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hadeesa couple of my disks keep reading as "Device or resource busy" i can't figure out what is using them02:10
hadeesi need to free them up so I can add them to my zfs pool, any idea?02:11
OldOneEyehow do i install SDL02:45
qman__apt-get install libsdl1.2-debian02:46
qman__apt-get install libsdl1.2debian02:47
OldOneEyei cant make02:47
qman__you need compilers to make02:48
qman__and dev libs02:48
qman__build-essential is where it starts, but you may need other -dev libraries02:48
OldOneEyehow i install02:48
OldOneEyeok kewl02:48
OldOneEyehow i install?02:48
qman__apt-get install build-essential02:48
OldOneEyeE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?02:50
OldOneEyecant apt-get02:50
qman__follow the instructions it gave you02:50
qman__apt-get update02:50
qman__also apt-get must be run as root, so prefix sudo or sudo -i to get a root console02:51
OldOneEyei cant access internet02:57
OldOneEyehome network is fine02:58
OldOneEyebut internet not working02:58
qman__make sure your gateway and DNS servers are set03:07
qman__view the configured gateway with route -n03:07
OldOneEyehow i check dns servers03:07
qman__also ping to test internet connectivity03:07
OldOneEyegateway is set03:07
qman__if that works, but names don't, it's DNS03:08
OldOneEyeit works03:08
OldOneEyehow i configure dns03:08
qman__DNS servers get set in /etc/resolv.conf, but with 12.04, they now use resolvconf03:08
qman__so they must be set in /etc/network/interfaces03:08
OldOneEyeinterfaces is set03:09
qman__here's an example: http://www.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_12.04_static_ip_configuration03:10
qman__that's for 12.04, for older releases you just set them in /etc/resolv.conf normally03:10
OldOneEyegot it working03:17
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hallynstgraber: lp:~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/quantal/lxc/lxc-config-includes works for me for config file includes (using 'lxc.include = somefile')03:32
hallyn(i'd tell highvoltage as i think he'd be interestedin testing, but i don't see him around)03:33
hallynstgraber: also, are you considering pushing the api stuff into quantal before ff?03:59
rocketsOne of the web apps a dev wants to deploy to our server depends on the server time being set to the timezone of times he wants to display in the app. E.g. the app is going to be used by people in the EST zone, so he needs me to set server time to EST. Is this reasonable? Is it unfair for me to expect his app to just account for the fact that the server time is UTC?04:33
qman__rockets, that's not even a little bit reasonable04:45
qman__tell him to fix his app to use time zones properly04:45
rocketsqman__: that's what I thought.04:45
qman__there's an entire system in place for just this reasons04:45
rocketsapparently it's an issue with an api from twilio we need to use04:45
rocketswhere things break when php sets a timezone04:45
rocketswhich is HORRIBLE, but unfortunately twilio is a requirement for this project04:45
qman__using UTC as the system time, and setting the time zone for the applications, is the standard way across everything except Windows04:46
rocketsqman__: I'm not arguing with you. But we do need the twilio API to work.04:46
rocketsi don't know the exact issue yet. once i get more info, i'll have to make a decisino04:47
qman__it's possible to change it to use local time, but it's definitely not normal04:47
Skaagwhy am I being offered /dev/mapper by the grub installer during an Ubuntu 12.04 Server installation, as the boot loader target?05:07
Skaagis it valid?05:07
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feisarhi, I need a little advice on 12.04 and scsi tapes. I have a whole list of devices that could (and do) relate to the tape but I don't know which one I should be using eg. st0, st0a, st0l etc. then sg5 seems to be in the 'tape' group also. I can write to the tape fine using st0 but I'm not getting it's full compressed size.07:39
melmothfeisar, have a look in man st(4)07:51
feisarmelmoth: thanks07:51
melmothi think it explain what the minor number means (like , do you want to rewind after a read or not, and is compression used or not and so on)07:51
feisarah ok so /dev/st0a is a minor number? It looks like writing to that might use compression07:53
melmothfor st0a the minor is 96 http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/devices.txt (you can chekc it out with ls -l too)07:54
melmothi must admit i do not understand exactly how to know if compression is used or not.07:58
feisarI *think (with your pointers) I have worked out that /dev/st0a, st0m, st0l will invoke different compression rates08:00
melmothfeisar, apt-get install mt-st :-)08:00
feisaryes, thanks, I have done that08:00
melmothyou can then send an ioctl to the device you want telling it to enable compression08:00
melmoth(or i guess you could send the ioctl with some bit of c compiled yourself but i bet using mt-st is more convenient)08:01
feisarmelmoth: I actually installed mtx which gives the package 'tapeinfo' and that confirms that compression is available and enabled08:02
feisarthe tape should hold 400G compressed and last night (after 8 hours) it gave a 'full' error before finishing writing 240G08:03
melmothfirst thing i would check was to double check you rewinded to the beginning before starting to write.08:04
