
ChaserHi, the whole screen seems to flicker when ever a notification pops from the tray. Is this known issue ?00:48
amasonChaser: doesn't occur on any of my machines, guessing it's a video driver interaction thing..have a look on bugzilla and if you can't see anything similar feel free to create a new report01:19
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uberdubdamn, its always somethin with this os isnt it?04:22
uberdubanyone know why flash player crashes all the time in 12.04?04:28
uberdubim going back to 10.04 or buying a mac04:37
uberdubthis is ridiculous04:38
amasonubottu: you probably need to ask adobe that ..04:58
ubottuamason: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:58
amasonoops that was meant for uberdub04:58
amasonubottu: i do you think your intelligent...you need to learn to value your self more04:58
ubottuamason: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:58
amasoni guess your right, otherwise you'd have been programmed with more phrases04:59
* amason is bored04:59
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rubenh73buenas noches alguien que hable y escriba español06:36
lordievaderGood morning06:58
DFrostedWanglordievader: Good morning07:00
lordievaderHey DFrostedWang, how are you?07:01
DFrostedWangGot my computer all set up w/ LVM, got my Winblows PC working enough to mod my Skyrim savegame...07:04
lordievaderThat is a first that Windows keeps working XD07:07
DFrostedWangThat computer also has SliTaz linux on it, Winblows is just for modding and those things microxp can't do07:11
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dsanhey, anyone know why my systray clock displays UTC? i actually wana see CET.. (got Kubuntu 12.04)10:22
Peace-dsan: change it10:25
Peace-dsan: you maybe set it to display utc10:25
Peace-in the installation i mean10:25
dsanPeace: how?10:26
dsanwhen i go to settings it shows the CET10:26
dsansolved it. thx anyway10:30
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BluesKajHowdy all11:32
markithi, if I've standard backport repositories, but not ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports, will kde 4.9 come to 12.04 sooner or later or it will stay on 4.8.x?11:37
BluesKajmarkit, it will stay on 4.8 afaik until your version upgrades to a new kernel11:39
BluesKajmarkit, adding the backport won't hurt your system , actually it will help upgrade it ..4.9 runs very smoothly here11:44
phil__hello from China11:57
Peace-phil__: hi12:03
markitBluesKaj: I've a LTSP installation for school... I'm tempted by 4.9, but wondering if works fine and, if in the future will come 4.10, it will work fine too12:11
markitI've customized kde a little, so I have to re-test (i.e. disable akonadi since eats too resources and no students use it)12:12
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BluesKajmarkit, your akonadi settings will be retained in 4.0 , I also have it disabled and it remained so after upgrading to kde 4.912:15
markitBluesKaj: good, because with kubuntu 11.10 I had a lot of messages complaining about this disable (worked fine in 11.04)12:16
BluesKajmarkit, you can make the akonadi disable setting, more permanent by unchecking it in systemsettings>stsrtup&shutdown>service manager , then adding to the textbox in session management , "applications to be excluded from sessions" , then checking the "restore previous sessions" box.12:22
BluesKajmarkit, like so , http://imagebin.org/22404612:28
BluesKajmarkit, or here , (smaller image)  http://wstaw.org/m/2012/08/10/snapshot2.png12:30
markitBluesKaj: mmm I went to the specific option in the configuation panel and disabled from there12:31
markitdesktop search and disabled nepomuk (urgh, I said akonadi!)12:32
BluesKajwell , that's your choice , but i did both to make sure , markit12:32
markitBluesKaj: thanks for the tip, I will experiment a little12:32
BluesKajnepomuk and akonadi are linked I'm afraid12:33
markityes, I think so. Btw I changed akonadi backend from mysql to sqlite12:33
markitwith mysql each student account had 120MB of wasted space in their home12:33
markit(multiply for 300+ students...)12:33
BluesKajwell, i don't bother with sql settings since I don't use the server anyway12:34
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markitBluesKaj: but the file is created anyway12:34
markitI would love to disable activities globally anyway... students don't use them and they mess them up instead12:36
markitalso I miss A LOT the firefox-kde package12:36
markitwithout it firefox is a mess to use for illeterate IT students12:36
markit(average people, anyway)12:37
BluesKajmarkit, where is the mysql file located ?12:39
markitI install akonadi-backend-sqlite first12:40
markitthen I remove .local/share/akonadi12:40
markitand edit .config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc12:40
aguitelare kde 4.9 stable to upgrade kubuntu from ppa backport ?12:40
markit(I edit a global file instead, but should be ok that file for your account)12:40
markitin [General] I put Driver=QSQLITE312:41
markitBluesKaj: try du -csh .local/share/akonadi12:42
