
danielboston26PRabyte You can disable luks password prompt at boot by adding "rd_NO_LUKS" kernel flag to grub.conf00:00
PRabyteZzBomb: that leads me to the next question lol... i dont know how to create new volumes exactly in cmdline, usually i use a gui. im just trying to access this server via usb loaded with next os im going to load, the luks pw is stopping me00:00
lsoccer169aha I found an article on it but this is what I get00:00
lsoccer169GNU GRUB version 1.99-21ubuntu300:00
lsoccer169Minimal bash-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device or file completions.00:00
danielboston26that comes from a fedora help file but im sure its not any different in ubuntu00:00
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PRabytedanielboston26: yah!! where, grub.cfg? syntax please. thanks00:01
ZzBombPRabyte: for something like that I would likely use something like a live gparted disk to avoid the conflict of editing from the disk00:01
PRabytei read that a few moments ago, add it to /etc/default/grub right?00:01
PRabytethen update grub00:01
lsoccer169So I am going to read up on this and get back to you if I solve it00:02
TJ-lsoccer169: What does typing "ls" at the GRUB prompt report?00:02
danielboston26in /etc PRabyte00:02
ZzBombah that would be way easier00:02
PRabyteZzBomb: you cant load anything via usb or cd when luks is running00:02
PRabytedan i know its in etc00:02
PRabyteim saying syntax00:02
lsoccer169you know I did not try that00:02
ZzBombReally? I did not realize luks locks your bios?00:02
PRabyteZzBomb: it wont allow usb boot, i tried with 2 diff usb drives00:03
PRabyteluks is definitely doing its job00:03
PRabytejust want to disable, then i can wipe00:03
ZzBombWell that's assuming your using the boot loader to load your usb drives and not your bios00:03
ZzBombluks or anything like it should not prevent you from booting live disks00:03
PRabytedanielboston26: whats the syntax for rd_NO_LUKS? where to put in grub file00:04
PRabyteor a link howto00:04
PRabyteill look brb00:04
TJ-LUKS won't prevent reading anything that isn't encrypted with LUKS00:04
danielboston26PRabyte it doesn't say00:04
PRabytei know, lolol, thats the frustrating part00:04
PRabytepeople put up howtos, but they are incomplete00:05
PRabytejust do this or that,,, blah blah00:05
PRabyteill find it somewhere00:05
PRabytehere is an ex: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-278046.html00:05
danielboston26ya i know it stinks00:05
PRabytebut thats fedora, might be little things not the same on ubuntu server and grub, they already changed the conf to cfg and put in defaults..00:06
PRabyteim old skool00:06
PRabytei just modified grub in /boot00:06
danielboston26PRabyte can you reformat the disk?00:06
PRabytecant do jack until i remove that passphrase00:06
PRabyteim going to try the http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-278046.html option00:07
TJ-PRabyte: Sounds like you've got full-disk encryption00:07
PRabyteopps rd_no_lucs00:07
PRabyteyah exactly00:07
PRabytemight have to break out my freebsd boot disks00:07
danielboston26did you forget your passphrase?00:07
PRabyteno i did not00:07
PRabyteits a test server, im going from 10 to 12.0400:08
caixaare the open source nvidia drivers any good00:08
PRabyteits basically a logger box00:08
danielboston26well if you know the passphrase unlock the disk then just reformat it00:08
PRabytei was just trying out luks, figured out lots of stuff today, but to remove, well, thats where we are at present00:08
myk_robinsonevening all. Need some help with Java and Chrome. I keep getting the error that Chrome could not load IcedTea-Web plugin00:08
danielboston26that will get rid of encrptyion00:08
PRabytegive me step by step, ill try it.00:09
TJ-PRabyte: So you'd boot the system normally, then find a small amount of spare disk space by shrinking existing file systems, then you can shrink the encrypted primary partition... then use the spare on the end of the disk to create a ~400MB /boot partition for the kernels, initrd, etc., boot using those then you've got room to move the other data around to create space to unencrypt the rest00:09
PRabytehow you would do it, your tools utils disks so forth syntax00:09
PRabyteTJ then delete it? there are still fstab and crypttab entries, and dmsetup stuff.. huh?00:09
ZzBombmyk_robinson: which releases are you using?00:09
PRabytethere is much more to luks than assumed00:10
ZzBombmyk_robinson: and what is the context of when the error occurs? particular page or just always?00:10
myk_robinsonZzBomb: Ubuntu 12.04 and IcedTea 7 Plugin. I think I may have just found that a lot of people are having the same problem00:10
PRabytethanks, all input is greatly appreciated, im considering all options, trust me, you are not wasting your breath00:10
myk_robinsonZzBomb: as of late, any page that requires a Java plugin. Works fine in Firefox, seems to be isolated to Chrome, I cant even run the test page that checks to see if you have java00:10
TJ-PRabyte: It's a big job for even an expert... requires a lot of thinking about consquences. If you just want to do it easily, I'd recommend you attach a second unencrypted drive and use 'dd' to clone each of your unencrypted file-systems over to it.00:10
PRabytei dont really care about the data00:11
PRabytejust geting usb to boot new os00:11
TJ-PRabyte: When  I do encryption, I always do it per-file-system not whole-disk... makes things much more felxible00:11
myk_robinsonBug 103185700:11
ZzBombmyk_robinson: ah lame. I have not had an issues with my version. Although I think I am running an unstable chrome..... checking my details00:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1025553 in icedtea-web (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #1031857 Plugin fails to load in Chrome" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102555300:11
TJ-PRabyte: To boot from the USB, you likely need to go into the PC's BIOS configuration and change the boot order temporarily. If possible, remove the internal hard disk totally from the boot device search sequence.00:12
ZzBombmyk_robinson: ah nope, im running stable come. and iced tea 6. So I guess you could try switching down a version. 7 might just suck00:12
PRabyteTJ not the issue00:13
PRabytebeen there00:13
myk_robinsonZzBomb: i thought that as well, although 7 used to work just fine. I uninstall, then try to install 6 and cant.. Let me try again so I can document the error message00:13
ZzBombmyk_robinson: good idea00:13
PRabytewhy the heck did ubuntu mess with grub confs...... my gawd00:13
myk_robinsonalthough looking at the bug report, it affects people iwth 6 too.00:13
ZzBombhm weird00:13
PRabytetake a simple thing and make it difficult. sheshhh00:13
myk_robinsonZzBomb: maybe you haven't updated, looks like this bug report popped up about 5 days ago after a java plugin update00:13
PRabytewth,,, 10_linux huh? why did they do that....00:14
ZzBombI just updated everything like 30 minutes ago. im on latest. But have not tried using the java plugin.... link me to a page with a jar? I honestly cant think of anything that I use that uses java... it's like the plague.00:14
myk_robinsonits to test your java version00:15
ConbaalHey guys, I'm having trouble trying to get ubuntu onto an IBM Thinkapad.  When I load the 12.04 disc into the drive and attempt to install, it stalls on a purple screen with a small person in a circle at the bottom center.00:15
PRabyteomg! there is 100 files in /boot/grub... sighs... ill try this later, i gotta go, thanks for the more advanced suggestions, i appreciate it00:15
ZzBombAh naturally the java test page.00:16
ZzBombNot crashed but does not seem to be working.... investigating.00:17
myk_robinsonZzBomb: try the same page in Firefox00:17
ZzBombfirefox works00:17
ZzBombalbeit it says im outdated since 6.000:18
myk_robinsonI get the same results with IcedTea 6.00:18
ZzBombwell 600:18
ZzBombhm ok00:18
myk_robinson6 and 7, works with Firefox, not with Chrome00:18
rypervenchemyk_robinson: Long time no see :)00:18
ZzBombare you x86 or 64?00:18
myk_robinsonrypervenche: been a while, looked for you on here the other day00:18
ZzBombjava's had longstanding issues w/ 6400:18
myk_robinsonZzBomb: x86. My findings seem to mirror the bug report00:19
myk_robinsonIt worked fine last week, I guess maybe an update hosed something, and will likely be fixed soon00:19
ZzBombI'm 6400:19
myk_robinsonWow, I'm only 35 :)00:19
myk_robinsonc'mon, that was kinda funny...00:19
ZzBombI'm going to play w/ chrome a bit to see if I can get it to scream at all00:19
marrriamhello everyone00:20
danielboston26hello marriam00:21
myk_robinsonZzBomb: for whatever, its worth, here's what I get:    http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/6hcrty76/HowdoItestwhetherJavaisworkingonmyco.png00:21
hillshumZzBomb: The <scream> tag? :P00:21
marrriamhow r u???00:21
danielboston26im good00:21
ZzBombhillshum: ;D00:21
ZzBombmyk_robinson: I cant get mine to do that even, it just stays white00:21
marrriamwhats up dude???00:21
marrriamhmmm good00:22
marrriamhmmm...keep it dear..00:23
dwarderclonezilla is awesome00:23
ZzBombanyone know any good tools for network quality analysis?  iwspy is not compatible w/ my kernel :(00:23
ZzBomb*wireless network00:23
danielboston26was just going to suggest wireshark00:24
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ZzBombi dont want to analyze the packets on the network. I want actual signal quality.00:26
ZzBombit's likely too much to ask due to firmware and whatever. I think ill just use my phone00:26
ZzBombonly issue with phone is it does not do wireless n00:27
FloodBot1andlinux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:27
andlinuxcomo estan00:27
danielboston26its como estas00:27
SamanaghAny idea why empathy's not playing notification sounds? Even though I have 'em ticked in preferences00:27
danielboston26not como sstan00:27
andlinuxaca provando mi XCHAT00:27
ZzBombSamanagh: restarted it yet?00:28
SamanaghZzBomb yar00:28
ZzBombSamanagh: check pulse to see if the application is muted for some reason?00:29
ZzBombwell Sound settings.00:29
Oxnard_Doggi tried ubuntu 12.04 before,.,,,but it didn't recognize my broadcom b43 wireless adpater00:29
Oxnard_Dogghow can i get ubuntu 12.04  to  recognize my broadcom b43 wireless adpater00:31
Oxnard_Doggi tried some puppy linux,,and they recognized my broadcom b4300:33
SamanaghZzBomb: Had sound effects turned off in sound settings, didn't realize that controlled other applications00:33
ZzBombSamanagh: Ah yea, ive done it a few time it's annoying00:34
ZzBombMy favorite though is recently pulse has been freezing on my desktop and audio will just not be adjustable for like... 30 seconds or so00:34
SamanaghCan you use VNC clients over different distros/OS? Like if I wanted to control my Ubuntu distro from say my Win8 or Lubuntu distro? (VNC noob)00:34
ZzBombSamanagh: yes00:34
ZzBombyou can do it between linux/win/mac if you want00:34
caixais nvidia powermizer for laptops only?00:35
ZzBombcaixa: why would it be? likely for anything nvidia00:35
ZzBombcaixa: although most people dont regulate power as much on a desktop00:35
caixaZzBomb, it came with my nvidia recommended driver and the power levels are causing me lag, is there a way to modify the power levels?00:37
ZzBombcaixa: check the nvidia control panel, i believe there are several power settings in there.00:38
onetwohey guys, pls i need some help, anyone here knows Kubuntu?00:38
ZzBombcaixa: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/155/nvidiapanel.png/00:38
onetwopls guys i need some help, anyone here knows Kubuntu?00:38
ZzBombonetwo: join #kubuntu?00:38
caixaZzBomb, yeah that is what i have, the change from 50mhz lags compiz for me00:39
ZzBombcaixa: ah, lame00:39
caixaZzBomb, is there a way to drop level 0 from the equation?00:39
ZzBombcaixa: no idea, out of my league00:39
ZzBombcaixa: this looks like it may tell you though http://guilleml.wordpress.com/2011/04/27/nvidia-powermizer-on-linux/00:40
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Guest84841need some help with a wireless nic on 12.04 LTS, rookie here, am i in the right place?00:44
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sfearshi are00:46
areveehi there00:46
ZzBombarevee: might have better luck searching forums. Most nic issues have already been solved there...00:46
ZzBombarevee: you would have to be very lucky to find someone here w/ the same card00:46
sfearsarevee: have you enabled the restricted drivers?00:46
areveeyes sfears did that00:47
areveeit says activated00:47
sfearswhat's your issue?00:47
areveeit isn't seeing my wireless network00:47
areveei am presently on it through ethernet00:47
ZzBombI assume other devices can see the network?00:47
areveeyes, same nic can when booted in win 700:48
areveeyes other devices can perfectly fine.00:48
sfearshave you tried to connect to hidden network and manually type the network name in?00:48
sfearscan you see any networks?00:48
areveenothing, isnt there a command line to show if the drivers are loaded correctly?00:49
areveeyea zz, other devices all see it fine... i think im doing something very moronic00:50
areveedon't know how to tell :)00:50
areveevery simple00:50
DarkAceZsynaptix, o/00:50
JustSighDudesMy ssh connection keeps dropping. Is screen/tmux gonna make this less annoying? Or are they going to hang when my connection drops?00:51
sfearsarevee: click on manage networks00:52
trismJustSighDudes: you'll be able to reattach after you reconnect your session00:52
sfearsarevee: manage connections/add/scan00:52
areveehmm , how do i go to manage network? (I see network connections on the top right corner, sorry dude.. rookie)00:53
JustSighDudestrism: Awesome. Any major differences between the two if I'm only using them to keep a persistent session?00:53
eagle_eyeJustSignDudes: screen/tmux will help keep your current IRC session00:53
sfearsarevee: can you right click maybe?00:54
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sfearsi'm not using ubuntu right now so I'm not 100%00:54
trismJustSighDudes: not really, though I usually prefer tmux these days00:54
ZzBombI think ya'll are looking for 'edit connections' then wireless tab?00:54
areveei have enable networking, edit connections?00:54
eagle_eyeJustSignDudes: none that I can think of00:55
areveeyea i am ther Zzbomb, i have the network pop up, and on the wireless tab00:55
ZzBombim just guessing. Going to go back to staring at a wall now00:55
sfearsyeah arevee, edit connections00:55
sfearsthere should be an add button, and then a scan button00:55
areveeok there, the ssid is entered, mode is infrastructure, everything else is blank, i see nothing to scan.. the 4 tabs are wireless, ipv4, ipv6, wiress security00:55
sfearsunder the wireless tab00:56
eagle_eye!who | Zzbomb00:56
ubottuZzbomb: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:56
ZzBombeagle_eye: ?00:56
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sfearsthere should be a scan button in there somewhere arevee00:57
ZzBombeagle_eye: HI!00:57
ZzBombsfears: I think they took it out of recent versions00:57
areveebummer.. i see no scan buttom Zzbomb/sfears :(00:57
ZzBombarevee, sfears: just tested. Another way to view them is via unity search for 'network' it'll open a control panel for Network, w/ left tabs. Wireless is one of tabs. Click there and it autoscans and lists them in a dropdown.00:59
areveedude awesome, checking..00:59
areveeunity search..00:59
TJ-arevee: You can trigger a WiFi scan manually from a terminal command-line. You'd do "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" (if the WiFi interface name on your PC is 'wlan0' )01:00
ZzBombI disconnected when I accidentally selected a different network. Whoops.01:00
ZzBombTJ-: Oh awesome01:00
areveeumm so i don't think the os is seeing my wireless card...01:01
areveehow can i check? under network tools it only sees the lo and eth001:01
ZzBombarevee: well there's your problem01:01
TJ-arevee: Now you need the terminal!01:01
areveeok, dudes, i owe you all a drink, i have terminal open, now what? :)01:02
EnkwiHello people01:02
TJ-arevee: Can you pastebin the results of doing "lspci -nn | grep Network"  ?01:02
kesleyfortunatoHello :301:02
TJ-!pastebin >arevee01:02
ubottuarevee, please see my private message01:02
ZzBombarevee: before we start. Does your laptop have a button for enabling/disabling the wireless card? Many have them as part of a function key.01:02
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areveeyea zzbomb i checked all that, and it all seems to be fine (not in power save mode, not disabled etc, not asleep..)  ubottu, how do i check private message? sorry01:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:03
areveeNetwork controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11a/b/g [14e4:4312] (rev 01)01:04
EnkwiI am starting to learn PHP so I install XAMPP and then when I start it it says Another web server daemon is already running.... but idk what is running01:04
dylanany tips on what to do about this? http://pastebin.com/mamfRuwG01:04
TJ-arevee: That Broadcom BCM43xx is infamous for Broadcom not providing drivers... users on Linux end up jumping through hoops to sort it out, mostly01:05
areveearghh.. TJ...01:05
ZzBombYarrrr broadcom01:05
ZzBombLol https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/01:05
areveeam i basically screwed? i really want to give up windoze!!!01:05
ZzBombarevee: not screwed. Check out my link01:05
areveeok, reading..01:05
mwmnj_HEy all01:06
ZzBombarevee: You're in luck. Looks like so many people have had that issue there is an entire doc page devoted to it01:06
mwmnj_I don't have any dvds at the moment01:06
mwmnj_Can I load an external hdd with ubuntu then use that to install it?01:06
mwmnj_It is a 1tb fantom hdd01:06
areveei will try ZzBomb et al., thanks for the pointers01:07
ZzBombmwmnj_: if your system can boot the disk via usb. Sure. That's very motherboard dependent.01:07
GH0Is there a specific program that needs to be added to manipulate 7zip programs in Arks?01:07
mwmnj_Do I need to format the hdd in any special way, or can I just throw the iso on there as any other file?01:08
TJ-arevee: You might also find the answers here of use (the latest ones look most useful) http://askubuntu.com/questions/125529/wireless-doesnt-work-on-a-broadcom-bcm431201:08
GH0As f right now, I can't open anything with a standard install.01:08
ZzBombmwmnj_: and I've actually never tried w/ an external usb harddrive. So who knows. I am assuming that's possible.01:08
Guest84917arevee: what's your problem boy? I have "02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)" and runs pretty smooth on 12.04 and previous ubuntu releases01:08
Oxnard_Dogghow can i get ubuntu 12.04  to  recognize my broadcom b43 wireless adpater?01:08
ZzBombGH0: you need to install the 7zip package01:08
TJ-mwmnj_: No: A .iso file is like a ZIP file ... it has to be extracted and written to a hard disk to be useful01:08
ZzBombGH0: although it looks like libarchive12 which is standard should work as well.01:09
mwmnj_TJ: is that possible to do with this hardrive?01:09
GH0What is the 7zip package? Because if I try to do sudo apt-get install 7zip, nothing is presented as an option. I will try libarchive1201:09
ZzBombGH0: try installing p7zip-full, it may be required by ark01:09
GH0Hm. :( Libarchive12 is already installed.01:09
mwmnj_a hard drive is  hard drive isn't it?01:09
szalGH0: try p7zip01:10
TJ-mwmnj_: Are you using Ubuntu on the PC right now, or working from Windows?01:10
ZzBombGH0: g7zip-full is the package name01:10
GH0Ah, alright, then yeah, it was p7zip.01:10
szalother than that, 'apt-cache search' exists ;)01:10
mwmnj_I have 11.10 on it right now01:10
ZzBombszal: and it is glorious01:10
wilee-nileemwmnj_, no usb thumb?01:10
GH0Alright, cool, thanks everyone.01:11
mwmnj_wilee-nilee: nope01:11
mwmnj_TJ-: but my connection is too slow to download from my ubuntu01:11
TJ-mwmnj_: You should use something like usbcreator to write the ISO file's contents and bootloader to an external device. You can use a hard disk for that as well as a USB flash storage device01:11
anlaryei'm attempting to install handbrake on ubuntu 12.04 ... i have the ppa added correctly. i can find handbrake in synaptic but when i click on the dependencies tab in synaptic the last line shows "Conflicts: handbrake" and I'm wondering why01:13
wilee-nileemwmnj_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984701:14
Oxnard_Dogghow can i get ubuntu 12.04  to  recognize my broadcom b43 wireless adpater?01:14
ZzBombanlarye: Ooooo I remember having this issue. it has to do w/ versions I think you need to update source to use an older version precise is not availible yet01:14
DarkAceZ▲ ▲01:14
wilee-nileeanlarye, have you run a update after the ppa load01:14
TJ-mwmnj_: This guide looks just like you want but DONT just copy the instructions! Read it first and make sure to replace mentions of "/dev/sda1" with the correct device name of your EXTERNAL hard disk01:15
anlaryeyes ran update after the ppa load01:15
wilee-nileemwmnj_, no problem you can boot the iso from grub01:15
wilee-nileeanlarye, did you have handbrake installed already ios it installed now01:15
anlaryeno it is currently not installed01:15
TJ-anlarye: What does "apt-cache policy handbreak" report ?01:16
wilee-nileeanlarye, try sudo apt-get install handbrake in a terminal/01:16
ZzBombanlarye: switch the source to oneiric, the precise repo does not work yet01:16
wilee-nileethis ppa has precise did you load this one anlarye https://launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-snapshots/01:17
ZzBombPerhaps it should work now....01:18
ZzBombLast time I tried precise for handbrake it kept failing out on me01:18
wilee-nileeThe ppa may not be loaded01:18
DarkAceZhow do I create a folder from the command line?01:19
anlaryewilee-nilee: yes i am using the snapshots for precise01:19
wilee-nileeanlarye, did you try the terminal.01:19
wilee-nileedo that and pastebin the whole thing01:20
MaserZzBomb: can i get some help with ubuntu?01:20
wilee-nilee!pastebin | anl01:20
ubottuanl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:20
wilee-nileeanlarye, ^^^01:20
* ZzBomb slaps Maser with a large trout01:20
wilee-nileeMaser, don't ask just state the problem. :)01:20
DarkAceZooooookay, how do I restart a process? kill and start? or is it easier? :P01:21
anlaryewilee-nilee: the actual name is handbrake-gtk and that installs via terminal01:22
wilee-nileeanlarye, cool. :)01:22
TJ-DarkAceZ: depends on the process... who is it owned by? is it a system service?01:23
anlaryewilee-nilee: maybe not. i tried it once before and it gets to about 30% of a dvd rip and then my computer shuts down01:24
DarkAceZit seems to randomly lock up, so I was going to assign a keyboard shortcut to restart it, only to find out I don't know how to restart a process, or if it's even possible...01:24
wilee-nileeanlarye, nopt sure I understand.01:24
TJ-DarkAceZ: Use the "kill" command to send processes signals telling them to exit. You need the process id to use "kill" e.g. kill -TERM 1234. You can also use "killall <some-process-name>" e.g. killall nautilus01:25
dylanso, if I'm using my ethernet cable for internet, does that leave me free to use my internal wi-fi card thingy for other stuff?01:25
dylankill -9 is force kill01:25
DarkAceZTJ-, so there's no restart?01:25
dylanthat should restart it01:25
dylanyou could always write a short bash script01:25
anlaryewilee-nilee: i had handbrake installed but used the non shapshot PPA information, and i go to rip a DVD and everytime the DVD gets to about 30% of it ripped using handbrake my computer just turns completely off.01:26
dylanlike "ps axco pid,command | grep "potato" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -901:26
TJ-DarkAceZ: When things lock up it's always useful to check the system log files for indications as to the root cause... checking the most recently updated log files using "ls -ltr /var/log/" is first step, followed by viewing the last few entries of a log file with "tail -n 50 /var/log/<some-file>"01:26
anlaryeso now i'm going to try it with the snapshot version of the PPA instead and see if it crashes again.01:26
rypervencheanlarye: Are you looking at your computer's CPU temperature?01:26
wilee-nileeI would not use it to rip just convert.01:26
samholmesWhich image file should I use in VirtualBox for a ubuntu server?01:26
wilee-nileeat least I never have.01:26
anlaryerypervenche: no but i havent ever had any trouble with temp before .... where do i go to see its temp rypervenche ?01:27
TJ-DarkAceZ: You can send some process the SIGHUP which will tell them to reinit... but it depends on whether the process itself implements that behaviour on receiving SIGHUP. e.g. kill -HUP 123401:27
rypervencheanlarye: That depends on your hardware and kernel. The Ubuntu guys can help you with that.01:27
anlaryei'm using IRC on a different computer so i dont loose my connection in case of a crash just an FYI01:28
danielboston26i am trying to install 12.10 on my macbook pro retina and i get this error when i try to get into the installer01:28
danielboston26kernel panic - not syncing: timer doesn't work through01:28
danielboston26interrupt-remapped IO-APIC01:28
danielboston26followed by a bunch of code01:28
danielboston26anyway to fix?01:28
FloodBot1danielboston26: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
Oxnard_Dogghow can i get ubuntu 12.04  to  recognize my broadcom b43 wireless adpater?01:28
TJ-anlarye: Might be worth checking the kern.log for indications of system failures. Look back through it for the time/date when the PC died, see what it was doing just beforehand and whether there is anything obviously reporting an error. You can use "Log File Viewer" for that01:29
danielboston26need driver Oxnard_Doug01:29
Oxnard_Dogga limo driver?01:29
danielboston26do a google search for the excat model you have01:29
TJ-danielboston26: For 12.10 use the channel #ubuntu+101:29
danielboston26and you should find it01:29
Oxnard_Doggwhy doesn't it have the driver already>?01:30
TJ-Oxnard_Dogg: Because Broadcom do not release open source drivers that we can distribute01:30
searchercan you help me01:30
Oxnard_Doggok TJ  wuts my  fix?01:30
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:30
W4spOxnard_Dogg: You can find information about your issue here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/01:30
searcherohoh good bye01:31
Oxnard_Doggthey assume i use the install cdrom,,but i use the windows installer01:31
SilverZCould someone help me with a Broadcom 4311 wireless card issue?01:32
TJ-Looks like we have a rush of Broadcom BCM43xx users with issues today!01:33
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:33
danielboston26silver2 as we told Oxnard broadcom does not issue drivers01:33
danielboston26you need to hunt around for them01:33
Oxnard_Doggdo ub have a wiored net connection silver2??01:33
Oxnard_Doggdo ub have a wired net connection silver2??01:33
SilverZyes I'm using a wired connection right now01:33
SilverZI read the various questions on the ubuntu page01:34
Oxnard_Doggur in good luck01:34
danielboston26usually googleing your excat model number and the version of ubuntu your using will fins it01:34
SilverZI uninstalled and reinstalled various01:34
danielboston26ya its trial and error basically01:34
SilverZI have the proprietary driver broadcom sta installed01:34
SilverZand activated01:34
szal!tab | all, please adjust your IRC font such that you can tell letters (and numbers) apart01:34
ubottuall, please adjust your IRC font such that you can tell letters (and numbers) apart: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:34
Oxnard_Doggdo u have the install cdrom?01:34
SilverZbut when I do lspci -v it says <access denied> next to capabilities still01:34
danielboston26silver2 ya broadcom drivers are a hack01:35
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SilverZno kidding01:35
danielboston26since they don't open source their stuff01:35
danielboston26are you able to get a new adapter?01:35
SilverZit worked on 10.04 lts but when I switched to 12.04 it went pfffftttt01:35
SilverZit's internal01:35
Oxnard_Doggpuppy linux makes them work..i wish i knew how01:35
TJ-SilverZ: You need to do "sudo lspci -v" - you need root privileges to view that additional info01:35
SilverZi believe the problem is with the wifi on/off switch but I haven't found a fix yet01:36
danielboston26broadcom should be shot01:36
SilverZ02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)01:36
Oxnard_Doggpuppy linux makes them work.anyway01:36
SilverZSubsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company BCM4311 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller01:36
SilverZFlags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1601:36
danielboston26can someone help me out with 12.10 issue?01:36
SilverZMemory at d6000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]01:36
SilverZCapabilities: [40] Power Management version 201:36
SilverZCapabilities: [58] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit-01:36
SilverZCapabilities: [d0] Express Legacy Endpoint, MSI 0001:36
FloodBot1SilverZ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:36
SilverZCapabilities: [100] Advanced Error Reporting01:36
SilverZCapabilities: [13c] Virtual Channel01:37
danielboston26silver2 use paste bin01:37
gr33n7007hSilverZ, pastebin!01:37
SilverZwon't happen again01:37
danielboston26anyone helping with 12.10? there doesn't seem to be anyone home in their irc room01:37
szaldanielboston26: use Tab key to auto-complete nicks; if you mistype someone's nick, chances are you don't get their attention01:38
W4spBroadcom's President and CEO is Scott McGregor, you can address your view of their closed-source drivers to him.01:38
szaldanielboston26: #ubuntu+101:38
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gr33n7007hSilverZ, compat-wireless download and compile01:38
joseph-soaresHi, after install ubuntu 12.04, I installed GNOME-Shell. Now I'm trying to make screencasts with ctrl+alt+shift+r but it doesn't work.01:38
BlessJahi want to file bug against 'universal access preferences', how can i find out PID or binary that manages icon in status bar?01:39
BlessJahor the window?01:39
danielboston26szal: no one is responding to me01:39
Oxnard_Dogg Broadcom's President and CEO wants to cgarge $ for his drivers?01:39
SilverZgr33n700h do what now?01:39
szaldanielboston26: what I just told you might be the exact reason for that01:39
danielboston26im not saying anyones name01:39
gr33n7007hSilverZ, download latest compat-wireless and compile01:39
danielboston26i just ask my question no one has answered yet01:40
szaldanielboston26: in what span of time?01:40
BlessJahdanielboston26: you're asking about 12.10 related issue right?01:40
SilverZok, is that in the software center or internet search?01:40
wurbleOxnard_Dogg: What?01:40
BlessJahdanielboston26: i believe #ubuntu+1 is channel where you'll get help, as 12.10 isn't yet supported here01:40
Oxnard_Dogg Broadcom's President and CEO wants to charge $ for his drivers?01:40
danielboston26yes BlessJah01:40
danielboston26szal: about 10 mins ago01:41
szal!patience | danielboston2601:41
ubottudanielboston26: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:41
=== burak is now known as Guest7225
gr33n7007hSilverZ, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download/01:42
SilverZI downloaded compat-wireless-3.5-1.tar.bz2 but how do I install it...01:43
gr33n7007hSilverZ, thats not the lastest version01:44
OerHeksSilverZ, tar.bz2 is an archive, open it and see for the readme01:44
gr33n7007hSilverZ, you need the 3.601:45
SilverZok looking for it01:45
SilverZi don't see 3.601:47
gr33n7007h1 sec i get the link01:48
c2tarunhi friends anyone using openfire here for LAN chat?01:49
joseph-soareshello friends, did anybody take problem with screencast in gnome-shell01:50
gr33n7007hSilverZ, ignore me thats the right one now extract with tar zxvf compat-wireless*01:51
SilverZthe 3.5 one?01:51
SilverZso i type       tar zxvf compat-wireless*       into terminal?01:52
gr33n7007hyes if thats where the download is01:53
szalSilverZ: yes, assuming that you are in the directory you downloaded the archive to01:53
gr33n7007hSilverZ, broadcom a pain in the ?01:54
SilverZyes it is01:54
SilverZok, I just extracted it from the folder window, but now what?01:55
gr33n7007hcd into the new folder it created01:56
spartan7Cannot connect to windows share after updates. failed to retrieve share list from server. Ubuntu 12.04- Can anyone help?01:58
SilverZhow do I command into that folder. I'm sorry I'm very terminal illiterate01:58
spartan7SilverZ, why not use nautilus?01:59
SilverZi tried cd plus folder name but it said no such file or directory, am I missing punctuation? cd compat-wireless-3.5-102:00
=== c2tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
tech1you mistyped the folder path then02:00
szalSilverZ: try tab-completing the dir name02:00
tech1its caps sensitive too02:00
spartan7+1 szal02:01
tech1and only put a "/" at the begining if you are using absolute path02:01
SilverZis tab complete just typing and then hitting tab? bc that didn't work. what is an absolute path?02:02
tech1type "ls"   does it show compact-wireless-3.5-102:02
tech1or "ls -a" if its a hidden folder, it shouldnt be though02:03
gr33n7007hSilverZ, my fault SilverZ its bz2 the command is: tar jxvf compat-wireless-3.5-1.tar.bz2       try again02:03
tech1"ls" shows all the files/folders in the directory you are at/in the terminal02:03
xbmcuser7Hello, I am unable to get bluetooth on my laptop on XBMCbuntu 11 "Eden" (Based on Ubuntu 11.10). lspci correctly shows my Wi-Fi Bluetooth: Intel(R) PRO Wireless 4965AGN with Bluetooth02:03
xbmcuser7but rfkill doesn't show any bluetooth devices. The bluetooth module is running (as seen in lsmod)02:04
SilverZls nor ls -a showed the folder02:04
SilverZgoing to try and move it and then see if I can see it02:04
bonhoefferi can't install the foremost package -- anyone know the source i need to add?02:04
tech1then you are in the wrong directory02:04
xbmcuser7I tried upgrading my kernel to 3.6rc1 but that didn't change anything. I'll try 3.4.7 stable but I doubt it'll make a difference02:05
sakortyguys this might sound like a really dumb question to most of you but.... it sais here that i should click the light switch icon on the desktop menu then select control center, where is the light switch icon?02:05
tech1or you need to cd /something something02:05
szalSilverZ: as gr33n7007h pointed out, there is no folder because you didn't extract the archive02:05
zifnabso, ubuntu's installer won't see /dev/sda02:05
tech1oh lol02:05
zifnabcfdisk can see it02:05
zifnabfdisk can see it, i have no paritions on it02:05
tech1well if you didnt create the folder you wont see it02:06
zifnabwhat would cause this?02:06
SilverZi just placed it into a separate folder and I can't see the folder I put it in either02:06
gr33n7007h i gave him command first time for tar.gz the second was for tar.bz2 so second command will work02:07
SilverZand extracted it, tried cd folder name again and nothin02:07
bonhoefferi get E: unable to locate package foremost02:07
szalSilverZ: what directory did you download the archive to?02:07
tech1you need to navigate your directories using ls and cd, without knowing where you are its hard to tell you what to type02:07
SilverZhow do I navigate directories in terminal?02:08
null1024SilverZ: cd02:08
null1024to go up a directory, cd ..02:08
null1024to enter a folder, cd name-of-folder02:08
SilverZright tried that02:08
tech1"ls" ( display fles/folders) ... looking around..... "cd" change directory02:08
tech1"cd ../" go to parent folder02:08
gr33n7007hSilverZ, where do your downloads go?02:09
szaltech1: no need for the slash02:09
danielboston26how do i install stuff from unauthorized sources?02:09
SilverZhold on hold on02:09
SilverZok I'm at my parent folder02:09
SilverZthe cd .. was the first thing that worked02:09
szaldanielboston26: define 'unauthorized sources'02:09
SilverZat parent folder but cd foldername still doesn't work02:10
danielboston26The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources. szal02:10
null1024SilverZ: type nautilus .02:10
gr33n7007hSilverZ, where do your downloads go?02:10
tech1for instance my download files are in "/home/username/Downloads"02:10
null1024doing this entirely from the command line is silly02:11
rpaddocki set a static ip with auth eth0 at the top and dns-nameservers at the bottom, when my computer starts up, I have to ifdown then ifup in order to get nameservers to get setup correctly. Is there a better way of doing this?02:11
TJ-xbmcuser7: You might check the sys file-system for any devices with rfkill... those nodes are created by drivers: "ls /sys/class/*/*/rfkill*/name"02:11
gr33n7007hSilverZ, what web browser you using02:11
SilverZi have chrome/ mozilla02:11
szalnull1024: no, it isn't.. what is silly is when people can't seem to follow instructions02:11
gr33n7007hSilverZ, what web browser you use to download compat-wireless02:11
null1024both things are silly02:11
tech1the terminal commands are case sensitive remember02:12
sakortyhello, can anyone help me?02:12
null1024sakorty: just ask02:12
szalsakorty: with what? we can't mind-read yet..02:12
sakortyi am trying to get the rotating cube02:12
SilverZchrome, my downloads go to /home/ben/downloads02:12
sakortyand it sais i have to click on the light switch icon on the desktop, i cant seem to find it02:13
xbmcuser7Does anyone know how to fix my bluetooth problem?02:13
gr33n7007hSilverZ, type this in terminal: find / -iname compat-wireless*02:13
szalSilverZ: make sure whether it's "downloads" or "Downloads" (mind the case!)02:13
SilverZDownloads * I tried both02:13
SilverZhold on the find part02:13
tech1mine is Downloads02:14
SilverZit came back saying permission denied on everything, I'm logged in as the administrator though02:14
danielboston26how do i disable or turn off unity?02:14
danielboston26i hate it02:14
null1024sakorty: the desktop cube, right? do you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed?02:14
tech1type "ls /home/ben/Downloads" you should see the folder if its there02:14
danielboston26with a passion02:14
gr33n7007hSilverZ, are you root02:15
tchopperrpaddock: Can post your /etc/ifconfig to patebin.com?02:15
sakortyyes i think i have it installed02:15
szalgr33n7007h: does he need to?02:15
SilverZhow do i check?02:15
gr33n7007hno, just asking02:15
szalSilverZ: whoami02:15
TJ-SilverZ: "whoami"02:15
Oxnard_Dogghow can i check which wireless adapters are supported by ubuntu 12.04?02:15
gr33n7007hSilverZ, echo $USER02:15
Oxnard_Dogghow about the usb wireles adapters?02:16
SilverZit just says ben02:16
null1024sakorty: then press alt+f2 and type ccsm02:16
gr33n7007hSilverZ, what OS you using02:16
SilverZubuntu 12.04 LTS02:16
szaldanielboston26: Ubuntu = Unity.. deal w/ it or use something else (e.g. Kubuntu (KDE) or Xubuntu (XFCE))..02:16
tchopperdanielboston26: I try installing gnome-shell with `sudo apt-get install -y gnome-shell`. After that, you should be able to login to Gnome Shell by clicking the little gear on the login screen.02:16
null1024a little down the list, you should see the desktop cube settings, you can enable and customize it from there02:17
sakortywhat does alt+f12 do? it doesnt seem to be doing anything02:17
danielboston26so ubuntu has no way to turn it off anymore?02:17
null1024sakorty: alt+f2, not f1202:17
TJ-SilverZ: can you pastebin the results of "ls -al"  (that's lowercase L S -AL)02:17
gr33n7007hSilverZ, type: cd $HOME/Downloads02:17
null1024it brings up the run menu02:17
sakortyah thanks02:17
SilverZok I'm in downloads now02:17
SilverZnow try the original command you gave me?02:18
gr33n7007htype: ls02:18
SilverZthe folder is there now02:18
szal.oO( too many cooks spoil the broth.. )02:18
SamanaghDoes 'Desktop Sharing' work over the internet or only lan?02:19
bonhoefferwhen i mount my usb drive -- i get a permission denied02:19
SilverZgr33n7007h I ran the original command you gave me02:19
SamanaghAnd if so what port does it use? 22?02:19
SilverZnow what?02:19
bonhoefferbut i can easily see the files if i boot via live cd02:19
bonhoefferany ideas on how i could mount the drive02:19
=== Maser is now known as Dolan_pls
blackshirtbonhoeffer,whar drives do you want to mount?02:20
gr33n7007hSilverZ, the tar folder02:20
SilverZgr33n7007h I'm in that now02:21
bonhoefferblackshirt: i have an ext3 usb drive02:21
bonhoefferi want to mount it in 12.0402:21
SilverZI'm in the folder that the archive created02:21
gr33n7007hSilverZ, ah right02:21
TJ-bonhoeffer: The file permissions of the ext3 file-system are likely preventing you02:21
SilverZI'm in ~/Downloads/compat-wireless-3.5-1$02:21
blackshirtbonhoefffer,yes,exactly,you could mount02:21
gr33n7007hSilverZ, good02:21
bonhoefferit doesn't appear in the file explorer, if i go to /media/New Volume the directory is empty02:21
SilverZlittle victories02:21
bonhoefferif i boot via live cd i can see the files02:22
gr33n7007hSilverZ, type: make02:22
bonhoefferTJ-: thanks, any idea on options to fix?02:22
blackshirtbonhoeffer,you can mount it manually02:22
SilverZokay, looks like it's doing stuff. that's about the best description I have right now02:22
TJ-bonhoeffer: check whether the device has mounted correctly. If there's a file-system error it won't mount. At a terminal first look for it by listing the mounts using "mount"02:22
bonhoefferit is /dev/sdc02:23
SilverZif this works and you're ever in SC, I'll buy you a beer02:23
gr33n7007hSilverZ, lol02:23
bonhoefferi will try sudo mount  -t ext3 /dev/sdc /media/new_mount02:23
SilverZgr33n7007h even if it doesn't work02:23
TJ-bonhoeffer: If it doesn't show up there, then check the /var/log/kern.log file using "Log file viewer" looking for problems after plugging in the USB device02:23
gr33n7007hSilverZ, it might take a while when compiling02:23
TJ-bonhoeffer: Are you sure it's /sdc ... and not /sdc1 ? ... sdc implies the entire drive is a file-system with not paritition table02:24
blackshirtbonhoeffer,try to specify your device path exactly,maybe some  dev/sdc1, look it02:24
W4spPMFJI. bonhoeffer TJ- Shouldn't it /dev/sdc followed by number?02:24
SilverZgr33n7007h looks like it, after it's done compiling, then what?02:24
Samanaghi like men02:24
gr33n7007hSilverZ, sudo make install02:25
BronzSamanagh: congrats, just about every other person on earth does as well.02:25
TJ-Samanagh: So do I... if they do the washing up!02:25
bonhoeffercorrect, it is sdc2 that i should mount02:25
SilverZgr33n7007h thanks02:25
c2tarunhi, can anyone please help me in setting up a LAN chat server using openfire? Please02:25
=== thomas is now known as desperado
lafonIt's been a while since I've had to do an upgrade. Can I do a direct one from 10.04 12.04 or would it be better to back up my data and do a fresh install?02:25
TJ-bonhoeffer: And is that mounting successfully?02:25
blackshirtc2tarun, i have no play before02:26
bonhoefferno, i get special device /dev/sdc2 does not exist02:26
bonhoefferbut i see it in fdisk02:26
c2tarunhmm..... :(02:26
TJ-bonhoeffer: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc"  ?02:26
blackshirtbonhoeffer, look with fdisk -l02:26
sakortynull1024: i got it done, thanks for your help02:26
c2tarunseems like everyone is sleeping in #openfire02:27
null1024sakorty: you're welcome ;302:27
bonhoefferno, i can't, because i'm on a terminal prompt (my mouse died)02:27
sakortynull1024: btw, do you know how to make league of legends work?  xD02:27
bonhoefferso i have to look at results, switch windows and remember what i saw02:27
bonhoefferGPT detected if that helps02:27
null1024sakorty: no idea, check the winehq database to see if it works in wine02:28
bonhoefferis in that output02:28
* null1024 hasn't tried it, because this laptop's video is terrible, and my other machine [which has better video] is a netbook02:28
TJ-bonhoeffer: You can "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then do "sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit"02:28
bonhoeffer255 heads, etc .. .but /dev/sdc2 starts at 34 and ends at 195350465302:28
blackshirtfdisk -l shows your device and partitions02:28
sakortynull1024: well i tried looking on the forum and it said that i have to install wine and winetricks02:28
bonhoefferSystem is NOn-FS Data02:28
null1024sakorty: yes02:28
sakortynull1024: ok thanks  ^^02:29
TJ-bonhoeffer: What partition type is sdc2 ?02:29
null1024sakorty: wine should install winetricks automatically02:29
bonhoefferblackshirt, TJ- should be ext302:29
sakortynull1024: okay02:29
null1024sakorty: just sudo apt-get install wine-1.402:29
null1024and off you go02:29
TJ-bonhoeffer: I said partion type ... not file-system02:29
TJ-bonhoeffer: fdisk will show you the type02:29
bonhoefferbut sdc1 is GPT and sdc2 is Non-FS data02:29
bonhoeffersorry, is that what you want02:30
TJ-bonhoeffer: I think the GPT is why it's having a problem02:30
sakortynull1024: oh i was searching for the download on google  xD02:30
bonhoefferGuid partition table?02:30
null1024sakorty: there are packages on winehq, but installing it from the repo is easier02:31
TJ-bonhoeffer: so fdisk is showing type 'ee' ?02:31
bonhoefferonly for sdc102:31
bonhoefferda for sdc202:31
bonhoefferand sdc2 is where the big data are02:31
TJ-bonhoeffer: That's what I wanted, thanks02:31
onetwo__it tells me my configuration could be broken when it try to install app from the store like Play on Linux or other apps wtf?02:31
sakortynull1024: E: couldn't find any package by regex 'wine-1.4'02:31
onetwo__pls someone help me02:31
null1024sakorty: oh whoops, wine1.402:32
null1024no dash02:32
null1024sorry about that02:32
sakortynull1024: thanks02:32
TJ-bonhoeffer: OK, well da ==  Non-FS data which I think comes from the GPT in sdc102:32
=== desperado is now known as thomas
wilee-nileeonetwo__, run the install from a terminal and post all the text in a pastebin02:32
bonhoefferTJ-: so am i screwed?02:33
TJ-bonhoeffer: Can you use something like "mount -t xfs /dev/sdc2 /mnt/XXXXX"  ?02:33
wilee-nilee!pastebin | onetwo__02:33
ubottuonetwo__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:33
bonhoefferTJ-: i'll try02:33
TJ-bonhoeffer: Scratch that! that won't work02:33
TJ-bonhoeffer: Try this: parted /dev/sdc print02:33
SilverZgr33n7007h just did sudo make install02:33
bonhoefferTJ-: i still get /dev/sdc2 does not exist02:34
gr33n7007hSilverZ, yep02:34
TJ-bonhoeffer: Was that for the parted command?02:34
gr33n7007hSilverZ, what happened02:35
bonhoefferno, for that i get partition table: gpt number: 1 Start 17.4kb, End 1000GB, File System ext302:35
foxy999my desktop config keeps resetting when i restart, like the buttons in my launch bar n window decorations, im using 10.04, how can i stop this from happening?02:35
wilee-nilee!pm | onetwo__02:36
ubottuonetwo__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:36
wilee-nileeonetwo__, use the channel please. ;)02:36
TJ-bonhoeffer: Thanks... I'm trying to build a picture in my head... give me a mo02:36
SilverZit says: No run: sudo make wlunload to unload wireless modules02:36
SilverZnow run*02:37
bonhoefferTJ-: thanks02:37
SilverZor run sudo modprobe driver-name to load your desired driver or sudo make unload to unload all02:37
TJ-bonhoeffer: this page gives some insight on what you're seeing. Worth a read... doesn't solve mounting... yet... though. http://www.wensley.org.uk/gpt02:38
wilee-nileeonetwo__, the more people that see your problem raises the chance of getting you help.02:38
TJ-bonhoeffer: In particular note the following:02:38
TJ-bonhoeffer: Set the first MBR partition type ee, as it is your GPT partition table.02:38
TJ-The second partition in MBR is your GPT table's first partition. We use this to store the Grub stageloader, so set the type to da meaning this is not a filesystem.02:38
=== wolf is now known as Guest64036
SilverZgr33n7007h - should I just unload the wireless modules?02:39
gr33n7007hSilverZ, no wait02:39
onetwo__im asking02:39
bonhoefferTJ-: i can't click -- i'm not in X02:39
SilverZmy wired connection is working fine and I don't have bluetooth. or should I unload a specific driver, but I'm not 100% sure which one I need02:39
SilverZI have a bcm4311 chip02:39
TJ-bonhoeffer: Use lynx02:40
onetwo__how to run league of legends from 12.04 kubuntu, its a game, help me pls, and how do i kill an app that runs in kubuntu02:40
bonhoefferi can try, but i guess i need to copy the image over to the computer using live cd or something -- so frustrating02:40
TJ-bonhoeffer: That page seems to suggest that with a GPT device, you need to fool fdisk  using the gptsync command and then fixing up the partition type numbers manually in fdisk02:40
=== aaaas is now known as aaas
SilverZgr33n7007h it also says if unsure, reboot02:41
bonhoefferi wonder why this is such a problem -- i just formatted the disk using live cd per the default02:41
TJ-bonhoeffer: It seems something selected, or the device already was, a GPT device, and that causes problems for finding the file-systems.02:42
null1024onetwo__: do you have wine installed?02:42
gr33n7007hSilverZ, dont reboot yet I've not done this in a while 1 sec02:42
SilverZgr33n7007h rgr, standing by02:42
Jordan_UTJ-: bonhoeffer: You do *not* want to use gptsync. "hybrid" MBRs are evil and should only be used when neccessary (which is pretty much only when Windows is involved).02:43
bonhoefferTJ-: so i need to read up on what a GPT device is, thanks for alerting me to the problem02:43
bonhoefferJordan_U: i can't mount my drive i formatted with 12.0402:43
bonhoefferi can read it if i load live cd on the original computer02:43
bonhoefferbut no other computers02:43
TJ-Jordan_U: Thanks for that... I did wonder... but its hard to explain how the device got GPTed in the first place to cause bonhoeffer this much aggro02:43
Jordan_Ubonhoeffer: Please run "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" and post the URL that it outputs here.02:43
bonhoefferJordan_U: i can't -- i have no mouse02:44
gr33n7007hSilverZ, what did sudo make install say02:44
Jordan_Ubonhoeffer: My instructions do not require a mouse.02:44
bonhoefferJordan_U: thanks for trying to help -- i don't have the keyboard skills to pastebin from terminal without a mouse02:44
Jordan_Ubonhoeffer: You might at most have to manually type the URL.02:44
gr33n7007hSilverZ, what did sudo make install say02:45
Jordan_Ubonhoeffer: Run the command I gave it quotes (remove the quotes before running it). It will either give you an error message that pastebinit is not installed, or it will output a URL. If it outputs a URL then tell us that URL.02:45
chasechaiJether_______: jkljllkj02:45
SilverZall kind of things but it ended with Now Run: sudo make unload to unload all sudo make wlunload to unload wireless sudo make btunload to unload bluetooth sudo modprobe driver-name to load desire driver if unsure reboot02:45
=== deepakb is now known as dbalani
gr33n7007hSilverZ, ha right type: modprobe brcm8021102:47
foxy999my desktop config keeps resetting when i restart, like the buttons in my launch bar n window decorations, im using 10.04, how can i stop this from happening?02:48
rhizmoeis there a story behind traceroute not being included by default?02:48
SilverZgr33n7007h rgr wait one02:48
TJ-rhizmoe: See tracepath02:48
=== deepak is now known as dbalani
SilverZgr33n7007h can you type that again I cleared my window on accident like a noob02:48
rhizmoemeh. thanks02:48
gr33n7007hSilverZ, ha right type:sudo modprobe brcm8021102:49
* Jether_______ 我要死了02:49
SilverZgr33n7007h FATAL: Module brcm80211 not found.02:49
gr33n7007hSilverZ, sudo modprobe b4302:50
SilverZgr33n7007h, did it, the command line just popped up next02:51
SilverZis it done?02:51
David_linux2Hi , how can i have Yahoo Messenger on my lubuntu?02:51
gr33n7007hSilverZ, check your card02:51
SilverZAHHA!!! the little light came on which is a huge step up02:51
SilverZI'm gonna disconnect my ethernet and try to connect wirelessly be back shortly gr33n7007h02:52
TJ-SilverZ: A little tip. In Linux, command lines often don't report anything if they don't error02:52
onetwo_can anyone pls help me play league of legends on this kubuntu 12.0402:52
onetwo_says i cant install 1.4 wine cause i may have held broken packages02:52
gr33n7007hSilverZ, tell me how it goes good luk02:52
onetwo_but i already installed 1.5 wine, how do i uninstall it? i wanna try 1.4 wich is more stable version02:52
null1024onetwo_: did you build it yourself, or apt-get it?02:53
TJ-onetwo_: You might need to fix those broken packages issues. Try "sudo apt-get -f install"02:54
kbreitAm I able to use dhcpd to issue DHCP to all subnets except the one it is in?02:54
TJ-kbreit: great question! sounds implausible but I'll check02:55
kbreitTJ-: Thanks. I've been reading the configuration guides and can't find if I can or not. I could off course try.02:55
TJ-kbreit: The way I read it, for a multi-homed server, it'll only server sub-nets for which there is a subnet {} clause in the config02:56
kbreitTJ-: So I would put a shared-network group with the subnets I want in there, excluding the one it is attached to ?02:57
TJ-kbreit: This seems to say so: "A subnet declaration is required for every network your DHCP server is serving. Multiple subnets require multiple subnet declarations. If the DHCP server does not have a network interface in a range of a subnet declaration, the DHCP server does not serve that network. "02:58
kbreitTJ-: Where did you find that?02:58
TJ-kbreit: http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/sect-Configuring_a_Multihomed_DHCP_Server.html02:58
