
=== mfisch is now known as Guest6140
=== Guest6140 is now known as mfisch
=== smb` is now known as smb
ppisaticiao Stef :)07:28
smbTach Paolo :)07:31
ppisatihave you ever tried to raise the compilation flags? it's an experience you'll never forget... never...08:05
smbI am not sure I would even know what you mean to start with... but even if it sounds I would not want to do either...08:12
ppisatibut for what i'm doing it's panacea, i can't beleive some much shit pass unnoticed08:15
ppisatii just hit a problem where a funcion in a patch was changed to accept a pointer to a struct instead of an uint08:15
ppisatiand guess what? the code still compiled, even with such a big change!!!08:16
ppisatii mean, really, i want the compilation to break in such cases08:16
ppisatiso i went to raise the compiler flags to a simple "-Werror", hell, now i cleaning all kind of crap08:17
smbAh, good ol' -Werror08:17
ppisatiand i already got two bugs that would go unnoticed without stricter compilation08:17
ppisatithere was a variable that was used WITHOUT any initialization08:17
ppisatii mean, something like val &= ...08:17
smbYeah, I guess it might be a good idea in general to grab the compile log once in a while and look at the warnings08:18
ppisatiagain, i want the compilation to break in this case08:18
henrixthat's funny... i'm unable to clone ubuntu-hardy.git using as --reference a local mainline git tree.10:13
henrixfor ex, in tangerine:10:13
henrixgit clone --reference /usr3/ubuntu/linux.git/ git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy.git10:13
henrixthis command hangs forever10:13
_rubenerr, wrong window had focus10:15
* _ruben needs focus-follows-eyes feature10:15
apwhenrix, that is odd indeed11:02
henrixapw: yeah, but i was able to clone it11:03
henrixapw: it just takes a loooong time11:03
henrixapw: which is odd, as with other releases it's quite fast11:03
apwppisati, you may be able to raise specific warnings to error rather than all of them11:03
apwhenrix, strange indeed11:04
apwperhaps it needs packaing11:04
henrixyep, that's probably the reason11:04
apwsmb, i thought it was that no cpu didn't have that feature ?11:05
* henrix -> food11:27
=== Ming is now known as Guest63579
* ppisati -> food too11:39
cooloneyinfinity: hey, adam, i'm going to build the package you listed on my imx6 board.12:12
cooloneyso i'm running apt-get install buildd12:12
cooloneyis that correct way to do that?12:12
smbapw, Oh dear, what did I write now?12:13
apwsmb, i've replied to the email anyhow, it makes more sense there (the intel kvm one)12:14
smbapw, Yeah, I would be replying there as well right now12:15
smbapw, Of course itr was the other way12:15
apwsmb, i see now avi has said he is happy and sent it on, which is also good12:16
smbapw, yep12:16
smbapw,  And it should read "every real cpu *has* the feature"12:16
smbapw, Which makes much more sense12:17
apwsmb, yeah that was what i was trying to say also :)12:17
smbYeah, I apparently cannot do a !! today... :-P12:17
apwheh ... it is very hot for not-not12:19
infinitycooloney: There's no buildd package in the archive, I'd hope.12:26
infinitycooloney: What you want is sbuild.12:26
infinitycooloney: apw can probable give you pointers on mk-sbuild and having two reasonably identical setups on your iMX6 and PandaES.12:27
cooloneyinfinity: oh, it's installing 170M packages on my board after i ran "apt-get install buildd", sh*t12:28
cooloneyinfinity: pandaES just supports SD card, i'm afraid i can't install too many packages, my largest SD card is just 16MB12:29
infinitycooloney: Oh, hey, we do have "buildd" in the archive, look at that.  That's the Debian buildd, has nothing to do with how we do things.12:29
infinitycooloney: Err, what?12:29
infinitycooloney: "Just supports SD"?12:29
infinitycooloney: That's in direct contradiction of all of us who have Pandas with USB hard drives.  And all the Panda buildds in the DC.12:30
cooloneyinfinity: yeah, pandaES doesn't support SATA harddisk, only SD card12:30
cooloneyinfinity: ok, i can setup USB hard drive on my panda ES12:30
infinitycooloney: And if we're not benchmarking this against a PandaES setup that's similar, there's no reason in running these benchmarks AT ALL.12:30
