
aicasnsure is quiet...02:05
GreatDantonanybody knows when will be xubuntu 12.04.1 released?03:23
Unit193Well, if things go according to plan, exact same time as Ubuntu does.03:25
GreatDantonUnit193, when?03:25
GreatDanton23 august?03:26
Unit193August 23rd03:28
GreatDantondid you try nomodeset?03:29
Unit193Set it in grub, but haven't rebooted yet.  May set up the computer that's the exact same and try it there.03:30
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
tnorrisI installed 12.04 using full disk encryption. Problem is the nvidia card causes the screen to scramble on startup and I can't see the password input.06:34
tnorrisis there anyway to switch to a non-gui password input?06:35
foobArrrtnorris: you can switch to a terminal, ctrl + alt + f106:43
tnorrisfoobArrr: can I switch to the terminal when it prompts for the password for full disk encryption?06:44
foobArrroh, that password input06:44
foobArrrdon't think so06:44
foobArrrisn't there a kernel parameter to get text mode during boot? nosplash? would that give non-gui password input?06:45
tnorrisah, that's a good idea. I'll try that out.06:48
livingdaylightwondering whether to use 32 or 64 bit xubuntu07:01
livingdaylightI have i3 processor with 8gb of ram07:01
foobArrryou have a 64 bit cpu, you have more than 4GB ram -> 64 bit07:07
foobArrrdoes 32 bit have any advantages nowadays?07:08
livingdaylightfoobArrr, thank you07:21
xubuntu169does xubuntu 12 use gdm ? i am trying to create a xorg conf file but i cant stop x07:44
knome12.04 uses lightdm07:44
xubuntu169thank you ! x is now stopped but now it tells me it cannot move xorg.0.log to xorg.0.log.old when i type Xorg -configure07:46
knomei don't think that's the worst error :)07:47
TheSheepmaybe you forgot sudo?07:47
knomeyeahm thinking about that too, but it's just the log anyway07:48
xubuntu169now with sudo it gives me a new error; number of created screens does not match number of detected devices07:49
xubuntu169when i try to sudo Xorg -configure i get this error ;number of created screens does not match number of detected devices. Any idea how i could make it work ?07:58
baizonxubuntu169: check with xrandr your detected displays08:08
baizonthen compare them to your x.org conf08:08
livingdaylighttesting xubuntu-64 bit but already I notice that it seems to be using 688 MiB RAM when the 32 bit was using roughly half.08:16
TheSheeplivingdaylight: it always uses all the ram08:18
TheSheeplivingdaylight: when it's not used by applications it is used for caches and buffers08:18
livingdaylightTheSheep, so, that's normal?08:18
TheSheeplivingdaylight: also, a lot of ram is shared between applications (for shared libraries, for example), so it's hard to tell how much is really "taken"08:19
livingdaylightwas told that on a 64bit optimized system with 8gb of ram I should go with the 64-bit OS08:19
TheSheeplivingdaylight: yes, that's because 32 bit can only address 4GB of ram08:20
baizonlivingdaylight: what version of xubuntu? 12.10?08:20
livingdaylightby 64bit optimized I mean the CPU08:20
livingdaylightbaizon, 12.0408:20
baizonmine was using ~500MB08:20
baizonso i think its ok :)08:20
baizonmy ubuntu 12.04 uses ~700MB08:20
livingdaylightto be fair I'm running the Voyager iso which is basically, xubuntu + Compiz /AWN - maybe that accounts for the extra 20008:21
baizonyeah so its ok08:22
livingdaylightok, thanks for confirming (and reassuring) guys08:22
TheSheepcompiz can take a lot of ram08:22
baizoni mean i got 500MB but im using zeitgeist so you can have less :)08:22
TheSheeplivingdaylight: try running xrestop from terminal and see how much ram just the graphics takes08:22
livingdaylightasked to apt-get install xrestop first but got this when I did: E: Unable to locate package xrestop08:25
livingdaylightremember I'm runnin the live-cd; whether that makes a difference?08:25
TheSheeplivingdaylight: it surely does08:26
livingdaylighti see. Can one not apt-get install programs?08:26
TheSheeplivingdaylight: livecd uses some of the ram for the filesystem08:26
TheSheeplivingdaylight: you can, they will be installed in the ramdsik08:27
