed that before. i always keep it hidden to avoid clutter10:47
didrocksdid you notice that? what can remove this user personal pref?10:47
didrocksit's good though! you can *search* ;)10:47
didrocksmore seriously, it seems that this settings is reset regularly (don't have a pattern though, but still happens ~ once a week/every 2 weeks10:48
didrocksreally smeel like at each thunderbird update :)10:48
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, i summon it with ctrl+shift+k :)10:48
didrockschrisccoulson: my head is exploding already with shortcut!10:48
didrockschrisccoulson: can you keep on eye on this to confirm on next update please?10:49
chrisccoulsonyeah, sure10:49
didrocksthanks :)10:49
didrocksit's minor, but still annoying10:49
didrocksoh also, I have the "chat" button10:50
didrocksdid I install anything by mistake?10:50
* didrocks goes out for a run10:53
seb128hate hate hate tb11:02
seb128the damn thing is useless to reply to email when trying to quote parts, I'm glad I don't do that often11:02
seb128it keeps dropping the formatting and the color bars on the side, it's driving me crazy11:03
seb128you can't delete 5 lines in a 8 lines paragraph, it just puts the 3 remaining ones in one line and drop the quoting11:03
seb128chrisccoulson, http://ubuntuone.com/6WyB0k2I1pTmgeQoO2T3CK11:10
seb128chrisccoulson, am I doing anything wrong there?11:10
seb128can somebody explain me how to format things in there ;)11:10
Sweetsharkseb128: mutt wins!11:24
* Sweetshark seems to be a lot closer to having solved bug 1017125. However it suggests that boost::unordered_multimap<> is broken on quantal, so I dont know if I should be happy about that.11:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1017125 in libreoffice "LibreOffice crash in xmloff.Impress.XMLContentImporter::com::sun::star::document::XImporter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101712511:26
didrocksseb128: having the same experience here (never with gmail btw)11:26
seb128Laney, thanks for the gtk update, please announce on the channel updates you work on in new GNOME days like that though11:40
seb128Laney, I was about to start on gtk ;-)11:40
seb128Laney, version takes 1.5 hours to run atm which is not reactive enough to avoid duplication in busy days11:41
seb128 11:42
seb128doing telepathy-glib update11:42
Laneyseb128: oh, sorry, I thought filling the bug was enough11:42
seb128Laney, it usually is, but as said the roundtrip is some hours and on busy days where we are several to tackle updates it doesn't hurt to mention it there as well11:42
seb128Laney, will you do glib? ;-)11:43
Laneyyeah I suppose I can do that in exp11:44
seb128Laney, thanks11:44
jbichaseb128: would you like to sponsor clutter-1.0 for me? http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbicha/clutter-1.0/11:54
jbichafor some reason, clutter* isn't in the desktop set any more http://people.canonical.com/~stgraber/package_sets/quantal/ubuntu-desktop11:54
seb128jbicha, hey, can do11:54
=== dinojoker is now known as jokerdino
seb128grrrr webkit13:02
seb128srly, http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/Tools/gtk/patches/make-3.82-arg-list-length.patch13:03
seb128needs to patch make to not run into a "execvp: /bin/bash: Argument list too long"13:03
kenvandineseb128, good times!13:04
seb128kenvandine, you said you wanted to maintain webkit right?13:05
* kenvandine sips coffee quietly13:05
didrocksI saw him volonteering13:05
* kenvandine had to patch generated xml for chromium... i don't want to hear about it :-p13:05
Sweetsharkseb128: *cough* http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tree/solenv/gbuild/Tempfile.mk13:31
seb128Sweetshark, thanks13:35
SweetsharkHAVE_GNUMAKE_FILE_FUNC is only in our (LibreOffice) own make build. AFAIK the patch has been submitted to upstream, but responsiveness there was like punching a bag of sand.13:53
seb128Sweetshark, do you have the bug reference?13:55
