
=== hunter68uk_ is now known as hunter68uk
christelgood morning and goodbye!07:10
* christel heads for gatwick 07:10
MartijnVdSfleeing the country?07:11
jacobw2one can leave the country from gatwick?07:14
MartijnVdSjacobw2: I've flown from/to Gatwick to/from Amsterdam07:14
* jacobw2 wonder if he's still ghosting07:14
MartijnVdSGhost reporting?07:14
jacobwcool, i'm +Zi again07:15
jacobwSASL + identified07:15
MartijnVdShey I'm +Zi07:15
diploMorning all07:16
jacobwmorning diplo07:16
diploHow come 1 or 2 pints recently and meal has recently seemed to turn into 7-8 pints and a meal07:17
diploI'm to old for this!07:17
* jacobw pours coffee for diplo 07:18
diploheh ta07:19
Myrtti+i doesnt mean you are identified07:21
jacobwit doesn't?07:22
Myrttiit means others cant see what channels you are in when they whois you unless they are on same channels07:22
jacobwi see :)07:23
Myrttiie. +i as invisible07:24
jacobwi'm currently using irssi out of habit, i'm considering trying weechat07:24
* TheOpenSourcerer got his dates messed up and now has no one to go and drink beer with this afternoon. Anyone fancy an impromptu session at the Great British Beer Festival (London Olympia)?07:26
hoovermorning all07:38
=== gary is now known as Guest20901
davmor2Morning all08:19
mungojerryubuntu one sharing working OK?08:29
AlanBellmorning all08:29
davmor2morning AlanBell08:30
mungojerryhttp://ubuntuone.com/0Q7iftpzYbSWU6hTQUcZTl shows as Could not locate object08:30
mungojerrywhat's the u1 irc channel please?08:31
davmor2mungojerry: I see a picture of candy floss08:31
mungojerrydavmor2, ah, works now08:32
mungojerryi unpublished and republished, or miht just have been a monetary outage08:32
TheOpenSourcerermorning all. Now in the office with no car and no one to go drinking with :-(08:32
davmor2mungojerry: it isn't instant you have to give it a second or two08:33
mungojerryi published it last night08:33
mungojerryand it was working, but i have a feeling that then my phone decided to do the batch upload of photos and overwrote it08:33
mungojerrypossibly overwriting the publishing status08:33
TheOpenSourcerermungojerry: FWIW I removed U1 from my machines. Chewed up resources and just didn't seem to work that well. Dropbox "just works".08:34
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: well I was going to work from home today seeing as you were not supposed to be in the office . . .08:34
* AlanBell ponders drinkability of this afternoon08:35
AlanBellneed moar spice racks http://ratemyspicerack.com08:36
TheOpenSourcererIt will take time to assemble mine - my "rack" is actually a large double door cupboard with everything in boxes (my wife's idea) which I now hate as it takes ages to get to everything. But I do have quite a lot of stuff in my rack.08:37
extrasolarSo is there anyway at all I can recover internet history from incognito mode in chrome?08:42
extrasolarI went on a website that was awesome but I cannot remember what it was called08:42
AlanBellextrasolar: if there is then that is a bug08:42
extrasolarIn that case, what would be the ideal present for a techy girlfriend?08:43
MartijnVdSyou probably know her better than we do :)08:45
extrasolarI guess08:46
mungojerryextrasolar, does she like jewellery?08:46
extrasolarShe does, but I was thinking of getting her a jokey nerdy present08:46
MartijnVdSTime for a thinkgeek raid :)08:47
TheOpenSourcererextrasolar: Take her to Venice or Rome for a long weekend.08:47
mungojerryt-shirt from woot or threadless?08:47
mungojerrya crocheted ubuntu drinks coaster?08:48
extrasolaroh wow08:49
mungojerrythis has lots of ideas http://www.etsy.com/search?q=geek&view_type=gallery&ship_to=ZZ&min=0&max=0&includes[]=tags08:49
mungojerrythis is sweet..08:50
mungojerrylast one i promise :D08:50
SuperMattambiance is looking a lot better these days guys08:52
extrasolarI'm fairly new to the linux world but already I am seeing a problem with flash08:52
MartijnVdSFlash is bad.08:53
SuperMattwhat's the issue you're having?08:53
extrasolarI moved from ubuntu to debian today and the problem is still there. My laptop heats up quick when a youtube video is playing08:53
SuperMattI've found that installing flashplugin-installer works fine08:53
MartijnVdSI've found a lot of sites don't use flash anymore :)08:53
mungojerryextrasolar, sign up to html5 on youtube08:54
SuperMattI don't think you need to08:54
SuperMattI think it defaults to html 5 if you don't have flash installed08:54
MartijnVdSif you have html5 and no flash it defaults08:54
mungojerryyeah, but chrome has flash builtin?08:54
mungojerryplays videos 2x as fast for me08:54
SuperMattI'm currently enjoying ff more than chrome08:55
MartijnVdSisn't that a setting?08:55
mungojerryi tried to like firefox again, but it hogs my machine08:55
extrasolarI like how chrome integrates everything08:55
extrasolarjust fantastic08:55
MartijnVdS.. and sends it to google ;)08:59
AlanBellI am a bit worried about what google thinks of me09:00
extrasolaryes but what have I got to hide?09:00
AlanBelldunno about anyone else, but I get lots of adverts from mature dating UK09:00
AlanBellall these strange older women following me around the internet09:01
extrasolarad blocker?09:01
AlanBellwell they don't bother me that much, some of the pictures are quite amusing09:01
MartijnVdSAlanBell: you're not tempted by them?09:02
TheOpenSourcererHmmm - I see mainly ads for Alfresco, and business car leasing.09:02