livingdaylightoh, in terms of RAM, yes, ok.08:27
livingdaylightwhere did you get xrestop from?08:27
TheSheepapt-get install xrestop08:28
TheSheepit lists the x resource use08:29
livingdaylightyes, I got Unable to locate package xrestop when I tried08:29
livingdaylightAt first I thought it kind of defeats the purpose of running xubuntu i.e. xfce with compiz and awn, if one has the resources might aswell run Ubuntu? or is there still some savings on resources? It's just default does look a bit bland08:34
TheSheepI use xfce because I prefer the ui, not because I want to save resources08:38
TheSheepbut that a question of what you are used to08:38
livingdaylightI'm used to Ubuntu i.e. gnome08:39
TheSheepubuntu is very different from original gnome 2 by now08:39
baizoni was using gnom2 then xfce and with 12.04 im back with ubuntu :)08:39
livingdaylightbut unity is still a bit unstable for me and quirky08:39
baizonfor me unity is just perfect ;D08:39
livingdaylightAlso, I prefer to dedicate my resources to running apps than making it look nice. However, now I realize I like it looking beautiful too, lol08:40
baizonwell i've disabled all effects :)08:41
baizoni like the usability08:41
baizonwell buts offtopic, so if you like to talk youre welcome to join #xubuntu-offtopic08:42
livingdaylightI found Unity had improved vastly since its first inception, and was beginning ot enjoy it, but managing workspaces wasn't great. I like adding as many workspaces as I like, and having them in one line, not a quadrant. More importantly, switchng between many apps seemed to make the window borders increasingly unstable08:42
livingdaylightHad a question on partitioning also. I understood that by dedicating a /home partition I would be able to preserve it and all contents on future installations of whatever distro.08:48
baizonyes, im doing it the same08:49
livingdaylightHowever, I was told that was not necessarily so, and that it would be better (cleaner) to keep everything on a separate partition call it /Data and also reinstall /home08:49
baizonif you have /home on a seperate partition, after a fresh install all settings will stay08:49
baizoncant agree with that08:49
TheSheeplivingdaylight: the thing is, if the other distro uses different versions of applications, then the config files saved in your home might be incompatible with those versions08:50
baizonyes thats true, i was only switching between the ubuntu derivates08:50
TheSheepthis is usually only problematic when you switch to a distro with older versions, though08:51
livingdaylightTheSheep, right! that makes sense. So, why is it generally advocated and said that one can keep one's /home and never have to format it when installing different os's. Seems its true only if one is re-installing the same distro08:51
TheSheeplivingdaylight: usually applications can understand config files from their older versions08:51
TheSheeplivingdaylight: or can migrate them08:52
TheSheeplivingdaylight: also, I think that the distro makers want you to use the default settings that they provide, because then it's easier to help you08:53
TheSheeplivingdaylight: so they consider it "cleaner" if you don't use your old settings from a different distro08:54
TheSheeppersonally I always customize heavily, so it doesn't matter for me08:54
CellTechWhen I visit the software center to install LMMS. It installs wine instead. Why?08:56
TheSheepCellTech: *instead*, or in addition?08:57
TheSheepCellTech: looks like lmms requires wine08:58
TheSheepCellTech: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/lmms08:58
CellTechWell when I install it. All that shows up is Wine. No lmms..08:59
baizonhave you tried it using the terminal?08:59
TheSheepCellTech: it has to install wine first, since it's a dependency08:59
CellTechCan I install the thing through terminal? I don't know how to08:59
aquixthink lmms need wine for the vst plugins, If I remember correctly09:00
TheSheepit's probably installed, just not where you expect it in the menu09:00
TheSheepjust type 'lmms' in the terminal09:00