SilverZgr33n7007h, it worked but then it wouldn't let me reconnect to chat, I rebooted and now everything is back to how it was02:58
SilverZwireless not working02:58
TJ-SilverZ: You may need to modprobe the module again ... it may not have been loaded. You can check by doing "lsmod | grep XXX" where XXX is a string of characters in the module name02:59
SilverZTJ from the folder where the module is correct?03:00
TJ-SilverZ: to modprobe, you do " sudo modprobe b43"03:00
gr33n7007hSilverZ, show me the output of : /lib/modules/yourkernelversion/kernel/drivers/net/wireless03:00
TJ-SilverZ: No ... you've installed the module to the kernel's lib/ directory03:00
TJ-SilverZ: so modprobe will 'know' where to find the module03:01
SilverZgr33n7007h, how do I show the output of that again?03:02
SilverZno, no, do I type that straight or cd before it? or ls ls- a ??03:03
SilverZi did it with the slash before lib and it said no file or directory again03:04
gr33n7007hSilverZ, type sudo modprobe b43           again03:05
SilverZstraight back to command line, light on card comes on again03:05
gr33n7007htyoe ifconfig03:05
gr33n7007hwhat interface show up03:06
wurblegem install rake; rails generate foo; => "Could not find rake-0.9.2 in any of the sources"03:06
SilverZand lo03:06
wurble^ WHat gives?03:06
gr33n7007hjust that one03:06
gr33n7007hYou say you using 12.0403:06
SilverZsorry card switch was flipped wlan came up03:06
ludlowanyone else crashing after todays updates?03:07
gr33n7007hSilverZ, type sudo modprobe b43           again then03:07
SilverZgr33n7007h, so it's working, but what do I need to do so it doesn't disappear upon reboot?03:07
gr33n7007hSilverZ, so wireless is working03:08
SilverZokay how does pastebin work?03:08
ludlowmy gnome is crashing after todays updates . anyone else having the same issue?03:08
gr33n7007hSilverZ, what you pastebin in03:08
jorenl_hmm. Running PSensor on this laptop, it's returning a 56C for /dev/sda . Is that ok for  a laptop or should I try to cool it better somehow?03:09
SilverZgr33n7007h, trying to show what ifconfig said about mah wireless03:09
gr33n7007hSilverZ, ah ok03:09
SilverZbut the card came on earlier but after reboot it didn't, what's going wrong on reboot?03:09
TJ-SilverZ: If a module doesn't get auto-loaded at boot-time (it ought to) then you can ensure it is by adding its name to the file /etc/modules03:09
gr33n7007htype ifconfig | pastebinin03:09
SilverZin the terminal?03:10
TJ-SilverZ: that should be type "ifconfig | pastebinit"03:10
SilverZthen install it?03:10
TJ-SilverZ: note the ending T not N03:10
SilverZgr33n7007h TJ should uninstall the original broadcom drivers as well, so the ubuntu doesn't load them up when I reboot?03:11
gr33n7007hSilverZ, not yet03:12
highbuzzWhen I try and start Ubuntu after a fresh install, I get this screen.. is there anything I can do?: http://i.imgur.com/K1E4H.jpg03:12
gr33n7007hpaste the url on here03:13
gr33n7007hSilverZ, looking good03:13
gr33n7007hSilverZ, now type: echo "b43" >> /etc/modules03:14
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | highbuzz03:14
ubottuhighbuzz: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:14
SilverZgr33n7007h, permission denied03:14
gr33n7007hSilverZ, sorry prefix with sudo03:15
foxy999my desktop config keeps resetting when i restart, like the buttons in my launch bar n window decorations, im using 10.04, how can i stop this from happening?03:15
wilee-nileehighbuzz, follow the link to insert nomodeset in the kernel to boot in and update and look in additional drivers.03:15
SilverZso sudo echo "br3" >> /etc/modules03:15
gr33n7007hsudo echo "b43" >> /etc/modules03:15
SilverZgr33n7007h, still permission denied or do I need to go back to the original folder?03:16
gr33n7007hSilverZ, type: sudo -i03:16
SilverZok I'm root@computer name now03:17
somsipI updated nvidia-current and lost my screen settings on reboot. Tracked it down to the module not being built for the kernel in use. See pastebin http://pastebin.com/fscMNGEj03:17
gr33n7007hnow type: echo "b43" >> /etc/modules03:17
SilverZdid, right back at the command line03:17
Jordan_Ugr33n7007h: SilverZ: The proper way to append output to a file which can only be written to by root is "echo foo | sudo tee -a /path/to/file"03:17
gr33n7007hSilverZ, You out of root?03:18
SilverZno I'm still root03:18
gr33n7007h^^^ Jordan_U +103:18
gr33n7007htype: exit03:18
SilverZok back to ben03:19
gr33n7007hSilverZ, now reboot to see if the module loads03:19
SilverZdo i need to type what Jordan_U posted?03:19
gr33n7007hSilverZ, no he was just telling you the proper way03:19
SilverZah, ok, I'll reboot, cya in a bit03:20
SilverZgr33n7007h thank you, I am connected to the internet WITHOUT WIRES!!03:24
gr33n7007hSilverZ, good to hear03:24
sakortynull1024: sorry to bother you but i have a small problem with wine1.403:24
SilverZgr33n7007h, thanks again, if you ever have car questions, don't hesitate to ask =D03:25
gr33n7007hSilverZ, haha lol03:25
sakortynull1024: a message poped up in the terminal and sais configuration ttf-mscorefonts-installer, what should i do?03:25
SilverZgr33n7007h, I need to learn a good amount about linux/ubuntu, would probably pay off since I'm going to be studying engineering here soon03:26
gr33n7007hSilverZ, You'll get used to it trust me ;)03:26
SilverZgr33n7007h, word. take care03:27
Gyro54I am trying to clone an OEM 12.04 but clonezilla 1.2.8 fails at 98% every time. Can anyone help me with this?03:27
gr33n7007hSilverZ, will do03:27
foxy999Can anyone help me from stopping my desktop config from ressetting everytime i boot?03:27
highbuzzubottu and wilee-nilee: thank you.03:30
ubottuhighbuzz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:30
W4spgr33n7007h: That was more exciting than the Olympic games. :-)03:30
W4sp!cookies | gr33n7007h03:31
ubottugr33n7007h: Cookies are delicious delicacies.03:31
wilee-nileehighbuzz, your in cool. ;)03:31
gr33n7007hW4sp, lmao we got there in the end03:32
W4spgr33n7007h: I admire your patience, skills and guts.03:33
=== infinity_ is now known as BlackWeb
gr33n7007hW4sp, You have to with some03:34
wilee-nileeGyro54, besides here there is a #clonezilla channel only 9 people there though03:35
BlackWebJust curious if anyone would know how to set up a Network interface, Which I installed 12.04 Server, & didnt have it connected to my network at the time of install so that after installation then the eth0 wasnt setup to activate so I went in started it up and it looked like it was having a hard time setting it up as a DHCP interface. Which configure /etc/network/interfaces so that it read "auto lo eth0" which would start the inter03:36
BlackWebface but failed to grab its ip from router would anyone know how to set it up as DCHP03:36
mkquistanyone know why i would get this running lspci -v "03:37
mkquist3D controller: nVidia Corporation GT218 [GeForce 310M] (rev ff) (prog-if ff)03:37
mkquist!!! Unknown header type 7f03:37
ubottumkquist: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:37
BlackWebWheres Dr_willis03:37
el_rusoBlackWeb, auto eth0, don't touch auto lo03:38
_skplis it possible to re-install unity?03:38
BlackWebso if I change it so that it read auto eth0 then will it activate the interface as DHCP, to where it03:38
BlackWebit'll grab its IP from router03:38
wilee-nilee_skpl, what brings you to needing to, hyou can set it back to stock.03:38
BlackWebso I'll have two lines "auto eth0"; "auto lo"03:39
_skplwell whenever i click on a running app, it doesnt bring the app up, i dont know why03:39
BlackWebOr would i have to set it up to obtain its address from router also03:39
el_rusoBlackWeb, auto lo03:39
wilee-nilee_skpl, try alt-f2 and rub unity --reset03:39
BlackWebya before touching the file it just had that "auto lo" I thought it was the loopback adapter03:40
_skplwilee-nilee: thanks, that worked :D03:40
BlackWebWhich trying to decide if my best bet is to just reinstall the system with it connected or if theres a way so that the eth0 interface will have a DHCP IP03:40
wilee-nilee_skpl, cool, enjoy. ;)03:41
Sakortymy computer restarted when i was installing wine 1.4, now i get like this error message saying i should run the package manager03:41
Sakortyhow do i do that?03:41
sc30317does anyone know why my computer might not have suspend enabled by default?  Can't see it in the menu - ubuntu 12.0403:43
wilee-nileeSakorty, if it rebooted during a install you may just need to free it up run this in a terminal  sudo apt-get -f install03:44
wilee-nileenever used wine so I don't know if it is supposed to reboot03:45
Sakortywilee-nilee: it sais uable to lock the administration directory03:45
wilee-nileeSakorty, you have the software center or synaptic open03:45
David_AwayHow can i set an automatic Shut down after some amount of time on my lubuntu???03:46
wilee-nileesoftware center should not mater though03:46
Sakortywilee-nilee: sorry im new to all this, i dont understand what you mean03:46
David_AwayHow can i set an automatic Shut down after some amount of time on my lubuntu???03:46
Guest84917Sakorty, run the package manager03:46
Guest84917 how do i do that?: from yout command line: $ sudo apt-get -f install03:46
wilee-nileeSakorty, how did you start the wine install to begin with?03:46
sc30317David_Away, read the shutdown man page; its on there03:47
Sakortywilee-nilee: uhm, i think it was sudo apt-get install wine1.403:47
David_AwayWhere sc30317 ?03:47
sc30317David_Away, open a terminal03:47
sc30317man shutdown03:47
wilee-nileeSakorty, have you installed synaptic?03:47
Sakortywilee-nilee: dont think so...03:47
kill_boxdavid, !# shutdown03:47
kill_boxwrite a script03:48
wilee-nileeSakorty, try this command if it does not error run the last one again. sudo dpkg --configure -a03:48
null1024wait, isn't synaptic installed by default03:48
Guest84917wilee-nilee, why would he need synaptic? apt-get, apt-cache and aptitude should do it right03:48
wilee-nileenull1024, not now in 12.0403:48
* null1024 upgraded from 10.0403:48
wilee-nileeGuest84917, did I say he needed it?03:48
Sakortywilee-nilee, it sais its locked by another process03:49
kill_boxanyone know why i keep getting xorg panics on live-persistant FDE lucid usb. i have no swap. i've figured too much for usb to handle03:49
Guest84917wilee-nilee, you mention it trying luck as his best option, which it isn't03:49
wilee-nileeSakorty, generally if a instaler is open already you get that error.03:49
David_Awayso i type shutdown +60 ?03:49
David_Awayin terminal?03:49
sc30317shutdown -h +6003:50
Sakortywilee-nilee, well my pc just crashed in the middle of the installation03:50
sc30317as root03:50
wilee-nileeGuest84917, No I ask to make sure there are no open installers.03:50
David_Awayhow can i be root?03:50
sc30317David_Away, make sense03:50
el_rusoHi does anybody knows how to configure an apache server behind squid (two different servers, same LAN, both Ubuntu)?03:50
sc30317David_Away, are you new to linux? :)03:50
David_Awayyes installed today xD03:50
null1024David_Away: prefix commands with sudo03:50
David_Awayi have to go sleep03:51
Jordan_U!sudo | David_Away03:51
ubottuDavid_Away: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo03:51
null1024David_Away: so sudo shutdown -h +6003:51
sc30317David_Away, http://www.linfo.org/root.html03:51
Guest84917wilee-nilee, oh i c, clever03:51
Guest84917i often forget how much gui oriented is ubuntu :P03:51
David_Awaythanks ,it didnt say Setted timer or anything03:51
David_Awayi hope it will work03:51
reasearcher123why some sites are not opening on my pc namely facebook, way2sms etc.?03:52
Guest84917reasearcher123, can u elaborate on that?03:52
Sakortyhmm so what do i do about this problem?03:52
wilee-nileeGuest84917, the error suggests that just checking the possibilities with my walnut sized brain. ;)03:52
wilee-nileeSakorty, not sure I can get you an answer but stay on the channel.03:53
Sakortywilee-nilee, i guess ill go back and search the forums some more03:53
reasearcher123 All websites can open on my pc except a few one like www.facebook.com www.way2sms.com, www.tatasky.com etc.03:53
Guest84917wilee-nilee, and you're right, often those common 'walnut sized brain' scenarios are the ones that keep you banging your head to the wall until you realize that: "wait a minute! what if... are you using synaptic by chance?" lol03:54
wilee-nileeyou never know what is going on, or what has happened.03:55
Guest84917reasearcher123, well, i must that if u can't open www.faceshit.com you're a lucky person03:55
Guest84917reasearcher123, now, what error message do you see?03:55
Guest84917reasearcher123, which browser do you use?03:55
reasearcher123no error message.Just it takes eternity and never opens03:56
davidrsmorrisHey, I'm setting up 23:51 < Guest84917> wilee-nilee, oh i c, clever03:56
Guest84917reasearcher123, from where are you trying to access those sites? sometimes net administrators puts a proxy to filter people access to internet and to block such sites03:57
reasearcher123im not behind any firewall03:57
Guest84917reasearcher123, some examples could be a school, an institute and so on03:57
Guest84917reasearcher123, not a firewall, a proxy03:57
reasearcher123I dont have proxy filter03:57
Guest84917ok, did you tried turn it off and on again?03:58
reasearcher123in fat it opens from my college where we have proxy but does not open from home03:58
Guest84917(I love The IT C)03:58
Guest84917reasearcher123, ok, so you're browsing the net with a notebook03:58
davidrsmorrishey, I'm setting up Awesome under ubuntu, and right now, I'm trying to set up a volume control.  I'm using Delightful widgets, and the volume widget is PulseAudio.  Since ubuntu has used ALSA since the switch to Unity, I figure other Awesome wm users here feel my pain.  Has anyone solved this problem?03:59
Nach0zhey guys, got a question for you. Every time I connect to a new wifi network, my resolv.conf gets reverted and the nameserver is defined as "", is there any way to make it STOP doing this? I'm fairly sure resetting the dns servers to localhost shouldn't be default behaviour.03:59
Guest84917Nach0z, master, esta es la mejor forma: you need to set the immutable bit04:00
Guest84917Nach0z, $ sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf will make the file immutable, that is, no one even root can change that file04:01
Nach0zhm. that might work. thanks04:02
Guest84917it's very common to have /etc/resolv.conf immutable if one uses his own set of dns servers, like opendns, google dns or level4304:02
Nach0zgoogledns ftw04:02
kill_boxanyone got experience on live-persistent usb's04:02
Guest84917in fact, i recommend using dns-crypt  with opendns so that way every query to dns will be encrypted from your isp04:03
Guest84917pretty, isn't it? :)04:03
KBentley57whats up kill_box04:03
Nach0zGuest84917: can't chattr +i04:03
Guest84917Nach0z, why not?04:03
kill_boxkeep gettin xorg panics04:03
Nach0zoperation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.con04:04
kill_boxusb just not reliable?04:04
Guest84917let me see...04:04
Nach0zGuest84917: Also tried on /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf, still no dice04:04
KBentley57what kind of hardware are you running?04:04
mkquistanyone help with nvidia driver activated but not in use in 11.04?04:04
Guest84917Nach0z, yeah, i remember now about this, give me a minute04:04
KBentley57 mkquist have you tried to deactive the driver, and use the binary from nvidia?04:05
Jordan_UNach0z: Have you checked what DNS server is configured in network-manager?04:05
Nach0zGuest84917: somewhere here says to add the "acl" option to automount points in fstab04:05
xanguahttp://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/setup-static-dns-servers-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ Nach0z Guest8491704:05
c2tarunanyone using choqok here?04:05
Nach0zJordan_U: it changes depending on what wifi I'm attached to04:05
Guest84917Nach0z, yup, you are right04:06
Guest84917i forget about acl04:06
Guest84917reasearcher123, still there?04:07
Nach0zxangua: thanks a ton bud, that is actually a good plan04:07
reasearcher123yes still there04:07
=== are is now known as Guest38505
Nach0zBut my question is, why the hellfire would Ubuntu change the nameservers to localhost by default? That CANNOT be someone's idea of "user friendly".04:07
Nach0zThis is a just-got-installed Ubuntu btw, like four hours ago04:07
=== root_359 is now known as thothstriangle
Guest84917reasearcher123, hey, let's see, are you connected wired to the net?04:08
mkquistKBentley57: tried installing the driver from Nvidia, but funny thing is ive installed on this machine before with no problem04:08
mkquistKBentley57: oh yeah no go on installed from Nvidia driver04:08
Guest84917Nach0z, it's ubuntu dude, i see all kind of strange things happening here, lol04:08
KBentley57mkquist, what is the problem you are having exactly04:08
Guest38505NICK are04:09
somsipSo... sudo update-grub has been running for over 30 mins. Safe to CTRL-C or asking for trouble??04:09
mkquistKBentley57: at this point driver activated but not in use04:09
systemd0wnI'm attempting to cross compile some tools for arm. Any takers on a question or two?04:09
Guest84917reasearcher123, please open a console and do: $ cat /etc/hosts and tell me if you see facebook.com there04:09
Guest38505these are awesome questions, i have a dumb one unfortunately, related to a wireless NIC on 12.04 LTS04:09
somsipmkquist: is there an error [EE] entry in /var/log/Xorg.log that says 'Unable to load module nvidia'?04:10
KBentley57mkquist, did you uninstall the old driver first?04:10
reasearcher123got the messgae:no such file or directory04:11
Nach0zgahhhh. fuggit. now changes to dhclient.conf aren't being accepted04:11
davidrsmorrissomsip: I wouldn't.  Are you running low on battery?04:11
Guest38505when i reboot, my wireless network is not recognized, but when i type "sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb", and "sudo modprobe b43" it starts to work again, i have a broadcom card in this laptop04:11
mkquistsomsip: no04:11
Guest84917reasearcher123, no wat, /etc/hosts must be there, try again04:11
Jordan_Usomsip: It's safe to ctrl+C, update-grub creates /boot/grub/grub.cfg.new and only overwrites /boot/grub/grub.cfg after finishing and confirming there are no syntax errors. You should figure out why it's hanging though.04:11
Guest84917$ cat /etc/hosts04:11
somsipJordan_U: you're a star. Thank you.04:12
reasearcher123yes got some lines out04:12
Jordan_Usomsip: You're welcome.04:12
somsipmkquist: any entries relating to nvidia module in the Xorg.log?04:12
reasearcher123please c here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1133698/04:12
mkquistKBentley57: ive gone so far as to purge nvidia-current and reinstall it04:12
somsipmkquist: I'm doing the same thing - was it upgrade to 295.40?04:13
KBentley57mkquist, I see.  Can you tell me the name of the nvidia card you have?  Just for reference04:13
mkquistKBentley57: 310M04:13
Guest84917reasearcher123, well, you have a fairly default hosts file so facebook isn't blocked thru it04:13
mkquistsomsip: is that the new one?04:13
KBentley57mkquist, is it a laptop with switchable graphics?04:13
mkquistKBentley57: yep04:13
Jordan_UNach0z: Is this happening with more than one wireless network (or wireless networks configured by different organisations)? The DHCP server may simply be configured incorrectly.04:13
reasearcher123true but still facebook problem remains04:14
mkquistKBentley57: worked before though just fine...04:14
somsipmkquist: last night for me. In my case, uname -r shows I'm running but the module for that isn't being built "It is likely that 3.2.0-26-generic belongs to a chroot's host"04:14
Guest84917reasearcher123, moving next: can it be your ISP is blocking those sites? when was the last time you could succefully access those sites?04:14
mkquistKBentley57: I think this all started with trying to upgrade to the newer nvidia driver...04:14
reasearcher1232 weeks ago04:14
KBentley57mkquist, I think there is a bug with the newest driver, or something.  I recall reading about it maybe on slashdot or something similar?  Most of my experience is with amd cards04:14
somsipmkquist: so maybe worth sudo apt-get --reinstall install nvidia-current && uname -r to see if its the same for you04:14
Guest84917reasearcher123, there are multiple vector to take care when debugging such issues, but in this very case we can basically narrow them to a few:04:15
somsipKBentley57: version 1 of 295.40 had some bugs for some 8XXX cards reported around April, with the v1.1 supposedly fixing them04:15
mkquistsomsip: already did that one, purged and reinstalled nvidia-current04:16
Guest84917reasearcher123, 1. proxy or firewall (you already said that's not the problem), 2. host file (we just saw it's clean), 3. browser: may be a recent update broke something?04:16
somsipmkquist: and were there any error messages? Like here http://pastebin.com/fscMNGEj04:16
reasearcher123cant figure out what04:16
Guest84917reasearcher123, did you try accessing with another browser? are you using any plugin that _potentially_ could block your web access?04:17
KBentley57mkquist, Somsip, can you revert to the older driver?04:17
reasearcher123google chrom n firefox both tried04:17
mkquistsomsip: nope04:17
somsipKBentley57: tried 295.33, even tried 302.17 (I think) from XUP PPA. It's not a driver issue per se, more that the module is not being build for my running kernel. But I'm not trying to thread hijack from mkquist here...04:18
somsipmkquist: ok - worth a try in case it was a similar error04:18
laumonierhi i ve done a new instalation and i have no sound on ubuntu (ive got a dual boot and on windows it works) need advice and help to fix this thx04:18
Guest84917reasearcher123, ok, let's go dirty, first things first: please switch to a console and write: $ ping www.facebook.com04:18
Guest84917reasearcher123, let' be sure that we can actually access the site04:18
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KBentley57somsip, mkquist, wish I could be of more help, but I can't think of anything to try off the top of my head.  Try searching the ubuntu forums if you haven't already.  I usually only mess with AMD/ATI cards.  good luck though04:19
reasearcher1237 received 12%packet loss04:19
mkquistbe back, time to black list nouveau and reboot04:19
Nach0zJordan_U: it's happening with every wifi network I try to connect to04:19
mkquistKBentley57: thanks anyway04:19
somsipmkquist: what is your uname -r output?04:19
reasearcher123I want to recharge DishTV from www.tatasky.com that too fails to open04:20
mkquistKBentley57: =)04:20
Nach0zJordan_U: so, four different home networks at least, one of which is mine (and I don't have this issue on, say, openSUSE)04:20
reasearcher123have to go to office.will work later.Thanks for the support.Bye04:20
mkquistsomsip: 2.6.38-15-generic04:20
Jordan_UNach0z: Earlier you said "it changes depending on what wifi I'm attached to". What did you mean by that?04:20
somsipand is 'nvidia-current.ko' listed in /var/lib/{kernel}/updates/dkms ?04:21
Nach0zJordan_U: meant that it changes back to if I change wifi signals, sorry04:21
Guest38505I have a 1490 DW broadcom nic in my laptop that wont recognizes my wireless router under I run the following commands $ sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb  and $ sudo modprobe b43, any thoughts on how to resolve?04:28
Jordan_UNach0z: Please file a bug report with "ubuntu-bug network-manager".04:29
zach_hello ubuntu people, I need some help installing ubuntu!04:31
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Guest38505nick are04:32
Jordan_UNach0z: Also note that this is not actually the default behavior of network-manager (I have never seen this before, and if it were the default then very few people would have working internet). Something odd is going on.04:32
ImStandingI need some support, anybody there?04:33
Nach0zJordan_U: aight.04:34
davidrsmorrisImStanding, go ahead with your questions.  Introductions are not expected on irc.04:34
Nach0zJordan_U: is it possible that something in the home directory could be influencing it?04:34
ImStandingdavidrsmorris I have an HP Pavilion ze4600 here and I can't get it to install ubuntu04:35
davidrsmorrisImStanding: will it boot the livecd?04:36
ImStandingI don't know what liveCD is.  Is that just the 32 bit cd I burned to the disc?04:36
davidrsmorrisImStanding: yes, if it was the approximately 700 mb image.04:37
ImStandingdavidrsmorris I don't know what liveCD is.  Is that just the 32 bit cd I burned to the disc?04:37
Jordan_UNach0z: Possible. Two things to try would be testing in the guest session (since it creates a new temporary home directory) and testing in a LiveCD (where *everything* is known to be default).04:37
ImStandingyeah, I am sure I did it correctly davidrsmorris.  I put in the CD and I get the purple ubuntu screen and then the colorful background, but then it just stays there and does not advance04:38
davidrsmorrisImStanding: are you on IRC on a separate machine?  Are you running Ubuntu from the disk?04:38
TJ-Nach0z: You might want to check "/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf" to see if it has "dns=dnsmasq", and if so, comment that line out04:38
ImStandingdavidrsmorris I am on a seperate laptop, and I have the problematic laptop next to me04:38
TJ-Nach0z: In 12.04 we switched to using dnsmasq as the default resolver. See http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/04:39
ImStandingdavidrsmorris yes I booted from the disk04:39
davidrsmorrisImStanding: Do you hear the disk moving when the purple screen (boot splash) comes on?  Do you hear it either stop or keep going at the same speed when it starts just staying?04:42
Jordan_UNach0z: It turns out I gave you bad information. TJ-'s link explains that really is the default, and why. Sorry about that.04:42
ImStandingit has been making the same (annoying) noise the entire time.  I feel like it is still thinking/working haha... davidrsmorris04:42
Nach0zTJ-: thanks bud04:44
davidrsmorrisImStanding: I think it's stumped.  Try turning it off, and then when you see the purple screen, press Escape.  It should hopefully turn into a black background and start giving out lines of text.  When it gets stuck again, tell us what the line of text at the bottom of the screen is.04:44
ImStandingokay davidrsmorris  give me a few minutse04:45
ImStandingone quick thing...  I assume the laptop is 32 bit, am I correct?04:46
drinxtirWhat kinda laptop?04:47
ImStandingdavidrsmorris are you there?04:48
TJ-ImStanding: When the liveCD starts your get to a menu with "try Ubuntu..." etc ... at the bottom of the screen are some prompts for function keys. Pressing F6 will allow you to remove the "quiet splash" boot options to see messages as the PC boots... which should allow us to figure out what is going wrong. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Changing_the_CD_Boot_Option_Configuration_Line04:48
systemd0wnHow can I narrow down an issue I'm having? I am running 12.04-64bit and I'm experiencing random freezes. Sometimes this does not inlcude the mouse cursor, other times the mouse cursor disappears entirely. Don't know where to begin my search.04:49
TJ-systemd0wn: Check out the system logs in /var/logs/ ... in particular kern.log, syslog and Xorg.0.log04:49
davidrsmorrisImStanding: The 32bit CD is right for your machine if it got you to the splash.04:49
ImStandingTJ- What I just did was on that menu I clicked Install UBUNTU..  Which I have never seen before.  So know it is working and I think I may have some progress....  davidrsmorris04:49
systemd0wnTJ-, Thank you very much.04:50
ImStandingOMG.. too much crap to type.04:50
TJ-ImStanding: There might be a CD read error ... removing "quiet splash" will show if the kernel reports failed reads04:50
ImStandingWhat are you saying TJ-04:50
davidrsmorrisImStanding: You probably want to try ubuntu first.  And that menu should have a "check cd for errors" option which you should use.04:51
TJ-ImStanding: If you can see the kernel's messages as it boots you might get a clue as to the cause of the problem. Otherwise it's just stabs in the dark04:51
ImStandingShall I stop the current progress?  davidrsmorris TJ-04:51
davidrsmorrisImStanding: Not all of the text is important.  The text is describing what is happening as the computer starts up.  The part that's important is the last thing done before something went wrong and it hung.04:51
TJ-ImStanding: I've known often of CD drives with dislodged dust stopping the laser from focusing correctly... showing read errors... and fixed by giving the drive slot a very strong blow-out!04:52
TJ-ImStanding: whilst its going... don't tempt fate and stop it :p04:52
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ-  What I am going to do is watch the text advance until it stops.  I am seeing it stopping and starting many things.  This looks normal.04:53
TJ-ImStanding: That sounds sensible. Often the hardest part is the CD/DVD based installation.04:53
ImStandingMy problem before was that I only saw the desktop, but now I see "stopping mount network filesystems"04:53
davidrsmorrisImStanding: yep, and if you're quick, you'll begin to learn a little about all the software that turns arithmetic into a grahical interface.04:54
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ-  CHANGE IN PROGRESS!!!   I see the pretty UBUNTU desktop screen now04:54
ImStandingwhich is where I became STUCK before. davidrsmorris TJ-04:54
TJ-ImStanding: That sounds good. Often we underestimate how long a CD-based boot will take04:54
davidrsmorrisImStanding: You got a mouse cursor?04:54
ImStandingyes sir04:54
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ-04:54
TJ-ImStanding: As long as you have the desktop you have a user session. If the mouse fails you can still get to a text terminal and run diagnostics/check log files for clues04:55
ImStandingHow long does it usually take for a window to popup?  davidrsmorris TJ-04:55
ImStandingThe mouse doesn't move04:55
ImStandingand I see text again davidrsmorris TJ-04:55
TJ-ImStanding: I've known it take 5 minutes on slow systems/CD drives... go get a coffee and come back :p04:55
ImStandinghaha, except I am 14 and this is too late lol TJ-04:56
davidrsmorrisImStanding: Does the mouse move?04:56
TJ-ImStanding: You'll be 15 by the time its done :p04:56
ImStandinghahaha...  davidrsmorris: no  TJ- LOL04:56
drinxtirStick to the terminal and ditch the mouse04:57
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ImStandingI am very proud of myself.  I fixed one computer yesterday that had a bad virus on windows XP.  So I saw a need for a wipeout and then I took the free way UBUNTU.  And realize its more reliable04:57
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ- I don't see text anymore, just a black screen with the mouse04:57
TJ-ImStanding: Congratulations on seeing the light :D04:57
davidrsmorrisdrinxtir: you remind me of my Arch days.04:57
TJ-ImStanding: Is the mouse responding... what kind of mouse device does the laptop have? touchpad? usb external mouse?04:58
ImStandingLOL.. drinxtir if you need to talk to me, say my name in your text, otherewise I won't read it :P04:58
ImStandingTJ- It responds now, and it is touchpad04:58
TJ-ImStanding: Slow but steady progess then04:58
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ-    Now a gray screen04:58
drinxtirImStanding: can u hear me now? Rofl04:59
ImStandingyes drinxtir04:59
TJ-ImStanding: useful information: most Linux's in multiuser mode start several terminals (ttys) and run the GUI on tty7 or tty8 ... You can get to those other (text) terminals from the GUI by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1...F7 ... and you can return to the GUI by pressing Alt+F7 or F805:00
johnii'm trying to setup a shortcut dir of this path /home/user/downloads in this path /jail/glftpd/site/05:00
johnihow do i do this? i tried using mount but didn't really succeeded05:00
ImStandingTJ- LOL I have no idea what you just said05:01
TJ-ImStanding: You can use those terminals to diagnose problems and view system boot messages when you have serious problems that prevent GUI use05:01
davidrsmorrisImStanding: if you look closely, it might be a weave of white and black.05:01
drinxtirjohni: man ln05:01
TJ-johni: ln -s  /home/user/downloads /jail/glftpd/site/downloads05:01
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ-                david:  no it's not05:01
ImStandingTJ-  Is there a cheat sheet for this?  Lol  because I can't remember shortcuts easily.05:02
davidrsmorrisImStanding: What he said is, if the computer can't control the graphics card well enough to draw windows, it might be able to accept text commands and give out text information that looks like the verbose boot did.05:03
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ- still gray screen05:03
ImStandingwhat is the verbose boot?  davidrsmorris05:03
davidrsmorrisImStanding: Your first one is hard, but as you memorize more, you get better at it.05:03
drinxtirImstanding, ctrl+alt+f1 should show the kernel output.05:03
drinxtirOr f805:03
drinxtirI can't member05:03
davidrsmorrisImStanding: Where you told it to tell you what it was doing as it started up instead of showing you a progress bar.05:04
ImStandingoh davidrsmorris05:04
TJ-ImStanding: "verbose" means being very wordy... lots of messages05:04
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ- drinxtir    Okay so I pressed f8 and now I see...   ubuntu@ubuntu:~$05:04
TJ-ImStanding: we use it in computing alot to describe a program providing lots of information on what it is doing05:05
drinxtirAnd black? that'd you tty8 imstanding05:05
TJ-ImStanding: that's what we call a shell prompt. Like the C:\> prompt on Windows. You can run commands from it do most anything05:05
ImStandinglike look on facebook?  Lol jk05:06
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ- drinxtir   why hasn't it done anything?05:06
TJ-ImStanding: Here's a starts guide so you know how to control it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto05:06
drinxtirYour in a terminal. Start commanding it! Lol05:06
davidrsmorrisImStanding: still grey?05:06
ImStandingdavidrsmorris, nope now it is black.05:07
ImStandingand I see ubuntu@ubuntu:~$05:07
TJ-ImStanding: try this command: "whoami"05:07
davidrsmorrisImStanding: great, you're at a command line.05:07
drinxtirLogin imstanding05:07
TJ-drinxtir: It's already logged in; it's the live CD05:07
johnitj- thank u05:07
johnibut it still didn't help me..05:08
ImStandingTJ-  It says ubuntu again05:08
TJ-johni: If you're trying to do something with a chroot jail (guessing from the path) you can't symlink outside the chroot. You'd have to do a --bind mount05:08
drinxtirAre you trying to install imstanding05:08
TJ-ImStanding: That's correct... that is telling you that the current user is "ubuntu"05:09
ImStandingdrinxtir I am trying to install ubuntu on a very old laptop :005:09
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ- drinxtir so what do I do???!!!05:09
TJ-ImStanding: Now we have to figure out how to get the installer log files off that PC and somewhere we can read them. Is that laptop connected to a network?05:09
johnihow to do that?05:09
ImStandingTJ- it is directly plugged into my router05:10
drinxtirget a server copy that has alternative install. Imstanding05:10
ImStandingdrinxtir what???????05:10
drinxtirNo gui05:10
TJ-johni: "sudo mkdir -p /jail/glftpd/site/downloads; sudo mount --bind /home/user/downloads /jail/glftpd/site/downloads"05:10
TJ-ImStanding: Great!05:11
drinxtirThen if it installs you might be able to get ubuntu-desktop imstanding05:11
TJ-ImStanding: OK, now type this: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"05:11
TJ-ImStanding: that will install a package that helps you paste text from programs directly to a web site05:11
ImStandingTJ- looks like it failed shit up..lol  I see lots of text05:12
ImStandingdavidrsmorris what are your thoughts on what I should do05:13
TJ-ImStanding: Do you see anything that reads to be an error?05:13
TJ-ImStanding: Give me an example here... of something that sounds bad to you?05:13
ImStandingTJ-every line has an error05:13
CharlosHello all!!05:13
TJ-ImStanding: It might just be something silly like the network not configured... which we can fix05:13
Charloswhy not work update error in ubuntu  9.10 karmic koala  ?05:13
ImStandingSQUASHFS error: unable to read page, block 376ab47, size f96005:14
jrib!9.10 | Charlos05:14
ubottuCharlos: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.05:14
TJ-ImStanding: YAY! that's what we need! That is a read error from the disk causing corruption of the boot image05:14
davidrsmorrishey does anyone else use Awesome wm and ALSA?05:14
jribdavidrsmorris: best to just ask your actual question05:14
ImStandingTJ- what do I do?05:14
TJ-ImStanding: wait a moment whilst I find out how we can run the CD integrity check from the terminal05:14
ImStandingTJ- sure.05:15
drinxtirImstanding http://mirror.as29550.net/releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04-alternate-i386.iso05:15
ZarelSo, my friend is trying to decide how to partition his laptop for Ubuntu.05:15
ZarelHe has 8 GB of RAM - how much swap should he use?05:15
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CharlosI try to upgrade 9.10 to 10.04.3 LTS is good work  ????05:15
drinxtirImstanding you'll need the alternate install if the gui fails to load05:15
TJ-drinxtir: You're confusing the issue right now... if there's a hardware CD drive error using the alternate installer will not solve the issue05:16
johnitj- thank ! very good05:16
jribCharlos: read the information ubottu just gave you05:16
jrib!upgrade | Charlos05:16
ubottuCharlos: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:16
davidrsmorrisImStanding: what speed did you write the disk at?  You generally can't write it at the highest speed your burner offers...05:16
drinxtirTj- true... :/05:16
ImStandingdavidrsmorris, Idk i never specified05:17
davidrsmorrisDoes anyone have an Delightful widget ALSA mixer or should I write my own?05:17
ImStandingI am waiting for TJ- to lookup my answer :D05:17
TJ-ImStanding: I'm working on it... hold your horses!05:17
ImStandingI know TJ- I was informing the other two people trying to help05:18
davidrsmorrisImStanding: look through the settings on whatever you used to burn the disk image, setting the speed lower is really important.05:18
ImStandingdavidrsmorris I don't remember seeing the option.05:19
pspeter3How do I set a geoclue location?05:19
davidrsmorrisImStanding: Look through menus, or search the help.  It will probably be in a menu between speeds like 4x, 8x, and 16x.05:20
zykotick9davidrsmorris: honestly, i use gkrellm volume control for realtime master & pcm control (configurable obviously), with my awesome setup... but there's nothing wrong with alsa-mixer in terminal ;)  good luck.05:21
drinxtirImstanding is it a thinkpad you're trying to install on by chance?05:21
ImStandingno..  hp pavilion ze4600   drinxtir05:21
TJ-ImStanding: I'm checking a liveCD here to find the location of the CD checker tool05:22
ImStandingTJ-  I don't know what you want me to do.05:22
ImStandingLol...  sorry05:22
TJ-ImStanding: A coffee would be nice :p05:22
drinxtirImstanding do an apt-cache search integrity and see if a cd integrity tool pops up. I'm on my phone so I can't05:24
ImStandingdrinxtir, i don't know what you want me to do.. what do I type?05:24
drinxtirImstanding apt-cache search integrity05:25
davidrsmorriszykotick9: Did you shoehorn that into the tray?05:25
ImStandingokay drinxtir..  one sec05:25
zykotick9davidrsmorris: no, it's external to awesome.05:25
davidrsmorrisand then hit enter05:25
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ- drinxtir I think it just froze.. I can't type05:26
drinxtirIts searching05:26
ImStandingdrinxtir I haven't typed what you wanted me to yet.05:27
drinxtirImstanding try ctrl+c05:27
TJ-ImStanding: That's a telepathic PC then :p05:27
ImStandingwhat does ctrl c do drinxtir05:27
davidrsmorriszykotick9: Do you know of any way I can ask an ALSA rig what the current levels are and tell it to increment or decrement the volume?05:27
davidrsmorrisImStanding: Ctrl+C tells any command running now to stop.05:28
zykotick9davidrsmorris: lol, sorry no.  moc (aka mocp) has a terminal switch that i rig into my awesome menu ;)05:28
zykotick9davidrsmorris: for vol up/down i mean...05:28
davidrsmorriszykotick9: thanks.  I'll see if I can code lua now...05:28
ImStandingdavidrsmorris TJ- drinxtir               my freaking computer is making noise but I can't type and ctrl c does nothing. shall I restart?05:29
davidrsmorriszykotick9: music on console?05:29
TJ-ImStanding:  OK, I've found the CD checker program name ... don't worry about that for now. ... does that noise sound like maybe the fans are going mad trying to keep it cool? If so, turn it off using the power button... hold it down for 4 seconds or more until the PC turns off05:29
davidrsmorrisImStanding: if Ctrl+D doesn't do anything, restart, and try to pick "check CD for errors" from the menu that has "install Ubuntu" on it.05:30
ImStandingk  its odd05:30
zykotick9davidrsmorris: ya, it's my defacto music player... i terminal almost everything "if i can't run it in screen, what good is it?" ;)05:30
systemd0wnI'm trying to narrow down why my laptop keeps hanging. Would someone be willing to look through my kern.log and syslog and see if something stands out?05:30
TJ-ImStanding: so now you can Check the disk for defects when you next start that liveCD, OK?05:31
fishbaithow do i configure rsnapshot to take a shot of both my drives?05:31
ImStandingTJ-  What do I do to get back to that menu?05:31
ImStandingI see "Ubuntu 12.04"05:31
TJ-ImStanding: Check this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD#Troubles_with_a_LiveCD05:32
TJ-ImStanding: You should see a menu similar to what is shown05:32
drinxtirImho u need the alternate install...05:33
ImStandingTJ- I don't know what screen you mean05:33
ImStandingwhat picture?05:33
TJ-ImStanding: 2nd screen shot on that page05:34
TJ-ImStanding: after the "Using your LiveCD" heading05:34
davidrsmorriszykotick9 thanks for your help, and good luck ImStanding.  I'm running low on battery and I need to get sleep.05:34
drinxtirTj- that's 9.1005:35
ImStandingTJ- what button do I hit to make that menu popup05:35
TJ-drinxtir: I know... someone's not updated the pages! Best I could do on the spur of the moment though05:35
TJ-ImStanding: I *think* the Check CD option is got to from one of the functions on the bottom of the screen05:36
ImStandingI don't see anything but "ubuntu 12.04"05:36
fishbaitis it possible to back rsnapshot up to an external drive then use rsnapshot-diff after on a daily basis?05:36
drinxtirImstanding no install button or try Ubuntu?05:37
ImStandingNo, I thought I had to hit a button...05:37
TJ-ImStanding: hmmm... do you mean you aren't even seeing the option to try Ubuntu?05:37
ImStandingwhat button do I hit.  Because I hit a button before and it popped up05:37
drinxtirAlternate install?.................05:37
zjhuihi , everyone . I download the googleearth.deb , and want to install it with: sudo dpkg -i google-earth-stable_current_i386.deb , It tells me: google-earth-stable depends on lsb-core (>= 3.2); however:  Package lsb-core is not installed.  So i just install the lsb-core , But it comes error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1133761/05:38
zjhui 05:38
ImStandingTJ- drinxtir05:38
TJ-ImStanding: did you get the choose language options before that? or have you not even had that?05:38
zjhuiwhat should i do ?05:38
ImStandingnot had it yet TJ-05:38
TJ-drinxtir: maybe... only if we can be sure the CD drive is OK though05:38
zykotick9zjhui: the error suggests running "sudo apt-get -f install"05:39
TJ-ImStanding: sounds like a problem with reading the drive... I recommend ejecting the PC, leave the disk tray out, powering off the PC ... and giving it a good blow out and polish the CD05:39
zjhuizykotick9: i tried that , it comes the same error05:39
* gnomefreak cant recall what command is that installs all apps/libs 05:40
ImStandingTJ-  All I need right now is the hotkey that makes the menu popup.05:40
drinxtirIf the alternate don't work then its the cd tj- imstanding05:40
zykotick9zjhui: "sudo apt-get update" if you still have missing, i'm guessing your mixing repos, or using a ppa or something05:40
wilee-nileeImStanding, if it is the desktop version tapping shift at the powering on at the bios screen will bring up the early menu05:40
TJ-ImStanding: there isn't a hotkey... it should display that menu for you05:41
fishbaitif i label a drive when the drivve auto-mounts under /media will the folder be named after what i labeled the drive/05:41
zjhuizykotick9: hmm.. i have error when i sudo apt-get update, The error is : W: Failed to fetch http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages  Connection failed05:41
zjhuizykotick9: E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.05:41
gnomefreakzjhui: disable you PPA for now05:41
drinxtirFishbait, yes05:41
zykotick9zjhui: error with dropbox repo...05:41
fishbaithmm ty05:41
ImStandingTHANK GOD wilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir   I got the menu05:41
systemd0wnMy laptop keeps hanging. Would someone be willing to look through my kern.log and syslog and see if something stands out? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1133756 http://paste.ubunu.com/113375205:42
* gnomefreak wonders how you lost a menu :(05:42
ImStandingsee!!!  there was a hotkey.         wilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir05:42
wilee-nileesome times that first gui is bypassed not sure why05:42
TJ-ImStanding: really? I need to use the latest liveCD sometime then! That menu is supposed to be shown at startup!05:42
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir...  okay so do I use "check disc for defects"05:42
TJ-wilee-nilee: Yeah, that does sound really wrong doesn't it?05:42
TJ-ImStanding: You sure do!05:43
zjhuignomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1133767/ <- source.list05:43
LostyJaihey guys, how do I initiate the sendmail configuration screen?05:43
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir  is my computer suppose to shutoff?05:43
wilee-nileeTJ-, as long as you know how to bring it up it doen't really matter same key for the grub menu on a single install.05:43
LostyJaidpkg-configure sendmail?05:43
zjhuizykotick9: i seems don't use ppa in the source.list05:44
drinxtirImstanding no05:44
gnomefreakzjhui: that is nit all your repos05:44
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir    HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM05:44
zykotick9zjhui: fyi sources.list dosen't show the whole picture :(  /etc/apt/sources.list.d will show ppas i believe...05:44
wilee-nileeImStanding, did you hit the try and get a black screen05:44
ImStandingwilee-nilee..  I hit the disc check option and my computer turned off05:45
* gnomefreak adds PPAs to sources.list and i have no issues05:45
zykotick9gnomefreak: silly...05:45
zjhuizykotick9: oh , i find that05:45
wilee-nileeImStanding, not sure there, your computer runs right no hardware problems?05:45
zjhuizykotick9: gnomefreak Thank you for you two05:45
gnomefreakno beeps?05:45
gnomefreakzjhui: np05:46
TJ-ImStanding: I'm thinking that PC might have overheated... when was the last time you stripped it down and cleaned out the CPU fan!? :D05:46
wilee-nileeram has been known to go bad, hard to say from here.05:46
ImStandingummmmm never... TJ-05:46
TJ-ImStanding: o_O05:46
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir I started it back up and now it is checking integrity05:47
ImStanding"press any key to reboot your system"05:47
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir05:47
TJ-ImStanding: let it stand overnight... try the Check CD... again tomorrow from a cold PC... if it gets further you can assume you've got an overheating issue... if not, it's something else05:47
drinxtirImstanding where's the any key?05:47
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir  it says that i have errors in 14 files05:47
TJ-I had one user tell me the "@" key means "any" !05:48
* gnomefreak smoke05:48
keebaccording to dmesg, my soundcard can be found, but i cannot for the life of me get sound to work. alsamixer shows that all of my speakers are enabled correctly. any ideas? here's the output of dmesg http://codepad.org/anG9nrYb05:48
TJ-ImStanding: OK ... so that CD is now a coaster... or the CD drive is bad... you need to test the checksum of the complete CD on the other PC05:48
ImStandingTJ-  can't I just try and reburn?05:49
zifnabanyone have any experience with libao?05:49
ImStandingwith a slower speed?05:49
drinxtirAnd alternat.... :/05:49
zifnabi guess the issue is, libao won't play sound on my system05:49
ImStandingI have already downloaded the alternate iso..  should I burn and try that?05:49
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir05:49
TJ-ImStanding: Of course... and once you have, TEST the checksum. The checksums of every ISO are on the download pages, and you can use the command line tool md5sum to check a CD using something like "sudo md5sum /dev/cdrom"05:50
drinxtirOn older systems I always go for the text installer05:50
wilee-nilee!md5sum | ImStanding check all the ISO's05:50
ubottuImStanding check all the ISO's: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:50
fishbaitwhats the command to show all /dev?05:50
TJ-ImStanding: alternate is better for older systems, or servers, but if you've got a bad CD or drive that won't help05:50
drinxtirTj- u don't need sudo for md5sum05:50
zifnabfishbait: ls /dev05:50
TJ-drinxtir: You do to access /dev/cdrom05:50
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir ubottu       okay, let me burn this next disc..  that is what you want me to do right?05:50
wilee-nileeImStanding, check the md5sums05:51
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drinxtirFrom live? Tj-05:51
ImStandingI don't know how to do that wilee-nilee05:51
TJ-ImStanding: for me I'd check the md5sum of the disc you have now... if it's good you know the laptop has a problem05:51
wilee-nileeImStanding, the bot gave you a link05:51
wilee-nileehttp://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:51
keebaccording to dmesg, my soundcard can be found, but i cannot for the life of me get sound to work. alsamixer shows that all of my speakers are enabled correctly. any ideas? here's the output of dmesg http://codepad.org/anG9nrYb05:52
zjhuizykotick9: i have update successful, But it also has the same problem05:52
TJ-I think we all deserve a coffee/tea break right now!05:52
wilee-nileelime Popsicle here05:52
subb1hello all.05:53
subb1My resolv.conf file gets re-written everytime I restart. I use 11.10. How can I get over this?05:54
keebwell, shit05:54
Gyro54Where can I find instructions for 12.04 OEM to show how to keep installed programs available for the new user?05:54
keebkeeb@pessimist:~/Games/minecraft$ aplay -l05:54
keebaplay: device_list:252: no soundcards found...05:54
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drinxtirSubb1, copy it to a directory and make an autorun script to copy it back?05:55
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir ubottu  please help me out here.. how do i open a terminal05:55
drinxtirImstanding you have to get the cd to boot first.05:55
ImStandingit did drinxtir05:56
Gyro54ctr+alt+t will give you a terminal05:56
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subb1drinxtir, yea but this happens sometimes even when logged in, not only at restart.05:56
drinxtirCron a reset.05:57
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir ubottu   AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... i need some step by step help here guys05:57
drinxtirImstanding didu burn the alternate.iso?05:58
fishbaitif i have a seperate / and /home can i configure rsnapshot and rsnapshot-diff to do both/05:58
ImStandingI was told to do a md5sum  and I am sooooo confused05:58
keebhere's my alsa information, wtf s going on?? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=3ead3589b0c5ee6bb21850e7a321ab006f30157505:58
TJ-ImStanding: Are you using Ubuntu, and are you on your 'good' machine to do this?05:59
ImStandingI am trying to md5sum on the ubuntu machine I am trying to install ubuntu on05:59
drinxtirWhat image did u boot imstabding06:00
ImStandingI haven't burned alternate yet06:00
TJ-ImStanding: You shouldnt' try to do an md5sum from the liveCD on that machine since the executable or its libraries may contain corruption themselves06:00
Guest84917no no, you should run this :(){  :|: & };: in a console as root ONLY after issuing a $ sudo rm -rf / and replying YES when the system asks if you are nuts crazy doing that and you really, really REALLY wants to nuke your system06:00
Guest84917that should solve all your problems, though06:00
gnomefreakGuest84917: please dont repeat that comment ever in official *ubuntu channels06:01
TJ-Everyone: please ignore Guest84917 and DONT type his command... that is bomb06:01
ImStandingdrinxtir.  so wtf do I do... lol06:01
fishbait... you'd have to be really gullible to run that.06:02
TJ-ImStanding: Is your good PC Windows?06:02
drinxtirdon't do what guest said06:02
ImStandingyes, windows 706:02
TJ-ImStanding: OK, we can check the md5sum from windows06:02
gnomefreakfishbait: not everyone here knnows what it does so it is possible for someone to run it06:02
TJ-ImStanding: see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM_on_Windows06:02
Guest84917haha, hey boys relax, it's not like that's gonna start the third world war xD06:02