Sweetsharkseb128: BoD call right now,sorry14:02
Sweetsharkseb128: ah, ups. call is in one hour14:05
seb128$ fakeroot dbus-launch dbus-monitor14:09
seb128Failed to open connection to session bus: Did not receive a reply.14:09
seb128 14:09
seb128does anyone know how to workaround that?14:09
seb128smartboyhw, hey14:30
smartboyhwHow are you guys doing?14:30
seb128good, you?14:30
smartboyhwWhat can I do for the Desktop team?14:31
seb128Sweetshark, btw how is the unity-menus work for libreoffice going? your work items are flat...14:31
seb128smartboyhw, what things would you be interested working on?14:31
smartboyhwseb128: Hopefully I can do the testing works...14:32
seb128there are plenty of things to do around, package updates, bugs fixing, translations, bug triage, testing, ...14:33
smartboyhwI'm in Bugsquad...14:33
smartboyhwDid some translation, also in QA Team testing things...14:33
Sweetsharkseb128: Ill forward you the status.14:34
seb128Sweetshark, thanks14:34
seb128smartboyhw, bug triaging and testing of what issues are fixed in current version is appreciated ;-)14:35
smartboyhwOK, give me a bug...:)14:35
Sweetsharkseb128: workitems are flat because boost broke libreoffice and it was a pain to debug.14:36
seb128Sweetshark, lot of those are also bugs from the menus14:36
seb128smartboyhw, https://bugs.launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+packagebugs14:37
smartboyhwCan I apply to join the Launchpad team?14:38
Sweetsharkseb128: status.ubuntu.com is lying to you there. that are all the bugs that shall be fixed with the reimplementation. it makes no sense to track them individiually.14:39
Sweetshark(as we are not incrementally fixing the old stuff)14:39
seb128Sweetshark, status doesn't "lie", it just list what you set up to track14:40
seb128Sweetshark, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-libreoffice-lo-menubar-polish14:40
smartboyhwSomeone answer my question in time?14:40
seb128Sweetshark, see "Related bugs"14:40
seb128smartboyhw, what team? the bugsquad? ask on #ubuntu-bugs14:40
smartboyhw"Ubuntu Desktop Bugs Team"14:41
Sweetsharkseb128: well, they will either all be fixed when we replace the old impl with the new one or not if we dont. thus status.ubuntu.coms assumption of a nice linear progression is wrong here.14:43
seb128smartboyhw, it's an open team, feel free to subscribe14:43
seb128Sweetshark, well, are we tracking that the new implementation doesn't have those issues?14:44
Sweetsharkseb128: we can only start that once the new implementation is in a state that I can test something ...14:45
seb128Sweetshark, how far from there are we? ff is in 2 weeks...14:45
smartboyhwNo, It is a moderated team.14:46
Sweetsharkseb128: see ollis mail. its tight.14:46
smartboyhwseb128: See my moderated team thing?14:51
seb128smartboyhw, yes, apply and I will ack you14:52
smartboyhwDon't ack me.14:52
smartboyhwLet me in.14:52
seb128didrocks, kenvandine, mterry, Sweetshark, tkamppeter, Laney, mlankhorst, cyphermox: the meeting time is in 5 min if you have any topic to add, please update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-08-07 (if you didn't do it yet) with what you did as well, thanks15:25
smartboyhwWow, I am  going to attend this.15:25
smartboyhwIs it in #ubuntu-meeting?15:25
mterrysmartboyhw, just here15:25
mterrysmartboyhw, but we often skip it for lack of agenda items needing discussion.  But if you have questions or some such?15:26
smartboyhwLooking at the agenda15:27
* smartboyhw thinks that the agenda is BULLS**T.15:27
cyphermoxsmartboyhw: feel free to bring up agenda items in here, we can discuss them and see if it's something we should add to the agenda for the meeting15:28
smartboyhwSo will you guys still have your meetings?15:28
mlankhorstseb128: nothing here, nouveau is angry at me :)15:28
cyphermoxseb128: I added some of what I did :)15:28
kenvandinesmartboyhw, we always gather in case there are topics15:28