markitmaybe 4.9 has sqlite3 again by default, I remember something about it but I could be wrong, and I dubt it will change already present settings12:43
markit(should create a new account and try)12:43
markitaguitel: BluesKaj says he is using it and works, I'm trying right now in a LTSP installation, I've done in a laptop and works fine so far12:44
BluesKajmarkit, no such file  ".local/share/akonadi" , i couldn't find it in ~/ either12:44
markitbut I assume no responsabilities ;P12:44
markitBluesKaj: is a directory... drwxr-xr-x 2 marco marco 4096 ago 10 10:44 .local/share/akonadi12:45
BluesKajaguitel, yes 4.9 is fine for home use12:45
markit(and of course under your home)12:46
BluesKajmarkit, it's not under my home dir12:46
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aguitelmarkit, BluesKaj thanks12:46
BluesKaji don't have the database enabled in akonadi12:46
markitBluesKaj: how can you disable? and as far as I know is created when you log the first time with an user, so your main user should have since installation12:47
markitbut if is not there, there is no problem :)12:47
BluesKajmarkit, just make sure mysql internalcserver isn't checked in akonadi server configuration12:49
BluesKajmysql internal server , rather12:50
markitBluesKaj: I'm surprised everyithing works fine for you without akonadi... I thought KDE was depending more and more on it12:53
markitgoin to a "Vista experience" where everything trashes "just to help the user anticipating their needs"12:53
PanikCan someone point me in the right direction on how to troubleshoot why Banshee continues to lock up shortly after it is started.12:54
BluesKajmarkit, yes , if you use the PIM , then akonadi has some requirements , but i don't use kmail or kontact and one can remove them safely without taking the kubuntu desktop with it12:55
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t2zhuHi. Can someone help me? When I try to install the package "kdeartwork-theme-window" it fails saying that it depends on a nonexistent package "libkdecorations4abi1".13:26
t2zhuI'm using KDE 4.8.513:27
BluesKajnonexistent or available from another source , t2zhu ?13:29
t2zhuThe package *does* exist, but only in the Beta and Backports versions of the Kubuntu repository13:31
BluesKajt2zhu, then you may be required to upgrade your kde version to use that theme13:33
t2zhuI do have a package called "libkdecorations4", though...13:35
t2zhuBy the way, how do you reply on IRC?13:36
BluesKajhow do you mean ?13:37
t2zhuIt seems to me that I shouldn't have to install kubuntu-backports just so I can install a package that lives on kubuntu-updates13:40
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BluesKajt2zhu, what do you mean by "how do you reply on IRC?"13:42
t2zhuOh... as in... how do you make your reply to me highlighted?13:44
BluesKajto reply personally , type the first few letters of the persons nick and complete it by using the tab key13:44
BluesKajdepends on the irc client , where highlight own nick with colour options is located13:46
t2zhuBluesKaj: Ah... thanks13:46
BluesKajit's obviously enabled by default in quassel13:46
t2zhuBluesKaj: But this isn't a private message, right? Everyone can still see?13:47
faglnarWhy ist it, that Kubuntu Uses the lower DVI port as primary display and windows the upper port?13:49
BluesKajyes it's in the chat test , pm-ing is discouraged as a support method , t2zhu13:49
faglnarIts really annoying!13:49
t2zhuBluesKaj: So back to my question, do I really have to install kubuntu-backports so that I can install kdeartwork-theme-window in the kubuntu updates package?13:51
BluesKajfaglnar, can you set them in the display & monitor settings or in your graphics card GUI13:51
faglnarBluesKaj: Yes I can set them, but only per user. How can I set it that the entire system uses the big monitor by default as primary screen in its native resolution?13:52
BluesKajt2zhu, dunno for sure , you might find the theme in www.kde-look.org13:53
faglnarAlso the per user setting is not saved between reboots13:53
BluesKajfaglnar, in system settings>startup&shutdown>session management , make sure "restore previous settings " is checked ..also make sure your chosen settings in monitor and display are "set as default"13:56
hateballfaglnar: are you using nvidia and the proprietary driver?13:56
faglnarati oss driver13:57
* hateball slowly backs away13:57
BluesKajfaglnar, oss is audio13:57
faglnari mean the open source one not oss audio system13:58
BluesKajfaglnar, glxinfo | grep OpenG13:59
BluesKajfaglnar, glxinfo | grep OpenGL13:59
BluesKajwhat's the version string , faglnar14:00
faglnarOpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD CYPRESS   OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 8.0.214:00
faglnarOpenGL shading language version string: 1.2014:00
faglnar(i tried to pipe the grep to pastebinit but it wont work)14:01
BluesKajdoes ati use the mesa driver as default , like nouveau is with nvidia ..seems so ..fag have you you checked for additional drivers in kmenu>apps>system?14:04