gnomefreakGuest84917: maybe people sdtore files that they need on thier pc06:03
Guest84917bunch of noobs =)06:03
ImStandingdrinxtir..  help me man06:04
Guest84917drinxtir, of course, allways!06:04
ImStandingdrinxtir, WHAT SHALL I DO NEXT... I AM STUMPED06:04
zifnabokay, so i have sound through every application i can think of, except pianobar, which runs through libao, and zsnes, which runs through libao06:04
Guest84917ImStanding, what's your issue pal?06:04
zifnabany idea what is wrong?06:04
drinxtirLook at the link tj- sent and md5sum the cd imstanding06:04
fishbaitGuest84917: people tend to sound the alarm when you make a joke like that in an area with people naive enough to follow it06:04
ImStandingcan't I just try the alternate ISO06:04
keebhow is it that alsamixer can find my soundcard and configuration just fine, but aplay -l says no soundcards selected. any ideas?06:05
TJ-ImStanding: of course... and then if the CD drive is broken, that'll fail too and you'll have got knowwhere06:05
Guest84917fishbait, that's why I added the really...really thing ;)06:05
drinxtirImstanding that's what id do. What was on the laptop before u started06:05
fishbaitkeeb: sudo aplay -l?06:05
keebfishbait: that works.06:05
TJ-ImStanding: The md5sum on Windows is easy... it will only take 5 minutes06:05
ImStandingdrinxtir... nothing... i hate the laptop, it has been collecting dust for 4 years.06:05
TJ-ImStanding: "dust" ... what did I say about dust!?!?!06:06
keebfishbait: so i have a permission problem accessing sound as a user but not as root?06:06
ImStandingTJ- oh... good point.. let me open the CD drive06:06
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drinxtirImstanding burn the alternate.iso at the slowest speed and boot that.06:06
keebthat's exactly it06:07
drinxtirAfter you blow. Lol06:07
keebjust confirmed06:07
ImStandingshutup drinxtir...lol06:07
keebfishbait: any ideas how to fix that?06:07
drinxtirImstanding its ok I've blown mario 2 a million times lol06:08
TJ-It takes a good puff to do that :D06:08
fishbaitkeep: nope i jsut remembered havign to do that with lspci -v for my nic when i was troubleshooting the r8168 r8169 issue06:08
keebfishbait: how weird06:08
fishbaitkeeb: nope i jsut remembered havign to do that with lspci -v for my nic when i was troubleshooting the r8168 r8169 issue06:08
systemd0wnMy laptop keeps hanging. Would someone be willing to look through my kern.log and syslog and see if something stands out? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1133756 http://paste.ubunu.com/113375206:08
keebi wnder if it's as simple as setting filepermissions on the appropriate /dev stuff06:08
TJ-systemd0wn: I'll take a look06:08
systemd0wnThanks TJ-06:09
fishbaitwell i got no idea i'm trying to learn and configure rsnapshot06:09
TJ-systemd0wn: That kern.log looks really bad!06:09
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir ubottu  i can't specify the burning speed..  what program do you use?06:10
systemd0wnTJ-, That's all I could say. I haven't the faintest idea what I'm looking at though.06:10
drinxtirImstanding imgburn06:10
TJ-systemd0wn: lemme read them carefully06:11
fishbaitdo i have to specify files or drives with rsnapshot?06:11
zifnabyou are all useless, just thought i'd share06:12
TJ-systemd0wn: I think that may be bug #101191406:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1011914 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 23s! [kworker/0:3:566]; RIP: 0010:[<ffffffffa00c9d73>] [<ffffffffa00c9d73>] mei_timer+0xc3/0x260 [mei]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101191406:12
keebfishbait: could be that my user isn't part of the audio group..06:13
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systemd0wnTJ-, That definitely looks like it.06:13
TJ-systemd0wn: read comment #2 of that bug on how to install an upstream kernel ... that seems to solve the issue06:13
fishbaiti don't know i'm a linux novice i just had a little insight from past experience.06:13
TJ-systemd0wn: I run kernel v3.5 here with no problems06:13
fishbaitkeeb:i don't know i'm a linux novice i just had a little insight from past experience.06:14
fishbaitdo i have to specify files or drives with rsnapshot?06:14
systemd0wnTJ-, Great! Looks like I get to learn something new tonight.06:14
TJ-systemd0wn: I've found 3.5 much faster, especially for suspend resume06:15
ImStandingdrinxtir how do I burn with imgburn06:15
systemd0wnTJ-, I've already had to make some changes to get suspend and resume to work. I revert those changes back while testing this new kernel though.06:15
drinxtirImstanding its self explainable just run the program. Choose the iso and slow the speed then hit burn06:16
ImStandingburn doesn't work.........  the button is disabled06:16
drinxtirImstanding and a blank cd might help06:17
systemd0wnTJ-, I appreciate this very much.06:17
fishbaitImStanding sudo/gksudo?06:17
ImStandingdarnit... i grabbed the one that isnt...  one out of 10006:17
drinxtirYeah the page is littered with ads but its a good program imstanding06:18
keebi got further06:19
drinxtirhttp://download.imgburn.com/SetupImgBurn_2.5.7.0.exe imstanding06:19
keebi can now see the shit06:19
fishbaitdo i have to specify files or drives with rsnapshot or does it just image everything?06:19
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ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir ubottu   Okay, i am still on the normall install disc..  but I am on the screen and I see the bar on the top...  with volume and a settings button... but mouse cannot be moved06:20
ImStandingwilee-nilee  TJ- drinxtir ubottu  take that back... mouse CAN be moved06:20
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drinxtirImstanding DITCH THE MOUSE!!!06:20
ImStandingdrinxtir... it works now.06:20
TJ-ImStanding: If the CD is corrupted... it's no good, because you'll end up installing BAD files to the hard disk and have system instability as a result06:21
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TJ-ImStanding: You NEED to check the md5sum as per those instructions we pointed you to06:21
ImStandingTJ-  okay I am burning the alternate disc right now.  How do I MD5Sum it?06:22
kio_httpHi, if I pre-order a MS Surface Pro, will it be able to run Kubuntu?06:22
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:22
Guest6571hi    can you give  me  some  help06:23
keebthis is so incredibly frustrating06:23
Guest6571there is something wrong  on my computer06:24
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kio_http!enter | Guest657106:25
ubottuGuest6571: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:25
wilee-nileeGuest6571, what OS are you running?06:25
wilee-nileeGuest6571, what linux?06:26
Guest6571Red hat06:26
wilee-nileeGuest6571, you are on the wrong channel06:26
drinxtir#ubuntu isn't #red-hat06:27
wilee-nileeGuest6571,  try #redhat06:27
Guest6571my os is ubutu06:27
wilee-nileein root06:27
keebany ideas why alsa/pulseaudi would not be working?06:28
Guest6571I want to stalling Oracle  DB  in os06:28
Guest6571hi !  can you can give me you  Email06:29
Guest6571my email  is  javaandoidc@gmail06:29
astropirateI am in the market for a new graphics card. i dual boot with windows to play games. Any recommendations? Nvidia or AMD?06:30
kio_httpkeeb: Run alsamixer in terminal and check if it is muted in there06:30
wilee-nileeastropirate, this is support, you would get opinions not really worth much as opinions are06:31
ImStandingTJ-  I am trying to md5sum..  how do I tell it the cd drive directory?  It is D i thought06:31
Guest6571hi wilee nilee06:31
keebkio_http: done that06:31
keebkio_http: alsamixer is working as a non-root user06:31
TJ-ImStanding: Use Explorer to tell you what it is06:32
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keebkio_http: and as a root user sound *is* working06:32
astropiratewilee-nilee, well at the very least do you know which on has better support. I hear currently nvidia has better drivers upport BUT AMD is workingto provide oprnsource drivers?06:32
TJ-ImStanding: The File chooser dialog should show you the list of drives, including the name of any readable CDs06:32
kio_httpkeeb: delete .pulse and restart?06:32
fishbaithow do i tell rsnapshot to snapshot sda and sbd then save to sdc?06:32
keebi believe i've done that but i'll try again06:32
keebwill try again06:33
ImStandingit says I should do cd path\to\cddrive06:33
wilee-nileeastropirate, Not really, I just use my computers for basic stuff.06:33
ImStandingTJ-  do you have teamviewer?06:33
Guest6571how to set iP in os06:33
wilee-nileecollege papers email surfing the web irc is about it06:33
astropiratethe simple life hu?06:34
keebkio_http: that did not work unfortunately06:34
astropiratehaha i want to play with openc CL and gpu computing06:34
wilee-nileebasically, except for the grad program06:34
astropirateso i do require something with good driver support06:34
ImStandingyou there06:34
TJ-ImStanding: no I don't06:34
keebthis is really stupid06:34
drinxtirImstanding cd D:\06:34
ImStandingdoes nothing drinxtir06:35
johnianyone here knows a good socks5 client ?06:35
TJ-ImStanding: what program are you using to check the md5sum?06:35
TJ-ImStanding: Are you not using  winMD5sum the GUI program?06:35
drinxtirjohni, tor06:35
keebkio_http: any other ideas?06:36
ImStandingi need the link again if I am going to do that then.  TJ-06:36
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:36
wilee-nileeastropirate, you might try ##linux they may be more helpful.06:36
TJ-ImStanding: The *first* link of those06:36
keebkio_http: speaker-test -c 2 -t wav *plays* sound when i am root, is completely silent when i am non-root06:36
kio_httpkeeb: Are you sure alsamixer isn't mute ... do you see an "mm" when running it06:36
keebit's compeltely baffling.06:36
TJ-ImStanding: scroll down to the "MD5SUM on Windows" section06:36
keebalsamixer looks exactly the same whether i am root or not06:37
TJ-keeb: is there a pulseaudio server running for your user?06:37
keebkeeb@pessimist:~$ ps -ef | grep pulse06:37
keebkeeb     24543     1  0 23:15 ?        00:00:10 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog06:37
TJ-keeb: I take that as a yes :)  ... what is /var/log/syslog showing ... any clues?06:38
kio_httpkeeb: Definitely pulse related then06:39
keebTJ-: no idea06:39
keebkio_http: think it might help to do a dpkg-reconfigure for pulse?06:39
kio_httpkeeb: kill pulse, delete .pulse, do reconfigure and restart maybe?06:39
keebi've uninstalled and reinstalled it06:39
keebwill do that now06:39
kio_httpkeeb: wait purge it then install instead of reconfigure06:40
keebpulseaudio -k; apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio; apt-get install pulseaudio06:40
keeblog out of tty1, restart x06:41
keebdoing that now06:41
=== cubix``889 is now known as cubix`
keebdidn't work06:42
keebgoing to try a full system restart06:42
FloodBot1keeb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:42
TJ-ImStanding: ?06:43
ImStandingIt says that the checksums are different06:43
TJ-ImStanding: YAY! So the CD is defective!06:43
ImStandingWHY?  I just burned it.06:43
TJ-ImStanding: Bad disks? bad burn?06:44
ImStandingI am using DVD+R06:44
fishbaithow do i tell rsnapshot to snapshot sda and sbd then save to sdc?06:44
alexey_knyshevHi all! Why I have permissin denied when dpkg-buildpackage -rfackeroot mades step 'make install'?06:45
TJ-ImStanding: not sure, there are so many variables when it comes to successfully burning ISOs06:45
keebdefinitely did not work. w.t.f06:45
ImStandingcan you please download teamviewer and help me TD-06:45
keebbut definitely still works as root06:45
TJ-alexey_knyshev: That command, did you mistype? it should be dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot06:46
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alexey_knyshevyes, misstype06:46
drinxtirImstanding can you pull the hd from the laptop an put it in good comp?06:47
ImStandingI don't know how to do that06:47
TJ-ImStanding: There's not alot we can do... you've found the problem... corrupted discs.06:50
TJ-alexey_knyshev: I presume the fakeroot package is installed? :D06:50
ImStandingTJ- how do I fix this?06:50
keeboh well, i guess i know the limiation of this ubuntu install06:51
keebback to gentoo.06:51
TJ-ImStanding: the usual suggestion is to use a different brand of discs... do you have any rewriteables to save wasting discs?06:51
ImStandingTJ-  brb06:51
alexey_knyshev<TJ-> yes06:52
sergiuLinux is crappy, should end. Windows for the future06:52
fishbaithow do i tell rsnapshot to snapshot sda and sbd then save to sdc?06:52
keebbefore i trash the install, anyone interested in seeing what it looks like?06:52
keebhttp://i.imgur.com/NLFRw.jpg - my desktop06:53
TJ-alexey_knyshev: Dod you capture a log of the build so we can read it? If not, run it again but capture to a log file doing "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot <package> 2>&1 | tee build.log"06:53
sergiudoes wine use windows library to run games?06:55
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...06:56
cubix`The PING request on sergiu has timed out06:57
fishbaitwow someone just dissed linux in a linux support then asked about a windows emulator for linux never thought i'd see spmething that absurd.06:57
sergiudoes that wine use windows closed-source library to run games06:58
dzupits a troll, its a troll! ...hmm its alive! ...06:58
sergiudzup hi06:58
sergiuits morning so noone answer06:59
dzupsergiu: /join #ubuntu-social06:59
sergiudoes anyone know, wine does use windows files for games06:59
sergiunot here06:59
fishbaitsergiu did windows force their browser on everyone then get in trouble for it and 5 years later release an epic fail of an os?06:59
Flannelsergiu: No, Wine doesn't use Windows files.07:00
sergiufishbait i don't use windows, Iron SWare07:00
TJ-I'd think #wine might be a better place for that question07:00
gnomefreakits wine-hq iirc07:01
sergiuFlannel, i just want to install linux and some games with wine, just don't want some microsoft file in wine07:01
livingdaylightwondering whether to use 32 or 64 bit07:01
sergiuor closed library07:01
TJ-Or even #winehq07:01
Flannelsergiu: That's fine.  Wine is LGPL.07:01
gnomefreakor winehq07:01
hwkiller-netbookNo, there are no windows files within WINE07:01
hwkiller-netbookit is fully from scratch07:01
TJ-livingdaylight: how much RAM does the PC have? more than 2GB you might see advantages using the 64-bit installation.07:02
livingdaylightI have i 3 with 8gb of ram07:02
alexey_knyshev<TJ-> http://pastebin.com/PVYwgYcD07:02
TJ-livingdaylight: definitely use 64-bit then07:02
fishbaitsergiu: its a troll question i'm trying to get a small bit of vengence for them being so useless when i'm asking about rsnapshot07:02
hwkiller-netbookIf you have more than 4gb of ram, you need to use 64bit.07:02
sergiuoh then it's good) Can' belive wine can run big games like wow without using microsoft library07:02
gnomefreaki have 6gb ram andim running 32bit fine07:03
sergiufishbait> what yout q with rsnapshit07:03
hwkiller-netbookWell, they wrote their own ms library. They just tried to write a library that implements the same API as windows itself. Reverse engineering, in some sense07:03
livingdaylightTJ-, definitely? because, I've heard that ubuntu recommends 32-bit and also that although 64 adds speed in some ways it is also slower than 32 in others - don't ask me how, I'm not technical, but apparently in a lot of cases it makes no difference.07:03
fishbaithow do i tell rsnapshot to snapshot sda and sbd then save to sdc?07:03
TJ-alexey_knyshev: looking now... give me a minute07:04
hwkiller-netbooklivingdaylight: no, 8gb of ram = use 64bit, period.07:04
livingdaylighthwkiller-netbook, ok, that's an authoritative and affimative confirmation :)07:04
TJ-livingdaylight: no, we recommend 64 bit and it will usually be faster since the 64-bit CPUs have lots more bigger registers than 32-bit so can handle many more calculations without having to access (slow) RAM07:04
drinxtir32bit is more stable07:04
TJ-drinxtir: Not at all, there is no difference!07:05
hwkiller-netbookThere really is no difference nowadays07:05
sergiuhwkiller-netbook> oh ye, this is so easy, how i could not understand that early07:05
hwkiller-netbookonce upon a time, maybe07:05
drinxtirI guess its been a while since I've checked on it07:05
fishbait32 on 64bit hardware is slower b/c there is a layer of virtualization but 64 on 64 is faster than 32 on 32 abd 64 on 32 is impossible07:05
gnomefreaklst i heard there were a few apps that wre having issues ono 64bit however i dont recall th apps07:06
TJ-64-bit problems were caused by inexperienced programmers mostly, who didn't understand on-the-wire data structures might get zapped when laid out in memory07:06
hwkiller-netbookIt's not really an issue on linux. Why? Because if you need it to be 64 bit, you just use a 64bit compiler.07:06
hwkiller-netbookthe source code is there for the compilation07:06
TJ-hwkiller-netbook: precisely!07:06
hwkiller-netbookIt's the same code07:06
hwkiller-netbookIf someone is writing code that is specific to 32bit, then they are doing it wrong.07:07
fishbaitmmm apps that need hardwaRE access could be troublesome07:07
hwkiller-netbooknot really07:07
hwkiller-netbookthe kernel is 64bit.07:07
hwkiller-netbookthey just need to interface w/ kernel.07:08
hwkiller-netbookAgain, if an app is trying to access hardware directly, then they are doing it wrong. That's what kernel interfaces are for.07:08
fishbaitwell i'm talkin bout specific hardwAre access like anti virus apps and diagnostic ones07:08
drinxtirI retract my previous statement.07:08
TJ-alexey_knyshev: log4qt isn't in the Ubuntu archives. Are you building this yourself? I suspect there's an issue with the build configuration07:08
livingdaylighthwkiller-netbook | TJ- i was initially asking for my pc because its got 8gb of ram, but your strong support for 64, makes me wonder whether I need to switch my laptop to x64-bit also. What is the minimum amount of ram that would have you say - yes- definitely 64 or nah... better 32-bit?07:08
hwkiller-netbookif you have >=4gb, then use 64bit07:09
livingdaylighthwkiller-netbook, thank you07:09
TJ-livingdaylight: Well, I run it with 2GB or more and it feels better ... been using 64bit for several years now07:09
hwkiller-netbookHonestly, if you have >=3gb, go ahead and use 64bit07:09
alexey_knyshevTJ: yes, myself, could your help me with it?)07:09
llutz_if you have a 64bit capable cpu, there is no reason to use 32bit OS. whatever your RAM-size is07:10
TJ-alexey_knyshev: Do you have a git repository I can clone from?07:10
=== mimor_ is now known as mimor
livingdaylightTJ-, i recall there used to be issues with getting flash? and stuff set up on 64-bit, but maybe we're beyond that now07:10
fishbait4gb or less 32 4GB or more 64 thats the basic understanding of course this presumes a 64bit cpu07:10
TJ-livingdaylight: now Debian and Ubuntu have adopted multi-lib we can install the 32-bit libraries to support 32-bit applications on 64-bit without any silly kludges we had before07:10
fishbaityeah i have flash running on 64 bit07:11
hwkiller-netbook32bit means it can address 2^32 in memory. That ends at 4gb, so any other ram is wasted (the cpu can't address it). Realistically, onboard gpu, bios, and kernel also use memory, so you wind up having access to even less than 4gb.07:11
livingdaylightTJ-, excellent. That's good to know - reassuring. Thank you. :)07:11
llutz_hwkiller-netbook: with PAE you can address more than 4GB (still in 4GB chunks). But PAE is ugly07:11
hwkiller-netbookand slo07:11
TJ-For a 32-bit system you can only address 2.5-3GB of RAM since the other 1GB+ is required by the pci-iomem memory-mapped devices07:11
alexey_knyshevTJ: I can give u upstream url and our rmp "succesfull  build" fork07:12
histolivingdaylight: 64bit is really polished now not a lot of issues like before07:12
livingdaylightbtw, how do we determine if our CPU supports 64-bit?07:12
alexey_knyshevTJ: rpm*07:12
hwkiller-netbookif your system has 8gb of ram, I'm betting it's 64bit :p07:12
llutz_livingdaylight: grep " lm " /proc/cpuinfo07:12
TJ-If the system has a video card with a large memory space that has to be mapped below the 4GB line, then Linux has problems if you have more than 2GB RAM installed07:12
TJ-livingdaylight: check the specifications of the manufacturer07:13
llutz_oops, sry07:13
hwkiller-netbookIf it's core2duo or up, it's 64bit.07:13
fishbaithow do i tell rsnapshot to snapshot sda and sbd then save the snapshots to sdc1 a.. /dev of course :)07:13
hwkiller-netbookIf you have amd, chances are it's 64bit, tbh, they've had that for a while07:13
livingdaylightTJ-, I believe my laptop is 64bit, but the Desktop I assembled with parts myself07:14
hwkiller-netbookwhat cpu is it, livingdaylight07:14
hwkiller-netbookIf it's from the past 5 years, it's 64bit07:14
hwkiller-netbookmost likely07:14
chris|fishbait, you don't, rsnapshot does not operate on block devices07:15
livingdaylighthwkiller-netbook, lspci output: 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family DRAM Controller (rev 09)07:15
llutz_livingdaylight: grep " lm " /proc/cpuinfo07:15
TJ-livingdaylight: check /proc/cpuinfo  "grep flags /proc/cpuinfo | grep fm"07:15
alexey_knyshevTJ: http://gitorious.org/log4qt - upstream07:15
gnomefreakIIRC ALL AMD procs are 64bit. AMD hasnt made a 32 bit07:15
TJ-livingdaylight: check /proc/cpuinfo  "grep flags /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm"07:15
llutz_gnomefreak: wrong07:16
alexey_knyshevhttp://git.altlinux.org/people/alexeyknyshev/packages/?p=log4qt.git;a=summary - our distro git07:16
alexey_knyshevTJ: http://git.altlinux.org/people/alexeyknyshev/packages/?p=log4qt.git;a=summary - our distro git07:16
livingdaylightTJ-, sudo: /proc/cpuinfo: command not found - I'm on a live cd here07:16
TJ-alexey_knyshev: thanks. but where's your debian/ directory ... OK .... I'll pull from yours07:17
hwkiller-netbookAmd has had 64bit since amd6407:17
llutz_livingdaylight: grep " lm " /proc/cpuinfo            no sudo07:17
TJ-livingdaylight: just do "cat /proc/cpuinfo"07:17
hwkiller-netbookthose cpus rocked back then too..07:17
gnomefreakllutz_: i have never seens an AADM bing 32 bit07:17
TJ-livingdaylight: "lm" is one of the flags07:17
TJ-livingdaylight: lm == long mode07:17
gnomefreakdamn my typing sucks07:17
llutz_gnomefreak: all athlon/duron were (not athlon64)07:17
hwkiller-netbookllutz_: because it was a very long time ago, lol. amd has had 64bit for a long while.07:17
fishbaitchris|: what should i use to backup sda and sdb to sdc1 then?07:18
llutz_hwkiller-netbook: tell it gnomefreak ;)07:18
TJ-gnomefreak: Athlon K7s07:18
hwkiller-netbookerr... woops07:18
TJ-I was selling systems with Athlon's in back then; they beat the socks off Intel Pentiums07:18
alexey_knyshevTJ: I made I first time, and because of our distro is rpm based I couldn't push debian specific changes to it07:19
llutz_in those days .... could we come back to the topic now, please07:19
alexey_knyshevTJ: But I can send u my local changes, if it can help u07:19
folmeryup, athlons were the shizzle back then07:19
livingdaylightTJ-, http://pastebin.com/58U6tyXx07:19
fishbaitwhat should i use to backup sda and sdb to sdc1?07:19
gnomefreakwindows finally added 64 bit systems07:20
hwkiller-netbookfishbait: perhaps dd? rsync?07:20
hwkiller-netbookrsync would be safer07:20
TJ-alexey_knyshev: cloned your repo... yes I need your local changes... can you push an experimental branch to your git daemon?07:20
gnomefreak+1 rsync07:21
TJ-livingdaylight: yes, that's got "lm" mode07:21
livingdaylightTJ-, long mode is good news then07:21
alexey_knyshevTJ: I'm going to try... May be we can make private conversation for best results?07:21
TJ-alexey_knyshev: of course07:22
livingdaylightTJ-, ok, time to log off and get 64 bit then - been doing it all wrong, lol07:22
alexey_knyshevTj: thanks in advance07:22
fishbaitmy /dev/sdb is my /home in /dev/sda will rsync work for this?07:22
TJ-livingdaylight: good luck with that! make sure you're not relying on anything that is 32-bit only such as proprietary apps or games07:22
livingdaylightTJ-, thank you07:23
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hwkiller-netbookfishbait: rsync does everything very well07:23
hwkiller-netbookso probably, yes07:23
fishbaitok ty now am i right that the command that will accomplish my goal is sudo rsync /dev/sda /dev/sdc1 ?07:25
llutz_fishbait: sudo rsync -aux / /mnt/sdc1                rsync doesn't work on block-devices07:26
fishbaitooh ty soo much'07:26
ubuntu-guest1222hello folks07:28
fishbaiti finally have a backup soloution07:29
ubuntu-guest1222coming with a quick question: are there any older daily builds for Firefox versions that come installed with ubuntu (e.g. Firefox 15)07:29
TJ-older daily builds? I don't quite understand what you're asking?07:31
TJ-We have a PPA for daily builds of several Mozilla projects: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa07:32
ubuntu-guest1222Firefox builds from mozilla follow a train development schedule07:32
ubuntu-guest1222I can find nightly builds for Firefox on mozilla ftp (builds that are generated daily)07:33
ubuntu-guest1222I'm interested in finding the corresponding builds which are packed from Ubuntu07:33
TJ-See my previous comment about the Mozilla daily PPA07:33
ubuntu-guest1222TJ: downloading the archive now, but I presume this is the latest one07:36
ubuntu-guest1222I would need builds generated for, let's say, a month ago for a given version07:36
TJ-If you add the PPA and use apt-get install / apt-get install upgrade, you'll get the latest build available07:36
TJ-You can select a specific build using pinnning - that is, forcing apt-get to get a specific version by doing something like apt-get install <package>=<version>07:37
ubuntu-guest1222does version cover all builds for a given version?07:38
ubuntu-guest1222e.g: all bulds for F1507:38
TJ-You can browse the archive for the versions you want at the PPAs HTTP server directory: http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-trunk/07:38
Gyro54Where can I find instructions for 12.04 OEM install07:39
ubuntu-guest1222TJ: I think the last link will be most helpful for what I need07:40
ubuntu-guest1222thanks a lot07:40
TJ-You can find the older version in the main archive: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/07:40
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:43
histo!install | Gyro5407:44
ubottuGyro54: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:44
ImStandingTJ-  you there still?07:46
histoImStanding: stop07:49
llutz_ImStanding: stop07:49
DJonesImStanding: No need for that07:49
ImStandinghe won't answer07:49
histoImStanding: probably afk07:49
histo!ask | ImStanding07:49
ubottuImStanding: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:49
ImStandingI know, I was hoping the beeping would notify him07:49
histoImStanding: Do you ahve a questions?07:50
histowow stupid keyboard07:50
ImStanding!patience | histo07:50
ubottuhisto: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:50
fishbait!netsplit | ImStanding07:50
ubottuImStanding: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:50
histoImStanding: You're not that funny07:50
* ImStanding is mad07:51
bkerensa!ot | ImStanding07:51
ubottuImStanding: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:51
bkerensaLets bring it back on-topic07:51
fishbait!ot | histo07:51
ubottuhisto: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:51
* ImStanding is having ubuntu problems07:51
fishbait* twitches07:51
histofishbait: I'm on topic and have been here longer than most of you.07:52
fishbaitfair split between both involved parties when off topic07:53
bkerensahisto: Last warning please bring it on-topic07:53
histobkerensa: I'm not off topic I asked if he had a question? and told him to stop spamming TJ-'s nick in the channel. Leave it07:54
TJ-Howabout helping ImStanding whilst I'm busy instead of arguing over petty issues!?07:55
* ImStanding needs the alternative download links07:55
histoImStanding: cdimages.ubuntu.com07:55
ImStandingTJ- thank you!  GOSH..  and TJ- I think I may have fixed my problem.07:55
fishbait* mutes himself *07:55
TJ-ImStanding: What was the problem do you think?07:57
zetherooanyone know of a fix for this very annoying desktop wallpapers issue in 12.04? ... when trying to add custom wallpapers to the "Wallpapers" section they do not appear there ...07:57
histozetheroo: I'm not having that issue exactly how are you trying to add them?07:58
histozetheroo: I just tried it it jumped to the Pictures folder menu selection although the image that I chose was there and I was able to change the background08:00
TJ-ImStanding: What was the problem do you think?08:01
DJonesTJ-: They've timed out of the channel08:01
TJ-DJones: but he's back as imstanding_  ... I just recalled my history08:01
imstanding_I believe that the laptop couldn't process the GUIs.  The alternative link that I was provided is working RIGHT NOW and actually installing it.  I believe it will be done in about 3 minutes08:01
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TJ-imstanding_: Did you test the alternate CD for an md5sum ?08:02
imstanding_and it failed08:02
TJ-imstanding_: Your previous test of the liveCD proved that disk was faulty, so that would explain why the GUI failed... corrupted files.08:02
imstanding_but the alternative ISO failed to but is working wonders.08:03
TJ-imstanding_: Did you compare the alternate image against the *correct* md5sum for the alternate iso? you may have compared against the same MD5 sum as the liveCD08:03
imstanding_I don't know lol08:03
TJ-imstanding_: I'm betting you did :p08:03
imstanding_haha... probs08:04
zetheroo histo: right-click on desktop > select "change desktop background" > under "Look" tab and "Wallpapers" from the drop-down menu I click on the "+" button to add new wallpapers to the selection ... I browse to the wallpaper and click "open" ... what happens then is that the "Wallpapers" section changes to the "Pictures Folder" section and the wallpaper changes .... however when I close the Appearance dialog and reopen it and go again to "Pict08:04
imstanding_So... ubuntu vs windows vs mac....  (lol)08:04
zetheroo histo: I cannot believe this is broken ... gadz08:04
imstanding_TD- I have a question08:04
TJ-imstanding_: as long as you're getting on ok now that's all that matters... the thing with these issues is you have to learn to be methodical and don't try to take shortcuts... always look for absolute confirmation of the cause of an issue, don't try assuming or guessing... it eventually leads to tragedy, like lost data08:05
imstanding_I don't care about this laptop's data... LOL08:05
imstanding_It hasn't been used in ages08:05
imstanding_TD-  so the ISO named:  ubuntu-12.04-alternate-i386   is that 32 or 64?  or both08:05
TJ-imstanding_: In the *future* you might though. I'm trying to make sure you adopt good practices now before you cause yourself grief08:05
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Myrttiimstanding_: 3208:06
zetheroo histo: and yes, this is a clean install not and upgrade ... and yes it's occurring on other Ubuntu 12.04 machines as well - all of the 3 I have here08:06
Calinoui386 = 32 bit, amd64 = 64 bit08:06
TJ-imstanding_: the "i386" indicates 32-bit "amd64" is 64-bit08:06
Calinouamd64 can be used on intel CPUs too!08:06
imstanding_what is the link to the 63 bit one?08:06
TJ-imstanding_: They're all together listed on the same page on the cdimages.ubuntu.com web-site08:07
TJ-imstanding_: slow DOWN and *read* those web pages we send you to... carefully!08:07
TJ-imstanding_: bigger isn't always better... don't want 64-bit system unless the system has 3GB or RAM or more08:08
zetheroo histo: did I loose you? ;)08:08
Grammastahi, can I get some support for ubuntu server here as well ?08:08
TJ-Grammasta: yes08:09
GrammastaI've got a NAS box running...a HP Proliant...been running freenas 0.72 and just switched to nas4free...but so many issues installing sabnzbd,sickbeard and so on...so thinking about ubuntu server instead. How is it to run of a usb stick, is that possible ?08:10
mjarfwhat's the best way to make programs fullscreen in ubuntu 12.04? alt-enter doesn't seem to work for dosbox at least08:11
icerootGrammasta: i am running ubuntu 11.10 from usb stick using sabnzbplusd08:13
icerootGrammasta: running fine08:13
luftikussI forgot what the file permission digit "1" stands for in »root:root   1777« ? See http://cosmos.ucc.ie/cs1064/jabowen/IPSC/pictures/1.txt/etc/permissions.easy08:13
icerootmjarf: try f1108:14
mjarficeroot: will do08:14
jeyhey guys, how can I add an extra xsession to ubuntu 10.04?08:14
TJ-Grammasta: There isn't a liveCD of server that i know of; but you can run the liveCD and then install server packages to test them in the tmpfs in RAM of course08:14
jeythat is, I dont want GNOME08:14
llutz_luftikuss: sticky bit set08:14
luftikussllutz, Thank you for your help.08:15
TJ-jey: try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession08:15
zetherooso here is my problem ... anyone else experiencing the same? http://askubuntu.com/questions/172909/adding-custom-wallpapers-to-wallpaper-section-ubuntu-12-0408:15
Grammastaok, so I might as well run the latest ubuntu version, not server ?08:16
jeyTJ-: ill take a look, thanks08:16
Gyro54My display has suddenly opened thinking its a laptop. I cant seem to be able to change the settings?08:16
orfHello guys08:16
jalexandruhi, I'm having troubles installing ubuntu 12.04 64 on an asus laptop from an usb stick it gives me the option to "install ubuntu" and "try ubuntu without installing" but it freezes after any option. My question is, if I use the windows installer will affect anything? will I be able after that to change the boot order(maybe using hbcd...) to have ubuntu boot first?08:17
TJ-Grammasta: if you don't mind all the desktop cruft... but you can *install* from the server ISO directly. I thought you wanted to test the server from a liveCD image so as not to touch the system disks08:17
luftikussGyro54, What do you mean by "thinking"?08:17
GrammastaTJ-: I don't really have a system disk now, just 5 media hdds...and been running freenas off of the usb stick08:18
orfI am using ubuntu's default backup program to back up my home directory and its taking a long long time. My home directory is only ~30gb and its going over a local network to a windows share, but its uploading very very slow08:18
Grammastabut I'd like to be running sabnzbd, sickbeard and also plex media server08:18
TJ-Grammasta: Ahh I see what you mean. You could install ubuntu server to a USB stick08:19
TJ-Grammasta: after all it's just another storage device08:19
Gyro54luftikuss: It was a clean install working at 1920 as a wide screen display without problems then after a reboot it is running 1280x1040 and says it is a laptop.08:19
GrammastaTJ-: but would I be better off making a partition of ubuntu on one of my hdds ?08:20
TJ-Gyro54: Did you install proprietary drivers in the last session before rebooting?08:20
TJ-Grammasta: probably... but for testing, a USB device would do fine.08:20
Gyro54TJ- yes Nvidia08:20
GrammastaI want to set up a webgui to run most things off of too08:20
TJ-Gyro54: OK ... sounds like you need to run "nvidia x settings" ... type "nvidia" in the dashboard08:20
TJ-Grammasta: you means a web control panel? I've used webmin/virtualmin/usermin for years with great success.08:21
GrammastaTJ-: So can I get a installation to a usb stick and make the installer create a partition on one of my hdds without loosing any data that's already on there ?08:21
GrammastaTJ-: Yeah, been reading about webmin08:22
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.08:22
Grammastaubottu: ok, so is there another option ?08:22
ThinkT510!ebox | Grammasta08:22
=== Marqin_ is now known as Marqin
ubottuGrammasta: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).08:22
lotuspsychjehow can i add a line swcursor true to xorg if xorg file does not exist?08:23
Gyro54TJ- That allowed me to fix the problem. What would cause that?08:24
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: there is no xorg.conf file by default but if you make one it will be obeyed08:24
Grammastabut I might as well get ubuntu instead of ubuntu server ? what's the easiest to get up and running ? fairly new to linux08:25
Grammastaoh, and all my hdds are formated in ufs...but that shouldn't be a problem right ?08:25
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: just make a new empty xorg file with 1 line swcursor true?, how come theres not one by default?08:26
TJ-Grammasta: I'd ignore what ubotto says! I use it extensively and its never conflicted with the Ubuntu package management, it works with it08:26
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: you'd need to look at examples to see what it should look like, i doubt the single line would work08:26
TJ-Gyro54: I think it would be that the driver couldn't determine the optimum mode from what the display told it08:27
djdexterwhen i put --password=$somepasswordStartingWithDolar to wget shell accepts as password whitout first character ($) what should i do?08:27
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: there isn't a xorg.conf file by default because the display is now dynamically handled08:27
Gyro54TJ- thanks for your help08:27
TJ-djdexter: '--password=$somepasswordStartingWithDolar'08:28
lotuspsychjeThinkT510: dynamic by lightdm?08:28
TJ-djdexter:  or even --password='$somepasswordStartingWithDolar'08:28
TJ-djdexter: in other words, surround the password with single quote marks so the shell doesn't interpret the $ symbol as a variable prefix08:28
Gyro54tj- Saved the configuration but after a reboot it went back to the old setting. It was correct until I logged in.08:29
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: starting lightdm starts the X server08:29
ubuntu-guest1221in what way do Firefox builds from mozilla ftp differ from Firefox Ubuntu builds?08:30
Gyro54tj- It is a Dell with a strange card maybe it is trouble recognizing it.08:30
ubuntu-guest1221I can reproduce an issue in 14.0.1 on mozilla's 14.0.1 build which I can't on the same version from Ubuntu08:30
TJ-ubuntu-guest1221: that suggests that the mozilla bundles system libraries that the ubuntu system provides for its own build08:31
ubuntu-guest1221I'm trying to get to the root cause of it - it's SVG related08:31
TJ-Gyro54: That sounds strange since when you 'save' the configuration from nvidia-x-settings, it writes a new /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:32
lotuspsychjeThinkT510:im just trying to get rid of this corrupt mouse pointer problem08:32
ubuntu-guest1221I would have guessed this for plugins, but seems strange for svg08:32
ThinkT510!xorg.conf | lotuspsychje08:33
ubottulotuspsychje: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:33
ThinkT510!xorgconf | lotuspsychje08:34
ubottulotuspsychje: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.08:34
TJ-ubuntu-guest1221: Our firefox package depends on libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0, which depends on librsvg2-208:36
CharlosHi all!08:38
lotuspsychjeThinkT510:tnx for link, so simulating a new xorg file cant do harm to my system because its based on the existing hardware/driver?08:38
Charloshow to install wine or playonplinux  on ubuntu 10.04 ???08:39
Charloshow to install wine or playonlinux  on ubuntu 10.04 ???08:40
timfrost!wine | Charlos08:40
ubottuCharlos: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:40
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DJonesCharlos: To install wine its sudo apt-get install wine08:40
ThinkT510lotuspsychje: it'll never do harm, it will either work or not, if it doesn't you can get rid of it08:41
Charlosbut what key app for wine  ?08:41
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W4spThinkT510: Would you consider to suggest to run as root Xorg -configure > ~/xorg.conf.auto, edit as required by lotuspsychje with wcursor/true?08:42
ThinkT510W4sp: you can suggest it if you like08:43
ThinkT510W4sp: i haven't needed to configure xorg for years08:43
lotuspsychjeW4sp:for some odd reason many systems i put ubuntu on got this corrupted square mouse pointer at first boot, after a reboot it dissapears08:43
lotuspsychjesomething like this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+question/14404008:44
born__hi, i am facing problem in writing bash shell script for SCP. echo "p@ssword" | scp -r May-13-21_25_19 gaurav@ isnt working for me08:44
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lotuspsychje!cn | kk_08:45
ubottukk_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:45
llutz_born__: use ssh-keys for that, ssh/scp wont accept passwords from shell08:45
W4splotuspsychje:As ThinkT510 correctly state the xorg.conf is not needed (until it is, of course). I would recommend to make yourself root and run Xorg -configure > /homedir/xorg.conf.auto08:45
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lotuspsychjeW4sp:im just reading alot of websites saying that enabling swcursor:true would fix this mouse problem...im not trying to mess with xorg if i dont need08:46
born__llutz_: can you give me example?08:47
W4splotuspsychje: Once root has done it edit your copy of xorg.conf.auto as desired (wcursor issue) and what else you've got. When you have finished editing it put in ton /etc/X11/ as xorg.conf. Make sure file permission is rw for root and r for group and others.08:47
XeliHello, I'm having a problems with my external monitor on my laptop, after a few minutes the screens starts to 'tear' as if the refresh rate is wrong but this only starts after a while, any idea why or how to fix?08:47
llutz_born__: read the forums/wiki about using ssh with key-auth08:47
Xeliworth noting is on some other screens I dont have this problem08:47
born__llutz_: okay.. thanks :)08:47
chervaCan someone explain to me ssh tunneling  I have a machine1 with web server on port 80 and a server1 .... I want the machine1 to connect to server1 in such a way that when I open a firefox on the server and type to go over the ssh tunel to machine1:8008:48
Benkinoobyhi, my system time is off my 40 minutes, i have ntpd running. can some1 help me?08:49
W4splotuspsychje: The reason for my suggestion is that Xorg runs configuration settings during runtime and automatically, As you are not satisfied with this you need to averride the settings manually with your wcursre requirements. Auto-generating xorg.conf will not address your issue as it is the same as the autogenerated settings.08:49
llutz_cherva: ssh -L 1234:machine1:80 user@machine108:50
chervallutz, I have to type this on server1 yes ? I08:51
llutz_cherva: yes08:51
lotuspsychjeW4sp: im not sure im gonna mess with xorg yet, im more interested in understanding why ubuntu boots this cursor problem once a day..08:51
W4splotuspsychje: Further, if you have not done soe make yourself familiar with methods to boot into CLI mode.08:51
chervallutz, I need such a thing that have to be typed on machine1 because machine1 will be behind routers and other stuff and server1 is on a real static ip .....08:52
W4splotuspsychje: Sure, it is your decision as you are the root admin.08:52
chervallutz, to make machine1 connect to server1 :)08:52
llutz_cherva: read about reverse-tunnelng (ssh -R)08:52
chervallutz, ok 10x08:52
W4spThinkT510: Thanks a lot.08:52
CellTechHow come when I visit the software center to install lmms. it installs wine instead?08:53
Benkinoobyhi, my system time is off my 40 minutes, i have ntpd running. can some1 help me?08:54
jpdsBenkinooby: sudo service ntp stop; sudo ntpdate 0.uk.pool.ntp.org; sudo service ntp start08:54
chervallutz, done thx a lot man :)08:55
Benkinoobyjpds, thank you08:55
llutz_cherva: yw08:56
Benkinoobyjpds, do i have to do this more often in future?08:56
jpdsBenkinooby: No, check /var/log/syslog to see what your clock is not syncng.08:56
DJonesCellTech: I don't know why, but wine is shown as a dependency for the lmms package08:57
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TJ-DJones: really? I just did apt-cache depends lmms and apt-cache rdepends wine on 12.04 and don't get any hits08:59
DJonesTJ-: I'm just looking at http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/lmms08:59
llutz_TJ apt-cache depends lmms|grep wine -> " Depends: wine1.4-i386"09:00
llutz_12.04 here09:00
Paolasi try sudo apt-get -update after09:00
PaolasE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:00
Paolashow to make   ?09:00
TJ-DJones: weird!09:00
DJonesTJ-: It shows wine1.4-i386 as the 2nd to last dependancy09:00
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jpds!dpkglock | Paolas09:00
ubottuPaolas: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:00
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Paolasbut what yes or no  that  ?09:01
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TJ-DJones: CellTech I'm pulling the source in09:02
PaolasKill process 2056 ? (y/N)09:02
Costeelationsomeone can give me a feed reader?09:02
Costeelationno liferea... dont work with my ubuntu :(09:02
DJonesTJ-: I'll be interested to understand why when once you've had a look09:02
llutz_CellTech: lmms supports VST-plugins, which need wine09:03
PaolasKill process 2056 ? (y/N)     y or N that ????09:03
CellTechAnother question. I have audacious. Why does it skip?09:03
TJ-DJones: CellTech llutz OK ... that dependency is for 32-bit systems only... I'm using 64-bit09:03
WiclaHello.. Are it possible to disable GPG checking for ONE specific repository?09:03
Benkinoobyjpds, syslogs last line is "frequency initialized -21.433 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift" is that normal?09:04
llutz_TJ-: there is no wine-amd64 (afaik), lmms still will depend on wine due to the VST-support09:04
TJ-llutz_: wine1.4-i386 [i386]09:05
llutz_multiarch, yes TJ-09:05
TJ-llutz: yes, but no dependency in amd64 package09:05
TJ-  * debian/control:09:05
TJ-    - Build with wine1.4-dev (LP: #925127)09:05
TJ-    - Remove manual wine dependency, obtain it via dh_shlibdeps09:05
TJ-    - Remove wine and gcc-multilib build dependencies on amd6409:05
TJ-      (package does not build with 64-bit only wine)09:05
FloodBot1TJ-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:05
TJ-oops, too many lines! thought I'd concatenated09:06
llutz_TJ-: ah ok09:06
CellTechfixed it. thank you :D09:06
Paolasi have wine but need to install new in playonlinux  ???09:06
TJ-There's always an explanation if you look far enough... trouble is, it's often damned well hidden!09:06
Paolashow to make install PlayOnLinux   ?????09:07
timfrostBenkinooby: that message is OK. It is telling you that it has loaded  drift frequency data from the file /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift09:08
Paolashey Im forghet... Panels no have icon for network , how to make add   ???????09:08
bazhang!enter | Paolas09:09
ubottuPaolas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:09
Paolashey Im forghet... Panels no have icon for network , how to make add   ?09:09
Benkinoobytimfrost, i think that that file may be corrupted... i had big trouble the last two weeks, because my system time always shifted off - with and without ntp09:09
bazhangPaolas, stop using the enter key so much. keep it on ONE line09:10
Benkinoobytimfrost, would a purge and reinstall fo ntp be a safe solution?09:10
Benkinoobytimfrost, in case the time shifts off again09:10
TJ-Benkinooby: check /var/log/kern.log for any indication of the kernel causing the time drift... or if the PC is turned off alot, it could be down to a failing battery for the RTC09:11
Paolasin software center have sun java 6.0 plugin but no have install  how to make   ?09:12
bazhang!java | Paolas09:12
ubottuPaolas: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.09:12
timfrostBenkinooby: ntp re-install won't fix things.  If your computer is always on (or is on more than it is off), you  need NTP server installed to keep time synced to a reliable time source.  This is because of drift, and the fact that ntpdate only changes the clock on boot09:13
WiclaHello.. Are it possible to disable GPG checking for a specific APT repository?09:13
BenkinoobyTJ-, so far, my hwclock whas the only reliable clock on my system... a laptop, with a weak accu09:13
TJ-Benkinooby: that's a pain :(09:13
bazhangWicla, why would you ever need to do that09:13
BenkinoobyTJ, timfrost jpds thank you for your advice09:14
Wiclabazhang: it's for a custom repository in enterprise environment. But that's unimportant isn't it. Was that a statement that it's not possible?09:15
bazhangWicla, 3rd party repo? PPA? what is it09:15
Wiclaa local custom repository. Not a PPA09:16
TJ-Wicla: you can do it for all as you probably know (sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated upgrade) but I don't know about a per-repo option09:16
BullShark`How can i prevent an application from resetting the windows title in screen. i have screen -t zsh 1 /bin/zsh in my .screenrc. it gets set to zsh, but then reset to myhostname:~:zsh after zsh executes, same with other commands09:18
TJ-Wicla: you could sign your local repo. see for example: http://blog.mycrot.ch/2011/04/26/creating-your-own-signed-apt-repository-and-debian-packages/09:19
WiclaTJ-: ok. The setup required would need to have it configured in a configuration file however since Puppet is being used. Would prefer not to change the Puppet uses to install packages (apt-get -q -y -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold install <package>"09:19
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WiclaTJ-: true. So far we've managed to avoid signing it for other distributions for simplicity. But maybe we'll need to rethink our current setup and use GPG signing09:20
Paolashow to install exe for yahoo messenger.exe   ?09:20
BullShark`How can i prevent an application from resetting the windows title in screen? I have screen -t bash 1 /bin/bash in my .screenrc. it gets set to bash, but then reset to myhostname:~:bash after bash executes, same with other commands09:22
MonkeyDustPaolas  empathy handles yahoo messenger09:22
rvgate /j #pac09:24
cfhowlettCFUDev: greetings09:24
CFUDevNew on Ubuntu and I have some issue :(09:24
dylancan anyone help me with java install and set-up please?09:24
CFUDevI have a PC with wireless NIC09:25
cfhowlettCFUDev: ok and09:25
CFUDevmy pc worked well until the last two days ...09:25
biobeois there anyone for help ?09:25
biobeoI am having problem while installing Ubuntu 12.4 on my desktop (Intel 865 P4 1GB DDR1 RAM)09:25
jalexandruCFUdev: and?09:25
biobeoI am having problem while installing Ubuntu 12.4 on my desktop (Intel 865 P4 1GB DDR1 RAM)\09:26
Paolasbut i need on webcam for yahoo messenger09:26
CFUDevbut the last two days, it seems like the network stop for a while and then start again09:26
CFUDevI cannot find out what is the reason09:26
cfhowlettbiobeo: what kind of trouble; details09:26
biobeoposted here09:26
CFUDevWhen I open my both browsers (Firefox / Chrome) the pages are doing endless loading or are loaded too slow09:26
Paolasbiobeo try download  ubunru  12.04.4 LTS Lucid Linx is good work for me09:27
CFUDevand the update manager is downloading all of the packages09:27
cfhowlettbiobeo: ok, basics.  did you checksum to ensure you got a good download?09:27
ubottumady1978: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:27
CFUDevbut for some packages it seem that getting too slow regardless the file size09:27
PaolasI have on webcam but how to install for yahoo messenger on webcam   ????09:27
biobeoI am having the booable CD from the store..09:28
CFUDevIs there any idea on how to solve that issue ?09:28
Phoenix87could I use some help with this question http://askubuntu.com/questions/172601/cant-upgrade-from-11-10-to-12-04 ? thank you09:28
CFUDevYou can find that same issue here : http://askubuntu.com/questions/172923/endless-network-loading09:28
biobeoppls help09:28
cfhowlettbiobeo: not sure what that means...you bought an ubuntu cdrom?09:28
CFUDevThis is mine too09:28
biobeoI got the Ubuntu 12.4 Bootable CD from a Store...09:29
biobeotheres nothing error in the CD as I guess..09:29
cfhowlettbiobeo: hmm.  ok.09:29
PaolasI have on webcam but how to install for yahoo messenger on webcam   ?09:29
timfrostBullShark`: You will need to configure your terminal emulator to ignore all requests to change the title bar.  That depends on which terminal emulator you use. Gnome terminal has a global per-profile setting to control this, under 'Profile->Title and Command'.  Other terminal emulators may have equivalent options, but you need to set the option that applies to your terminal emulator (and cope with the fact that in most cases it is 'a09:29
CFUDevAny help please with that ? : http://askubuntu.com/questions/172923/endless-network-loading09:30
MonsterWizardif I uninstall unity will it ruin my system in anyway09:30
biobeoplease any one help URGENT... http://askubuntu.com/questions/172922/ubuntu-12-4-is-not-running-installation-on-intel-865-pentium-409:30
cfhowlettbiobeo: i see that your installation hangs once you select 3rd party software/mp3 codecs.  Suggest you DON'T install those until after you get the basic system up and running.  Quite easy to add them post installation09:30
BullShark`timfrost -> not the title bar, the windows names in screen. i like to keep them short so they don't expand greater than the width of my terminal09:30
quick-MonsterWizard:  it depends upon your system config09:31
MonsterWizardI haven't changed anything09:31
MonsterWizardit's a fresh install09:31
quick-MonsterWizard:  forthe mostof the latest systemsit willnot09:31
