
=== mdeslaur_ is now known as mdeslaur
=== Logan_ is now known as Logan|Colbert
=== Logan|Colbert is now known as Logan_
maxbPlease could a member of ~launchpad unsubscribe ~registry from https://bugs.launchpad.net/pld-linux/+subscriptions ? thanks07:42
wgrantmaxb: Done.07:45
=== mrevell_ is now known as mrevell
benniebunnieI do not get a confirmation mail for my new email adress09:13
benniebunniewill be activated for your account when you follow the instructions that were sent to <mail>.09:13
benniebunnieIf you did not make this change, please open a new Question on Launchpad <mailn> or visit #launchpad in IRC at freenode to alert staff of the issue.09:13
benniebunniethere is no link for confirming09:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== zya-afk is now known as zyga
=== mdeslaur_ is now known as mdeslaur
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
stokachuhi im trying to link a related branch to abug and im getting an OOPS OOPS-144e252a94ba12fd4ea1e107437ff59315:59
stokachuhmm that link doesn't seem to find the error16:00
stokachulooks like it fixed itself16:01
dobeyi wish the 'link a branch/bug' stuff on the web ui would be more strict about who it allowed to do so16:27
stokachudobey: is there a lot of non relevant branches linked to bugs though?16:30
dobeystokachu: i don't know, but there is no way to verify if it is valid or not. bzr commit --fixes means the person who made the commit, set that value, and it means it's more verifiable, and it also means the data is in the branch, rather than just in a db on the site; so you can view the info from within bzr directly16:35
stokachudobey: ah ok, ill keep that command in mind during my MP's16:36
dobeybzr commit --fixes=lp:$BUGNO16:37
stokachudobey: ack16:38
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
thomiWhen I resubmit a MP launchpad wipes the "commit message" field - is that intentional? Often I want to resubmit the MP and keep the same commit message (most often I forgot to set the prerequisite branch)21:51
jelmerhi thomi22:08
jelmerthomi: I can't think of a reason why it would be doing that, so I don't think it's intentional.22:09
thomihmmm, OK. I think it happens 100% of the itme. Let me just check..22:09
thomijelmer: yep, happens every time22:11
thomijelmer: the "resubmit MP" page doesn't have a spot to edit the commit message - maybe that's why it gets wiped22:11

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