TheSheeplooking at the file listing, it doesn't have a menu entry at all09:01
CellTechI keep forgetting the sudo apt-get install "package name"09:01
CellTechsoftware center makes it to where sudo's just aren't needed for lazy people like me09:01
livingdaylightWith 8gb RAM is swap required?10:09
TheSheeplivingdaylight: swap always comes in handy, just in case10:11
livingdaylighton a 500gb hd with 8gb RAM how much swap would you recommend?10:12
livingdaylightnot the usual formula of 2xRAM ?10:12
TheSheephalf maybe?10:14
livingdaylightfor hibernation seems i need ram+ some more10:16
livingdaylighthibernation is a good thing, right?10:16
aquixdon't need swap over 2 gb, it at all.10:17
aquix*if at all10:17
Sysiif suspend works, you probably don't want hibernation10:17
qwertz_livingdaylight, i'd personally go for ram + a bit10:18
qwertz_say 9 GB10:19
qwertz_however, i typically do not care too much about disk space10:19
aquix9 gb is way too much10:20
livingdaylightaquix, it does sound a lot. but for hiberation seems it requires the amount of ram + some10:20
livingdaylightlet me check that link10:21
livingdaylightHibernation (suspend-to-disk) The hibernation feature (suspend-to-disk) writes out the contents of RAM to the swap partition before turning off the machine. Therefore, your swap partition should be at least as big as your RAM size. The hibernation implementation currently used in Ubuntu, swsusp, needs a swap or suspend partition. It cannot use a swap file on an active file system.10:21
xubuntu808salve qualcuno mi può dare una informazione10:38
xubuntu808what are minimal system requirements for xubuntu 11.10?10:39
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en1gmawith the xubuntu live cd is there a "load to ram" command option11:44
aquixa live cd only loads to ram ?11:49
en1gmaa live cd still has to access the cd all the time (everytime you type a command)11:50
en1gmaif you load the WHOLE cd to ram then it dont access the cd rom for nothing anymore11:51
aquixah, wouldn't know.11:52
aquixen1gma  yeah, there is a parameter called toram   http://askubuntu.com/questions/28671/distro-that-i-can-load-into-ram11:55
aquixen1gma  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158320611:56
en1gmabrb gonna try it11:57
grySomeone with Xubuntu 12.04 pastebin your /etc/profile please?12:24
aquixwhat did you do?   http://pastebin.com/JhAhvTkS12:38
=== livingdaylight is now known as buddylinux
gryaquix: thanks.. can you paste your output of "echo $PATH" please?12:47
gryaquix: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1741470 lines 230 - 242 are the 'problem' I'm seeing12:48
aquixno idea what your up to :)12:52
aquixbut here you go   http://pastebin.com/CLxCnEsL12:52
gryi'm not up to anything other than reading lines 230-242 and seeing that they're not normal12:59
grybeen trying to shoot the trouble and still have no idea how to resolve it properly yet; thanks for the paste13:00
aquixno worries :)13:01
gryyou appear to have /usr/local/bin in your path; would you happen to know what file is it set in?13:01
aquixno idea13:03
buddylinuxis there a quick way to launch apps in xubuntu? Our version of Unity's dash13:04
buddylinuxalt+F2 ?13:04
foobArrrgnome-do. or kupfer. or synapse.13:04
buddylinuxI dont find the right-click a quick way for accessing applications because apps is right at the bottom of the menu and then there are many more submenus13:05
buddylinuxfoobArrr, kupfer sounds kde app?13:05
buddylinuxhow does synapse work?13:05
buddylinuxis there a key-shortcut for it?13:06
aquixI have all sorts of apps and files set as keyboard shortcuts using   windows key  + F1, F2 ...13:08
buddylinuxaquix, that's another way for launching favourite apps13:08
gryaquix: cat /etc/profile.d/*.sh /etc/profile /etc/bash.bashrc ~/.bash_profile ~/.profile ~/.bashrc | grep PATH13:09
gryaquix: can you pastebin that please ?13:09
buddylinuxactually it would be good to have a 'favourite' entry in the menu for quick launching13:09
foobArrrI don't think kupfer is a kde program, but I don't know13:09
aquixgry http://pastebin.com/msCuVRqf13:10
buddylinuxfoobArrr, just asking, it sounds it with the 'k'13:11