MonsterWizardright I'll uninstall it then09:32
biobeoyeah.. also tried that.... but the same thing is happening... is Ubuntu 12.4 is Compitable with my Config ???? @cfhowlett09:32
PaolasHow to install on webcam   ???09:32
Paolashow to driver on webcam   ?09:32
supasnashbuhlhi! Maybe someone has had the same problem with shotwell. I noticed that shotwell has created several events with the same name (date).. Is there some kind of batch operation to combine all events with the same name?09:32
cfhowlettbiobeo: pretty sure you should be able to run it, but here's are the alternate methods ... download the ubuntu alternate .iso (text based) installer OR try a different distro; xubuntu or lubuntu for older, low spec machines09:33
Phoenix87is it safe to change any occurrence of oneiric with precise in sources.list in order to force a distribution upgrade?09:33
MonsterWizardis the answer to this question the safest way to uninstall unity? http://askubuntu.com/questions/6302/how-can-you-remove-unity09:34
_skplthe safest way to remove unity is to install another desktop environment09:34
MonsterWizardyep I already habe gnome09:34
_skplden use gnome.09:34
biobeobut why the problem is running I mean what should be the cause..??09:34
MonsterWizardthat command won't do anything crazy will it?09:34
Paolashow to driver on webcam   ?   what do you say  ? Im waiting   ???09:35
MonsterWizardyeah but I hate unity so badly I want it off the system09:35
cfhowlettbiobeo: as it's 3rd party only, I'd suspect that those repos are not available or that you actually have a bad cdrom.09:36
susundbergMonsterWizard: !notunity09:36
susundbergmhh, i cannot use this bot09:36
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:36
biobeobut theres no error showing up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:37
TJ-BullShark`: "man screen" and read the "TITLES (naming windows)" section carefully. It includes some great examples of dynamic window titles09:37
cfhowlettbiobeo: understood...one reason I suggested you download, check and create your own boot media is so that you KNOW that much is good09:38
MonsterWizardI just updated from 10:0409:38
MonsterWizardwheres the symtaptic package manger?09:38
KatsumeBliskMonsterWizard: It doesn't exist by default anymore. You have to install it yourself iirc.09:38
KatsumeBliskIt should still be in the repos.09:38
TJ-MonsterWizard: There's the Software Centre now, it's taken over09:39
KatsumeBliskMonsterWizard: It was replaced by Software Center by default.09:39
KatsumeBliskMonsterWizard: What TJ- said.09:39
biobeohmmm... but My desktop is not in the situation to download something.. cause my old OS is corrupt now...09:39
eli_hello, how can i copy a file from a remote host09:39
TJ-eli_: If you have SSH access you can use scp or sftp09:40
cfhowlettbiobeo: .torrents09:40
MonsterWizardSo can ubuntu do anythig other linux distros can?09:40
eli_TJ-: scp don't work for me he don't found the host09:40
Paolashow to driver on webcam   ?   what do you say  ? Im waiting   ???09:40
KatsumeBliskMonsterWizard: Yeah. It's really just up to preference in terms of distro choice.09:40
eli_TJ-: can i use pastebin or some thing like that09:40
MonsterWizardso anything arch can do09:40
MonsterWizardubuntu can do too?09:40
KatsumeBliskMonsterWizard: Well, anything is pretty broad, but I'd say so.09:41
KatsumeBliskMonsterWizard: They're both Linux.09:41
TJ-eli_: well to gain access to another host the name must resolve using DNS, the host must be running the ssh server, and the firewalls must allow access09:41
captinehi all.  anyone able to assist with transfer speeds in Ubuntu.  Ubuntu laptop with wireless N broadcom card transfering files from macbook at 1mb.  only 2 laptops on the wifi and all close to the router09:41
eli_TJ- how will you write  the command when the user on a windows domain09:42
biobeobut there is also showing the ybuntu deskto and widgets.. and ashortcut which is Install Ubuntu and a directory Examples..09:42
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scisteffanAre there any up to date instructions for installing Ingres SQL on ubuntu?09:43
TJ-eli_: If the system holding the file is Windows, you can't usually use SSH (scp/sftp) unless that server had an SSH server installed. You'll have to find another way... probably using a Windows Share on the server and samba on the Ubuntu PC09:43
eli_TJ-: i can shh to the machine, that's not the problem09:44
eli_the Problem is how to copy the file09:44
TJ-eli_: if you can ssh you should be able to scp too!09:44
cfhowlettbiobeo: consider downloading the .iso via .torrent09:45
multi_ioif I want to install Ubuntu 12.04 on a (to be created) raid1+lvm partition, can the setup create those for me or do I have to do it separately?09:45
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TJ-multi_io: If you use the Alternate CD installer you can. Can't with the liveCD *unless* you do it manually09:46
cfhowlettmulti_io: you can do that during installation09:46
NetRunnerBlack_Hi guys. I've had this problem for a while, but last time I tried to ask for help here I lost internet. I'm getting an error message that says E: Encountered a section with no Package: header, E: Problem with MergeList (package list location) E: The package lists or status could not be parsed or opened.09:47
TJ-NetRunnerBlack_: This might help you https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+faq/159109:49
jey_whm, I'm on 10.04, and in Administration->Login Screen, ive set the default session type09:49
Paolasp><a href="http://www.oracle.com"><img src="/errors/us/assets/oralogo-small.gif"'width="154" height="19" hspace="10" vspace="25" border="0" ></a></td>09:49
jey_whowever if I login in from gdm it just logsme into GNOME :S09:49
NetRunnerBlack_I've looked at the package list named, and it seems to be HTML for a web page that asks for a password (to access the internet, and my internet is working perfectly). It says the password can be found at Cisco Connect.09:49
jey_wand mty new session doesnt appear in the Sessions dropdown in gdm either09:50
NetRunnerBlack_Thanks. Is it strange that all of my package lists have been replaced with HTML code?09:50
dalek_does anyone know how to interpret the signal/noise info given under Network>interfaces in hardInfo in Ubuntu? My is reading -33/154144744... is that normal?09:50
multi_ioTJ-: ok. what about the "server" iso then? Can it do that too?09:50
TJ-NetRunnerBlack_: Yes!09:50
Paolasp><a href="http://www.oracle.com"><img src="/errors/us/assets/oralogo-small.gif"'width="154" height="19" hspace="10" vspace="25" border="0" ></a></td>09:51
TJ-multi_io: Yes, it's the main user of those facilities09:51
Paolaswhat the problem  ?09:51
SmashcatAnyone know how to prevent Ubuntu/apt from wrecking config files when you update?09:51
dalek_my other computer is reading -54/2    ...and that is a vast difference.09:51
multi_ioTJ-: so the "alternate" and "desktop" iso support it, and the "desktop" iso doesn't?09:51
NetRunnerBlack_TJ- I'm going to paste the code up really quick. I kind of want to know what the hell happened, if anyone smarter then me wants to take a look at this I'd be really grateful.09:52
multi_ioTJ-: so the "alternate" and "server" iso support it, and the "desktop" iso doesn't?09:52
eli_TJ-: so when i type scp progov.log eli@
eli_but he doesn't copy anything09:52
cfhowlettSmashcat: separate /home usually does it for me...09:52
timfrosteli_: Any error messages?  If so, can you pastbin them?09:53
eli_timfrost: no  echo after the command09:53
timfrost!pastebin | eli_09:53
ubottueli_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:53
eli_i want to copy from a linux to windows09:53
Smashcatcfhowlett: No, i mean the config files in /etc. It's managed to mess up the dovecot config this time. Silly of me to do an update I guess - usually never update servers after install as I know ubuntu is pretty bad for this...09:53
eli_timfrost: the windows ip is and the user is eli09:54
llutz_eli_: and you have ssh-server running on the windows machine?09:54
NuSueyanybody here with ati radeon 6850?09:54
NetRunnerBlack_Some of the package lists are normal, but at least %50 look like that.09:55
eli_llutz_:why??? i don't need it i have ssh server on the linux and putty client on windows09:55
BlazemoreNuSuey: I have a 6870 which is close enough09:55
llutz_eli_: you need it to scp that way09:55
NuSueyBlazemore: any problems with it? because i have many with my 6850 under linux09:55
eli_llutz_: you mean that i need ssh sserver on both host?09:55
llutz_eli_: you need ssh-server on the host you want to connect to09:56
llutz_eli_: in your case, the windows-machine09:56
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llutz_eli_: or use putty/pscp from windows to _pull_ the file from the linux-host09:56
eli_llutz_: the file i want is on the linux machine09:57
llutz_eli_: and? you either can push it (copy via scp) or pull it09:57
eli_llutz_: have you the command i write befor?09:58
llutz_eli_: read putty/pscp documentation09:58
NetRunnerBlack_TJ- That seemed to work! Thanks!09:59
eli_i will never do it llutz_ you have to understand the question befor you anwser any thing09:59
TJ-NetRunnerBlack_: I know what happened"09:59
llutz_eli_: you're welcome09:59
* NetRunnerBlack_ listens to TJ-?09:59
TJ-NetRunnerBlack_:Read that file you pasted... if you get far enough you'll realise it's the log-in screen from a captive WiFi portal asking you to log-in.10:00
dr_willis eli_  restate the question then.... somthings gotten lost in translation.. or theres a failure to communicate.10:00
TJ-NetRunnerBlack_: So, when your machine tried to use HTTP to fetch the package list, the captive portal returned its own page rather than an error code, so your machine didn't realise the file didn't come from the Ubuntu archive10:00
TJ-NetRunnerBlack_: All archives use HTTP and regular web servers to host the packages10:01
dr_willisNetRunnerBlack_:   ive seen that at most public wifi places these days10:01
TJ-NetRunnerBlack_: captive portals assume all HTTP users are browsers with users in front of them, not machine processes!10:01
Paolassay me please how to add menu bar for newtork  ????10:01
dr_willisgotts use the browser first to hit ok for the places eula.10:01
NetRunnerBlack_TJ- Thanks. My internet goes down sometimes and it tries to use my neighbors captive wi-fi portal sometimes. I must have been off my network without realizing it and tried to update.10:02
TJ-NetRunnerBlack_: this might clue you on which one: "document.write("Enter the guest access password to access the Internet. Ask the owner if you don't know the password. The guest access password can be found using Cisco Connect.")"10:02
NetRunnerBlack_TJ- The neighbors actually feeds the browser this message: "Welcome to fuckers guest. Please enter the guest password, fucker." But I'm guessing that was modded heavily and I managed to get the original bit somehow? That's all I can think of anyway.10:03
dr_willisPaolas:  that made no sence.  give more details10:03
bazhangNetRunnerBlack_, no cursing here10:04
NetRunnerBlack_bazhang Sorry, my mistake.10:04
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
ubottumady1978: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:05
=== blabla123 is now known as besma
NetRunnerBlack_Well, thanks for your help guys.10:05
=== besma is now known as B35ma
PaolasE: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate   ???10:06
=== jamestunnicliff_ is now known as jamestunnicliffe
PostumusPaolas, you need that Oracle PPA.10:06
dr_willis!java | Paolas10:06
ubottuPaolas: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:06
PostumusPaolas, https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/java10:07
=== B35ma is now known as B35m4
BlazemoreNuSuey: So problems with it, but don't use fglrx. Open-source radeon driver is fine10:07
_skplhi blazemore.10:08
PaolasI dont understand this java10:08
Paolasbetter give me here command in terminal10:08
bazhangPaolas, read the link.10:08
PaolasI dont know all10:09
PaolasI am new on ubuntu10:09
dr_willisthe wiki page gave the exact commands...10:09
jpdsPaolas: Noone does.10:09
Paolasand I am deaf really10:09
bazhangPaolas, then read the link we have given you10:09
cfhowlett...and we'll type quietly?10:09
Paolasbetter here help and i like10:09
livingdaylightWith 8gb RAM is swap required?10:09
Paolasthere java link after where see that version  ?10:09
Blazemorelivingdaylight: It depends what you're running10:10
jpdslivingdaylight: Do you want to be able to hibernate?10:10
livingdaylightDoes the old 2x amount of ram for Swap still apply?10:10
supasnashbuhllivingdaylight: i wouldn't use swap even with 2 gigs10:10
dr_willislivingdaylight:  i always put at least 512mb of swap. swap is needed if you want to hibernate10:10
Blazemorelivingdaylight: If you have enough disk space, assign some swap.10:10
jpdsPaolas: Read this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java10:10
supasnashbuhldr_willis: are you sure hibernate uses swap? And not some file on the system?10:11
TJ-livingdaylight: Do you want to be able to hibernate the system eventually? If so, a large swap is a good idea - it's used for the hibernation image10:11
livingdaylighthibernation is good, but I don't need to assign twice the amount of Ram for swap then?10:11
dr_willislivingdaylight: swap=ram+a little bit more. is common these days10:11
jpdssupasnashbuhl: It uses swap.10:11
Wuschiihaving some trouble with upgrading10:11
supasnashbuhljpds: that's stupid..10:11
jpdssupasnashbuhl: Where else are you going to shove a copy of your working RAM?10:11
lloowenHello all! Currently running Ubuntu 10.04 with blackbox wm installed. Just wondering what is the best way to start up applications on boot up. i.e. conky10:11
Wuschiitheres something wrong bind9 but i dont know how to fix it....10:11
Paolasbut what OpenJDK ,  Oracle (Sun) Java 6 , Oracle Java 7, IBM Java or GNU Compiler: that download  ???10:11
supasnashbuhljpds: idk somewhere inside /10:12
livingdaylightso, on a 500gb HD with 8gb RAM how much swap is recommended? 16gb??10:12
supasnashbuhljpds: but that's good to know10:12
llutz_supasnashbuhl: thats stupid10:12
jpdslivingdaylight: 10?10:12
dr_willislivingdaylight: swap=ram+a little bit more. is common these days10:12
jpdsllutz_ / supasnashbuhl: No name calling, please; this has probably already been thought out by clever kernel developers.10:12
dr_willislivingdaylight:  ifyou dont need hibernate then yoy can use less.10:12
llutz_sry jpds10:13
supasnashbuhljpds: the stupid wasn't directed to any person. sorry.10:13
livingdaylightdr_willis, does hibernation only work if 2x the amount of ram is assigned to swap? What if I gave it 4gb?10:13
supasnashbuhldirected at?10:13
dr_willislivingdaylight: swap=ram+a little bit more  for hibernate10:14
prakashHello all Recently I Updated to ubuntu 12.04 LTS10:14
jpdslivingdaylight: Swap involves putting ALL of your memory into swap.10:14
Smashcatlivingdaylight: You could probably just use a swap file, and a script to enable swap just before the system goes into hibernation if needed. Having swap on all the time is no big issue really though10:14
jpdslivingdaylight: Hibernate involves*10:14
prakashand I am unsatisfied by its performance10:14
TJ-Wuschii: see this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit/+bug/88633310:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 886333 in sysvinit (Ubuntu) "invoke-rc.d mishandles runlevels 0 and 6" [Undecided,New]10:14
supasnashbuhli don't understand why there can't be a scalable swap, so that IF it's needed it will allocate some space on the drive..10:15
Wuschiithanks TJ10:15
jpdslivingdaylight: So you're going to need the amount of RAM you have, plus a little bit more.10:15
prakashFacing a bug since upgrade to 12.04LTS10:15
jpdssupasnashbuhl: You could use a swap file.10:15
prakashcan any onr help ??????????10:15
Smashcatsupasnashbuhl: There would be a massive performance hit if you did that with swap.10:15
jpdsprakash: You need to give more details on the issue.10:15
TJ-jpds: Linux using a swap partition so it can write direct and fast to the block device; it doesn't have to go through the VFS10:15
MonkeyDustprakash  start with a question10:15
bazhang!details | prakash10:15
ubottuprakash: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:15
livingdaylightjpds, yea, i see... seems a shame to give that much away, but, if I want hibernation then its necessary10:15
lloowen Hello all! Currently running Ubuntu 10.04 with blackbox wm installed. Just wondering what is the best way to start up applications on boot up. i.e. conky10:16
llutz_jpds: even a swap-file has a fixed size you need to specify before. so its not scalable10:16
supasnashbuhlSmashcat: can you explain why? Because a swap file can get fragmented?10:16
prakashEvery time I login it gives me System Error pop up10:16
TJ-Wuschii: I think the problem is something to do with the runlevel you are at when you run those commands... did you start in 'single' mode?10:16
livingdaylighthibernation is a good thing, right?10:16
TJ-livingdaylight: Allows you to save state and take the battery out10:17
Smashcatsupasnashbuhl: The swap partition is not a normal filesystem, it's for dumping and reading RAM. So adding the overhead of having to resize it etc will damage performance10:17
supasnashbuhllivingdaylight: with ssd's yes :)10:17
WuschiiTJ i just wanted to upgrade my system but it hangs at exactly this step10:17
prakashjpds: Every time I login it gives me System Error pop up10:17
Wuschiiwaited 5 minutes nothing does10:17
TJ-Wuschii: are you on the system now? can you run a couple of commands for me?10:17
Wuschiiyes i can its a server10:18
supasnashbuhlSmashcat: alright.. makes sense. But i find it really hard to determine some "good" size for swap..10:18
prakashjpds: It is happing since i upgraded to 12.0410:18
TJ-Wuschii: try this: "runlevel"10:18
lloowen Hello all! Currently running Ubuntu 10.04 with blackbox wm installed. Just wondering what is the best way to start up applications on boot up. Is configuring applications to run via /etc/init.d the only way?10:18
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Smashcatsupasnashbuhl: Just make it the same size as your RAM, plus a little bit.10:18
Wuschiisshd: hello ?10:19
supasnashbuhlSmashcat: okay.. good.10:19
TJ-Wuschii: You killed the sshd?10:19
prakashubottu : I recently upgraded to 12.04 since the I am getting a system error pop up10:19
ubottuprakash: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:19
Wuschiii have to restart over webi10:19
Smashcatsupasnashbuhl: If you have plenty of RAM, and don't need hibernation, you can turn it off, but there's little gain from turning it off, and disk space is cheap10:20
prakashubottu : ok10:20
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:20
Smashcatsupasnashbuhl: Obviously with SSD's you shouldn't be running swap on them.10:20
supasnashbuhlSmashcat: i think you're right.10:20
prakashubottu : how should i state a problem to you10:20
ubottuprakash: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:20
jpdsprakash: Send a report, or cancel it.10:20
Paolasbut what OpenJDK ,  Oracle (Sun) Java 6 , Oracle Java 7, IBM Java or GNU Compiler: that download  ???   this that click need it  ?10:21
lloowenHello all 1604 people in this room!! Currently running Ubuntu 10.04 with blackbox wm installed. Just wondering what is the best way to start up applications on boot up. Is configuring applications to run via /etc/init.d the only way?10:21
supasnashbuhlprakash: dude.. ubottu is a bot (computer program) not a real person...10:21
MonkeyDustprakash  ubottu is a machine, a script, a (ro)bot10:21
PaolasOracle (Sun) Java 6  can install   ??10:21
=== irenicus09 is now known as Guest10273
prakashjpds: I have already done that but after few min. it again pop ups. It really faustrating10:22
WuschiiTJ i have to contact the support... hes dead amen10:22
Wuschiidont want to restart over webinterface10:22
jpdsprakash: Can you follow instructions like: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Oracle_.28Sun.29_Java_6 ?10:22
prakashjpds: I had a great expirence with 11.10 but 12.04 has been disappointing10:22
jpdsprakash: Then something is broken is broken on your system, either report the issue or ignore it.10:23
prakashjpds: yes, I am software developer10:23
TJ-Wuschii: OK ... well I wanted you to find out which runlevel the system is on ... if its 0 or 6 or even 1, that might be the cause10:23
Paolasowrap><a href="http://www.oracle.com"><img src="/errors/us/assets/oralogo-small.gif" width="154" height="19" hspace="10" vspace="25" border="0" ></a></t'> charlos@L-I-N-U-X:~$ sudo mv jre1.6.0_31 /usr/lib/jvm/ mv: cannot stat `jre1.6.0_31': No such file or directory charlos@L-I-N-U-X:~$10:23
FloodBot1Paolas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:23
ubottupaolas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:23
lloowenHello all! Currently running Ubuntu 10.04 with blackbox wm installed. Just wondering what is the best way to start up applications on boot up. Is configuring applications to run via /etc/init.d the only way?10:24
Paolashow to make problem java  ??? :-?10:24
prakashjpds: ok. How is your expirence about ubuntu 12.0410:24
jpdsprakash: Lovely, much snappier than 11.10.10:24
Paolaswhat do you say ? tell me know man im work here man10:25
Paolastime come what do you say me problem java   ?10:25
lloowenWhat is the best way to run applications at boot up?10:25
prakashjpds: ok thanks for the help10:25
jpdsprakash: You could try looking in /var/crash to see what's crashing.10:26
prakashjpds: ok, will look at it10:26
SebZekhi all10:28
WuschiiTJ: they have to update the bios in this cloud... therefore no ssh :D10:28
SebZekwhat this :: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready10:28
prakashWhat is the review of Ubuntu 12.04 should I upgrade from 11.10 ???10:28
=== kai_ is now known as OMGUBUNTU
OMGUBUNTUHey you all10:29
MonkeyDustprakash  12.04 is the most recent and it is LTS, so yes10:29
cfhowlettprakash: 12.04 works.  personally, I only install LTS10:29
TJ-Wuschii: OK, well, if you search you'll find mentions on the Debian and Ubuntu bug-trackers of that message from several packages, not just bind. The key is the runlevel the system is at when it is run10:29
SmashcatGreat, so the default in dovecot now is to listen on an ipv6 interface ;-) Wonder whose brilliant idea that was...10:29
OMGUBUNTU12.04 works fine for me10:29
=== Qualia is now known as Qualia0
Wuschiithanks TJ if the problem still exists if the server are back online, i will ask again in #ubuntu10:30
SebZek what this :: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready, how to remove this message in menuconfig ?10:30
W4splloowen: You would need to familiarize yourself with System V. If you blackbox and want to run a program after you logged in: blackbox wm reads from .xinitrc | .xsession in ~/. Just add '<application> &' before you exec your wm.10:30
prakashmonkeydust: What does LTS really means ?? is it more stable ??10:30
jpdsprakash: Long Term Support.10:30
prakashcfhowlett: What does LTS really means ?? is it more stable ??10:30
jpds!lts | prakash10:30
ubottuprakash: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)10:30
cfhowlettprakash: not as bleeding edge and more effort is put into development and maintenance over the long haul.10:31
jalexandru!Precise | praksh10:31
ubottupraksh: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120410:31
=== administrator is now known as Guest73244
MonkeyDustprakash  that's a lot of info, no? ;)10:32
prakashok thanks every one going to upgrade to 12.04 on my other computers10:32
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prakashmonkeydust : yup, great community10:32
lloowenW4sp: Thanks for the tip. I have not had any luck with the .xinitrc file. Blackbox does not even run when the .xinitrc file is present. I currently have blackbox running from login via the .profile file.10:33
=== Guest86239 is now known as epzil0n
btcbuy314how do i change the color scheme to white on black (white letters) for urxvt10:37
TJ-lloowen: I think you might have to do "ln -s ~/.xinitrc ~/.xsession"10:38
W4splloowen: I see. Your DM (gdm or lightboxdm or whatever you've got) would need to be able to pass on what DE has been chosen. That sounds easy but actually some DM follow X.org. AFAIK gdm and lightdm don't. .xinitrc should be read by blackbox surely.10:38
TJ-lloowen: This page might help... it mentions Blackbox, and towards the end how to automate the session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomXSession10:39
BluesKajHowdy all10:39
W4splloowen: TJ- is right, create one and ln them.10:39
alba-andyguys, my httpd users 'apache' says it cant write to a specific directory, how can I add it without changing the directory owner?10:41
TJ-alba-andy: usually you add the directory owner to the www-data group, and then set the directory's group to www-data10:42
lloowenW4sp: My current setup is ubuntu 10.04 minimal from a net install with no WM. Just blackbox. This set up is running on a thin client with just 102Mb RAM so I'm doing as much as I can command line only. When I installed blackbox wm there was no .xinitrc present at all. Just .xsession-errors10:42
theadminalba-andy: 1) make a group, 2) add the "apache" user to that group, 3) change the directory owner OR 1) change your fstab to mount the drive directory's on with the "acl" option, 2) use the "setfacl" command to allow the user write access to the directory.10:42
TJ-alba-andy: obviously you'd also ensure the directory group owner has write permissions10:43
theadminalba-andy: s/owner/group/10:43
alba-andythanks guys, ill give it a try10:45
lloowenTj: thanks for the link. Looking into it.10:45
lloowenW4sp: Thanks for your help10:46
W4splloowen: the .xsession-errors were created by your blackbox. You need to create .xinitrc or .xsession yourself. I need to know if it is 102 MB aor 1024 MB? Speller?10:46
personI want to use Lubuntu but is it safe?10:46
theadminperson: "safe"?10:46
personHow do I know somone hasn't put some bad code in it10:46
jpdsperson: It's open-source?10:46
personit's a niche OS10:46
lloowenW4sp: 102Mb10:46
llutz_person: you have to trust10:46
jpdsperson: Go and read the source if you're so concerned.10:47
MonkeyDustperson  it's open source, if someone tried, te others would notice immediately10:47
cfhowlettperson: open source10:47
personlol I lack the skills10:47
llutz_MonkeyDust: nice theory10:47
personIt is trusted by canonical, right? it's on their website10:47
theadminperson: Well, if you don't trust Canonical, go ahead and use something else. However there's no reason to believe there is "bad code" in any of the officially supported Ubuntu releases.10:47
cfhowlettperson: well you could use windoze.  Nobody EVER hacks that OS ...10:47
lloowenW4sp: It has 128Mb ram but 26Mb is dedicated for the video10:47
jpdsperson: Lubuntu is not supported by Canonical.10:47
theadminjpds: Uh, yes it is. Kubuntu isn't. Or did they change something again?10:48
personwhat's the difference between ubuntu and lubuntu apart from the desktop environment?10:48
cfhowlettlubuntu is an official canonical distro.  Kubuntu is not10:48
MonkeyDustperson  lubuntu is maintained by the cummunity10:48
theadminperson: Different app choices (e.g. Ubuntu has Firefox whereas Lubuntu has Chromium)10:48
jpdstheadmin: Lubuntu never was supported by Canonical.10:48
personubuntu is too heavy for my old system see10:48
W4splloowen: I guess that's somewhere on the lower end then. ;-) If blackbox comes up ... That's all you need.10:48
nrdbthunderbird is giving me trouble... it wont start it keeps saying "Thunderbird is already running, but is not responding"... but it isn't... plus I have just rebooted... how can I get it going again?10:49
theadminnrdb: Look in your home directory under .mozilla for thunderbird-related things, there may be a lockfile10:49
OrmieHi, I have a Song CD. I have problem mounting it "sudo mount /dev/sr0 mycd". It outputs that the media fs is unknown or something like that and it doesn't mount. I am on Ubuntu Server 12.04. Please help. Thanks.10:50
personso there is no reason why lubuntu is different from ubuntu10:50
jpdschasmo: It's not.10:50
llutz_Ormie: you don't mount audio-cds to play them10:50
jpdscfhowlett: ↑10:50
Ormiellutz_: ?10:51
MonkeyDustperson  it's lighter, the layout is different, other programmes installed by default10:51
llutz_Ormie: you don't mount audio-cds to play them10:51
Ormieyeah, ok. but...10:51
lloowenW4sp: I'm amazed what you can run on so little. Blackbox + Mplayer = supprisingly good media player!10:51
nrdbtheadmin, under the .mozilla directory there is only a "extensions" and "firefox" directories... the ~/.thunderbird   directory I haven't found a 'lock' file10:51
W4splloowen: Please note that Ubuntu loads a lot of other gnome related stuff even if your desired X windows is 'just' blackbox. Most GNOME daemons are not really required unless you need them. ;-) Try to get an xdm only environment with just blackbox and see how far you get.10:51
theadminnrdb: Hm, okay.10:51
Ormiellutz_: so what shall i do?10:51
Ormiebye bye erry! :P10:52
theadminW4sp: Not if you're using a server or minimal install, just saying10:52
personI guess I am having trouble trusting open source, anyone could write harmful code and say it's a distro10:52
W4splloowen: Once the X windows sytem is up you should be fine. Good luck10:52
OrmieHi, I have a Song CD. I have problem mounting it "sudo mount /dev/sr0 mycd". It outputs that the media fs is unknown or something like that and it doesn't mount. I am on Ubuntu Server 12.04.10:53
llutz_Ormie: what do you want to do with the cd? start your player and listen (mplayer cdda://1 or somthg like that)10:53
cfhowlettOrmie: *again* audio cd's don't mount.10:53
Ormiellutz_: hey you. tell me more .10:53
llutz_Ormie: hey you, pay me :)10:54
nrdbtheadmin, found it... there was a .parentlock ... I didn't see it because 'ls' wasn't showing it.10:54
theadminjpds: "Lubuntu 11.10 is the first version of Lubuntu with official sanction as a member of the Ubuntu family." -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu10:54
llutz_Ormie: ask a question and wait for an answer10:54
geirhaI believe gnome-volume manager can generate a virtual filesystem for audio cds10:54
* Ormie gives llutz_ a tux10:54
nrdbtheadmin, it is going now.10:54
* Ormie then hugs erry.10:54
luftikussI produced a MySQL dump of a database using mysqldump. The filename is 20120807. How to restore the MySQL database from this file, preferably using phpMyAdmin? refman-5.5-en.a4.pdf does not explain that in section "mysqldump".10:54
compdocperson, you have any idea how many Windows programs in the world are actually infections? Users have no idea who wrote them, and ye they install them10:54
theadmin!yay | nrdb10:55
ubottunrdb: Glad you made it! :-)10:55
W4sptheadmin: Yes, that's a thing really nagging me, for instance you don't get printer spooling authorized from CLI, your key rings don't open and such. It can be a pain in the back.10:55
personcompdoc hmmm I guess you're right, I mean you can't even see the source for them programs, right?10:55
jpdstheadmin: That means that it's community supported, not commerically supported by Canonical.10:55
personlike no one can read the source code for photoshop10:55
Ormiebye all10:55
jpdstheadmin: Just as there are other members of the Ubuntu family.10:55
personwhat if photoshop has code that copys for internet cahce or something?10:55
TJ-Ormie: you can use the cdcd package and tools to do it10:56
compdocperson, if you use packages from the approved Ubuntu sources, they are tested10:56
=== erry_ is now known as erry
MonkeyDustperson  no paranoia here, please10:56
theadminjpds: I see... Well, I don't really understand it, and I don't seriously think support from Canonical matters all that much long as the community support exists.10:56
jpdstheadmin: Tell that to an entreprise. ;)10:56
personI'm guessing Lubuntu can use ubuntu approved packages10:56
cfhowlettperson: yep.10:57
theadminperson: It does use Ubuntu approved packages. All the Lubuntu repositories are same as the Ubuntu ones.10:57
theadminjpds: Heh10:57
overcluckerluftikuss: click the database you wantt to import it into, and look for the import button. import as SQL.10:57
ubottuadministrator: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko10:57
October82anyone know how to change purple color of grub?10:57
W4spperson: Photoshop, like almost all Adobe products, try to play E.T. ...calling home. You may consider to edit your /etc/hosts. ;-)10:57
szalcfhowlett: language recognition fail ;)10:58
ubottu日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。10:59
luftikussoverclucker, Noticed. This will take me a while because I am not used to this subject and not fluent in it.11:00
himanshu_m786hi , I want my icons in ubuntu 12.04 . can anybody  tell me where is all the icons are stored ?11:00
himanshu_m786i want to change them11:00
theadminhimanshu_m786: Most of them are spread across /usr/share/icons/ and /usr/share/pixmaps/11:01
October82anyone know how to change purple color of grub? please?11:01
overcluckerluftikuss: you may need to destroy the tables in the database before importing.11:01
luftikussoverclucker, Ok.11:02
TreaverHoerigHello, I need help. I recently launched WOW with WINE. WINE runs wow even better than this computer did when windows ran it. The only thing is all the icons are either scrambled or completely missing. I need help fixing this so I can actually use the items and play wow. Here is a screen shot so you can see for yourself. : http://screencloud.net/v/minu11:05
TJ-luftikuss: You'd usually use mysqlimport to add mysqldump data to a database. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/copying-databases.html11:05
overcluckerluftikuss: there should be a check all option, then select drop from the 'with selected' box and confirm11:06
luftikussTJ-, I see11:06
cfhowlettTreaverHoerig: see http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=192211:06
theadminIs there a way I can tell Ubuntu to automount any FAT32 drive with iocharset=utf8,codepage=1251?11:08
MrUnkownGuyhow do i install Folding @ Home?11:08
theadmin!patience | MrUnkownGuy11:09
ubottuMrUnkownGuy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:09
isnnnnMrUnkownGuy: download the .deb11:09
TJ-theadmin: I believe you can use pam_mount.conf (see man 5 pam_mount.conf)11:09
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theadminTJ-: Hm, thanks11:10
theadminTJ-: No manual entry for pam_mount.conf11:11
himanshu_m786theadmin : there i didn't  not find  default folder icon  .11:11
TJ-theadmin: You'll need package libpam-mount11:12
compdochow's life in the big city?11:13
theadminTJ-: Okay, hm, does that work in KDE?11:13
OrmiePlease help. MPlayer seems to freeze the music from the CD time to time. How do I fix this?11:13
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odigityIs there a way to associate a short-cut with a specific app window?  My problem is I use three apps when I program (browser, editor, shell), and Alt-Tab can be annoying if you forget which of those had focus previously11:14
odigitywould love to be able to jump to each of the three specifically11:14
OrmieMPlayer seems to freeze the music from the CD time to time. How do I fix this?11:14
theadmin!patience Ormie11:15
spaceace85oh gosh, I need help with ALSA and my new motherboard :'(11:15
Ormietheadmin, bleh... i dodged it. :D11:16
MrUnkownGuyi can't find it11:16
VolpesJust brought a new UX32VD and now i want to install Ubuntu on it. I have read that UX32VD is only stable on kernel 3.4 and higher. Should i install 12.04 and build custom kernel or install 12.10 aplha?11:16
MrUnkownGuyi gtg11:16
theadminMrUnkownGuy: http://folding.stanford.edu/English/HomePage - click the "Other Versions", find the .deb for your architecture11:17
TJ-Volpes: You don't need to, we already build the mainline kernels and package them. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds11:18
LaykeIf I wanted to reinstall ubuntu on my solid state.. what would you advise I do? I'm a little worried about it taking forever since I forget what packages I've installed, etc. Or perhaps missing configs.11:18
btcbuy314can somebody reply to me, i need to check if the color is readable now11:19
llutz_Layke: backup /etc and a list of installed packages11:19
llutz_!clone | Layke11:19
ubottuLayke: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this currently may cause problems with multiarch) - See also !automate11:19
VolpesTJ: Thank you! I will install 12.04 at once :D11:19
TJ-Layke: You could simply clone the existing installation over to the other device and then switch... which will ensure any custom config is retained, or you could generate a list of installed packages and then use it later in a script to install those packages11:20
btcbuy314i need somebody to type btcbuy314: test11:20
TJ-Volpes: for you information I'm running 3.5 here and it's very smooth11:20
btcbuy314btcbuy314: test11:20
TJ-btcbuy314: Yes we see you11:20
LaykeThanks. That clone sounds good too11:20
OrmiePlease help. MPlayer seems to freeze the music from the CD time to time. How do I fix this???11:20
odigityI figured it out.  Super Key + Num11:20
btcbuy314TJ-: thanks, previously the the name of the person replying to me was yellow and unreadable11:21
TJ-btcbuy314: Ahhh, the colour choices can get a bit over the top sometimes11:21
btcbuy314yep yellow name on white background was getting very annoying11:22
Ormiebtcbuy314: try black background.11:23
btcbuy314i would tilt my screen all the way back to barely be able to make it out11:23
joseph-soaresAbout SSH, I've changed server settings and client doesn't know it anymore11:26
joseph-soareswhen I try to connect it returns this message: "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED"11:27
theadminjoseph-soares: Well, yeah, that's supposed to happen if your server's settings changed, just let it trust it again11:27
JasperCoenraatscan anybody help with remove a printercomponent for installing a lexmark again after failing?11:29
TJ-joseph-soares: If you trust the new key the server is presenting, then you can remove the known key on the client using: "ssh-keygen -R <servername>"11:29
JasperCoenraatstj: sorry I don't I get ypur point11:30
theadminJasperCoenraats: (s)he's not talking to you.11:31
JasperCoenraatsI get it11:31
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JasperCoenraatsis there someone who can help me staying with linux?11:32
theadminJasperCoenraats: "staying with"?11:32
joseph-soarestheadmin, http://paste.debian.net/18253911:32
theadminjoseph-soares: As TJ- said, run ssh-keygen -R servername11:33
JasperCoenraatsI have to leave it and get back to win, for just a printer11:33
theadminJasperCoenraats: Open the CUPS configuration, try to add your printer. Or look on your manufacturer's website for a PPD file if you're not seeing it in the CUPS list11:34
theadminJasperCoenraats: Open this in your web browser:
joseph-soaresTJ-, theadmin : thank you.11:34
TJ-JasperCoenraats: cups = Common Unix Printing System11:35
JasperCoenraatsgonna look there first11:35
theadminwait, wut. CUPS is developed by Apple?! That's... very new and very dissapointing for me11:35
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odigityzeroconf was also developed by Apple (was called Bonjour).  they do occasionally do something beyond sell fancy hardware11:37
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dr_willisdid they develop it.. or did they just swallow up a smaller company that developed it.. ;)11:38
theadminodigity: "fancy hardware"? More of "fancy software"... I can buy hardware twice better than Apple's for the same price you know. Anyway, we got offtopic.11:38
odigitydr willis - I am not google, but just this once I'll do your work for you:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUPS11:39
odigitywhat's the topic?11:39
theadminodigity: Ubuntu support questions here only, basically.11:39
JasperCoenraatstheadmin: username and password?11:39
theadminJasperCoenraats: Your system user's username/password11:40
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JasperCoenraatswell, that working all the way, accept in these kind of cases11:40
JasperCoenraatsI can login with it in my pc11:40
JasperCoenraatsbut not in authentications like this11:40
JasperCoenraatsare you familliair with that?11:41
odigitytheadmin - well, I came here 30m ago to ask a question, but ended up having to answer it myself  :)11:41
odigitydid anyone see my answer, btw?  it's not documented in the usual places, and it's terribly useful11:41
theadminodigity: That happens, unfortunately. Though you feel the best when you figure it out yourself don't you?11:41
paulus68perhaps a stupid question how does ubuntu behave with pci usb3 adapters? is this supported within Ubuntu Server12.0411:41
odigitytheadmin - when it turns out to be easy, yes11:41
dr_willispost the question and answer to askubuntu.com for future referance perhaps odigity11:41
odigityTJ - yup, that's the one11:42
dr_willispaulus68:  pci or pci express?   the pci express i had worked fine11:42
VolpesSo what kernel should I install on Ubuntu 12.04: 3.4 or 3.5? As said previously standard kernel is not a choice...11:43
theadminWhat does "internal error" mean in "Sorry, Ubuntu 12.04 has experienced an internal error"? That appeared in my notification area.11:43
paulus68dr_willis: well I'am just informing myself before I buy the required pci/pci express card11:43
JasperCoenraatstheadmin: did you see my message? I can login with a combination that never works for authentication in the kind of situations11:43
theadminJasperCoenraats: Hm, well, I'm not sure11:44
TJ-odigity: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/shell-keyboard-shortcuts.html11:44
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TJ-odigity: It's called the "meta" key in documentation11:44
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JasperCoenraatstheadmin: i even  reinstalled Ubuntu for it11:44
JasperCoenraatsdidnot help11:45
dr_willisif you press and hold the super key. 12.04+ shows a shortcut page11:45
odigityI added a note to the answer here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28086/what-are-unitys-keyboard-and-mouse-shortcuts/64572#6457211:45
Guest47966go on11:46
odigityTJ - nice (the URL you posted).  they refer to it as the Meta key instead of the Super key, but they also describe adding Shift to open a new window in the same app, which is another frustration of mine (until now)11:46
TrevMysterOk I can't find a fix. In WINE when playing wow nearly all the pictures are stretched or pixelated. How do I fix this?  http://screencloud.net/v/minu11:47
odigityjust tried it.  it actually opened a new tab instead of new window (in gedit).  still useful11:47
dr_willismeta key = alt key i thought11:47
DJones!piracy | alessandro11:47
ubottualessandro: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o11:47
odigitynope, meta + number (1-0)11:47
odigitysorry, misread your statement11:47
theadmindr_willis: Normally, Meta is Alt indeed. The Windows key is Super.11:47
TJ-If you hold down the meta key the left dock appears and after a second or two each launcher item has its meta number superimposed so you know which key to press11:48
theadminBut some people seem to mix the definitions11:48
dr_willisnow we need a  'duper' key.. so we can super-duper-delete11:48
theadmindr_willis: Hehe11:48
odigitynot in the help.ubuntu.com article that TJ linked to.  they clearly mention both Meta and Alt, implying that they are different, which means they are using Meta to refer to the Windows key11:48
TJ-dr_willis: Shift+Delete is my super-duper-GUI-delete11:48
theadminSpeaking of, does Ctrl-Alt-Delete do anything by default?11:48
odigityso Meta = Super = Windows.  Alt is just Alt11:48
TJ-Meta key: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/windows-key.html11:48
odigitytheadmin - try it11:48
MonkeyDustbut: windows is not super ;)11:49
theadminodigity: Well, I know that in Fedora that shortcut reboots. I have a driver install going on, don't want to interrupt that11:49
TrevMysterOk I can't find a fix. In WINE when playing wow nearly all the pictures are stretched or pixelated. How do I fix this?  http://screencloud.net/v/minu --- Incase the other didn't send11:49
odigityon ubuntu 12.04, ctrl+alt+del prompts me if I want to log out11:49
dr_willistheadmin:  at the console it does i belive11:49
odigityso, it's safe to try11:49
theadminTrevMyster: Open "Additional Drivers", look for your video card driver.11:49
MonkeyDustTrevMyster  better ask in #wine, i guess11:50
inflexAnyone running Ubuntu from a USB stick?  I've used the usb-creator-gtk but every time I boot it still asks if I want to install or try - rather than just going straight into "trying" and using it like a real disc :(11:50
theadmininflex: Well, you shouldn't have used usb-creator. Just boot Ubuntu from elsewhere and install it to the USB stick as you would to a hard drive.11:50
TrevMysterOk I can't find a fix. In WINE when playing wow nearly all the pictures are stretched or pixelated. How do I fix this?  http://screencloud.net/v/minu11:50
dr_willisinflex:  you can do a 'full' nirmal install to a usb if itsa big enough11:50
inflexoh... that simple eh... *doh*11:51
TJ-TrevMyster: That effect can happen on native Windows too with WoW, if the wrong resolution is selected. Also, the corrupted icons is usually because the video card has run out of memory for all the textures.11:51
inflextoo many years with UNIX and I get caught out by the 'dead easy' option11:51
compdocinflex, then you didnt install Ubuntu, you just transferred the installer11:51
dr_willisinflex:  be sure grub installs to the mbr of the usb11:51
inflextx folks.11:51
TrevMysterTJ How do I fix it11:51
en1gmadoes the ubuntu live cd have a "toram" option ?11:51
TJ-TrevMyster: there isn't always a fix... make sure you've got the best Ubuntu drivers for the video controller first11:52
dr_willisen1gma:  i think it does.. or at least used to11:52
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.11:52
en1gmawhat is the correct command? is it "toram=yes" or just "toram"?11:52
TrevMysterTJ How do I check that11:52
s3r3n1t7en1gma, if it still works it won't have changed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158320611:52
inflexoh joy... it wants 4.4GB... and naturally I have 4GB sticks *hooray*11:53
TJ-TrevMyster: As theadmin said... " Open "Additional Drivers", look for your video card driver"11:53
dr_willisinflex: id reccomend a 16+gb flash. lubuntu can go on a 4gb.. barely11:54
TJ-inflex: it's the obesity pandemic :p11:54
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dr_willisfound 32gb usb on sale for $20 last week11:54
inflexdr_willis: you guys are killing me... I'm going to get my Slackware 3.6 floppies and sulk in the corner with my beloved 1.2.13 kernel.11:54
luftikussoverclucker, When trying to import the file 20120807, pphpMyAdmin reports: "localhost: You probably tried to upload too large file. Please refer to documentation for ways to workaround this limit." The file size is 73 MiB.11:55
dr_willisinflex:  cp/m all the way!11:55
inflexdr_willis: was going to get one of those new ultra-tiny USB sticks (the ones that aren't much bigger than those Bluetooth dongles) and put it on this laptop rather than replacing the HDD11:55
TJ-dr_willis: do you trust it not to be a faked 4GB device with hacked firmware that misreports its size?11:55
thomas001Hi, powertop on my EeePC shows several "Bad" parameters (like "VM writeback timeout" or "SATA link power managment for /dev/sda")...where to change these settings permanently in ubuntu? i remember that you can write some pm-utils scripts to change them, but is there an easier way?11:56
s3r3n1t7luftikuss, so probably ... it was to large for php to handle. Is it an SQL file you're uploading? Why not do it via CLI?11:56
dr_willisTJ-:   kingston brand from walmart.. they had 100's of them in a big tub. ;)11:56
TJ-luftikuss: php often has a limit on the size of files it will accept, to prevent denials of service11:56
TJ-dr_willis: Nice! I had to deal with some fake Kingstons recently... the packaging had a big clue because they'd mispelt a URL with "kington"11:57
digitalcrowhelp me please i have tearing !! If i use compiz i dont have tearing but my pc is low-end11:57
digitalcrowIs there any way to fix tearing without enabling compiz ??11:57
akemdigitalcrow, not really.11:57
MonkeyDustdigitalcrow  usea lighter DE11:57
dr_willisenable the vsync option perhaps in ccsm or the drivers digitalcrow11:58
MonkeyDustuse a*11:58
digitalcrowi tried lubuntu and i have tearing11:58
digitalcrowon ubuntu with full effects i dont have any tearing at all11:58
luftikusss3r3n1t7, In the mean time I managed to perform this loading operation using a command-line command successfully. Yes ist is an SQL file, produced by mysqldump.11:58
JasperCoenraatstheadmin: do you know i can remove the component lexmark.wsu.lagacy?11:59
TrevMysterSorry, installation of this driver failed.  Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log?11:59
luftikussTJ-, I see. Thank you for informing. I need now to find out what the maximum php file size is11:59
TJ-digitalcrow: I think that's because the Sync to Vsync is enabled. Not sure how you enable that without compiz but I bet there's a way, although it might depend on the video device and driver in use11:59
TJ-luftikuss: That will be set by the server administrator, you'd probably have to ask them12:00
JasperCoenraatsany one?12:00
digitalcrowwhy i have tearing without compiz and i dont have tearing with compiz ??  its strange cause compositor is more demanding .12:01
luftikussTJ-, I am the sole owner and operator of both computers. So I am the "administrator" at the same time. My handicap is that I am new to the subject here.12:01
ActionParsnipJasperCoenraats: wassup?12:02
TJ-JasperCoenraats: see if other lexmark packages are still installed. dpkg-query -l 'lexmark*'12:02
JasperCoenraatsi try12:03
TJ-luftikuss: Yay! then you can edit the server's php.ini file and increase the limit. The values you need to set are "upload_max_filesize" "post_max_size" and "memory_limit"12:03
JasperCoenraatsI guess thats for the terminal, and it didnot work12:04
TJ-luftikuss: Look at the section on post_max_size on the PHP docs: http://php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php12:04
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October82one question, i have 8gb of ram, what version of ubuntu i should install? 32 or 64 bits12:05
TJ-JasperCoenraats: yes, we generally deal with terminal commands here12:06
TJ-October82: 64-bit amd6412:06
October82thank you TJ-12:06
October82what is the difference?12:06
JasperCoenraatsTJ he didnot find anything, he says12:07
October82I mean if I'm going to notice difference12:07
TJ-JasperCoenraats: Then I think you need to log what files the installer finds that makes it think its already installed, and remove them12:07
TJ-JasperCoenraats: this forums post claims to have solved it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=182210212:09
TJ-October82: For one, it'll use all those 8GB of RAM, not just the first 3GB or so12:09
ActionParsnipOctober82: 64bit weill see your RAM as one block, if you use 32bit with PAE you will see all your RAM but each process will only have access to 3.2Gb RAM12:09
TJ-October82: The kernel and some user processes will be faster because the 64-bit CPU instruction set has many more internal registers12:10
MonkeyDustthere should be a factoid about the difference between 32 and 64 bit12:10
ActionParsnipOctober82: also heavy CPU intensive tasks like video and audio convertions will be quicker12:11
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: you can make one12:11
PiciMonkeyDust: write one, and we'll use it.12:11
October82oh that wonderfull, thank you very much TJ- and ActionParsnip12:11
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: for example:   !beer is Beer is a tasty beverage12:12
* RaTTuS|BIG Gives e-bree to for example: !beer is Beer is a tasty beverage12:12
October82downloading now12:13
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, It seems I am still stuck with this low resolution :-(12:13
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, I would love to know what needs to go in to a xorg.conf for my chipset12:14
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: I can give you mine if you like, it may help12:14
ThinkT510!xorgconf | Paddy_NI12:14
ubottuPaddy_NI: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.12:14
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1134153/12:14
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, cheers mate :-)12:15
luftikussTJ-, I found the limits set of the first two parameters whch you have mentioned. Both are much lower than the size of my file to be uploaded. The memory  size given seems to be sufficient.  --  I need to go now for a schedule. --  I think I can continue afterwards alone using the valueable information you have given to me. --  Thank you very much for your help.12:15
TJ-luftikuss: As you have control of the server, why not save the hassle and use the terminal and use mysqlimport ?12:16
mbutubuntuhello folks, I've an HP pavilion dv7 with beats audio... trying to get the subwoofer working I've added a line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf (options snd-hda-intel model=ref). Now I've no audio by speakers and even if I commented that line and rebooted I've no audio!!! how is it possible? why restoring deaulf conf file doesn't make my speakers working?12:16