faglnarbtw in systemsettings>startup&shutdown>sessionmanagement is no restore settings, only restore session, but i dont want previously open programs to be reopened on login14:04
faglnaryes it has the fglrx or the fglrx-updates drivers14:05
BluesKajrestore session assumes you close apps before logging out14:05
BluesKajinstall the fglrx driver14:05
BluesKajwhy not ?14:05
faglnarit will make my system crash every hour14:06
faglnarwhen installed everything feels unstable, lots of stuff crashes and vmware instacrashes the entire system14:06
faglnarits definitely not usabla14:07
BluesKajfag have you updated/upgraded the system since , it might be more stable now , if you haven't14:07
faglnari do regular updates and the last time i tried it was 2 weeks ago14:08
faglnarsame shit as usual14:08
starlookMy xrandr not detect the second monitor.14:12
BluesKajnice language , faglnar ...it's not necessary here14:12
faglnarokay wont use that further14:13
BluesKajstarlook, never used xrander , have you tried opngl instead ?14:17
BluesKajopengl rather14:18
BluesKajer xrender14:20
muh2000hi all14:25
muh2000what app is that: http://i0.simplest-image-hosting.net/picture/whatisthat.png  ?14:25
* faglnar goes offline for the fucking shits sake of anal ruptured cockslaves14:25
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JoeSomebodyon a 64 bit laptop installation hp dv7 i for some reason have nothing but a blue screen, wtf? help!15:58
JoeSomebodythe dv7 update for the thing didn't work15:59
JoeSomebodyis that why?15:59
JoeSomebodyand every install says cannot mark all in package manager, what's up there?16:00
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ok123_can anyone tell me where exactly ""/path/to/your/kde4/install/dir"" is in ubuntu?17:15
DarthFrogok123_:  /usr/bin17:23
renato|2Hi there, could someone help me really fast? :)17:37
renato|2Having some issues installing adobe AIR :x17:38
=== renato|2 is now known as renatof
renatofsomeone? :x17:38
renatofAnyone here????17:41
renatoferikja: erikja:17:42
renatofyou know about kubuntu erikja?17:44
renatofcould you help me?17:44
erikjawhat's about ?17:44
renatofabout adobe AIR17:44
renatofi get an error.17:44
erikjanegative, I know of KDE, as I run opensuse17:45
renatofabout permissions. admin won't let me install it or i don't have enough permissions to install. But i'm the admin :x17:45
renatofwell, kubuntu is KDE17:45
erikjainstall it as admin17:45
renatofhow to do that? :s17:45
renatofi usually just use the terminal doing sudo ./17:45
erikjayes that's one way17:45
renatofhow can i run it as admin? :S17:45
renatofcan you explain me?17:46
erikjayou do run as admin with sudo17:46
renatofoh, i did that, but thats when i get that error.17:46
erikjadoes Kubunut use zypper ?17:46
renatofi also tryed runing as sudo su but not working either17:46
erikjaWhat eaxcatly did you do ?17:47
renatoffirst i downloaded it.17:47
renatofthen i did chmod +x Adobe.bin17:47
renatofthen i did sudo ./Adobe.bin17:47
renatofand i get that error17:47
renatofi also tryes17:47
renatofsudo su17:47
FloodBotK1renatof: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:47
renatofbut that way it didn't even open17:47
erikjaFloodBotK1, ok you take over bye17:48
renatofwell, you won't help me then? :x17:48
erikjayes I will, but FloodBotK1 took over from me17:48
renatofflood is a bot, it won't help me at all D:17:49
renatoferikja: do you want to talk in private?17:50
erikjarenatof, http://kubuntu101.blogspot.dk/2009/05/installing-adobe-air-in-kubuntu.html17:54
OerHekserikja, this is more recent, and suited for kubuntu >>> http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-adobe-flash-reader-air-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/17:57
renatofOerHeks thats my doubts. erikja was trying to help me.17:59
renatofbut still, it is not working. i still have the same permission issue.17:59
OerHeksI am on gnome/unity and it doesn't work for me.17:59
renatofI can't fix it :(17:59
renatofthe common error on gnome is about kwallet i guess, right?18:00
renatofthats easy to fix.18:00
renatofbut i'm on KDE18:00
renatofi can't install adobe air.18:00
renatofit say i need to ask for permission to the admin, but i don't know how :x18:00
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shadeslayeranyone who would like to test a better virtuoso for precise?18:22
DarthFrogshadeslayer: Virtuoso?  How better?18:29
shadeslayerDarthFrog: upstream recommends it, has bug fixes and says it's faster18:30
DarthFrogOK, what do you want me to do?18:30
shadeslayerDarthFrog: I'll upload a package in a couple of minutes to https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental, please add the PPA and upgrade18:30
shadeslayerthen search for a file that nepomuk has already indexed ( via dolphin or krunner )18:31
DarthFrogHeh, "DO NOT INSTALL!"  Very comforting, that.18:32
hector__I am ARGENTINIAN18:34
shadeslayerDarthFrog: ok, that's for people who unknowingly install PPA's :P18:34
shadeslayerOnly install that PPA when I say it's ok :P18:34
shadeslayerhector__: hi18:34
