
=== jpds_ is now known as jpds
=== _salem is now known as salem_
savioany help13:34
smartboyhwGod, they aren't awake.13:34
smartboyhwAnyone here???!!?!?!?14:37
smartboyhwOnly you, savio, that's not good.14:40
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, \o14:46
SergioMeneseseverybody is working, i guess14:46
smartboyhwSomeone's here.14:47
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, jeje14:57
smartboyhwI'm busy translating...14:58
balloonslol, I believe the word is 'idle'15:01
smartboyhwHi, balloons!15:01
smartboyhwI filled in the survey.15:02
smartboyhwballoons: On AOB on tmr15:03
smartboyhwlet's talk about ISO testing cadences and the survey!@15:03
smartboyhwWhat's the result?15:03
balloonsthe survey lasts until this Friday15:04
balloonsso no results until then :-)15:04
smartboyhwOK, then next Wednesday.15:04
smartboyhwballoons: Hopefully more people will come to tmr's meeting.15:06
balloonssmartboyhw, yes, you'll have to wait a week15:06
balloonsbut I'll share the results next monday15:06
smartboyhwSo on next Wed we can talk about how to improve the QA experience from the results of the survey!15:06
balloonssmartboyhw, yes indeed!15:09
* me4oslav wonders if cr3 is hanging around on IRC -_-15:14
cr3me4oslav: yeah, just real busy :)15:15
me4oslavcr3, ok, ping me when you're free :)15:15
smartboyhwBye, I need to go to sleep!15:50
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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