
sorenHow can I tell what the maximum resolution of my graphics card is?08:09
mlankhorstcreate a modeline with cvt and add it to your xorg.conf08:10
sorenI'm considering a monitor that goes up to 2560x1600, but if my graphics card can't drive it, I'd like to know in advance.08:10
mlankhorstbut file a bug first, i915 by any chance?08:10
mlankhorstoh what card?08:11
* mlankhorst just woke up08:11
sorenmlankhorst: Are you talking to me?08:12
tjaaltonsoren: it needs at least displayport or dvi-d connection, check that first :)08:12
sorentjaalton: It's got displayport.08:12
sorentjaalton: Why? Won't HDMI go up that high?08:13
tjaaltonsoren: nope08:13
sorenWow. Ok.08:13
tjaalton1080p is max08:13
sorenGood to know.08:13
tjaaltonwhat card is it?08:13
sorenIt's some Sandybridge thing.08:13
tjaaltonshould be fine08:13
tjaaltonat least it drivers 2600x1440 just fine :)08:14
sorenOk. Do you think I'd be able to use the laptop's own screen at the same time? (xinerama style setup)08:14
tjaaltonthink you should thoguh08:14
sorenThere's no way to look this up?08:15
tjaaltonsome older chip generations had limitations to the texture size, so if it was only capable of 2048x2048 you'd be in trouble, but I think snb can do 8kx8k08:15
ogra_two displays are usually no prob ... i have to add an xorg.conf that sets a higher virtual res though 08:15
ogra_(and the error from the monitor applet about this urgently needs some proper wording btw)08:16
jcristauxorg.conf to set virtual size hasn't been necessary since kms08:17
ogra_jcristau, fglrx ;)08:17
jcristauoh well08:17
jcristaui live in a world where fglrx doesn't exist08:17
jcristauexcept for the lolz08:17
sorentjaalton: This is 8086:0126 if that helps at all.08:17
ogra_works awesome with three monitors but well, the monitor applet just dumping the cmdline output of xorg on me instead of a proper error was a bit ... uhm... surprising08:18
sorentjaalton: In a Thinkpad X220.08:18
tjaaltonsoren: it's the chip generation that matters, it should be fine08:18
ogra_seriously nothing my mom would have gotten along with08:18
tjaaltonI think 965 was capable of 4kx4k08:18
sorentjaalton: Great. Thanks!08:19
tjaaltonsoren: you're also lucky that it's not a hybrid machine where the DP is hooked to nvidia ;)08:19
tjaalton(i've got a T420s..)08:20
sorentjaalton: Luck did not factor into it :) It waas rather intentional.08:20
tjaaltongood thing08:20
tjaaltonmlankhorst: remind me again, should 1.13 allow the nvidia being the output slave?08:21
mlankhorstif the drivers supported it08:21
mlankhorstwhich as it stands depends on nvidia module being gpl08:22
tjaaltonwell, nouveau08:23
tjaaltonbut yeah08:23
mlankhorsttjaalton: I can spin gears for 1 second before it locks up, usually ;)08:25
tjaaltonbut you're testing offload?08:27
mlankhorstoh derp08:41
mlankhorstno wonder things EXPLODED08:42
mlankhorstsome reg I used as global but was per ringbuffer08:42
tjaaltonhmm, ivb gpu hang with precise09:10
tjaaltoneven with the current updates09:10
tjaaltonbut this time I could ssh in09:10
tjaaltontoo bad it doesn't allow to save i915_error_state09:10
tjaaltonoh now it did09:11
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tjaaltonbryceh: what do you think, should we wait for mesa 8.0.3 to pass the sru first before pushing 8.0.4 down the pipe? there's also one patch I added to git which is now confirmed to fix bug 1031784 (along with the -intel fix)16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1031784 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Precise) "Artifacts on screen with ivy bridge" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103178416:22
brycehtjaalton, I'm thinking we ought to get 8.0.4 into quantal as soon as feasible (I assume it's now in debian?)  Then once 8.0.3 gets approved start on the 8.0.4 sru16:56