AlanBellon http://www.dayinpix.com/ right now I see text adverts for "get your free horoscopes", "Older Dating UK", "love online" and "Over 40's dating"09:02
TheOpenSourcererThis is great: https://twitter.com/sammcknight1/status/233294409519755265/photo/109:03
AlanBellI do see lots of alfresco adverts, that kind of makes sense09:03
AlanBelljust curious what I have been up to to trigger the other lot09:04
directhexi mostly get adverts for high heeled shoes. guess i should stop looking for presents for the wife on the work laptop09:04
MartijnVdSyou need to use private mode!09:04
extrasolartalkiing of twitter, any recommendations on who to follow, I'm new there09:04
TheOpenSourcererme me me :-)09:04
AlanBellgah, another advert for "50+ Dating" who do they think I am!09:04
MartijnVdSAlanBell: TheOpenSourcerer :P09:05
diploAlanBell: I get mature dating sites all the time aswell09:05
directhexyou should follow @big_ben_clock09:05
AlanBellextrasolar: and anyone who posted their spice rack to http://ratemyspicerack.com/09:05
AlanBelland @queen_uk09:05
directhexyes, @queen_uk will let you know when it's gin o'clock09:06
TheOpenSourcererGosh - I now have 1514 followers.09:06
bigcalm_laptopGood morning peeps :)09:06
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: imagine that IRL09:06
directhexyou have more followers than me? i officially hate you!09:06
TheOpenSourcererBut you always did directhex ;-)09:06
AlanBell1772 people have me in circles on G+09:07
MartijnVdSAlanBell: because you do BBQs right?09:07
AlanBellyeah, mostly09:07
extrasolarwhat does the ubuntu UK team leader do?09:07
TheOpenSourcererWow - I am only in 217 peep's circles :-(09:07
AlanBelland Amanda Blain put me in a circle of geeks and shared the circle with over a million followers09:08
MartijnVdSwho is Amanda Blain?09:08
AlanBellextrasolar: right now, chatting on IRC and having a coffee, and looking at a perplexing PHP error09:08
TheOpenSourcererCome on!!! Someone must fancy a giant piss up in London this afternoon?09:08
extrasolarit sounds like an important title to hav09:09
bigcalm_laptopThere is business speak going on behind me. It all sounds so fake09:09
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: what time are you leaving?09:09
TheOpenSourcererDunno yet - When I have someone to go with probably.09:09
directhexklout doesn't respect my insights on the congo any more either :(09:09
TheOpenSourcererI will keep spamming twitter, G+ and facebook for a little while longer09:09
* AlanBell is a bit tempted09:10
AlanBellMartijnVdS: she is quite googleable, I had never heard of her either until I got vast amounts of people following me one day09:10
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I still have no idea..09:12
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2: those headphones make you look like a 1960's alien09:13
davmor2I'll have you know I landed in the 70's,  ermm I mean was born in the 70's09:14
extrasolarHas anyone got any tips for networking with programmers?09:14
extrasolarI know the simple ones, irc, show github09:14
bigcalm_laptopHappy birthday to the alien davmor209:14
extrasolarbut I still feel like I don't know any other programmers09:14
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: Thanks dude09:14
bigcalm_laptopextrasolar: try coax09:14
bigcalm_laptopI think I've broken davmor209:15
davmor2extrasolar: try hanging out in bars where programmers are, buy them beers till they are drunk and they will be your bestest friend till the end of the night at least09:17
extrasolarhmm the problem is I am in a town with a small population09:18
TheOpenSourcererOooh - bendy phones coming soon? http://www.androidpit.com/analysis-is-samsung-sticking-a-flexible-display-in-the-galaxy-note-209:21
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:23
TheOpenSourcererGosh - http://news.techeye.net/software/debian-dumps-gnome09:26
diploTheOpenSourcerer: I would love to come out, but going camping in the morning :(09:26
TheOpenSourcererdiplo: So what's the problem? ;-)09:27
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: that article is misinformation09:28
diploheh, getting everything ready, that was the last 2 nights jobs and I have been *dragged* to the pub both nights09:28
TheOpenSourcererkicking and screaming?09:28
diploOh yes!09:28
* bigcalm_laptop shakes his fist at cafe wifi09:31
brobostigoninteresting, i just noticed in android google translate update, it can take a picture, pull the text, and translate.09:34
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2 is being zapped by a 6(?) year old. He can't cope09:45
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: Only cause apparently it's wrong to eat other peoples children </troll>09:46
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: Are you still a bit tempted?09:56
AlanBellyes, still tempted, noon to 10:30 is a bit of a longer session than I had in mind though ;)09:58
TheOpenSourcererlol - Wasn't planning to be there *all* day... Would miss the train back anyway at that rate.09:59
bigcalm_laptopThere's nothing more dangerous than a 6 year old girl with a sonic screwdriver10:06
bigcalm_laptopToday's Work Place Day has been made extra interesting10:06
TheOpenSourcerera 6 year old girl with two sonic screwdrivers?10:06
daubersbigcalm_laptop: What about popey on the other side of a crowded room from the buffet?10:07
directhexa six year old girl with a squareness gun?10:07