DarthFrog!ar | hector__18:35
ubottuhector__: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe18:35
hector__tank you18:36
shadeslayervirtuoso sure does have alot of tests ....18:38
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neocranno habla espagnola19:47
pfalguien de chile19:47
pfalguien de arica19:48
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:50
renatoHi there. Someone helpfull here?19:51
renatoOk, apparently not..19:53
renatoWhy is this IRC on kunbutu's webpage if nobody here helps?19:58
genii-around!details | renato20:02
ubotturenato: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:02
shadeslayerrenato: if you'd just ask your question ... maybe someone would have answered20:02
renatoWell, i have a problem installing Adobe AIR on kubuntu 12.04. When i try to install it using sudo ./Adobe.bin, i get an error that say something like "You don't have admin permissions. Contact the admin" I'm the admin, so i don't know what to do to install it.20:04
renatoSo, can you help me to fix it?20:10
OerHeksrenato, did you perform " sudo chmod +x AdobeAIRInstaller.bin " ?20:12
renatoyes i did.20:13
renatoOerHeks: yes i did.20:13
OerHeksThen i don't understand the permission issue.20:13
* OerHeks was peeking @ http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-adobe-flash-reader-air-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/20:14
renatoMe neither, i don't know what to do and i really need it :/20:14
renatowant some screens?20:14
renatoIts in portuguese but i think its easy to see and understand..20:15
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renatoOerHeks: do you think there is a way to fix it?20:16
OerHeksare you running 32bit or 64bit ?20:16
OerHeksi run 64 bit so i gave up, since ubuntu is multi-arch.20:16
renatoso, you can't help me?20:17
OerHeksi am not sure, post the screenshot with the error, or use ubuntu.paste.com for text only20:17
renatoI'll send you a screenshot in private ok?20:18
renatoIts in portuguse, is that a problem for you or you can translate?20:18
OerHeksplease here, so anyone can comment/help20:18
renatook ok.20:18
OerHekswhat program does need adobe-air, bytheway?20:19
renatoa game. If i make it work i can completly migrate for linux. But i need something to entretain myself..20:20
renatoI can make it run with wine, but it glitches a little bit sometimes.20:20
renatoand it is linux compatible so, why not runing it well?20:20
BarkingFishevening all - need a little help.  I'm in Firefox right now, and I have got mailto: links on a page I use. If I click them, nada happens.  Is there any way to config the system on what progs should open what types of links?20:24
renatoOerHeks: I shared the screenshot, how can i post it here?20:30
BarkingFishrenato, are you on the page with the screenshot now? if so, just copy the url from the address bar, and paste it here :)20:31
renatoOhhhh, nvm.. i thought i needed to share it on the IRC client.. nvm, stupid me. I'll post it on imageshake or something like that and post it here20:32
genii-aroundBarkingFish: What do you want it to open when you hit a mailto: link?20:33
BarkingFishkmail, genii-around20:34
renatook i have the error here20:37
genii-aroundBarkingFish: network.protocol-handler.external.mailto  should be set to "true"  and network.protocol-handler.app.mailto should be set to "kmail"   ( in about:config )20:37
renatogenii-around: genii D:20:38
BarkingFishok genii-around - I will get to that.20:39
BarkingFishThanks :)20:39
BarkingFishAnd renato - I can barely just see the error, and my portuguese isn't brilliant, but from what I understand, Adobe Air isn't letting you install because apparently that feature is locked out by an administrator... right?20:40
BarkingFishimageshack.us isn't letting me zoom in on the pic :(20:40
renatoThats right Barking20:40
renatoand i don't know how to fix it :(20:40
renatoThis is my computer, shouldn't i be the administrator? How can i fix it?20:41
renatoI tryed to sudo it. I just can't go through it :(20:42
BarkingFishgenii-around, how do I add that second line you mentioned into my config - the network.protocol-handler.app.mailto is not in my config20:44
genii-aroundBarkingFish: right-click on browser screen... select New...String20:45
BarkingFishok :)20:45
BarkingFishright, 'tis done. I will test that now :)20:46
renatoBarkingFish: You don't know how to fix my issue?20:46
BarkingFishnormally, renato - I would have done that by simply logging into the whole desktop as root, and doing it there.20:46
renatoBarkingFish: and how can i do that?  :x20:47
BarkingFishUnfortunately, being a signatory to ubuntu's code of conduct means I have to abide by their rules, so I'm not allowed to aid or assist a user in setting up a root account, root password, or teaching them how to do so.20:47
renatoBarkingFish: Is by doing sudo su? Becouse i tryed that too but its not working20:47
BarkingFishI'd be for the high jump :(20:47
devuberoii am having an audio issue with kubuntu 12.04 LTS, even if i mute the audio, it still is not actually mute. Only the icon shows its mute.20:48
