
bkerensajono: When are you going to visit imbrandon and go on a vacation in KC?06:18
jonobkerensa, I would love to check out some KC BBQ06:21
jonomy 22" Weber arrives tomorrow :-)06:21
jonovery excited!06:21
imbrandoni got something better than kc bbq tho .... https://fiber.google.com/about/06:22
imbrandonbtw wth yall doing up this late :) lol06:22
philballewIts only 11 on the west here :)06:23
imbrandoni always forget that06:23
philballewthat is late, if I slept decent hours.06:23
imbrandonbetter than the 130 here06:24
imbrandonthat said , i think i'm off to sleep, gnight all06:25
jonoimbrandon, not sure if it is better06:25
jonoBBQ is pretty awesome :-)06:26
imbrandonhahah :)06:26
philballewFew things beat a late night BBQ.06:26
imbrandonget some kc masterpiece for your next grillout06:26
imbrandonits probably the most authentic and made here06:26
imbrandonand rocks06:26
imbrandongotta like kc style tho, not texas style, semi-sweet browsugar bbq :)06:27
bkerensaIm not much of a fan of BBQ06:39
bkerensaIts good... but nothing beats Sushi or maybe some Popeyes06:40
bkerensaBut if I were in KC and had to eat BBQ then Arthur Bryants is where I would eat06:40
philballewbkerensa, do you go to kc often or just enjoy using Yelp? :)06:41
* philballew runs and hides06:42
bkerensaphilballew: I have been there twice06:42
philballewnice, its on my cities to go to!06:42
bkerensajust a quick trip through each time but I hear Bryants is the best06:43
bkerensaIowa is a good state06:43
bkerensaKC imho pretty industrial06:43
* JoseeAntonioR insists you should come here and eat what bkerensa loves06:43
philballewI just wanna go as I have friends there and my a sister college is just outside in Olathe.06:46
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: yeah, Ceviche de Camaron, but not with tostada ;)06:46
philballew*my sister06:47
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: Or perhaps some Pollo con Papas?06:48
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: Pollo a la Brasa con Papas ;) that's even better06:49
bkerensaIn Mason City, Iowa they have this place called Taco Johns06:50
bkerensaI think it might be a midwestern chain kind of like Taco Bell06:50
bkerensaI know Carls Jr is called Hardees in the Midwest06:51
philballewTaco johns is like Papa John's bkerensa ?06:56
bkerensauhh not so much06:57
bkerensathey sells Tacos and Churos06:57
bkerensaand Frosties06:57
philballewwell for sure, just wondered as many companies have smaller companies that all use different names to hid the fact its all large corporations running food in America.06:58
dholbachgood morning07:25
elfymorning dholbach07:25
dholbachhey elfy07:25
s-foxAnyone from the community council around?08:49
JoseeAntonioRs-fox: ^08:59
s-foxhey dholbach  :)09:06
dholbachhey :)09:06
s-foxdholbach,  can you adjust a setting on launchpad for the forums council please?09:06
dholbachwhich one?09:06
s-foxwe want to update our members, but none of us have permissions. haha09:06
s-foxwe need to remove bodhi.zazen and overdrank09:07
dholbachso Bodhi stepped down? to me the mail seemed to indicate a 'vacation'?09:08
s-foxNo, he stepped down.09:08
s-foxWe also want to add 2 new members to the launchpad group.09:08
dholbachok, just for completeness sake, could you please reply to the 'vacation' mail I replied to yesterday?09:09
dholbachjust to make it a bit clearer what's going on09:09
s-foxmikebraniff and elfy need to be added09:09
dholbachI've been out of the loop for 2.5 weeks, so I might have missed something - but from my inbox I can't see what was decided in the matter09:09
s-foxsure, I will reply to the email.09:09
dholbachI'm not trying to be difficult, but it'd be good to know if there was some kind of election or how the restaffing took place09:10
dholbachthanks a lot09:10
s-foxdholbach,  I have emailed the community council. can you now update the list pleae?09:16
s-foxplease ?09:16
dholbachs-fox, can I get back to you on this? right now I'm not 100% sure how we did restaffings on the forums council in the past09:17
s-foxit is urgent dholbach , we have a number of issues to discuss on our mailing list :/09:18
dholbachare you blocked by the LP membership in any sense?09:19
s-foxyes, the new members cannot participate in discussions on the mailiing list. our membership has people in all continents and everyone being on irc at the same time is not practical.09:21