gryaquix: i see, can you also pastebin /etc/environment please?13:11
Sysibuddylinux: gwenview is kde app and it doesn't13:12
buddylinuxSysi, you got me  ^^13:12
buddylinuxand i see kupfer is a gnome app -13:12
aquixkdes k policy is long gone13:12
aquixand I say good for them, got a bit silly13:12
buddylinuxit got ridiculous; even for geeks it got ott.13:14
aquixgry  /etc/environment    ===>   PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"13:15
aquixgry  I'm leaving soon. maybe install 12.04 in virtualbox?13:16
grythat's ok, i'll look at it, thanks13:16
aquixyour welcome :)13:16
buddylinuxinstalled openjdk-jre-headless but seems I am missing another component to launching jnlp files. Is it icetea?13:29
buddylinuxneed the java webstart13:29
buddylinuxisnt java webstart part of openjdk?13:30
GridCube!info libnb-java5-java13:31
ubottulibnb-java5-java (source: netbeans): Common Java Related Libraries for NetBeans. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.1+dfsg1-4 (precise), package size 8526 kB, installed size 29702 kB13:31
GridCubeno... thats not it13:31
itai_michaelsonhi, by mistake i deleted the bottom panel/ dock thing in xubuntu, now i want to recreate it , but im not sure how its called or what to google13:38
TheSheepitai_michaelson: it's called panel, or more precisely xfce4-panel13:40
TheSheepitai_michaelson: it's the same as the top one13:40
TheSheepitai_michaelson: just right-click on the top panel, and select 'panel preferences', then you can add new panel and add things to it13:41
itai_michaelsonTheSheep, i see...ok , thanks13:41
TheSheepitai_michaelson: alternatively, select 'panel preferences' from the settings13:41
buddylinuxwow, java is hating me on 64bit14:36
buddylinuxshould java work fine in 64-bit distro?15:20
buddylinuxapp is launching but screen freezes and doesn't close when I hit the x button15:20
baizonbuddylinux: what version of java?15:24
buddylinuxbaizon, first I tried openjdk7 but wasn't getting any joy so just removed it and installed web8's oracle ppa - that worked except for the problems I'm now getting with one app. Its working in another15:26
baizonhave you made some debugging?15:26
Sysiis it 32bit app?15:27
buddylinuxone is kgs cgoban app and it is a .jnlp file and that works. the other is from OANDA and its their desktop tradestation and it is a .sh file15:28
Sysi.sh is bash script, it is just for launching java app?15:30
buddylinuxI hear with PAE one can make use of up to 64gb of ram on a 32-bit distro?15:31
Sysinot for a single app15:31
buddylinuxbasically, wondering whether installing 64 bit xubuntu was a mistake15:32
Sysiyou can run basically entire 32bit xubuntu inside 64bit one15:33
buddylinuxwhy the issue with java?15:34
Sysibecause java, the app or both are bad15:39
buddylinuxthe app always worked fine up to now15:39
Sysibuddylinux: run that .sh in terminal and then try the java app located in ~/.oanda/jar/15:47
Sysithouhg it should create menu entries and such15:48
buddylinuxSysi, i run ./fxtrader.sh in terminal which creates a launcher (icon) on the Desktop. Normally, when I then launch it it opens the platform, but what's happening now is that not all windows are populating and they're freezing.15:50
buddylinuxOANDA says it could be java cache issue15:51
martinphone4000 mp3 files are present in an expunged folder. Every mp3 file includes info about its year, band and album. How do I return them to their original directory? Original directories havent been edited17:10
sambagirlexpunged? what exactly do you profess with the term expunged?17:21
martinphonesambagirl, I have 4000 files in 1000/files. in 1000/info there are 4000 trashinfo files for each of the 4000 mp3 in 1000/files. I need to restore all those files to their original directories17:27
buddylinuxClip2net is not running on 64-bit xubuntu http://clip2net.com/en/ Anyone else on 64-bit could perhaps test this? Its a simple bin file. chmod +x followed by ./filename.bin usually starts the installer17:28
martinphone1000/expunged is empty17:28