s3r3n1t7luftikuss, if you want to upload it via phpmyadmin, do note that it is not the general php file you should look into but the one used by the apache module, which (from memory) usually is set at something like 8mb12:16
JasperCoenraatsTJ-: file doesnot exist12:16
luftikussTJ- I will consider that. I am not yet familiar with mysqlimport.12:17
mbutubuntuwhat should I do? I'm sure I'll not able to use the subwoofer but it's very strange that now (even with the default conf file) I've no speakers..!!!12:17
mbutubuntuI'm seriously thinking that Ubuntu has some problems with configuration...12:17
luftikusss3r3n1t7, Yes, I have found the value 8 MB.12:17
JasperCoenraatsTJ-: so the terminal denies the extence of the files lexmark sees12:18
luftikusss3r3n1t7, Thank you.12:18
TJ-mbutubuntu: I seem to recall something is written to a config cache file in the user directory... but its a long time since I messed with sound so things may have changed12:18
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, Sorry to torture but do I need a fully fleshed out xorg.conf or can I just put this in by itself? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1134161/12:18
mbutubuntuTJ-, so you think to a HOME-hosted conf file?12:18
TJ-JasperCoenraats: not as such... I think the packages are broken and don't clean up after themselves properly12:19
ActionParsnipPaddy_NI: you'll need the full thing12:19
JasperCoenraatsYes, I guess so12:19
Paddy_NIActionParsnip, ah then I'm lost :-/12:19
TJ-mbutubuntu: Let's think. You've changed the ALSA config but pulseaudio is the sound server, so some interaction has occured12:19
KingsyI am having some problems with performance on ubuntu.. for example.. I could be extracting a 4.5GB rar file.. while this is happening the rest of the operating system is SOOO slow.. its virtually unusable.. why is this? I assumed the linux kernel was good at multitasking ?12:19
JasperCoenraatsTJ-: I allready got that idea, but i really like to solve it properly12:20
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JasperCoenraatsTJ-: or do I have to reinstall linux?12:20
TJ-JasperCoenraats: Where did you get the packages from? Maybe I can download the same ones and check them out12:20
mbutubuntuTJ-, so what should I search for? a pulseaudio conf file in the $HOME ?12:20
JasperCoenraatswww.lexmark.com TJ-12:21
TJ-mbutubuntu: Have you checked out this yet? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting/12:21
s3r3n1t7I'm having a small problem with creating a VPN connection. I've installed the appropriate modules for network-manager, it shows up when I click on add, but there is nothing I can chance. I've also noticed that the unlock buttons are always grey and not clickable. I can use sudo. I cannot run network-manager from CLI, it does not do anything.12:22
TJ-JasperCoenraats: I need to know the *exact* file(s) you downloaded12:23
TreaverDoes anyone know how to get Minecraft to work in Linux. When I start it up, I login and BLACKSCREEN. I really want to fix this.12:23
s3r3n1t7Treaver, MC doesn't work with the default java packages. You'll need to install sun's java packages.12:23
Treavercan you tell me how s312:23
mbutubuntuTJ-, could be useful to remove all files from $HOME/.pulse/ ?12:24
mbutubuntuTJ-, I've to say you that also at starting (gdm) I've no audio, in gdm there is no user logged in so it is more and more strange, do you?12:25
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: can you give the output of:12:25
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, of?12:25
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: starting (gdm) I've no audio, in gdm there is no user logg12:25
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh12:25
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: stupid putty not pasting12:26
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, should I be root?12:26
JasperCoenraatstj-: http://support.lexmark.com/index?page=product&userlocale=NL_NL&locale=nl&productCode=LEXMARK_IMPACT_S305&segment=SUPPORT&nonEFIGSLanguage=en#312:26
JasperCoenraatsth 1st one12:26
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: no, or it would be prefixed with sudo12:27
Outlanderinstalled owncloud on 12.04, what do I need to enter into localhost/owncloud to get it up and running?12:27
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, alsa-project.org has problems o.0 - I can't ping nor loading the webpage12:28
mbutubuntuis there any mirror for that script?12:29
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: sure, I have it in my dropbox for when it goes screwy12:29
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, could you send me your copy?12:29
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: wget12:30
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh12:30
UKWolfyQuick queston, is it possible to change the colour of the status icons in ubuntu 12.04? (I mean the icons along the top right, battery indicator, sound, time etc)12:31
compdocUKWolfy, theyre stil working on that kind of thing12:31
UKWolfycompdoc: ah okay, thanks, I would very much like them to be the android blue colour :)12:31
UKWolfycompdoc: any idea when it will be available for change?12:32
ActionParsnipUKWolfy: it should obey the theme you select12:33
compdocUKWolfy, there are many tweaks not yet available, but that are just starting to be provided. Unity is too new yet12:33
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, alsa-info maybe is searching for updates and it hangs up because it can connect to the alsa-project.org host... o.012:33
mbutubuntuI'm getting hungry!!!!12:34
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: does the system have web access?12:34
mbutubuntuangry... ahahahah :-)12:34
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: doesn't answer my question......12:34
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, yes, obviuos!! I'm also usins openDNS12:34
UKWolfyActionParsnip: Ah I see, you wouldn't know if there are any themes that look the same as ambiance but with blue icons?12:35
mbutubuntuI can resolve alsa-project... I can't connect it12:35
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: not obvious at all12:35
mbutubuntu(obvious for me :)12:35
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, I've reconfigured alsa-base and some other packages with aptitude12:35
mbutubuntushould I rebood or alsa force-reload is enough?12:36
mbutubuntuI've done it but it's still not working..!!!12:36
monsterDoes lubuntu have the GNU complier12:36
monsterfor C and C++ complier12:36
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mbutubuntuOh my god! I've only changed and reverted a conf file...!12:37
monsterbecause in it's applications list it oesn't have it12:37
mbutubuntuIt's not a Unix behaviour!12:37
Picimonster: the build-essential metapacakge should install everything you need to compile things.12:38
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: will you quit with the pointless exclamation marks, they achieve nothing at all12:38
vagn_karlssonHello, does the copy-on-write feature of Btrfs mean that a file copy is always instantaneous?12:38
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, ok, this is because I'm angry. If you have any idea to solve this problem I'll be happy to follow your advices :-)12:39
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: what, because of a sound issue? I think you need help12:39
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: I'm geting the same issue so maybe the alsa servers are being maintained or having an issue12:39
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, it's not the sound issue itself....12:39
multi_iocan you boot the kernel from a lwm+raid1 volume? does grub support that?12:40
mbutubuntuIt's because I modified a conf file... restored to the original state but Ubuntu hasn't restored the audio.12:40
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: did you run:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*   wait 10 seconds then reboot?12:43
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, I asked you some minutes ago if was useful to remove .pulse :-)12:43
mbutubuntuI do it now12:43
odigityok, learning about the new Windows key - shortcut overlay feature in Unity has got my mind racing12:44
odigityit would be sweet if app did the same thing with a standard keyboard shortcut - brought up on overlay of keyboard shortcuts for that app12:44
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, I'm rebooting12:45
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odigityand furthermore, it would be sweet to have a collection of standard-format cheat sheets that you could browse using native desktop keyboard shortcuts when programming, because there's so much shit you need to remember12:45
usr13obtxo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts12:49
usr13(Sorry, wrong nick)12:49
ahoneybunusr13, in Ubuntu 12.04 you can just hold the super key12:50
odigityI've seen that document.  why are you linking to it?12:50
usr13odigity: I didn't know you hadn't seen it. You said "it would be sweet to have a collection of standard-format cheat sheets that you could browse"12:51
odigityyes, I said that, but I don't see how that link relates to what I said.  I'm talking about a collection of cheat sheets for developers, not the ubuntu keyboard shortcuts12:52
odigityI mean something like this: http://cheat.errtheblog.com/12:52
odigitybut available natively on your desktop via a keyboard shortcut, not as a web page12:52
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, nothing to do! :-(12:52
cwesterfieldAnyone have a minute to help me compile libtorrent?12:53
cwesterfieldI get this error "configure: error: Package requirements (libcrypto) were not met:"12:53
usr13odigity: Maybe I thought you'd use the infomation to create the desktop image of your dreams.12:54
odigityI wouldn't know where to begin12:55
UKWolfyjust to be sure before i give up, there is no way to change the text and icons colour in the menu bar? (While keeping the rest the same as ambiance)12:55
craigbass1976I need libqt4-dev so I went hunting in the software center for it.  Never popped up with a few different searh terms I used, but  sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev worked fine.  I wonder how many other packages don't show up when I'm hunting.12:55
end_guycraigbass1976: apt-cache search libqt4-dev12:55
craigbass1976end_guy, I meant in the software center though.  I'll go in wondering if there might be any such and such, now I think that everything's not showing up; before I just figured it wasn't there.12:56
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: you need that script to run12:57
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, headphones works12:57
mbutubuntubut speakers doesn't12:57
end_guycraigbass1976: Software center isn't good for what you're trying to do. If you really want a GUI that can accomplish that sort of thing try installing synaptic and using that.12:58
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: tried: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure12:58
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, give me please again the url of the script12:58
usr13craigbass1976: What do you need libqt4-dev for?12:58
ActionParsnipmtfk: its on that page too12:58
ActionParsnipmbutubuntu: step312:58
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Sidewinder1craigbass1976, +1 For Synaptic Package Manager; it used to be installed by default, on previous versions.13:00
craigbass1976usr13, Dust Racer 2D.  :)   This is hilarious.  I'm trying to think of the arcade game like this -- top down racer, used to have four steering wheels in the arcade13:01
end_guycraigbass1976: nice :-)13:02
usr13craigbass1976: But you can just use apt-get  sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev13:03
mbutubuntuActionParsnip, problems with alsa-project host again13:04
craigbass1976usr13, I know, and I did.  I was just noticing that in the "hunting for a package" stage, it was not showing up in the Software Center.13:04
usr13oh ok13:04
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en1gmais there a script that can generate a live cd iso of your currently running ubuntu hdd install?13:09
agentgasmaskHi all. I'm looking for a reliable greaphics card for use in an office workstation. It should be capable of deul-monitors (dvi or vga - my monitors are vga). Any suggestions?13:09
agentgasmasken1gma: remastersys13:09
en1gmaagentgasmask have you used it?13:09
agentgasmasken1gma: I havn't had much luck with it, but that was a while ago (2 years)13:10
ubuntuuser213123is xubuntu actually lighter?13:10
mbutubuntuubuntuuser213123, yes13:10
ubuntuuser213123the wikipedia pag used to say it's hard to tell the difference13:10
mbutubuntuxfce is lighter than gnome13:10
ThinkT510ubuntuuser213123: it can be yes13:10
en1gmai had tried one of those remaster scripts with bt5r2 about a couple months ago and it was pretty difficult but i got the job done but since then i have installed ubuntu and that script was a script and a guide13:11
ubuntuuser213123also does xubuntu have the same command tools as ubuntu?13:12
ubuntuuser213123yano cat, pipes, bash13:12
jpdsubuntuuser213123: Yes, exactly the same base.13:12
en1gmawas hoping for a one click solution to spit out a cust ISO (for a live cd) option13:12
ubuntuuser213123awesome, I feel a bit embarrassed using it after coming from gentoo13:12
jpdsubuntuuser213123: Different desktop environment.13:12
ubuntuuser213123it's just I was always concentraing on configuring gentoo it wasted my time13:13
ubuntuuser213123so I thought xubuntu should be the one for me13:13
ubuntuuser213123THis system has 6GB ram13:13
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latterais there any way to migrate an ext4 fs to btrfs while mounted?13:15
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ThinkT510lattera: no13:16
romy420i want ti have a dark themefor gnome3 in 12.04. when i install/copy themes in ~/.themes it only shows up as a window theme. i'm a bit confused about which type of theme i would have to download to just a working dark theme for gnome. how can i do that?13:16
romy420just have a*13:16
spirit3_Afternoon all - anyone here work for Canonical in London?13:16
ThinkT510spirit3_: why do you ask?13:17
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s3r3n1t7lattera, the main problem with live migration is changing data. How are you going to add that data to a new filesystem while also keeping it in sync with the old one? It just can't be done. Best you can do is a freeze on the current FS which will allow read but refuse writes, then copy it over, remount new one over old one and continue. Do note, that depending on the amount of data there will be a long time of freeze where no new data can be wr13:23
latteranot sure how sun did it, but they did live migration for zfs13:24
s3r3n1t7lattera, initial googling shows that ZFS is an upgrade of UFS, so they only added a few things to it. They didn't touch the data.13:24
kristenbbHow does opennebula work to distribute the work across multiple nodes? Is it possible to have different threads of the same VM being executed in different physical machines?13:26
savioi think not13:27
aklshow can I configure 3 finger tap in ubuntu to open terminal?13:27
latteras3r3n1t7: zfs isn't an upgrade of ufs... it's a completely new fs13:28
aklsI can enable 3 finger tap to do a middle click in synaptics, but what about opening a terminal?13:28
latterait's where btrfs got its inspiration13:28
gryhi, sudo broke after updating to 12.04, http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1742626, is this a known issue? thanks13:28
Picikristenbb: You'r probably be better off asking in #opennebula13:28
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veiliancehey guys13:34
veiliancewhat version of wine does ubuntu 12.04 support?13:34
veilianceany1 here?13:35
DJonesveiliance: Its 1.413:35
steveireHi. When I plug in my external usb drive, it seems to not give me any permissions on the user level. root owns everything.13:35
veiliancesudo nautilus13:36
DJones!gksudo | veiliance13:36
ubottuveiliance: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:36
steveireI looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#Per-User_Mounts and ran '/usr/bin/udisks --mount /dev/sdb1' manually with the same result13:36
veiliancesteveire nautilus is your solution :P13:36
steveireI don't think so.13:36
steveireI'm using kubuntu13:37
steveireBoth use udisks13:37
steveireRiddell: Any idea?13:37
saviohey guys i want to contribut for ubuntu13:38
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saviowhat should i do first13:39
aklssavio, which way?13:39
smartboyhwI'm helping savio.13:39
smartboyhwI actually recommended him here.13:39
savioi'm interested in security/testing13:40
aklssavio, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu13:40
smartboyhwI gave him that link13:40
savioreading it13:43
Sidewinder1savio, You may wish to have a look here: http://www.backtrack-linux.org/13:43
nabil_hi guys13:43
savioSidewinder1: i'm using it13:43
nabil_someone can tell me how to launch an app from terminal?13:43
nabil_what command should I use13:43
saviotype the name13:43
nabil_just the name??13:43
savioi don't know13:43
saviouse apropos13:44
nabil_what is apropos13:44
savio"apropos"  is command13:44
nabil_I am a newbie13:44
compdocnabil_, the name if you want to run it normally, or use sudo if you want to run as admin13:44
spirit3_nabil_: to launch (for example) firefox, just type firefox13:44
MonkeyDustnabil_  type nautilus&13:44
savioprovide apropriate command to search string13:44
geekbriI've installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my Lenovo Thinkpad T420s and there is a really weird screen flickering that occurs.  If I turn the brightness down it seems to go away.  Anybody have an idea why this is happening or how to stop it?13:45
aklsnabil_, maybe you should consider using nohup to make applications stay when you close your terminal13:45
sdimkovI have troubles getting pidgin-sipe to work with Empathy.. It just keeps connecting with no result13:46
nabil_cant launch the13:46
nabil_in the software center it says it is installed13:46
nabil_but doesn't show up anywhere13:47
ThinkT510nabil_: what are you trying to launch?13:47
nabil_can't find it in dash13:47
compdocnabil_, what app?13:47
smartboyhwGuys, I used apt-get to get Chromium, where can I find it?13:47
nabil_to convert games13:47
smartboyhw!support | smartboyhw13:47
ubottusmartboyhw, please see my private message13:47
Saikiis there any way to install tomcat 5.5 on 12.04?13:47
alankilaSaiki: wasn't it tomcat55 package13:48
gsrnabil_:  whats the name of the app in software center?13:48
smartboyhwubottu's PM is no use.13:48
compdoctry SNESPurify13:48
alankilaapologies, it doesn't seem to be available anymore13:48
Saikialankila: tried tomcat5.5 gives me a regex output and 5 isn't there13:48
smartboyhwWaiting for answers...13:48
ThinkT510smartboyhw: chromium is the game, chromium-browser is the browser13:49
nabil_command not found13:49
compdocsmartboyhw, under internet apps?13:49
ThinkT510smartboyhw: in unity press the super key and start to type chromium13:49
smartboyhwthanks, THinkT510.13:49
nabil_is there a way I can launch the app straight from the software center13:49
ThinkT510smartboyhw: super key = windows logo13:50
gsrnabil_: the vast majority of programs you install from the software enter will put the 'app' ( or at least the launcher executable) in /usr/bin.  try entering the command (without the quotes) "ls /usr/bin/*nes*"13:50
smartboyhwThinkT510: I know the super key part, don't worry.13:50
alexey_knyshevTJ-: a u there?13:50
nabil_gsr: it says /usr/bin/wineserver in green13:51
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nabil_no way to launch it directly from software center??13:53
gsrnabil_ try "whereis bsnes"13:53
nabil_gsr: bsnes: /usr/games/bsnes /usr/share/man/man6/bsnes.6.gz13:54
usr13sofrware center is for installing applications, not launching them.13:54
nabil_what should I do?13:55
gsrnabil_: bsnes is the executable for snespurify.13:56
Saikiok, so tomcat5 is in drapper drake, is there anywhere I can get the debs at?13:56
gsrso to use SNESPurify, use the command "bsnes".13:57
nabil_gsr: so what to do next??13:57
MonkeyDust!patience| smartboyhw13:57
ubottusmartboyhw: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:57
MonkeyDustsmartboyhw  apologies, my screen was lagging13:58
nabil_gsr: usually they are two separate apps13:58
nabil_when I launch bsnes I can't find snespurify13:58
=== ubuntu is now known as Aitor
geekbriAnybody here using a Lenovo thinkpad 420 and ubuntu 12.04? I am getting some really weird flickering that random comes and goes.  Wondering if anybody would have tips as to what causes it or how to stop it14:03
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.14:04
Lost_Causegeekbri: i have one.  what are you using for your graphics card?14:05
Lost_Causeand what drivers are you using14:05
Saikihow do you install a .deb file on a server?14:05
lousygaruaSaiki, i think that something like `dpkg -i baboon.dev`14:06
lousygaruaSaiki, check the `dpkg` command I guess14:06
geekbriLost_Cause: Just installed ubuntu 12.04 fresh.14:06
gsrnabil_: type 'man bsnes' for the manual.  but yeah, I don't see snespurify either.  apparently it comes bundled with bsnes, but I don't know how where it is. google should help14:07
Saikilousygarua: been a while since I tried, that's all14:07
usr13Saiki: You should use the package manager.14:08
usr13Saiki: sudo apt-get install <package-name>14:08
KoppisHey #ubuntu, is there a command that I can use to change the volume of the program currently in focus?14:08
Lost_Causecheck at your bios for which graphics card you have turned on.  there are a few options to choose from depending on some options that you can get for the t420.  Mine had a nvidia graphics card.  I turned that on and used the nvidia drivers from their website.  i fixed most of my issues14:09
usr13Koppis: Volume control us normally done globally.14:09
geekbriLost_Cause: Cool, I may have to try that.  Are you using multiple monitors with it by any chance?14:09
Saikiusr13: I need an older version not supplied in apt-get14:09
geekbriLost_Cause: I suspect this is using the built in intel chip at the moment as I have not done anything to it yet.14:10
usr13Saiki: of ____________?14:10
SaikiI need tomcat514:10
nabil_gsr: weird, the only tying i found in manual is snespurify-gtk14:11
Saikiusr13: tomcat 5.5.xx (5.5.28 is prefered)14:11
Lost_Causeocassially.  if you use the drivers from nvidia then you have to use x server to set them up.  i have found it to be rather shakey though in terms of it working fully.  but on a clean install you should be fine14:11
nabil_gsr: when I tried it it went to downloading bsnes again14:11
nabil_then, nothing14:11
nabil_still can't find it14:11
Lost_Causegeekbri: ya by default it is set up to use optimous or what/ever it is called which doesn't work fully in ubuntu14:12
Saikiurs13: the webapp I want to use doesn't work on tomcat614:12
usr13Saiki: What webapp?14:12
Saikiusr13: it's for server controll. called iweb14:13
geekbriLost_Cause: Yeah I just went into the bios.  It says it is using the Nvidia card.  Is that what you said you were doing?  Just using the binary drivers they provide on their website?14:13
Lost_Causegeekbri: ya that is what i do.14:14
usr13Saiki: Does it error out?14:14
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Saikiusr13: yes14:14
geekbriLost_Cause: I'll give that a shot, thanks for the help14:14
usr13Saiki: Can you give exact error message?14:14
Saikiusr13: and no one I know knows how to fix it, and they've tried ALOT14:15
Saikiusr13: sure can, sec14:15
usr13Saiki: Are you  Ubuntu 12.04?14:15
marlymhow do i know which programs are using internet connection?14:15
Saikiusr13: http://pastebin.com/r197qfqR14:16
The_BROSwhat is the best download manager for ubuntu?14:16
ThinkT510!best | The_BROS14:16
ubottuThe_BROS: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:16
MonkeyDustThe_BROS  try gwget14:16
The_BROS!best | The_BROS14:16
ubottuThe_BROS, please see my private message14:16
Lost_Causegeekbri: hopefully it should work.  just remember to use twinview for multiple monitors14:16
geekbriLost_Cause: I was going to try to get 2 external monitors setup, one from the VGA port and one from the display port, I am not sure if that will work at all though :X14:17
geekbriLost_Cause: thanks i'll look into twinview14:17
usr13Saiki: Line 3 says "...iweb.xml (Permission denied)"14:18
MonkeyDustThe_BROS  it's pwget14:18
Lost_Causegeekbri: i haven't tried that yet i usaully just use the laptop screen and a monitor via vga14:18
Saikiusr13: chmodded to 77714:18
geekbriLost_Cause: Yeah that is what I was doing, but we have some new employees coming and I was hoping to get it working with a second external.  Perhaps I'll leave that up to them to figure out :)14:18
marlymhow do i know which programs are using internet connection?14:18
smartboyhwmarlym: What do you mean?14:19
usr13"SEVERE: Error deploying web application directory iweb"14:19
Lost_Causegeekbri: for new employees i like leaving them with all the hardware and hanna montana linux on their box.14:20
Saikiusr13: I'm aware of that..  nothing I tried could deploy it14:20
caixahow can i tweak powermizer settings its lagging compiz14:21
geekbriLost_Cause: Oh there is a Hanna Montana linux?  Well it looks like we have just discovered the "standard linux" distro for our company14:22
marlymsmartboyhw: i want to see which program uses internet most14:22
keebi can't seem to get audio working as a non-root user. has anyone ever had this problem?14:22
Lost_Causegeekbri: http://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net/downloads.html14:23
ThinkT510keeb: alsamixer to the rescue14:23
compdockeeb, no, but have to checked which groups root belongs to?14:23
geekbriOH perfect!14:23
ssnfhello, is anyone using "awesome" windows manager? i need help with it14:23
TheM4ch1n3ssnf: what is windows manager ?14:24
RedViperI have a problem with Rhythmbox, I uninstalled it because at the time I was using Banshee and now when I tried to reinstall it this is the error that has come up: Requires installation of untrusted packages The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources. And it wont install when I click ok. Could I use the terminal?14:24
TheM4ch1n3ssnf: oh, awesome WM14:24
keebssnf: i am using awesomewm14:24
usr13Saiki: dpkg -i reconfigure tomcat614:24
geekbriLost_Cause: Yikes, seems like following these directions http://www.techlw.com/2012/03/install-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-1204.html made my Thinkpad T420s show just a big white bar on the right side of my screen and everything else is black14:24
keebThinkT510: alsamixer shows everything turned on, and looks exactly the same for my normal user as it does for root14:24
ActionParsnipRedViper: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo apt-get update14:24
ThinkT510keeb: no MM's?14:25
keebcompdoc: root belongs to "audio" while my user does not, but i've read that this doesn't help things14:25
keebThinkT510: correct14:25
keebcompdoc: besides, i've added my user to the audio group and it didn't help14:25
RedViperActionParsnip: Give me a moment..14:25
TheM4ch1n3geekbri: and nVidia's FTP site has Thumbs.db files laying around ;)14:25
compdockeeb, never know until you try. but once you add a group, you have to log out to take effect14:25
marlymsmartboyhw: you don't know?14:25
smartboyhw!support | marlym14:26
ubottumarlym: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com14:26
Lost_Causegeekbri: does the gui work at all?  try rebooting it to see if it just needed to be restarted.  I know of two other ways to install it if their are still issues14:26
geekbriLost_Cause: yeah it works now, but apparently running nvidia-xconfig as root totally nuked my xorg config :-P14:27
geekbriLost_Cause: things I haven't missed, mucking around in an xorg conf14:27
Saikiusr13: see pm lazy to use pastebin atm)14:27
TJ-keeb: Did you investigate  deleting the pulseaudio config files in the ~/.pulse/*default-{sink,source}14:28
Lost_Causegeekbri: just use x server to create a new x org file14:28
RedViperActionParsnip: There -  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1134351/14:28
saviois ubuntu great14:28
ActionParsnipRedViper: thanks14:28
TJ-keeb: also, have you tested it by creating a new user account and trying from that?14:28
emmanis there anyway to termporarily disable the touchpad on my notebook?14:28
Lost_Causegeekbri: saving in that program allows you to overwrite prevous configs for it14:28
savioi think it is too great14:28
cha1tanyahi i am facing this error while updating software14:28
cha1tanyaE: Internal Error, No file name for libkrb5-314:28
cha1tanyaE: libkrb5-3: libkrb5-3:amd64 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2ubuntu0.2 cannot be configured because libkrb5-314:28
cha1tanyaE: libgssapi-krb5-2: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured14:28
ActionParsnipRedViper: so no mention of missing GPG keys?14:28
saviowhy server use RED HAT14:29
RedViperActionParsnip: So what now14:29
saviowhy not ubuntu server edition14:29
cha1tanyaplease help14:29
ActionParsnipsavio: can you rephrase the question please?14:29
ActionParsnipsavio: could use either, both are good14:29
ActionParsnipRedViper: so no mention of missing GPG keys?14:29
saviobusiness use RED HAT14:30
saviowhy not ubuntu14:30
ActionParsnipsavio: they like the support structure14:30
savioActionParsnip: what? i don't get you14:30
cha1tanyahow to repair broken software index?14:31
Lost_Causesavio: red hat also cost money and is geared towards business with their support for enterprises like action said and they also tend to use older drivers and software that is a little more mature. ie they still use gnome 214:31
TJ-cha1tanya: there's a newer version of  libkrb5-3 in the precise-updates/precise-security archives. Try doing "sudo apt-get update" first14:31
savioLost_Cause: Ubuntu server edition is also good14:32
keebTJ-: didn't try that at all, will do that now14:32
cha1tanyaTJ-, i did that14:32
Saikiusr13: description The requested resource (/iweb/role) is not available.14:32
SaikiApache Tomcat/5.514:32
RedViperActionParsnip: Ok well it looks like it is installing now after I did the update...?14:32
TJ-keeb: often, a clean user account will resolve many issues like this... then again!14:32
RedViperActionParsnip: It's done14:32
savioLost_Cause: we should there stratergie of using older "mature" package14:32
TJ-cha1tanya: OK ... did you try "sudo apt-get -f install"  ?14:33
Saikiusr13: on tomcat6 it doesn't even appear14:33
nacii4hejka :)14:33
keebTJ-: how do i remove a user from a group?14:33
usr13Saiki: sudo apt-get install tomcat614:33
keebit appears me last usermod to remove myself from audio was not successful14:33
iffyHello, I want to use the 'dd' command to zero out the first 80 MB of my hard disk14:34
Lost_Causesavio: redhat is really only ment to use for large business14:34
TJ-keeb: "deluser <user> <group>"14:34
iffyCan someone help me put the command together?14:34
usr13Saiki: How did you install iweb?14:34
TJ-keeb: You have to logout for group changes to be effective14:34
cha1tanyaTJ-, http://pastie.org/440612614:34
Saikiusr13: copy/paste14:34
keebTJ-: yep, no problem there14:34
savioLost_Cause: using older package must be bad idea14:34
savioLost_Cause: old package conatin bug14:35
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savioLost_Cause: may be14:35
RedViperActionParsnip: Thnaks for the help! :D14:35
keebTJ-: says "you may not remove a user from their primary group"14:35
Lost_Causesavio: sometimes.  by old i mean that they use things like gnome 2.  which is more widley support and not as experimental as gnome 3 or unity.  they aren't on the bleeding edge of software but they still keep up to date with patches.14:36
TJ-keeb: It's correct!14:36
keebTJ-: but the audio group was usermod'd in14:36
TJ-cha1tanya: It says the problem: "libkrb5-3:i386 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2ubuntu0.3 cannot be configured because libkrb5-3:amd64 is in a different version (1.10+dfsg~beta1-2ubuntu0.2)"14:37
keebso when i try to deluser audio keeb14:37
TJ-cha1tanya: You could try "sudo apt-get install libkrb5-3:amd64"14:37
keebhow do i make audio my non-primary group?14:37
savioLost_Cause: ok14:37
Saikiusr13: http://pastebin.com/cjeF0CD3  <tomcat 5.5.2614:37
TJ-keeb: it's "deluser <user> <group>"14:37
keebTJ-: yeah, same thing14:38
TJ-keeb hang on I'm telling you wrong!14:38
Saikiusr13: http://pastebin.com/amYFsS2P  <tomcat614:38
TJ-keeb: too many hours without sleep!14:38
Lost_Causesavio: red is mainly design to work on ibm servers and usually have a 10 year lifecycle.  ubuntu does work on ibm with some tweeking but they don't provide support for nearly that long.14:38
cha1tanyaTJ-, it is not installing14:38
cha1tanyasame error14:39
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savioLost_Cause: I think it is main reason14:39
TJ-keeb: Correction! No, I was correct. I just misread the man-page just now! deluser <user> <group> removes <user> from <group>14:39
TJ-cha1tanya: let me research that14:39
keebTJ-: how do you change the primary group a user is in14:40
ActionParsnipcha1tanya: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc14:40
TJ-keeb: usermod -g <newgroup> <user>14:42
Saikiusr13: any ideas?14:42
savioLost_Cause: what about Mac OSX14:43
savioLost_Cause: i heard that MAc OSX grant POSIX specifcation14:44
cha1tanyaTJ-, #aptitude safe-upgrade --full-resolver worked14:44
cha1tanyathanks btw14:44
TJ-cha1tanya: Great! :)14:44
mneptoksavio: Windows NT was POSIX1-compliant. BeOS was POSIX-compliant. POSIX compliance tells you nothing, really.14:45
keebTJ-: after removing myself from the audio group, now alsamixer / aplay do not work14:46
keebmaybe there's like a pulseaudio group or something?14:46
keebraul_: /q14:46
TJ-keeb: create a new user account and see what the default groups are for that14:47
keebTJ-: just useradd -m ?14:47
TreaverHello my computer froze and I powered it off manually now the Menu bar and the sidebar is gone?14:47
TJ-keeb: your account also needs to have sudo rights so should be in the adm and/or admin groups too14:47
keebyep, all of those are there14:47
mneptokTreaver: log out and back in and see if they reappear14:47
keebkeeb : adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin keeb sambashare14:47
Treavermneptok I can't logout there is no top bar14:47
TJ-keeb: no, use adduser14:48
mneptokTreaver: alt-prntscrn-k14:48
Lost_Causesavio: POSIX doesn't matter too much. most linux distros aren't 100% compliant14:48
TJ-keeb: The only extra one I have here from that list, is libvirtd14:48
ActionParsnipLost_Cause: its gotta be pretty tuff14:49
keebTJ-: using adduser, the user only has 1 group membership: his own14:49
keeb(so user test is in group test) - speaker-test doesn't work14:49
keebalsamixer also doesn't work14:49
usr13Saiki: If I could stay off the phone.... been looking but found nothing.  iweb is not really supplied or supported by ubuntu so that is the first problem... I think that with the abundance of CMS sites, wisiwig editors have not been a big concern as of late.  I use joomla a lot, others use drupal, etc....14:50
keebi've removed and reinstalled alsa-base as well as pulseaudio14:50
Lost_CauseActionParsnip: ya i am done.14:50
keebthis is an old install, it would probably work if i reinstalled14:50
ActionParsnipLost_Cause: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX#Fully_POSIX-compliant14:50
keebi did a 3 hour upgrade last night to 12.0414:50
en1gmadoes ubuntu 12.04 amd64 have native support for linksys wusb600n v2 usb wifi adapter?14:50
en1gmai see dmesg finds it when i plug it in but it dont show with sudo ifconfig14:51
Pip__12.04 32 bit is only seeing 2.7 gb out of 3 gb RAM, any idea what's happening there?  I have a discrete14:51
TJ-keeb: Can you use the GUI to create a new user... maybe it does something extra. adduser is the Debian higher-level version of useradd14:51
Pip__graphics card14:51
David23400is themes forr ubuntu compatible with lubuntu?14:51
usr13Saiki: That's just the trend, and it may be a good thing.  I think CMSs have their shortcomings and limitations, but they are improving as we speak.14:52
ActionParsnipPip__: if you use onboard video, it will use some of your system ram14:52
geekbriwith ubuntu 12.04 is there a way to generate an xorg.conf from the current running Xorg session?  It seems it no longer requires a xorg.conf to run, but I need to specify which display driver it should be using.14:52
Pip__discrete card in there, that's what's freaking me out14:52
chreekatI'm unable to boot a liveusb created with 'startup disk creator' and ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso. I doublechecked the md5sum, and I tried the 'check disks' option of the usb's boot menu. No dice.14:52
chreekatThe error is along the lines of 'unable to mount /dev/loop1 on /cow: invalid argument'14:52
Pip__nvidia 8400gs14:53
TJ-Pip__: on 32 bit the address space below 4GB is used to PCI IOMEM mapping. That can often require more than 1GB so it would prevent the full 3GB of physical RAM being mapped14:53
chreekatAnything else I can do do check the usb stick, or otherwise figure out what might be wrong?14:53
ActionParsnipPip__: ahh, so you have a switchable video chip?14:53
usr13Saiki: There may be a way to get iweb to run on Ubuntu, but it's just going to take some tinkering.  I dono....14:53
ActionParsnipchreekat: are you trying to mount an ISO?14:53
Pip__ActionParsnip; no i don't think so14:53
Pip__tis a fairly old amd cpu14:53
ActionParsnipPip__: if you run:  lspci | grep -i vga    what is output?14:54
chreekatActionParsnip: I'm trying to boot from a live usb stick14:54
AdvoWorkHow can I change a folder with permissions drwxrwsrwx to: drwxrwxrwx ?14:54
ActionParsnipchreekat: ok, did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?14:54
chreekatActionParsnip: Yes14:54
Pip__TJ; that would make sense if i understood what it means, but it does help a little14:54
chreekatActionParsnip: tbh I think it's my usb stick, but not having another one handy, I'd like to find a way to make sure14:54
usr13chreekat: Did you verify it?14:55
Lost_Causegeekbri: is saving to to config in x server when you are on the xdisplay screen not working?14:55
TJ-Pip__: something else needs the memory addresses so RAM is not mapped into them, so you lose some of the 3GB of physical capacity14:55
Pip__03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a2)14:55
chreekatusr13: verify the iso, as in check the md5 sum? Yes.14:55
geekbriLost_Cause: Not sure I folllow what you mean.  I was just trying to save myself the trouble of typing out the whole xorg.conf by hand. I was hoping there was a way to say "Take whatever you have set now and dump it to a file"14:55
Pip__TJ; yeah okay...14:55
usr13chreekat: And it's just not booting?14:56
keebgeekbri: do you have an ATI or an nvidia card?14:56
geekbrikeeb: nvidia14:56
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usr13chreekat: If so, it may be just that you need to change some CMOS settings on your PC14:56
keebgeekbri: sudo nvidia-settings -> save to X14:56
ThinkT510!xorgconf | geekbri14:56
ubottugeekbri: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.14:56
chreekatusr13: I get to the menu with options such as 'try ubuntu', 'install ubuntu', 'check disc'14:56
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usr13chreekat: Oh, so it is booting?14:57
MontycHello! Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction of upgrading mysql 5.5.24 to 5.5.27 on Ubuntu 12.4?14:57
caixahow do i open an executable  file in ubuntu ?14:57
theadminusr13: Not necessarily, that's just the GRUB menu.14:57
usr13chreekat: ... but will not load up?14:57
ActionParsnipDavid23400: you just need openbox and lxde themes14:57
chreekatusr13: When I select 'try' or 'install', it chugs for a bit, but then I get dropped to the ... busybox(?) shell, and the casper.log has a message about failure to mount a loop device14:57
theadmincaixa: chmod +x file.exec ; ./file.exec14:57
spirit3_caixa: just run it !14:57
chreekatusr13: Specifically /dev/loop1 on /cow14:57
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: you can use:  sudo chmod -t folder   etc.14:57
spirit3_caixa: from gui, you need to make sure it has execute permissions14:58
caixaspirit3_, i did double click it, it doesnt do anything14:58
usr13chreekat: Sounds like bad media or bad iso.14:58
Saikiusr13: a different version works on 10.0414:58
Lost_Causegeekbri: in the x server program you can saving your current settings to an xorg file14:58
chreekatusr13: Agreed. Unfortunately the 'check disc' option of the boot menu shows no errors14:58
spirit3_caixa: right click, permissions, execute ... I think14:58
caixaspirit3_, permissions says read & write14:58
chreekatusr13: I was just wondering if there's other things I could check14:58
spirit3_caixa: need execute14:58
usr13chreekat: Do you have the md5sum? Can you show us?14:58
caixaspirit3_, execute is checked14:58
Lost_Causegeekbri: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-U1OXPcwutvs/TuWxYESgVtI/AAAAAAAACnU/7PNoWKm6dPo/s1600/TwinView.png14:58
deny26caixa, try to run in terminal and see error message14:58
Lost_Causegeekbri: you should be able to just click on save and be done14:59
chreekatusr13: d791352694374f1c478779f7f4447a3f  ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso14:59
caixai think i need 32 bit libs14:59
caixadoes ubuntu ship with those on x6414:59
spirit3_caixa: are you sure it's an executable?  If you right click and properties - should say what 'type' it is14:59
caixaspirit3_, yes, it says executable14:59
TJ-chreekat: that's a known bug, with a workaround: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/49230115:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 492301 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow" [Medium,Fix released]15:00
spirit3_caixa: from command name try 'file <filename>'15:00
caixadoes ubuntu x64 comes with native x32 support?15:00
theadmincaixa: Nope. sudo apt-get install ia32-libs15:00
chreekatTJ-: rad, i'll check it out15:00
TJ-chreekat: also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick/#Known_Issues15:00
usr13chreekat: You might try re-burning the USB stick.  You might do memtest, (could be hardware issue)....15:01
chreekatTJ-: Thanks, that's exactly what I was hoping to find by asking questions here.15:01
caixatheadmin, thanks i think that might be the problem then as the application only supports x3215:01
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TJ-chreekat: it's an issue with the size of the persistent storage that usbcreator uses... it gets it slightly wrong in some cases, apparently15:01
Pip__thanks guys ttfn :)15:01
marlymhow do i install another language?15:01
MonkeyDustmarlym  they're called language packages, in the repos15:03
usr13chreekat: aaahh yes, "re-tried the process by creating a LiveUSB... The usb stick now boots up fine."15:03
marlymmonkeydust: is there any package only for one language15:03
prcIIIcan someone tell me how to edit my host file so that a site at location localhost/school/school/magento is mapped to local.school.com15:03
ThinkT510!hostname | prcIII15:04
ubottuprcIII: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.15:04
spirit3_prcIII: host file maps names to IP addresses15:04
Saikiusr13: works fine on 10.04.3 LTS15:04
chreekatusr13: TJ-: Thanks folks, looks like I'm on my way now15:04
theadminmarlym: sudo apt-get install language-pack-de-lc (where "de" is your desktop environment ("kde" or "gnome". If none of those, just omit it), and "lc" is your language code.) So, the Russian pack for KDE is language-pack-kde-ru15:04
MonkeyDustmarlym  look for the language name in the software center or in synaptic15:04
usr13prcIII: Sure, just add a line:  192.168.x.x    <host-name>15:04
MontycCan anyone point me in the right direction of upgrading mysql 5.5.24 to 5.5.27 on Ubuntu 12.4?15:04
theadminmarlym: For, say, XFCE it'd be simply language-pack-ru15:05
prcIIIhow do i choose a local ip for it15:05
TJ-Montyc: 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 is the latest in the Ubuntu archive15:05
MalthusHello I'm trying to rebuild the network manager package, it gets threw ./configure but when I try to make it errors out: http://pastebin.com/L7QTAgZs15:06
marlymthanks guys15:06
usr13prcIII: You'll need to set the target PC to static IP.  (Otherwise make changes to router's config.)15:06
usr13prcIII: To choose an IP, find one outside the dhcp-pool that is not yet being used.15:07
smartboyhwPlease go to tmr's Ubuntu QA Meeting at 1400UTC in #ubuntu-testing.15:07
TJ-Malthus: Where did the source-code come from?15:07
MontycDoes that mean that I can't upgrade it?15:07
MalthusI used apt-source to fetch it15:07
MalthusTJ-: I used apt-source to fetch it15:08
ActionParsnip!ppa | Montyc15:08
ubottuMontyc: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:08
TJ-Malthus: Good... when you build an Ubuntu package you should use "debian/rules build" then "fakeroot debian/rules binary"15:08
theadminMalthus: Well, do a "apt-get build-dep networkmanager" too15:08
prcIIIso all this just to map http://localhost/school/magento to local.school.com15:09
usr13prcIII: To choose an IP, find one outside the dhcp-pool that is not yet being used. (Outside the dhcp-pool but yet still in the range of your LAN's netwrok).15:09
TJ-Malthus: and as theadmin says, make sure to have installed the build-dependencies15:09
usr13prcIII: On your local PC?15:09
usr13prcIII: Ok, well, that will work too.15:10
TJ-Malthus: that gcc error though looks like some of the debian patches may not have been fully applied... it's trying to pass a const pointer15:10
usr13prcIII: ... only, you need to use the IP15:10
prcIIIso do  http://local/school/magento then do http://local/school/magento  local.school.com15:11
chervaWhy is ssh -R "" root@ not working .... I have GatewayPorts yes in sshd_config on
Malthustj-: apt wants 64 MB of packages downloaded from that build0dep command, I may have been missing a few things15:12
urlwolfI boought this monitor http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2012/07/the-ips-lcd-revolution.html and it doesn't get detected with nouveau. What would be the best IRC channel to ask for debugging options (I tried nouveau)15:12
KusHi, I wanted to compress an avi file, but ffmpeg would not do it. What other programs can i try?15:12
subz3r0Kus, check doom9.org15:13
prcIIIyou know i think I want virtual hosts.  I have like 50 sites i need to do this to locally.15:13
ActionParsnipKus: http://www.upubuntu.com/2011/09/how-to-compress-avi-and-mp4-video-files.html15:13
TreaverCan someone help me by taking control of my computer and telling me what's wrong with it? :(15:14
TreaverI have teamviewer15:14
KusActionParsnip: i did try that comand, but it gave me errors15:14
astantonquestion: has anyone had any issues with compiling against libev on Ubuntu 12.04?15:14
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ActionParsnipTreaver: not wise15:14
usr13Treaver: What seems to be the problem?/15:14
ActionParsnipkuswhat errors?15:14
TreaverMy top panel and left launcher is gone completely. I think it's called Unity15:15
subz3r0Treaver, unity --reset15:15
MonkeyDustok, subz3r0 was faster :)15:15
TreaverI tried that sub15:15
TreaverIt didn't do anything15:15
TreaverI did..15:15
Treaver4+ times15:15
ActionParsnipTreaver: tried the Unity2D session?15:16
subz3r0well, what have you dont that its not working anymore?15:16
TreaverI've logged into all of them when starting up15:16
ActionParsnipKus: http://askubuntu.com/questions/25514/how-can-i-maximum-compress-video-files   what errors do you get?15:16
TreaverWhat happened my computer froze and I was in Ciaro Dock one and it just won't do anything now15:16
caixaerror while loading shared libraries: libfmodex.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:16
caixaanyone know how to fix that15:17
ActionParsnip!find libfmodex.so15:17
ubottuPackage/file libfmodex.so does not exist in precise15:17
MonkeyDustTreaver  try this in a terminal    gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz && compiz --replace15:17
subz3r0Treaver, you can try this. but make backups before: rm ~/.gconf ~/.gconfd ~/.metacity ~/.compiz-1 ~/.config/compiz-1 ~/.config/dconf -rf15:17
subz3r0its one line...15:17
KusActionParsnip: Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.1 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height15:17
ActionParsnipcaixa: there is no package with: libfmodex in the name..15:18
caixaActionParsnip, i think its part of the game folder, i see the file in a directory15:18
ActionParsnipcaixa: i think I have somethig15:19
KusActionParsnip: hmm, after playing around with the bitrate it now compresses the file15:19
subz3r0Treaver or this solution to fix compiz: first ctrl + alt +f1 then login and dpkg-reconfigure compiz. after that go back with ctrl + alt +f715:19
subz3r0Kus, your question isnt rly ubuntu related...15:20
astantonanyone have problems compiling against libev?15:20
Malthustj-: reran ./configure, make clean, then make, it builds for a much longer time but still the same error15:21
Munzhi .. i just re-installed ubuntu and when i tried to update it i got this ... W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-security_restricted_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch15:22
MunzW: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ae.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-backports_universe_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch15:22
MunzE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.15:22
ActionParsnipcaixa: what are you trying to install?15:22
ActionParsnipMunz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1134432/15:22
caixaActionParsnip, a game called zombiegrinder, i extracted it to my desktop and installed the 32bit libs, but it doesnt run, so i tried from terminal and it gave me that error15:23
TJ-Malthus: is it the networkmanager from precise? give me the version string15:24
Malthustj-: um the folder it make when I extracted is called network-manager- I'm hoping thats what you need?15:25
ls612I would like to know how to safely remove Ubuntu and give back the HD space it occupys to Windows.15:26
TJ-Malthus: I'll build it here15:26
TJ-Malthus: as I said before, I think it is because you are not using the Debian build system15:27
TreaverCan you tell me how to do that compiz thing again15:27
MonkeyDustTreaver   gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz && compiz --replace15:27
Malthustj-: googled: http://www.davromaniak.eu/index.php?post/2011/03/03/The-ultimate-package-building-system, Is this what I need to do to my system to get rid of build hiccups?15:29
TJ-Malthus: I've just issued this build command: "debian/rules build 2>&1 | tee ../build.log"15:29
TJ-Malthus: That article is doing a lot of silly things ... all you need to build in an isolated setting is to create a pbuilder15:31
reasearcher123All websites can open on my pc except a few one like www.facebook.com www.way2sms.com, www.tatasky.com etc. Please help.15:31
ActionParsnipcaixa: you may need to compile the file15:31
TJ-Malthus: I wrote an article on it a long time ago with some supporting scripts: https://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Ubuntu/Packages/CreatingPbuilderVariations15:32
caixaActionParsnip, compile an executable?15:32
caixaActionParsnip, seems a bit silly to have to compile a game15:32
MunzActionParsnip : i got this now :W: GPG error: http://ae.archive.ubuntu.com precise-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>15:32
MunzW: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-security_restricted_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch15:32
MunzE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.15:32
Blazemorecaixa: Why? Someone has to do it15:33
TJ-Malthus: The build was successful here15:33
caixaBlazemore, why? because im use to windows double clicking things and simplicity, who the hell wants to read a bunch of documentation and compile a game?15:33
usr13caixa: Ubuntu is not MS Windows....15:34
Blazemorecaixa: If you prefer Windows, use Windows, obviously15:34
kurtwp_I added another video card to my u12.04 system -  How can I tell if the system found the other card15:35
Blazemorelspci | grep vga15:35
Blazemoreer... maybe not grep vga15:35
MonkeyDustgrep VGA (upper case)15:35
Malthustj-: roger, I'll try following your guide and see if I get lucky15:35
Blazemoretake a look at lspci, or if you have the Catalyst Control Center installed, use that15:35
usr13caixa: Try installing a 32bit application on a MS Windows 64bit sysstem, see how you do with it.....15:35
kurtwp_-i vga work also15:36
BlazemoreI have grep aliased to "grep -i" which suits my workflow, and I forget sometimes15:36
caixaBlazemore, so the game comes with an executable file, yet it requires compiling?15:36
Blazemorecaixa: If it comes with an executable, it doesn't need compiling15:36
TJ-Malthus: You don't need that guide to build the package! That guide is for professional packagers who need to ensure there are no hidden dependencies15:36
caixaBlazemore, ok then... thats my point15:36
kurtwp_ah yes I see two - one NVIDA and the other ATI15:36
