
Jucatohope you guys (and gals) are all ok wherever you are05:49
Terminus-heya Jucato 05:49
Jucatoyo Terminus-!05:49
Terminus-Jucato: hope you're not flooded there.05:49
Terminus-it's a ghost town here. surrounding areas are probably flooded. pasong tamo definitely is.05:50
Jucatohindi naman. medyo mataas kami sa laguna e.05:50
Jucatoaw :(05:50
Jucatojust hope the flood doesn't reach you. rain is still pouring here05:51
Terminus-same here. we don't get flooded in my area but 100 meters down the street and it's probably chest level.05:53
Jucatowow :(05:53
Terminus-the place i stay at is 100 meters from pasong tamo, that's why. =|05:54
JucatoI don't know what area zakame is staying in (years ago he was in Malate area iirc).hope he's ok05:54
Terminus-Jucato: i think he's in the same area i am so no flood for him either.05:54
Jucatothat's good then :)05:55
Terminus-yep. =)05:55
JucatoI wonder if nakauwi na si jsgotangco. he was stranded in ortigas since last night, but was able to go to megamall already a while ago :)05:56
Terminus-i think he's still stranded. i don't know where he goes home but it could be one of the flooded areas.06:02
JucatoQC afaik06:04
Terminus-yeah, might be difficult there. some people are just continuing to work here at the office because they can't go home anyway.06:06
Jucatosana tumila na ulan >.<06:07
Terminus-judging from the radar and satellite images, i don't expect the rain to weaken until thursday. =|06:10
zakameJucato: I'm here at Makati06:14
zakamejust woke up lol, good day to stay at home06:15
Terminus-heya zakame. you're staying at prince right?06:16
zakameTerminus-: yep06:17
zakamethough I almost decided to stay at the office last night06:18
Terminus-not too much trouble for you to go to the office and back though.06:18
zakamehehe yeah, I just don't like getting wet lol especially when with laptops06:19
Terminus-haha. bags are normally enough to protect laptops. =)06:19
Terminus-i decided to go to the office this morning. people are still continuing to work so i decided to stay. i may just decide to go home though.06:20
zakameI'll probably hit the office later just to check a bit06:21
Terminus-i just want to get this dell vmware plugin thingy a try before i decide to go home.06:21
Terminus-zakame: yep. =D06:23
Terminus-apparently they're using centos 5 for the VM.06:23
Terminus-got this machine a month ago with 32GB of RAM. so far we're using around 20GB.06:24
zakameI'm getting familiar with that now too.. yeah it is centos06:24
zakamethe windows version is needed for vfabric suite though06:24
zakameooh nice machine06:24
Terminus-zakame: it's just an R410 with an X5675 and 32GB RAM. =)06:29
Terminus-we're just using the free version here so i don't actually have vcenter. =D06:30
Terminus-i feel stupid. was wondering why it couldn't get an ip address. i placed it on a network without the proper VLAN tag. >_<06:30
zakamehehehe I feel that, a similar thing happened to one of my VMs recently06:35
Terminus-zakame: ok, this thing is pretty much useless without vcenter. haha06:55
Terminus-apparently, the NLEX flood is really bad http://imgur.com/jIhcI06:56
zakameyeah, it is virtually a river now07:00
zakameand to note that this is no storm at all, just rain and monsoon wind07:00
Jucatoouch @ NLEX :(08:40
Jucatozakame: ah good you're just near your office. no excuse not to go to work (unless it's really really bad there) :P08:40

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