
blaksniper_need some help ctc to anyone04:03
blaksniper_care to chat04:03
holsteini can maybe help with your isssue, though i dont have time to chat04:04
holsteinfeel free to ask04:04
blaksniper_ok thank's.just a problem about this ubuntu studio my screen have this white horizontal lines every time i log on04:07
holsteinblaksniper_: i would try safe graphics mode from the live CD04:07
holsteini would check for and apply all updates04:07
holsteini would try the generic kernel.. i would try a proprietary graphics driver04:07
holsteini would alsy confirm that its not hardware related... a bad ribbon cable on a laptop can do that04:08
blaksniper_i did try a proprietary graphics driver but still no luck04:08
holsteinblaksniper_: generic kernel?04:09
blaksniper_i've used ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 before but i got no problem even i install prop.driver04:09
blaksniper_yup i also tried generic kernel04:10
holsteinblaksniper_: cool.. feel free to insatll 11.04, 11.10, or 10.0404:10
holsteinotherwise, i would try booting into the generic kernel, and maybe put a custom xorg.conf in place forcing the vesa driver04:11
holsteinyou can alsy ask in #xubuntu, might get more help with your specific hardware that way04:11
blaksniper_im thinkin of that as of now.but i really like to use ubuntu studio coz im a lets say beginner in editing04:11
holsteinubuntustudio is ubuntu, is xubuntu04:12
holsteini would load up a live CD... try hitting shift... uset he F6 option at the bottom to add "nomodeset"04:12
blaksniper_if im not mistaken my graphic card is the problem.ive read forums that ati card have a lot of problem04:13
holsteinif that works, then you can create a custom xorg.conf that forces the vesa driver04:13
holsteinblaksniper_: the vesa driver should be just fine04:13
blaksniper_ok i'll try that one.im just new in ubuntu and suggestion will greatly appreciates04:15
holsteinblaksniper_: if you are new, then using nomodeset from a live CD will give you an idea of how the vesa driver would work04:16
holsteinif its slow/dead in here, you can ask in #xubuntu or #ubuntu even04:16
holsteinblaksniper_: im not trying to kick you out... im just about to crash, and it can get quiet here... hang as long as you can, and someone might be along that can help :)04:17
blaksniper_sorry but im just taking note of what you said04:18
blaksniper_i'll try that later on coz i still have job to do.haha04:19
belgianguyI'm trying to figure out how to detect certain audio events in a (assumed random) input stream14:56
belgianguySo far, PureData (Pd) seems to be the tool I'll be most likely using, but I don't have much background in signal processing14:56
belgianguyand most info I come by concerns the synthesis/generation of signals14:57
holsteinbelgianguy: lemme refer you to #opensourcemusicians14:57
belgianguyanyone here who can point me to more 'detecting patterns/events' material?14:57
holsteinthere are a few PD folks there, if you can hang for a bit14:57
belgianguysure, I'll hang around :)14:58
belgianguyI'm just a programmer btw, not a musician, but was toying with some ideas14:58
holsteinbelgianguy: theres a guy there, [lsd], i usually bother him with all questions i have like that14:58
holsteinhe uses ubuntu, and other there do as well, but not exclusively14:59
belgianguyah, that's good to know!14:59
=== frz_ is now known as fr-z
jamesmutandoes ubuntu studio really work?19:06
* philbo is installing right now - bafflingly on the machine I'm talking to you on - benefits of a LiveCD installer I guess. ;o)19:06
jamesmutanso you haven't tried it yet?19:07
philboI'm about to test it with my Focusrite 18i6 interface - I'll keep you posted.19:07
philbowell, when I say "about to" I mean, after it installs and I reboot, etc.19:08
philboI'm not confident. Focusrite have done some strange things to keep the cost down on that interface... like there's apparently a DSP chip inside to do hardware mixing of all the inputs but hardly any physical controls on the thin19:10
len-dtjamesmutan, "really work" means what?19:10
len-dtIt boots on both my machines and does audio work.19:10
jamesmutanease of use, productivity19:10
len-dtThat is pretty personal. Personally I like xfce a lot better than unity for audio work.19:11
philbojamesmutan: have you tried "regular" ubuntu?19:11
len-dtproductivity would depend on your workflow.19:12
jamesmutani've used mint for 2 years now19:12
jamesmutanbut i wanna see if I change to windows for better musical production software19:13
len-dtI have not used mint. I came here from slackware.19:13
len-dtIn general, the SW available for audio use is the saem whatever distro you use.19:13
philbofrom what I can tell, it looks as if the UbuntuStudio guys have really streamlined "regular" ubuntu, and picked some great creative software to be pre-installed from the  DVD19:14
len-dtif there is a linux SW package you would like to use that you can't in mint that would be different19:14
jamesmutanso there's really no difference :P19:14
len-dtTried to.19:14
len-dtIf what is preinstalled works in a more integrated way there is better stuff that way.19:15
philboI'm not entirely certain, but they may have picked optimised drivers and modules for audio/video hardware etc.19:15
len-dtis mint debian based?19:15
philboIt looks to be very well thought out and put together.19:16
len-dtI am glad you liked it.19:16
jamesmutanmint is debian based, yes19:16
len-dtThe available apps will be very much the same then.19:17
len-dtubuntu uses debian SW for the most part... just repackaged for lib depends.19:17
len-dtWe do ship with a low latency kernel as stock though.19:18
len-dtVery good audio performance is available without rolling a kernel.19:19
jamesmutanwell, i'll just dual boot to keep mint, but i'd like to try new software on windows 719:20
philbolen-dt: are you a Ubuntu Studio designer?19:22
len-dthelper maybe...19:22
len-dtI did do some of the menus in 12.0419:22
philboyeah, i wasn't sure what to say... 'employee' didn't sound right. ;o)19:22
len-dtMore money would be helpful, but I am volunteer.19:23
len-dtThe whole ubuntustudio team is volunteer as far as I know.19:24
philboI know what you mean about money - I do think it's wonderful that people can work together on stuff like this because they share a common interest.19:24
len-dtTo be honest, while I would like more money, I can't really say it would improve my life.19:24
philboyou know, working on stuff for fun - but also making something that others can use and will find amazingly useful19:25
philbohold up - yonder installation is complete... I'll reboot and swing by here very shortly19:25
* philbo^ waves19:30
len-dtHello, hows the install then19:30
philbo^well it booted... (good sign!)19:31
len-dtI figured that much.19:31
philbo^just gonna plug in my interface19:31
* philbo^ must away19:52
philbo^but it was good talking to you guys19:52
tech1is it necessary to install asio(audio) drivers on ubuntustudio? or are the native drivers already optimized21:56
len-dttech1, asio as far as I know is for windows not linux22:01
len-dtIt is possible to use asio inside wine, but not the best way to go.22:01
tech1i see. thanks. ill just use ubuntustudio's native drivers then and look for upgrades if i ever think i need it22:02
len-dtJackd is already a very good audio setup and offers better routing and low latency22:02
tech1ahh cool22:02

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