
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
j0nrhello folks07:57
j0nris there any way I can upload multiple files to my U1 cloud thgrough a web browser? i.e. when I am not on a computer where I can install/run the U1 client (i.e. at work) is there a way of uploading other than the (rather primative) single file upload field?07:58
dpmhey u1 hackers10:15
dpmquick question: is it possible to reuse a web link that's been used before? The reason I'm asking is because I accidentally deleted some files I was sharing with someone through u1 links10:16
dpmI've restored the files and I'd like to use the old links, so that on the other end they don't notice the hiccup10:17
dpmI'm assuming the answer is 'no', but I thought I'd ask...10:17
aquariusj0nr, through a browser, no, not yet I'm afraid. If you're a technically adept person you may find u1ftp useful though11:11
aquariusdpm, sadly, no. :(11:11
dpmbummer, thought so, but thanks aquarius11:11
gatoxgood morninng11:14
gatoxalecu, hi12:14
ralsinagood morning!12:17
gatoxralsina, good morning12:17
ralsinagatox: about the sync menu/indicator/thingie: we need to keep an eye on making it work decently on Ubuntu without the sync menu so that we can have it on Precise12:26
ralsinagatox: should not be any extra work from what we do on windows/mac12:26
gatoxralsina, yes, actually i'm doing it as we wanted on linux too12:26
ralsinagatox: awesome12:27
gatoxbrb....... need to buy some medialunas :P12:28
gatoxalecu, did you understand the message that appear at this branch (the reason why is not landing)?? https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/darwin-tests-refactoring/+merge/11328913:11
gatoxit doesn't make sense, or i'm missing something13:12
alecugatox: otto is saying that there were revisions pushed to that branch *after* it was set to Approved.13:14
gatoxso i need another approve?13:15
alecugatox: no, global approved. I've just set it to Approved again, and in that page LP now shows: "Approved revision: 1289"13:15
gatoxmmmm i set it to approve yesterday, and then i got this message13:16
alecugatox: otto complains if the "Approved revision" is lower than the last pushed revision.13:16
alecugatox: that usually happens when LP has not fully scanned the branch diff.13:16
ralsinagatox: you did it too fast and launchpad feels bad13:21
gatoxsorry launchpad :P13:21
alecugatox: the test refactoring branch says "Merged"!13:42
gatoxalecu, gooooooooooooooooooooodddd13:42
alecugatox: now you see what I mean by "let's do small branches" ? ;-)13:42
gatoxalecu, yes...... and THAT is what i'm doing it right now..... when i reach something that is ready to propose, no matter if it is just a small feature, i propose that.... less problems13:43
gatoxalecu, speaking of that..... if you have some time to spare :P you could review this: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/menu/+merge/118117 (or let me know who else can i ask)13:44
gatoxand i'm about to propose another one13:44
gatoxbut you already started the review of that13:45
alecugatox: sure, looking.13:46
gatoxalecu, thx!13:46
thisfredralsina, having a little trouble with setting column width for a tree view/widget. What I'd like is to have the second column be fixed width, and the first one to take the rest of the space14:10
ralsinathisfred: I know how to do it, but can't explain for about 15 minutes :-)14:10
thisfredno hurry14:10
ralsinathisfred: maybe gatox knows14:13
gatoxthisfred, let me see14:14
ralsinathisfred: basically, use header() to get a QHeaderView14:14
ralsinathisfred: and then check this http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qheaderview.html14:15
ralsinathisfred: you want to set stretchLastSection to False14:15
ralsinathisfred: and use http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qheaderview.html#setResizeMode to set the 1st column to Stretch14:15
gatoxralsina, but that makes the first one to take the rest of the space?? i think not14:16
ralsinagatox: yes it does :-)14:16
gatoxbut i'm not sure14:16
ralsinagatox: 1st set to stretch last set to not stretch makes the 1st one stretch :-)14:16
thisfredat times the word overengineered comes to mind... :P14:16
ralsinathisfred: it *is* C++14:16
ralsinabut having to do this on the header instead of the widget itself is nuts14:17
gatoxthisfred, but is false by default14:17
gatoxahhhh not for qtreeview14:17
gatoxfor qtreeview is true by default14:17
ralsinagatox: yep :-)14:17
ralsinagatox: known gotcha14:17
gatoxyou learn something new every day :P14:17
* ralsina has had to do this exact same thing14:18
gatoxi did it for tables, never for trees14:18
ralsinaalecu: We need to change that "u1cp needs to close" dialog. Specially since u1cp doesn't close at all :-)14:29