genii-aroundrenato: Have you tried with kdesudo instead?20:48
devuberoianyone with same issue?20:48
renatoBarkingFish: So... i won't have this issue solved, right?20:48
BarkingFishI certainly can't help you or tell you how to do it - if you want to google and read how to do it, I can't stop you there :)20:48
renatogenii-around: kdesudo? i don't think so.20:48
renatogenii-around: its just that? kdesudo ./?20:48
genii-aroundrenato: Yes, instead of sudo20:49
BarkingFishbut anything you do in a root account is pretty lethal to your machine, it won't question anything you do - so if you do it, on your own head be it :)20:49
* genii-around makes sure BarkingFish gets a cookie for being good20:49
renatogenii-around: it didn't work doing kdesudo :/20:49
renatoBarkingFish: don't worry, i don't even know how to do it, so i won't..20:49
BarkingFishvery wise.20:50
renatoI guess i won't this problem solved :(20:50
devuberoiguys can anyone help me with audio problem on kubuntu?20:50
BarkingFish"He who plays around in root, is likely to kill tree"20:50
BarkingFishdevuberoi, be patient - we will be with you shortly.20:50
markitrenato: OMHO, better stay away from proprietary programs as much as you can20:50
genii-aroundwork, afk20:50
renatomarkit: how so?20:50
devuberoiBarkingFish: sorry, and thanks :)20:50
BarkingFishbbfn genii-around - and thanks for the help :)20:51
markitrenato: don't install adobe air :)20:51
BarkingFishand np, devuberoi20:51
renatoBarkingFish: So, there's nothing i can do to solve it, right?20:51
renatomarkit: but i need it to run something i want..20:51
BarkingFishrenato, I didn't say that. I said you can learn how to do what I mentioned, but I can't teach you :)20:51
markitrenato: use windows then, don't poison your Free os20:51
renatomarkit: the program i'm trying to run, was developed for linux, it just needs adobe air to run.20:52
BarkingFishok - devuberoi - thank you for hanging on there. May I start by asking what sound card you have in your machine please?20:52
renatoBarkingFish: In other words, no ,you won't have your problem solved.20:52
BarkingFishinterpret it how you wish, renato - I'm physically forbidden from teaching you the way I would have fixed it.20:53
renatoBarkingFish: I googled this problem and there are people who installed it. But nothing works for me.20:53
devuberoiBarkingFish: i don't know, how do i check? a bit of noob here... it says Redwood HDMI Audio20:53
BarkingFishthat's good enough for me, devuberoi :)20:53
markitrenato: if depends upon proprietary software, and needs proprietary software, you are installing then proprietary software... don't understand how things are different just because is needed by "a program for linux".20:53
markitif so the developer was very silly, or is a proprietary program for linux itself20:54
BarkingFishCan you press ALT + F2, and type  konsole  please, devuberoi?20:54
markitin any case, proprietary program = unknown code an behaviour = a trojan in any case20:54
devuberoion it BarkingFish20:54
markitdon't sell your freedom for convenience ;P20:54
devuberoion the terminal BarkingFish :)20:55
renatomarkit: well, you don't use adobe flash to play your videos on youtube?20:55
markitrenato: no, I use gnash20:55
renatomarkit: and yet, you didn't "sell your freedom"20:55
markitand if something does not work, is your problem20:55
BarkingFishdevuberoi, when you have konsole open, can you type: lspci  please, and look for the audio or sound card in the listing which appears.   On that line will be an 8 digit code, seperated into 2 blocks of 4 by a : - can you type it here for me please?20:55
renatomarkit: If you don't want to help, i don't even know why you gave your oppinion in the first place. But whatever..20:56
markit(you = content provider)20:56
BarkingFishit's the device ident code, first 4 digits are the maker/vendor, second 4 tell you which product it actually is20:56
renatoThanks anyway Barking20:56
markitrenato: to save you from doing damage :)20:56
devuberoiBarkingFish: no 8-digit code appears. it lists 2 audio devices though, one is Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06)20:58
devuberoi and the other is Radeon HD 5000 series20:58
BarkingFishdevuberoi, that's unusual.  could you run  lspci -nn please, and check again?  I think I might have given you the wrong info :P20:59
devuberoiBarkingFish, now it works :P 8086:3b5621:00
BarkingFishthank you, devuberoi :)21:01
devuberoiBarkingFish: and 1002:aa60 for AMD Radeon 5000 series21:01
devuberoiits unusual, BarkingFish how can i have 2 audio devices? :O21:01
BarkingFishdevuberoi, the AMD Radeon 5000 is a video card, it is possible it has integrated audio for attachment to something like a video camera or DV device21:03
BarkingFishI couldn't rightly tell you, but I know some video devices have audio i/o on them21:03
devuberoiBarkingFish, oh ok :)21:04
BarkingFishAs for your main sound card, when you click Kmix on the bottom toolbar, do you get a "mixer" button?21:04
devuberoiBarkingFish: yup21:04
