
bkerensascientes: my G+ has some exclusive MSL photos ;p04:01
MarkDudeFancy bkerensa04:03
bkerensaHopefully have some video soon :D04:04
MarkDudeNo doubt04:04
scientessexy https://www.miniand.com/products/Hackberry%20A10%20Developer%20Board#buy04:09
darthrobotTitle: [Miniand Tech - your one stop shop for mini PCs and hobby tech - Hackberry A10 Developer Board]04:09
pleia2bkerensa: partimus got an email from a high school teacher in central WA who is looking for some help with computers in his school, know of anyone? (or can I put him in touch with you to find someone?)17:02
bkerensapleia2: Uhh perhaps valorie or someone in WA LoCo? They are pretty dormant but someone might rise to the occasion17:03
bkerensayou can CC me17:03
pleia2ok, will do, thanks17:03
MarkDudeAlso think that Free Geek Vancouver- or maybe the Mothership in Portland might help17:36
MarkDudecc me also if you could :)17:36
pleia2MarkDude: it's already taken care of, no need to overwhelm the fellow :)17:37
MarkDudeTacoma had a FG group at one point.17:37
pleia2thanks for the recommendation17:37
MarkDudeCool, let me know if there are any issues- more likely tho- bkerensa can use this as chance to talk with FG Vancouver17:37
MarkDudeThey are more active than Portland in some ways17:37
MarkDudehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/ is a dead link17:38
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam - Ubuntu Wiki]17:38
* MarkDude was hoping to send book request to O'Reilly17:38
pleia2works fine for me17:39
* MarkDude aasumes it is ok to have books sent to philballew, as long as he gets some of them to pleia2 in a timely manne17:39
MarkDudeCool thx17:39
pleia2oh no, please don't give me any books17:39
* pleia2 has no space17:39
MarkDudeOh, ok. I was thinking more like 3-4 book, with goal to hand them out at Ubuntu Hour17:40
MarkDudeand you would not need to take them home17:40
MarkDudeJust more a way to share them- and not have any more things added to your watchlist17:41
pleia2oh sure, you're welcome to come to an UH to give out books17:41
pleia2I just really don't have space, even temporarily (I'm already holding on to a lot of stuff at the moment, closet is full and I'm having guests this month)17:41
* MarkDude assumed the main thing was making sure leadership did not have extra work for this17:41
MarkDudeSo Phil said he would do this.17:42
akkI'm sure we can find a way to get books distributed that doesn't require pleia2 to store them.17:59
akkWhere do they need to get?17:59
bkerensaakk: O'Reilly will ship to whomever needs to get them it doesn't have to be a single POC since each request will need shipping info18:22
akkyay, no pleia-storage needed at all, then :)18:22
bkerensaakk: In fact here is a list of contacts for books at all the tech book publishers that have User Group programs18:50
darthrobotTitle: [Resources for Ubuntu LoCo's - Benjamin Kerensa dot Com Benjamin Kerensa dot Com]18:50
* MarkDude always figured the term Loco would not be annoying at one point, still not happened .18:53
MarkDudeGreat list bkerensa18:54
bkerensaThe Dilemma = Painting above the cupboards above my sink19:07
bkerensaI can't wait to move on to painting my office... Ubuntu Orange paint is acquired :)19:07
MarkDudeYay for Orange19:09
* MarkDude can get some Blue paid for if you want it :D19:09
* MarkDude will be back next week- we should meet up for lunch or sumthin19:09
MarkDudeYay, Portlandia19:10
pleia2MarkDude: send hugs to my PHL friends please :)19:10
* pleia2 sad to miss fosscon19:10
MarkDudeMe too19:10
* MarkDude cant go now19:10
pleia2oh no!19:10
MarkDudeActual work19:11
pleia2will they be able to fill your slot?19:11
* MarkDude is making a video for what he was gonna say19:11
MarkDudeDid not know until last night19:12
MarkDudeTrying to find a replacement now19:12
* pleia2 nods19:12
scienteswhat are you presenting?19:12
MarkDudeBackup plan is making a video that talks of geeknics, and events19:12
MarkDudewere :)19:12
MarkDudeLocal community, Geeknics, and recruiting for FOSS19:12
bkerensaMarkDude: you will be up in PDX?19:13
MarkDudeYep bkerensa19:13
MarkDudeWork related19:13
bkerensahuh I might be available next week for lunch19:14
* MarkDude will be there until 22nd19:18
darthrobotTitle: [[systemd-devel] [PATCH] man: ship systemd-udevd as the real manpage]19:52
scientes(Yes, udev on non-systemd systems is in our eyes a dead end, in case you19:52
scienteshaven't noticed it yet. I am looking forward to the day when we can drop19:52
scientesthat support entirely.)19:52
philballewnew layout I see bkerensa19:55
pleia2philballew: meeting stuff? I can do it if needed, just let me know19:56
* philballew is doing meeting stuff now19:58
pleia2thank you :)19:59
MarkDudephilballew, I need two things from you20:07
MarkDudeYour address, and the link to the book page20:07
philballewalright. Ill do just that right now20:07
MarkDudeGoogles did not help me here20:07
=== philballew changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Topic for #ubuntu-us-ca is: Topic for #ubuntu-us-ca is: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, August 12th, 7:00pm PDT | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic
=== Chaser_ is now known as Chaser

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