
AlanBellpersonally I would do - as a space replacement character, the %20 stuff and correct hex encoding of odd glyphs is correct, but actual people want urls without that stuff in them00:00
mhall119maybe a brilliant solution will come to you in the morning, with sufficient doses of sleep and coffee00:00
AlanBellhttp://www.howtogeek.com/121014/x-awesome-new-ubuntu-apps-developed-for-the-ubuntu-app-showdown/ for example00:00
* aquarius lols00:05
aquariusat mhall's mail :)00:05
aquariusok. I think I've fixed the spaces thing.00:16
aquariuspushing fix now00:16
aquariusno, wait, I haven't.00:17
aquariuswhat a pain in the ear00:20
aquariusmight be fixed. Might not. Don't get it. Confused.00:22
aquariusand now it's too late.00:22
aquariusyep. Think I've fixed it.00:24
aquariusthere you go, jono00:24
* balloons wonders what to have for dinner00:35
JoseeAntonioRballoons: go and have peruvian food!00:36
balloonsmmm! there's a peruvian /asian fusion resturant near me.. it's my wife and I's favorite00:36
JoseeAntonioRballoons: delicious, isn't it?00:37
JoseeAntonioRballoons: you should come and try it here, it's even much better00:38
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, heh.. I'll bet!00:38
balloonsyou need to push for a South American UDS!00:38
jcastroI agree00:38
balloonsand yes, it is very good00:38
JoseeAntonioRI'll be getting some quotes and references00:38
* JoseeAntonioR has been thinking about that for a long time00:38
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: hey so I am getting ready to move soon, so if we could have our onair call soonish it might be best.00:39
jcastrolest it's beta and you find I am totally missing00:39
balloonsjcastro, goes where the internet cannot reach him!00:39
balloonsthe land of the north00:39
jcastroThe King of the North!00:39
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: huh?00:39
* JoseeAntonioR didn't get the second one00:40
jcastroyou wanted to have an onair meeting before the next one?00:40
jcastroI am moving from florida to michigan soon and I'll be gone for like a week00:40
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: to define the path that we're taking, if it's going to be related with classroom or not, and the activities00:40
jcastroyeah, I am saying we should have that soonish00:41
JoseeAntonioRwhen's fine for you?00:41
jcastroanytime this week00:41
jcastroI think pleia2 has strong opinions on the classroom thing too00:41
jcastroprobably snag bkerensa too00:42
JoseeAntonioRjcastro: pleia2 said we should decide the path, and let her know in case it's something classroom-related00:42
pleia2jcastro: the most important thing to me is that we're clear about what media we're using for each event, they can be one project or two (classroom and on air) but having people be confused is no fun, consumption of video is very different bandwdith (in all meanings) than irc :)00:48
pleia2and since I do work full time, I can't really participate in on air stuff myself (no time/availability for video)00:48
* jcastro understands that use case00:49
jcastrodon't worry, it's not like popey will come after -classroom00:49
* pleia2 shakes fist00:49
nigelbwe will fight him off with pitchforks00:50
nigelbAlso, morning!00:51
JoseeAntonioRhi, nigelb, and we'll fight him of with *virtual* pitchforck00:51
nigelbOk, time for a job. bbl.00:53
nigelbEr? Job? I'm still not awake.00:55
nigelbI meant jog.00:55
* ajmitch waves to nigelb 01:12
* nigelb waves back to ajmitch 01:12
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: still hosting the Q&A session on Tuesday?05:43
dholbachgood morning06:53
elfymorning dholbach07:03
dholbachoi! dpm!07:34
dpmhey, welcome back!07:38
dpmgood morning07:38
dpmsaw your pictures, looks you had a great time :)07:38
dholbachhow are you doing? how's life in Spain?07:40
dpmlife's very warm here07:43
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: on the 15th, yes13:28
mhall119welcome back dholbach13:28
dholbachthanks mhall11913:50
dholbachhey jono13:54
cprofitthey all13:58
jonohey dholbach13:59
jonowelcome back!13:59
dholbachthanks :)14:00
dpmI hope dholbach hasn't lost his superpowers now with his short hair14:13
AlanBellmhall119: on http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.04/javascript/index.html the unity init stuff should really be wrapped in if(external.getUnityObject){}14:32
AlanBellotherwise we end up throwing errors in other people's browsers14:32
mhall119AlanBell: can you tell them in #ubuntu-webapps?14:40
jonomhall119, dpm call running over15:01
jonowont be long15:01
jonomhall119, dpm you guys start and I will join too15:03
dpmmhall119, jono, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/414a979b4d99dd0d51ffc8e68c9911cb41c70e08?authuser=015:04
dpmdholbach, if you fancy some extra work items :P -> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/414a979b4d99dd0d51ffc8e68c9911cb41c70e08?authuser=0&hl=ca#15:04
jcastroI don't see what the big deal is, the new nautilus looks pretty good to me15:39
jcastroother than the menu not being exported right, but that's a bug15:40
dholbachpersonally, I don't like the search-when-you-type much - I preferred the type-ahead-and-find-stuff-in-the-current-directory15:41
dholbachbut maybe I'm not the common use-case15:41
jcastroI didn't realize that15:41
jcastrooh I see15:42
jcastroit auto does it instead of being explicit15:42
jcastroyeah, that can probably get confusing for people15:42
jonobrb breakfast16:01
balloonsdholbach, that's my biggest annoyance!16:20
balloonsalso, I tried searching and it just crashed :-)16:20
dholbachyes :)16:20
balloonswelcome back btw!16:20
dholbachthanks a bunch16:20
balloonselfy, think you'll have time to sneak ain a first test this week for the arm board? glad it got to you safely!16:21
elfyif I get what I need in time I will do that :)16:21
elfylucky it was in one piece - or two boxes - the packaging was all ripped ...16:22
elfyyep :)16:26
bkerensadholbach: your back :D17:32
dholbachhave a great rest of your day everyone17:37
=== ashams is now known as Guest28883
bkerensaam I the only once noticing Chromium crashing when uploading files?20:47
dakerFlash is crappy on chromium bkerensa :/22:17
bkerensadaker: what does flash have to do with uploading a file using a non-flash upload? Were talking just POST ?22:19
dakerYou can use falsh to upload things too :)22:21
dakeranyway i just wanted to point that flash is buggy on chromium22:22
bkerensaindeed but this specifically happens with non flash uploaders22:22
bkerensayeah I know... I did open a flash bug with the Chromium team a while back22:22
bkerensaFirefox wont even have Flash soon =s22:23
dakersomething i can't click on videos from youtube when they embed in an embed object22:23
dakerthey are*22:24

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