dholbachis it a Launchpad mailing list you're using?09:21
s-foxYes, we use the launchpad mailing list :)09:22
dholbachI'm getting confused - isn't there a forums council lists.u.c mailing list as well?09:22
s-foxNot to my knowledge. We only use ubuntu-forums-council@lists.ubuntu.com09:23
s-foxhmm,  this is odd09:24
dholbachah yes, that's the one I meant09:24
s-foxdholbach,  i have resolved the issue myself but the launchpad group is still inaccurate / out of date.09:31
dholbachI'll follow up to the mail in a bit09:33
s-foxthanks :)09:33
s-foxoh, if you have a minute i replied to your email about the app competition just after you went on vacation.  you mentioned my AUTHORS file was missing a date.  I made the updates are resubmitted. I think both emails are still waiting for approval ;)09:34
dholbachs-fox, mentioned it in #ubuntu-arb09:37
s-foxthanks :)09:37
dholbachs-fox, I followed up on the CC mail, I'm generally +1, but as I don't know too much on the Forums situation, I asked for some more comments09:40
dholbachand now I have to dash quickly, my cousin just showed up here and I'll say hello to him :)09:40
dholbachsee you in a bit09:40
s-foxsee you10:00
dholbachs-fox, seems like the arb post was already moderated through13:11
s-foxSuper :)13:11
dholbachhey balloons - how are you doing?14:29
balloonsdholbach, just dandy14:30
dholbachballoons, do you think we should have any UDW session about jenkins and how we use it to make Ubuntu better?14:30
balloonsa bit famished.. but that will be easily solved14:30
balloonsdholbach, hmm.. udw might be a good place to unveil some of that stuff14:30
balloonsI think whoopsie should be coverd there14:30
dholbachhey jcastro - should we have anything about juju at UDW?14:31
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Timetable still has some open slots14:31
jcastrodholbach_: we could do something, but I will be moving14:36
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jcastrodholbach_: let me ask the guys if someone can snag a slot though14:36
dholbachjcastro, awesome14:36
dholbachlet me know that we have 30m slots too, so it's not too much of a commitment if they just want to do half a slot14:36
jcastroI <3 30 min slots14:37
jcastrowe have a call today?15:02
jonodpm, mhall119, jcastro, dholbach, balloons will be there in a min15:02
jonodo you guys have a hangout running?15:03
jcastronope I was frantically just finishing something15:04
jonook, let me set it up15:04
jonodpm, mhall119, jcastro, dholbach, balloons https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/c35f17b807a5e60666ddcb0b5fc81d4ac2979c28?authuser=0&hl=en-US15:05
dpmjono, joining in15:06
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: it could be worse :P15:16
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: huh?15:16
bkerensa:P the mixup15:16
bkerensamhall119: progress is good on the SUMO front... just hacking our branding in15:45
balloonsdid I lose you?15:57
balloonsI think so15:57
dholbachalright my friends - it's weekend time for me - see you all later!16:07
dpmhere the weekend is coming too, see you next week!16:08
mhall119bkerensa: how hard is it to change the branding?16:12
mhall119are we going ot have to keep a fork of sumo, or can we just over-ride it on the install instance?16:12
bkerensamhall119: Well SUMO uses caching? So it could be trouble making changes after its spawned up16:15
bkerensabut Ill try it when I get the new instance up16:15
bkerensathe old one is still up but when I finish with background etc16:15
mhall119bkerensa: I mean can we keep the upstream code unmodified, and just add our theme on top, so we can easily pull in upstream changes?16:17
mhall119or is it going to be more of an actual fork16:17
bkerensawell yeah16:17
bkerensawere just talking some minor changes in css and the media folder16:17
bkerensacode will not need to be forked unless we need to enhance it16:17
mhall119that wasn't really a  yes or no question :/16:17
mhall119ok, cool16:17
mhall119and if we need to enhance it, we should be able to get the enhancements accepted upstream16:18
mhall119as long as we make it generic enough to support both16:18
bkerensawill ping you this weekend sometime or Monday16:22
* bkerensa is re-targeting a bunch of fixes for quantal atm16:22
