
PyrhraBonsoir, Je suis actuellement en train d'installer Xubuntu, connaissant déjà un peu l'univers de Linux, j'aurais une question à propos de Xfce, que je n'ai jamais utilisée, je voudrais savoir à quel point il est paramétrable00:09
PyrhraCàD si il es possible par exemple d'intervertir la barre du haut et celle du bas00:09
PyrhraJe un peu regarder mais je n'ai pas trouvée00:10
PyrhraJ'ai aussi vu qu'on pouvais mettre une image de fond pour les barres, comment va-t-il gérer l'image donnée ? S'il va l'étendre si elle est carré par exemple, ou s'il faut mettre une image dans un format spécial et de la forme de la barre00:13
cavibirdcavibird2005@Cavis-Zenbook:~$ sudo apt-get install update [sudo] password for cavibird2005:  Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-security_main_binary-amd64_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. cavibird2005@Cavis-Zenbook:~$00:36
cavibirdAnyone home?00:36
bazhang!patience | cavibird00:37
ubottucavibird: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:37
* cavibird is patiently waiting00:37
cavibirdI fingered her out. Thanks peeps!00:40
cavibirdsudo rm -vf /var/lib/apt/lists/*  fixed the issue00:42
cavibirdbye all00:42
asterismohi people01:34
asterismoi need help with Fn keys01:35
asterismocan i remove pulseaudio from xubuntu and use alsa for sound server?01:35
asterismobecause xfce4-volumed do not recognize Fn keys or so01:35
asterismoMultimedia keys are not working01:36
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
AzelphurAnyone happen to know about cpufreqd? It's underclocking my CPU (Even under load, the maximum frequency is 2.8ghz but my CPU is 3ghz overclocked to 4.2 in the bios)01:53
xubuntu922I just installed xubuntu and need to get online...how do I do that?02:35
holsteinxubuntu922: the wired internet (assuming you have that) should "just work"... and from there, you can get help with the wifi (assuming you have that, and its not "just working")..02:37
xubuntu922thanks..I'll try that!02:38
qmyndhello I'm trying to install xubuntu along side windows7 and when I get to the partion editor(the slidy one)  It doesn't label which partition is which.  I would like to make my windows partition as small as possible but I don't know which one is which02:52
holsteinqmynd: yup.. its challenging, you are not really allowed to know.. i would just poke around in there with a live CD, and you should be able to tell02:57
Unit193Should indicate that one is Xubuntu and one is windows.02:57
holsteini had to delete a "storage" partition once02:57
qmyndIt didn't.  I just ended up changing the size of my windows partition.  Getting scared and backing out then selecing the first option again (easy partition along side) and it just started installing so hopefully its using the free space that I had allocated02:59
holsteinqmynd: we can only start from the beginning and be certain.. if you are doing something you are unsure of, i would let it finish and cross your fingers, and come here *before* hitting "the button" in the future03:00
holstein"it" will only do what you ask it to do... and it can be challenging making out what is what in there03:00
holsteinwindows will be on an ntfs partition likely... i thought you had a few of those you were trying to decipher03:00
qmyndYea I know.  Also i only had 1 windows partition but with the easy partion manager with the sliding bar it didn't label one as the old windows and the other one as the new xubuntu.  I'm not to worried I just reformated the whole thing because I needed windows and in genearl a new format so hopefully everything goes fine but just out of curriosity is that a normal problem03:02
holsteinqmynd: dont be worried, just look and see if its ntfs next time... you can run in the terminal "sudo fdisk -l" and see what is what03:06
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
xubuntu107anyone on?04:06
foobArrrI'd like to have numlock on after boot. I tried installing numlockx and put "numlockx on" in autostart, but that doesn't work. any ideas?04:09
Joelitoare you using lightdm, foobArrr ?04:10
Joelitothe it should be on04:11
foobArrrit isn't04:11
Joelitoby default, you need to manual enabled on the first boot04:11
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
NameIsNotDavidI've been having a few minor issues with xubuntu 12.04, I was wondering if anyone knows a simple fix before I dig deep, start scripting. etc.04:44