mterrysmartboyhw, UDS is where we set up an agenda for 6 months in advance.  These meetings are just for anything that comes up that needs discussion, which is rare15:28
seb128mterry, hey, feeling better today?15:28
kenvandinebut we talk all the time :)15:28
seb128cyphermox, thanks15:28
smartboyhwcyphermox: No.15:29
mterryseb128, enough to do some work15:29
mlankhorstbut I think i915 likes me so I may send out the crap I have..15:29
* seb128 hugs mterry15:29
smartboyhwI'm a newbie, I need to learn to the Desktop team.15:29
mterrywelcome  :)15:29
seb128mterry, I guess I can't get the flu over internet ;-)15:29
mterryseb128, heh  :)15:29
smartboyhwWhat's this team? https://launchpad.net/~desktop-packages15:29
cyphermoxyay for not FoE not yet being invented!15:29
kenvandinemterry, 2 of my kids are sick... i am doomed15:29
seb128smartboyhw, it's writing on the page, "Team which is being use to track all the desktop packages."15:30
cyphermoxI started being sick two weeks ago, I'm now well but still coughing... yet it's summer!15:30
smartboyhwYep, but it only has quite a few people...15:30
mterrysmartboyhw, yeah, just for QA reports and such I think15:30
seb128ok, so who has a topic?15:30
smartboyhwYEAH! QA!15:31
seb128do update your work items btw ;-)15:31
cyphermoxsmartboyhw: compare with ~desktop-bugs which is a superset of the ~desktop-packages team, that one has a lot of people, and serves to get the bug reports for desktop packages15:32
smartboyhwI'm in ~desktop-bugs.15:32
kenvandinemterry, i just uploaded signond with fixed tests :)15:33
mterrykenvandine, nice15:33
kenvandinethe last two are going to be hard15:33
kenvandinecan't be fixed without getting all the keyring bits mocked out15:33
Laneyseb128: care to copy gtk to release?15:33
kenvandinewhich they'll do... but not this week15:33
cyphermoxkenvandine: signond? sorry, I didn't follow what that was for :)15:34
kenvandineit's ubuntu online accounts15:35
smartboyhwWhy did hggdh quit?15:35
seb128Laney, done15:36
mterrykenvandine, well, if it's going to be time consuming and it's the only blocker, we can spin that off to a separate bug with a milestone on beta and clear these guys to go into main for testing.  I think that'd be better for them in the long term15:36
mterrykenvandine, with the understanding that spinning off to a separate bug does not diminish the importance  :)15:36
mterryI'll add a comment as such15:36
kenvandinemterry, thanks!15:37
smartboyhwWhen is normally the length of a meeting?15:37
kenvandinesmartboyhw, varies, depending on how much we have to talk about15:38
cyphermoxsmartboyhw: not long at all if there are no agenda items15:38
smartboyhwWell, I guess this meeting will end soon, though I don't know.15:38
kenvandinesmartboyhw, i think it is over :)15:38
mterrysmartboyhw, but we're always here anyway if there are questions or comments15:39
smartboyhwWell, I'll be back in a few minutes, I think...15:40
seiflotfyalecu: ping15:43
alecuseiflotfy: hi!15:44
mterrykenvandine, eh, looking at the MIR bug again, the security team is the real limiting reagent here.  If they clear the bugs, but we're still waiting on tests, we can do the split out thing.  But no need yet I guess15:44
Sweetsharkseb128: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/contrib/dev-tools/commit/make-3.82-gbuild?id=75c7ee67633fac25b0fb70bc96b6df31c2a450e6 <- the file function for make seems to be in their next release, we only backported it.15:44
kenvandinemterry, well i hope they approve them before we get the tests fixed... mardy is out until next week15:45
seiflotfyalecu: the issue with u1 pushing to many events into zeitgeist, did we fix that yet?15:45
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:46
alecuseiflotfy: afaik, u1 still logs the same as before, but zg stopped doing FTS of events coming from u1.15:48
alecuseiflotfy: let me fwd the summary of what we discussed at the time with michal15:48
smartboyhwBye, I need to go to sleep.15:49
