[00:14] Riddell, I just switched over to 12.04 , but your private ppa isn't allowing me access to \ [00:14] calligra [00:16] it's probly much too lte there ,, so I''ll try again tomorrow [00:36] ok , somebody added the new 2.5 calligra to the backports ..installing now [06:29] I thought people here might be interested, http://www.4-traders.com/news/Digia-to-Acquire-Qt-from-Nokia--14452993/ [06:30] Tm_T: Thanks. [06:33] I'm guessing that almost anything is better than staying with the sinking ship that is Nokia. [06:36] ScottK: I don't have high confident with Digia either though [06:37] Well, at least they are making money with it. [06:37] ScottK: true, and are hopefully willing to work on it, instead of leaving it to limbo [06:38] Well, due to http://www.kde.org/community/whatiskde/kdefreeqtfoundation.php they'll be highly motivated. If Qt ever gets BSD'ed then their commercial revenue goes way south immediately. [09:34] ScottK: did you run kubuntu-ppa-build-status for KDE 4.8.5? [09:56] shadeslayer_: hey, you tried to ping me a few days ago, what's up [10:09] Riddell: ksplash still has horos as background [10:10] oh foo [10:10] we should just patch ksplash/ksplashx/themes/CMakeLists.txt to remove horos === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan [10:12] debfx: agreed, do you want to do that or shall I? [10:15] * Riddell makes it so [10:23] debfx: weak-library-dev-dependency libmaliit1-dev on libmaliit1 (>= ${source:Version}) [10:23] if I go binary:Version it complains about the same thing [10:28] hell [10:28] starting from scratch [10:39] !@$%!#$@! [10:39] agateau: well ... KMessageWidget won't show up when you're doing a video call ( hidden by the video sink I believe ), but there's no way to reproduce that till someone writes a Test bot [10:39] Quintasan: <3 [10:39] shadeslayer: ${misc:Depends} how does this crap work? [10:39] can't find anything in manual [10:39] and debelper complains about lack of it in a dev package [10:40] Quintasan: "Some debhelper commands may cause the generated package to depend on some additional packages. All such commands generate a list of required packages for each binary package. This list is used for substituting ${misc:Depends}." [10:40] Quintasan: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/dreq.en.html [10:40] So it's basically wanted for every package [10:41] no idea why dh-make omits that for dev [10:41] shadeslayer_: iirc the way it is setup in the ui file is KMessageWidget is a child of the widget showing the video, right? [10:41] shadeslayer_: you should try moving it to be a sibling of this widget instead of a child [10:42] ah .. mm .. will try [10:42] though it's really hard to actually test if it's working properly :P [10:43] since just flipping the bits won't work in this case [10:43] heh [10:43] you really do need to introduce a error while holding the call [10:43] for which, we need to write a test bot [10:43] just add a QTimer::singleShot(500, errorWidget, SLOT(animatedShow()); [10:44] hmm .. that sounds doable [10:47] 'Morning [10:47] Hi BluesKaj [10:49] tried calligra 2.5 on 12.04 , mainly simple things like opening textfile ... no breakage or freezing [10:49] textfiles [10:49] BluesKaj: great, thanks [10:51] I'm not a big office app user tho , so my testing is rather limited [10:54] Quintasan: it should be (= ${binary:Version}) [10:54] debfx: Thanks, but I started from scratch, that PPA packaging is a PITA [10:57] shadeslayer: Great, it uses qmake [10:57] xD [10:57] what uses qmake? [10:57] maliit? [10:58] Yeah [10:59] ah ok [10:59] and I'm going to upload the new virtuoso and fixed nepomuk in an another hour or so ... [11:00] cmagina: have you seen any issues with the patched nepomuk? [11:00] shadeslayer: I think I managed to condense http://paste.kde.org/531278 into http://paste.kde.org/531284 [11:02] fml [11:02] space := $(empty) $(empty) [11:02] hah [11:02] I have no idea what's all this stuff [11:02] me neither [11:02] WHY THE HELL DO I NEED GDB TO BUILD TESTS [11:02] THIS IS RIDICULOUS [11:03] lolwot [11:03] Really [11:03] fun :) [11:03] It complains about missing gdb during build process [11:03] + I get FTBFS on release tarball [11:03] mikhas has some splainin' to do here [11:03] apachelogger_: pingly [11:04] :D [11:04] OR I'm doing something wrong [11:04] Aw shit [11:04] Gotta go return the crappy cable [11:05] apachelogger_: do you have a idea what happens if one links a videoscale element to a xvimagesink? is gstreamer smart enough to use hardware to scale the video instead of software even though we have a videoscale element in the pipeline [11:38] asdasdasdasds [11:38] shadeslayer: copy paste your pbuilderrc [11:38] This retarded pbuilder still uses make -j1 [11:38] whereas