BarkingFishcan you click it and open your mixer please, and tell me what channels you have in it?21:05
BarkingFishit's perfectly possible you have the wrong channel set as master in there :)21:06
devuberoiBarkingFish: i get built in analog audio and HDMI Audio21:06
* BarkingFish finds himself in the depths of pulseaudio again21:06
devuberoiBarkingFish, oh crap, i guess you are right :P21:06
BarkingFishWhat channel comes up on the volume control when you click it?21:06
BarkingFishIt will either say the name of one or the other of those channels21:07
devuberoiHDMI Audio (radeon 5000 series) redwood thingy21:07
BarkingFishYeah. Are you using the HDMI sound or are you using the regular analog sound?21:07
devuberoias of now, HDMI i think21:07
devuberoiyup, HDMI it is21:08
BarkingFishso the sound card on your PC is hooked up to HDMI, correct?21:08
BarkingFishor is it hooked up to regular, bog standard 3.5mm plugged in speakers?21:09
devuberoii have a dell inspiron 14r, its got a 3.5mm plug in jacka and HDMI output as well21:09
devuberoiand nothing is connected as of now21:09
BarkingFishah, so it's going through the laptop speakers?21:09
BarkingFishok - can you click at the top of the mixer block, on settings, and select "Select master channel" please?21:10
BarkingFishwhen the box comes up, can you tell me which channel is marked as the master please (which has the dot next to it?)21:11
devuberoiit was HDMI21:11
BarkingFishok, can you set it to Internal analog audio please? and select OK21:12
devuberoiok, did it :)21:12
BarkingFishright - now do you have some sound that you can play while we're talking please?21:12
devuberoii''ll try :)21:12
BarkingFishgreat.  While you're doing that, can you right click on the kmix Icon, and select quit please?21:13
devuberoibuilt in audio works :P21:14
BarkingFishwhen you've done this, hit the [K] button in the plasma toolbar, and go to multimedia, then select kmix and click on it please?21:14
devuberoiBarkingFish, i did :)21:15
BarkingFishwhen kmix reopens, if you click on the icon, it should now say "Internal analog audio" at the top21:15
devuberoiit does :)21:15
BarkingFishif you click the mute icon, does the sound stop totally?21:15
devuberoiit does :)21:16
devuberoithanks a lot BarkingFish :)21:16
BarkingFishPulseaudio kills a lot of the mixer options, devuberoi - it makes it a bit tougher to work out mixer issues, imo21:16
devuberoii guess i should have played a little more with the settings :P21:17
BarkingFishand you're welcome.  I took PA off here about 2 releases back, never put it back on :)21:17
BarkingFishALSA all the way for me :D21:17
devuberoilol :P21:17
BarkingFishi'm glad you're fixed.  You might want to reboot now, and make sure that the configuration remains in place when you restart kde :)21:18
devuberoii'll do that, so how exactly do i shift from PA to ALSA?21:18
BarkingFishYou would remove pulseaudio entirely by removing its cookies from your /home folder, then purging pulseaudio from your system entirely.  You would then need to install alsa-utils and alsamixer21:19
BarkingFishif you want help to do that, I'll assist you after you've rebooted, cause we'll probably need to do this again :P21:20
devuberoilol, rebooting right now :P21:21
devuberoisee in a while21:21
BarkingFishok, see you in a bit21:21
BarkingFishping me if I'm not talking, just mention my nick and redlight me :)21:21
Num83rGuyHow can I remove pulse audio and go with pure alsa?  I am sick with the feted pile that is pulse.  bad sound in flash, massive network usage, bad sound in games, etc. I am fed up. Please point me to something telling me how to remove it frome Kubuntu 12.04 safely and still have sound.21:22
BarkingFishNum83rGuy, I will write this process up as a text document and put it on the net.  Saves me doing it in channel :) I can probably give it to devuberoi too21:23
Num83rGuyOK thank you very much.21:24
Num83rGuyWow it seems I am not alone.21:25
itatitatguys is possible to minimize an application in a second panel (I have one in the top of the screen)21:26
BarkingFishNum83rGuy, http://pastebin.com/WzCdX3z021:32
BarkingFishread the bit at the top and take note :)21:33
BarkingFishand then off you go/21:33
Num83rGuyThank you. Is the paste permanent? If so can I put it up on G+?21:34
BarkingFishNum83rGuy, no, you can't put it up on G+. Sorry - it's an unlisted paste :)21:34
BarkingFishIf I'd made it public, you could have put it anywhere.21:34
Num83rGuyOK no problem thanks agan.21:35
BarkingFishbe aware, for lines 6 and 7, start those 2 commands with sudo  :)21:35
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
devuberoiBarkingFish, my laptop refuses to detect wireless network, had to shift to my desktop :(21:36
BarkingFishdevuberoi, that's odd.21:36
devuberoirebooted 3 times21:36
BarkingFishunfortunately, unless you want help with ndiswrapper, i'm crud with networking :P21:37
devuberoiBarkingFish, i have a BCM4313 (Broadcom) Wireless card, which as per my search is giving issues to everyone who has it :/21:37