feisarthats a good point08:04
feisarhmmm... I can't write to st0a 'no such device or address'08:07
melmothas far as i understand, the minor number contain information about rewind + compression + mode08:12
melmothbut i do not know, given a minor number, how to tell wich of those option are set08:12
melmoth(all i know is, people tend to call non rewind device nstsomething, and that s about it :) )08:12
lynxmanroaksoax: pong08:21
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feisarmelmoth: thanks for your help08:31
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lynxmanmelmoth: quite a nice breakfast you had ;)08:36
melmothhehe, that was yesterday dinner (just before a local lug gathering)08:36
lynxmanmelmoth: aaah08:36
melmoththey changed the hotdog size, they used to be wayyy smaller, was a bit surprised.08:37
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lynxmanmelmoth: certainly it looked yummy08:43
Anomie211How do I update to the latest php on Ubuntu 11.10? I'm getting 'E: Broken Package' when following this guide -- http://askubuntu.com/questions/108929/easiest-way-to-upgrade-php-to-latest-version-on-11-1008:44
zaggynlSo I set up the following: http://pastebin.com/MKn6AA1q08:45
zaggynlseems to work well until md3 starts giving ext4 errors, resulting in a read only mount until I fsck and remount08:46
zaggynlshould I just go back to 1 disk for os and rest for raid?08:46
AdvoWorkHi there. i'm having a problem with some mounts on my servers. I'm moving files to a folder /mnt/documents on (server1) this works fine as it is, but the thing is, /mnt/documents is supposed to be a mounted share that i've done in /etc/fstab. When i do sudo mount -a this works too(it mounts and I can see the shared files). The problem is, as soon as I mount it, I get a permission denied problem and can no longer move files to /mnt/documen08:47
AdvoWorkts. I've done various tests, i've chown'ed things such as ftp:ftp, ftp:wheel, root:root, i've set to 777 as a test. same problem. I'm mounting via: // /mnt/documents cifs exec,credentials=/home/credentials. Any ideas please?08:47
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stanman246hi is 12.04lts ready for production, or do you still use 10.04 lts?09:23
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rbasakstanman246: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuServer#From_10.04_to_12.04 "It is generally recommended that users of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS wait until the first point release, due in July, before upgrading. "09:35
rbasakAlthough the firist point release is expected at the end of August09:36
rbasakNot sure why that says July09:36
stanman246rbasak, right. hmm.. I think I'll upgrade to 12.04.1 when it hits the streets then09:39
stanman246and go for 10.04 now09:39
samcoldham1I Recently bought a server and wondered if i should run with ubuntu how hard it is to set up because im not that good with ubuntu yet or servers so how hard is it to do and is it worth doing09:40
jpdssamcoldham1: If it's a new deployment why not just do 12.04 for now, rather than have to upgrade later?09:40
jpdssamcoldham1: Not hard at all; what are you going to do on this server?09:41
jpdsstanman246: ↑ That first was for you.09:41
rbasakjpds: samcoldham1: yeah I was thinking about saying that. If it's a new deployment then presumably it'll be a few weeks before it goes into production anyway, so might as well get everything ready on 12.04 and then defer going live until 12.04.1 if you want09:41
samcoldham1use it for storage for files and run a website on it09:41
jpdssamcoldham1: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/index.html09:42
samcoldham1is ubuntu making a new devlopment then09:42
samcoldham1when is this coming out09:42
jpdssamcoldham1: Sorry, that first message wasn't aimed at you.09:43
samcoldham1oh ok09:43
stanman246jpds, true09:44
stanman246samcoldham1, why not install proxmox if it's a new server?09:44
samcoldham1could i run desktop enviroment like xfce or xorg i mean with ubuntu server09:45
samcoldham1whats proxmox09:45
jpdsstanman246: KVM is the supported virtualization solution on Ubuntu Server.09:46
stanman246jpds, i know, but i find the proxmox VE also very workable :)09:46
jpdssamcoldham1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI09:47
jpdssamcoldham1: You could, but that page explains why you shouldn't.09:47
samcoldham1yeah i understand now why you shouldnt ur pc would be more vunerable to security threats09:48
AdvoWorkI have a mount in /etc/fstab: // /mnt/documents cifs exec,credentials=/home/credentials and im trying to use it to move files, which fails. is it mounting as read only or something. As root i can touch file.txt no problem. doing the same with my web user(as i need todo this wil php files gives): cd /mnt/documents su www-data $ touch testing.txt touch: cannot touch `testing.txt': Permission denied09:48
samcoldham1is it easy to use kvm09:49
jpdssamcoldham1: 'easy' is a relative term.09:49
jpdssamcoldham1: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/virtualization.html - has some of the base documentation you need.09:50
samcoldham1what can you do in kvm09:58
samcoldham1like can you create documents or something or is it just to manage the server09:59
samcoldham1how does kvm hold your documents10:00
samcoldham1i guess the server does that10:01
stanman246samcoldham1, first read some kvm wiki's. After that you'll understand virtualization10:01