gatoxalecu, look at this: http://youtu.be/m5zSr2tJIGI?t=2m43s14:36
alecuralsina: right!14:37
alecugatox: it's beautiful... So, at 1500usd, you can skip your next notebook and get one instead!14:40
gatoxalecu, jejeje i'm tryinggggggg..... but they are out of stock :(14:41
alecugatox: only the starbucks one is sold... they still have the husker one, and also one you can ask them to customize with any other name.14:41
gatoxalecu, yes.... but they are delayed making the ships or something, so you can buy it from the web.... you need to wait until they are ready again or something14:42
gatoxyou can't i mean14:42
alecugatox: you can also ask for one with your own name! "Lt. Diego Sarmentero" "GATOX"14:43
mmcchi folks14:55
gatoxmmcc, hi14:56
gatoxthisfred, briancurtin mmcc alecu ralsina dobey ?15:01
briancurtinoops, typing15:01
ralsinasorry, I'm skipping for today15:01
gatoxWorking on u1-client ipc menu, almost working fixing some issues with test_external_interfaces.15:06
gatoxPropose, move on to u1-cp menu15:06
gatoxthisfred, go15:06
thisfredDONE: background sync in cosas TODO: conflict resolution and error handling in cosas BLOCKED: no NEXT: mmcc15:06
mmccDONE: fixed storageprotocol run-test, cert loc: mac code, tests, twisted fun15:07
mmccTODO: propose cert loc code, file bugs, REVIEWS15:07
mmccBLCK: none15:07
mmccNEXT: briancurtin15:07
briancurtinDONE: new installer with the right version15:07
briancurtinTODO: finish automating version updating (has been a problem for a while)15:07
briancurtinNEXT: alecu15:07
alecuDONE: reviews, found a solution for bug #103119715:07
alecuTODO: a branch to fix it15:07
alecuBLOCKED: no15:07
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1031197 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "DownloadFinished signal triggers when file has not yet completed writing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103119715:07
* gatox lunch!15:25
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
mmccanyone know why there is no run-tests.bat in storage-protocol?15:34
mmccI'm wondering whether or not we need to run the second sweep of tests (with cpp extension) on macos15:34
verterokmmcc: we only use the cpp extensions in the server, don't think there is a need to run those tests in all client platforms :)15:36
mmccverterok: ok, thanks15:39
mmccstill wondering why there's no test-running script at all for windows in storage-protocol…15:51
briancurtinmmcc: i don't remember why there isn't one, but it could (should) be changed16:06
briancurtin(i think)16:06
mmccbriancurtin: yeah, I figured it'd be good to have16:07
mmccbut I'm running into the problem now where the buildout u1trial is older than dev-tools-trunk…16:08
briancurtinmmcc: i'm not really sure what to do there. i've just been manually updating the bin/u1trial whenever i bzr pull the dev-tools branch16:10
briancurtinmmcc: i got sidetracked into trying to setup a virtualenv alternative last time i tried to figure out dev-tools in the buildout, so i ended up sticking with manual for the time being16:11
mmccbriancurtin: yeah, that sounds reasonable. dev-tools doesn't change that often and there's enough other stuff to do16:12
mmccadding windows test script revealed that tests broke when TRIAL_TEMP_DIR was set16:30
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
mmccalecu - just saw your earlier review of https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/fix-run-tests/+merge/118488 -- sorry, I thought I'd set it back to 'work in progress' before anyone saw it… could you take another look? I've added a windows test script, fixed a path bug in a test, and made the tests run cleanly on darwin16:48
mmccthisfred - if you have time for reviews today, see above16:49
briancurtinjoshuahoover, ralsina: from what i could tell from our conversations, the 3.0.2 installer should really only be changed to identify 3.0.2b in the log files, right? do we need to change more than that, such as the version number in the file name?17:02
ralsinabriancurtin: well, I would like a different filename and build number so that people get the upgrade17:02
briancurtinralsina: i changed the build number which would take care of that part of it. changing the file name is obviously trivial, but i'll test that the upgrade path works with a name like that17:03
briancurtinalso, ralsina: 1-1?17:03
ralsinabriancurtin: sure17:03
ralsinabriancurtin: to both :-)17:03
ralsinabriancurtin: mumble?17:03
briancurtinralsina: logging in now17:03
thisfredmmcc, +117:14
mmccthisfred: thanks!17:15
alecummcc: ack. I'll take a look after lunch.17:19
ralsinarebooting servers, will be gone for a second17:21
mmccthanks alecu.17:21
mmccanother storage-protocol branch here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/fix-1025950-cert-locs/+merge/11860317:22
