
nadyיש מישהו17:22
lousygaruanady, now there is18:25
blackredyea sure18:33
lousygaruablackred, state your name and your ubuntu happiness rate19:28
lousygaruablackred, just haven't seen you here before, would like to get to know the ubuntuers around better19:30
blackredlol ok..19:31
blackredamm happiness rate? around 719:31
lousygaruaare you "blackred" on the forums too?19:32
lousygaruahow long have you been using ubuntu?19:32
blackredno. and just recently. i used fedora and open SUSE before.19:34
blackredand you?19:36
lousygaruai've been ubuntuing since 200619:49
lousygaruanever used anything else serisouly19:49
lousygaruajust installed fedora on a virtualbox to play around a little and can't get the guest additions to work19:49
blackredi didn't touch it for some tine19:51
blackredi'm working with the win mostly i'm afraid, but i needed to learn linux again lately and ubuntu have better guids on the net19:51
blackredi'm wandering why am i writing in english19:52

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