mungojerryso, what did nokia do with qt in 4 years?10:11
directhexfeed it cake10:12
daubersmungojerry: Nearly go bankrupt?10:12
directhexqt was clearly a terrible fit for nokia the moment they switched to WP7, and anyone who thought Qt still had a home at nokia was deluded10:12
brobostigonsells themselves off to MS.10:12
* AlanBell wonders whether to scramble some eggs for lunch10:13
directhexQt was also a dubious fit beforehand - maemo 5 was all Gtk10:14
directhexso rewriting the world in Qt for maemo 6, erm, meego harmattan?10:14
daubersAlanBell: Don't think! Do!10:15
* jussi prods at AlanBell10:27
* TheOpenSourcerer is going to go to Olympia. It's too nice and sunny to not go into a great big exhibition hall and drink loads of beer all afternoon. Will be on the 11:58 train from Farnham.10:28
* AlanBell looks at jussi's rack http://ratemyspicerack.com/jussi01/10:29
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: if you leave a ticket in the office I will come up to olympia later10:31
TheOpenSourcererTicket for what?10:31
AlanBelloh, it is not ticketed?10:31
AlanBellthe beer thing10:31
mungojerrybeer olympics?10:31
TheOpenSourcererYou can get them in advance or just buy them when you get there.10:31
AlanBelloh, fine in that case hopefully I will catch you later10:32
TheOpenSourcererOK. What time you off tomorrow? Will you be in the office tomorrow am?10:32
AlanBellyeah, flight is a late evening one10:33
TheOpenSourcererOK cool.10:33
TheOpenSourcererToday is "hat day" by the way - at the GBBF10:33
AlanBellI can do hats ;)10:34
jussieveryone rate my rack!!! http://ratemyspicerack.com/jussi01/ :D10:41
Laneyis it always that tidy? ;-)10:45
jussiLaney: usually, yes10:45
dogmatic69Who's site is the spice rack thingy?10:45
AlanBellwhat is yours like Laney?10:45
AlanBelldogmatic69: I wrote it yesterday10:45
LaneyAlanBell: in carrier bags unfortunately10:45
AlanBellor to be more accurate, flung up a wordpress yesterday10:46
dogmatic69AlanBell: cool, are you just doing a standard average on the ratings?10:46
LaneyI'll present it better when I move in a coupla weeks10:46
AlanBelldogmatic69: I think it is a baysian something or other10:46
Laneythen you can… Rate. My. Rack.10:46
AlanBelldogmatic69: just averages, the baysian thing was for minimum votes before it rates something I think http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gd-star-rating/10:50
AlanBellso that things don't jump to the top with a single 10 rating (I think) but I have turned that off for now10:50
AlanBellhttp://www.jonobacon.org/2012/08/09/free-official-ubuntu-book-for-approved-loco-teams-2/ anyone want a book?10:51
bigcalm_laptopAlanBell: yes please10:52
AlanBellthink it might end up as a podcast prize10:53
bigcalm_laptopOh, it's 1 per loco?10:53
AlanBellkitteh http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/08/09/kittycam_discovers_killer_cats/10:53
jussialright, lets get #ratemyspicerack trending on g+ :D10:58
mungojerryit froze my chrome browser :S10:58
mungojerryfor about 1 minute10:58
mungojerryfroze my machine10:58
AlanBellmungojerry: gosh10:59
AlanBellis it repeatable?10:59
* mungojerry tries again10:59
mungojerryafter 1 min chrome said that the page was not responding kill/wait11:00
AlanBellprobably the tweet loading thing11:00
mungojerrythey hadn't loaded at all, so maybe11:01
mungojerryanyone know off the top of their head the approx numbers of people actively developing gnome/kde/xfce?11:05
mungojerryi think that elementary could steal gnome OS thunder (if either of them release a distro)11:06
bigcalm_laptopdavmor2 has been beaten by the 6 year old girl11:06
davmor2bigcalm_laptop: As I say you can't eat other peoples kids it's frowned on </troll>11:42
MartijnVdSdavmor2: your own kids = fine though?11:42
davmor2MartijnVdS: why would you eat your own who makes the drinks, does the garden and cleans the house then?????? :D  Note (/me has no kids)11:44
MartijnVdSdavmor2: good point11:44
shaunohas no kids .. anymore11:51
mungojerrykids clean the house?11:51
mungojerrylike a whirlwind does11:51
davmor2mungojerry: you have to bribe them with money11:52
MartijnVdSdavmor2: s/money/food/11:52
bigcalm_laptopchristel: \o/11:54
* bigcalm_laptop tickles christel11:55
AlanBellhello christel, where are you?11:55
christeli am in the skyyyy11:55
AlanBelland now a member of the IRC mile high club11:56
christeli just cant resist you.. even when at many lots of miles high11:56
MartijnVdSaww :)11:57
christelturbulence confuses (scares) david!11:58
christelas does being awake it seems.. what a boring child i have12:00
MartijnVdSbeing awake makes him scared & confused?12:02
christeli dunno he went to sleep :p12:02
christelsense, i make it12:02
christelaaah aages to go yet :(12:22
MartijnVdSchristel: how long?12:22
christelhour and a half i reckon12:23
MartijnVdSyou're going Far Far Away then12:24
christelnah only been in air half an hour :p12:24
davmor2christel: hello12:24
mungojerrycan you use mobiles on planes now?12:29
mungojerryhow do they get signal? i struggle to get signal in tall buildings12:29
AlanBellbut generally you can't use mobiles on planes12:32
AlanBellsome have wifi though with a satellite uplink12:33
mungojerryah, so they charge you for use?12:33
AlanBellvery much so I think12:34
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
mungojerrywe have a local gold postbox :D12:36
mungojerryhaving a frustrating day, as the WFHers are not responding12:37
christelhellloooo davmor2 :D12:40