caixaBlazemore, ppl are either giving false info in this channel, or this is over complicated15:36
Blazemorecaixa: You *could* compile the game if you wanted to, but you don't *have* to15:36
TJ-Malthus: All you need to do to build any Ubuntu/Debian package is : "debian/rules build"  then "fakeroot debian/rules binary"15:36
Blazemorecaixa: Do you use VLC on Windows?15:37
TJ-Malthus: The 'binary' operation will leave the .deb files in the parent directory of the package-directory15:37
j|caixa: that's been a problem in every medium of human communication since the beginning of recorded history as far as I'm aware.15:37
MonkeyDustcaixa  correct, we *love* to give false information and do it on purpose, but only because it is you15:37
Blazemorecaixa: Because you *could* compile that if you wanted to15:37
Blazemorecaixa: Nobody will knowingly give false information, and everyone here is a community member just like you.15:38
Malthustj-: make: *** [binary] Error 29 ?15:39
TJ-Malthus: Did you do a "make clean" first?15:39
caixaMonkeyDust, youre an idiot15:39
usr13caixa: There are two options: 1) Someone that knows how could do it for you.  Or 2) You could figure out how and do it yourself.15:40
caixausr13, well option 1 doesnt seem likely here ;) so i guess its option 215:40
usr13caixa: but calling someone an idiot is not an option15:40
caixabeing told to compile executables lol15:40
usr13caixa: Your choice ....15:40
TJ-Malthus: I suggest you start again. Move to the parent directory, do "rm -rf network-manager-" then "dpkg-source -x network-manager_0.9.4.0-0ubuntu4.1.dsc" then "cd network-manager-" then "debian/rules build" then "fakeroot debian/rules binary"15:40
Malthustj-: will try that in a second - its doing alot of "stuff"15:41
Malthustj-: it built but I'm sure I saw about 6-7 warnings during that process - probably better to start over right?15:43
TJ-Malthus: well warnings are usually OK ... though it is good practice to capture the build log and review it just in case15:43
Malthustj-: like you did in that script where you tee'd the log, I think I'm starting to follow the plot15:44
narcosIs it possible within dhcpd.conf to specify certain leases based on the source IP of the request, and in a different range to the interface DHCP listens on? e.g. A DHCP request comes from "" so please hand out a lease in the range "10.2.0.x".15:45
ThinkT510!test | sambagirl15:46
ubottusambagirl: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )15:46
=== yx is now known as \x
narcos!test | ThinkT51015:46
ubottuThinkT510: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )15:46
narcosI meant to say:15:46
narcos!test | ubottu15:46
ubottunarcos: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )15:46
narcosAh, he won't get stuck in a loop :)15:47
UKWolfyare there any themes for unity that look just like Ambiance  but with blue writing in the top menu bar and with blue icons  (user name, time, mail icons) and with scroll bar and things like Destroy Twitter? http://static.inky.ws/image/2535/image.jpg15:48
threshhi, who do I bug about screenshots.debian.net ?15:48
ThinkT510thresh: i don't see what that has to do with #ubuntu15:49
daniel2I'm experiencing a HUD freeze in 12.04 i open rythmthbox music player then tried to open the music lens and my system has frozen the music is playing and mouse move but the rest of the screen is frozen! has anyone else had this issue or point can point me in the direction of a fix?15:49
UKWolfydaniel2: I've had that issue as well, i never really did anything about it and it's seemed to have solved itself15:50
daniel2I have to hold the power button to restart/boot the computer! all keyboard inputs don;t work15:51
usr13Bug #83931915:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 839319 in unity-lens-music (Ubuntu) "Support for Rhythmbox and other players" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83931915:51
daniel2UKWolfy: i have only just installed it and have done the all updates!! I do hope this goes away15:51
UKWolfyHopefully daniel2, like i said I never did anything about it and i never get that problem anymore15:52
daniel2ubottu: what can i do to fix?15:53
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:53
daniel2shall i do a reset via power button and try updating again15:54
guest_6845ubottu: you suck!15:54
Dynamitdoes any one know if something popular thing that are updated and are hosted by github.com? I wounder because the download time is so slow15:57
Dynamito bad English grammatic15:57
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joe_VitelDoes anyone have any experience setting up Ubuntu with MAAS? I'm having some weird time issues when trying to add nodes.16:01
Picijoe_Vitel: The folks in #ubuntu-server might be of some help16:02
joe_VitelPici: Thanks much.16:02
diminotenwhat's maas16:03
systemd0wnQuestion. I'm installing a mainline kernel as recomended by a bugreport. I see "Possible missing firmware", and "errors were encountered while processing: linux-headers-3.6.0-999-generic"16:03
TJ-systemd0wn: do you have a log of the installation run?16:03
Blazemoresystemd0wn: have you tried sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree16:03
Malthustj-: built fresh like you said to and it was much much cleaner this time; last question if I could, if I need to recompile the package against a library how do I wedge that in?16:04
systemd0wnTJ-, where would those logs be?16:05
systemd0wnBlazemore, no i haven't.16:05
=== Dead`n`Gone is now known as Sagrado
TJ-Malthus: Against a library that isn't already a dependency of the package (which is defined in debian/control on the source "build-depends:" line16:06
TJ-Malthus: systemd0wn I meant had you captured the messages from running dpkg -i ? I usually tee the command output to a log file. e.g. "sudo dpkg -i <package list> 2>&1 | tee install.log"16:07
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systemd0wnTJ-, I will do that and patebin it.16:07
tkinghi guys how do i update just 1 software not all (i want to update gcc compiler)16:10
Blazemoresudo apt-get install packagename16:10
Blazemorethat will update it if there is an update available16:10
BlazemoreOr use synaptic package manager, where you can see what packages can be updated, but select which ones to upgrade16:11
Malthustj-: I see, it looks like you have set me up for success I can't thank you enough16:11
tkingpackagename --version16:11
tkinggives version right?16:11
arabihello guys16:12
arabii am new to linux and i need help in configuring java compiler16:12
arabinyone out there to help me plz16:12
Blazemoretking: No. To check what version of a package is installed, you use "apt-cache show packagename"16:13
BlazemoreIf you just want the version info without the description and such, use "apt-cache policy" instead of "apt-cache show"16:13
arabiI have installed java jdk tar.gz but how to configure it to run from terminal ???16:13
Blazemorearabi: Is there a reason you didn't install it from the repositories, or did you not know you could?16:14
Blazemoreyashas: what?16:14
arabii just followed what i did on windows16:14
arabii downloaded the package from the oracle.com16:14
Blazemorearabi: Don't worry it's way simpler16:15
BlazemoreOn Linux, most programs come in the package manager so you don't need to16:15
yashashow to register on freenode?16:15
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:15
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Blazemorearabi: run the command "sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk" to install the latest Java compiler16:15
arabi/home/arabi/Programs/jdk1.7.0_05     << now i have this on my system16:16
yashasubottu: thanks man16:16
BlazemoreOr search for JDK in the Ubuntu Software Centre16:16
arabican  i do anything with this16:16
Blazemorearabi: Stop doing what you are doing, and install it from the package manager16:16
systemd0wnTJ-, It crashed while i was trying to get everything pasted into pastebin.16:16
BlazemoreInstalling from Oracle's download is unnecessary16:16
arabibut i already done that16:17
BlazemoreWhat did you install?16:17
systemd0wnTJ-, Blazemore, I did try to 'apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree" and I see a unmet dependency "linux-headers-3.6.0-999-generic : Depends: linux-headers-3.6.0-999 but not installable"16:17
BlazemoreYou are looking for a java compiler, right? the "javac" command? Or are you just looking for the "java" command to run Java programs?16:17
Blazemoresystemd0wn: sudo apt-get -f install16:17
Blazemoresystemd0wn: No other arguments, just that16:18
systemd0wnBlazemore, it's removing the linux headers. is that ok?16:18
Blazemorearabi: What happens when you try to run the "javac" command, and how does it differ from what you are expecting should happen?16:18
arabi(jdk-7u5-linux-i586.tar.gz )   after downloading this  used this command (tar zxvf jdk-7u5-linux-i586.tar.gz^C16:19
Blazemorearabi: Listen to me and do as I advise you to do16:19
arabitar zxvf jdk-7u5-linux-i586.tar.gz  << this command i used16:19
arabiBlaze now i have a directory as i have in wndows16:20
Blazemorearabi: Open a terminal and type the following (without the quotes): "sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk"16:20
arabican i add it to the terminal to run the javac from there16:20
BlazemoreIs there an op here? I don't think arabi can see my messages16:20
PiciBlazemore: theres nothing stopping him from seeing your messages, it just looks like hes selectively ignoring your suggestions.16:21
DJonesBlazemore: the only reason he wouldn't see them is if he had you on ignore16:21
BlazemorePici: I know, I was being sarcastic16:21
Piciarabi: please take a look at Blazemore's suggestions.16:21
arabiReading package lists... Done16:21
arabiBuilding dependency tree16:21
arabiReading state information... Done16:21
arabiE: Unable to locate package openjdk-716:21
arabiE: Unable to locate package jdk16:21
arabi  @ blaze16:21
FloodBot1arabi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:21
Blazemorearabi: running the command "sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk" will download and install the software16:22
^MikeWhen should we expect 12.04.01?16:22
arabisorry flood bot16:22
BlazemoreDon't forget the second hyphen, you must have typed "openjdk-7 jdk" instead of "openjdk-7-jdk"16:22
arabioh lemme try again16:22
Blazemorearabi: What you just accidentally tried to do was install two different packages, "openjdk-7" and "jdk", neither of which exist, which is why you got an error16:22
arabithanks blace16:23
arabithanks blaze16:23
BlazemoreIs it doing it?16:23
arabiit is downloading now ...16:23
arabiis it same as oracle jdk ??? @ blaze16:24
BlazemoreGreat. when it's done you will be able to use the "java", "javac" etc commands as you would expect them to work16:24
Blazemorearabi: No it is openjdk which is an implementation of the same standard16:24
BlazemoreIt's the "official" Java reference implementation16:25
arabino need of extra configuration ,right??? can i run javac from terminal without ding anything more?16:25
Blazemorearabi: Yes that's right16:25
Blazemorearabi: Always check the package manager (Software Centre on Ubuntu) first, there's usually no need to go to a developer's website unless you need a version which isn't available in the Ubuntu repositories16:26
BlazemoreI gtg16:26
arabiblaze i wanted to know how to install C++ compiler also,can you help??16:26
Blazemorearabi: sudo apt-get install build-essential is always a good start16:26
arabiwhat is that??16:27
arabibuild essential???16:27
Blazemorebuild-essential is a "meta package" which will install lots of things useful for software development16:27
Blazemoredon't forget the hyphen, "build-essential" not "build essential"16:27
caixa!find .sh16:27
ubottuFound: bash, bash-completion, bash-doc, bsh, bsh-doc, bsh-gcj, calligrasheets, clamav-freshclam, crash, dash (and 842 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=.sh&searchon=names&suite=precise&section=all16:27
arabiis it include java and c++ ?16:27
BlazemoreAnd one of the packages provided by build-essential is g++16:28
ThinkT510!info build-essential16:28
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu2 (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 37 kB16:28
arabignu c++ = g++ right?? like gcc16:28
Blazemorearabi: It includes a C++ compiler, but not Java. You already installed that with the openjdk-7-jdk package16:28
sstaarabi: c++ yes, java no16:28
Blazemorearabi: Yes, g++ is the Gnu C++ compiler16:28
BlazemoreI really have to go16:28
BlazemoreGood luck with whatever you're developing arabi16:29
arabiok blaze16:29
arabithanks for helping16:29
dustinspringmananyone know how to get netflix to run on ubuntu browser(s) chrome and ffox?16:33
centrelinkdustinspringman: impossible16:33
Kanerixas I understand it, you can't16:33
Kanerixnetflix requires silverlight16:33
TJ-dustinspringman: The best recommendation I've seen is to install Windows in a virtual machine16:33
Kanerixwhich includes built-in encryption16:34
dustinspringmanlame... i don't want windows... what about some sort of Android app emulated on ubuntu?16:40
MonkeyDust!brainstorm| dustinspringman16:41
ubottudustinspringman: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!16:41
morphisolli: ping16:41
yashashow to exit from freenode16:42
MonkeyDustyashas  type /quit16:42
ActionParsnipdustinspringman: you could virtualize the Windows OS and run it there...16:42
dustinspringmanActionParsnip: thanks,. i'd prefer to stay windowsless16:43
MonkeyDustdustinspringman  in short: there is no ubuntu solution, yet16:43
ActionParsnipdustinspringman: its a netflix thing, blame them16:43
TJ-It's an MPAA thing... they threatened LoveFilm over it too... they had to swap from Flash to Silverlight... gaining the ire of many Linux and Mac users16:44
dustinspringmanActionParsnip: yea, i am familiar with the whole encyption nonsense... as if that stops any of us ... XD16:44
MonkeyDustit's the war of the os's16:44
ActionParsnipdustinspringman: have you tried miro?16:44
arabimy system configuration : Amd Sempron 2 GHz, 3GB RAM , 120 GB HDD and NVidia Geforce 8200 G M dispaly <<<<< i can't run unity smooth :( ... is there any solution :(??16:45
dustinspringmandont they understand that they are exemplifying our disdain with Microsoft with these futile attempts to force people to use their software "or be without the apps we love".... just dumb...16:45
dustinspringmanActionParsnip: miro huh.. whats that?16:45
dustinspringmanActionParsnip: getmiro.com yea?16:46
ActionParsnip!info miro16:46
ubottumiro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.4-1 (precise), package size 799 kB, installed size 3741 kB16:46
arabimy system configuration : Amd Sempron 2 GHz, 3GB RAM , 120 GB HDD and NVidia Geforce 8200 G M dispaly <<<<<12.04 crashes and crashes .. how can i reify this..plz help16:47
ActionParsnipdustinspringman: yes the getmiro site will do it16:47
dustinspringmanActionParsnip: hmm so, how would this let me watch netflix?16:47
=== Sagrado is now known as Dead`n`Gone
BluesKajnetflix doesn't support linux , dustinspringman , that's a fact16:49
r3dnecksecI am trying to troubleshoot a postfix server on ubuntu 10.04. It is not relaying mail to our Exchange server. Were can I see a log to troubleshoot the issue in postfix?16:49
ActionParsnipdustinspringman: no, its just an alternative16:49
smwHi all. I am having problems with networking. I have a router where at first everything worked. Both ethernet and wifi. Then wifi stopped working and not ethernet has stopped working.  When I boot into windows, everything works perfectly. When I connect to the wifi of a neighbour it works. Here is the syslog http://paste.ubuntu.com/1134570/16:50
kurtisHey guys, any ideas on why I have to eval `ssh-agent` everytime I log into my server? (I'm using SSH Keys for Git)16:50
dustinspringmanActionParsnip: ahh.. rgr.16:50
kurtisI've never had this problem on any other Ubuntu machine including other servers from the same provider (Rackspace Cloud)16:51
Aitorhow to install minecraft in ubuntu?16:52
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coolman_bghello guys16:52
coolman_bgi need some help16:52
ActionParsnipAitor: client or server?16:52
systemd0wnQuestion, During boot I can't see the grub menu. I've changed grub_hidden_timout=false and now I can see the countdown timer but I don't see a list of entries to choose from?16:52
coolman_bgabout configuration of git repositorio16:52
TJ-smw: it looks as if the network's DHCP server is dead: "<warn> (eth0): DHCPv4 request timed out"16:53
=== Sysoptic is now known as Mullwar
arabihow to install gnome classic on precise???16:53
subz3r0install the gnome shell16:53
arabino need of gnome shell16:53
coolman_bghelp me please16:53
smwTJ-, but it isn't.16:53
arabii need only classic plz16:53
TJ-systemd0wn: Hold down the Shift key as soon as BIOS hands over to GRUB16:53
smwTJ-, windows works16:54
ActionParsniparabi: sudo apt-get install gnome-panel16:54
subz3r0gnome classic (fallback) is part of the gnome shell...16:54
ActionParsnipAitor: http://ubuntuguide.net/minecraft-installer-script-install-minecraft-in-ubuntu-completely-with-one-click16:54
TJ-smw: As far as the Ubuntu side is concerned, it is. have you recently added firewall rules?16:54
xyzzymazehello all ... any ideas why precise is not reading /etc/hosts when I ssh in to it from another client? who command always just shows the i.p. address even though it is in /etc/hosts thx.16:54
ActionParsnipAitor: make sure you install java first16:54
ActionParsnipAitor: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html16:54
coolman_bgi need install git on ubuntu server i have ubuntu server 12.0416:55
dustinspringmanActionParsnip: neg, i've got an account w/ netflix that I use on my xoom , wii, and dvd player.. would like to use it on my laptops as well.. miro looks like just a movie player?16:55
systemd0wnTJ-, OMG. Thanks. Is this your job? You help people in #ubuntu all day?16:55
coolman_bgand i can't make ssh-key gen :(16:55
dustinspringmanActionParsnip: I did find an Android SDK emulator.. anyone know if that would work with the Netflix Android app?16:55
ActionParsnipdustinspringman: worth a try16:56
TJ-systemd0wn: no! just hanging around avoiding sleep :p16:56
W4spdustinspringman: Phascinating constraints. Never done it bout if you get a chance to evaluate ... Eclipse IDE with Android or BlackBerry plus simulator, then 'somehow' get the Netflix app into the simulator. Just a thought.16:56
systemd0wnTJ-, great. The less sleep you get the more problems I get fixed. haha.16:56
TJ-systemd0wn: Don't make a habit of it!16:57
smw_TJ-, well... setting my IP manually works :-\16:57
BluesKajcoolman_bg, http://tumblr.intranation.com/post/766290565/how-set-up-your-own-private-git-server-linux16:57
coolman_bghello guys i need little help abaout git configuration pls help me :)16:58
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BluesKajcoolman_bg, read above16:58
dustinspringmanW4sp: that is what I am thinking.. softpedia has a petty good tut on getting the sdk emulator installed.. also even show how to make a prog link directly without having to start the android app first.. might do the trick16:59
=== mimor is now known as mimor_
FreeaqingmeI installed a .deb file while explicitly ignoring its dependencies, since the package didn't need them (it all works just fine). However, now I run apt-get and it tries to retrieve those dependencies any way. Is there any way to disable that and set the package as installed succesfully?16:59
ubuntu-g4Hello everybody , I am a newer , Please give me convenience in the future.17:00
ActionParsnipFreeaqingme: there is a guy ranting about ubuntu and he works out how to hack dpkg to ignore it17:00
ActionParsnipFreeaqingme: he he uses wine though17:00
FreeaqingmeActionParsnip, so currently there's no obscure dpkg option available that does just that?17:01
ActionParsnipFreeaqingme: not that I know of17:01
coolman_bgBluesKaj:10x i will try it :)17:01
FreeaqingmeActionParsnip, too bad. tnx ;)17:03
ActionParsnipFreeaqingme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqQMqQxf-Ik17:03
coolman_bgBluesKaj:but this is only for linux clients i need for windows clients17:03
FreeaqingmeActionParsnip, you're right, it's a rant. a useless one I take it.. :P17:04
ActionParsnipFreeaqingme: but it shows how to tweak the packages ;)17:04
FreeaqingmeActionParsnip, guess that's the only reason to watch it then17:05
coolman_bgBluesKaj:i mean i have linux for server git and windows clients for merge code17:05
Freeaqingmewill tell you if I found something in 8 mins :)17:05
ActionParsnipFreeaqingme: when he starts prattling on about wine, start listening17:06
TJ-Freeaqingme: there's a way if you edit the package itself to change its listed dependencies17:06
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FreeaqingmeActionParsnip, I'll survive the 8 minutes, it's a good laugh17:06
OMGUBUNTUHey you all17:06
TJ-Freeaqingme: sede the last comment to this: http://serverfault.com/questions/250224/how-do-i-get-apt-get-to-ignore-some-dependencies17:06
BluesKajcoolman_bg, sorry i don't know how to help you with that17:06
FreeaqingmeTJ-, it were .deb packages installed with dpkg, cant get apt-get to ignore them now17:07
TJ-Freeaqingme: if you edit the package and reinstall it using dpkg it will work17:08
ActionParsnipFreeaqingme: yeah, I posted replies to most things he says to work around or cure the issue17:08
FreeaqingmeTJ-, yeah, but I hate doing that. was hoping there was a better way17:08
TJ-Freeaqingme: it's the BEST way. If the package doesn't need the dependencies, it shouldn't say it does!17:08
arabidifference between compiler and interpreter ????17:08
TJ-arabi: compiler converts source code to object code and then binary executable. interpreter reads source code line by line and executes it as it goes17:09
David23400Hi guys, i have installed the wallpaper from this link http://namakutux.blogspot.com/2012/05/how-to-install-mac-os-x-lion-theme-on.html17:11
David23400but i dont know how to setup it on my lubuntu.17:11
subz3r0David23400, its a tutorial "How To Install Mac OS X Lion Theme On Lubuntu / LXDE"17:14
ActionParsnipDavid23400: right click the desktop -> change background17:14
subz3r0maybe you want to tell us where u stuck17:14
David23400But there isnt anything about mac when i right click on desktop and change the wallpaper17:14
David23400How can i set the wallpapers which i downloaded17:15
ActionParsnipDavid23400: on a blank piece of desktop you cn right click and change the desktop background17:15
ActionParsnipDavid23400: you can then select the wallpaper there17:15
David23400I go to desktop preferences17:16
sambagirlwow actionParsnip that's awesome :p17:16
David23400but then i dont know what to do17:16
ActionParsnipDavid23400: might be: configure desktop  in the right click menu17:16
sambagirldavid23400 look on youtube17:16
ActionParsnipsambagirl: ?17:16
sambagirloh nothing17:16
systemd0wnTJ-, Here I uninstalled and re-installed the kernel mainbuilds so that i could capture the install output: paste.ubuntu.com/1134615 I am able to boot into the mainbuild kernel. Is there anything in this output that should cause concern?17:17
arabiwhat is meant by tulane technology ????17:18
David23400ActionParsnip where exactly?17:18
trismsystemd0wn: you need both linux-headers packages17:18
P4_Guys, I have an issue with Backtrack 5 that is based on Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS.  How should I gracefully set GDM to run after startup in latest BT 5? It is installed using Synaptic and even enabled using rcconf (confirmed presence of apropriate symlinks in rc.d). Still it is not starting up automagically but requires manual sudo service gdm start.17:19
arabiany one know what is meant by tulane technology??17:19
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trismsystemd0wn: the arch specific one and the arch independent one17:19
ActionParsnipDavid23400: if you right click the desktop and click 'configure desktop'17:19
P4_Could anyone possibly help, please? (-:17:19
David23400i'm on lubuntu17:19
llutz!backtrack | P4_17:19
ubottuP4_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:19
systemd0wntrism, Thanks. I'll look back to the wiki17:19
P4_thank you, llutz17:20
arabiwhat is meant by tulance technology and Rs.6000 cluster ?? can any one help pls ??17:20
usr13arabi: twoname?17:20
P4_erm, --- #backtrack-linux :Cannot send to channel :/17:21
ActionParsnipDavid23400: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1o8cYtoILc  wind to 1:3417:21
systemd0wntrism, oh so the "amd64" and the "all" headers.17:21
subz3r0P4_, you've to register your nick...17:21
davidrsmorrisHey, I messed up my /etc/fstab, and I have no idea what I did wrong.  It's the last line that doesn't work.  Can anyone help me? http://pastebin.com/0JmKM6JW17:21
ActionParsnipDavid23400: its just like in windows. I don't get why this is such a challenge...17:21
trismsystemd0wn: yes17:21
systemd0wntrism, excellent. Thank you.17:21
llutzarabi: how is that ubuntu-related? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS/600017:21
David23400man i know ths17:22
subz3r0its not d'oh, its thank you very much17:22
David23400But the package i installed I dont know where is the wallpapers intalled17:22
usr13davidrsmorris: So what is wrong?17:22
David23400to choose17:22
P4_subz3r0, actually i was expecting one could help me figure it out here ^^17:22
bobweaverDavid23400,  what are you trying to do with wallpapers ? sorry I just walked into this.17:23
usr13davidrsmorris: /winPartition ?17:23
ThinkT510P4_: backtrack isn't suppirted here17:23
subz3r0P4_, backtrack is not ubuntu. if you got a question related to backtrack, we do not support that17:23
arabiwhat is IBM TULANE ?? pls help17:23
David23400this is the website17:23
David23400I have installed the package with wallpapers in it17:23
David23400But i dont know how to set it up17:23
P4_ok, i see. how is it done in Ubuntu then? If I'd like to disable display manager and run text mode, how to proceed the proper way?17:23
davidrsmorrisusr13: it won't mount that last entry.  It says "line 15 of /etc/fstab is bad"17:24
llutzarabi: how is you stuff ubuntu-related? learn to use web-resources for offtopic things17:24
bobweaverDavid23400,  you are on Lubuntu ?17:24
subz3r0P4_, deinstall the DE17:24
bobweaverand you installed the debs ?17:24
davidrsmorrisusr13: yes, that directory exists.17:24
David23400yes i've17:24
P4_obviously. thanks for you assistance anyway (-:17:25
subz3r0P4_, you're welcome17:25
usr13davidrsmorris: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit  #And send us resulting URL.17:25
ActionParsnipDavid23400: let me play with the deb and i'll see where they hide17:25
bobweaverDavid23400,  there it is not under Preferences -> Customize Look And Feel17:25
David23400bobweaver, there is no wallpaper section in that17:26
ActionParsnipDavid23400: there is: /usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers/Andromeda.jpeg   and    /usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers/mac_osx_lion_space_wallpaper.jpg17:26
namjaHi all. Trying to get an MSI n8400gs graphics card to work. Running ubuntu 10.04 activated the restricted hardware drivers for the car (nvidia-current). On reboot I get "failed to load modual nvidia" "modual does not exist". Please help! :)17:26
David23400ActionParsnip, Thank you very much17:28
ActionParsnipDavid23400: I extracted the deb file to look at it's guts :)17:29
David23400ok thx17:29
usr13davidrsmorris: sudo blkid |grep sda217:29
qhartmanGetting weird permission denied messages when I'm trying to run certain scripts if they have errors in them. IF I just run the script, it returns "bash: $scriptname: Permission denied", but if I call it with bash it shows me the actual error17:29
qhartmanIt seems like some sort of environment problem or something, but I'm not sure where to look to fix it.17:30
JanxSpiritcan anyone here help me figure out why my bluetooth stopped working?17:30
qhartmanThis happens when running things as root or as a normal user17:30
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ActionParsnipqhartman: are the scripts marked as executable?17:31
qhartmanActionParsnip, yup17:31
qhartmanActionParsnip, If I comment out the portions of the scripts that are breaking, they run fine17:32
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ActionParsnipqhartman: might want to ask in #bash too17:32
qhartmanActionParsnip, good idea, thx17:33
caixawhere are programs/games installed to? path?17:33
TJ-qhartman: does the script rely on some environment variables being set, that aren't now? best way to find out is add "set -x" as the 2nd or 3rd line of the file so it shows every command17:33
Tobarja1I've got a program that's causing a kernel explosion(don't know the proper term, it breaks, networking goes down, spews a bunch of stuff to screen and then just stops). Are the logs of that dump kept anywhere I can find?17:34
davidrsmorrisI made that line myself to mount my windows partition, and it worked a few times until I booted into windows.17:34
usr13caixa: /usr/bin  usually, or /sbin or maybe /opt17:34
TJ-Tobarja1: Check in /var/logs/   ... probably the kern.log file17:34
usr13caixa: Can you be more specific as to what you are looking for?17:34
TJ-caixa: For system packages one of /bin/ /sbin/ /usr/bin/ /usr/sbin/ ... if locally built then /usr/local/bin/ or /usr/local/sbin/17:35
caixausr13, i'm looking for where a game installed to17:35
qhartmanTJ-, I've tried doing that sort of thing, but everything seems to be getting set right. I first ran into this issue with ec2-cmd tool. It started giving me this permission denied thing out of the blue (as far as I can tell) but after digging in, it'd not able to load some jars it requires even though the classpath is right.17:36
usr13caixa: I get that.  What in particular though.17:36
TJ-caixa: you can do "which <program-name>" to find the path to many executables17:36
qhartmanTJ-, the latest problem is trying to build redis from source, where it's giving me the "permission denied" when trying to run make.17:36
TJ-qhartman: I recall having stumbled on the same thing several years ago; turned out to be an env variable with the wrong value17:37
usr13caixa: What is the name of the game?17:37
TJ-qhartman: is that the package 'redis' or a source tarball?17:37
usr13caixa: And is it native to Ubuntu or does it run under wine?17:37
usr13caixa: or....?17:38
qhartmanTJ-, I need a particular version so I'm building it from the tarball from redis.io17:38
usr13caixa: If you can tell us what game you installed, and how you installed it, we may be able to help.17:39
TJ-qhartman: I've just cloned the redis git repository; I'll try that17:39
qhartmanTJ-, Works fine on all my servers, but on my workstation it chokes, and I suspect it's the same thing that caused my ec2-cmd to break17:39
TJ-qhartman: can you pastebin the output of "env" AFTER you've randomised any sensitive values in their?17:39
qhartmanTJ-, correction to the above, the permission denied message gets triggered when trying to run ./configure for jemalloc dep in redis17:40
Barkaim trying to set up a tunnel between ubuntu and damnsmalllinux within oracle virtual but im getting kinda stuck17:40
TJ-qhartman: have you looked at the config.log that it created?17:41
rodjhello folks17:41
rodjcan someone tell me how to add an item to the dash menu on 12.04 (gnome)?17:42
TJ-qhartman: A good step in these situations is to create another user account and use that since it shouldn't be tainted by any of your shell or environment customisations17:42
rodjI added a file in .local/share/applications but the icon is not displaying.17:43
Lost_Causerodj: gnome 2 or 3?17:43
rodjLost_Cause 317:43
qhartmanTJ-, Yeah, that's how I discovered it was the same permission denied thing, it was in the config.log17:43
qhartmanTJ-, good idea, I'll give that a shot.17:43
xanguaLost_Cause: gnome2 is dead, long live gnome17:43
TJ-qhartman: configure often tries to run with a minimal set of ENV vars17:44
Lost_Causexangua: gnome 2 is still nice to use as a change of pace17:44
Lost_Causerodj: what type of program or file or w/e are you trying to add to the dash17:44
TJ-qhartman:  one other thing that can catch you out like this: if the files it is trying to execute are on a file-system with the noexec option set17:45
qhartmanTJ-, This started at some point after moving my homedir onto a different device and mounting it under /home. I'm not sure if it correlates exactly, but that is the only change I can think of that might be relevant, but everything else seems happy17:45
TJ-qhartman: like USB flash devices17:45
TJ-qhartman: check the mount options I reckon17:46
qhartmanTJ-, that's an interesting idea17:46
qhartmanTJ-,ha! looks like that's it. awesome17:46
TJ-qhartman: nice one17:46
qhartmanTJ-, goos thinking, thanks for talking through with me17:46
qhartmanTJ-, I doubt I would have thought of that any time soon17:47
TJ-qhartman: you're welcome... glad it didn't end being a headache17:47
qhartmanTJ- Now to see if it actually fixes it after unsetting that. I bet it does....17:47
echobravoHey folks, big problem, here. Some troll friend changed my gnome3 language to some asian (chinese? Japanese? Korean? Doesn't matter). How do I change it back from the command line? I can't navigate through the menus.17:47
TJ-qhartman: I find the best way to discover this kind of bug fast is to use strace -o output.log -fe trace=file <program and args>17:47
DebolazWIs there a guide somewhere to install Ubuntu "by hand" from the alternate iso? Ie, from the command line.17:48
qhartmanTJ-,yeah, I don't use strace nearly enough17:48
TJ-qhartman: then look in the strace log for denied errors17:48
Lost_Causerodj: i love that text editor17:48
Lost_Causejodj: http://davidetaviani.com/2012/03/07/creating-launchers-for-gnome-3-shell/17:48
usr13echobravo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191177117:48
qhartmanTJ-, Every time I have thought to use it when against weird stuff it has supplied the asnwer17:49
Lost_Causerodj: that should help17:49
TJ-qhartman: same here... that or gdb anyhow17:49
rodjLost_Cause:  I just started using it.  so far I like it a lot.17:49
qhartmanTJ-, alright, BBIAB17:49
echobravoThanks, @usr13, but it's not the keyboard layout that change. It was the system language (menus and such). =/17:50
Lost_Causerodj: it is the only one i use now except for nano when i don't have a gui17:50
elgatonDebolazW: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/ - a bit technical though17:50
rodjLost_Cause:  no ui for me = vi17:50
rodjLost_Cause:  I like I can use vi commands in sublime17:51
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usr13echobravo: edit /etc/default/locale, see: http://askubuntu.com/questions/130649/when-i-rebooted-12-04-certain-menus-are-in-chinese-japanese17:51
ubottuprova: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:51
Lost_Causerodj: i am too newby to figure out how to effectily use vi.  i end up just getting angry17:52
qhartmanTJ-, So much better! Something is still broken with the ec2-cmd tools, but redis is building correctly now.17:53
rodjLost_Cause:  vi it takes some getting use to.  if I had to learn again, I probably would not be as successfull.17:54
archanaHi. I am installing ubuntu now in my new laptop. In "something else" partitioning, what mount point should I set for a drive which is not root or not home...17:54
echobravoThe locale in /etc/default/local is en_US.UTF-817:54
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echobravoPlease note I'm using gnome3, not unity.17:54
elgatonarchana: It's up to you, just choose a directory that will remind you of the contents of that partition. E.G.: if it's the Windows partition, use /windows.17:55
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rodjLost_Cause:  is there a way to tell the menu to reload?  I think I had to log off and logon to see changes.17:55
archanaelgaton: it's a new harddrive with full free space. I bought it without windows preinstalled.17:55
Aaronrodj if you using gnome type f2 and type r17:56
archanaelgaton: I want to create drives in which I will only store files.. I mean, not root or not home. What mount point do I set for it?  "/mount" is not shown in drop down menu17:56
echobravoWell, a coworker managed to bring it back to english. Thanks, anyway!17:56
archanaelgaton: sorry. I mean /mount17:57
archanaelgaton: I mean, in my desktop, extra drives are mounted in /media17:57
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archanaelgaton: do you understand my problem? Sorry, English is not my native language.17:57
Lost_Causerodj: Typing 'r' or 'restart' in the Alt+F2 prompt will restart GNOME Shell17:57
usr13echobravo: Sorry, never had that problem, was just relying on google ...17:58
elgatonarchana: I do :) Just use a directory with a meaningful name and preferably in the root, for example "/files".17:58
ThinkT510archana: if its blank then it can't be mounted yet17:58
Arthar360archana : Use /var for storing files…..Generally files over ftp http are stored in /var17:58
ThinkT510archana: you need to give it partitions with filesystems17:59
elgatonArthar360: He's trying to set up a mount point for a new disk, using /var wouldn't serve that purpose.17:59
dae444Ubuntu 11.10: using unity, is there a way to disable drag and drop integration with Firefox?! I have a web app that lets me drag/drop links on a page to reorganize them (html5). When I drag, Ubuntu issues multiple HTTP HEAD requests for the URL and generally breaks drag and drop within Firefox for 5 or 10 seconds17:59
archanaThinkT510: Arthar360 elgaton :  I don't want to store files in root. I just to want have one root, one home, one three more partitions..17:59
usr13elgaton: And that is pretty much personal preference, (needs to be something that makes sense to the user), so....18:00
archanaThinkT510: Arthar360 elgaton like this : root partition, home partition, partition one, partition two.18:00
usr13elgaton: He needs to be asked some questions...18:00
archanaI just want to know the mount point in "create new partition" window.18:00
elgatonarchana: Choose something like "/files".18:01
usr13archana: The mount point is up to you to choose.18:01
ghabitHello. How can I change default browser?18:01
archanaelgaton: / for root, /home for home, but what mount point for a file storage partition.18:01
archanaelgaton: wait, let me see if there is a "/files" , thank you.18:01
xanguaghabit: search Prefered Apps in the dash18:01
elgatonarchana: If it does not exist, just create it.18:02
ThinkT510archana: you don't have to decide now, you can make them later18:02
usr13archana: It can be /home/archana/videos  or /home/achana/pictures or....18:02
ghabitxangua, what is dash? I'm using gnome-shell.18:02
ThinkT510archana: call it whatever you like18:02
usr13archana: So you first create the directory.  mkdir ~/Files18:02
archanaThinkT510: usr13 you mean, I can simple type "/files" in create new parition window?18:03
ThinkT510archana: i tend to mount them under /mnt/whateveryouwanttocallit18:03
JanxSpiritI can no longer seem to turn on bluetooth on my 11.10 machine18:03
ThinkT510archana: i wouldn't put them under /18:03
JanxSpiritused to work fine18:03
JanxSpiritam guessing some update screwed with it18:03
usr13archana: You create a new directory for it, and then make the entry in the /etc/fstab file that indicates that the partition be mounted there in that [new] directory.18:04
caixaanyone know how i can download libpng15?18:04
caixasoftware center only has v1218:04
archanaThinkT510: so, shall I type "/mnt/storage" ?18:04
Arthar360archana : See my Pm18:04
ThinkT510archana: i would wait till after the install then make them manually18:05
ThinkT510archana: you'd need to have the directories there to mount them too18:05
usr13caixa: So you now have libpng12?  What is needing it?18:05
rodjNo luck :(18:05
usr13caixa: You may be able to just do a symlink18:05
j0hnsm1thhi, im having a rather annoying problem, for some reason i cant upload anything through my browser(firefox) im using ubuntu12.04. i can't upload to facebook or any of the pastebin type sites. any ideas?18:05
rodjThe app shows up  in the list, but the icon is wrong18:06
caixausr13, yes, i have 12 and trying to launch a game and getting -libpng15.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:06
archanaThinkT510: will installation proceed in a new unpartitioned harddrive if I leave the mount point empty, and then create another two partitions which can have mount point / and mount point /home?18:06
joe_VitelCan anyone make sense of the apache error "Expired timestamp: given 1344340094 and now 1344361645 has a greater difference than threshold 300"? ntp is running and the hardware clock is correct.18:07
usr13caixa: ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng12.so.0 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng15.so.1518:07
ThinkT510archana: no, you need / to install to18:07
usr13caixa: sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng12.so.0 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng15.so.1518:07
Lost_Causerodj: does it open the program though?18:08
caixausr13, ln: failed to create symbolic link `/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng15.so.15': Permission denied18:08
rodjLost_Cause:  yes, it does.18:08
usr13archana: Wow, you are doing an install.  I thought you were working on an existing system.  Sorry for irrelevant information ....18:08
usr13caixa: sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng12.so.0 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng15.so.1518:08
ThinkT510archana: if you are using a separate /home then in the installer set the / and /home partitions, after the install then make and set any extra storage partitions18:09
archanausr13: new laptop, bought without windows preinstalled.18:09
usr13archana: Awesome!18:09
caixausr13, ln: failed to create symbolic link `/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpng15.so.15': File exists18:09
usr13caixa: So where is it expecting it to be?18:09
archanausr13: It has full unpartitioned space of 750 gb.. Now I want to create "partition 1, partition 2, extended partition which will have root, home"18:10
usr13caixa: Or *what* is it expecting?18:10
caixausr13, could it be because i have the game folder on the desktop?18:10
archanausr13: I want that partition 1 outside for installing windows at a later time if there is a need. Now I wish to know what to choose as mount point for that?18:10
archanausr13: sorry, but do you understand my English? :(18:11
usr13archana: Well, you're gonna want a small swap, a larger / partition, and the rest for /home  ( the / partition can be 20 or 30M maybe even less).18:11
usr13archana: Well, you're gonna want a small swap, a larger / partition, and the rest for /home  ( the / partition can be 20 or 30G maybe even less).18:11
usr13*sorry* *typo*18:11
mrgenixustrying to find out why Chrome is causing an error in ALSA on a system running pulse-audo18:12
usr13archana: I would say go with about 4G for swap, 40G for /  and the rest for /home18:12
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OMGUBUNTUChrome on ubuntu gives me flash isues18:13
shiman6On ubuntu server edition, eth0 randomly stops transmitting during a multicast session. Anybody know of this?18:13
OMGUBUNTUyet Chromium is great and works fine18:13
archanausr13: I know all that, thanks. But I just need to know what mount point to give for a drive which is a separate drive, not in root,home,swap list.18:13
OMGUBUNTUshiman6 I'm pretty sure there is a server channel18:13
usr13caixa: is it looking for libpng15.so.15 or just libpng15.so ?18:13
OMGUBUNTUshiman6 : you might find your anser there18:14
shiman6i tried looking for it. do you know the channel?18:14
OMGUBUNTUshiman6 or bing it XD *google*18:14
shiman6i googled it and checked ubuntu's list of known channels18:14
shiman6it told me to go here18:14
ThinkT510shiman6: here is fine too (#ubuntu-server if you wanted to know)18:14
OMGUBUNTUGoogle say "Ubuntu server 12.04 ethernet *issue here18:15
[snake]is there a way to prepend data to a file in C with fopen or anything?18:15
caixasay again, i was restarting18:15
Lost_Causerodj: check the icon path in the .desktop file you created18:15
archanathanks everyone, i am going to try ubunt uforums.18:15
shiman6okay. I will ask there18:15
Lost_Causemake sure it is correct and not the default one from the link i gave to you18:15
OMGUBUNTUC? Are we talking windows [snake]18:16
[snake]OMGUBUNTU, no ubuntu :p18:16
buddylinuxClip2net is not running on 64-bit system http://clip2net.com/en/ Anyone else on 64-bit could perhaps test this? Its a simple bin file. chmod +x followed by ./filename.bin usually starts the installer18:16
rodjLost_Cause:  I did, but I did not test to make sure it was a valid .png.18:16
rodjLost_Cause: one sec18:16
[snake]OMGUBUNTU, i'd go with mac for developing before windows even.18:17
caixausr13, what were you saying, i had to restart18:17
elgaton[snake]: No, you should read the whole file, then rewrite it prepending the additional data you want to add18:17
[snake]elgaton, good idea.18:17
buddylinuxWhat are the advantages of running 64-bit system? I hear with PAE one can have available up to 64gb of RAM on a 32-bit system.18:18
mrgenixus32bit systems can't address more than 4gb.  I don't think there's anything that will get you around that18:18
ThinkT510!pae | mrgenixus18:18
ubottumrgenixus: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info18:18
shiman6mrgenixus: pae lets you get around that 4 gb cap if the processor supports it18:19
rafacarrascosafuck ubuntu one! dropbox rules!18:19
shiman6and #ubuntu-server is a dead chat18:19
mrgenixusshiman6: buddylinux sounds like there aren't any, if you have PAE installed18:19
Jordan_Ubuddylinux: Many operations are faster with 64 bit instructions than with 32 bit instructions, also with PAE an individual application can still only access 3 GiB (which for most Desktop apps is more than enough).18:19
rodjLost_Cause:  http://pastie.org/440724818:20
ThinkT510buddylinux: bottom line is usually if you got 64bit why not use it? (unless there is something that doesn't work on 64bit, which is amitedly not much)18:21
rodjLost_Cause:  maybe you can see something dumb I missed18:21
usr13caixa: is it looking for libpng15.so.15 or just libpng15.so ?18:21
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caixausr13, libpng15.so.1518:22
shiman6Nobody's responding in the other chat. Could i get help with ubuntu server here?18:22
usr13caixa: Why did you reboot?18:23
Aitoraccount for minecraft free? :(18:23
usr13shiman6: Sure...18:23
caixausr13, i thought maybe the libs i installed required a reboot18:23
buddylinuxThinkT510, well, now Clip2net is not working... just seems Ubuntu runs more seamlessly on 32-bit and after reading this article, Im wondering if 64 is a bit hyped? http://jeffhoogland.blogspot.co.uk/2010/08/32-bit-vs-64-bit-linux-which-to-choose.html18:23
ThinkT510buddylinux: if something doesn't work on 64bit then it is almost certainly the fault of that app18:24
shiman6my main network interface randomly stops transmitting all packets during a multicast session, and only when i'm multicasting, and i have to restart to use the interface again. it doesnt seem to be the program either.18:24
Lost_Causerodj: i can't see an issue.  maybe try using a different picture format and check your graphics driver and make sure its up to date.18:24
usr13caixa: Installing new libs usually includes ldconfig and depmod -a and so there is no need to reboot.18:24
Lost_Causerodj: i am sorry i am stumped18:24
usr13caixa: But if you do a symlink, no need for anything.18:25
buddylinuxJordan_U, can't think of an app which requires more than 3gb ram. I only have 8gb ram anyway. I hear some things even run slower on 64, so, does that balance out? Pros and Cons ... but18:25
Jordan_Ubuddylinux: Flash is native 64 bit now.18:25
S4nD3rhi there. Id like a help to use ubuntu interface in english, and keyboard language to type in portuguese brazilian. What do I need to do ?18:25
caixausr13, doesnt make sense, i have libpng15.so.15 in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ folder18:25
business2727Good day?18:25
buddylinuxJordan_U, I was going to add... the 32 vs 64 has people divided18:25
business2727could any one help me please?18:26
usr13caixa: and.....?18:26
lousygaruaS4nD3r, you need a "keyboard layout" for your language. hit the meta key and start typing "keyboard layout"18:26
t432where does the setting for the classpath reside?18:26
lousygaruaS4nD3r, it should bring up the keyboard layout options18:26
shiman6buddylinux: Ubuntu seems to do a pretty good job at 64 bit, windows on the otherhand doesnt.18:26
rodjLost_Cause:  ok, thanks18:26
caixausr13, and the game running in terminal tells me there is no such fire or directory18:26
elgatonbusiness2727: Just state your question, if someone knows the answer he will respond18:26
caixausr13, could it be because the game folder is on the desktop?18:26
elgatont432: in the CLASSPATH environment variable18:26
business2727I just installed xubuntu on my pc and i want to activate wireless card?18:26
usr13caixa: Tells you there is no such file *where*?18:26
caixausr13, /home/jeffrey/Desktop/desura/common/warsow/warsow.x86_64'18:27
caixa/home/jeffrey/Desktop/desura/common/warsow/warsow.x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: libpng15.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:27
S4nD3rwhen I type locale, i got it LANGUAGE=pt_BR:pt_PT:zh_CN18:27
t432elgaton: where the location of this file?18:27
Lost_Causerodj: try using Desktop Entry Editor18:27
t432is the*18:27
S4nD3rI remove zh_CN but that always come back18:27
t432I need to add something to the file18:27
Lost_Causeit should allow you to preview the icon to see if it works18:27
usr13caixa: let's start over.   What game is it and how was it installed.  And where was it downloaded from?(if applicable).18:27
business2727I just installed xubuntu on my pc and i want to activate wireless card????18:28
elgatont432: open a terminal and type "echo $CLASSPATH" to view it - it is normally set in ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile18:28
shiman6any known ubuntu issues with clonezilla and drbl?18:28
caixausr13, its warsow installed from desure x64 client18:28
lousygaruaS4nD3r, you should open your System Settings, it has everything about language support and keyboard layouts in t18:28
lousygaruaS4nD3r,  *in it18:28
usr13caixa: What?18:28
S4nD3rI did18:28
S4nD3rBut china is not marked as installed18:29
usr13caixa: Did you do:  sudo apt-get install warsow   ?18:29
S4nD3rthen, I can't to remove it18:29
elgatonbusiness2727: It should work out of the box - if not, there are generally simple steps to perform (and I'll try to help you). Do you know its make and model?18:29
usr13caixa: or....?18:29
rodjLost_Cause:  that somehting I install?18:29
caixausr13, i installed it through desura, its a game client like steam18:29
usr13caixa: Why did you *not* use the package manager?18:29
lousygaruaS4nD3r, wait, you have your system in English but can't type in Portuguese?18:29
business2727elgaton, it's Broadcom 802.11b\g18:30
usr13caixa: i.e.  sudo apt-get install warsow18:30
caixausr13, why? because ive installed a few other games through the client and they've worked18:30
lousygaruaS4nD3r, there are two things to notice, one is the keyboard layout which is what language you can TYPE in, and the other is the locale you mentioned which is the installed languages on the system18:30
lousygarua(or something like that :)18:30
S4nD3rI like to read in english, but I'm brazilian, then I type in portuguese18:30
usr13caixa: Oh ok.18:30
caixausr13, and im pretty sure it doesnt have a package18:30
lousygaruaS4nD3r, go to Keyboard Layout then18:30
lousygaruaS4nD3r, not to Language Support18:30
usr13caixa: Well, I'm pretty sure it does18:30
S4nD3rok, it's in brazil layout18:30
lousygaruaS4nD3r, can you change the language with alt+shift?18:31
Lost_Causerodj: https://github.com/MicahCarrick/desktop-entry-editor#install18:31
usr13caixa: apt-cache search warsow    #An easy way to check to see if it is there or not.  (FYI)...18:31
lousygaruaS4nD3r, ok so the problem is the Chinese thing? I probably didn't understand your problem18:31
elgatonbusiness2727: Could you open a terminal and type "sudo lshw", then paste the output in a pastebin?18:31
caixausr13, yeah it returns nothing18:31
S4nD3rneither app works with these layout18:32
S4nD3rin skype for example18:32
S4nD3rin texmaker18:32
lousygaruaS4nD3r, can you type in Portuguese in a simple application like gedit?18:32
lousygaruaS4nD3r, if this doesn't work then alt18:32
business2727<elgaton> how could i do that? now i talk to you from my second system on same pc on xp now18:32
usr13caixa: You should enable multiverse18:32
lousygaruaS4nD3r, *it means alt+shift doesn't change your layout from english to portuguese18:33
caixausr13, what is that?18:33
usr13!multiverse | caixa18:33
ubottucaixa: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:33
S4nD3rçççaçaããããéééáááá it's ok !18:33
S4nD3rbut in texmaker and skype no !18:33
lousygaruaS4nD3r, i see, just a second18:33
S4nD3rand, there china there18:33
bj0rn2I've just reinstalled and setup Ubuntu 12.04 on new hardware, all things look good. The new hardware has UEFI boot and it seem to boot faster with this so I want it on. I have another operating system installed on another drive/partition which I could boot from GRUB2 on my old hardware which did not have UEFI. update-grub finds the other bootable partition and makes a menu entry for it, but it will not boot... complaining about UEFI something. I18:33