mhall119bkerensa: you're running this on precise?16:23
bkerensayes its on a hp cloud instance16:24
mhall119your sumo instance, is it on precise or quantal?16:24
bkerensafixes for quantal is for other packages16:24
mhall119would you mind doing a quick write-up of what you had to do to get it running (just things that are different from the officials docs), so I can try it myself when I have some time?16:25
bkerensaim also going to make a charm16:25
bkerensaok now bzr is making me angry16:25
mhall119a charm would be fantastic, let me know if I can help with that16:27
* mhall119 has a tiny bit of charming experience with django16:27
bkerensamhall119: bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information.16:27
bkerensaany idea?16:27
mhall119run "bzr missing"16:28
bkerensamhall119: shows my change long entry as an extra revision missing but I did "bzr add ." and commit16:29
JoseeAntonioRisn't it "bzr merge"?16:29
bkerensamerge pulls changes from main16:30
mhall119bkerensa: so you committed locally16:30
mhall119and you're now trying to pull or push?16:30
mhall119then your push location has a revision you don't have locally16:30
bkerensamade changes... bzr add . then bzr commit -m "blah" and bzr push16:30
mhall119bzr missing only shows your one local revision?16:30
bkerensaand Im pushing a new branch16:31
mhall119to where?16:31
bkerensafix-for-*** even16:31
jonomhall119, I presume you are going to be working on updating the spec today16:31
jonoI want to see the core body of the spec expanded to include the conclusions we raised over the last week16:32
mhall119jono: yes, I had a long talk with steve yesterday about inter-dependency issues in Extras16:32
mhall119I've already added sections and work items about the archive process changes16:32
jonomhall119, to be clear, I don16:32
jonomhall119, to be clear, I don't want to just see additions to the implementation section, I want to see an overview of how it works in the body of the spec16:33
jonothis needs to be more than just a list of work items16:33
jonobut you see how the Proposed Solution section explains how it works, I want to see that kind of descriptive content16:33
mhall119what body?16:34
jonomhall119, lets hop on a quick G+16:34
jonomhall119, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/b015ee4825580e2fe0c863ef39187a6b9205fd56?authuser=0&hl=en-US16:34
mhall119brb, lunch17:03
jonoany precise users?19:14
jonoif so:19:14
jono can you run 'bzr branch lp:~jonobacon/+junk/gtkissue' and then 'cd gtkissue' and run 'quickly run', now resize the window so it looks like http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7270/7754450438_156304508d_b.jpg (four items wide and a deep window) - is there the same spacing issue on your system?19:14
jonomhall119, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/2ca96645ea89746ebccc95d78e1fd334d1e8d858?authuser=0&hl=en-US19:19
MrChrisDruifSorry jono, I've moved to Fedora..>_< (look of shame?)20:14
balloonsMrChrisDruif, lol?20:15
balloonslike the dog in the background of the image he attached :-)20:15
MrChrisDruifballoons; just a bit? I've seriously moved to Fedora because it comes with GNOME Shell in a format that is enjoyable. Unity doesn't appeal me much...20:16
balloonsahh. Is Fedora keeping gnome-shell for next cycle btw?20:17
mhall119MrChrisDruif: is Fedora's Gnome-Shell experience significantly different from our Gnome-Shell experience?20:20
mhall119other than it being the default I mean20:20
MrChrisDruifWell, when running the dev version 12.10 it tried to remove gnome-shell constantly. And they didn't break any keyboard shortcuts =)20:20
mhall119I thought we had fixed the problems we had back in the 11.04 days20:20
mhall119ah well, development pre-beta, you can't complain too much about that20:21
mhall119heck, when I was testing the 12.04 alphas, they tried to remove Unity contantly ;)20:21
MrChrisDruifSo...they improved on that did they? ;-)20:22
mhall119I dunno, I haven't upgraded to 12.10 yet20:22
MrChrisDruifAnd there was something...can't remember exactly thou20:23
MrChrisDruifOh, I also couldn't install lilypond ^_^20:23
mhall119what's lilypond?20:23
MrChrisDruifJust some minor dependency problem20:23
MrChrisDruifIt's a music annotation bit of software20:24
mhall119MrChrisDruif: is that also in the development release?20:24