tjaaltonbryceh: yeah it's in debian and quantal. I'd really like to get the one additional commit in 12.04.1 though :/16:57
tjaaltonsince without it HD2500 IVB's are unusable16:58
mlankhorstagreed :)16:58
tjaaltonbryceh: so, adding that one (verified) commit on top of the current sru'd package shouldn't risk anything. 8.0.4 doesn't have that many fixes as .3 seems to have anyway, so it can wait post 12.04.116:59
brycehtjaalton, yep that sounds totally fine16:59
mlankhorstok lets see if I can get my dmabuf patches sent out then :)17:00
tjaaltonbryceh: yeah, thanks17:00
tjaaltonbryceh: also, looks like people are lazy in testing the SRU (who would've thought..)17:01
tjaaltonso it's not moving :/17:01
brycehtjaalton, yep no surprise.  Well I've got several machines on precise with piglit ready to run for exactly this eventuality.  So guess it's time to fire them up.17:04
brycehI think I'll run them overnight and avoid boiling myself out of my office :-)17:07
mlankhorstbryceh: I can do that without putting any machines on! :D17:08
brycehmlankhorst, :-)17:12
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brycehbeen contemplating getting a portable AC unit for the office17:13
tjaaltonthe office temp gauge shows 28.2C, but it doesn't feel too warm. maybe the darkness compensates17:14
mlankhorstwhy? Getting temperature close to body themperature is fun..17:14
brycehsweat and electronics don't mix :-)17:15
tjaaltonusually it's the indirect heat radiation from the shades that's making me sweat, when the sun is shining around noon17:16
tjaaltontemperature rarely goes above 3017:16
mlankhorsttjaalton: I measured 35 here before in eve17:16
mlankhorstmy room gets hottest :/17:16
tjaaltonuh :)17:16
tjaaltonwell it's maybe 17C outside, so17:16
tjaaltondon't mind it now that the vacation is over17:17
mlankhorstI think I'm getting all the heat form the roof17:17
tjaaltonyeah, insulation works both ways :)17:17
tjaaltonI mean, if you had any it would be cooler17:17
brycehyeah I've got two large windows in my office, which is really nice most of the time but they tend to let in more heat than normal.  regular AC can barely keep up.  Then add 7 computer heat loads on top...17:17
mlankhorsttjaalton: erm insulation is fine here..17:17
mlankhorstthat's why it was still 35°c in evening17:18
tjaaltonmlankhorst: ok you got some sort of winter I guess :)17:18
mlankhorsttjaalton: yeah when we get unlucky17:19
tjaaltonwhat, don't like to skate on the canals?-)17:19
* mlankhorst likes the heat17:20
brycehone of the computers here has 10 hdd's in it.  toasty17:20
tjaaltonit's nice until it's not17:20
tjaaltonbryceh: whoa17:20
tjaalton5W a piece17:20
tjaaltonat least17:20
brycehactually the two things that put out the most heat is GPU lockups and projector testing17:21
brycehtjaalton, could be; actually I did mostly pick out "green" drives that supposedly are cooler and quieter17:22
brycehanyway, hey I wanted to check on where we are with xserver 1.13?  are we blocked waiting on blobs, or for the official release, or...?17:23
mlankhorstfglrx is probably blocked, rest is in proposed?17:23
mlankhorstexcept new xorg-server rc17:24
Sarvattarm drivers not in pkg-xorg according to #ubuntu-devel..17:24
mlankhorstSarvatt: yeah but they're out of date17:24
brycehSarvatt, ugh, more blobbages17:24
brycehfglrx I'm actually not super worried about; it always lags a lot, and people can run -ati in the interim17:25
mlankhorstI would say grab the xf86-video-omap from https://launchpad.net/~tiomap-dev/+archive/release/+index?batch=75&memo=75&start=75 as a start17:25
brycehSarvatt, ideas on etas for the arm driver?17:25
Sarvattlooks like xf86-video-msm hasnt been updated since 2010?17:26
mlankhorstSarvatt: remember you saying you would test my q-backports? :P17:26
tjaaltonbryceh: yeah infinity asked me about it on #u-d, some drivers still missing17:26
brycehok, so blocked by drivers.17:27