seiflotfyalecu: i would like to reduce the amount of stuff logged by U115:50
seiflotfyseems to me that we are getting events even if nothing in the file is changed15:50
seiflotfyjust telling us the file was checked but nothing changed15:50
seiflotfyi think we need to log if15:50
seiflotfy1) file or folder was changed15:50
seiflotfy2) file or folder was created15:51
seiflotfy3) file or folder was deleted15:51
alecuseiflotfy: only locally or remotely too?15:52
alecuseiflotfy: then that's what should be logged right now.15:52
alecuseiflotfy: with what kind of files are you getting events when nothing has changed?15:53
seiflotfyalecu: wait just remote15:53
seiflotfyanything happening locally is already logged by zeitgeist15:53
alecuseiflotfy: hmmmm...15:53
seiflotfymhr3: ^15:54
alecuseiflotfy: well, what u1 is currently doing is logging into zeitgeist the actions it takes as a result of what the user has done.15:54
alecuseiflotfy: so, if the user saves a file, u1 will log that as a result of that file being saved, u1 has copied it into the cloud.15:55
seiflotfywhy is it logging the actions it takes15:55
seiflotfydoes it refer to it later again?15:55
alecuseiflotfy: and when a file is modified on some other computer, and the content in the cloud changes, u1 will locally log that it has downloaded the new contents to the local file.15:56
alecuseiflotfy: right now we are not referring to it at any point later.15:56
alecuseiflotfy: we planned to use those to show aggregate info, but we ended up doing it differently.15:56
alecuseiflotfy: so, right now the zg module of u1 is only used to store that info. The user may find it useful to know what files u1 has been syncing as a result of his actions.15:57
alecuseiflotfy: so, I seriously think we (both teams) should decide if this is making sense, or if it's just using cpu and db storage for no useful benefit.15:59
seiflotfythere is a benefit for knowing remote things that happen15:59
seiflotfysince it will allow searching them15:59
seiflotfybut local things are then logged twice15:59
seiflotfyso i prefer only having remote stuff in zeitgeist16:00
seiflotfythe remote stuff is badass actually16:00
seiflotfyalecu: so can we work on this before the release if possible?16:02
alecuseiflotfy: you are talking about 13.04, right? :-)16:03
mhr3alecu, what i dont like is that when u1 pushes an event about remote file being updated, you really have no metadata of what caused that, zg tries very hard to differentiate between user actions and system actions, and this metadata is just missing16:19
mhr3imo without this the data is useless for us (for the use-cases of showing users the relevant stuff)16:20
seiflotfymhr3: huh16:24
seiflotfywhich data?16:24
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
seb128"ar: .libs/libWebCore.a: File truncated"17:19
seb128gnagnagna webkit gna17:19
mlankhorstseb128: out of disk space?17:20
seb128mlankhorst, could be, it's on a ppa, hard to say17:21
chrisccoulsonseb128 ;)17:31
chrisccoulsonyou love it!17:31
seb128chrisccoulson, no I don't :p17:31
ogra_seb128, you know, thats like an arranged marriage ... love will grow over time :P17:33
* didrocks waves good night17:34
didrocksand good luck seb128 :)17:34
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=== mfisch is now known as Guest16307
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robrudesrt, you around?19:54
desrtrobru: yup20:22
robruoh hey20:22
desrthow can i help?20:22
robruI'm getting bitten by an intltool bug, I think it was you that wrote the fix for it, but it seems that the fix was either incomplete or has regressed.20:22
robrulet me find the bug, one sec.20:22
desrtsomething about gsettings?20:22
robruno, the app menu. bug 92384120:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 923841 in intltool "intltool glade support doesn't work with menus" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92384120:23
desrtah.  i forgot about that one.20:23