NameIsNotDavidFirst of all, my screen brightness is set to full during the boot loading screen, then twice again while logging in.04:45
holsteinNameIsNotDavid: ? i wait til after everything is loaded, and set the brightness04:46
holsteinNameIsNotDavid: i dont boot that often, so after suspend, all is good... is that not going to work for you?04:46
NameIsNotDavidAnd whenever I return from suspend or hibernate, the mousepad on my laptop is reenabled oddly. The appropriate config says that it is disabled, but it still responds.04:47
Joelitomaybe is your video driver04:47
holsteinyeah, i would try a different driver...04:47
NameIsNotDavidI have to juggle the file back and forth before it'll work as expected.04:47
NameIsNotDavidHuh, Sandy Bridge strikes again? :P04:48
holsteini would disable the mousepad in the bios04:48
NameIsNotDavidHmm, I may be able to do that. Last time I fiddled with it the bios was pretty crappy. With menu options, anyway.04:49
NameIsNotDavidBut yeah, that has pretty much been what I have been doing for the brightness issue, above.04:50
NameIsNotDavidso it's not just me.04:50
NameIsNotDavidThanks, guys.04:50
holsteinits never been an issue for me...04:50
holsteinthis is intel hardware too, usually well supported04:50
NameIsNotDavidit's more of a mild irritation than in issue,04:51
holsteini dont reboot that often04:51
NameIsNotDavidThanks so much.04:55
xubuntu450IS www.xfce.org down, it seems like an OUTAGE...05:03
holsteinhttp://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/www.xfce.org xubuntu45005:04
xubuntu450Confirmed outage...05:04
xubuntu450This is terrible...05:04
gattonnot working for me05:04
holsteinxubuntu450: it happens... what do you need?05:05
holsteinmaybe you can just give them a few hours, or a day05:05
xubuntu450I will but it worries me05:05
holsteindont be worried... everything will evenutually go down ;)05:05
xubuntu450Ok, good that I confirmed it though...05:07
NameIsNotDavidNo luck here either.05:11
NameIsNotDavidExactly what it says on the tin.05:12
NameIsNotDavidoh derp. Disregard! Disregard my last two lines!05:13
xubuntu450well good night and lets hope www.xfce.org rises again...06:21
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=== dbdii407 is now known as Guest36465
livingdaylightHi, I'm looking for the default /system backgrounds/wallpapers.09:49
livingdaylightI am in /usr/share/background but it is empty09:49
livingdaylightSomone know where else they might be?09:49
knomelivingdaylight, /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops09:52
livingdaylightknome, thank you.09:52
livingdaylightGenerally gnu/linux is very logical, but in this regard digging around the millions of sub /usr folders is not intuitive09:53
Sysicheck name of some default wallpaper from desktop settings and use catfish10:00
knomeor know the path ;]10:02
Sysithat's step three10:06
knomeor step one... :)10:07
Unit193Locate, works wonders and is cli. ;)10:09
knomeUnit193, but needs updatedb in some cases10:11
livingdaylightyea, "just knowing" comes after :)10:13
livingdaylightif I did "locate backgrounds" I would have got /usr/share/backgrounds - which is where I was, but not where the backdrops, how was I to know they're called that in xubuntu, were10:14
knomewell in xfce actually :)10:15
livingdaylightSysi, catfish?10:15
livingdaylightright, xfce10:15
livingdaylightwell, NOW I know, lol... still, not as straightforward as it could be, the way things are hidden in /usr/folders/folders/folders10:16
livingdaylightYea, I was thinking of adding my wallpapers there for easier access, rather than adding them one by one through the desktop tool. Maybe that's not the best way10:17
Sysilivingdaylight: search application, installed by default10:17
livingdaylightSysi, ?10:17
Sysicatfish is*10:18
livingdaylightnot familiar with the app10:19
livingdaylightit finds things?10:19
livingdaylightdoesn't seem to for me10:21
livingdaylightat loeast locate backgrounds in command line gave me something10:21
knomelivingdaylight, locate should work in this case. but if you now add a file somewhere, and try to locate it, it isn't found until you run 'sudo updatedb'10:34
livingdaylightknome, thanks for that tip10:34