christeli suspect it depends on airline, this one provides free wifi12:41
MartijnVdSchristel: which airline is that?12:41
christelnorwegian :)12:42
* AlanBell is going ryanair tomorrow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAg0lUYHHFc12:42
* MartijnVdS will be going DB next week ;)12:42
MartijnVdStrain to Frankfurt \o/12:43
MartijnVdSand then [don't know yet] to Dublin in october12:43
shaunoI'd recommend against a train to dublin ;)12:43
MartijnVdSshauno: Yes, that'll probably a plane :)12:44
MartijnVdSand probably a cheap one12:44
* daubers will be driving up the m6 late next week12:47
shaunoit's not fashionable to admit it, but I kinda like ryanair12:47
christel       12:51
directhexshauno, you're a terrible person12:56
shaunoyou say the nicest things :)12:56
shaunoI've been in Ireland nearly 6 years now.  ryanair are essentially my link to civilization12:57
directhexthey themselves are uncivilized though12:57
shaunothey're no worse than the busses.  they're simply no better either12:58
AlanBellyeah, it is a flying bus12:58
daubersUntil it's a flying catbus I'm not interested12:59
directhexokay, fine, no worse than busses12:59
directhexbut i don't need to subject myself to an airport to go by bus12:59
directhexairports nowadays are such a horrid experience13:00
shaunoyou can hardly blame the airlines for that13:00
directhexit's like being rewarded for finishing cleaning the toilet by discovering a large vomit patch in the living room. going through the hell of airport security and ending up... on ryanair13:00
Pendulumchristel: !13:02
mungojerryone of the many reasons i don't fly13:08
* MartijnVdS likes his new router13:09
MartijnVdSTP-Link WDR4300 (now with OpenWRT)13:09
directhexthe wifi on my router might be crap. or maybe it's the laptop13:11
dwatkinsdirecthex: do you have an Android phone? This is handy: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.farproc.wifi.analyzer&hl=en13:13
directhexwife does13:14
dwatkinsfree app with adverts, so you don't even need to give her 69p ;)13:14
dwatkins(It's a bit of a shame, as I'd happily pay for the app to remove the adverts)13:14
mungojerrydoes android market allow paypal payments yet?13:15
diploIf not yet, very soon13:16
mungojerrystill haven't purchased an app in 2 1/2 yrs13:16
mungojerryif tey took paypal i would13:16
mungojerrybecause it would lower the barrier to entry13:17
dwatkinsI hear good things about 'stripe' as a paypal alternative.13:17
mungojerryi don't wanna setup another service with my CC and bank a/c13:17
dwatkinsI think I just put mine in to my google checkout config once13:18
diployeah i use google wallet13:20
christelaw they are turning the net off to land!13:33
Pendulumchristel: :( have a good time doing all those norwegian things ;)13:34
christeli shall! no doubt stalk you soon (got another 7 hours of travel first mind! pfff!) xxx13:35
MartijnVdSI bought an AP (a "pro" one) and it comes with a manual on how to install DD-WRT13:54
mungojerryis the rasp pi model A out yet?13:57
directhexwhat's a starter age for pi usage?14:02
directhexseems schools are using them for ~12 year olds14:03
directhexin clubs14:03
mungojerrywhat's this program scratch ?14:03
mungojerryis it in the repos?14:04
mungojerryone problem is that VGA monitors are plentiful14:04
mungojerryand rpi doesn't work directly with them14:04
directhexvga monitors are plentiful in houses of pack rats14:05
directhexTVs are more plentiful14:05
directhexthey're in the houses of everyone14:05
mungojerryfor schools, then vga monitors14:05
mungojerryi agree about houses though14:05
mungojerryyou can't provide everything i know, but it's a barrier for lab fulls of rpi in schools14:06
directhexi don't get why VGA monitors are cheaper than DVI14:06
mungojerryi just gave away 20 vga flat panel mons14:06
mungojerrythats cheap14:06
directhexthe display is digital, the source is digital, it's cheaper to add a DAC and ADC?14:06
daubersdirecthex: economies of scale?14:10
mungojerryi've seen a case that makes me want to buy a pi14:10
mungojerryi mock apple users for similar desires14:10
directhexi don't think labs of pi are the way to go. every kid should have their own device, it's the only way to keep them interested/excited14:11
mungojerrythen how do u teach in the class though?14:11
directhexmungojerry, well, that's a question14:31
ali1234i don't think the answer to that is hardware14:33
ali1234how do you teach kids to think?14:33
ali1234is that even the goal of the modern education system?14:33
mungojerryi didn't mean that14:33
mungojerryi just mean, a school is prob more likely to have access to vga monitors to run a lab14:34
mungojerryespecially if they are given14:34
ali1234and this "TVs are more common" thing14:34
ali1234well yeah they are more common14:34
ali1234now try using linux shell on a composite signal14:34
ali1234i hope the kids have good eyesight14:34
MartijnVdSali1234: kids have better eyesight :)14:37
ali1234and of course there's the fact that a VGA signal can drive any TV with scart or composite14:37
MartijnVdSali1234: it's the "trying to read over composite" that makes it worse :)14:37
ali1234with only a passive adapter that is cheaper than the pi14:37
ali1234for that matter a passive HDMI cable probably costs more than the pi14:38
ali1234then add on the VGA converter and you are looking at ÂŁ6014:38
mungojerrycan you connect dvi to a telly?14:41