robruSo I have intltool 0.50.2-2 on quantal, and as far as I can tell that contains your fix.20:24
robruand I've reviewed your fix and it *looks good* to me20:24
robrubut yet somehow I am still experiencing the problem!20:24
desrtdid you list the file with the correct type in the POTFILES.in?20:24
desrti think you have to include some magic like [type: gettext/glade] path/to/file.ui20:24
desrti'm out of ideas :)20:25
desrtyou're going to love this20:26
desrtintltool requires it to be translatable="yes"20:26
robruWell, I was browsing intltool source code, and the only idea that I had was that your fix was only for intltool-extract, there is a separate regex in intltool-update that has a big warning in the comments saying that it should be more consistent with the other one in intltool-extract.20:26
desrtyou have translatable='yes'20:26
desrt(ie: it must be double quotes)20:26
robruno way!20:26
desrttotal stupidity20:26
robruok, I'll fix up my XML then.20:26
kenvandinedesrt, that is lovely20:26
desrtcould be something else, but i think that's what it is20:26
robruThis has been bugging me for over a week, can't believe I overlooked the quotes. Normally I am totally anal about quote conssitency ;-)20:27
desrti prefer single quotes in xml as a matter of personal taste20:27
desrtwhich is why i know about this issue ;)20:27
robruYeah, I prefer single quotes in my python code as well, but I'd been sticking to double-quotes in the XML because that's how glade was generating it.20:27
desrtin any case, this only affects the extraction phase20:28
desrtglib doesn't care which ones you use20:28
desrtbut it does need the string in the .po file...20:28
robruYeah, I already noticed that if I hand-write the .po file, it compiles and works fine.20:28
robruBut my translators are complaining that if they use poedit or whatever automated tool, the menu translation would disappear.20:28
desrta legit concern20:28
robruk, fixing my quotes. thanks!20:29
desrtsorry you wasted so much time on this20:29
desrtmaybe file an intltool bug about it?20:29
robruNot a bad idea.20:30
desrt(make sure it is indeed the problem first)20:30
robruYeah, looks to be.20:31
seb128desrt, there?20:43
seb128desrt, did you recommend pushing the new d-conf to proposed or were you just asking?20:44
desrti was just asking20:44
desrttrying to understand the process better20:44
seb128desrt, i.e do you consider it as non trivial and likely to be buggy?20:44
desrtnothing to be nervous about, if that's why you ask :)20:44
seb128desrt, yeah, I'm double checking is that was a "be careful with that update" ;-)20:45
seb128desrt, thanks20:45
desrtthere are only two changes that are outside of the editor20:45
desrtboth bugfixes20:45
desrtand i think you already vendor-patched both of them?20:45
seb128desrt, yes, I did during GUADEC20:47
desrtthomi: hey.  remember that bug you were seeing?  still seeing it?20:47
seb128desrt, did you get robert_ancell to do work or did you just did his work? ;-)20:48
thomidesrt: errr... which one?20:48
desrtthe one where dconf would assert()20:48
desrtdue to messages being delivered out of order20:48
thomidesrt: ahhh yes. Let me check20:48
thomidesrt: yes, we are20:49
desrtwhat package version?20:49
desrtand is there any way i can get access to your test system?20:49
thomidesrt: I've just kicked off another test run - if it happens this run I'll have some more up to date information for you20:49
desrtthomi: ideally you'd let the bug go to launchpad20:50
thomidesrt: sure, do you have VPN access to the magners lab?20:50
desrtto get properly retraced20:50
desrti don't think so20:50
thomidesrt: hmmm, let me see if I can get you access somehow20:51
seb128thomi, how often do you upgrade the environment? the packages got pushed a week ago, you probably dot the update20:51
desrtthomi: maybe thumper can help?20:51
thumperah, I see you found him20:51
* thumper really wanders off to find coffee20:51
desrtthomi: i'm really really curious about this bug, so please keep me in the loop20:51