infinitycooloney: Cause it tells us nothing.12:30
infinitycooloney: In both cases, you should be running everything from the hard drives, nothing from SD.12:31
cooloneyinfinity: got it. so i need to setup sbuild on both PandaES and imx6, right?12:31
apwcooloney, yeah you want to use the 'kees' method so they get reset after each build12:31
cooloneyinfinity: yeah, right now, I just boot from SD for loading kernel and run rootfs on SATA harddrive for my imx612:32
infinitycooloney: Right, same thing for Panda then, which is the setup you'd get by default if you run a netboot install.12:33
cooloneyapw: thanks, that recalls me i wrote a wiki section before about using sbuild for building kernel. 12:33
infinityapw: The kees method? :P12:33
infinityapw: sbuild's default behaviour is that.12:33
infinityapw: Or do you mean hard-resetting the machines too? (which isn't a bad idea for benchmarking)12:33
cooloneyinfinity: yeah, got it. my imx6 board is based on linaro precise system and our own 3.2 kernel. it's that ok?12:34
cooloneyinfinity: for panda, i probably will use latest quantal image12:34
infinitycooloney: Everything important will be happening in a pure precise chroot anyway, thanks to mk-sbuild, I assume.12:34
infinitycooloney: So, as long as it's our kernel, the userspace doesn't matter too much.12:34
infinitycooloney: And no, benchmark precise versus precise, we're not going to be running quantal (or some Linaro thing, or whatever) in the DC.12:35
infinitycooloney: Also, can I get this magical Ubuntu 3.2 kernel for the mx6?  It seems as though it never fell in my lap.12:42
ogra_oh, there is a 3.2 for mx6 ?12:42
* ogra_ wants that too 12:42
ogra_(i havent had the time yet to play with my mx6 though)12:42
cooloneyinfinity and ogra_, please clone the branch http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=rtg/ubuntu-precise.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/imx6-sabre12:43
cooloneyand i just found latest building with latest gcc 4.7 will fail due to some GPU driver, as for our buildd usage, I just disable that GPU driver. but you guys can try that12:44
infinityWell, it wouldn't be built with gcc-4.7 for precise anyway...12:45
smbhenrix, bjf A heads up: I think I have a odd regression with current precise-proposed12:45
henrixsmb: do you have a bug #?12:45
smbhenrix, Not yet, I was just closing in on the kernel part this morning (after ruling out some other changes)12:46
henrixsmb: ok. let me know once you have a bug filed12:47
henrixsmb: thanks12:47
smbjust on it12:47
cooloneyinfinity: i'm running gcc-4.7 on quantal now.12:47
infinitycooloney: Yes... But the above is for precise, where kernels are built with 4.612:48
cooloneyinfinity: yeah, i will rebuild the kernel on imx6 board right now12:49
apwcooloney, on chinstrap.ubuntu.com:~apw/HINTS are my notes of how to setup chroots under sbuild correctly12:52
apwcooloney, obviously for your purposes you want armel and armhf chroots12:53
cooloneyapw: thanks, that saves me lot of time. 12:54
cooloneyinfinity: do you need to test SSD? or just hard disk is enough12:55
apwcooloney, we are talking about buildd comparisons here12:55
apwcooloney, so you need to have the config which they have12:55
apwcooloney, which is a USB disk in the existing setup i believe, and sata disk for the new one12:56
infinitycooloney: Rotary disks, no sane person runs a buildd on SSD, unless they hate themselves.12:56
* apw pops out for some supplies12:56
cooloneyapw, got it. i just found a spare SATA HD, if you wanna SSD, i might need to order it in advance.12:57
cooloneyinfinity: lol, ok, let me setup the sbuild and file the building on HD12:58
smbhenrix, bug 1034885 is filed but I just had another idea of what could be wrong beside the kernel... Unfortunately it is "this" machine I need to test on... 12:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 1034885 in linux "[precise] Proposed kernel does not automatically load usb-storage for card-reader" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103488512:58
henrixsmb: let me take a look...12:59
smbhenrix, One of the things also changed is initramfs-tools config from most to dep... So it also could be that...13:00