mungojerryi.e. would it have been better if the pi had dvi14:41
MartijnVdSDVI and HDMI are identical14:41
MartijnVdSall you need is a converter14:41
MartijnVdSpassive converter*14:41
mungojerryi use a converter on my graphics card to convert dvi->vga14:42
mungojerrybut people are saying that using a hdmi->vga converter would be either bad or ÂŁÂŁÂŁ14:42
ali1234i'd rather just have a general purpose high bandwidth dsp add on though, to be honest14:43
ali1234that could do anything, pretty much14:43
directhexali1234, wat?14:45
directhexali1234, you know any TV made in the last decade has HDMI, right?14:45
directhexmungojerry, HDMI carries a DVI signal over a different form factor, they can be converted trivially14:45
ali1234yes, and i know HDMI cables cost upwards of ÂŁ30 if you buy them in a highstreet store14:45
directhexmungojerry, you cannot carry VGA over HDMI, you need an active adapter with a DAC, and those cost far more than the pi itself14:46
directhexmungojerry, using a DVI->VGA adapter only works if the output socket is DVI-I, using spare pins on the DVI socket to send VGA data, which is then physically converted to a VGA socket14:46
mungojerrydirecthex, therefore dvi and hdmi are not identical, which takes me back to the oringal question, would the pi be better off with a dvi port?14:46
ali1234just putting a dvi port on it wouldn't help14:47
mungojerryok, so it's more than a port14:47
ali1234the chip isn't vga capable14:47
directhexmungojerry, DVI-I? fairly sure it wouldn't help since the broadcom chip has no VGA encoder14:47
mungojerryi see from directhex answer14:47
ali1234so it would be a dvi-d port only14:47
mungojerryunderstand now14:47
ali1234which is no different to hdmi14:47
ali1234it is cheaper due to no licensing fees though14:47
ali1234but it is also bigger14:47
mungojerryhdmi carries audio, right?14:47
directhexalso, audio14:48
ali1234there's no reason dvi-d cannot do audio14:48
mungojerrydid that cotton candy box ever arrive, or the other rasp pi type box?14:48
directhexit's not in the spec, so no hardware on earth would deal with it14:48
ali1234for example the chromebox does not have hdmi ports14:49
njaWhat's up with this Ubuntu Book stuff?14:49
mungojerrymaybe the ouya looks good for performance14:49
directhexthe ouya is an htc one x, with different form factor & hdmi port14:50
njaCan I get one?14:50
=== JethroTroll is now known as RaycisCharles
kirrusHrm.. does anyone know how I can reload unity's menus? My clock seems to have gotten stuck at 0146 :/14:52
AlanBellnja: I will order it and it will probably be given away as a prize on the podcast14:53
mungojerrysounds like best idea AlanBell14:53
mungojerryneed to remember to download podcast again, sort of forgot since 201214:53
* AlanBell was on the most recent podcast14:53
mungojerryhow does the DE on the raspi compare to say, an eee in real use?14:59
AlanBellperformance is probably similar, if you want something to go fast then don't use either.15:00
AlanBellin real use the big difference is not having 600px vertical (unless you have some really odd hdmi monitor)15:00
ali1234plenty of DE will run fine on either15:11
ali1234just not any of KDE, gnome, unity15:11
mungojerryyes, i run lxde on my eee 70115:12
mungojerryhowever keyboard and mouse always feel a bit sluggish15:12
ali1234i expect the pi to be quite a bit slower than the eee though15:12
Azelphursome random company I've never heard of just bought qt o.O15:12
ali1234but that is mainly due to the whacky graphics15:13
mungojerrythe aim is to port it to android & ios too15:14
mungojerrythey already bought the qt licensing last year15:14
ali1234it is already ported to android and ios15:14
ali1234they just couldn't make it part of the official system because of microsoft15:14
ali1234the work has been done since about a year15:15
mungojerrygood idea though. whats the point of cross platform toolkkit that doesn't work on some of the most popular platforms15:41
mungojerryunderstand that ios has limitations due to closed nature of apple15:41
mungojerryhmm not sure we should be counting the medals won in 1908: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1908_Summer_Olympics_medal_table15:58
BigRedSwhy not?15:59
gingbecause it was rigged16:00
mungojerryit's not in the same league16:00
mungojerryas this performance, taking into account the number of atheletes and countries16:00
mungojerryit's a bit like when real madrid say they won the european champions league title certain years that hardly count either16:01
BigRedSIt depends why you're counting it and what you determining the count to mean, I suppose16:01
mungojerryi wonder how many golds USA would have in 2012 if you took out the swimming16:01
zleapi remember someone i worked with who was from liverpool saying that man u's 1999 win didn't count as the weren't champions and yet when livepool  won as non champions it counted16:02
BigRedSI keep meaning to compile an if-we-still-had-Empire table16:02
zleapwe have the commonweath games for that16:02
zleapand back then i think we called it the empire games16:03
mungojerryswimming gives a disproportionate amount of medals16:03
zleapwhich is odd givjng that swimming is one of the most accesible sports,  not like you need any special equipment16:03
mungojerrybig feed like flippers helps16:04
ging1 in 3 americans can't even swim16:05
mungojerryethiopia has only 1 swimming pool per 6 m people16:05
mungojerryi could possibly do a length but i'd need a rest and bend my cramp toes back into position16:05