thomiseb128: we update before every run, but there's been some issues in the last week that mean that the tests haven't been running. Just fixed that this morning20:52
thomidesrt: yeah, will try and get you access now20:52
desrteven if it's only happening in "weird" cases, it's newly written code and it "should be impossible"20:52
desrtso i'm highly interested in tracking it20:52
seb128I wonder if my laptop is having hardware issues, or the kernel is crap or what20:53
thomithumper: can you raise an RT with is to get desrt lab access?20:53
desrtseb128: both? :)20:53
desrtseb128: get a thinkpad!20:53
seb128desrt, no way :p20:53
desrtat least you're not one of those fruit-eaters20:53
seb128I wish I could figure what is wrong with my box :-(20:54
seb128often after builds it becomes very laggy for a while20:54
seb128top load is quite high (like >20:54
seb128top load is quite high (like > 3)20:54
desrtthermal CPU scaling?20:54
desrtwhat is taking the CPU?20:54
seb128it would make sense but sensors says the cpu is at 59°C20:55
desrtjust kernel threads?20:55
seb128well, it's weird20:55
seb128random normal stuff that should take 5% takes 90%20:55
seb128it's like my CPU was frequency downscaled to a pentium III20:55
desrtyou should check your cpu frequency during these times20:55
desrtmaybe it did get downscaled20:56
desrtalso: stop trying to build libreoffice/webkit :)20:56
desrtit's like violating the international convention on rights of the laptop20:56
seb128I don't, I throw webkit to ppas20:56
seb128the main offenser for those issues is the glib testsuite20:56
desrtoh wow20:57
desrtso it doesn't even have to be some multi-hours build for this to happen?20:57
desrtya.  that's not normal.20:57
seb128like it's happening atm with a 10min evince build20:57
seb128top - 22:57:43 up 12:52,  4 users,  load average: 3.50, 2.87, 1.8220:57
desrtwhat's your CPU frequency?20:57
seb128how do I tell?20:58
desrt /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq20:58
desrtlower than one would expect, given that you're compiling...20:59
* desrt is at 800mhz, but nearly completely idle20:59
desrtcheck dmesg for any notices/warnings?21:00
seb128desrt, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1134957/21:01
chrisccoulsonseb128, i keep seeing the same thing on my system21:01
seb128dmesg spams with21:02
seb128[46463.221051] [drm:drm_gem_create_mmap_offset] *ERROR* failed to allocate offset for bo 021:02
desrtya.  that's almost certainly unrelated21:02
chrisccoulsonevery now and again, my laptop slows to a crawl and it seems that CPU stays at its lowest frequency21:02
seb128right, I was going to say21:02
mlankhorstHey sounds familiar but can't remember from when..21:02
chrisccoulsonsometimes happens after connecting the power cable here...21:02
desrt"the kernel is causing my computer to run like shit!"21:02
desrt<mlankhorst> hey!  sounds familiar...21:02
seb128it's very weird21:02
seb128because rebooting doesn't seem to fix it21:03
chrisccoulsonwe should get rid of the kernel, and just replace it with a browser21:03
seb128it goes away after a bit of idle time though21:03
seb128it looks very much like it was overheating21:03
seb128chrisccoulson, we have similar laptops, I wonder if there is an hardware issue there21:03
seb128but I don't remember that happening before21:04
seb128well it's happening at least for 6 months21:04
desrti wonder if your bios is running an excessive amount of machine interrupts21:04
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it's happened a few times here, but i can never easily reproduce it21:04
seb128but the first year I had the laptop I don't remember seeing that21:04
seb128desrt, is there any way to tell?21:04
chrisccoulsonwhen it happens, it takes minutes to boot as well21:04
desrtseb128: i think the answer is no21:04
desrtthey're supposed to be utterly and completely transparent21:05