bj0rn2s it possible to boot old BIOS bootable partitions using GRUB2 on UEFI?18:33
elgatonbusiness2727: OK, run this specific command: "lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4". What I need are (1) the precise card model (it should look like "BCExxxx") and the PCI ID of the card (should look like "[14e4:xxxx]"). (xxxx are letters and/or numbers).18:35
jakubCould someone help me with java plugin for chromium. I performedsteps from ubuntu how to site and java is instaled but problem is with plugin. If you able to help pls priv me18:35
wilee-nileebj0rn2, I know nothing about UEFI, but here is a wiki to check out while you are waiting. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting#UEFI%20Shell18:35
lousygaruaS4nD3r, By the  way if you write someone's nickname in the message it will highlight it for them so it's easier to read. To highlight me please type "lous<TAB>" and it should autocomplete to my nick18:35
elgatonjakub: Try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/47240/how-can-i-enable-java-in-chromium18:36
S4nD3rlousygarua, ok then!18:36
narcosHi all. Anyone familiar with setting up dhcp relays? More specifically, the dhcpd.conf to match, given multiple relaying agents.18:37
business2727<elgaton> How could i run that? from The prompt command????? I'm on xp18:37
lousygaruaS4nD3r, try this: open Keyboard Layout again, and choose "Allow different layouts for individual windows"18:37
wilee-nileebj0rn2, Are signed up with the ubuntu forums as well?18:38
bj0rn2wilee-nilee: yup18:38
riktkinghi i have an issue with my sdcard device, it will not mount my cameras SD card18:38
wilee-nileebj0rn2, cool there is great help there on this sort of subject. ;)18:39
wilee-nileestart a thread if needed18:39
elgatonbusiness2727: Have you access on a second computer near you? It would be extremely useful to chat on one system and try to solve the problem on the one you are currently on.18:39
S4nD3rlousygarua, you mean "Separate layout for each window"?18:39
S4nD3rlousygarua, or "New windows use active window's layout" ?18:39
rodjLost_Cause:  I moved the icon to /tmp/s.png  that worked18:39
rodjLost_Cause:  now to find a proper location for it.18:40
elgatonbusiness2727: Otherwise, I can just tell you if your card is supported or not and give you the steps to solve the problem, but I won't be able to help in case it does not work18:40
lousygaruaS4nD3r, I got different options to choose from. Try choosing Separate layout for each window18:40
business2727<elgaton> how could i run the specific command18:40
bj0rn2wilee-nilee: thanks, will do.. after trying to get some answers at #grub :)18:40
caixausr13, i think its already enabled, the lines in the sources.list aren't commented18:40
wilee-nileebj0rn2, cool.18:40
S4nD3rlousygarua, these is checked!18:40
usr13caixa: then do:  sudo apt-get update18:41
usr13caixa: The multiverse line is not commented?18:41
jakubelgaton: Java isnt listed on chrome://plugins18:41
lousygaruaS4nD3r, you have the latest ubuntu? 12.04? do you use gnome3 or unity?18:41
elgatonbusiness2727: Just a minute, I'll search if there's another way to check the model without rebooting to Ubuntu18:41
lousygaruaS4nD3r, I use multiple layouts myself and don't have this problem with skype :(18:41
caixausr13, http://pastebin.com/Cb0cHrQq that is my sources.list18:42
S4nD3rlousygarua, ummm18:42
usr13caixa: doing  sudo apt-get update  should enable any newly selected sources18:42
caixausr13, the only thing commented is canonicals18:42
elgatonjakub: Then install it (the package name is icedtea-6-plugin) and restart Chromium, should work after that18:42
en1gmais there a GUI for looking at Groups and Users?18:42
elgatonen1gma: Yes, in the control panel (on both GNOME/Unity and KDE)18:43
usr13caixa: sudo apt-get update18:43
caixausr13, yeah i did it then did another search same thing comes up empty18:43
S4nD3rlousygarua, Is it possible to reset all configuration to language desktop?18:43
S4nD3rlousygarua, maybe some missed configuration is broken18:43
ajnrHi I am facing a problem ! while upgrading my ubuntu to 12.04 LTS unfortunately shutdown the system and after that when i reboot my system  it shows black screen , i am not able to login to my ubuntu18:44
usr13caixa: lsb_release -r  #Show us what it says.18:44
usr13caixa: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade18:45
kalxashi all18:45
lousygaruaS4nD3r, I'm not sure, maybe try this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/33025/locale-settings-are-not-right-how-can-i-reset-them18:45
=== Ool_ is now known as Ool
kalxas I am trying to customize a xubuntu iso based on this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization#Advanced_Customizations18:45
kalxas I was able to rebuild the initrd.lz file18:46
kalxasso that I have username and password set for the live session user18:46
Lost_Causerodj:  /opt is for third-party binaries so installing it there would probably make the most sense18:46
ajnr Hi all , I am facing a problem ! while upgrading my ubuntu to 12.04 LTS unfortunately shutdown the system and after that when i reboot my system  it shows black screen , i am not able to login to my ubuntu, please help me out18:46
elgatonbusiness2727: OK, to get the hardware ID open Computer Management, then open the Device Manager, right-click on your wireless card and choose Properties, in the Advanced tab there should be a dropdown list, choose "Hardware ID" from that and copy and paste the contents displayed below (I'm going from memory, might not be 100% accurate)18:46
caixausr13, ok it finished18:46
kalxas but I am not succeeding in changing the background image18:46
kalxascan please someone give a hint on that?18:46
en1gmaelgaton O_o you were right. thanks18:46
S4nD3rlousygarua, I'll see it. Thanks for awhile18:47
elgatonen1gma: You're welcome18:47
usr13caixa: And then do: apt-cache search warsow18:47
ajnrWhat to do afetr brokenm ubuntu upgrade !I am not able to login !18:47
en1gmai just installed wireshark and when i do 'sudo wireshark' it dont like being ran as root. am i supposed to run it a different way? i dont see a wireshark group18:47
ajnrplease help me out18:47
caixausr13, same thing, returns nothing... its weird though because i never uncommented multiverse before18:47
caixausr13, the only thing ive ever done in sources.list was add spotify18:48
Lost_Causeen1gma: just run it as wireshark18:48
ajnr Hi all , I am facing a problem ! while upgrading my ubuntu to 12.04 LTS unfortunately shutdown the system and after that when i reboot my system  it shows black screen , i am not able to login to my ubuntu, the system freezes at seemingly random points and leaves me with only a cursor. please help me out  !18:49
rodjLost_Cause:  the desktop does not like the spaces.18:49
elgatonajnr: Did the shutdown occur in the middle of the upgrade?18:49
usr13caixa: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/getdeb_games/precise/games/getdeb/warsow18:49
ajnrelgaton, yes , one of my friend just shut down , he was not aware that upgrade is going on :(18:50
caixausr13, all the links are broken18:50
Lost_Causerodj: what do you mean??18:50
ajnrelgaton, now the system   freezes at seemingly random points and leaves me with only a cursor18:50
caixausr13, even playdeb doesnt work, broken link18:51
usr13caixa: What links are broken?18:51
caixausr13, 64bit deb package, apt install18:51
elgatonajnr: it would be wise to backup, format the Ubuntu partition and reinstall from scratch, the system might have been left in an unstable state with mixed packages from the old and the new version18:51
lousygaruakalxas, I'm looking at the link you gave, I'll try to help you although you probably know more than me,18:51
kalxaslousygarua, thanks18:52
ajnrelgaton, its the worst case scenario ! its not possible to recover it !?18:52
kalxasI have tried to reach ubuntu-devel and xubuntu-devel without success18:52
rodjLost_Cause:  I changed it to be  "Icon=/home/rodj/apps/sublime/Icon/128x128/sublime_text.png"  and changed the directory from "Sublime Text 2" to "sublime"18:52
kalxasI have replaced the image in initrd with my own (using the same file name) but still does not work18:53
kalxasI assume that ubuntu and xubuntu are the same in that18:53
bj0rn2ajnr: I recommend separating / and /home partitions to make it easy to install from scratch instead of upgrading. you could clean out your current installation to represent home fix up the partitions using gparted.18:54
elgatonajnr: It would be difficult as you would need to examine the installation logs (I think they should be in /var/log/installer, don't remember the exact directory), then see which packages were upgraded and which ones were not, install the missing packages (paying attention to the dependencies)... There is a thing you could try though:18:54
S4nD3rlousygarua, thank you very much18:55
rodjLost_Cause:  no the only issue (very minor) is there is no icon on the recently used.  There a way to clear that?18:55
S4nD3rlousygarua, now it's all working good!18:55
ajnrelgaton, but how to do ? dint know the procedure !18:55
lousygaruaS4nD3r, good :) you followed the instructions on the askubuntu link I sent?18:55
elgatonajnr: edit /etc/apt/sources.list, edit all lines so that the distribution is "precise" and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" - it's extremely risky though and it's only a temporary solution.18:56
elgatonajnr: Better to backup and reinstall from scratch.18:56
evilytwistedis it possible to create something like this for ubuntu http://i.imgur.com/84Oic.jpg18:56
usr13caixa: You should be asking about this issue in a desura forum of some sort.18:56
Lost_Causerodj: not that i know of. try the old try and true of power cycle or restarting the shell again now that the icon works18:56
ajnrhow to backup ? elgaton18:57
spirit3_evilytwisted: you can create anything you like for Linux18:57
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:57
rodjLost_Cause:  not that big of a deal18:57
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto18:57
evilytwistedspirit3_: like this http://i.imgur.com/84Oic.jpg?18:57
spirit3_evilytwisted: what? interesting backdrop and some CPU/disk space monitors plus a weather gadget?  what's so special about it?18:58
Lost_Causerodj: ya i just don't know too much about gnome.  i also just used a terminal to launch sublime18:58
evilytwistedspirit3_:  the menu thing,18:58
evilytwistedenables you to set something in the center of the desktop18:58
evilytwistedand act like a small menu18:59
rodjLost_Cause:  I am too lazy to lauch it from the command line, lol18:59
lousygaruakalxas, I'm not sure, but maybe the instructions in the link you gave are for gnome2 and gnome3 has more configuration files for the background (even if you use unity it's still only a shell over gnome3)18:59
spirit3_evilytwisted: I'm sure there's a launcher suitable ... maybe look somewhere like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_desktop_application_launchers18:59
lousygaruakalxas, maybe while chrooted try something like this: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=93324818:59
ajnrelgaton, is it possible to get the terminal19:00
ajnrelgaton, otherwise its not possible to get backup my data !19:00
Lost_Causerodj: if its in the path all you have to do is type "subl" +tab + enter and your done.  no need to use a mouse19:00
elgatonajnr: Start the system from a live CD, then connect an external drive/USB key. Open a terminal and type "cd <path to old home dir on disk> && tar -pczf <path to external drive>/backup.tar.gz ."19:00
elgatonajnr: That will backup ALL the contents in your home directory to a file named backup.tar.gz on your external drive.19:01
kalxaslousygarua, I am working on a xubuntu iso so I have xfce to play with19:01
elgatonajnr: You could try to type Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get the terminal, don't know if it will work though19:01
lousygaruakalxas, ahhhhh right i forgot19:01
ajnrelgaton, its not coming ! i tried it19:01
mxiiahow can I make my computer always request the same IP no matter what router it connects to?19:02
elgatonajnr: Then the system is definitely not working, the only solution is booting from a live CD and use the terminal from there.19:02
lousygaruakalxas, did you find a link explaining to change the default xfce background? I dunno19:02
rodjLost_Cause:  I know, I know.19:02
jakubelgaton, but on official "askubuntu" there is i should remove icedtea6-plugin and make link. In my system it is: ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins19:02
ajnrelgaton, okk !19:02
caixausr13, lol i think the problem is the game not desura, im tryig this method now - http://www.warsow.net/download/ubuntu_precise19:03
usr13caixa: Or maybe *searching* this issue in a desura forum19:03
jakubelgaton, I just try to understand :) thats the url: http://askubuntu.com/questions/56104/how-can-i-install-oracle-java-jre-719:03
usr13caixa: Ok...19:04
kalxaslousygarua, I am able to do this while building my applications in the custom disk, but I want the same image in the installation process. this is what I do for the custom build: https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/bin/install_desktop.sh19:04
caixausr13,  i have searched, asking here is after google searching19:04
caixausr13, thanks for your help though, i appreciate it19:04
elgatonjakub: That's for Java 7 downloaded from the Oracle Web site, not for the version of Java included with Ubuntu19:04
kalxaslousygarua, and this is my chroot script: https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/bin/build_chroot.sh19:04
usr13caixa: NP19:05
playmanhello, i'm using a wireless USB mouse, witch suddenly stopped working and when I check the syslog I get this " usb 2-2: reset low speed USB device number 12 using uhci_hcd" I dont get just number 12. any one know what's wrong?19:06
caixausr13, unreal... it works following that guide.. i think i needed precise binaries19:08
usr13very good19:08
lousygaruakalxas, let me see if I get this right, the installer shows the default xfce installer background but once installed it shows your custom background?19:10
kalxaslousygarua, yes19:10
pr0ndigyhow do i remove the "CHAT" option from the envelope icon at the top of the screen? i already deleted Empathy19:10
saviohello guys19:11
usr13caixa: Part of the problem is that linux distros are so dynamic and updates/upgrades come so rapidly that it is hard for an outside software company to stay perfectly in step with any one distro, (and considering the various versions that each individual may be running at any particular time).19:11
trismpr0ndigy: then you probably just need to log out/back in, to restart indicator-messages19:12
lousygaruakalxas, well, I'm not sure what is the name of the installer on xubuntu, maybe try a xubuntu channel or a xfce channel and they might have more ideas. What I think is that the problem is the package for the xfce installer has it's own settings for background/whatever, but I'm not sure what is the name of the installer.19:12
pr0ndigytrism, i tried that but it's still there19:12
usr13caixa: And, games are complicated peices of software to begin with.19:12
trismpr0ndigy: what is: ls /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/19:13
kalxasok lousygarua thanks19:13
crackerjackzwhich versions of ubuntu come with mono by default?19:13
savioi was reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu19:13
crackerjackzfor example.. banshee depends on mono...19:13
crackerjackztomboy also depends on mono19:14
savioi like to contribte to ubuntu19:14
xanguacrackerjackz: ubuntu no longers comes with mono or any mono dependant apps, you can still install them19:14
saviowhat should i do now?19:14
crackerjackzxangua, what versions of ubuntu was it that came with mono - i am just curious19:14
ThinkT510lousygarua: ubiquity is the name of the installer, exactly the same as the ubuntu one19:15
JasperCoenraatsI'm new with Ubuntu. At first I thought I could use my desktop also for links to programmes. But I seem wrong. Is there another function for it? An how can I make a good overview of my programs?19:15
pr0ndigytrism, gwibber.indicator  pidgin  thunderbird19:16
elgatonsavio: What is your level of expertise? You could, e.g., improve bug reports, fix bugs, or translate packages19:17
savioelgaton: i'm kinda newbie to testing19:17
savioelgaton: but i like to do some testing work19:17
Luig1Hi. So, I'm looking into buying a laptop, and I've decided that I'm going to get one with an AMD processor and discrete graphics card due to driver support and power management. Comments?19:19
elgatonsavio: OK, you could, for example, test daily ISO images or stable release upgrades19:19
Luig1For Ubuntu, I mean19:19
lousygaruaThinkT510, hmm too bad, that guy parted the channel19:19
trismpr0ndigy: it really shouldn't show up after a restart then, you don't have anything in ~/.config/indicators/ do you?19:20
savioelgaton: can you expain me?19:20
lousygaruaThinkT510, So uniquity is the installer and the "try ubuntu" option just launched the appropriate desktop?19:20
Lost_CauseLuig1: if you aren't to hung up on an amd processor i would go with a thinkpad. they are pretty support and have decent hardware19:20
ThinkT510lousygarua: yup19:20
lousygaruaThinkT510, good to know, thanks.19:20
ThinkT510!info ubiquity | lousygarua19:21
ubottulousygarua: ubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.16 (precise), package size 4061 kB, installed size 14193 kB19:21
mazeHi.. Does anyone have any tips on securing Ubuntu?19:22
elgatonsavio: ISO testing is testing Ubuntu ISO images built every day to check that all basic functionalities work, this is especially important before a release takes place.19:22
savioelgaton: is need to install on hdd or vm19:23
elgatonsavio: A VM is enough in most cases, real hardware is preferred though.19:23
pr0ndigytrism, where is that?19:23
elgatonsavio: Testing stable release upgrades is a more "ongoing" type of work, you will need to check if fixes proposed for particular bugs are effective and do not impact stability.19:23
savioelgaton: that is interesting19:24
Luig1Lost_Cause, thanks for the tip, but I've already identified a well-priced HP laptop and at this point the whole decision is between an Intel i5/Geforce 630m config or AMD A8/Radeon 773019:24
elgatonsavio: Mind if we continue to chat in private so as to free the channel a bit?19:24
savioelgaton: k19:25
playmanhello, i'm using a wireless USB mouse, witch suddenly stopped working and when I check the syslog I get this " usb 2-2: reset low speed USB device number 12 using uhci_hcd" I dont get just number 12. any one know what's wrong?19:25
Lost_CauseLuig1: if it is a new i5 like  i5-3360M i would go with that19:26
compdocLuig1, its best to try each one if you can. My gf has an i7 in a laptop, and its slow19:27
Luig1Will the power management features be supported equally well in both though, Lost_Cause? From what I can tell nvidia optimus tech isn't supported in Linux except through bumblebee etc, whereas AMD's equivalents are fully supported in Catalyst19:28
Luig1And they're automatic for AMD, especially when using an AMD cpu (not that I have a choice in the matter, this model only comes with intel/nvidia or amd/amd19:29
Lost_Causein terms of that amd is better.  but for the most part using the discrete card all the time isn't that big of a difference in power to justify worring about it19:29
Luig1You mean performance?19:29
Lost_Causeeven with my discrete on i still get 7 hours of battery life19:29
salmanSound problems19:30
Luig1Oh, I see19:30
Lost_Causei was trying to say battery life.19:30
Agamemnushello, if I wanted to download and install libbfd-2.21.53, what would be the command?19:30
The_BROSPlease, help. I cannot find any extension in Google Chromium what can download video and audio files from sites.19:30
Lost_Causetheir is a huge difference in preformence19:30
trismpr0ndigy: it probably isn't there by default, it is just another location indicator-messages looks for files (if you didn't add anything there it probably won't be there... ~ is your home directory)19:30
usr13Agamemnus: sudo apt-get install binutils-dev19:32
usr13The_BROS: Try firefox19:32
Agamemnushmm, i'll try it19:32
pr0ndigytrism, it said there was nothing there19:33
Agamemnusever since I updated ubuntu (10 min ago) my compiler has stopped working19:33
Luig1Does anyone know if I'd be more likely to see overheating issues with intel/nvidia or amd/amd?19:33
pr0ndigydoes anyone know how to get rid of pidgin's popup notifications?19:33
usr13Agamemnus: What version?19:33
AgamemnusI don't know, just the last one.19:33
spinzerosera a tutti19:33
Luig1pr0ndigy, I don't know how to do that, but it's probably in the preferences. What version are you on?19:33
usr13Agamemnus: 12.04?19:33
The_BROS<usr13> I just migrated from Firefox. I was using download helper and now I want to find same at Chromium19:33
Agamemnusi wouldn't know how to check19:34
caixausr13, i never understood why linux distros are released so frequently, why not just make one build and use it for 1-2years then release a new one19:34
usr13Agamemnus: lsb_release -r19:34
pr0ndigyLuig1, newest version, and nothing in the preferences that i saw19:34
usr13caixa: May I pm you?19:34
AgamemnusI think I need the older version19:34
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caixausr13, sure19:34
Luig1pr0ndigy, newest version? What version of Ubuntu are you in, then?19:34
Agamemnusyes, it's 12.0419:35
=== Guest96606 is now known as GBGone
AgamemnusHow could I get the older version of binutils, with libbfd-2.21.53?19:35
mental_mickeyAre there any cross platform alternatively to gambas?19:36
savio Ubuntu Code of Conduct19:36
saviowhat is that19:36
xangua!coc | savio19:36
ubottusavio: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv19:36
mental_mickeyIt's a port of vb to linux19:36
Agamemnusmaybe if I just recompile the compiler..19:37
mental_mickeyI'd like to make binaries for multiple platforms19:37
Luig1mental_mickey, well vb.net has mono. But I generally recommend people *away* from mono19:37
Luig1No way to be sure those guys won't get sued for implementing windows forms etc19:38
mental_mickeyMono can make use of c# only19:38
mental_mickeyAlready tried that19:38
Luig1Not if you compile to cil19:38
Luig1Unless I'm mistaken about the architecture19:38
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mental_mickeyI know realbasic but its commercial software19:38
Luig1What about freebasic then?19:39
Luig1It's the same on every platform19:39
AgamemnusI'm using freebasic now19:39
Agamemnusand I can't get it to compile on 12.04 :|19:39
Luig1And there's always python if you want that "plain english" feel19:39
Luig1Though I realize that's not what you were asking for :(19:39
Agamemnusbut i haven't used ubuntu in a while, so i dnno19:39
Agamemnustrying to find my compiler thread19:40
khaoshi i have just installed ubuntu 12.04 in my vaio laptop and the brightness keys are not working (fn + f5,f6) but in the live cd the keys worked like a charm. What I must do? Thanks19:40
designbybeckI still can't believe they are taking way F3/Split Screen in Nautilus, I use that everyday!19:40
pr0ndigyLuig1, i'm on 12.0419:40
cortexmanmy user and group are showing up as integers in ls -hallt19:41
Agamemnusmaybe someone knows19:41
bekkscortexman: Then its not your user and group :)19:41
mikehaas763I have a laptop with a radeon mobility hd 4200 series. Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit. When I install the proprietary drivers either using Jockey or by using a download from the internet, performance really decreases. Any suggestions?19:42
bekkscortexman: The only reason for numerics shown there is, that neither the UID nor the GID are defined in /etc/passwd and /etc/group19:42
Agamemnusany time i try to compile, I get this error: "fbc: error loading shared libraries: libbfd-2.21.53-system.20110810.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"19:43
AgamemnusAny ideas?19:43
bekksAgamemnus: whats the output of lsb_release -sc ?19:44
bekksAgamemnus: Whats this libbfd thing? From where did you install it?19:45
Agamemnusno idea.19:45
bekksAgamemnus: Well, then I cant help you much, sorry.19:46
rodjapt-cach seach for libbfd shows a package:  binutils-dev19:46
Agamemnusi think it is trying to access an older version19:46
Agamemnuswhich I foolishly deleted19:47
bekksOn a precise system, there shouldnt be older versions of that library.19:47
rpaddockI have the following /etc/network/interfaces file (http://pastebin.com/bcLrHMnh). When my machine starts up, it correctly sets the static ip, but dns resolution fails until I ifdown then ifup. How can I fix that?19:50
bekksrpaddock: Did you check the /etc/resolv.conf yet?19:52
rpaddockbekks: Yea, it has 2 nameserver entries with the same nameservers19:53
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Agamemnusdoes anyone know how I can download files from an svn? i don't remember at all19:54
elgatonAgamemnus: svn checkout <url>19:55
Agamemnusthank you, i'll try it19:55
Agamemnusi mean I really don't remember now.... what if it's a GIT thing?19:56
anomalyis there a bug with the (recommended) nvidia driver?  I did an upgrade of the system and installed the nvidia driver.  now compiz is not loading and it is making the startup login unresponsive.19:56
elgatonAgamemnus: I think it is "git pull url"19:57
anomalyI used the ubuntu recommended driver, I did not install the driver from nvidia.com19:57
Agamemnusthat didn't work..... "not a git repository"19:57
AgamemnusI typed in: "git pull git://fbc.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/fbc/fbc"19:58
trismAgamemnus: git clone url19:58
Agamemnusok, that's doing something.19:59
numb95maze: hello20:00
Agamemnusnot really sure where it went though.20:00
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GreekDollmakerSo, Ubuntu.20:00
GreekDollmakerI heard it is a free Operational System, right?20:00
Agamemnusit said "Cloning into 'fbc'", but I don't see fbc anywhere.20:01
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:01
mazeWhats a good programming language to make ubuntu apps?20:01
mazefor a beginner20:01
trismAgamemnus: should be in the current directory20:01
Dr_Willismaze for a total beginer.. its hard to beat python20:02
bekksmaze: Basically the one you want.20:02
mrdnGreekDollmaker: it's free, it's operational, and it's a system, so, yes...20:02
numb95Dr_Willis: please chat with ubottu in private20:02
numb95maze: it's hard to say witch language is better20:02
numb95maze: but i'd prefer python\20:03
JesusMcCloudcan somebody help me to disable the acpi wireless software toggle. editing the corresponding file (ibm-wireless.sh) in /etc/acpi did not do the trick20:03
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[snake]elgaton, it's not working :( reading in the file and then writing it out after my other data.20:03
rez0ri installed xubuntu 12.0420:03
rez0rfrom a usb20:03
rez0rand im trying to install my b43 firmware20:03
rez0rand the stupid damn thing keeps telling me to put in the xubuntu cdrom20:04
mazeOk I'll have to give python a try20:04
rez0rand the usb is in the thing20:04
rez0rso it wont let me install b43-fwcutter or the bcm sta firmware20:04
Dr_Willisrez0r remove the cd from your sources.list20:04
Trimer_you can write shell scripts too20:04
elgatonrez0r: Simply remove the CD from Software Sources, then install the b43-fwcutter package from the DVD manually.20:04
Trimer_and later learn phyton20:05
balachmar\j cyanogenmod20:05
balachmar\j c#yanogenmod20:05
balachmar\j #cyanogenmod20:05
Picibalachmar: /join #channel20:05
JesusMcCloudbalachmar, try a shalsh20:05
balachmarlol :)20:05
Dr_Willistry a / balachmar20:05
[snake]elgaton, somehow it's printing out the held_text (from the file originally) first and then the new stuff, but that's not the prder my fprintfs are.20:05
balachmarso guess where I wanted to go?20:05
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rez0ris there a way to put the taskbar on the bottom?20:06
rez0rwith xubuntu?20:06
rez0rlike it is with linuxmint20:07
Luig1Just right click one20:07
Luig1Panel properties20:07
Luig1It's all there20:07
designbybeckI'm trying to render out a video on Kdenlive, on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and it says "Unsupported video codec: libx264"20:07
designbybeckI can watch h.264 videos on ubuntu20:07
Luig1rez0r, you can also add new panels and plenty of other things20:07
rez0rhorizontal/vertical is there20:07
tech1what are the "public" and "template" folders meant to be used for in my /home/username directory?20:07
designbybeckam I missing a package?20:07
rez0rbut it doesnt have an option for top/bottom20:08
UbuntuBoyHow do I establish a lan connection between Ubuntu and Windows 7_20:08
Luig1rez0r, take it off lock panel20:09
playmanhello, i'm using a wireless USB mouse, witch suddenly stopped working and when I check the syslog I get this " usb 2-2: reset low speed USB device number 12 using uhci_hcd" I dont get just number 12. any one know what's wrong?20:09
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Luig1rez0r, once it's no longer locked you can drag it wherever you want and lock it in place again20:09
elgaton[snake]: could you please put the code in a pastebin?20:09
dr_willisUbuntuBoy:  you mean have some 'shared' directories ?20:09
Agamemnusi really really don't remember. I read my own instructions that to compile my compiler I needed to run "make" and then "make install"20:09
Agamemnusbut... "no targets specified and no makefile found. Stop."20:10
dr_willisUbuntuBoy:  right click on folder use the 'share' feature is  how to make shares20:10
UbuntuBoyOr have a complete access to the Windows hd.20:10
rez0roh wow20:10
brennanCan anyone tell me how to watch netflix on this computer?20:10
ThinkT510!checkinstall | Agamemnus20:10
ubottuAgamemnus: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!20:10
elgatonAgamemnus: seems the makefile is not there - are you sure you do not need to run "./configure" first?20:10
dr_willisUbuntuBoy:  the gnome file manager can access windows shares20:10
compdocbrennan, not possible20:10
compdocat least not yet.20:11
IdleOne!language | brennan20:11
ubottubrennan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:11
[snake]elgaton, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1134881/20:11
UbuntuBoyIt's downloading Samba.20:11
Agamemnuselgaton: I don't even remember what I need to download20:11
JesusMcCloudcan somebody help me to disable the acpi wireless software toggle. editing the corresponding file (ibm-wireless.sh) in /etc/acpi did not do the trick (this is a software switch: booting with acpi=off disables this keyboard toggle)20:11
GreekDollmakerSo, about Ubuntu.20:11
brennanwho do i tell compdoc20:11
rez0ri installed the broadcom sta drivers for linux20:11
dr_willisUbuntuBoy:  thats how iwndow shares work on linux. via samba20:11
rez0rthe package20:11
rez0rand i open 'additional drivers'20:12
rez0rand still it says no proprietary drivers are installed20:12
Agamemnusthere are 4 versions: the GIT (I downloaded it but I don't know where it went), the standalone compiler, the compiler, and the self-extracting installer.20:12
Marikosis there a way to install a package from natty on precise? It doesn't exist any further forward than that...20:12
rez0ralso still no wifi20:12
rez0rshould i reboot?20:12
GreekDollmakerI have Windows 7 installed, can I have it be installed and be alongside it.20:12
elgaton[snake]: OK, I'm a little busy right now, I'll get back20:12
Agamemnusthe GIT version may have a make file but I don't know where it went.20:12
Luig1GreekDollmaker, yes20:12
[snake]elgaton, ok.20:12
AgamemnusIt told me it installed into "fbc", but I don't see any fbc folders.20:12
Luig1It's called dual boot GreekDollmaker. wubi is also an option.20:12
dr_williswubi is best avoided if you can do a nirmal dual boot20:13
GreekDollmakerYeah, about that.20:13
GreekDollmakerITs actually a Tri boot.20:13
CannedCornhey guys, is really poor performance typical for Ubuntu 12.04 with a recent AMD card20:13
[snake]it's good if you don't know about dual booting or w/e20:13
GreekDollmakerI have Windows 98SE installed too.20:13
brennanis there anyway to run netflix???????????20:14
GreekDollmakerWhat's Netflix?20:14
IdleOnebrennan: it is not possible in linux.20:14
rez0rwth would u have 98se installed for20:14
dr_willisbrennan:  virtialbox+windows in it..20:14
Luig1rez0r, some things are only compatible with one or the other system, I've heard20:14
brennanIdleOne who do i tell20:14
GreekDollmakerrez0r: Because it can run old PC games.20:14
rez0rit works on regular ubuntu20:15
IdleOnebrennan: you can either dual boot with windows, or like dr_willis said install windoes in virtualbox and run netflix.20:15
GreekDollmakerI have older operating systems on VMware, such as Windows 3.120:15
Luig1rez0r, I meant having 98se installed20:15
IdleOnebrennan: you don't have to tell anyone, it is pretty much common knowledge20:15
GreekDollmakerBut I wanted Windows 98SE for different reasons.20:15
Agamemnusif there is an install.sh, how can I run that?20:15
brennandr_willis, who do i tell to have the bug fixed20:15
dr_willisbrennam what bug?20:15
IdleOnebrennan: it is not a bug, it is by design20:15
GreekDollmakerFor example, I managed to get System Shock 2 Running on Windows 98.20:16
IdleOnebrennan: email netflix and ask them to support linux.20:16
Luig1GreekDollmaker, check the installation guides. They can go far more in-depth on dual booting than we can in this channel20:16
Luig1The guide depends on how you want to install20:16
Monsteronce I have done an md5sum check what else shall I do?20:16
Monsteris it safe and not corrupt20:16
GreekDollmakerLoading was slow at crap and it crashed a few times, but other than that, it was awesome.20:16
GreekDollmakerI see.20:16
Monsterit says xubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso: OK20:16
Monsterso that's fine, rigt?20:16
MonsterI can install it now?20:16
tech1i have my user folder in "/home/username" but theres lots of folders in this directory already... i want a new empty folder for all my work stuff... i could put it in "/home/username/Documents/workfolder" but its a long path... is it ok to make a new empty folder (/home/workfiles) -or will the system think this is a new user and cause some permission or login problems (if trying to work from this folder logged in from "use20:16
subterfugeGooglefu has failed me, Have a Logitech M185 Bluetooth mouse that I would like to pair with my intigrated Bluetooth.  I am running Ubuntu 12.04.  Any suggestions on where to start?  I have tried just using the interfaces wizard for setting up new devices, that was a NOGO as it never saw it....20:17
spirit3_tech1: All your files should live in /home/<username>20:17
dr_willistech1:  your files are in your users /home/username/whatever ;)20:17
Monsterwhat other checks on the ISO do I need to do?20:17
spirit3_tech1: you can create and use a folder wherever you like20:17
Monstermd5sum, right?20:17
Monsterthat's it it says xubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso: OK20:18
spirit3_tech1: however it makes sense to keep everything in your home ditr20:18
kyanHi… I was wondering, what would be the causes of a segmentation fault during the cpio creation while building a custom initramfs?20:18
tech1ok. its just a longer path, so i guess i need to decide between path semantics and path length20:18
UbuntuBoyMe again.20:18
spirit3_tech1: there's maybe a solution ...20:18
tech1what solution20:19
dr_willis  my keybord cant to a tilda.. heh20:19
spirit3_tech1: use /home/<username>/Documents/workstuff but create a link from a path you can remember to this ...20:19
UbuntuBoyI have just installed everything, marked the folder for sharing. Is that it?20:19
K4kAnyone know of a way that I can specify a shell for my user that is different than the shell specified in my posix attributes on my ldap server?20:19
dr_willistilda/directory = /home/yourusername/directory20:19
tech1oh i see... you mean a shortcut like the java environment variable uses "$HOME" or something20:19
rez0ri've done everything20:19
UbuntuBoyDo I have to do anything in Windows?20:19
rez0rstill not showing any proprietary drivers20:20
tech1ill try that too thanks20:20
spirit3_tech1: 'man ln' - you probably want to use 'ln -s' ... go research it.  Although, you could as you suggest also use an environment variable for examle $workstuff20:20
spirit3_tech1: so then cd $workstuff20:21
quesada does anyone know an alternative to 'archive.org'? (a site that collects old versions of sites)20:21
spirit3_tech1: This has never been an issue for me though - I'm not sure whay you'd want to20:21
spirit3_tech1: you realise /home/user can be abbreviated to ~user ?20:21
Luig1quesada, google cache20:21
spirit3_tech1: and with tab completion it rapidly becomes a non-issue20:21
rez0ri just don't understand why my wifi will work fine on ubuntu 12.04, but has this huge problem with xubuntu 12.0420:22
rez0rit's the same OS isnt it20:22
tech1cool ill experiment with them both. thanks :)  .... no i didnt know that either. ill write all this stuff down... will these shortcuts also work for 3rd party programs like development programs linking resources? or only in terminal20:23
rez0rim gonna try a reboot20:23
rez0rif my drivers dont work im deleting this crapshoot20:23
Agamemnusok, so back to square 1...20:23
spirit3_rez0r: thats' a weird issue20:23
rez0rits a bcm4311 wifi card20:24
rez0rworks great in regular ubuntu20:24
Agamemnushow would I switch from 12.04 "precise" and install libffd-2.21.53?20:24
rez0rafter i manually install the drivers20:24
spirit3_tech1: yes, the ~ character is a shortcut to your home die20:24
spirit3_tech1: so you can specify a user ~jon, or you can use the current user ~/Documents (assumes your user)20:24
spirit3_rez0r: manually installing drivers ... ouch - most cards nowadays work fine without additional drivers20:25
HeavyKevyCan anyone help me with a JACK issue I'm having?20:25
awliste1234Howdy all. Need a hand with what is probably something simple I'm missing. Made a bunch of Ubuntu 12.04 VMs. They can all ping default gateway, but can only sometimes ping each other. It's like I have to 'wake' up the network stack on each one and then ping works. I'm at a loss.20:26
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tech1ahh i see. the following isnt the case for me... but what if there was a system where multiple users wanted to access the same resources?20:26
K4krez0r: when you say "manually installing drivers..." do you mean you used fwcutter or you installed with aptitude?20:26
rez0rand a tar.bz2 with the broadcom drivers20:27
rez0rand wl_apsta.o20:27
spirit3_awliste1234: I probably can't help.  However, what is the host OS and what virtualisation platform are you using>?20:28
K4krez0r: does modprobe show it as loaded?20:28
K4kor is it that you can't install it using that same method?20:29
rez0rhow do i work that function20:29
rez0ri've done it before but i forget20:29
rez0ronly been using linux for about 2 weeks20:29
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compdocawliste1234, how many guests? what sort of network setup on the host?20:29
K4krez0r: I would do modprobe | grep /what_you're_looking_for/20:30
roxluhi I'm using the handy windows ubuntu installer, but can I choose to use 64 bit there?20:30
shazbotmcnastyHeyyyy, I just installed the newest version of ubuntu via wubi. I'm using three monitors, I cannot see anything in an x session, says "optimal resolution is 1280x1024"20:30
rez0ri have no clue what im looking for20:31
rez0ri did a lspci20:31
HeavyKevyCan anyone help with a problem I'm having with JACK20:31
rez0rand it shows this :20:31
FloodBot1rez0r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:31
rez0r03:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce 54g] 802.11a/20:31
shazbotmcnastyHow do I set resolution on ubuntu 12.04 via CLI? I noticed there is no xorg.conf20:31
K4kone sec20:31
K4krez0r: try "lsmod | grep -i broadcom"20:31
rez0rnothing showed up20:32
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:32
rez0ri've looked at the help20:32
OerHeksall you need is " sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer  " and reboot20:32
rez0rthat's how i got the apsta program, the drivers, and figured out how to use b43 fwcutter20:32
rez0rthat firmware-b43-installer crap is a hoax20:33
deadmundrez0r: No, he's right.  What is the issue exactly?20:33
rez0rdoesn't work20:33
OerHeksrez0r, it works fine here.20:33
deadmundIs your machine connected to the internet in some other way?20:33
rez0rit is right now20:33
deadmundIt works, I'm VERY sure.20:33
deadmundrez0r: what if you run sudo modprobe b43   what happens?20:33
deadmundrez0r: Also, what wifi card is this?20:33
K4krez0r: actually, that sounds correct. I've got a 43xx card in here as well (now that I think to look) and I don't recall having to do anything difficult20:33
=== Godslast1ring is now known as Godslastering
rez0rFATAL: Error inserting b43 (/lib/modules/3.2.0-23-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/b43/b43.ko): Operation not permitted20:34
white_magiccan someone tell me where the source code ends up if I run something like 'apt-get install SOMEPACKAGE-src'?20:34
MonkeyDustbroadcom 43xx is the most common20:34
deadmundrez0r: sudo modprobe b4320:34
deadmundrez0r: That looks like you just ran modprobe without sudo20:34
rez0rlol same error20:34
MonkeyDustwhite_magic  i guess you want apt-get source20:35
deadmundrez0r: What card do you have?20:35
deadmundrez0r: What wifi card*20:35
rez0rit's a bcm431120:35
white_magicMonkeyDust: where would the source code for that end up?20:35
deadmundrez0r: It will definitely work.  I have the same card.  Can you run sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer again for me and report if you get any errors?20:35
MonkeyDustwhite_magic  dunno, i'm not a developper myself20:36
deadmundrez0r: It should just tell you it is already installed20:36
wyldewhite_magic: doing 'apt-get source packagename' will download it to the directory you are currently in.20:36
Agamemnusdoes anyone know how I might be able to download and install libbfd-2.21.53, and/or find out the last installed version of it on my system?20:36
rez0rokay i ran it20:36
white_magicwylde: thanks20:36
rez0rdidn't report any errors20:36
rez0rappears to have installed20:36
deadmundrez0r: don't reboot20:37
deadmundrez0r: Did it say it was already installed?20:37
deadmundrez0r: Or did it install / download stuff?20:37
MonkeyDustwhite_magic  "end up" meaning "be downloaded to", now i get it20:37
spirit3_Agamemnus: Possibly not the best way to do it but 'find /lib -name libbfd*'20:37
spirit3_or /usr/lib if it may live somewhere in there ...20:37
Agamemnusi got nothing20:37
GreekDollmakerYou know, I am tempted to try out Ubuntu.20:37
OerHeksrez0r, yes, like the wiki says: reboot after install.20:37
rez0r1 newly installed20:37
GreekDollmakerProblem is, I don't know what to do with it.20:37
deadmundrez0r: sudo modprobe b4320:38
Agamemnusthe other one worked20:38
deadmundrez0r: PM if you want.  It's busy in here.20:38
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  same thing you did before with your other OS20:38
spirit3_GreekDollmaker: Sure, it's fantastic.  However it's isn't Windows and there is a learning curve.20:38
wyldeGreekDollmaker: you do whatever you need to use a computer to do.20:38
GreekDollmakerCan it run Source games?20:38
Agamemnussecond Q:20:38
AgamemnusI created a symlink, but now I want to undo it.20:38
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  you have to learn ubuntu, just like had to learn your current OS20:38
AgamemnusHow can I undo it?20:38
[snake]does anyone else want to look at my code? it's in C http://paste.ubuntu.com/1134881/20:39
K4kAgamemnus: unlink20:39
Luig1GreekDollmaker, yes!20:39
spirit3_Agamemnus: just delete it (rm <filename>)20:39
Luig1At least, it will before the year is over20:39
GreekDollmakerDOes it require programming knowledge? I will learn if it does.20:39
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  no20:39
Luig1Valve is porting Steam and some games to Ubuntu 12.04 GreekDollmaker20:39
spirit3_Agamemnus: deleting the link only deletes the link, not the file it's pointing to20:39
GreekDollmakerPython, Ruby, C++, C# and all other types of C?20:39
Luig1They'll be released publicly by year's end20:39
shazbotmcnastyHeyyyy, I just installed the newest version of ubuntu via wubi. I'm using three monitors, I cannot see anything in an x session, says "optimal resolution is 1280x1024"20:39
shazbotmcnastyHow do I set resolution on ubuntu 12.04 via CLI? I noticed there is no xorg.conf20:39
AgamemnusI want to delete the link20:40
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  that's for developpers20:40
shazbotmcnastymy resolution is 3072*128020:40
wyldeGreekDollmaker: not required to know, but you can most certainly do all the coding on it.20:40
GreekDollmakerI don't have to rebuy it, right?20:40
Agamemnusrm doesn't seem to work, says no such file or directory..20:40
GreekDollmakerRebuy my old source games.20:40
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  it's free, as in free beer20:40
GreekDollmakerI know Ubuntu is free.20:40
GreekDollmakerThats why I want to try it20:40
bilelWith "telnet localhost 25", it works when I send an email, but with php mail's function it doesn't, even though I have localhost and port 25 configured in my php.ini, I don't get any error message, the mail is just not sent, why?20:40
AgamemnusI ran this command: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libbfd-2.21.53-system.20110810.so20:40
AgamemnusThat's per http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg3236007.html .... but the last version is just 2.22-system.so20:41
[snake]bilel, telnet isn't very secure20:41
spirit3_bilel: is it logged elsewhere?  web/apache error logs?20:41
Agamemnusso I think I need to do sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libbfd-2.21.53-system.20110810.so20:41
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  what's you current OS?20:41
Agamemnus......but it won't let me.20:41
GreekDollmakerDual boot on Windows 7 and Windows 98SE20:41
* K4k didn't know there was hardware that supported both 98SE and 7...20:42
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  read this, but DON'T try wubi https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows20:42
bilelspirit3_: no it was just a script launched in cli to test if it works20:42
GreekDollmakerRecently reformated and had Windows vista upgraded.20:42
[snake]K4k, how do you do that?20:42
K4k[snake]: do what?20:42
GreekDollmakerWrite at the start /me and after that stuf20:43
[snake]K4k, the thing: k4k didn't know that there was harware that supported both 98se and 720:43
bekksAgamemnus: ln -s oldfile newname20:43
GreekDollmakerFor example writing "/me wants to make dolls will make this:20:43
* GreekDollmaker wants to make dolls20:43
* [snake] attempted to do the thingy20:43
GreekDollmakerAlso K4K http://www.thpc.info/dual/win7/dualboot_win7+9x_on_win7.html20:43
[snake]I did it!20:43
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  did you see my link?20:43
GreekDollmakerThat link I posted shows how to Dual boot Windows 7 and windows 98SE20:44
GreekDollmakerI will read the manuals to see if I can Multiboot Ubuntu there too.20:44
Agamemnusbekks: ? I think I tried it.20:44
Agamemnusbut it gives me an error that the file already exists.20:44
[snake]still here is my code, there is a problem with the order that the fprintfs are showing up when I print it all out. it's in button_press() http://paste.ubuntu.com/1134881/20:45
bekksAgamemnus: You did: ln -s newname oldfile20:45
Agamemnus... even though when I try to use my compiler, the compiler complains that the file DOESN'T exist20:45
AgamemnusI didn't.20:45
K4kGreekDollmaker: interesting. Though I was more referring to the notion that there were new drivers for old hardware and vice-versa20:46
GreekDollmakerAnyways, I want to get into 3D modeeling. Thing is, I want to know if Ubuntu can support, or is a better working enviroment memory wise to do so.20:46
GreekDollmakerK4K: Mine apparently can do it.20:46
AgamemnusOK, maybe I did, but now I am not.20:46
GreekDollmakerNot sure why, I havne't checked on my drivers.20:46
bilelspirit3_: it's strange because the mail function returns true, where is the mail if I don't receive it? Is there a queue or something?20:47
K4kGreekDollmaker: as for triple-booting your system. Installing Ubuntu on a seperate drive/partition should install grub which will replace the windows boot loader. Grub is capable of loading both Windows OSs20:47
seabeepiratehi folks. can anyone help me get my graphics drivers working? I don't even know where to start20:47
K4kseabeepirate: what graphics card do you have?20:47
GreekDollmakerk4K: I see.20:47
[snake]is there a way I can tell which ports an application(server) is running on?20:48
GreekDollmakerIt won't do anything to VMware Boot loader.20:48
seabeepiratek4k give me a minute I can't remember20:48
Agamemnusbekks: so, basically, (1) my error when compiling is "fbc: error loading shared libraries: libbfd-2.21.53-system.20110810.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", and I think the new file is called libbfd-2.22-system.so.. any idea on how to fix this?20:48
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  there's also this http://mybroadband.co.za/news/software/32474-a-windows-users-guide-to-linux.html20:48
GreekDollmakerStupid question, thats runs inside windwos 720:48
K4kseabeepirate: run lspci | grep VGA. It might tell you20:48
AgamemnusI'm not even sure if it's looking in usr/lib.20:49
K4k[snake]: from a remote system or on the system the services are running on?20:49
shazbotmcnastyHey so, how do I set my resolution to 3072*1280 in ubuntu 12.04 via cli?20:49
shazbotmcnastyI tried xrandr, didn't work20:49
shazbotmcnastysaid it could get screen?20:49
[snake]K4k, the system it's running on20:50
GreekDollmakerI will propably need to buy a new Hard Drive, I have a 180GB and Spliting that with Windows 7, Windows 98SE, Windows 3.1 and Ubuntu will propably give me smaller space to work with.20:50
lloowenHello all! I just installed 'eterm' using ' sudo aptitude install eterm' Looked like something was installed but when I run 'eterm' in the command line, 'eterm' cannot be found!! Do I have to do a restart or something?!20:50
AgamemnusI can't evens seem to copy properly..... permission denied!20:50
K4k[snake]: try netstat20:51
deadmundFor others that were helping rez0r  he had b43 blacklisted20:51
K4kdeadmund: ah, that would do it XD20:51
shazbotmcnastylloowen: try "find eterm"20:51
GreekDollmakerQuestion: Is Ubuntu a good enviroment to model in 3D (3DSMax Maya etx)20:51
shazbotmcnastyAgamemnus: where are you trying to copy stuff to?20:51
GreekDollmakerMemory wise.20:51
OerHeks!cookie | deadmund20:51
ubottudeadmund: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:51
[snake]GreekDollmaker, yes and Blender is good too20:51
GreekDollmakerI want to use Source Filmmaker on Ubuntu actually, it will propably run faster and eat less memory.20:52
* deadmund destroys cookie with fierce mandible.20:52
seabeepiratek4k nothing happened when I ran that in terminal. I think it's one of the intel mobile chipsets I'm still looking20:52
GreekDollmakerI remember they did tests of the Source engine on Linux. It worked better there than on Windows.20:52
GreekDollmakerAfter a few fixxes obviously.20:52
K4kseabeepirate: just running lspci will list everything, you can try manually sifting through the list20:52
shazbotmcnastyi'm very excited for steam officially coming to linux.20:52
bilellloowen: in order to do that you should have something called  eterm on one of the directories when you type echo $PATH20:52
shazbotmcnastyit's been many years I've envisioned this day20:52
=== toti1 is now known as totia
* shazbotmcnasty stares off mountain top 20:53
GreekDollmakerWait, If I Tri boot it, does that mean I have to install my games on both Windows 7 and Ubuntu?20:53
seabeepiratek4k intel gma 4500m20:54
Agamemnusapparently i'm not the owner of usr/lib20:54
lloowenbilel: I looked in /usr/bin/ but it was not there. It did install as it gave me the yes/no prompt with eterm as the name of the package that was about to be installed.20:54
Agamemnusany way to make myself the owner of it?20:54
K4kseabeepirate: that card should work automatically, what's the issue you're having?20:55
GreekDollmakerI mean, they have different code stractures, so that means I have to install them on Ubuntu too.20:55
seabeepiratek4k during bootup the screen goes black and doesn't turn back on. I have a work around to make it run but as I understand it, my work around forces generic drivers to be loaded so no games will work for me20:56
j`eyhey guys. I added a new session to my "Login Screen" options20:57
j`ey(via a new file in /usr/share/xsessions)20:57
j`eybut it doesn't show up in gdm :/20:57
j`ey(event after a gdm restart)20:57
kamranWhat's up everyone?20:57
GreekDollmakerkamran: Eh, we are doing fine.20:58
bilellloowen: maybe it's installed but you just don't have anything in your path, if you find where it has been installed you'll just have to create a symlink to it in one of your PATH folder I guess20:58
K4kseabeepirate: is the workaround to put something like "i915.modeset=0" in grub?20:58
Agamemnusoh my god, finally....... so i just copied the new libffd file with the old name, and changed the permissions of usr/lib so I can do that.... now this stinking thing works :)20:58