zleapwhat about lakes etc  if you live near a lake you can swim in most places,  (ok you need to be care of predators i guess)16:06
mungojerryswimming does give too many medals, and it shows that you often get multi medal winners winnign 5 golds16:06
gingthere are not that many lakes in ethiopia16:06
zleapmaybe generally then16:06
mungojerryphelps is not the greatest olympian, the wimming races are all too similar16:06
zleapin terms of actual equipment needed16:07
zleapcompared to say rugby, soccer,  football,  sailing,  etc16:07
mungojerryfootball just needs a pigs bladder and some jumpers for goalposts16:08
gingyou could use a pile of dust for goal posts16:08
mungojerryor a dog16:08
gingmaybe a dead dog16:09
zleapi was thinking football being american football (hence i also said soccer) but for the latter you don't need goalposts16:09
zleapi am off for food chat later16:10
gingyou don't need anything for that16:10
gingit's like rugby without a ball16:10
zleapyou need a ball for football16:11
BigRedSzleap: nah, commonwealth games is for competition between the commonwealth. I mean the UK turning up at the 'lympics with US, Aus, NZ etc. on our side16:17
BigRedSbut different selections of countries for different years16:17
=== KillerJim is now known as KillerJim|Away
=== hunter68uk is now known as Hunter68uk
=== kane is now known as Guest44969
Guest44969i dual booted windows 7 and ubuntu i just delete the partition with ubuntu i just restarter it now i have error: unknown file system . grub rescue16:51
Guest44969can anyone help16:51
Hunter68ukcheck bios boots correct disk first16:52
Guest44969how ?16:52
Guest44969it wont let me turn it on16:53
Hunter68ukyou cant turn computer on?16:53
Guest44969im on different pc16:53
Guest44969it wont let me boot into windows16:53
Hunter68ukyou dont need to to get into BIOS16:53
zleapBigRedS, USA or canada16:54
Guest44969what do i have to do then ?16:54
Hunter68ukreset computer/turn it on and hold del key16:54
Guest44969now what ?16:55
Hunter68ukyou should be in BIOS16:55
Hunter68ukright now find where it says boot sequence16:55
Hunter68ukcheck it is booting the correct HDD first and then save and restart16:55
Guest44969ok i dont that16:56
Guest44969and its restarting16:56
Guest44969still comes up error unknown filesystem grub rescue16:56
Hunter68ukhmm! that cured mine yesterday16:57
Hunter68ukyou cant boot windows or linux?16:57
Guest44969what should i do ?16:58
Hunter68ukjust checking16:58
Hunter68ukdid you install with LIVE CD?16:59
Guest44969think so16:59
Hunter68ukok put CD in drive and reboot and select Live CD option16:59
Guest44969i dont have i no more17:00
Hunter68ukoh :(17:00
Guest44969i installed it like a year ago17:00
Hunter68ukoh so it was running for a year17:00
Hunter68ukahh i see you deleted the windows 7 partition17:01
Guest44969it stoped running because i deleted the partion of the hard drive ubuntu was in17:01
Guest44969i deleted ubuntu not windows17:01
Guest44969by a accident17:01
Hunter68ukyou may have to reinstal unless someone here knows the answer17:01
Guest44969reinstall what ubuntu ?17:01
Guest44969ok do u have link to download it ?17:02
Hunter68uksorry am cooking dinner or i would have been quicker lol17:03
Guest44969ok ill do that then come back later17:04
tonytigerHi all17:10
tonytigerI just had to kill an endlessly respawning python process on the ubuntu-uk server that was eating all the RAM and swap17:11
tonytigerIt seemed to be to do with the planet17:11
tonytigerNot sure who might care about it.17:11
tonytigerHmm, now lighttpd is not responding...17:19
* tonytiger wonders vaguely when the server will reappear17:23
tonytigerNot yet, it seems.17:26
tonytigerAlanBell: ping17:26
drusselltonytiger: oops :o)17:27
tonytigerdrussell: yeah17:28
tonytigerI don't have console access to that server17:28
tonytigerNot sure who does17:29
tonytigerActually, Daviey probably does17:29
Guest44969hunter86 uk17:30
tonytigerWell, either way it isn't coming back on its own...17:32
bigcalmGood afternoon peeps :)17:34
bigcalmWhat have I missed today?17:34
tonytigerI rebooted the ubuntu uk server and it's not coming back.17:35
bigcalmtonytiger: good think it's not sysadmin day then ;)17:35
tonytigerI need someone with console access to the bitfolk account to have a look at it17:36
bigcalmWhere's a popey when you need one?17:37
bigcalmtonytiger: you could tickle grifferz and ask nicely :)17:38
tonytigerYeah, worth a shot17:38
tonytigerI've left him a prv, but he's not around17:40
AlanBellhi tonytiger18:25
tonytigerAlanBell: the box is back18:26
tonytigerBut there are some problems with it18:26
tonytigernothing urgent18:26
tonytigerbut some config issues18:26
tonytigerShall I email them?18:26
AlanBellum, wonder if I have access, I might do18:26
tonytigerIt needed someone with console access18:27
tonytigergrifferz helped me out18:27
AlanBellhttp://ratemyspicerack.com/myriamrs/ best rack so far (well 4 of them)18:36
AlanBelltonytiger: lets see your spice rack18:37
tonytigerLater perhaps18:41
Azelphurdo microwave meals count18:41
* Azelphur runs18:42
tonytigerAlanBell: have e-mailed you, popey and Daviey18:49
andypiperthat was mysterious18:56
Azelphurpopey: are you still using rsnapshot?18:56
andypiperclearly Ubuntu UK need to do a lot of work to infiltrate Young Rwired State. Most kids at my centre this week using Win and Mac18:57
andypiperonly 1/15 using UbOOOntu18:57