martinphoneabout my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203888217:40
kalxashi all,  I am trying to customize a xubuntu iso based on this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization#Advanced_Customizations19:14
kalxas I was able to rebuild the initrd.lz file19:14
kalxasso that I have username and password set for the live session user19:14
kalxas but I am not succeeding in changing the background image19:14
kalxason the installer19:14
kalxas can please someone give a hint on that?19:15
kalxas I have replaced the image in initrd with my own (using the same file name) but still does not work19:15
kalxasthis is my chroot script: https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/browser/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/bin/build_chroot.sh19:16
kalxasI have contacted ubuntu, ubuntu-devel and xubuntu-devel channels without success so far19:16
MorganIs there a way to upgrade from the 12.04 release to the newer alphas without completely reinstalling?20:32
TheSheepMorgan: you can change the repository addresses and do dist-upgrade20:33
martinphonein gparted, whats the difference between primary partition and extended partition? I m only going to use it to store huge ammounts of data, no OS, but movies, pictures, mp3 and flac...20:33
TheSheepMorgan: but as those are alphas, the process is not guaranteed to succeed flawlessly20:33
MorganI understand the alphas are work in progress, but are they reasonably stable?20:33
TheSheepno idea, didn't try any, it usually changes20:34
TheSheepone day they may be stable, next day there might be some bug20:34
Morganhm, alright20:34
TheSheepmartinphone: it's a leftover from the DOS days, basically you only can have 4 primary partitions on a disk, and an extended partition is a way around that -- it creates a primary partition that can have more partitions inside it20:35
martinphoneok TheSheep20:35
TheSheepmartinphone: so if you don't need more than 4, go with primary20:35
martinphonein this new 1GB external HDD I want to reduce lost and found space to 1% instead of the defaul 5%, plus it is owned by root and not me, how do I change that?20:51
martinphonenautilus didnt do the thing20:51
martinphonechmod changes permissions, doesnt it?20:55
martinphonewill sudo nautilus work in a terminal?21:08
knomemartinphone, gksudo is for launching gui apps, sudo for CLI stuff, regardless where you run them21:10
martinphoneok, i did change the permissions with that, I still need to reduce "lost and found" space from 5% to 1% (ext4)21:11
daedaluzapplication menu has Wine sub-menu in it, but the entry doesn't show in alacarte22:22
MaccerIs there a way to integrate lubuntu with xubuntu?22:54
MaccerOr at least the lxde/openbox interface22:54
knomethat question doesn't make sense22:58
knomeif you want lxde, use lubuntu, and install the software you want22:58
MaccerI wanted to see what the lubuntu flavor would look like without overwriting xubuntu23:01
MaccerI just installed lxde... but... okay23:01
Unit193Try a liveCD would be my recommendation...23:02
MaccerYeah, but all I want to do is try to see how better openbox/lxde theming is.  XFCE afaik doesn't support horizontal titlebar gradients23:03
knomei don't think lxde or openvox does that either23:04
knomeopenbox too23:04
daedaluzis there a way to change thunar icons while leaving the notification area untouched?23:09
Maccerdaedaluz: You mean the notification area uses an icon that xfce uses for files?23:15
MaccerYou'd have to start with the gtkrc in xfce-notify and then probably change something in gtk-3.0, but I don't know, your organization could be different23:17
daedaluzI mean the tray icons. I like them monochrome, but shiki would be cooler thunar icon theme Maccer23:18
Maccerdaedaluz: uhh... I don't know.  Try #xfce if you haven't.  Also, the indicator plugin... the panel editor doesn't allow it to be configured, does anyone know how I can switch the order of the icons that relate to it?23:25
daedaluzI guess I'll just make a new theme by combining shiki & greybird, thanks anyways23:26

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