I could use -j5 [11:41] Quintasan: http://paste.kde.org/531314 [11:41] HELL [11:41] IT WANTS AN X SESSSION TO RUN TESTS? [11:41] lawd [11:42] that's .. common [11:42] How do I deal with it? [11:42] iirc you can do that, I don't recall the name of the program though [11:43] fakeX [11:43] or something [11:43] Same hre [11:43] Can't remember the name [11:43] xD [11:43] aha [11:43] xvfb [11:43] Quintasan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xvfb [11:44] !info xvfb [11:44] xvfb (source: xorg-server): Virtual Framebuffer 'fake' X server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.11.4-0ubuntu10.1 (precise), package size 869 kB, installed size 2112 kB [11:51] shadeslayer: Eh, failed [11:51] Core dumped on one and more tests [11:51] Quintasan: need more info than that [11:51] damnit [11:51] fwiw I've only seen xvfb being used by one package to test stuff [11:52] and now I can't recall which package it ws [11:52] *was [11:52] well [11:52] I need a break [11:52] been fighting with it all morning [11:52] bbl [11:52] :) [12:03] shadeslayer: terribly unlikely [12:03] ouch [12:03] apachelogger_: so the issue is, ktp-call-ui uses xvimagesink to build a videosink to display the video [12:04] but, when you don't have xvimagesink, ktp-call-ui won't work [12:04] so I added a fallbackoption to ximagesink [12:04] apachelogger_: http://quickgit.kde.org/index.php?p=scratch%2Fgarg%2Fktp-call-ui.git&a=commitdiff&h=2b7cf28ff54e35ea14b68e70176dc2d1e885e883&hp=6de1dd5ab5335ebadd0ce940173674074eb12b08 [12:12] shadeslayer: and why do you care about people not having xvimagesink? [12:12] apachelogger_: because I don't have xvimagesink [12:12] since my ATI card is too new [12:12] and the driver doesn't do xvimagesink [12:13] * apachelogger_ finds that hard believe [12:13] % xvinfo shadeslayer@solembum [12:13] X-Video Extension version 2.2 [12:13] screen #0 [12:13] no adaptors present [12:13] apachelogger_: ^ [12:16] that's not saying anything about the state of your system :P [12:16] only that as a result of something you have no xv :P [12:17] apachelogger_: this is a brand new install :P [12:17] with just some dev tools installed [12:17] so? [12:17] install of what? [12:18] of the entire system? [12:18] .... [12:18] apachelogger_: I haven't installed the proprietary drivers [12:18] I believe they have xv support, but not the opensource ones [12:22] "[ 6385.464634] chromium-browse invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x201da, order=0, oom_adj=1, oom_score_adj=100" [12:23] yay [12:24] I didn't know NASA could build such hilarious robots: https://twitter.com/SarcasticRover [12:30] debfx: :) [12:32] ScottK: so did you do the calligra security update in 12.04 ? [12:34] Riddell: Yes. The security team has it and is working it. [12:36] cool [12:38] ubottu: ping [12:38] another contentless ping... sigh... [13:18] oh cool we have both a telepathy-qt and telepathy-qt4 in the archive [13:24] Riddell: Is that bad? [13:25] Quintasan: well yes they're the same source package and produce the same binaries, I've removed telepathy-qt4 now [13:26] ScottK: lal, regarding my network problems, I found a long eth cable in garage and bought the female connector you linked me to. The cable from my sis room to pc room seems to be broken because when I swapped it with the cable I found in the garage and dragged it downstairs and plugged it in everything works with 100mbps [13:26] ScottK: I'm still curious how this hub makes the whole thing work when it obviously shouldn't [13:27] Riddell: Oh, okay [13:27] Riddell: It'd be nice if you had me modify the seeds sometimes, never done that and would like to try it. [13:28] Quintasan: I'll try and remember next time it needs it [13:29] Riddell: Thanks. [13:30] Riddell: If we were to put maliit in repos it would land in universe? [13:32] Quintasan: yep [13:32] assuming it's free software [13:33] Riddell: Can I skip packaging tests for it then? Those tests require gdb and (worse) running X session. Xvfb doesn't solve the problem because the tests SEGFAULT on me [13:34] Quintasan: yeah I think that's understandable [13:36] * shadeslayer has been working with seeds for the past week [13:36] actually, make that two weeks :P [14:14] shadeslayer: i didn't have any issues with the updated nepomuk, so if you haven't uploaded it, go for it :) [14:17] thanks for testing cmagina [14:18] np, thanks for patching it shadeslayer, was a nasty bug [14:30] I wonder if we should allow installing owncloud apps by default [14:30] installs from http://apps.owncloud.com [14:30] but disabled by debian [14:30] Blizzz: is there any security on that site? [14:33] Riddell: we are discussing a review system for apps, but so far there is none [14:37] yeah, that's debian's issue with it [14:38] if you want to be on the safe side turn it off [14:39] isn't there the same issue with Mozillas Add Ons? [14:40] I don't know, I don't have an opinion yet [14:43] Theoretically it's possible to write evil apps that only show a fluffy bunny but send things away. Afaik it did not happen yet, but that's why we will need some review system eventually [14:43] :) [14:44] * shadeslayer hits upload [14:46] hm [14:46] kde-workspace-bin : Depends: kde-workspace-data (= 4:4.9.0-0ubuntu3) but 4:4.9.0-0ubuntu2 is to be installed [14:47] maybe not published? [14:48] nope, it's there [14:48] archive scew [14:48] probably i386 hasn't built yet [14:48] but I'm not using a mirror [14:48] jtechidna: nope, it's there [14:49] I'm using the main repo, archive.ubuntu.com ... [14:49] i386 packages not synced yet? [14:49] golly a whole new digikam [14:49] hmm [14:49] nvm, you said you weren't using a mirror [14:50] wait and it'll sort itself out [14:56] Riddell: yeah [14:56] and wtf, why can't I upload nepomuk [14:56] that's just mental [14:56] and my X keeps taking up 60% of the memory [14:58] is nepomuk not in the kubuntu packageset? [14:59] or was I kicked out of kubuntu dev :P [14:59] nope, still there [15:01] Riddell: ^ nepomuk needs fixing to be in the kubuntu packageset apparently [15:02] shadeslayer: fooey, do e-mail cjwatson about it [15:02] shadeslayer: need me to upload? [15:02] please do [15:02] virtuoso as well [15:03] they're here : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+packages [15:03] although [15:03] Riddell: please re check virtuoso [15:03] because it's the first time I've looked into virtuoso so I wasn't very familiar with it [15:04] apachelogger_: apparently gst is smart enough to use hardware video decoding when using xvimagesink and videoscale in the same pipe [15:05] virtuoso is sufficiently complex you need to be a vHanda to be familiar with it [15:05] or a trueg :P [15:07] I just made sure that everything in README.source was followed .... [15:10] Blizzz: hmm it downloads apps to /usr/share/owncloud when we would need it to write to /var/lib/owncloud, any idea what it would take to change that? [15:12] Riddell: i'd say /var/lib/owncloud should be written to the config file in the apps_path array (compare config/config.sample.php on the bottom) [15:17] are the apps authenticated somehow? like downloaded via https? [15:19] debfx: since I think anyone can upload to that site there wouldn't be much advantage in that [15:20] shadeslayer: uploaded [15:20] hey shadeslayer, would your shiny server be suitable for a kubuntu owncloud instance? :) [15:21] Riddell: depends, just for testing? [15:22] and how much space do you need ? [15:24] nah, I'm wondering where to store receipts for AWS, and wouldn't it be fun to have a kubuntu music server :) [15:25] Riddell: it would protect against MITM attacks [15:26] :D [15:26] Riddell: my server only has 15GB's of space, and I think the usage is currently about 75% [15:27] Riddell: keep a eye on http://doesbuyvmhavestock.com/ [15:27] they have really cheap VPS's [15:49] sigh [15:49] kwin is taking up 1.5G's of pix memory [15:59] Quintasan: Do you remember me telling you "It's always the cable"? [16:00] I'm guessing the hub works because then the speed negotiation between the arm box and the hub gets the 100Mbps rate that the arm box needs [16:00] The bad cable isn't dead, just has a broken conductor with poor connectivity, so it'll work at the lower data rate. [16:01] (similar to how 10 base T ethernet cable lengths are much longer than 100 base T which are longer than gigabit ethernet. [16:02] heh === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson [16:19] shadeslayer: Riddell: Need any help? [16:19] gah [16:20] Riddell: did you upload virtuoso with ppa1? :P [16:20] I'll take that as a no [16:21] yeah, he already uploaded it :) [16:37] hmm did I? [16:37] oh, doh [16:39] :) === skreech__ is now known as Daskreech [19:05] yay, upgrade screwed up so many things [19:05] lightdm now doesn't detect my stable KDE session [19:05] backlight cannot be controlled on display [19:07] that's weird [19:07] didn't have kubuntu-desktop installed O_O [20:01] shadeslayer: what sort of upgrade did you do? [20:01] Riddell: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ? [20:02] oh well, that's not supported :) [20:02] wait what ? :P [20:05] release upgrade tool is [20:05] hmm, what happened this week to report to the release meeting? [20:07] no, what I meant was, I was on quantal, and I ran : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [20:07] * shadeslayer looks at apt.log [20:07] yep, last dist-ugprade removed kubuntu-desktop [20:08] for those interested : http://paste.kde.org/531620/ [20:08] line 12 [20:17] more archive skew? [20:21] shadeslayer: are you running -proposed? [20:22] I think so, need to check [20:22] yes [20:22] shadeslayer: don't run devel -proposed :) [20:23] heh :P [20:23] I wanted to test whether the new X stack fixed the mem leaks on my system :P [20:23] ah, ok [20:23] which I think it does [20:24] X is idling at 4.3 % of mem rather than shooting upto 60% [20:25] so, I was wondering, the live cd uses syslinux to boot the live system right? [20:49] shadeslayer: I think so [21:39] So, I see https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs and https://bugs.