MartijnVdSandypiper: poor kids18:57
andypiperI blame the loco leadership…. :-P18:57
MartijnVdSandypiper: how can you code on Windows?!18:57
andypiper"code" == html, css, javascript in many cases :-(18:57
andypiper(yes yes yes I know)18:58
ali1234what is your point?18:58
ali1234windows has two different scripting languages built into the shell18:58
ali1234one of them is javascript18:58
ali1234writing html5 applications is no more or less valid than using any other high level scripting language18:59
ali1234it certainly makes more sense than using .net19:00
AlanBellhi andypiper19:03
* AlanBell adds lightbox plugin to http://ratemyspicerack.com19:04
* bigcalm waddles in19:41
SuperEngineerbigcalm: quack19:44
SuperEngineerQuake II19:44
AlanBellSuperEngineer: cool, submit your spice tray!19:52
SuperEngineerAlanBell: submitting as requested19:53
AlanBellyay \o/19:53
bigcalmAlanBell: question you might be able to answer20:03
bigcalmAlanBell: why is the <title> of http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ 'Ubuntu Podcast'?20:03
MartijnVdSI hope you're not field hockey fans \o/20:04
MartijnVdSNED 6-1 GBR20:04
bigcalmHave we lost?20:04
MartijnVdSbigcalm: 23 minutes to go, but it's 6-120:04
bigcalmI am amused by NED though :D20:05
MartijnVdSAre they even trying? :P20:05
bigcalmIs this the final?20:08
bigcalmI think GBR have enough medals already20:08
bigcalmAny more is greedy20:09
MartijnVdSNED has a chance of winning gold on both men's and women's hockey20:09
SuperEngineerhmm: velly interestink:  http://www.linuxtoday.com/upload/ubuntu-12.10-might-ship-with-nautilus-3.4-instead-of-3.6-120808135004.html20:12
MartijnVdSwooo @ tshark20:14
MartijnVdSChange password in web interface20:14
MartijnVdSWeb interface asks to re-enter password20:14
MartijnVdSPassword wrong20:14
MartijnVdScan't figure out correct password20:14
MartijnVdSgo "back" in browser, have it re-submit the "change password" form while tshark is running20:15
MartijnVdSsee password in dump file20:15
MartijnVdSsaves me a factory reset :)20:15
tonytigerbigcalm: google juice20:19
Dave2sounds tasty20:20
bigcalmIt does. But that doesn't say why the title lacks 'UK'20:20
bigcalmUnless I'm missing something20:21
tonytigerGenerally we brand it "Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo"20:22
bigcalmA podcast aggregater?20:22
tonytigerWe refer to the show as Ubuntu UK Podcast on the show because it's easier to say20:22
bigcalmI see20:22
tonytigerand we've kept the ID3 tags the same too20:22
Dave2UPFTUKLC is slightly less snappy than UUPC20:23
Dave2er, UPCFTUKLC20:23
Dave2I guess it'd actually be UPCFTULC20:23
Dave2That's my final answer.20:23
tonytigerWe're the top hit on google for Ubuntu Podcast now, which we weren't for years.20:26
tonytigerEven in a signed-out-of-google browser20:26
bigcalmAre there any other Ubuntu podcasts out there?20:26
ahayzentonytiger, is it the 100th episode next week?20:26
tonytigerahayzen: yup!20:28
ahayzentonytiger, u still looking for suggestions? u said something on G+?20:28
tonytigerbigcalm: judging by https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Podcasts only Full Circle20:28
tonytigerLaunchpod and Burning Circle both seem dead20:29
tonytigerahayzen: Sure!20:29
ahayzentonytiger, I was thinking you could talk about what ubuntu was like at the 1st episode and wht it is like now and how it has changed over the past few years.20:30
ali1234bit negative?20:31
ahayzenI look back to 9.04 (my first Ubuntu version) and it is totally different now ... like unity, Gtk3, GNOME3 etc ... Ubuntu has come a long was just in 3yrs... and it keeps getting better :D20:31
tonytigerali1234: heh20:31
tonytigerahayzen: good idea20:31
ali1234when was the first episode?20:32
Dave2tonytiger, shame, I like both of the names.20:33
Azelphuro.O, I have 111.4GB used in my / partition (separate home) how on earth did this madness happen o.O20:34
Azelphurredundant accidental smilies :(20:34
ali1234probably a var explosion20:34
ali1234like you made a 100GB mysql database20:34
Azelphurali1234: appears not, I'm running a baobab scan atm and it says /var is 1.5GB20:35
ali1234or you attempted to send a large amount of email20:35
ahayzentonytiger, anyways congratulations on getting to 100 episodes, a lot of time must have gone into recording/preparing etc  :D20:35
ali1234or something is flooding the logs20:35
Azelphurnope, 1.5GB /var20:35
ali1234well it's /tmp then20:35
Azelphurali1234: 102.4kB >.<20:36
tonytigerahayzen: Thanks :D20:36
tonytigerali1234: March 200820:37
soreauAzelphur: du -hs /*20:50
Azelphursoreau: yea, I'm using baobab to find out what's going on now, it just takes a while to run :)20:50
soreauand keep following the high consumption paths until you find the data20:50
soreauAzelphur: du ftw20:50
Azelphurbaobab pretty much is du, just in a fancy gui20:51
diploevening all20:55
bigcalmMorning diplo21:05
diploJust finished packing car for camping trip21:06
diploHope I've not forgotten anything21:06
diplojust food/clothes for the morning21:06
diploYep 2 :)21:07
diploThat's the scary bit :D21:08
bigcalmDon't forget them21:08
diploNo chance of that, they are close to exploding point they are so excited21:08
diploDidn't think I'd get them to sleep21:08
bigcalmEvening popey21:35
popeypip pip21:36
popeynot staying long21:36
Azelphurpopey: you still use rsnapshot?21:36
* bigcalm thinks that Claire is getting ready for bed and popey is making the most of the personal time ;P21:37
