
pleia2free hot chocolate to the first person who arrives!00:50
pleia2(they accidentally made it)00:50
pleia2haha, philip got it00:51
pleia2and he's wearing the same shirt as me00:51
pleia2now eps and grantbow are here :)01:02
pleia2hahaha another quantal shirt!01:02
nUboon2ageFor an IRC client I'm using AndChat on my phone and on my new ZaTab, and18:54
nUboon2ageReally liking it18:54
nUboon2ageJust sayin'. Previously I'd looked at different things and not latched on to anything, .18:56
nUboon2age1Does anyone have an IRC client recommendation for iPhone?18:58
philballewhey SteevB whats up20:02
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