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs, but no obvious way to create bugs (at least there). What is the procedure now for opening bugs against Kubuntu packages? There is no Kubuntu project in Launchpad. [21:41] pedahzur: kubuntu is part of ubuntu so it's the same as for any ubuntu package [21:41] pedahzur: if it's an upstream KDE bug report to bugs.kde.org, else ubuntu-bug should do it [21:44] Riddell: OK, so even though Canonical is no longer supporting Kubuntu, I report them under Ubuntu. Actually for the bug I was going to report, there is already an upstream report, but I was going to create a launchpad bug that tracked that bug so I'd know if/when the fix made it in to Kubuntu packages. [21:52] Hmm...I thought there was an option on the bug report form to track it up stream. [21:58] pedahzur: there are 4 other non-Canonical directly supported derivatives in the Ubuntu archive besides Kubuntu [21:59] pedahzur: there is ... there's something called "Also affects" [22:00] pedahzur: Ubuntu is a community project of which Canonical is one corporate sponsor of resources (albeit a very large one) [22:03] micahg: I (somewhat) understand the structure, but wasn't there an announcement not too long ago, that Canonical was no longer going to support Kubuntu at all? (at least not by funding developers). [22:04] pedahzur: But it's still part of Ubuntu the distro. [22:04] pedahzur: umm, that just means not funding the developer they used to or to press actual CDs [22:05] ScottK: OK, that makes sense. [22:05] micahg: Gotcha. [22:08] shadeslayer: OK, the also affects project doesn't give me an option for adding a URL. Also affects distribution gives me an error that I can't add bug watches for Ubuntu, since launchpad is its tracker. I could *swear* I had seen somebody link to bugs.kde.org at some point in the past (and not just in a comment). Ah well, I've added the URL in a comment. [22:08] pedahzur: can you link me to the bug [22:09] shadeslayer: Bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/1035105 on KDE: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=304866 [22:09] Launchpad bug 1035105 in Kubuntu PPA "filter agent crashes when trying to filter messages" [Undecided,New] [22:09] KDE bug 304866 in Mail Filter Agent "filter agent crashes when trying to filter messages" [Critical,Unconfirmed] [22:10] Sorry, didn't mean to be a pain...I thought it was a quick, simple answer. [22:10] no problem ;) [22:11] pedahzur: done ... I think [22:12] Ah, cool. OK...now how did you do that? :) [22:12] pedahzur: "Also affects distribution" [22:12] yeah, it's weird [22:13] shadeslayer: What did you select as the distro? What did you use as the source package name? Anything different than I did? [22:13] pedahzur: I added the bug link and selected the project as Akonadi [22:14] accidentally set it as mandriva first ( too sleepy to notice that in the first go ) [22:14] * shadeslayer heads to bed [22:14] shadeslayer: here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/1035105/+distrotask But I don't see an Akonadi link... OK...g'nite! Sleep well. :) [22:14] Launchpad bug 1035105 in Kubuntu PPA "filter agent crashes when trying to filter messages" [Undecided,New] [22:15] pedahzur: set source package name as akonadi [22:15] and then add the url [22:15] oh hmm [22:16] Actually, isn't the source package kmail? :) [22:16] sec [22:17] pedahzur: upstream bug report says akonadi [22:17] Ah, you're right. But it is in the kmail package, if I do a dpkg -S. But we'll go with their bug tracker. [22:17] shadeslayer: Thanks for all your help! Much appreciated! [22:17] pedahzur: so I've removed the bug watch, now you can add it this way [22:17] click on Also affects project [22:18] then set the project as akonadi [22:18] click continue [22:18] enter the bug url [22:18] then click on continue again [22:19] profit [22:19] ;) [22:19] shadeslayer: Sweet! I knew I'd seen it before...just the terminology was confusing me. Much thanks. [22:19] yeah, it's a bit confusing [22:19] * shadeslayer heads to bed [22:19] night everyone [22:20] shadeslayer: night!