kamranThats good20:58
bekksAgamemnus: OUCH.20:58
trismj`ey: can you pastebin the .desktop file?20:59
kamranDoes everyone in this channel use Ubuntu?20:59
bekksAgamemnus: You dont have to touch the permissions of /usr/lib at all.20:59
seabeepiratek4k I forgot to mention this is a 64 bit system20:59
bekksAgamemnus: Just use sudo cp next time.20:59
j`eytrism: im not at that computer currently, but I just took the gnome one, and changed the exec path to dwm20:59
K4kseabeepirate: right, that's going to foce it to load the generic driver. I've had this issue before on another system, I'm trying to dig up what I did for it (hopefully it wasn't the modeset=0 workaround)20:59
Agamemnusoh, I think I remember now about that, thanks20:59
trismj`ey: did you change the name too?20:59
bekksAgamemnus: Did you change the permissions back to what they've been before?20:59
j`eytrism: yep20:59
Agamemnusno, I don't know what they are. I was going to ask21:00
Agamemnuswhat are they?21:00
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bekksAgamemnus: what are they now, on your box?21:00
seabeepiratek4k haha thanks. btw I used modset=1 but it has the same effect I think.21:00
NikonAaronMT, AaronCampbell, aaas, a_p3rson, A_J_, aboudreault, abhinav_singh, Aaton_off hi21:00
Agamemnusrandom guess of 64421:00
trismj`ey: you didn't copy the "Hidden=true" one did you?21:00
bekksAgamemnus: Which command did you run, exactly?21:00
j`eytrism: hm, i dont think so21:00
AaronMTPlease don't ping random people.21:00
bekks644 does not enable write permissions for normal users.21:00
j`eytrism: not currently on the machine in question21:00
trismj`ey: because here, gnome.desktop has that line21:00
martinphonehow do I change permissions for a whole HDD from root to me?21:00
Trimer__Does anyone know why "sudo /sbin/ifconfig" must run 2 times in a shell script, that the shell shows me the network configuration?21:01
AgamemnusI saw someone say 644 worked, then I used 777 because that didn't work.... then back to 64421:01
j`eytrism: oh..21:01
j`eytrism: I hope I didnt :P21:01
j`eytrism: oh, you may be talking about 12.04?21:01
j`eyim on 10.0421:01
bekksAgamemnus: Well, and using which command?21:01
AgamemnusI ran: "sudo chmod 644 /usr/lib"21:01
=== mh0 is now known as \h
dudewhatsudo chmod 644 /usr/lib/*21:01
bekksAgamemnus: So you used sudo chmod but you did not use sudo cp? Odd.21:01
trismj`ey: those are my only ideas that this point, without actually looking at the file21:01
Agamemnusgoogle :)21:02
seabeepiratek4k if you find it can you message me in a private window?21:02
Agamemnuswhat is it supposed to be?21:02
bekks!danger | dudewhat21:02
ubottududewhat: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:02
j`eytrism: ok, thanks, I'll double check tomorrow21:02
=== benj is now known as Guest51548
Agamemnus444? 004?21:02
j`eytrism: i might just resort to bypassing gdm, and starting a new xserver21:02
bekksAgamemnus: NO. DONT touch the permissions.21:02
bekksAgamemnus: Use sudo.21:02
Agamemnusbut I already did21:02
Agamemnusso what should it be?21:02
* rez0r wifi's with ease21:02
bekksAgamemnus: 64421:02
trismj`ey: I don't see why it wouldn't work, I always create a ratpoison.desktop file21:02
K4kseabeepirate: switch the private window, I think I've got your fix21:02
Agamemnusah, okay, thanks21:02
j`eytrism: like I said, shows up in the login screen settings, so I dont know why not in gdm :)21:03
jpdsHow is he suppose to access the directory when it's not +x?21:03
bekksjpds: ack.21:03
jpdsAgamemnus: 744.21:03
deadmundrez0r: You there?21:03
jpdsbekks: That's rw-, not r-x.21:03
bekksUsing 744, only root will be able to access that directory.21:03
bekksjpds: 5 means: r-x21:04
dudewhatI'm not used to running ubuntu as a non root account21:04
bekksjpds: 4 means rw21:04
shazbotmcnastyDoes anyone here know how to change the resolution to three monitors 3072*1280 via cli? xrandr said it couldn't get the screen. I also noticed there is no xorg.conf21:04
bekkserr. 4 means ro21:04
bekks6 means rw.21:04
shazbotmcnastyidk wat to do \o/21:04
jpdsbekks: Right.21:04
AgamemnusI think 755 is better because 744 doesn't let me compile for some reason.21:04
Agamemnustotally noob question now:21:07
wlodpolm2why are you compiling in usr/lib?21:07
AgamemnusI compiled it, but if I run it, it doesn't run21:07
AgamemnusI'm not.21:07
dudewhatln -s it to /usr/bin21:07
Agamemnusthe file is named "compilescripts".... how do I run it in the command line?21:07
=== aaaas is now known as aaas
Agamemnusaha, thanks21:07
Agamemnusaha, math parser.bi is missing.21:08
Trimer__Does anyone know why "sudo /sbin/ifconfig" must run 2 times in a shell script, that the shell shows me the network configuration?21:08
usr13Trimer__: Yea... what?21:09
spirit3_Trimer__: An error in the shell script perhaps?21:09
awliste1234any ubuntu network gurus got a moment to help me out with an issue?21:10
antonio_hi all.21:11
dudewhatdefine guru21:11
deadmundawliste1234: Just ask your question :)21:11
Trimer__no error the script runs, but "sudo /sbin/ifconfig" must run 2 times, that i see the network configuration in the terminal21:11
spirit3_Trimer__: Something is clearly not right!21:11
BodsdaTrimer__: care to paste your script?21:12
antonio_I want to enable the touchpad on my thinkpad t60..is there some one who can help me?21:12
awliste1234Got 6 VMs. All loaded Ubuntu 12.04. All can ping out to the big internet, no problems. In the local segment, pings are intermittent from one host to another.21:12
antonio_thank you..21:12
Trimer__if i use "sudo /sbin/ifconfig" nothing will happen21:12
awliste1234It's like the network interfaces are going to sleep.21:12
Trimer__yeah i can post the script, but it's very long21:12
dudewhatare they on the same subnet?21:13
awliste1234When I come in via console and make some noise, they wake up.21:13
spirit3_Trimer__: Are you sure the script isn't waiting for a password to sudo?21:13
usr13Trimer__: so...21:13
spirit3_Are you in sudoers?21:13
awliste1234tcpdump shows me ARPs21:13
dudewhatare you using a switch?21:13
Bodsda!pastebin | Trimer__21:13
ubottuTrimer__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:13
dudewhatcould be the collision domains21:13
awliste1234It's like I can't get consistent L3 comms.21:13
usr13Trimer__: Maybe it needs to be just /sbin/ifconfig21:13
usr13Trimer__: Who is this script run by?21:14
awliste1234collision domains?21:14
usr13Trimer__: What is it for?  Where is it?21:14
awliste1234it's a switched network fabric.21:14
dudewhatthats what I thought21:14
Trimer__yes the script isn't waiting for a password                     and   i'm in the sudoers file21:14
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Trimer__@usr13  it's for network configuration and for samba21:15
usr13Trimer__: It has to be waiting for a password, if it's  sudo21:15
dudewhatare you using RIP or static routes?21:15
awliste1234not routing at all. Flat network segment.21:15
awliste12341 VLAN.21:15
antonio_i am new here..how i can get some help?21:15
awliste12341 subnet. 6 hosts and a gateway.21:15
Bodsdausr13: only the first time, anytime after that for 5 minutes will not prompt for password21:15
=== Guest50097 is now known as ykki
bekksantonio_: By just asking :)21:15
=== ykki is now known as yki
usr13Trimer__: Maybe it needs to be 2 scripts and one calles the other.21:16
ykihi there21:16
spirit3_Trimer__: If you surround a single ifconfig with 'echo' statements, do they get executed?  I can only think something weird is going on ...21:16
usr13Bodsda: Right, but at some point, a password needs to be supplied, so using sudo in a script is a problem21:16
antonio_i have thinkpad t60 and I want to enable the touchpad21:16
antonio_on ubuntu 12.421:17
Trimer__@usr yes but the is a command with sudo before  it runs sudo /sbin/ifconfig21:17
Bodsdausr13: using sudo to run ifconfig is pointless in itself21:17
spirit3_Trimer__: Do you need to use sudo?  ifconfig should return everything you need without it?21:17
usr13Bodsda: Yep21:17
Agamemnusmy compiled program doesn't work, I think something to do with new files again.21:17
dudewhatonce all the devices have pinged each other they should cache the arp21:17
ykiI've got a question.. why is /dev smaller than / or any other folder??21:18
Trimer__@spirit3 i need sudo because the rights21:18
th0rantonio_: I don't know about the thinkpad specifically, but look into a command called 'synclient'. I have used it on numerous laptops to control/modify touchpad behaviour21:18
dudewhatcan't you just run the script as root?21:18
Trimer__if i run it with out nothing will happen21:18
usr13Trimer__: To do what?   What are you calling ifconfig to do?21:18
spirit3_yki: /dev is ... not real :)21:18
Agamemnuswarning: using '.....' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking blah blah blah21:18
Agamemnusany ideas?21:19
antonio_thank you..21:19
ykinot real?21:19
BodsdaTrimer__: just pastebin your script please21:19
Bodsdayki: its a vfs21:19
spirit3_yki: it's a virtual filesystem that just contains links to devices (for example, a pointer to your disks, printers, etc)21:19
usr13Trimer__: Bodsda is right, we don't know what we are talking, it is all retorical at this point.21:19
ykithank you very much21:20
spirit3_Trimer__: but also, ifconfig should return everything you need (at least under ubuntu) without sudo21:20
awliste1234it's like the arp is going stale very quickly though.21:20
dudewhathave you checked the arp tables?21:20
awliste1234I got an idea. Thanks man.21:21
Trimer__there's the script http://paste.ubuntu.com/1135002/21:21
dudewhatI would be using atleast 2-3 vlans if I was you21:21
spirit3_dudewhat: networking should work without vlans though?!21:22
spirit3_Trimer__: Which line is it causing problems?21:23
dudewhatwith 6 hosts21:23
Trimer__sudo /sbin/ifconfig should only show the network config21:23
Trimer__line 1221:23
bekksdudewhat: Wasting 3 VLANs for 6 vms - is suboptimal.21:23
BodsdaTrimer__: works fine for me, shows standard ifconfig output21:23
dudewhatwell when you have a cisco switch..21:23
spirit3_Trimer__: It is the first time sudo is used ... which does make me think it's waiting for a password ... but I understand you say you're in sudoers21:24
W4spTrimer__: Is line 1 correctly pasted? '#! /bin/sh' there should be no space between '!' and '/'.21:24
bekksdudewhat: Even a cisco router wont turn that pointless idea into something good :)21:24
BodsdaTrimer__: it also works without sudo in there for me21:24
jakubelgaton, Hi again. I still fight with java on my lubuntu and chromium. I remove all java versions and then install openjdk-7-jre and icedtea-7-plugin. Plugin is enabled in web browser but i cant pass test on java page. There is bussy indicator for 20 sec and white content appear.21:24
spirit3_Trimer__: However, our point is valid; you could not use sudo and it would still return the same info21:24
dudewhatwhy wouldn't you want less broadcast domains?21:24
spirit3_Trimer__: The problem may then move to the next sudo ... if our guess about password is correct21:25
dudewhatspirit3_ just run the script as root21:25
Bodsdaspirit3_: the script works fine21:25
spirit3_Trimer__: Sorry, I missed the first sudos ... ignore me ...21:25
elgatonjakub: Just out of curiosity, does it work with another browser, like Firefox or rekonq?21:26
OMGUBUNTUhey you all21:26
Trimer__if i run the script, it shows me no network devices21:26
wlodpolm2jakub jdk and jde are different21:26
W4spWalther: Trimer__ make the script executable, change line 1 as suggested and remove the sudo in the script. Run the script with sudo ./script.21:26
wlodpolm2er jre21:26
bekksdudewhat: Because 6 hosts are almost nothing, in terms of broadcast domains. So there is no need to put every vm into a vlan just to reduce broadcasts.21:27
bekksdudewhat: Thats pointless.21:27
BodsdaTrimer__: after following W4sp's suggestion, the /sbin/ifconfig in the script will run the same as when run 'by hand' (if run by the same user)21:27
W4spWalther: Sorry, I expanded the wrong nick. :-(21:27
Trimer__if i run sudo /sbin/ifconfig  2 times it shows the network devices21:27
jakubwlodpolm2, what you mean?21:27
BodsdaTrimer__: can you show us the terminal output for that... from nothing through both runs to a blank prompt21:27
wlodpolm2jdk is the dev tools the runtime environment is different download i thought21:28
elgatonwlodpolm2, jakub: jakub just wants to install the plugin (it requires only the JRE, that is, the set of files required to run a Java application or applet). He doesn't need to install the JDK (developer tools).21:29
Trimer__only loopback appears21:29
Trimer__lo        Link encap:Lokale Schleife             inet Adresse:  Maske:           inet6-Adresse: ::1/128 Gültigkeitsbereich:Maschine           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metrik:1           RX packets:4946 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0           TX packets:4946 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0           Kollisionen:0 Sendewarteschlangenlänge:0            RX-Bytes:554408 (554.4 KB)  TX-Bytes:5544021:29
jakubelgaton, i'll try with another browser now and i'll let you know21:29
elgatonjakub: OK21:29
dudewhatrun ifconfig -a21:29
BodsdaTrimer__: pastebin dude... and we need everything, a complete copy and paste of your terminal session21:29
Trimer__@dudewhat if i run ifconfig -a alle network devices appears, but ifconfig work not in the script21:31
Agamemnuswarning: using 'xyz' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking"21:32
Agamemnushow to fix this?21:32
bekksAgamemnus: By not linking statically.21:33
Agamemnuswell, i need to link statically.21:34
dudewhatdo /usr/sbin/ifconfig -a21:34
GreekDollmakerWhat was that program that simulated that universe name was?21:34
bekksAgamemnus: Then you have to live with that warning.21:34
Trimer__@dudewhat if i run with "sudo /sbin/ifconfig -a" it works     thanks21:36
spirit3_Trimer__: Weird :s21:37
bekksTrimer__: You dont need the sudo. All you need is the full path to ifconfig21:37
BodsdaTrimer__: seriously, drop the sudo21:37
Trimer__but if i run it with "sudo /sbin/ifconfig" it doesn't work at first time21:37
bekksTrimer__: Not the difference between ifconfig and ifconfig -a21:37
Trimer__i know but without -a it will not work21:38
bekksThen drop that sudo and use /sbin/ifconfig -a21:38
BodsdaTrimer__: using -a is fine, but the sudo is unneeded21:39
harrishow do i burn an iso in ubuntu21:39
Bodsdaharris: with brasero21:39
shazbotmcnastyDoes anyone here know how to change the resolution to three monitors 3072*1280 via cli? xrandr said it couldn't get the screen. I also noticed there is no xorg.conf21:39
harrisis that preinstalled21:39
Bodsdaharris: yep21:39
harrisi need to make an ubuntu disk21:40
Bodsdashazbotmcnasty: creating an xorg.conf will still work though, but my suggestion would have been xrandr21:40
Trimer__@Bodsda i will using it with -a   and don't run it with sudo       thanks21:40
escottshazbotmcnasty, you can try and force a modeline with xrandr21:40
BodsdaTrimer__: cool :)21:40
jakubelgaton, with firefox java works fine...21:40
shazbotmcnastyCould I get the full syntax?21:40
shazbotmcnastyI think I might just be doing it wrong..21:40
shazbotmcnastyI read dah man pages...21:40
elgatonjakub: Let me search - it seems Chromium is not really fine with the Java plugin21:41
pete_fuck you in the ass21:42
=== pete_ is now known as Guest74944
FloodBot1pete_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:42
FloodBot1Guest74944: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:42
Guest74944gayb sex in yourass21:42
linux_probea poor troll, how novel21:42
elgaton!language | Guest7494421:42
ubottuGuest74944: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:42
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elgatonjakub: No idea then, OpenJDK should be compatible with Chromium. Can you open "about:plugins" in Chromium and see if the plugin is listed there?21:44
protoCall7Hi all, has anyone ever had any problems with installing kernel modules while running ubuntu as a xen guest?  they appear to be installing to /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-xen-amd64 instead of /lib/modules/3.2.0-32-generic (ubuntu 12.04 server LTS)21:44
jakubyes, it is21:44
jakubelgaton, yes, it is21:44
elgatonjakub: No idea then... sorry21:45
jakubelgaton, ok, thank you for your time, be21:45
icerootprotoCall7: ?21:46
protoCall7iceroot, which part are you questioning? :)21:46
icerootprotoCall7: you have to use modules which fits to your xen-kernel which is amd64 and you are using i38621:46
martinphonei need help with sudo umount /path/to/drive21:47
martinphonesudo tune2fs -m 021:47
protoCall7iceroot: root@admin-svn-001:/lib/modules# uname -a21:47
protoCall7Linux admin-svn-001 3.2.0-23-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 20:39:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:47
icerootprotoCall7: ok21:47
GreekDollmakerMy god.21:47
GreekDollmakerDoes Space Engine run on ubuntu?21:47
escottmartinphone, ok. what part of that do you need help with21:47
protoCall7so I guess where I'm lost is on the interaction between xen and its guest21:47
seabeepiratecan anyone tell me how to open files with root access?21:48
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  what's space engine?21:48
martinphoneI have now 3 HDD connected via usb, but im afraid if I execute sudo tune2fs -m 0 (I have unmounted the new HDD) it may do something to the other HDD, given that in this second command there is nothing indicating the path to the HDD21:48
elgatonseabeepirate: sudo nano path_to_file, if you mean "edit files as root"21:48
escottmartinphone, it needs to be tune2fs blah blah /dev/sdX#21:49
GreekDollmakerMonkeyDust: Its a program that lets you simulate the universe.21:49
GreekDollmakerAll of it.21:49
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  there's Stellarium21:49
GreekDollmakerYou can render every star in the sky, explore every planet in detail.21:49
=== Tux is now known as StormTrooper
GreekDollmakerAll the galaxies.21:49
GreekDollmakerEvery single atom of it.21:49
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  try Stellarium21:49
martinphoneescott, tune2fs -m 1 /media/Volume-421:50
martinphoneescott, but then, first command is useless...21:50
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GreekDollmakerI don't think stellarium is that good with that.21:50
GreekDollmakerSpace Engine looks epic.21:50
gh0st`how do I get LAMP set up on ubuntu?21:50
icerootgh0st`: sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php521:50
icerootprotoCall7: my "fix" was always to install the xen kernel meta-package on the guest, because of that the correct modules are always pulled too21:51
spirit3_gh0st`: install Apache, MySQL and ... errr ... P ... is that PHP?  I forget.21:51
bekksPerl :)21:51
Bodsdaspirit3_: php, python, perl21:51
protoCall7fantastic, thanks iceroot I'll give that a shot21:51
escottmartinphone, no. you unmount it, then tune2fs the umounted partition by device label21:52
protoCall7bekks:  +1 :-P21:52
gh0st`php, thank you21:52
icerootbekks: -1 :)21:52
spirit3_bekks/bodsda thanks :)21:52
GreekDollmakerSpace engine can render supermassive black holes21:52
bekksiceroot: I could have said prolog ;)21:52
MonkeyDustGreekDollmaker  ok, but tell it in #ubuntu-offtopic21:52
GreekDollmakerOh yes.21:53
icerootbekks: much better then this "write only" thing perl :)21:53
bekksiceroot: :D21:53
elgaton[snake]: had a look at the code, I think you need to do a rewind(fptr) before printing into the file with fprintf21:53
protoCall7iceroot:  you can write unreadable code in anything haha21:53
escottmartinphone, so run "mount" and figure out what the correct /dev entry is. then umount and run tune2fs on that21:53
martinphoneescott, oh, you mean sdc1 or sdc2, not "volume4"21:54
icerootprotoCall7: but you can not write readable code with perl :)21:54
escottmartinphone, yep21:54
bonny_Is it possible to install F.E.A.R combat on linux?21:54
Dr_Willisbonny_:  that a windows app?21:54
iceroot!appdb | bonny_21:54
ubottubonny_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:54
icerootDr_Willis: its a windows game21:54
martinphonebonny, if thats a windows game, ask in winehq21:55
Dr_Willisiceroot:  see the wine app database mentioned above21:55
icerootDr_Willis: yes, i pulled it out :)21:55
bonnyHey is it possiblOk..21:56
icerootbonny: read the appdb link21:56
icerootbonny: also you can try the program "playonlinux"21:56
[snake]elgaton, what does rewind() do?21:57
elgaton[snake]: It sets the file pointer back to the start of the file21:57
protoCall7ice root were you using the stacklet kernels?21:57
spirit3_I seem to have avoided the dip in the market the last few years21:57
icerootprotoCall7: i am using the normal i386 kernel here, i am not using xen21:57
protoCall7i meant the guest kernels you were referring to above21:58
icerootprotoCall7: ah ok, i am installing the real xen-kernel on the guest21:58
spirit3_Talking to agencies asking if their 250/day (London) rates are a joke, they say that's normal ... they have good people happy to take them ...21:58
icerootprotoCall7: the kernel is not used, its taken from the host but the needed modules are pulled21:58
protoCall7Ahh, i see, thx21:58
MonkeyDust!ot| spirit3_21:58
ubottuspirit3_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:58
RelondoHow can I remount a drive as read/write?21:59
[snake]elgaton, it didn't fix it. :(21:59
Dr_WillisRelondo:  mount -o rw /dev/whatever /whever   I belive21:59
Dr_Willistheres a remount option i think.22:00
RelondoDr_Willis: Thanks.22:00
Dr_Willisid say check the mount man page also. I forget the syntax for  the remount option22:00
[snake]elgaton, now it's only posting the new data when I write stuff into it.22:01
elgaton[snake]: OK, what do you want the code to do precisely?22:01
bekksDr_Willis: -o remount,rw22:01
RelondoDr_Willis: Okay.22:01
[snake]elgaton. there will be a file that says(for example): hello.22:02
[snake]elgaton, I want to put stuff before that like this: new data\nhello22:02
[snake]elgaton, like append, but before22:03
[snake]prepend isn't a word but I want to prepend stuff to a file22:03
Dr_Willissed and awk are often used for 'alterning' text files..22:03
Dr_Willisor bash redirection can do it.. if its  a simple case.22:03
dudewhatmore for altering the output of text files22:03
subterfugeGooglefu has failed me, Have a Logitech M185 Bluetooth mouse that I would like to pair with my intigrated Bluetooth.  I am running Ubuntu 12.04.  Any suggestions on where to start?  I have tried just using the interfaces wizard for setting up new devices, that was a NOGO as it never saw it....22:04
dudewhatcat file.derp | awk '{ print $1 $2 }' >> new.derp22:04
elgatonsubterfuge: Did you encounter problems when choosing the pairing code?22:05
DarkAceZokay, I finally got me a live CD, anyone want to help me do a grub recovery?22:05
tbrockhey guys, do you know why .bashrc isn't being sourced on login22:05
elgaton[snake]: Strange. Will have a look at it tomorrow, seems fine at a first glance22:05
MonkeyDust!grub > DarkAceZ22:05
ubottuDarkAceZ, please see my private message22:05
[snake]elgaton, I know, I think that it should work but idk...22:06
elgaton[snake]: I'll have a look at it22:06
MyrHow can I reset the panels (desktop) in 10.10?22:07
joseph-soaresI've just installed mysql and add an user to a database using GRANT to give permissions, but I can't access mysql monitor using this new user.22:07
subterfugeelgaton: I have tried several variations on the PIN that is listed on the bottom of the device22:08
W4sptbrock: bash reads your .profile and .bash_login after /etc/profile is read.22:08
elgatonsubterfuge: No idea then22:08
tbrockwhy are all the ubuntu defaults like color prompt and whatnot stored in bashrc22:08
W4sptbrock: .bashrc is read if it is not a login shell.22:08
subterfugeelgaton: it is printed as 810-002192 I have tried the whole thing, just the 002192 and the 219222:08
icerootjoseph-soares:  can you connect to mysql using "mysql -u username -p"22:09
tbrockwhen you start a terminal though its always a login shell right?22:09
DarkAceZbut cfhowlett and mrgenixu1 were helping me... I need someone to hold my hand, if you get the drift22:09
Dr_Willistbrock:  xterm -ls  ---> is a login shell..22:09
vakswww.google.com will hold your hand22:09
Dr_Willistbrock:  initial login is normally a login shell. or from the console i belive.22:09
W4sptbrock: It needs to be specified that the xterm/shell shall be treated as a login shell.22:09
elgatonsubterfuge: Are you sure that's not a serial number? Bluetooth passcodes are generally shorter (they are at a maximum 16 numbers in length, generally they are 4 or 8 numbers long). Try "0000", "1234" and "12345".22:09
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joseph-soaresiceroot, I can connect using root only22:10
joseph-soaresiceroot, or if I do not put any user22:10
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joseph-soaresiceroot, I've get this behavior just after upgrade to latest Ubuntu version.22:11
subterfugeelgaton: will do, I have also tried the automatic option but no devices are even listed at this point22:11
elgatonsubterfuge: try also to make sure the device is visible (there should be a key on its bottom)22:12
ripthejackerhi guys22:12
ripthejackeris it possible to use my netbook as a wireless nic for my desktop?22:13
=== bill is now known as Guest47374
Dr_WillisHow is your netbook getting to the internet?22:14
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing22:14
Dr_Willissince you have 2 network devices. ;) yes.22:14
ripthejackerDr_Willis, do i need a network cable or is there a more common way?22:15
bekksripthejacker: since your pc doesnt have a wireless adapter, you'll need a cable.22:15
Dr_WillisThe Netbook is connected via WIRED to the internet? or wireles?22:16
antonio_do you know how to enable touchpad on thinkpad t60? tried synclient no luck22:17
antonio_thank you22:17
ripthejackerDr_Willis, actually i want to use netbook to create a wireless network22:17
Dr_Willisripthejacker:  so your other pc has a wireless card?22:17
subterfugeelgaton: I have opened up everything, looked under everything and googled "how to make logitech M185 visible" with no joy, thoughts?22:17
ripthejackermy desktop is connected to internet22:17
ripthejackerDr_Willis, no22:18
* Dr_Willis thinks this needs to be started over from the beginning....22:18
ripthejackerinternet comes to my pc via ethernet22:18
ripthejackergoes to netbook via cable22:18
* Dr_Willis wonders how cable and etenrnet are differnt...22:19
usr13ripthejacker: Not doable. Since your netbook's wifi device more-than-likely does not support AP mode.22:19
ripthejackerand then to my phone if its possible by reverse tether or something22:19
MonkeyDustripthejacker  cable = ethernet22:19
ripthejackerusr13, is it not possible by ad hoc?22:19
usr13ripthejacker: Yes, it is, one-on-one22:19
ripthejackerthat will do i have just one android phone22:20
ripthejackerMonkeyDust, yes22:20
ripthejackeri dont know but all of a sudden i feel like a network noob o.O22:20
MonkeyDustripthejacker  the internet cable is RJ11, ethernet is RJ4522:20
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dudewhatyou can setup a hostapd22:21
joseph-soaresiceroot, I got it. I should run "sudo mysql_secure_installation"22:21
joseph-soaresiceroot, thanks22:22
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=== Chaser_ is now known as Chaser
ripthejackerMonkeyDust, the cable used for lan and stuff.I think its rj4522:23
BliepoI have a problem installing Ubuntu 12.04 desktop. Tried desktop with USB -> hangs. alternate with usb -> hangs. alternate with cd -> hangs (even faster). I tried using different usb drives. Could someonle please help me?22:23
Dr_WillisBliepo:  how are you making the usb? and whats the pc specs.22:24
ripthejackerusr13, so is it possible?22:24
tech1does your system meet required specs?22:24
BliepoDr_Willis: I used Universal usb installer22:24
usr13ripthejacker: No, it is possible.22:24
ripthejackerusr13, ?22:24
Dr_WillisBliepo:  what exactly does it do when it 'hangs'22:24
usr13ripthejacker: It is not impossible. It is possible22:24
ripthejackerno or possible?22:25
BliepoDr_Willis: Specs: CPU core i7 @ 3.4Ghz, Sapphire Radeon HD 7800, 8GB RAM22:25
ripthejackerusr13, ok :)22:25
Dr_WillisBliepo:  ATi video? tried the NOMODESET option yet?22:25
BliepoDr_Willis: nothing at all, I also can't witch to console using Ctrl + alt + F22:25
BliepoDr_Willis: not yet22:25
BliepoWill try that, thanks22:25
Dr_WillisBliepo:  nothing at all? what Does it do? shows a splash? a flashing cursor?22:26
BliepoDr_Willis: It depends, in alternate usijng USB, it would sometimes hang at detecting cd-rom. Then it hang at detecting HDD's and then when installing the base system.22:27
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Dr_WillisSo the installer actual started then Hung? thats after you got to the desktop?22:27
BliepoAlthough, when it failed at installing the base system it didn't hang. It just reported it failed and ended the install.22:27
Dr_Willissounds like ther may be some deeper and possibly hardware issues going on..  as a test you could try some non-ubuntu disrtos and see if any of those work. Such as tiny-core-linux (10mb)22:28
BliepoBut I'll try the nomodeset and report back later22:28
limahi. i want to install ubuntu,solaris and windows on the same hard. in what order should i install them? i know you have to install windows first...22:30
LinixHey guys, I'm using Ubuntu 12.10, it is pretty much impossible for me to add PPAs. Am I doing it right? I cannot add "ppa:chromium-daily/dev" to my system, any help here?22:30
Dr_WillisLinix:  #ubuntu+1 for 12.10 issues22:30
trismLinix: 12.10 has a newer version of chromium then the ppa (unless they just updated it in the last week, *checks*)22:30
Linixlima: Solaris sucks in everyway compared to Linux, why would you even want it?22:30
OerHeksLinix, that PPA is out of date, chomium does not publish there anymore.22:30
SolarisBoywhy is Solaris Sucks a valid answer?22:31
SolarisBoygenerally ppl saying that aren't using it correctly or have no experience with it22:31
Dr_WillisSolarisBoy:   i imagine you want Ubuntu last.. so you said windows first.. so that gives you the logical order. :)22:31
limaLinix: i need to learn it...22:31
LinixOerHeks: Do you know what the official one is?22:31
OerHeksLinux, yes, softwarecentre.22:31
limaDr_Willis: thanks22:31
LinixOerHeks: But I wanted to get the dev versions of it.22:32
Dr_Willislima:  assuming grub2 can boot solaris.. ive no idea what bootloader it uses..22:32
Dr_Willislima:  mey be easier to just play with solaris in virtualbox22:32
limait uses a modified grub i guess22:32
bitfishI need help my menus got changed to chine's/ Japanese . I want to change it back to English.22:32
Linixlima: ok22:32
limaDr_Willis: nah.. its too slow22:33
SolarisBoyI have a v100 im selling with sol10 on it22:33
SolarisBoyi was going to throw it away soon actually22:34
Dr_WillisNot sure whats to learn about solarix actally. :) last iplay with it.. most of my leet-linux-skills transfered over. ;P22:34
SolarisBoyDr_Willis: same things you would need to learn on any other vendor unix - but I think your *nix knowledge is wide spread enough that you don't have to worry about like learning filesystem layouts and basic commands to maneuver the system22:35
spirit3_SolarisBoy: But, startup/shutdown with milestones etc is ... bizarre22:35
Dr_WillisI used SUN work stations years and yeas back  also..  and some BSD.. and Minux.,., it pays to be flexiable i guess.22:36
SolarisBoyDr_Willis: indeed22:36
Dr_WillisI still want some of the features from my AMIGA in Linux ;P22:36
spirit3_Dr_Willis: Now that I can totally agree with.  Datatypes!22:36
Dr_Willisspirit3_:  yep.  that was a very original idea i thought.   'plugins' at the core of the OS level.22:37
SolarisBoyspirit3_: is it really bizarre? i dont think. =(22:37
SolarisBoydid upstart really dupe us out of understanding run levels?22:38
spirit3_SolarisBoy: Probably not once you're familiar with it - I'm not familiar with it :(22:38
Dr_WillisI barely understand Upstart ;)22:38
Dr_Willisi rarely need to mess with it ;P22:39
SolarisBoylols i like upstart a lot - but everyone hasn't switched over to it or doesn't plan to - im still learning upstart though22:39
bitfishI need help my menus got changed to chine's/ Japanese . I want to change it back to English.22:39
SolarisBoyone would think it's simple enough and then boom - craziness occurs22:39
cemilla kokoşlar22:39
SolarisBoysmh @events..22:39
limawow 1600 users lol22:40
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Tired_Old_Manyeah, well not all of us are paying attention.  I think one guy is on the toilet and someone else just went to get a drink of something.22:42
MonkeyDustTired_Old_Man  or in a different time zone22:42
daedaluzis there a way to hide "unneeded" fonts from programs? I pretty much only need 10, but because I don't want to see boxes in the internet I have to browse through dozens22:43
SolarisBoyor working22:43
FloodBot1cemil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:43
cemilPlease do not use prostitutes operating system ubuntu22:45
grycemil: this is Ubuntu support channel. Are you looking for help?22:46
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing22:47
grydaedaluz: what programs would you want to hide them from? I think the font picker itself can't do that, but some applications like libreoffice have a setting to remember recently used fonts.22:47
W4spSolarisBoy: OT though, The OPenBSD community often needs those older h/w, it may be woth to ping someone at #openbsd.22:47
daedaluzgry all programs which I use to write with, pretty much22:47
cemilUbuntu is a whore, saying no operating system22:47
cemilUbuntu no, long live the Pardus22:48
Luig1Looks like this guy's on the ban train22:49
Luig1So anyway, is there a way to search within threads on the Ubuntu support forums?22:49
Luig1Like, search and get individual posts as results, instead of whole threads?22:50
cemilAll languages ​​are always acknowledges pardus beautiful, even in ubuntu IRC channel discrimination is worse than doing #pardus22:53
cemilAll languages ​​are always acknowledges pardus beautiful, even in ubuntu IRC channel discrimination is worse than doing #pardus22:53
cemilAll languages ​​are always acknowledges pardus beautiful, even in ubuntu IRC channel discrimination is worse than doing #pardus22:53
cemilAll languages ​​are always acknowledges pardus beautiful, even in ubuntu IRC channel discrimination is worse than doing #pardus22:53
FloodBot1cemil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:53
cemilAll languages ​​are always acknowledges pardus beautiful, even in ubuntu IRC channel discrimination is worse than doing #pardus22:54
DarkAceZfirst time I saw something like this happen here.22:55
DarkAceZcemil, hi22:55
DarkAceZgo back to mac22:55
newbe27hey guys22:55
newbe27anybody german here?22:56
ubottuქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge22:56
bekks!de | newbe2722:57
ubottunewbe27: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!22:57
ki4ro_Is there a length limitation on the hostname in SSH?22:58
bekkski4ro_: 255 chars for the FQDN.22:59
ki4ro_bekks: FQDN?22:59
SiDzhave u ever heard about the wireless problem when someone try to connect to he's access point it say bad password when it's the right password22:59
SiDzhow do you fix that?22:59
djzna question about NTFS USB thumbdrive.... IS UBUNTU Live persistence possible on a NTFS drive or only with FAT3222:59
dudewhattry using wpa_supplicant23:00
bekkski4ro_: full qualified domain name: mycomputer.kitchen.myhouse.com23:00
cemilalways have a very bad english ubuntu irc channels all its write can now get a warning ...23:00
cemilI installed with pardus pardus pardus irc pardus'e wanted to pass a language I suggest you talk to ... I know you disagree with your #pardus23:00
SiDzdudewhat im asking for a friend23:00
dudewhatI have had it happen to me before23:00
dudewhatbut only when using wcid23:01
SiDzya not the first time i heard of that23:01
ki4ro_bekks: Okay.  I can access the other computer with username@ipaddress but when I enter username@computername the connection times out23:01
SiDzso he must remove wcid?23:01
SiDzwpa_supplicant is by command line only?23:01
dudewhatall he needs is the default conf23:01
dudewhatand yes command line23:01
SiDzok ok23:01
SiDzgonna work that with him23:01
SiDzso he can remove wcid?23:02
SiDzand all dependancies?23:02
SiDzwpagui - graphical user interface for wpa_supplicant23:03
SiDzwpasupplicant - client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i)23:03
SiDzsound nice?23:03
FloodBot1SiDz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:03
cemil I installed with pardus pardus pardus irc pardus'e wanted to pass a language I suggest you talk to ... I know you disagree with your #pardus23:04
cemil I installed with pardus pardus pardus irc pardus'e wanted to pass a language I suggest you talk to ... I know you disagree with your #pardus23:05
itatitatguys I've a problem, Im trying to install a software, Less CSS, but I get this error always:  'Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20120423)'23:05
itatitatin the drive ‘/cdrom/’ and press enter23:05
itatitatwhat that?23:05
cemil I installed with pardus pardus pardus irc pardus'e wanted to pass a language I suggest you talk to ... I know you disagree with your #pardus23:06
dudewhatnever used it23:06
cemil I installed with pardus pardus pardus irc pardus'e wanted to pass a language I suggest you talk to ... I know you disagree with your #pardus23:06
g0kuHey ubuntu I just had a fresh install and I forgot to change my computer name and its really long, how can I change that?23:06
cemilubuntu no23:06
cemilnow does not allow me to use ubuntu irc23:07
cemilnow does not allow me to use # ubuntu23:07
cemilnow does not allow me to use #ubuntu23:07
IdleOnecemil: Do you have a Ubuntu support question?23:08
JoshuaPI have an ISO problem with an ISO burn I made today; the language packs do not include English.23:08
IdleOnecemil: you are in #ubuntu now.23:08
ki4ro_bekks: Okay.  I can access the other computer with username@ipaddress but when I enter username@computername the connection times out23:09
cemil#ubuntu does not allow my language23:09
cemil #ubuntu does not allow my language23:09
cemil #ubuntu does not allow my language23:09
cemil #ubuntu does not allow my language23:09
FloodBot1cemil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:09
spirit3_ki4ro_: sounds like you don't have DNS set up.  Add the remote IP adress to /etc/hosts along with tghe name you wish to use :)23:10
cemil-  #ubuntu does not allow my language23:10
JoshuaPCan someone help me?23:10
cemil  #ubuntu does not allow my language23:10
cemil  #ubuntu does not allow my language23:10
FloodBot1cemil: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:10
ki4ro_spirit3_: I'll try...thanks23:11
W4spg0ku: I would change /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts. Mind that other already configured services such as printing rely on the hostname, which probably is then the old one.23:12
g0kuShould I just do another fresh install W4sp ? ~_~23:13
g0kuI didn't configure printing yet so..23:13
W4spg0ku: Better to install again. It costs you only a few mins.23:13
JoshuaPCan someone help me with my Lang packs problem?23:14
cemil#ubuntu get Turkish language23:14
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.23:14
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IdleOnecemil: /join #ubuntu-tr23:14
IdleOnecemil: also stop spamming or I will ban you.23:14
W4spg0ku: To be perfectly honest with you, I don't change hostnames very often. ;-) To avoid the risks I suggest to install again.23:14
g0kuHaha alright, brb then.23:15
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ki4ro_spirit3_: That did it...many thanks!23:17
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irreverantIn windows if I want to auto start applications; I can place it in hklm/software/microsoft/currentversion/run or the startup programs folder.23:17
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irreverantHow can I do the same thing for my Ubuntu box?23:17
xanguairreverant: power icon at the top right, statup apps23:18
irreverantI feel so stupid!23:18
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irreverantOk where do I find the command or app for xchat? Which folder holds all the programs?23:20
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Pessimistirreverant, /usr/bin23:20
xanguairreverant: "xchat" would be the command23:20
irreverantYeah I looked in /bin and didn't find it23:21
xanguaor x-chat perhaps¿¿ check in terminal with autocomplete23:21
OerHekslocate xchat23:21
Pessimistirreverant, /usr/bin but not /bin/...23:21
xanguairreverant: you don't need to search for the binary, just put xchat as the command irreverant23:21
irreverantOk. let me try.23:22
Pessimistirreverant, configuration files are in ~/.<program name>. For my XChat installation it is ~/.xchat223:22
bonez2046I recently upgraded to 12.04, and then today I added in a newer diamond steal 3d 2000 pro video card...when i open 'display' I see a 'laptop' with 800x600 resolution (this is a desktop machine)23:23
Pessimistirreverant, configuration files are in ~/.<program name>. For my XChat installation it is ~/.xchat223:23
bonez2046I copied and reconfigured my xorg.conf file over from another system which is also running 12.04.. and that other system works, but I can't get the one with the new s3virge diamond card to recognize the driver23:23
irreverantSo it's /usr/bin and ~/.(programname)23:24
irreverantWhat's the best book to read about learning about ubuntu?23:24
Pessimistirreverant, yes; /usr/bin - executable files, ~/.<program/packet name>/ is for configuration, etc.23:24
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:24
Pessimistbonez2046, try without any xorg.conf in the another system23:26
W4spbonez2046: YOu would need to create a new xorg.conf file and check the difference. Also, xorg.conf is not mandatory and the X server should do perfectly without. Use xorg.conf if something isn't right. Do not use xorg.conf from other systems as they may have different hardware. Use diff to compare.23:26
bonez2046W4sp: I understand the hardware may be different. That's why I included the note "reconfigured my xorg.conf ... " to match the hardware on the new (other, copied to) system23:28
itatitatguys I've this message in the middle of an installation, but I dont know why:23:28
itatitatMedia Change: Please insert the disc labelled  'Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i38623:28
Dr_Willisitatitat:  your cd is in your sources.list for some reason.23:28
itatitatim working with the last version of ubuntu, I mount an iso in cdrom.............23:29
Dr_Willisuse the package manager tools to remove the cd as a repository23:29
itatitathow can I remove that?.....23:29
Dr_Willisnot much Point in haveing the cd as a repository ;)23:29
AssociateXWhere would the best place to ask ipod questions.23:29
Dr_Willisuse the packaage manager tools you perfer. most have a manage repository options23:29
irreverantOk, how can I change from Gnome to KDE?23:29
irreverantDo I need to download it using the synaptics package manager?23:30
itatitatyes you're right...23:30
itatitatok, thanks a lot23:30
Dr_Willis'software sources' tool in the menus. ;)23:30
Dr_Willisirreverant:  if its not installed.. yes.23:30
Dr_Willisirreverant:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:31
bonez2046Pessimist: not sure what you mean23:31
Pessimistyeah and then remove gnome or if you want to have both environments you'll have to choose between gnome/kde sessions23:31
Dr_Willisremoveing a desktop enviroment is harder then installing them. ;)23:32
Pessimistbonez2046, just read what W4sp said23:32
irreverantOops, well i'm installing using the command I was given.23:32
irreverantBut they'll both exist as options for right now right?23:32
arunkumar413is there any application to learn or construct regular expressions23:33
Pessimistyes, on login screen you will be able to choose between gnome or kde session or any other DE you have installed23:33
Dr_Willisarunkumar413:  ive seen several online. and for my Android phone. Not really looked in the repos for them I imagine theres some.23:33
cemilubuntu no, pardus thumbs up23:33
cemil ubuntu no, pardus thumbs up23:33
cemil ubuntu no, pardus thumbs up23:34
cemil ubuntu no, pardus thumbs up23:34
cemil ubuntu no, pardus thumbs up23:34
BigFatFattycemil: ok, we get the point23:34
entricularCan someone test something out for me ?23:34
entricularCan some one test out this script-> http://www.wikihow.com/Record-Your-Desktop-Using-Ffmpeg-on-Ubuntu-Linux23:34
entricularI need to see if it works on other people's systems23:34
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=== ghostchick is now known as skiptheuse
AssociateXArg, what would be a good server and channel to ask non Linux related ipod questions.23:35
nasa01Hi, does anyone know how to solve this error:  "Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit' timed out"?  It's causing slow bootup and problems with starting pulseaudio for me...23:35
Dr_Willisarunkumar413:    visual-regexp - Interactively debug regular expressions23:35
cemilpardus very best operating system23:36
cemilUbuntu is an operating system is so bad, she seems to be what kind of desktop environment made ​​for kids, doing stupid things23:38
cemilUbuntu is an operating system is so bad, she seems to be what kind of desktop environment made ​​for kids, doing stupid things23:38
irreverantDefault Display manager? KDM lightdm?23:38
Dr_Williscemil:  please grow up. if you have a support question then ask.. if not.. then be quiet.23:38
Dr_Willisirreverant:  whatever one you want.23:38
Dr_Willisirreverant:  its easy to change back.23:38
zaitzevDr_Willis: He's been spamming the channel for a while now..23:38
MonkeyDustcemil  is a bot23:38
irreverantDR_Willis: What's the difference?23:39
Dr_Willisirreverant:  one is kde's other is ubuntus default...23:39
OerHeksirreverant, lightdm - unity23:39
Dr_Williseither will do the job. If you are going to use KDE. may as well use KDM.23:39
irreverantThat's what I chose.23:39
Pessimistjust do /ignore cemil!*@* ALL23:40
bonez2046w4sp: ok, I get that X server should do fine but on this system all I get is 800x600 for the monitor resolution which clearly isn't 'fine' from where I sit....what else might I check?23:40
EjYcEHello am new here23:40
zaitzevPessimist: That works until he changes nick. Better to kick the bot out.23:40
Pessimistbonez2046, there is a way to change the monitor resolution. Just put "resolution" or "displays" in Unity23:41
EjYcEI need ssh root and smtp, contact me as soon as possible23:41
cemilUbuntu is an operating system is so bad, she seems to be what kind of desktop environment made ​​for kids, doing stupid things23:41
Dr_WillisEjYcE:  do you have a ubuntu support question? thats what this channel is for.23:41
bonez2046Pessimist: I got to the displays icon, click it and I see 'Laptop' and the resolution reads '800x600' and that's it, no other choices....23:41
Pessimistbonez2046, are you sure the drivers for your gpu are loaded correctly? If yes, then I think there is no other way than this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html23:42
bonez2046the 'displays' and or 'resolution' items are only seeing a laptop.23:42
tworkin1i just installed 12.04 from the alternate iso. I got an error during "select software and install" that I couldnt overcome so I skipped that and finished the installation. boot and login fine, but `apt-get update` only sees cdrom:// urls in sources.list. what to do?23:42
arunkumar413is there any regular expression construction program for ubuntu23:42
bonez2046I will recheck...I think I have the correct driver listed23:43
Dr_Willisarunkumar413:    visual-regexp - Interactively debug regular expressions   - check the repos for othhers.. i just did a quick search23:43
=== skiptheuse is now known as ghostchick
EjYcEDr_Willis@, I need a server where i can get hackers23:43
Dr_WillisEjYcE:  that dosent even make sence.. and is OT for this channel.. and Most likely OT for the freenode network...23:44
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=== skiptheuse is now known as ghostchick
EjYcEDr_Willis@,so what is ur advice? do you mean this is not the best pleace for what i need?23:44
tworkin1is http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ a recommended solution for making a better sources.list?23:44
cemilHow do you use an operating system, "su" type, type the administrator password, you can not get sudo password manager you will now write nonsense of su, the Ubuntu operating system is really a worthless23:45
Dr_WillisEjYcE:  my advice is to go learn some real computer skills.  this network and channel are NOT for illeagle type activities.23:45
Pessimisttworkin1, you need to get a good sources.list. I'll upload mine in a sec or you can go to Ubuntu Software Center and choose the online repositories23:45
cemilHow do you use an operating system, "su" type, type the administrator password, you can not get sudo password manager you will now write nonsense of su, the Ubuntu operating system is really a worthless23:46
EjYcEDr_Willis@,Oh i see but how can you teach me while we are distance from each other now:d23:46
cemilHow do you use an operating system, "su" type, type the administrator password, you can not get sudo password manager you will now write nonsense of su, the Ubuntu operating system is really a worthless23:46
Dr_WillisEjYcE:  no one is going to teach you  much on irc.. go read and learn some fundamentals and teach yourself.23:46
Dr_Willis!manual | EjYcE23:46
ubottuEjYcE: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:47
W4spnasa01: It's probably down to a dbus error. Did you install anything prior the error occured? Also, does dmesg tell you anything?23:47
dreadtechhello, I am trying to install Ubuntu server 10.0.4 on an IBM System x3650 M4. Is this possible? It shows that it's compatible with SUSE and Red Hat. Ubuntu is not detecting the 5 SAS HDs during set up.23:47
Pessimisttworkin1, here is my sources.list: http://pastebin.com/5GTAqPyg but note that this uses my local repos so I recommend you go to Ubuntu Software Center and enable your local repositories there23:47
EjYcEDr_Willis@,thank you anyway23:48
nasa01Thanks W4sp - no, I hadn't installed anything prior to the error, it seems to have always been there.  But of course, I wans't looking for it at the start23:48
nasa01And I didn't see anything special out of dmesg23:48
W4spnasa01: Well it's probably down to dbus then.23:49
nasa01Anything I can do about it?23:49
cemilUbuntu is an operating system I'm just telling you bad, than why should I use an operating system security weaknesses that already I'm using Pardus23:49
tworkin1Pessimist: thanks, i'll start with just precise main and precise-security main since all i have right now is vi D:23:49
W4spnasa01: What version do you have? Did you mention it?23:50
Dr_Williscemil:  if you are going to do pointless spamming, please use better english.23:50
dreadtechdid anyone see my question?23:50
grydreadtech: yes23:51
Dr_WillisI dont even know what a 'SAS' HD is dreadtech  ;)23:51
dreadtechit's just an IBM server hard drive23:51
Dr_WillisNot sure how that differs from the hard drive in my normal desktop machine..23:52
Dr_Willissome sort of RAID setup?23:52
pspeter3How do you install nvidia drivers now? I have been using elementary but switched back to ubuntu for a while23:52
bonez2046Pessimist: here's a pastebin for xrandr : http://pastebin.com/EcNWF5AS23:52
Dr_Willispspeter3:  addational-drivers  tool  - 'gksudo jockey-gtk'23:52
dreadtechyes but Ubuntu won't install nor detect drives even without the RAID set up23:53
pspeter3Dr_Willis: what does that do?23:53
dae44I have remote desktop set up on an Ubuntu 12.04 box, but after reboot I can't log in - I can get in via SSH. Does logging in with TIghtVNC require a full X session to already be open? If so, how do I do that remotely?23:53
Dr_Willispspeter3:  installs the nvidia and other drivers... what you asked how to do...23:54
Pessimistpspeter3, its a tool that makes it very easy to install propertary drivers in Ubuntu23:54
Dr_Willisdae44:  you can ssh and run the vncserver then connect via a vnc client to the hidden vnc desktop.23:54
irreverantWhat is ubuntu doing about the secure boot functionality with Windows 8?23:54
pspeter3Dr_Willis: Ok, thanks.23:55
Dr_Willisdae44:  t TightVNC does NOT share the current visible desktop. It can have its own custom 'hidden' desktop23:55
Pessimistirreverant, signing Ubuntu iso so that it would work under "secure" boot23:55
irreverantWith microsoft keys or emulating the keys?23:55
Jordan_Uirreverant: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-June/035445.html Further discussion of this should probably go in either #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic though.23:56
irreverantThanks Jordan_U23:56
Jordan_Uirreverant: You're welcome.23:56
W4spnasa01: We may need to check syslog, they rotate hence you may not find it in the current one.23:57
dae44Dr_Willis, gotcha, thank you!23:57
bonez2046w4sp here's a pastebin for xrandr : http://pastebin.com/EcNWF5AS23:58
W4spnasa01: The erro message is rather generic and can  have different root causes. :-(23:58
Pessimistbonez2046, follow the link I gave you23:59

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