BarkingFishi do however, have the removal instructions for PA here - i posted them to pastebin.com. rather than explain them in channel - just be aware, for commands 6 and 7, you will need to start those with  sudo  :)21:38
devuberoicool, thanks :)21:38
BarkingFishah. The broadcom saga :D  I don't mess with networking unless I'm doing ndiswrapper, which is how I get on the net here - my USB Wifi adapter isn't supported officially yet21:38
devuberoilol, so do i also use ndiswrapper with windows drivers? :P21:42
BarkingFishyou have to set up ndiswrapper using the drivers which your device came with or (like me) you can download them from the net21:44
devuberoithe official wiki list of ndiswrapper does not have my PCI card :(21:45
BarkingFishit doesn't have mine on it either, doesn't mean you can't get it working :)21:45
OerHeksbroadcom should work, 4313 >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing_STA_drivers21:47
devuberoiit does, but erractically21:47
BarkingFishOerHeks, it was doing from what I gather - devuberoi was on it fine prior to rebooting after I got their sound sorted21:48
devuberoiworks fine for 2-3 boots, but the 4th time i boot the system again, it does not detect any network unless i boot it again for few times21:48
devuberoiBarkingFish, OerHeks, i have the proprietary drivers installed and enabled via ADDITIONAL DRIVERS section21:49
devuberoistill it gives me headache21:50
devuberoiBarkingFish, there?21:56
BarkingFishbusy, won't be a moment :) just dealing with a phone call22:00
=== spike__ is now known as Spiker
BarkingFishsorry about that22:05
SpikerHey there.... Looking for some assistance22:05
BarkingFishdevuberoi, so - how did you get on?22:06
SpikerIt's to do with the "Memory Status Widget"22:06
BarkingFishah, you probably couldn't finish I'd imagine. If you couldn't get on the net from your laptop, you couldn't finish step 7 L(22:06
Brustofski-Fanwhat is on the dvd that is not on the cd?22:10
SpikerAnyone can help me with my problem?22:12
devuberoistill on the desktop :P22:13
devuberoiBarkingFish, how do i install the driver with ndiswrapper?22:13
devuberoiit gives me error as no such file exists when i type ndiswrapper -i bcmvwl22:14
devuberoiit gives me error as no such file exists when i type ndiswrapper -i bcmvwl.inf22:14
BarkingFishdevuberoi, the thing is - you need to be connected to the net on the laptop in order to get this to work - the new ndiswrapper module isn't on any of the old iso disks22:14
BarkingFishoh sugar. nvm22:15
devuberoii installed the ndiswrapper via usd22:15
BarkingFishyou're on 12.04 - you have the new ndiswrapper module anyway :)22:15
devuberoioh :P22:15
BarkingFishok - ndiswrapper is dkms supported now22:15
devuberoii still installed the testing version from sourceforge22:15
devuberoii sense something wrong here :P22:16
BarkingFishright - the first thing you need to then is have the files available to you.  where do you have your bcm drivers? on cd or usb?22:16
BarkingFishexcellent. can you cd to whichever folder or file your usb is mounted at please?22:17
devuberoiyup, done22:17
BarkingFishand then cd into the right folder for the bcm drivers22:17
BarkingFishok - can you type   ndiswrapper -l  please (that's l as in Lima)22:18
BarkingFishsorry, i do that cause my font is funny - l and i almost look the same on here, and my eyesight isn't hot :)22:18
devuberoilol :P22:18
BarkingFishok -  you should have gotten no response from it, just your prompt22:19
BarkingFishright, next - type the ndiswrapper -i command with the .inf file you want to install.22:19
=== mike_ is now known as Guest29427
devuberoii did that, thats where it says no such file  at usr/sbin/wrapper22:21
BarkingFishok, you've not got ndiswrapper installed properly then.22:21
devuberoioh great22:21
devuberoihow do i do that now ?22:22
BarkingFishyou need three files to make ndiswrapper work correctly - ndiswrapper-dkms, ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils22:22
BarkingFishif you can download those three files from our local pools, onto a USB stick, and copy them into your laptop, we can go from there.22:23
BarkingFishHold on and I will get you a link to do this.22:23
BarkingFishdevuberoi, http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/ndiswrapper/22:24
BarkingFishthat is for the ndiswrapper common and utils files, get the common ending in all.deb and utils ending in i386.deb22:25
BarkingFishi will find the ndiswrapper-dkms and link you to that too22:26
devuberoii have a 64 bit system :P22:26
BarkingFishhold on then22:27
BarkingFishhere, you need to get ndiswrapper-dkms_1.56-3_all.deb   http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/n/ndiswrapper/22:27
devuberoinot the 1.57 ? the rest i did 1.5722:28
BarkingFishwell yeah, get 1.57 if you wish :)22:29
BarkingFishI have still got 1.56 on here, but 1.57 won't be much different, it may not even be different at all :)22:29
devuberoioh ok :)22:29
devuberoinow i install these right?22:29
BarkingFishhave you saved those files to your usb stick?22:30
devuberoiloaded on the laptop as well22:30