livingdaylightusing the 'cp' command what argument or what's it called? do I add so I can cp all the contents of a folder rather than just one at a time, please?10:35
livingdaylightcp -a (a for all) or * (for all) ?10:35
knomecp -R dir10:36
livingdaylightknome, why not "gubuntu" :p10:36
knomewhy would it be "gubuntu" ?10:36
knomex for xfce10:36
livingdaylightknome, referring to your nick and the play on gnome with a 'k' instead10:38
knomeaha, that10:38
knomewell, it's not really a play with gnome and/or kde10:38
knomeor, GNOME and/or KDE10:38
knomeit's just a malformed version of the word "gnome", with no link to any DE10:38
dipnlikhi, i installed gmate (http://github.com/gmate/gmate) and the themes show up in gedit but not the plugins. any ideas?11:34
xubuntu274hello, I'm new to irc, a question:11:48
xubuntu274I have installed xubuntu via netinstall and..11:48
xubuntu274also choosed (what I can remenber) the kubuntu and lubuntu package..11:49
xubuntu274but  the computer didnot start with xubuntu but lubuntu. Why??11:50
TheSheepxubuntu274: why do you think it started with lubuntu?11:50
TheSheepxubuntu274: you select which desktop environment you want to run on the login screen11:51
xubuntu274I saw the lubuntu logo and I saw the same interface (lxde?) as my lubuntu pc (other pc)11:52
xubuntu274I will start my pc again to see which environment I chose11:52
xubuntu274ok, the pc started with a lubuntu logo..11:54
xubuntu274and now I can login with Lubuntu as default..11:54
TheSheepwell, it defaults to whatever you used last11:55
TheSheepbut you should be able to choose the other ones too11:55
xubuntu274also can choose Lubuntu Netbook, Openbox, Xfce sessie and Xubuntu sessie..11:55
xubuntu274ok, yesterday I started with the default Lubuntu session..11:55
xubuntu274I choose now Xubuntu sessie11:55
xubuntu274ok it did work...11:56
xubuntu274but isn it strange that the default sesion was Lubuntu when I installed Xubuntu???11:56
TheSheepxubuntu274: it's probably pretty random -- from the order in which the packages were installed11:57
xubuntu274ok, tnx for your answers.11:58
TheSheepxubuntu274: btw, you can change the logo at startup11:58
xubuntu274ok how :) ??11:58
TheSheepxubuntu274: with update-alternatives command11:58
TheSheeplet me find the exact command11:59
xubuntu274tnx you I've googled it. I will try.11:59
xubuntu274fyi: I had only tried Lubuntu on my old netbook, but Xubuntu is much faster :))12:00
livingdaylighthow would xubuntu be faster than lubuntu?12:02
xubuntu274well xfce is faster than lxde ??12:02
livingdaylightshould be other way round12:03
xubuntu274can you tell me why you think lxde is faster than xcfe??..12:04
TheSheepxubuntu274: I have no opinion on that matter12:04
xubuntu274because I read every that xcfe is faster and now I see it in practice12:05
xubuntu274ok TheSheep12:05
xubuntu274tnx everyone, good day :)12:08
dipnlikhow can I change the system default fixed width font, so gedit's embedded terminal matches xubuntu's terminal?12:49
aquixin settings -  apperance   there is a tab called font.   I recommend Droid Sans12:50
dipnlikaquix: there's no option to change the fixed width font in that tab12:51
dipnlikthe only option there is to change the default font, not the default fixed font12:52
aquixI'm not understanding what  fixed width font  is...     or default fixed font12:53
aquixlike this?  http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/08/09/howto-fix-xfce-fonts/12:55
dipnlikaquix: no, not like this12:55
dipnlika fixed width font is a font where all characters have the same width. it's used by terminal, leafpad, gedit and other programs12:56
dipnlikleafpad and terminal both have ways to change their fonts but the change is not system-wide12:57
aquixah ok. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gw-fonts-ttf/+bug/9535712:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 95357 in gw-fonts-ttf (Ubuntu) "georgewilliams "Monospace" font takes over the fontconfig/pango monospace virtual font" [Undecided,Fix released]12:58
dipnlikaquix, ubottu: i'm solving the problem with gsettings and information found here http://askubuntu.com/questions/103616/how-can-i-change-the-color-of-the-text-in-a-terminal-embedded-in-gedit13:02
aquixubottu is a bot :)13:04
ubottuaquix: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:04
aquixthanks for letting us know the solution13:05
dipnlikaquix: haha, didn't notice that it was a bot13:05