tjaaltonbryceh: what would be the deadline for copying them over to quantal?17:28
tjaaltonwhich is before beta17:28
tjaaltonbeta is sep 6th iirc17:29
brycehFF is Aug 23rd17:29
brycehbeta 1 freeze is Aug 3017:29
brycehbeta 2 freeze sep 2017:29
mlankhorstI could poke the omap devs..17:30
brycehso...  xserver 1.13~ by FF seems a good goal17:30
Sarvattpiglit has changed so much since tormod first packaged it, lots of generated files strewn in random places :P17:31
tjaaltonwonder if the arm devs are willing to test & upload them17:31
tjaaltonthe arm drivers that is17:31
tjaaltonsince they are all over the place aiui17:31
brycehin the past we've let fglrx get updated as late as beta 2 freeze, but given that we're going to backport this stack, having all the drivers working by beta 1 would seem a lot less risky for us17:32
tjaaltonalso, adding -modesetting and -displaylink to xserver-xorg-video-all will happen, meaning they need to be moved to main17:32
brycehSarvatt, yeah for my tests I use a git checkout (which I'm keeping to a specific revision for all the mesa tests)17:33
tjaaltonmlankhorst: yeah that probably answers your question :)17:33
brycehI uploaded an xserver sru from one of the arm guys yesterday; I was thinking if they will be doing X updates we might invite them to get git access and so forth17:34
brycehtjaalton, MIR for them for quantal?  or quantal+1?17:35
tjaaltonand put their drivers in git (/me hides)17:35
tjaaltonbryceh: quantal17:35
Sarvatti think some are in collab-maint17:35
brycehtjaalton, do you know if anyone is planning on filing the MIRs?17:35
tjaaltonI'm getting a displaylink monitor some day, will test the hotplug that it works17:36
tjaaltonbryceh: I can do those17:36
brycehok, thanks17:36
tjaaltonSarvatt: ah, that's nice then17:36
brycehI also have some displaylink gadget I can test with if needed17:36
Sarvattits guaranteed none of these will work in 1.1317:36
Sarvattoh sweet, robclark updated xf86-video-omap for 1.13 already in the 0.4.0 release17:37
mlankhorstbryceh: yeah if they want they can work against precise too :)17:38
mlankhorstWhen the changes in xorg settle down I'll upload newer versions more often..17:38
brycehmlankhorst, excellent17:38
tjaaltonmlankhorst: yeah, it's useful in lts.. even via the backports17:39
cndSarvatt: I remember you or someone else saying that ppa-purge is currently a bit broken due to multiarch issues20:36
cndwhen I try to use it, it tries to remove a ton of packages20:36
cnddo you know how to make it work properly?20:37
Sarvattcnd: yeah it doesn't remove the multiarch packages, what ppa are you purging?20:37
Sarvattdo all the packages have something in their name in common by any chance?20:37
* Sarvatt is looking20:37
cndI don't know20:37
cndI'm on quantal, so there's 11 source packages20:38
Sarvattneed to find what you have installed :i386 versions of out of there20:38
cndSarvatt: is there an easy way to do that?20:39
Sarvattonly on edgers where the packages all have names in it :(20:39
Sarvattdpkg -l | grep autopilot or bamf maybe??20:40
Sarvattdont know why you'd have multiarch versions of any of those installed..20:41
cndSarvatt: doesn't look like I have any20:41
Sarvatti'll try it out on another machine and see if i can work it out20:46
cndSarvatt: thanks :)20:48
Sarvattcnd: worked fine http://paste.ubuntu.com/1134942/20:57
Sarvatti'd look to see if you have another ppa with unity in it thats broken20:57
Sarvattit just does sudo apt-get install package1/precise after removing the source and updating, if theres a newer one than in the distro in another ppa it'll try that20:57
cndSarvatt: I have google chrome20:57
cndbut that's it20:57
cndSarvatt: ooooh… I'm on quantal20:58
Sarvattoh, my bad :(20:58
cndSarvatt: I got it working by manually downgrading unity21:17
cndand all its deps21:18

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