BarkingFishok - do you know how to install packages locally?22:30
devuberoii just install them through QApt22:31
BarkingFishyou need to install them in a particular order to get this right though22:31
BarkingFishcommon first, devuberoi - then utils,  then the dkms package22:31
devuberoihow ?22:31
BarkingFishif you don't have the common files there, the other 2 will fail as having missing dependencies :)22:32
devuberoicool :)22:32
BarkingFishexcellent.  Now you can try the ndiswrapper commands again.  start with the ndiswrapper -i command22:34
BarkingFishit should work, if not you may need to reboot to allow dkms to build ndiswrapper22:35
devuberoithe best part would be my wifi card starts working after the boot :P22:37
BarkingFishnot yet it won't, we got stuff to do first :)22:37
BarkingFishit will do if we can get ndiswrapper functioning :)22:38
devuberoia big LOL, now its connected to my home wifi :P22:38
devuberoiyeah, it happens :P22:40
devuberoiBarkingFish, ok i installed, and it says driver installed, device (14E4:4727) present22:44
BarkingFishNow what we need to do is confirm assignment to the device.22:45
devuberoioh ok22:45
BarkingFishso - in a terminal, type: ndiswrapper -a 14E4:4727 (driver name without the .inf)22:45
BarkingFishyou should get told the device is already using that driver22:46
devuberoiit says driver already used for 14e4:472722:49
BarkingFish3 more little steps and we're away22:49
devuberoioh cool22:49
BarkingFish3 small commands then, run each seperately and hit enter after each one :)22:49
devuberoiokay :)22:50
BarkingFishndiswrapper -m       ndiswrapper -ma          ndiswrapper -mi22:50
devuberoidone :)22:51
BarkingFishok - so the very very last step then.  Can you uninstall your proprietary drivers please?  It's possible they may interfere with ndiswrapper, they'll both try to activate the wifi :)22:52
devuberoiokay :)22:53
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
devuberoicool, its done now :)22:56
devuberoiBarkingFish, thr?22:56
BarkingFishok, now just type   sudo modprobe ndiswrapper22:57
BarkingFishthen restart kde (not your whole machine) and you should be able to get straight back onto the net22:57
BarkingFishto restart kde from the terminal, type: sudo service kdm restart22:58
BarkingFishyou'll vanish from here if you're on the laptop22:58
devuberoinot showing any wireless card now :(23:01
=== guest___ is now known as harp
harpHow can I setup an kubuntu system to be logged in from another computer over the web?23:04
BarkingFishdevuberoi, ok - you've rebooted, and it's coming up with no wireless device at all...23:04
BarkingFishthat is unusual.23:04
devuberoinope, nothing23:05
BarkingFishcan you open up your konsole, and type: ndiswrapper -l please23:13
BarkingFishjust check ndiswrapper is picking up and finding something23:13
devuberoidriver installed, device present23:14
BarkingFishok, then can you do this for me please?23:14
BarkingFishsudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper23:14
BarkingFishok, look at your network manager - you should have a red square, white X in the middle, yes?23:15
devuberoilan jack icon with red box x23:16
BarkingFishok, back to your terminal, and can you please type:  sudo modprobe ndiswrapper23:16
BarkingFishif ndiswrapper picks up, the red box, white X will disappear23:16
devuberoinope, same23:17
BarkingFishok, can you type   iwconfig  please?23:17
devuberoidid, lo no wireless extensions, eth0 no wireless extensions23:18
BarkingFishok, please give me one moment while I go check for something :)23:18
BarkingFishright, could you cd to /etc/modprobe.d please? :)23:20
BarkingFishnow, can you type: vi ndiswrapper.conf please?23:21
devuberoidid, then?23:21
BarkingFishcan you tell me - is there anything in that file?23:22
devuberoilot of install lines23:23
BarkingFishcan you see any in there which have this attached to them:  alias wlan0 ndiswrapper23:26
devuberoiits 5:0 AM here, i think i should sleep, work tomorrow :P23:30
devuberoiBarkingFish, will catch up later i guess :) what time you come on IRC ?23:31
BarkingFishOk - so it's 5 am where you are.23:31
BarkingFishIt's 00:30 here -23:31
devuberoiyup, too late/early :P23:32
BarkingFishI normally come on the net about 19:00 (7PM) my time.23:32
devuberoiwhat seems to be the issue? any idea?23:32
devuberoioh cool23:32
BarkingFishWhich is about midnightish where you are.23:32
devuberoiyup :)23:32
BarkingFishIt sounds to me like you haven't got an alias set up for your wireless card in the ndiswrapper config.23:32
devuberoiwill catch you that time again tomorrow :)23:33
devuberoiany fix for that?23:33
BarkingFishIt might be we need to fix that, otherwise ndiswrapper doesn't know what it's supposed to be running :)23:33
BarkingFishyeah - I'll go over it with you tomorrow night23:33
devuberoicool, thanks mate :)23:33
BarkingFishno probs, you're welcome23:34
BarkingFishhave a good night's sleep :)23:34
BarkingFishwe can work tomorrow when you're refreshed23:34
devuberoisure, will catch you tomorrow :) gnyt :)23:36

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