infinitysmb: It's almost certainly not the kernel, but something userspacey.  Unless something's gone HORRIBLY wrong.13:01
smbinfinity, Yeah, I was already curious because there were no real changes in usb that could do that13:02
henrixsmb: infinity: yeah that makes sense, there's nothing in the kernel changelog that caught my attention13:04
henrixbut i just did a very quick look13:04
* smb reboots with the full blown initrd13:05
henrixsmb: please, satisfy my curiosity! :)13:09
smbhenrix, Bah, ok. It was the initrd13:09
henrixsmb: ack, thanks :)13:10
apwsmb, interesting, we are clearly missing something we do need in 'dep'13:50
smbapw, Maybe. I first want to make sure it was not a failing to rebuild after I reverted back from your kmod (which was not intended for that release anyway).13:51
smbapw, But I wanted to leave that for another day (s reboot)13:51
smbAt least the kernel is not at fault. Which was the major concern. Of course it took me until I filed the bug to realize the initrd hint13:52
hggdhbjf: failed Natty SRU, please see bug 103493014:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 1034930 in linux "QRT failed on test_101_proc_fd_leaks (__main__.KernelSecurityTest)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103493014:33
henrixhggdh: i guess this test used to pass before, right?14:42
henrixhggdh: because there are only a few changes in natty, and none seem to be related...14:43
henrixhggdh: but i'll take a closer look14:43
bjfhenrix: i'd expect a bad exit code rather than a traceback14:43
apw08/08 22:02:52 ERROR|base_utils:0114| [stderr] AssertionError: Got exit code 10. Looking for text " 0x"14:44
apwbjf, it is complaining about a bad exit code 14:44
bjfapw, i guess. i wouldn't throw an exception if i was checking for an exit code and know that i didn't get the one expected. but i'm odd i guess.14:47
hggdhhenrix: it used to pass, yes14:56
henrixhggdh: ack, thanks14:56
ericm|ubuntuppisati, ping14:59
ppisatiericm|ubuntu: pong15:00
* ogasawara back in 2015:09
ogra_cooloney, hmm, i cant boot the mx6 kernel (just buiolt a package from your tree not changing anything and put the uImage in place of the original one on the mmc)16:06
ogra_Error: unrecognized/unsupported machine ID (r1 = 0x00000eb9).16:06
ogra_Available machine support:16:06
ogra_ID (hex)        NAME16:06
ogra_ffffffff        Freescale i.MX6 Quad (Device Tree)16:06
mjg59sforshee: Ok, I have working patches for gmux on the retina16:14
mjg59sforshee: ...which is also lacking VBT, so I'll poke on that a little16:15
sforsheemjg59, awesome. I'm still waiting for the retina to arrive16:17
sforsheemjg59, I should get back to working on dealing with no vbt in i915 later today, if you make progress let me know16:18
mjg59sforshee: http://fpaste.org/U05X/ and http://fpaste.org/WhLZ/16:18
sforsheemjg59, re the first patch, that might break some macs. You might ask Andreas about it, but some of the information I got from him indicated that breaking up the writes was necessary for some machines.16:21
sforsheemjg59, and looks like an unrelated change to nouveau snuck in ;)16:22
mjg59sforshee: It... does break up the writes?16:24
mjg59sforshee: Also, the retina is edp and not lvds, so it's going to be separate fixes16:24
mjg59Yeah, ignore the nouveau thing16:24
sforsheemjg59, it changes the series of write8s to a write32 in gmux_update_status16:25
mjg59sforshee: write32 breaks up the writes16:25
mjg59It's not an outl16:25
sforsheemjg59, okay, I obviously didn't really look at write3216:25
sforsheemjg59, so you used directhw to reverse engineer this?16:28
mjg59sforshee: Partially, yeah16:28
mjg59sforshee: But it turns out that the ACPI backlight uses the gmux16:28
mjg59So I could work out most of the register writes from there16:28
mjg59sforshee: [  531.579739] [drm] bad panel power sequencing delays, disabling panel16:29
mjg59sforshee: Yeah ok this is going to be more awkward16:29
sforsheemjg59, yuck16:30
sforsheemjg59, Did you try https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/8/8/410 for the nointremap issue? Just curious if it's the same issue.16:31
mjg59sforshee: No, but I expect it will be16:32
