
thatguydanHey guys, how do I preserve /etc/environment variables in launching a process as another user?01:49
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thatguydanserverfault rekons exec su root -c /usr/sbin/job_needing_envs will do it01:57
thatguydanbut I can't replicate01:57
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=== thatguydan_ is now known as thatguydan
SpamapSthatguydan: script\n. /etc/environment\nexec yourthing\nend script03:46
ionThat won’t export the values.04:13
ionset -a04:14
gchristensenis there a way to delay the restarting of a job? respawn limi 10 600, but I'd like that before restarting, it delays for a minute21:12
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