
directhexmicahg, time to recompile the world?00:28
micahgdirecthex: almost, we have to make sure it builds in Debian first, otherwise there will be a -3 :)00:28
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Laneyyou scared me, I certainly hoped it wasn't unstable07:24
Laney(to proposed)08:18
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* dupondje trying to get pbuilder running for lenny :( damn09:18
dupondjechanged sources.list (in pbuilder-dist lenny login --save-after-login09:18
dupondjebut on pbuilder-dist lenny update it still uses other sources :(09:18
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Riddellanyone know why http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/ doesn't do universe?15:57
Laneywhat do you mean 'do'?15:58
Laneyhttp://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_updated.html lists universe packages for me15:58
LaneyRiddell: ^16:03
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
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=== mfisch is now known as Guest16307
=== Guest16307 is now known as mfisch
Laneyiulian: jbicha: other interested folks: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ghc.html18:06
geserLaney: haskell-* packages from round 1 uploaded19:45
Laneyoh, nice19:46
Laneygood job I didn't do any yet :P19:46
geserdo haskell-dummy and haskell-platform really need a rebuild too?19:46
Laneyred there merely means they are uninstallable19:46
Laneyjust leave those until last and we'll see19:47
geserI noticed too late that haskell-diagrams doesn't need a rebuild either (no ABI in Depends:)19:49
Laneyyeah it's a metapackage19:51
paultaghey kirkland - around?20:39
paultagkirkland: OK, I'll just leave this here for you - have you thought about getting overlayfs into Debian? It'd be really handy20:46
arandI'm getting this issue when trying to (fast-forward) merge from one bzr repo to the other, both contains patches which are committed as applied (LP import from Debian seems to do that bit :( ###bzr: ERROR: Unable to unapply quilt patches for 'other' tree: rmdir: failed to remove `.pc/security-text-command-fix.patch': No such file or directory20:55
arand^that particular patch exists in the updated branch but not the one I'm merging into.20:56
arandAlso, does the lp branch matter as far as the bzr repo goes, i.e. if the PP and QQ repos are content/commitwise identical would it matter if I branched PP, did some commits and sent that as a merge proposal for QQ?21:01
geserLaney: do you have an idea why haskell-text (-1build2) is still complete red?21:10
geserI tried "apt-get -s install" for the binary packages and all can be installed (tested on amd64 but it's red too)21:11
Laneygeser: no21:25
Laneylet's wait for the next refresh ...21:25
geserLaney: looks good now21:35
geserwe can process level 2 now21:35
Laneyi'll not do anything tonight21:36
Laneyso feel free21:36
geserme probably neither21:38

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