bjfhenrix, did you find anything with that natty qrt issue?16:39
henrixbjf: still looking. i'm able to reproduce it16:39
bjfsforshee: have you seen any status on the macbook-air wireless issue? (i have not)17:11
=== kamal1 is now known as kamal
* smb -> EODish17:43
sforsheebjf, no, I haven't seen any updates at all. I saw it one time last week, but once again couldn't reproduce it after that.17:52
dileksif I only install linux-image-3.5.1-030501-generic (amd64) I get wrong resolution (guess 1024x768), no working mouse and no networking.18:10
dileksinstalling appropriate linux-image-extra solves them all18:11
dileksfor whom is the small linux-image good for :-)?18:11
dileks...and the splitting into 2 packages18:11
bjfdileks: it is good for vms and cloud instances18:13
bjfdileks, we no longer have separate "virtual" and "server" flavours18:14
dilekseverywhere the cloud18:14
bjfdileks: didn't you get the memo, PCs are dead18:14
dileksI remember painting network diagrams with "the Internet" as a cloud18:15
dileksdecades ago18:15
dileksdamn marketing asses18:15
ogasawarabug 102356618:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1023566 in linux-meta "Update Precise LBM to include v3.4 compat-wireless stack" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102356618:35
ogasawarabjf, herton: ^^ just fyi, that's what I was looking at18:35
* ogasawara lunch19:29
mjg59sforshee: Yeah, your patch fixes nointremap20:02
sforsheemjg59, thanks for letting me know. I suspected it was the same problem but it's good to know for sure.20:02
adam_ghi. is grabbing the desired .debs from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ the correct way to test more recent kernels on 12.04? 20:03
henrixbjf: hggdh: i finally root caused the natty failure20:18
henrixit looks like its a bug in the test itself20:18
henrixmore specifically, in the qrt framework20:18
henrixbasically, the test checks if a kernel has a CVE fix by looking at the changelog20:19
henrixthe prob is that the changelog is truncated20:19
henrixso, basically the CVE fix check has to be done in a different way20:20
hggdhso the kernel does not have this fix?20:20
hggdhor does it?20:20
henrixthe kernel *has* the fix. but since the test fails to detect that, it inverts the pass/fail logic20:20
henrixbetter to point you to the code:20:21
henrixlet me pastebin it20:21
henrixhere: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1138451/20:22
henrixi guess this has never triggered before because the changelog has just been truncated in the place where it contained the reference to CVE-2011-1020 :)20:24
ubot2henrix: The proc filesystem implementation in the Linux kernel 2.6.37 and earlier does not restrict access to the /proc directory tree of a process after this process performs an exec of a setuid program, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information or cause a denial of service via open, lseek, read, and write system calls. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2011-1020)20:24
hggdhah, OK. Can you please add in your findings to the bug?20:26
henrixsure. will do that in a minute20:27
hggdhI can then move it from failed to passed, and open a task for the QRT20:27
henrixsounds good to me20:27
hggdhbjf ^ 20:27
ogasawaraadam_g: it is if you are wanting to test a more recent upstream vanilla kernel.  If you want to try the latest Quantal in Precise, use the ubuntu-x-swat/q-lts-backport PPA20:30
henrixhggdh: comment added. let me know if you want more details20:32
hggdhhenrix: will do20:32
hggdhhenrix: tag updated, bug 1027821 is ready to resume work20:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1027821 in linux "linux: 2.6.38-15.65 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102782120:47
henrixhggdh: great, thanks. and this means EOD for me ;)20:48
hggdhhenrix: boas noites20:48
henrixhggdh: heh, ate amanha :)20:49
dannfshould the rtc driver for a platform's rtc be statically linked normally? debugging an issue w/ highbank where system clock at boot is the epoch - looks like the rtc driver is a module, and not in the initramfs21:55
dannf(manual hwclock -s works fine later)21:56

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