dipnlikaquix: the question about changing the default fixed width font in xfce is still unanswered, but my issue was directly related to gedit's embedded terminal, so the URL is enough for me13:07
aquixis it a setting for the font width or just another font you can install?13:09
dipnlikaquix: i don't want to install another font. i wanted to be able to choose the default fixed width font so other programs would be able to pickup the setting and provide a consistent visual experience13:18
TheSheepdipnlik: xfce doesn't have a system-wide setting for a fixed width font, gedit is a gnome application and uses gnome's settings13:19
aquixah, that explains it13:20
dipnlikTheSheep: oh, ok, thanks :)13:22
aquixcan you use an animated gif as a wallpaper in xubuntu?    found these  http://imgur.com/a/4Zv5x14:28
holsteinaquix: i would just try it and see... i would think it would work fine14:28
holsteini forget the last time i tried that and it worked... maybe ubuntu 9.04?14:28
GridCubeyou cant14:31
holsteinmaybe http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/tag/desktopnova/ ??14:33
Sysiyou could extract gifs to separate files and have it switch between them, though you need xfce 4.10 to be able to adjust the timing14:34
holsteini like that... no extra packages added14:34
aquixok, thanks14:38
Sysisomebody should make 3-5 wallpapers with huge staring eye watching to slightly different directions14:39
aquixhehe, and use the webcam as a motion detector so it follows you around14:46
=== Guest36465 is now known as dbdii407
n2diyI'm trying to backup a computer using grsync.  There is one file in a directory I've excluded, that I like to backup. I listed that file and it's path in the include file, but it doesn't over ride the exclude file, is it possibly to do this?15:24
mips1911when my desktop finishes loading chromium & terminal are automatically opened. How do I stop this?15:31
Sysimips1911: rm -rf ~ /.cache/sessions15:33
mips1911let me log out and see if deleting the cache helps15:35
mips1911Sysi, thanks that did the trick ;) Why does this happen though as I don't have save session on logout configured?15:36
Sysiyou've had it at some point15:36
mips1911Sysi, yes it was on some time back15:37
pimperlecan anyone here explain me, how dbus and gnome-keyring-daemon get startet during xubuntu startup and user login?16:06
pimperlei'm trying to get the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable to be set properly on login, but the keyring daemon doesn't get started16:07
pimperleat least the ssh-part that is16:07
DarkSimHowdy :D16:19
DarkSimI'm using Ubuntu 12.04 with Xubuntu-desktop. I am having trouble getting my Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch to work properly with the OS16:20
DarkSimI think my first step right now is assigning the Touch Mode a hotkey16:21
TheSheepDarkSim: Touch Mode?16:22
knomeTheSheep, aka the tra-la-la mode16:22
DarkSimIt has this mode which you can turn on and off which makes the whole Tablet act like a...laptop touchpad y'know16:22
DarkSimFor the moment it's on and as you can imagine it's pretty hard to draw in this mode16:23
TheSheepDarkSim: are you sure it's a feature of the tablet and not of its windows drivers?16:24
DarkSimIt is indeed a feature of the tablet otherwise it would not work16:24
DarkSimThey sell them in diffrent version and this one has a touch mode which you don't need a pen to manouver16:24
DarkSimI have found some instructions, but I am a rookie in Linux so I don't understand them that clearly16:25
TheSheepDarkSim: that's not a hardware feature, the windows drivers just ignore the touchpad device when that mode is "off"16:26
TheSheepDarkSim: and the script they posted on the wiki just ignores the device too16:26
DarkSimSorry, I don't know how it works apparently xD16:27
DarkSimOh ok, so how do I do what they suggest?16:27
TheSheepDarkSim: you can copy that script, save it somewhere, make it executable and bind to some key with the keyboard settings16:27
TheSheepDarkSim: first, open a terminal16:28
TheSheepDarkSim: then type 'nano ~/touchmode.sh'16:28
TheSheepDarkSim: then copy and paste that script from the wiki into the terminal16:28
TheSheepmake sure the #!/bin/bash line is the very first line of it16:29
TheSheepthen type 'chmod +x ~/touchmode.sh'16:29
TheSheepthat makes it executable16:29
