
kelemengabordpm: good morning, I think it is time to open up the shop :)10:56
kelemengaboris this mail going to be good enough?10:56
dpmlet me have a look10:57
kelemengaboror should I mention the Kubuntu change?10:57
dpmhm, good point, I'm inclined not to, give me a sec...10:58
dpmbtw, the e-mail looks great, just one small detail: "current development release, Ubuntu Precise," - perhaps Quantal instead? ;-)10:59
kelemengaborgood, so you are watching carefully :)11:00
dpmalways :)11:00
kelemengaboralso, it looks like we don't have langpacks yet11:00
dpmkelemengabor, I think it might be worth adding a brief paragraph on the KDE packages, yes. Perhaps simply saying that they will not be translatable in Launchpad but translations will still be available in Kubuntu, and a link to the mailing list announcement11:01
kelemengaborand http://macquarie.canonical.com/~langpack/crontab no scheduled export is set up yet11:01
dpmyeah, I need to re-enable the cron job for langpack-o-matic11:01
kelemengaborokay, will do11:01
dpmbut I'm a bit puzzled as to why we don't have LP exports yet11:02
* dpm investigates11:02
dpmkelemengabor, ah, I think we're fine: I scheduled the LP langpack exports for Q on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This was only enabled last Friday, so the first langpack should have started being exported today and be available later on. Langpack-o-matic should build the langpacks tomorrow11:05
kelemengaborokay :)11:05
dpmIf I've got time today I'll write a blog post after you've sent the announcement e-mail11:06
dpmthanks for driving and coordinating the opening!11:06
kelemengabor- KDE is not translatable anymore on Launchpad. As KDE packages have11:12
kelemengabormoved to the Universe repository, they are not going to be translatable11:12
kelemengaborfor Quantal [4]. KDE packages will still contain upstream translations,11:12
kelemengaborso you are encouraged to contribute directly to the KDE project.11:12
kelemengaboranything else?11:12
dpmkelemengabor, that sounds great, I think we're good to go11:22
kelemengaborso, here we go:11:24
kelemengaborQuantal                 translations are                                    visible to everyone.                 Import queue is                                    active11:24
kelemengaborand the mail is sent11:25
trijntjewhohoo! Big thanks to everybody who worked on this11:28
artnaydon't forget to set Quantal as the recommended series11:31
artnayLaunchpad currently recommends translating Precise.11:31
artnayalso kubuntu-docs and some KDE packages are still translatable11:32
artnayI wonder if those are kubuntu-specific... for example menu bar plasmoid is not translatable at l10n.kde.org yet it was translatable on LP for precise11:33
dpmartnay, good points. If you notice more of these, would you mind putting them in a list and either send them to the mailing list or listing them on a wiki page? This way it's easier for us to track which templates we might need to reenable11:34
kelemengaborartnay: recommended series is quantal now, thanks11:35
kelemengaborkubuntu-docs is intentionally left translatable11:35
kelemengaborbut I didn't checked if it really needs to be11:35
kelemengabormy understanding was that KDE packages have to go, but Kubuntu ones should stay11:37
andrejzit seems string count on the quantal translations page is wrong11:49
andrejzif one looks here11:49
andrejzit still appears as if 341568 strings are rpesent in total11:50
andrejzwhen in fact that's not the case11:50
kelemengaborandrejz: hi, give it a few days to update, those numbers are IIRC not recalculated frequently12:10
kelemengaborI have disabled KDE packages only yesterday12:11
andrejzfunny thing is i disabled gcc templates about a week ago and numbers still aren't taken into account12:13
andrejzthey should update daily at about 10 - 11 in the morning CET summer time (in my experiance)12:14
andrejzwe will see if it changes tommorow12:36

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