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1034824 in bind9 (main) "oneiric to precise upgrade leaves obsolete configuration file: /etc/bind/named.conf.options " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103482410:36
basil60hi any chance of advice on troubleshooting a web server that doesn't appear to work?10:38
jamespagezul: are you likely to upload a fix for bug 1006898 today?10:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1006898 in dnsmasq "[SRU] dnsmasq fails at leasing issues when using vlan mode" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100689810:43
jamespageif not I'll push it back to -updates10:43
basil60thanks..i'll try again later10:51
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zuljamespage: nope adding that patch makes me nervous for desktop users11:44
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lynxmanzul: morning!12:22
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1034869 in samba (main) "winbind normalize names = yes    disable  winbind cache mechanism and cause LDAP heavy load / poor performances" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103486912:36
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jamespagezul, ack12:43
stgraberhallyn: cool. I'll try to take a look at that branch later today. highvoltage is now jocarter on IRC, though he doesn't seem to be on this channel13:15
stgraberhallyn: I'm indeed planning to push the API work before FF13:16
hallynstgraber: ok, i'll need to merge back in some new features presumably (like seccomp)13:16
hallynthough i can do that after ff of course13:16
hallynstgraber: is that in for new lxc features?  (i think it is)13:17
stgraberhallyn: yeah, I don't expect anything else major to land before FF13:17
stgraberhallyn: I guess the best plan at the moment is to test the config include stuff, then push that to quantal, then I can rebase the API branch on quantal, have that one fixed and tested, then push that one to quantal13:18
hallynsounds good.  (and then i have some docs to write :)13:21
alex88hi guys, ls --xml seems to be deprecated, another option to do that?13:24
zulsmoser: ping13:25
hallyncan someone who has access pls accept the nominations for lucid..precise for bugs 629439 and 781411 ?13:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 629439 in vde2 "Bug vde_plug input handling can cause ehter frame loss/corruption or buffer overread by 1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62943913:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 781411 in vde2 "slirpvde: Massive memory leak" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78141113:36
rbasakjibel: could you help me understand bug 1034824 please? I don't follow it, because /etc/bind/named.conf.options is a conffile that should exist in precise bind9 as well. What am I missing?13:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1034824 in bind9 "oneiric to precise upgrade leaves obsolete configuration file: /etc/bind/named.conf.options " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103482413:58
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trevjsAfter installing postfix I'm trying to connect to it with telnet and I get "connection closed by foreign host" any ideas as to why this would be happening?14:11
Anomie211My filesystem is mounting in readonly mode for some reason, not letting me umount it (not producing any errors either though)  : http://pastebin.com/vSYPbK1p14:12
trevjsAnomie, not entirely sure Anomie, but maybe try umount -v and see if it gives you more info14:16
Anomie211root@server1:~# umount -v /dev/xvda14:17
Anomie211umount: /: not mounted14:17
Anomie211I'm accessing via LISH btw since ssh isn't working if that is relevant14:17
Anomie211trevjs: My server is very confused. http://pastebin.com/DhZHdn2n14:18
trevjsis it your root?14:19
Anomie211trevjs: Yeah14:20
Anomie211It's stuck in read-only mode for some reason so I'm trying to unmount/remount it14:21
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trevjsAre you trying to unmount so you can check it?14:21
Anomie211I'm trying to unmount because I had the same problem a few hours ago, someone told me to umount it and run fsck /dev/xvda;mount -o remount,rw /media/xvda14:22
Anomie211which fixed it14:22
Anomie211but it isnt working anymore14:23
trevjsI can't fathom how you would unmount the root filesystem, unless you are in some sort of recovery mode.14:23
Anomie211trevjs: I'm in via LISH14:24
Anomie211It is a recovery mode for your server when nothing else is working14:25
Anomie211Not sure if has the same rights as full recovery mode though - I'll try recovery mode14:26
trevjsthere is a -f flag for umount as well to force, but I'm uncomfortable giving my advice in this situation.  If you want to try it, it is at your own risk.14:30
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Anomie211trevjs: It's a backup server anyway14:32
Anomie211I cloned my current server so I could work on it with 0 downtime14:32
trevjsis there a way to see ufw rules before you enable?14:35
Anomie211This is what comes up when I first login14:35
Anomie211Any idea why my root file system isnt mounting?14:35
Anomie211trevjs: Found the problem. 'Automount devtmpfs' was enabled (I didn't enable it - not sure how that happened). I disabled that and it's working again. Ta anyway :)14:42
smoserzul, you rang?14:45