TheSheeptry if it works by typing '~/touchmode.sh' and seeing if it toggles that touch mode16:30
DarkSimHm, seems I have done this before just that the old script doesn't work, better do it from the beginning16:31
TheSheeponce you have it, go to the settings manager, select 'keyboard', select the 'application shortcuts' tab and click on '+ Add'16:31
TheSheepDarkSim: when it "doesn't work" does it show any errors?16:31
DarkSimIt just tells me that it doesn't find it16:31
TheSheepcan you pastebin the exact message?16:33
DarkSim"Place the script in a file called bin/toggle-touch.sh in your home directory."16:33
DarkSimdo I have to create a bin folder and put a file called toggle-touch.sh in it?16:34
TheSheepDarkSim: it doesn't matter where you put it, but "bin" directory is the traditional place for such things16:35
DarkSimchmod: kan inte komma åt ”/home/adrian/toggle_touch.sh”: Filen eller katalogen finns inte16:35
DarkSimI bet I have to switch the computer to english16:36
TheSheepDarkSim: did you save it?16:36
TheSheepDarkSim: sorry, forgot to tell that16:37
DarkSimfirst I'm going to set the whole computer to english16:37
DarkSimso hard to get support in swedish :P16:38
TheSheepit's a nice language16:38
bazhang!se | DarkSim16:38
ubottuDarkSim: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!16:38
bazhangif thats easier for you16:38
DarkSimWhy must Linux give me a minor headache for every single thing haha16:39
DarkSimWait, that's Kubuntu, is there a xubuntu channel for sweden as well?16:39
Sysino but general support channel should work16:40
knomeDarkSim, nope, but #ubuntu-se should be able to help16:40
DarkSimOh ok, thanks16:40
TheSheepthis sort of general thing is the same for ubuntu and xubuntu16:40
TheSheepexcept for the settings manager, which is a little bit different on gnome16:41
Sysiloco-channels should do xubuntu anyway, even if not guaranteed16:41
DarkSimNevermind on my problems in Linux, I will postpone their solving to a later date16:55
shpngldholstein: Hi there :-) i spoke with u yesterday about my problems w/ nvidia drivers. Today i managed to update my 11.04 to 11.10. Most of the things are OK now, I mean my pc is running, but I cant see any start menu, have to right click and choose applications, which is not a problem. But Im using Flush as a torrent client, and I cant switch to it (alt tab is not workin) I am sure that it is started, but I cant see it18:07
shpngldwhat can I do holstein18:07
shpngldIm usin xfce GI18:08
shpngld(as begfore)18:08
shpngldif holstein is away, mayB some1 else can help?18:09
shpngld..please ?18:10
drcshpank: do you have a panel at all or just no menu(s)?18:11
shpngldnothing at all18:11
shpngldjust desktop and icons18:12
drccan you open thunar (file manager)?18:12
shpngldI will try now18:12
shpngldyes it opens18:13
drcgo to ~/.cache....rename (so you can restore it if necessary) the folder "sessions"18:14
shpngldthere is no such folder in /18:15
drctry CTRL H to sho hidden (DOT) folders18:16
shpnglddrc: how can i find it18:16
drcCTRL H toggles the hidden folder off and on18:17
shpngldi did it18:17
shpngldno such folder ( ia have seen it before..b4 the update)18:17
drcyou have no ~/.cache ?18:17
shpngldfound it!18:18
drc~/.cache/sessions renamed?18:18
shpngldI have to rename the folder sessions?18:19
drcrename, delete...it's up to you.18:19
shpngldso the whole folder sessions I will rename it to sessionsbackup in ex?18:20
drcsounds good18:20
shpnglddoin it now18:20
shpnglddone ity18:21
shpngldnow what should i do18:21
drcWhen that's done, restart X...either log out and in or reboot...the panel should be back18:21
shpngldOK ill log out now18:21
shpnglddrc: wow18:26
shpngldthanks man18:27
shpngldnow i can see the panel :-D18:27
drcThere is probably a way to restart the panel w/o restarting/rebooting, but I don't know what it is.18:27
drcanyway, you're back to normal :)18:28
shpnglddrc:  It alright , the thing is working18:28
Sysidrc: xfce4-panel -r, if you wanna learn18:28
shpnglddrc: thanks to u :-)18:28
drcSysi: I have :)18:28
shpnglddrc: the other thing is I cant play .mkv files18:29
shpngldavi is ok18:29
shpngldIm usin VLC18:30
drcshpank: no idea, vlc works just fine for me with mkv.18:31
shpngldyes it was the same be4 the updae18:31
shpngldmayb i should use mplayer instead18:32
