[09:50] NCommander: What's this ubuntu-livecd-image thing in your PPA that's producing very large broken d-i tarballs? [10:22] hi peoples. anyone from the admin end of lunchpad.net? I don't get the email with the confirmation code? [10:24] after signing up? [10:25] what username did you use? [10:26] I tried signing up as sune@vuorela.dk [10:27] svuorela: you probably want to report the issue via https://forms.canonical.com/sso-support/ [10:29] ok. [10:30] svuorela: looking at it seems you can use 'reset password' there to send the email again === zyga is now known as zyga-food === zyga-food is now known as zyga [14:44] Hi. I was wondering if Gema Gomez was likely to be about. I wanted to chat about some of the automatic Xen testing we're doing. Lars Kurth has been trying to introduce us... [14:48] Diziet: #ubuntu-devel / gema. [14:49] Ta. [17:12] wgrant: its an attempt to try and build live images in a PPA vs. the current infrastructure. I wanted to use the raw-installer type so its easy to download, but they seem to have not published. Was going to give up and build debs instead [17:38] Hi all. [17:39] Let's say I uploaded some sources for a PPA to see if they'd build. Let's also say that they didn't, I saw what the build error was, have corrected my source files, and attempted to re-upload... but was blocked, because launchpad says the files already exist and my new files are different. [17:39] How do I remove the old files from my PPA upload so that it'll take the new files? [17:39] I've tried to sftp in and remove the files, but even though the rm command returns "ok", it doesn't seem to actually work. [17:40] Don't remove the old ones, just increment the version [17:41] You cannot edit PPAs at all over SFTP [17:42] so basically if an upload screws up or is done incorrectly, you just have to increment versions and start over? what a weird way to do things. [17:42] Alright, I'll give it a shot, thanks. === jrgifford is now known as Guest33606 === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === mbarnett` is now known as mbarnett === Guest33606 is now known as jrgifford