bigcalmAnd I still don't know how to spell her name, do I?21:37
popeyAzelphur, yes21:38
popeybigcalm, not quite, got an urgent mail from work21:38
Azelphurpopey: it stopped working for me, it moves the files but never runs rsync :(21:38
popeyAzelphur, checked the log?21:39
Azelphuryea checked everything, ran it in verbose, etc21:39
Azelphurit just shows it doing the rm and mv operations, and then not rsyncing anything.21:40
popeywfm on 12.0421:40
popeychecked it yesterday21:40
Azelphurany chance I could nab a copy of your config?21:40
Azelphurmaybe if I start from your config, then I have a "known working" base as it were21:40
popeynot easy to do right now21:41
popeyam just off to bed, and on 3g21:41
Azelphurok, maybe tomorrow :)21:41
popeyunlikely, i'll be on a beach21:41
Azelphurwhat beach?21:42
popeysaturday afternoon ping me21:42
Azelphurok :)21:42
Azelphurfun :)21:42
* bigcalm heads off to bed to read more Symfony2 documentation21:46
Azelphurhttps://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2012/August/2012-08-09-225721_1235x485_scrot.png anyone have any idea how this is happening?21:57
ali1234you copied files to a disk that wasn't mounted, as root21:58
ali1234then mounted the disk, shadowing the files21:58
AzelphurI havn't messed with mount21:58
ali1234that is not necessary21:58
mgdmalso, often filesystems reserve X percent of space for the root user21:58
mgdm*and*, df is horribly inaccurate21:59
Azelphurali1234: ok say that happened, how would I fix it?21:59
ali1234manually unmount the partitions mounted in media and then look inside the mountpoints22:00
ali1234manually as in with umount22:00
Azelphuroh, I understand what your saying now22:00
Azelphurali1234: nope, unmounted everything and all the folders are empty22:02
Azelphurmaybe that issue is happening in /home?22:03
Azelphursuppose I'll have to drop to a livecd to find that out22:04
Azelphurali1234, http://i49.tinypic.com/2ni3db6.png hmm, guess ghosted files is out?22:11
ali1234looks like file system corruption then22:12
Azelphurrun fsck.ext4?22:13
ali1234fsck -n22:13
Azelphurali1234, sudo fsck -n /dev/sda1 says the drive is clean22:14
shaunohave you tried "df /" and "df -i /"  ?  if you have a lot of small files, you can run out of blocks & inodes long before you actually run out of 'space'22:20
* Laney has tandem lust: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DAWES-SUPER-GALAXY-TOURING-TANDEM-REYNOLDS-531-FRAME-/110930741474?pt=UK_Bikes_GL&hash=item19d3fcc8e222:20
Azelphurshauno, trying that now22:20
shaunoit's fairly rare under regular usage, but you don't always strike me as 'regular' ;)22:21
Azelphuryea, I'm weird22:21
AzelphurInodes 7317520, Iused 616965, IFree 670055522:21
Azelphuris that bad?22:21
shaunonope, that's plenty22:22
Azelphurplenty as in normal or plenty as in we've isolated the problem? XD22:22
shaunonormal, sadly22:22
Azelphurshauno, http://pastebin.com/appB97Pw22:23
Azelphurseems like we're out of ideas D:22:28
shaunothat 0 blocks free is why things are reporting 100%.  (your inode count is fine though; or better than fine, that's a lot of large files, not a lot of small files)22:29
shaunoand it does look like you have 5% or so reserved for root.  you can knock that off with tune2fs, but it's still not a whole lot of margin to play with22:29
Azelphurshauno, yea, but I actually have less than 10GB of data on this drive22:31
Azelphurand it's a 120GB drive22:31
AzelphurYAY FOUND IT22:37
Azelphurrsnapshot created a backup of a bunch of stuff in /var/ and the files are owned by root so baobab couldn't even see them22:38
Azelphurthere we go, 9.1GB used 97GB available, woo \o/22:40
n1md4Everything in 1 fs .... Ouch :P22:48
n1md4It's all about no swap, and lvm!22:48
n1md4(obv no lvm on /boot, that = headache!)22:49
Azelphurn1md4, I don't do that?22:58
* Azelphur is also taking the opportunity to overclock more22:59
n1md4just that pastebin, only sda122:59
Azelphurn1md4, was in a livecd so I could unmount things22:59
Azelphurin an attempt to figure out what was going on23:00
n1md4although a 2nd look .... right ;)  only just noticed!23:00
Azelphurtrying to squeeze more out of my 3ghz i723:01
Azelphurit's been running stable at 4.223:01
n1md4I've an i7-2620M CPU @ 2.70GHz ... I feel puny :P23:03
n1md4laptop though, and already runs warm!23:03
n1md472C apparently23:03
n1md4you oc from the bios?23:04
Azelphurn1md4, yep23:04
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Seeker`only 4.2?  pfft23:46
AzelphurSeeker`, I know man, it won't let me go any further23:49
Azelphurit's being lame D:23:49
AzelphurSeeker`, pushed the voltage all the way up to 1.45, as high as I'm willing to go lol23:51
Seeker`what sort of i7?23:51
Seeker`ah, ok23:51
Azelphuroh wait here we go, it booted at 4.4 :O23:51
* Azelphur begins stress testing23:51
AzelphurI have a feeling my CPU temp is gonna be a bit too high at this voltage23:52
Azelphurlol, and there's the crash23:52
Azelphurso yea, 4.2 is as far as this will go23:52
* Seeker` has a 3930k @ 4.7GHz23:53
Azelphurit does 4.2 at only 1.325v though23:54
Azelphurso, can't knock that23:54
AzelphurSeeker`, hmm, I think my ram is rated for 1.5v and my bios only has it set at 1.4323:58
Azelphur"QPI/DRM Core Voltage: 1.43750" the bios says, and my ram is corsair vengeance ddr3 160023:58
Azelphursays on the corsair site "tested voltage: 1.5v" in the specs23:59

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