drcIIRC, vlc contains its own codec, so it shouldn't be dependent on xubuntu18:32
drcI'd just re-install vlc and see18:32
shpngldI havent ever had anyprblems w VLC until now..18:32
shpngldOk I will try that18:32
shpngldthe same is with Gweather forecast Im usin on google chromium browser..it doesnt load the data18:34
aquixtry downloading gnome-mplayer   or smplayer   to see if the video file inside the mkv isn't bad18:34
shpngldaquix: Im usin xfce, so mayb i should try w smplayer?18:34
shpnglddoes it mastter18:34
aquixnope, I have both18:35
aquixyou can install gnome programs on xfce18:36
shpngldaquix: I didnt know that, thanks18:36
aquixno worries18:36
drcshpank: I was assuming (yeah, I know) that these mkv files played ok before the update?18:37
drcsorry shpank18:37
drcshpngld: ^^18:38
shpnglddrc: smplayer crashed...seeems like the file is corrupted18:39
shpngldmost possibly18:40
aquixget a better, more private, mkv source ;p18:40
shpngldthe other thing is I have 3 possible driver for my nvidia mx 420, how can I see which is the best. The 1 Im usin now (default) is not "reccommended"18:41
shpngldthe other 1 is and the 3rd is update of the second18:42
shpngldaquix: mayb  the file isnt d/l correctly18:42
shpngld( this is from additional drivers section)18:43
aquixor somthing happened when they put the video in the mkv.18:43
shpngldaquix: I ll just try to d/l again..it is not that important18:43
aquixif vlc plays other videos, I'd do that18:44
drcshpngld: Have you checked th nividia site to see what is recommed for your card?  Personally, I have always used to "latest-updated" driver available in jockey.18:44
shpngldsorry drc but what exactly Jockey means?18:45
drciirc, the "latest" (in jockey) is 295-4918:45
drcjockey=additional drivers...at least until 12.10, then I think it changes.18:46
knomeyes, it will be incorporated in the software properties dialog18:46
shpnglddo I have to remoce the current and activate the newer one? any possible interactions?18:47
drcshpngld: just activate the new one, no need to remove the old one18:48
shpngldOK, I will do that18:48
shpngldand last thing ( for now)..Im old school gamer, and woluld like to play some old school stuff, what client u reccommend to use for instalation and running of games?18:50
TheSheepshpngld: mame18:50
shpngldwell not THAT old school18:50
TheSheepshpngld: also dosbox and virtualboyadvance18:51
TheSheepshpngld: 2005 is too old for you?18:51
shpngldtalin about Diablo 1,2 ;civ 2,3 Heroes 2/3, Disciples..18:51
shpngldah no18:51
shpngldits alright18:51
TheSheepshpngld: that's not oldschool18:51
TheSheepheroes 3 has a linux verison18:52
TheSheepheroes 2 runs in dosbox18:52
TheSheepthere is freeciv for linux too18:52
TheSheepdiablo -- forget it, blizzard games don't even run properly on windows18:53
TheSheepnot always18:53
shpngldso Dosbox, virtualboyadvance, mae18:53
aquixread about a playstation emulator today, with linux support    http://itm.im/sox8u18:53
shpngldfreeciv, and freecol I have played..good ones 4 sure18:53
TheSheepshpngld: there are also ps2 emulators18:53
TheSheepshpngld: be sure to try wesnoth18:53
shpngldTheSheep: i have heard of it18:54
shpngldwhat about the modern MMORPG like Anarchy online and afterworld? do i have a chance w any opf them18:55
TheSheephmm, I remember there was a linux second life client back when I player it18:55
TheSheepbut they generally don't cater to linux18:56
TheSheepthey might run in wine18:56
shpngldyes second life..18:56
tech1i played anarchy online for years18:57
shpngldpff.. i have a lot to read..18:57
tech1but gave up waiting for a new engine18:57
shpngldmatyb keep it simple and get some AlienArena deathmatch18:57
TheSheepthere is bound to be more interest once steam for linux releases18:58
shpngldtech1:  I am really impressed wit Anarchy18:58
shpngldthats why im askin18:58
TheSheepI hope it will make also other game makes notice linux18:58
TheSheepshpngld: ah, of course there is a million quake and doom clones18:58
tech1its great for free players. but if im going to pay ill pay for something with better updates like eve18:58
shpngldeve was again MMORPG right?18:59
tech1eve is an mmo yes18:59
TheSheepmore like massive multiplayer Elite18:59
tech1its pretty hardcore and unforgiving18:59
tech1but thats why i like it18:59
tech1not like WOW disneyworld18:59
shpngldI agree abaout wow disneyworld19:00