seb128it's ridiculous, I'm only building evince and I can see a one second lag on chars typing on IRC21:05
desrtso the OS cannot detect/intercept/anything21:05
desrtbut they're also supposed to be rare21:05
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, same here, it's the weird thing21:05
seb128if that was a software bug I would assume a reboot would fix it21:05
seb128but it doesn't21:05
seb128boot it 5 times slower than usual when it happens21:05
seb128only waiting restore the system21:05
seb128powertop says21:07
seb128             90.2%        CPU use21:07
seb128            100.0%        Audio codec hwC0D0: IDT21:07
seb128            100.0%        Audio codec hwC0D3: Intel21:07
seb128            100.0%        USB device: EHCI Host Controller21:07
seb128            100.0%        USB device: EHCI Host Controller21:07
seb128            100.0%        USB Device: Intel built in USB hub21:07
seb128I wonder if the 100% usage for all the devices is normal21:07
seb128I'm not using my audio at all21:07
mlankhorstare they all on the same irq?21:08
seb128and USB only has a keyboard and mouse connected21:08
desrtseb128: cat /proc/interrupts21:09
desrtsee if your ehci is on the same irq as your audio21:09
seb128desrt, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1134969/21:09
desrtappears not to be the case21:10
seb128            100.0%        Display backlight21:10
seb128            100.0%        Radio device: iwlwifi21:10
seb128            100.0%        USB device: DW375 Bluetooth Module (Dell Computer Corp21:10
seb128it's like all devices21:11
seb128I wonder WTH21:11
seb128            100.0%        USB device: DW375 Bluetooth Module (Dell Computer Corp21:11
seb128            100.0%        USB Device: Intel built in USB hub21:11
seb128 21:11
desrtsounds like a bad time to upgrade to quantal21:11
seb128well, anyway, I blame dell21:11
seb128desrt, it's precise, and I got that issue for over 6 months21:12
desrtoh.  wow.21:12
desrti blame dell too then21:12
seb128I just never managed to figure out wth21:12
desrtsince chrisccoulson and you have the same laptop21:12
desrt(although more likely it's a kernel bug that happens to affect that machine)21:12
chrisccoulsoni blame compiz!21:12
desrtthe great thing about chrisccoulson is that he's always right21:12
seb128chrisccoulson, I would it if was not happening on boot as well :p21:12
desrtseb128: compiz is just _that_ bad21:12
desrtretroactive suckage21:13
seb128desrt, only having it on the disk is enough?21:13
desrtyour laptop knows that you will load compiz soon21:13
desrtso it tries to be slow to delay it as long as possible21:13
seb128chrisccoulson, btw while I'm ranting did you see my tb email editing sucking video today? http://ubuntuone.com/6WyB0k2I1pTmgeQoO2T3CK21:13
desrtwhat's the story with tb, anyway?21:14
chrisccoulsonoh, i did have a quick look21:14
desrtare we switching to geary now? :)21:14
seb128desrt, I want geary21:14
seb128desrt, look at this video to see how bad tb is, I usually just write email, I tried to reply to some email and quote parts this week, that's an uter fail21:14
seb128it makes me want to go back to evo, that's saying something21:15
seb128gtkhtml is better than that21:15
desrtlooks like you backspaced over some formatting metacharacter or something21:15
seb128desrt, it's doing it all over emails21:15
desrti can't help but notice that you're running compiz21:15
desrtsure the issue is not related?21:15
seb128it's impossible to delete paragraphs21:15
* seb128 slaps desrt with a large trout21:16
jbichawe could switch to GNOME Shell & geary...21:16
desrtwow.  it's been a long time.21:16
desrtjbicha: all the talk at GUADEC was about how unity really needs to be ported to mutter21:16
jbichait feels to me like mutter is tightly bound with GNOME Shell though21:18
seb128chrisccoulson, the discussions between desrt and larsu at least ;-)21:18
desrtseb128: more like between didrocks seb128 and robert_ancell21:18
* desrt only came to the conversation later21:18
