
mgzmorning all!08:02
vilamgzorning !08:14
vilamgz: shared stores ? Pretty please ? :-}08:34
mgzokay, I'll really ...08:34
mgzI was typing that already!08:34
mgznow it looks like I was just responding....08:34
jelmermaxb: ping08:35
vilamgz: :)08:41
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maxbjelmer: hi09:01
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thomiHi - I've just seen this odd message and I'm not sure what to make of it:20:38
thomi$ bzr merge ../trunk/20:38
thomiNot attempting to fix packaging branch ancestry, missing pristine tar data for version 1.0.20:38
thomiAll changes applied successfully.20:38
thomiAny ideas?20:38
hoolterHow can I make a new branch on a remote git repository from within bzr explorer?20:50
fullermdthomi: That's not from bzr itself; that's gotta be some plugin for ubuntu or debian or whatever packaging stuff...20:52
thomifullermd: huh... I wasn't aware that I was running anything like that20:53
thomiahh well, the merge seemed to work, so... *shrugs*20:53
fullermdWell, you dont' know I used your credit cards to order 300 pizzas either, but...20:53
hoolterhi all, could anyone give me a hand using bzr explorer with github? i'm really in a crunch to get a project wrapped up and sort of freaking out.  i'd super appreciate any tips i could get.20:54
fullermdWhat you don't know won't hurt me   8-}20:54
fullermdhoolter: Not me, sorry.  I know almost nothing about bzr-git and less about explorer.20:54
hoolterfullermd: if you could give me a hand with the console interface that would be wonderful too.20:56
fullermdWell, with bzr itself, I'd use init or push to setup a new branch somewhere.  If that doesn't just DTRT with bzr-git, I'm tapped.21:01
hoolterfullermd: any idea why it'd throw an errno 10060?21:05
fullermdThat doesn't sound like anything I've ever heard of.21:15
wgzhoolter, to get help you need to be way more specific about what you're actually trying to do, how you're doing it, and the *full* error21:17
wgz10060 is just WSAETIMEDOUT, in other words the windos socket library saying the other end didn't respond within the deadline21:22

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