tech1in eve scams and deception are part of the game19:00
shpngldmanaged to play it under xubuntu for a while19:00
shpngldso EVE is pl;ayable under xubuntu19:00
tech1i think people play eve through wine ok19:00
tech1but you might want to test the free trial before you get a subscription19:01
shpngldI am still not ready to pay for play19:01
shpngldmy PC is really old so I hust try to stick to stuff Ive played long ago19:02
shpngldat least 2-3 yrs19:02
tech1then anarchy online is your best bet19:02
shpngldtech1:  I know..I liked it so much19:02
shpngldit just gave me some long error Log19:02
tech1ahh strange19:03
tech1i never tried it under linux so i dont know19:03
shpngldyes..after "I Agree"19:03
shpngldI have it installed already...I was tweaked out of my mind a few weekenmds ago and tried to d/l and install various MMORPGs19:04
shpngldw/out any sucess19:04
shpngldAfterworld is another good title for me19:04
shpngldPostapocalyptic mmorpg19:04
tech1i havnt tried that19:04
shpngldthese russians are good19:04
shpngldand the req. arent big19:05
shpngldI have played it on an even older PC w/ winxp19:05
shpngldthey promise a linux client19:05
shpngldI am not that good19:05
shpngldit seems19:05
tech1you could try browser mmos. but they are usually crappy19:05
shpngldor I dont try hatrd enough19:05
shpngldit doesnt run too19:06
shpngldanyway..everything started with Anarchy19:07
shpngldI have another hdd but I dont have tuime to isntall Winxp configure and run Anarchy..foir now19:07
shpngld..or become better  @ xubuntu19:08
shpngldTransport tycoon deluxe was a nice surprise under ubuntu for me19:08
shpngldit was even better than win vers19:09
tech1yeh i dont have time for pc gaming atm either. just work on here. and play games on my ps319:09
tech1i never tried any of the tycoon games but they look good19:09
shpngldtech1:  I really reccomed them19:09
shpngldjust awesome19:09
shpngldif u have time of coutrse19:09
shpngldPizza tycoon19:10
shpnglddynopark tycoon19:10
tech1cool ill look them up some time. i like management stuff19:11
shpngldanyway thanks a lot for the help guys! i will try to run some old school games..when I have time and properly conf. system19:11
shpngldyes thay r awesome! I rewccomend19:12
* shpngld quits19:24
TheSheepxubuntu476: that's "/quit", with a "/" in front19:54
nbjensenHi all. I've just installed xubuntu on my new vaio, but I cannot control brightness. The laptop is equipped with an intel hd graphics 4000 (no discrete graphics). Any ideas where to start?22:29
xubuntu154Wich is better, wine, playwithlinux or others..?¿?22:37
GridCubenbjensen, you could check if theres a keyboard controller on keytouch that can control the brightness keys, though sadly i've never been able to22:38
GridCubexubuntu154, what for?22:38
xubuntu154for play windows games? for example age of empires22:38
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:39
GridCubethey have instructions to how to make them work, and if they work, you should check it :) xubuntu15422:40
GridCubenbjensen, in my intel classmate netbook i ended binding a keyboard shortcut to use xgamma -gamma 0.5 and xgamma -gamma 1 that works fairly well, though there are better options, like the path here http://askubuntu.com/questions/57236/unable-to-change-brightness-in-a-lenovo-laptop22:42
GridCubeits not the same model but the work should be the same22:42
xubuntu154yeap, thank you, but the question is .. playwithlinux create some directories, with the better wine version for each application installed.. duplicating wine files..22:44
GridCubexubuntu154, you should probably ask on #winehq or #playonlinux :D22:45
GridCubethey might know22:45
xubuntu154:) thx22:46
nbjensenGridCube: Thanks! The gamma trick is useful, but would like real brightness control and using your link it does seem like the kernel does support it. However nothing happens using the suggested command...22:46
GridCubeyep you probably dont have the appropiate kernel modules or something, never understood how that work22:47
nbjensenGridCube: It worked using the second command... I've blacked out my laptop now :)22:48
GridCube:P i hope thats what you wanted22:48
nbjensenThanks for your help, now I just need to bind keys to the command... Not exactly ;)22:48
GridCubenbjensen, :) good luck22:49

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