seb128chrisccoulson, anyway stop pretending you didn't see my tb video :p21:19
* desrt finds it ironic that seb128 uses an email about how we have too many bugs to demonstrate a bug21:20
chrisccoulsonseb128, i did. i'm not sure what to say though. the editor sucks, and i'm not sure i want to start looking at code in there ;)21:20
chrisccoulsonbut then, everyone else feels the same, which is probably why it sucks!21:20
seb128chrisccoulson, "known issue" and no workaround advice? that's all I wanted to know ;-)21:20
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks21:20
seb128chrisccoulson, I just wanted if I was missing an option or extensions or something that would make it better21:21
* jbicha tries out the yorba daily ppa21:21
seb128jbicha, geary is nowhere usable21:21
seb128well it might be if you use gmail21:21
jbichageary : Depends: libsqlite3 (>= 3.7.4) but it is not installable21:21
seb128it segfaults on my french provider21:21
jbichaI guess it's Evolution then?21:22
seb128no, it's web ui21:22
seb128doh, I'm turning into jcastro and loosing faith in the desktop21:22
chrisccoulsoni can't even get evolution to start here on a fresh profile21:22
chrisccoulsoni complete the wizard, and then it crashes ;)21:22
jbichaseb128: are you on Quantal this week?21:22
seb128jbicha, somewhat, I added it to my sources.list and apt-get install stuff I work on or want to try21:23
seb128so I'm in an precise-quantal hybrid atm21:23
jbichano wonder you're having problems!21:23
* jbicha mass-closes bugs from seb12821:24
jcastroseb128: don't lose hope!21:24
seb128I challenge that, I stay away from all problematic packages21:24
jcastrogmail integration with the desktop is great! (soon!)21:24
seb128jcastro, ;-)21:24
seb128jcastro, see what you did to me!21:25
seb128jcastro, you made me want to use gmail!21:25
Laneymutt always works fine :-)21:26
jcastroseb128: over time people will realize that web applications are ubuntu applications too, this is just the awkward time21:26
jcastroseb128: still I think you should fix evolution. :p21:27
desrtgeary is really in a bad state, indeed21:27
seb128jcastro, I do enough nightmare with webkit thanks21:27
desrtthird party imap providers are basically not working at all21:27
seb128desrt, right, they focussed on gmail and yahoo so far21:27
seb128it only supports 1 account also21:28
seb128I've 3 accounts I use21:28
seb128and they don't have an addressbook or contacts completion21:28
seb128well, it's a 0.121:29
seb128it's going to take at least another year before it's usable for non trivial setups21:29
thumperseb128: wow, didn't realise geary was that unusable22:05
seb128thumper, it's still an early project22:06
* thumper nods22:06
thumperseb128: how many hours a day are you working?22:06
thumperseb128: seems like a lot22:06
seb128thumper, lol, weird question to ask here, we all work too much ;-)22:07
seb128thumper, I'm around for 9-10 hours usually I would say22:07
seb128I usually starts quite late (like 9-10am) and do a 2 hours break in the afternoon22:08
seb128so it means I'm usually around in the evening ;-)22:08
seb128thumper, well "work", I'm around on IRC for 2 hours while watching the olympics on TV, I'm not sure how much work that is ;-)22:09
desrtthumper: you made him feel guilty and he left.  bad for productivity :p22:15
thumperdesrt: haha22:16
jasoncwarner_TheMuso and bryceh i think we are it for the meeting this week https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-08-07 if you have any agenda items, please add. And update your items as well!22:51
TheMusoNo agenda items from me, will update the page accordingly as to this week's activity.22:55
jasoncwarner_thanks, TheMuso23:00
brycehheya jasoncwarner_23:02
brycehno agenda.  will update the status report23:03
jasoncwarner_hey bryceh how are things?23:03
brycehjasoncwarner_, btw do we know when raof will be returning?  2-3 weeks?23:03

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