MrChrisDruifLast time I checked yeah20:24
mhall119I mean are you problems in the development release20:25
mhall119dependency issues aren't uncommon in dev releases20:25
MrChrisDruifMainly, haven't checked how things are in 12.0420:25
mhall119but shouldn't exist in the stable release20:25
MrChrisDruifLilypond was installable in 12.04 for as much as I can remember.20:26
MrChrisDruifBut like I said, Unity doesn't do it for me. I prefer gnome-shell and I seem to be the only one in the ubuntu sphere ^_^ it's just easier for me to use Fedora then to use the mini or server iso to only install gnome-shell20:28
mhall119MrChrisDruif: I hope you at least filed bugs for these problems before you switched, so we can make it better20:28
mhall119lots of Ubuntu folks use Gnome Shell20:28
mhall119which is why I was asking if our version was all that different from Fedora's20:28
MrChrisDruifI can't remember if I filed a bug for lilypond in 12.1020:28
MrChrisDruifI do remember filing an other bug, but it got squashed20:30
MrChrisDruifI just remembered why lilypond wouldn't install (sometimes I love my memory); it couldn't install because it depended on lilypond-data of a specific version, but lilypond-data was already bumped up to the next version20:33
MrChrisDruifBut checking the lilypond and lilypond packages.ubuntu.com pages I think it should be installable again20:35
MrChrisDruifmhall119; ^20:35
mhall119MrChrisDruif: ah, ok20:36
* mhall119 now remembers looking into lilypond years ago20:36
balloonsyes, probably an archive timing issue with the dev verson20:39
balloonsbut I'll echo mhall119 on what's different? ;-)20:39
balloonsI'm just curious :-)20:41
MrChrisDruifballoons; ?20:41
balloonsohh.. what's different n gnome-shell on ubuntu over fedora20:41
MrChrisDruifKeyboard shortcuts are broken. Not all but a few20:49
MrChrisDruifOh and in 12.10 is the "new and improved" nautilus...which removed one of my favorite functions split pane view20:50
MrChrisDruifI hope either nemo or marlin will prove to be a suitable replacement when the time cometh20:50
mhall119MrChrisDruif: Fedora's likely to get the new Nautilus too20:52
MrChrisDruifThat's why I said my previous sentence mhall119 ^_^20:52
mhall119I wonder if the keyboard shortcut problem is both compiz/unity and gnomeshell/mutter using the same settings keys20:53
cjohnstonthats a pretty big list of sites that are going down20:53
cjohnstonI assume you didn't get the email?20:54
mhall119what sites are you talking about?20:54
cjohnstonyou didnt get it either?20:55
mhall119oh, that email, yeah20:55
mhall119I got it20:55
cjohnstonthose sites20:55
mhall119if they lose all the wiki work I've been doing all week, I'm going to swim across the atlantic to bust some heads20:55
MrChrisDruifFrom jcastro you mean?20:55
cjohnstonI got it from Chris Jones, but yes20:56
MrChrisDruifHe forwarded it to ubuntu-news mailing-list20:56
mhall119MrChrisDruif: Canonical is moving data centers, so there's going to be downtime for a bunch of websites while they move them20:56
cjohnstonya.. i got it there too20:56
mhall119cjohnston: summit is missing from the list though20:57
cjohnstonno it isn't ;-)20:57
cjohnstonowell, I Can hope it isnt20:57
mhall119hope all you want20:57
MrChrisDruifWhy during the weekend? Isn't that the time most volunteers have time to work on this kind of stuff? ;-)20:58
cjohnstonbecause the employees that will be working on it wont be working their normal hours and normal jobs20:58
mhall119probably lower traffic during the weekend20:59
mhall119I'm sure IS didn't volunteer to work over the weekend for no reason20:59
jcastrotraffic for everything dips a ton during the weekend21:01
jcastrolooks like launcpad isn't affected though21:07
jcastronor the archive21:07
pleia2fridge isn't on that list, so I'm x-posting over there (thanks jcastro for forwarding it :))21:11
jcastroI thought it was?21:11
jcastroI thought ubuntu-news encompassed all the resources including fridge21:11
bkerensaI wonder when they are going to do the mailing list upgrades :D21:12
pleia2jcastro: sorry, I meant it wasn't on the list of sites which will be down21:12
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
cjohnstonmhall119: fragaria may not have to move!21:48

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