smosersome time ago14:45
zulsmoser: found what i was looking for14:46
jibelrbasak, there is a post upgrade test that checks files considered as obsolete by dpkg after upgrade by running dpkg-query -W -f '${Conffiles}'|grep obsolete14:46
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axisysso what is the recommended route to enable local dns caching? I see dnscache-run pkg available and my desktop has dnsmasq running..15:24
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Anomie211Got my server mounted, updated to 10.04  - presented with this problem - http://pastebin.com/DuF0vn2T15:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #1034962 in bacula (main) "bacula dependency on bacula-server fails with held broken packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103496215:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #1034963 in python-boto (main) "shouldn't ship public module tests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103496315:56
DatzIs this a new message that has been enabled?15:58
DatzYour CPU appears to be lacking expected security protections. Please check your BIOS settings, or for more information, run: /usr/bin/check-bios-nx --verbose15:58
DatzI hadn't seen it before, but I did recently make some changes in Bios. None that I would imagine disabled NX capabilities15:59
aklshow can I create a wireless access point in ubuntu server?16:04
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hallynakls: access point you can't, but in ad-hoc mode isn't too hard16:23
hallynjust use iptables to nat traffic from wlan0 to eth0, and run a dnsmasq on wlan016:23
hallyn(iwconfig it to ad-hoc mode first and ifconfig it to the addr you want)16:23
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speciaLGuestanybody can help me with my "last" command output ? http://pastebin.com/Hi5A1dBf16:47
speciaLGuestit never looked like this with so many lines/rows16:47
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jparkerAnyone got any tips for updating from 6.06 to 12.04?17:45
mdeslaurjparker: wow...you'll likely have to do 6.06 -> 8.04 -> 10.04 -> 12.0417:50
mdeslaurjparker: reinstall instead? :)17:50
patdk-wkjparker, seriously? :)17:54
jparkerha, yeah this is mostly me trying to get around doing more work17:55
patdk-wkthere will be alittle breakage upgrading 6.06 to 8.04, but I've done it for doh :)17:55
jparkeractually this is on a throw away dev box that I am testing things out on17:56
patdk-wkbasically, search/replace dapper with hardy in /etc/apt/17:57
patdk-wkand apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade17:57
patdk-wkreboot, and fix it17:57
patdk-wkthat will get you on stable17:57
patdk-wkthen normal lts upgrades from there17:57
patdk-wkI can't remember what exactly broke, been awhile17:58
patdk-wkonce your on lucid though, upgrade to grub2, before upgrading to 12.04, or your hit another bug17:59
jparkerahh okay17:59
* patdk-wk thinks your on the wrong irc net though :)18:00
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samcoldham1is it possible to install gnome to ubuntu server18:28
samcoldham1would it be ok to install kde or gnome to ubuntu server18:29
genii-aroundIt is not recommended to have a graphical desktop on servers, since X uses a lot of resources.18:31
samcoldham1how would upload images and files to the website then18:32
wedgiewhy would you need a graphical environment to do that?18:35
genii-aroundUsually with scp18:35
samcoldham1oh ok thanks18:35
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samcoldham1can you change the directions and move the photos with scp18:37
samcoldham1how would u manage the things u have on the website18:37
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).18:37
samcoldham1is there a free alternative18:43
raubvogelDoes sshd in 10.04LTS support GSSAPIServerIdentity ?18:46
raubvogelAccording to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/1:5.7p1-1ubuntu1, it should be there18:52
raubvogelBut I am not seeing that happen when I test it18:52
raubvogelOh, NVM. Looking at wrong machine. 10.04LTS has ssh 5.3.18:53
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uvirtbotNew bug: #990945 in samba (main) "samba-common doesn't read workgroup from smb.conf" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99094521:57
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jkyledoes apt-cacher-ng allow serving your own local packages?22:05
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adam_gzul: ping22:31
zasternI have the following in my /etc/environment: NODE_PATH="/usr/lib/nodejs:/usr/share/javascript:/usr/lib/node_modules/"22:41
zasternbut if i logout and login, and do echo $NODE_PATH22:41
zasternI just get /usr/lib/nodejs:/usr/share/javascript22:42
adam_gSpamapS: anything you can see that would be blocking progress on bug #1021530?23:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1021530 in openvswitch "[SRU] update to include stable fixes for OVS 1.4" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102153023:12
Spaziohi guys..i am trying to install wine on ubuntu server 12.04 but i get an error message that he grub boot loader wcannot install..it doesn't let me stop installation so dunno how to proceed23:28
smwanyone know why tomcat on ubuntu 10.04 would hang at Adding specified lib dirs to ClassLoader? http://fpaste.org/bsFo/23:29
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