
=== mfisch is now known as Guest6140
=== Guest6140 is now known as mfisch
micahgthe top 3 uploaders for quantal so far are not-canonical totalling 25%, nice :)04:11
* ajmitch obviously needs to get in on the haskell action :)04:14
micahgwow, ~5k uploads to quantal already04:14
micahgajmitch: 30 rebuilds will get you on the top 50 list :)04:15
ajmitchdepends if there are 30 left by next week04:16
micahgheh, I'm trying to knock off a few a night04:16
jtayloris new still going to be processed before feature freeze?04:22
StevenKjtaylor: If it uploaded before feature freeze and it's in NEW after, it still counts as before.04:23
jtaylorStevenK: thx thats good04:24
ajmitchStevenK: oh right, you're still an AA that I can bribe?04:25
StevenKajmitch: Whaddya got?04:26
jtaylorthe package I currently have in the queue (fftw3-mpi) is not really new its the same source as the main fftw304:26
jtaylorso it should be easy to process04:26
StevenKTwo sources == bad04:27
ajmitchStevenK: nothing uploaded yet, but I'll try & upload by this weekend04:27
Logan_micahg: so, going off of my question05:06
Logan_what is the best path in that case?05:06
micahgLogan_: so, in cases of non-Ubuntu specific bugs, it's best to get them fixed as far upstream as possible, any diff we carry requires manual work in the future and we want to minimize that where possible/practical05:07
micahgIn cases where the Debian maintainer hasn't been paying attention to the package, if it's a package you care about, you might want to ask if the maintainer would like help with it05:08
Logan_would that be at WNPP?05:08
Logan_or would I e-mail the maintainer directly?05:08
micahgsometimes an RFH is filed, otherwise, you can mail directly and ask if it appears neglected05:09
micahglots of packages are now team maintained, so if you want to help, you can ask to join the team05:09
Logan_okay, awesome05:10
micahgif that doesn't help or isn't appropriate, there are cases when an NMU is appropriate, see http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.html#nmu05:11
micahgand for the case where it's not RC in Debian but is in Ubuntu, there's the last resort of uploading a fix directly05:12
dholbachgood morning06:53
micahgdholbach: good morning06:53
dholbachhey micahg06:53
* micahg hugs dholbach for restoring the sponsorship queue06:53
micahgdholbach: meeting in ~9 hrs?06:54
dholbachmicahg, not quite restored - see bug 103176406:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1031764 in Launchpad itself "timeout on code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103176406:54
dholbachworked around the problem at least06:54
dholbachmicahg, I'm not 100% sure yet if I can make the meeting, but I'll do my best - this is my first day back after holidays :)06:55
dholbachtoday is a day of meetings06:55
micahgdholbach: well, that's a restoration of sorts (I saw the bug comment, that's how I knew it was you)06:56
micahgdholbach: welcome back06:56
dholbachthanks :)06:56
=== Guest81042 is now known as Zic
pipedreamwhat is the difference between unity-greeter and lightdm?09:19
pipedreamI thought that was lightdm09:20
dholbachpipedream, lightdm is the machinery which starts different greeters - if you ask on #ubuntu-desktop you might get more detailed answers :)09:31
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
arandIs it possible to request syncs from experimental due to the Debian Freeze?11:13
arandok, now just the question if upstream will release in a week or a month...11:18
QuintasanIs it acceptable for package to depend on gdb on build-time? There are some tests which require gdb11:36
ZhenechI've seen core packages depend on valgrind, so why not also gdb11:38
QuintasanZhenech: Ok, thanks.11:40
QuintasanIt also wants a X session running11:41
Zhenechthere is something for that too11:41
Zhenechlook at the libdbusmenu, libindicate, libindicator packages11:41
Zhenechalso maybe indicator-session, indicator-messages11:42
Zhenechthey have a full fledged dbus+x testsuite11:42
QuintasanZhenech: Thanks11:45
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jtaylorQuintasan: ipython uses xvfb-run for its X tests15:14
* micahg waves to MOTU people15:56
* paultag waves at micahg, for no particular reason15:56
* jtaylor waves from chile15:56
jtaylorabout to go on a 18 hour flight ._.15:57
paultagjtaylor: oh jeez. Where to>15:57
jtaylorsantiago back to parise then munich15:57
micahgMOTU meeting?15:59
jtayloroh I might actually have time to attend it for once :)16:00
dholbachmeeting time16:00
dholbachwho wants to chair? I'll be back in 3-4 minutes16:00
* micahg volunteered last time16:01
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* jtaylor off to the airport16:35
paultagkirkland: Did you happen to catch my ping a few days ago?16:36
kirklandpaultag: I did not...16:36
kirklandpaultag: what's up?16:36
paultagkirkland: I was wondering if you'd considered getting overlayfs into Debian16:37
paultag(as a module, not part of the default kernel)16:37
kirklandpaultag: is debian carrying the overlayfs module?16:37
kirklandpaultag: so, no, I really haven't considered it, honestly16:39
kirklandpaultag: I don't have anything to do with overlayfs, other than being a user of it, with the overlayroot package16:39
kirklandpaultag: I don't run Debian anywhere, on any hardware or vm's16:39
mitya57dholbach: good evening17:11
dholbachmitya57, in a call right now - how can I help?17:12
mitya57dholbach: I can wait, I wanted to ask about developer-guide packaging issues17:12
mitya57thanks for merging my branches btw17:13
dholbachmitya57, anytime - maybe you could mail Andrew SB about this?17:13
dholbachhe was the last to look into things17:13
mitya57dholbach: I'll just file a bug then17:13
dholbachhave a great rest of your day everyone17:37
* ajmitch sees he was mentioned by Laney in -meeting earlier21:10
Laneyajmitch is always on Laney's mind21:10
ajmitchthat's a bit worrying21:10
Laneyalso, powerpc makes Laney sad21:10
ajmitchit's faling behind, or is broken?21:11
Laneythe former21:12
Laneysilly private jobs21:12
ajmitchjust convince them to get more ppc buildds21:12
Laneyfix the brokened one21:12
xnoxLaney: well new kernel is borked, so don't touch the working one and fix the kernel.21:17
xnoxor downgrade it?21:18
* ajmitch wishes he could use a standard kernel on his arm device21:18
LaneyI hope the buildds don't run 'new' kernels (and that SRUs aren't regressing hardware) :P21:19
* micahg sees Laney's keyboard lashing got xnox to join the channel21:20
* xnox rumbles something incomprehensible21:21
ajmitchLaney: SRU's regressing? never21:26
LaneyLA LA LA21:28
lifelessFINGERS IN EAYRS21:33
Laneymore private jobs!21:53
* Laney affixes a stare in the direction of micahg 21:53
* micahg whistles innocently21:53
ajmitchLaney: patience...21:55
micahgLaney: you can fix Bug #1035097 while you're waiting :)21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1035097 in libnet-ssh2-perl (Ubuntu) "dependency to libterm-readkey-perl missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103509721:56
Laneynot one of my strongest attributes21:56
ajmitchnor mine21:56
gld1982ltdHi all...I need help packaging. I want to package lxmed and upload it to my ppa. I am following the instructions on http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/packaging-new-software.html. I'm at the bzr builddeb -- -us -uc command. I keep getting an empty binary package. can anyone help? This is my first time trying to package an Ubuntu package.22:49

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