mmccwith that branch, the packaged mac app starts up and starts syncdaemon with no complaints17:23
mmcc(for real this time)17:23
mmccralsina: wasn't sure who is responsible for generating icon images, so you got this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-windows-installer/+bug/103409217:57
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1034092 in Ubuntu One Windows Installer "There is no UbuntuOne mac icon (.icns format)" [High,New]17:57
ralsinammcc: looking...17:57
ralsinammcc: ping lisette about it. She's on vacation but she's back tomorrow and she's a mac user17:57
mmccralsina: ok17:58
mmccanyone feel like swimming through a syncdaemon log? the macfsevents client is not handling create events correctly. here's the log: https://pastebin.canonical.com/71687/ (bug #1034127)19:22
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1034127 in Ubuntu One Client "macfsevents client fails to upload newly created file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103412719:22
mmcchowever, it is doing fine with deletes :)19:23
ralsinammcc: the CREATE seems to be generating a Makefile which is good19:29
ralsinaand the upload too19:30
ralsinait does give an error on on_upload_finished though19:30
ralsinammcc: did the file end uploaded to the site?19:30
ralsinammcc: we should add .DS_Store to the ignore list, right? That's easy :-)19:31
mmccralsina: no - the "Screen Shot" file does not appear on the site, however the .DS_Store file does. I see a bunch of log messages about uploading .DS_Store and none about the actual file19:32
ralsinammcc: you are right19:32
mmccralsina: yes, probably. DS_Store is going to be a source of lots of conflicts between multiple macs19:32
ralsinammcc: file a bug about the DS_Store19:32
ralsinammcc: you can fix it easy, just look at the provided syncdaemon.conf19:33
mmccright - there's a list of regexes to ignore, right19:33
ralsinathe other one, alecu may be the one who can track it19:38
mmccralsina: DS_Store is not totally straightforward - it's sometimes useful, and dropbox does sync it… I think they just don't sync it to non-macs.. do we have a mechanism for that kind of thing?19:41
ralsinammcc: nope19:41
ralsinammcc: I mean, we could have different ignore lists on each platform19:42
mmccis the ignore list checked when we get an event from the server?19:44
mmccI think it's probably at least partly a server issue if we want to sync it, since  we will want to avoid showing it in the web UI too…19:45
ralsinammcc: not familiar enough with what .DS_Store does to be helpful19:51
ralsinammcc: to hide it in the web, we'd need some work from beuno's team19:51
ralsinammcc: what exactly does it gain us to sync it?19:52
beunoyeah, not very hard19:52
mmccralsina: it holds info about things like folder background images, labels, spotlight comments on files19:52
beunoit uses up space, so just plain hiding may not be enough19:52
ralsinammcc: we are in principle not syncing metadata19:53
mmccso, no actual file content but metadata that some users do use -- and some apps (ab)use spotlight comments to store other metadata19:53
ralsinaand if the user has no mac he can never delete those again...19:53
ralsinacomplicated UX story there19:54
mmccralsina: ok, so on that principle it's OK to just ignore it at the client.19:54
mmccralsina: good point19:54
mmccI'm sure we'll get feature requests about it, but keeping it around is not essential to a working app.19:55
mmccby "keeping it around" I mean syncing it.19:55
ralsinawe can stat by ignoring it and then we'll see19:56
ralsinaif it's a binary there is a huge probability of cnflict with it anyway19:56
ralsinastart* by ignoring it19:57
mmccralsina - agreed. note that there's other metadata to think about: HFS+ extended attributes . the system uses those for more important things, like code signatures on apps… I still need to look into how important those are19:57
mmccI mean, how much of a problem it'd be to lose them. i.e., might be ok if no one ever syncs apps they get from the app store...19:58
ralsinammcc: good point19:58
mmccI have a todo to look at that later. later is coming soon i guess19:59
ralsinaalso, winter is coming20:00
ralsinait's a race between winter and later. I have my money n later20:00
gatoxralsina, alecu review please! :D https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-client/ipcmenu/+merge/11862120:02
ralsinagatox: looking20:02
mmcclunchtime here20:02
gatoxanddddd.... eod here! see you tomorrow!! :D have a nice day people20:05
ralsinaeod for me as wekk20:22
ralsinasee you all guys tomorrow20:22
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc

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